Search results for ""Author Ralph""
Scottish Text Society The Taill of Rauf Coilyear
First edition of a lively medieval romance. The author of the fifteenth-century Older Scots romance of Rauf Coilyear may be unknown, but the popularity of this comic king-in-disguise tale is undisputed; it is cited by William Dunbar and Gavin Douglas at the turn of the century, and again in the mid-sixteenth century Complaynt of Scotland. The disguised king in this case is Charlemagne, and the hero a bluff collier called Ralph, who unwittingly plays host to him for one stormy night and teaches his bemused guest some rough lessons in his own version of courtesy. When Ralph is lured to court, the mistaken identities continue as he encounters the great Sir Roland and battles Saracens. Throughout, the scrappy hero maintains his dignity, as indeed does his king: both parties finish the tale immensely pleased with each other and with the bond they have forged. The text survives only in a 1572 print by Robert Lekpreuik (whose own career seems tohave been only marginally less exciting than Rauf's: he printed it in St Andrews while attempting to evade imprisonment in Edinburgh, ultimately without success). It is edited here with an introduction and notes. RALPHHANNA is Emeritus Professor of Palaeography, University of Oxford.
St Augustine's Press Shakespearean Variations
In 'Shakespearean Variations', Ralph McInerny takes the first lines of the sonnets and their end rhymes, and composes sonnets of his own. The formal structure of the sonnet has always provided a salutary discipline for the poet-iambic pentameter, te delicate symmetry of octet and sextet, the losing couplet which epitomizes the poem. The stamp that Shakespeare put upon the form, the themes of love and death, age and youth, loyalty and betrayal, have come to seem to adhere to the very form. The pleasure to be had form reading 'Shakespearean Variations' will vary with one's acquaintance with the originals buth should always turn one to the bard himself.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Take My Word for it
Professor Mervyn Morris, Jamaica’s Poet Laureate writes: 'Ralph Thompson’s luminous autobiography is a fascinating portrait. A witty businessman and poet who studied in the United States and served as an Air Force lawyer in Japan, he writes vividly about family and his Jamaican formation, changes in racial climate, vicissitudes in business and public service; about painting, poetry, love and betrayals. Critical and self-critical, he is a man of conscience trying to understand.'Take My Word For It offers rich insights into the long and full life of one of one of Jamaica's finest poets who has also been at the heart of the island's economic and commercial development. There are moving and sometimes comic chapters of a pre-war boyhood in colonial Jamaica in a far from prosperous white and Catholic Jamaican family, the years spent at the Jesuit college of Fordham in the USA, and postwar service in the United States Airforce, serving in Japan. Thereafter Ralph Thompson tells the story of a life at the heart of Jamaica's development of tourism, capitalist modernity and the leadership of Seprod, one of the island's largest companies. There are fascinating glimpses of involvement with Jamaica's sharply divided political life -- between Michael Manley and Edward Seaga. But along with the businessman who can convey something of the excitement of commercial strategy and take-over bids, there is also the artist and poet who has explored the inner life, not least the position of a white man in a Jamaica whose decolonisation has been in part about discovering its black identity. Ralph Thompson has long had a passionate concern with the quality of the education on offer to all Jamaicans, and he writes with feeling about his contribution to the debate around educational issues and practical attempts to make improvements. There is also the loyal supporter of Derek Walcott's Trinidad Theatre Workshop who did much to bring that theatre to wider Caribbean and American notice, who writes about his friendship with Walcott with warmth and insight.Amply illustrated with photographs, images of Thompson's paintings and extracts from his poetry, Take My Word For It is a beautifully and frankly written record of a significant Jamaican life.Contains 19 illustrations/photographs, 12 in full colour.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Protestant Pluralism: The Reception of the Toleration Act, 1689-1720
The 1689 Toleration Act marked a profound shift in the English religious landscape. By permitting the public worship of Protestant Dissenters (largely Presbyterian), the statute laid the foundations for legal religious pluralism,albeit limited, and ensured that eighteenth-century English society would be multi-denominational. The 1689 Toleration Act marked a profound shift in the English religious landscape. By permitting the public worship of Protestant Dissenters, the statute laid the foundations for legal religious pluralism, albeit limited, and ensured that eighteenth-century English society would be multi-denominational. However, the Act was rushed, incomplete and on many issues fundamentally ambiguous. It therefore threw up numerous practical difficulties for the clergy of the Church of England, who were deeply divided about what the legislation implied. This book explores how the Church reacted to the legal establishment of a multi-denominational religious environment and how it came to terms with religious pluralism. Thanks to the Toleration Act's inherent ambiguity, there was genuine confusion over how far it extended. The book examines how the practicalities of toleration and pluralism were worked out in the decades after 1689. A series of five case studies addresses: political participation; the movement for the reformation of manners; baptism; education; and the use of chapels. These studies illustrate how the Toleration Act influencedthe lived experiences of the clergy and the effects that it had on their pastoral role. The book places the Act in its broader context, at the end of England's 'long Reformation', and emphasises how, far from representing a defining constitutional moment, the Act heralded a process of experimentation, debate and adjustment. RALPH STEVENS is a Tutor in History at University College Dublin.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Return To Sender: Unanswered Letters to the President, 2003-2014
New York University Press American Patriots: A Short History of Dissent
A concise history that proves that dissent is patriotic The history of America is a history of dissent. Protests against the British Parliament’s taxation policies led to the American Revolution and the creation of the United States. At the Constitutional Convention the founders put the right to protest in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. In the nineteenth century, dissenters protested against the War of 1812 and the Mexican War, they demanded the abolition of slavery, suffrage for women, and fair treatment for workers. In the twentieth century, millions of Americans participated in the Civil Rights Movement, the antiwar movement, and second-wave feminism. In the twenty-first century, hundreds of thousands protested the war in Iraq, joined the 2011 Occupy movement, the 2017 Women’s March, and the 2020 Black Lives Matter uprisings. The crowds grew larger than ever, but the sentiments expressed were familiar. There have been dissenting Americans for as long as there has been an America. In American Patriots, historian Ralph Young chronicles the key role dissent has played in shaping the United States. He explains that activists are not protesting against America, but pushing the country to live up to its ideals. As he guides the reader through the history of protest, Young considers how ordinary Americans, from moderates to firebrands, responded to injustice. He highlights the work of organizations like SNCC and ACT UP, and he follows iconic individuals like Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Woody Guthrie, charting the impact of their dissent. Some of these protesters are celebrated heroes of American history, while others are ordinary people, frequently overlooked, whose stories show that change is often accomplished through grassroots activism. Yet not all dissent is equal. In 2021, thousands of rioters stormed the US Capitol, and Americans on both sides of the aisle watched the destruction with horror. American Patriots contrasts this attack with the long history of American protest, and challenges us to explore our definition of dissent. Does it express a legitimate grievance or a smokescreen for undermining democracy? What are the limits of dissent? Where does dissent end and sedition begin? In a time when legitimate dissent is framed as unpatriotic, Young reminds us of the dissenters who have shaped our country’s history. American Patriots is a necessary defense of our right to demand better for ourselves, our communities, and our nation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus
The complete step-by-step guide to mastering the basics of Aspen Plus software Used for a wide variety of important scientific tasks, Aspen Plus software is a modeling tool used for conceptual design, optimization, and performance monitoring of chemical processes. After more than twenty years, it remains one of the most popular and powerful chemical engineering programs used both industrially and academically. Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus, Second Edition continues to deliver important fundamentals on using Aspen Plus software. The new edition focuses on the newest version of Aspen Plus and covers the newest functionalities. Lecture-style chapters set the tone for maximizing the learning experience by presenting material in a manner that emulates an actual workshop classroom environment. Important points are emphasized through encouragement of hands-on learning techniques that direct learners toward achievement in creating effective designs fluidly and with confidence. Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus, Second Edition includes: Examples embedded within the text to focus the reader on specific aspects of the material being covered Workshops at the end of each chapter that provide opportunities to test the reader's knowledge in that chapter's subject matter Functionalities covered in the newest version of Aspen including the solution of a flowsheet by an equation oriented, EO approach, and the solution of problems which involve electrolyte equilibria Aspen Plus executable format as well as .txt format files containing details of the examples and the workshops as well as their solutions are provided as a download Designed with both students and professionals in mind, Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus, Second Edition is like having a personal professor 24/7. Its revolutionary format is an exciting way to learn how to operate this highly sophisticated software—and a surefire way for readers to get the results they expect.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Circuit Boards: Mach 1 GHz
A unique, practical approach to the design of high-speed digital circuit boards The demand for ever-faster digital circuit designs is beginning to render the circuit theory used by engineers ineffective. Digital Circuit Boards presents an alternative to the circuit theory approach, emphasizing energy flow rather than just signal interconnection to explain logic circuit behavior. The book shows how treating design in terms of transmission lines will ensure that the logic will function, addressing both storage and movement of electrical energy on these lines. It covers transmission lines in all forms to illustrate how trace geometry defines where the signals can travel, then goes on to examine transmission lines as energy sources, the true nature of decoupling, types of resonances, ground bounce, cross talk, and more. Providing designers with the tools they need to lay out digital circuit boards for fast logic and to get designs working the first time around, Digital Circuit Boards: Reviews in simple terms the basic physics necessary to understand fast logic design Debunks the idea that electrical conductors carry power and signals, showing that signal travels in the spaces, not the traces, of circuit boards Explains logic circuit behavior through real-time analysis involving the fields and waves that carry signal and energy Provides new information on how ground/power planes work Outlines a software program for solving energy flow in complex networks
Liverpool University Press The English Manuscripts of Richard Rolle: A Descriptive Catalogue
Richard Rolle - the Yorkshire hermit, visionary and transmitter of religious counsel - was widely recognised in the later English Middle Ages as a major spiritual author. However, this influential figure poses difficulties for scholars and remains a largely untapped literary resource. Encompassing over one hundred and twenty books, Rolle's work is central to the largely uninvestigated sacred culture of that period and provides scholars with a rich source of insight. Ralph Hanna has collected and catalogued this important body of work following detailed research of the manuscript evidence over two decades. Rolle's status makes it appropriate that he will be the only Middle English author other than Chaucer to have an author-based bibliography. The catalogue describes each of Rolle's books and includes full details of contents and codicology. The book also includes an introduction to Rolle’s work explaining its significance, examining the transmission of his writings, and providing a guide to the conventions of presentation used in the catalogue. A series of indexes provides useful additional resources.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Penn Commentary on Piers Plowman, Volume 2: C Passūs 5-9; B Passūs 5-7; A Passūs 5-8
The first full commentary on Piers Plowman since the late nineteenth century, the Penn Commentary places the allegorical dream-vision of Piers Plowman within the literary, historical, social, and intellectual contexts of late medieval England, and within the long history of critical interpretation of the poem, assessing past scholarship while offering original materials and insights throughout. The authors' line-by-line, section by section, and passus by passus commentary on all three versions of the poem and on the stages of its multiple revisions reveals new aspects of the work's meaning while assessing and summarizing a complex and often divisive scholarly tradition. The volumes offer an up-to-date, original, and open-ended guide to a poem whose engagement with its social world is unrivaled in medieval English literature, and whose literary, religious, and intellectual accomplishments are uniquely powerful. The Penn Commentary is designed to be equally useful to readers of the A, B, or C texts of the poem. It is geared to readers eager to have detailed experience of Piers Plowman and other medieval literature, possessing some basic knowledge of Middle English language and literature, and interested in pondering further the particularly difficult relationships to both that this poem possesses. Others, with interest in poetry of all periods, will find the extended and detailed commentary useful precisely because it does not seek to avoid the poem's challenges but seeks instead to provoke thought about its intricacy and poetic achievements. Volume 2, by Ralph Hanna, deliberately addresses the question of the poem's perceived "difficulty," by indicating the legitimate areas of unresolved dilemmas, while offering often original explanations of a variety of textual loci. Perhaps more important, his commentary indicates what has not always appeared clear in past approaches—that the poem only "means" in its totality and within some critical framework, and that its annotation needs always to be guided by a sense of Langland's developing arguments.
University of Nebraska Press The Home Ranch
Little Britches becomes the "man" in his family after his father's early death, taking on the concomitant responsibilities as well as opportunities. During the summer of his twelfth year he works on a cattle ranch in the shadow of Pike's Peak, earning a dollar a day. Little Britches is tested against seasoned cowboys on the range and in the corral. He drives cattle through a dust storm, eats his weight in flapjacks, and falls in love with a blue outlaw horse. Following Little Britches and developing an episode noted near the end of Man of the Family, The Home Ranch continues the adventures of young Ralph Moody. Soon after returning from the ranch, he and his mother and siblings will go east for a new start, described in Mary Emma & Company and The Fields of Home. All these titles have been reprinted as Bison Books.Purchase the audio edition.
University of Nebraska Press Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers
A most appealing book . . . Its genuineness and its simplicity will build up a large audience of enthusiastic readers.—San Francisco ChronicleRalph Moody was eight years old in 1906 when his family moved from New Hampshire to a Colorado ranch. Through his eyes we experience the pleasures and perils of ranching there early in the twentieth century. Auctions and roundups, family picnics, irrigation wars, tornadoes and wind storms give authentic color to Little Britches. So do adventures, wonderfully told, that equip Ralph to take his father's place when it becomes necessary. Little Britches was the literary debut of Ralph Moody, who wrote about the adventures of his family in eight glorious books, all available as Bison Books.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Seventh Solitude: Metaphysical Homelessness in Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche
In these three predecessors of existentialism, all of whom were profoundly influenced by Stendhal, the author finds evidence of that spiritual isolation which leads ultimately to personal solitude and philosophical nihilism. To these negative modes of being he opposes the alternatives embodied by St. Augustine and Proust-- the passion for God and the passion for creation.
The History Press Ltd Beyond the Spitfire: The Unseen Designs of R.J. Mitchell
Popular history has a tendency to simplify, and accounts of the life and career of aeronautical engineer R.J. Mitchell are no exception. Remembered most fondly for his epochal Spitfire design, his other designs – many of them failures and disappointments – have largely been ignored. As a designer for Supermarine, Mitchell produced a huge body of concepts, projects and ideas that never left the drawing board. In Beyond the Spitfire Ralph Pegram brings Mitchell’s previously unseen work to light in an attempt to evaluate the entire portfolio of one of Britain’s most talented aeronautical designers. Illustrated with a combination of layout drawings and impressive CGI renderings of Mitchell’s designs, this book is an insightful and indispensable addition to our understanding of the work of a man often called a genius.
Princeton University Press Domenico Scarlatti
Again available in paperback, this definitive work on the genius of Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is the result of twelve years of devoted effort by America's foremost harpsichordist and one of the principal authorities on eighteenth-century harpsichord music. Mr. Kirkpatrick traveled extensively to collect material that has tripled the known facts about Scarlatti's life, providing the first adequate biography of one of the greatest harpsichord composers of the eighteenth century and one of the most original composers of all time. The second half of his book is an illuminating study of Scarlatti's 555 sonatas, concluding with a chapter on their performance. The book contains extensive appendixes, including discussions of ornamentation and Scarlatti's vocal music, and an updated section of addenda and corrigenda.
Random House USA Inc The Guitar Handbook
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Individualism and Public Life: A Modern Dilemma
In the spirit of recent works such as Habits of the Heart and The Closing of the American Mind, Ralph Ketcham's Individualism and Public Life asks whether the individualism which has made possible so many of the material advances we enjoy may also be the cause of the shortcomings troubling our society today. By tracing the development of individualism from its origins in classical and Judeo-Christian traditions, and enlisting the insights of East Asian cultures, Ketcham re-evaluates the individualism which characterizes contemporary American society. He then poses a new politics of the public interest, including revised ideas of citizenship, leadership, and decision-making in a grand attempt to reconcile the individualism of American liberalism with a healthy conception of public life.
Penguin Putnam Inc Bad River
Faber & Faber The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
The Artist's Handbook has become an indispensable reference work for thousands of practising artists all over the world. This fifth edition has been prepared by Steven Sheehan, Director of the Ralph Mayer Center, Yale University School of Art. It has been systematically revised and expanded to take account of the latest research. Once again, it has been edited for the British market.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Monet's Trees: Paintings and Drawings by Claude Monet
'I perhaps owe it to flowers', wrote Claude Monet (1840-1926), ‘that I became a painter.’ One of the leading figures of the Impressionist movement and perhaps the most celebrated landscape painter of his age, Monet dedicated his life to capturing the subtleties of the natural world. Trees – willows enveloped in the eerie mists of the Seine, palm trees beneath the bright Mediterranean sun or poplars heavily laden with snow – became a significant motif in his work, and he used them to experiment with an extraordinary variety of tones and colours. Ralph Skea’s account is split into five main chapters, each focusing on a different theme: Monet’s earliest drawings and paintings of trees; his atmospheric use of rivers and coastlines, from the English Channel to the Italian Riviera; the fields, farmlands and orchards of France; parks and gardens in both the city and the countryside, including his series of paintings featuring trees reflected in his water-lily pond; and his muted depictions of trees in winter. The result is a succint and highly accessible exploration of some of the best-loved landscapes in art.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Vincent's Trees: Paintings and Drawings by Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) felt a profound empathy with the natural environment, and considered the spiritual essence of trees to be comparable with that of human figures. Vincent’s Trees traces Van Gogh’s development as a painter of trees in the natural landscape – from his home province of North Brabant, through Paris to Provence. Ralph Skea’s elegant prose is accompanied by Van Gogh’s vibrant illustrations of trees, which range from pencil and ink sketches to watercolours and oil. Stylistic experiments encompassing Pointillism and compositions inspired by Japanese prints give way to the expressive, painterly depictions of his later work. The book also includes quotes from Van Gogh’s letters, which convey the depth of his feeling for the natural landscape, and the force with which it affected him.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Psychiatry and Criminal Culpability
Of related interest . . . PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT —Theodore H. Blau This unique training guide/reference was written in response to the ever-growing demand for psychological services in law enforcement agencies. Written by one of the nation's most respected experts in forensic psychology, it offers psychologists now working in law enforcement agencies and those interested in entering the field, a detailed overview of the many functions psychologists serve within those agencies. Organized by sections corresponding to the major functions psychologists perform—assessment, intervention, consultation, and training—the book deals with all issues that psychologists working in law enforcement will encounter in their practice, including officer recruitment, fitness-for-duty evaluations, stress counseling, drug and alcohol counseling, hostage negotiations, investigative hypnosis, management consultation, and much more. 1994 (0-471-55950-4) 454 pp. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF THE CHILD —Theodore H. Blau Over twenty-five years in the making and the result of examinations of over four thousand children, this book is a comprehensive guide to performing psychological examinations on children. Covering virtually every aspect of the examination procedure, it offers specific recommendations and step-by-step guidelines to everything from office decor, requisite equipment, test selection, rating categories, and techniques for minimizing stress to administering tests, writing reports, and making recommendations. Closely following Dr. Blau's famous Basic Psychological Examination package, the book guides readers in their assessment of environmental pressure, behavioral responses, intellectual factors, neuropsychological status, response capabilities, academic achievement, and personality. 1991 (0-471-63559-6) 279 pp. THE PSYCHOLOGIST AS EXPERT WITNESS —Theodore H. Blau This very practical guide arms mental health professionals with everything they need to serve comfortably and effectively as expert witnesses. With the help of numerous real-life examples, excerpts from transcripts, sample forms, checklists, and legal documents, it shows you how to: prepare for your day in court; avoid being manipulated by attorneys; write up depositions and psychological and technical reports; and much more. And, as the use of mental health professionals as expert witnesses continues to extend beyond traditional judicial applications, the author addresses a wide range of untraditional situations and types of cases in which readers may be called upon to serve, including cases of liability and personal injury, eyewitness identification research, trademark and patent litigation, and others. 1984 (0-471-87129-X) 424 pp. PSYCHIATRY AND CRIMINAL CULPABILITY How do we distinguish between sin and sickness? Few cases in recent memory so well typify the current confusion over this question as that of Jeffrey Dahmer. The confessed killer of fifteen young men, Dahmer had sex with and cannibalized his victims' bodies. Yet, because he was not found to be mentally ill—the threshold requirement in tests of legal insanity-—he was convicted and sentenced to 936 years imprisonment. How is it that such a severely disturbed person as Dahmer is adjudged sane and therefore culpable, while "Twinkiedefense" killer, Dan White and would-be presidential assassin John Hinckley, Jr., are deemed not guilty by reason of insanity? What are the origins of tests for criminal responsibility, and how is mental illness defined under them? Can causal links be shown to exist between specific crimes and disorders? Psychiatry and Criminal Culpability explores, in-depth, these questions and many others at the heart of one of the most controversial issues in our criminal justice system today. Throughout, Dr. Ralph Slovenko, an acknowledged expert whose professional experience straddles both the worlds of psychiatry and the law, brings a wealth of scholarship and direct experience to bear on the subject. Citing numerous landmark cases and historical formulations of criminal responsibility dating back to biblical times, he traces the evolution of current legal and psychiatric notions of culpability and the relationship between culpability and insanity. Writing for both a mental health and legal audience, Dr. Slovenko clearly and eloquently addresses a wide range of important topical issues. He explains the distinctions between the defenses of not guilty by reason of insanity, guilty but mentally ill, and diminished capacity. He identifies the types of mental illness that currently qualify under the test of criminal responsibility, including disorders that psychiatrists do not regard as psychotic, but which, nevertheless, many experts assert negate responsibility. He explores the role of the mental health professional as an expert character witness in cases where it is uncertain whether the accused committed the crime in question. And much more. Fascinating, thought-provoking, and enlightening, Psychiatry and Criminal Culpability helps guide mental health and legal professionals through the moral and technical complexities of one of the knottiest issues of our day.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The New Money Management: A Framework for Asset Allocation
THE NEW MONEY MANAGEMENT In his bestselling Portfolio Management Formulas and TheMathematics of Money Management, Ralph Vince brought the complexmathematics of probability and modern portfolio management theorydown to earth for traders and investors. He introduced innovativenew ways they could be used to maximize account managementdecisions. Now, in this groundbreaking new book, Vince takes aquantum leap forward to provide investment professionals with aproven new approach to portfolio management that overturns nearly ahalf-century of accepted wisdom about asset allocation and moneymanagement. The culmination of Ralph Vince's years spent probing the limits ofthe mathematics of portfolio management, The New Money Managementelaborates on his celebrated Optimal f notion--a concept which willbe familiar to readers of either of Vince's previous books--toprovide a revolutionary portfolio management model designed tooptimize account performance, not just in the long run, but atvirtually any given point in time. Unlike traditional models which focus on risk and reward ascompeting entities, the approach to portfolio constructiondescribed in this book concentrates on obtaining optimal synergyamong all of the various components of a given portfolio. Unlikeprevious portfolio models which assumed an a priori distribution toreturns, usually with returns being normally distributed, this newmodel is applicable to any distributional form of return. In The New Money Management, Ralph Vince once again demonstrateshis critically acclaimed talent for talking about highly complexconcepts in practical, real-world terms. Writing in a lively,anecdotal style, and relying on a bare minimum of math, he gentlyguides readers through the maze of complex theoretical issues whilearming them with a set of easy-to-understand, easy-to-use formulasand investment strategies that they can put into practiceimmediately. The New Money Management is an indispensable resource for allinvestment professionals, especially traders in stocks, options,and futures; institutional investors; and portfolio managers. From a leading pioneer in portfolio theory, a revolutionary newapproach to maximizing ongoing account equity . . . In his most original and accessible book yet, computer tradingsystems expert Ralph Vince introduces investment professionals to arevolutionary portfolio management model designed to optimizeaccount performance, not just in the long run, but at virtually anygiven point in time. "Ralph Vince has done it again. His work is original andlevel-headed, and contributes more than anyone else to ourunderstanding of risk. Vince's work is required reading for anyportfolio manager." --Barbara Rockefeller, President RockefellerAsset Management, Inc. "Ralph Vince's optimal concept is the single best strategy fordetermining how many contracts or number of shares to buy whenfirst entering a trade. This latest book breaks new ground in thefield of money management." --Howard A. Bernstein, President HBCapital Management, Inc. "I would encourage all progressive portfolio managers to understandRalph Vince's methodology. His works continue to be a rigorouslywell-researched and documented method of risk control and assetallocation. His focus is unique in our industry." --Michael J.McCarthy, Portfolio Manager Signalert Corporation "A great book, if you want to get rich quickly without going brokefirst, to help you formulate your risk and trading strategy."--Harry Ploss Private Managed Futures Investor and Actuary
Taylor & Francis Ltd Experiencing Emergence in Organizations: Local Interaction and the Emergence of Global Patterns
Examining the experiences of organizational practitioners, this informative book features contributions from experienced leaders, consultants and managers in various organizations, and narrative accounts of the contributors work address key topical questions. Rather than offering descriptions of organizational life, this book provides reflective accounts of real life experiences of researching in organizations, and will be a valuable insight for academics and business school students and practitioners. In considering several key questions in terms of daily experience, the contributors explore the perspective of complex responsive processes, investigate how this assists them to make sense of their experience and analyze how it leads to their development.
HarperCollins A Writers Notebook
Tap into your inner writer with this book of practical advice by the bestselling author of How Writers Work and the ALA Notable Book Fig Pudding. This middle grade book is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. It’s a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom. Writers are just like everyone else—except for one big difference. Most people go through life experiencing daily thoughts and feelings, noticing and observing the world around them. But writers record these thoughts and observations. They react. And they need a special place to record those reactions. Perfect for classrooms, A Writer’s Notebook gives budding writers a place to keep track of all the little things they notice every day. Young writers will love these useful tips for how to use notes and jottings to create
University of Notre Dame Press After Insurgency: Revolution and Electoral Politics in El Salvador
El Salvador’s 2009 presidential elections marked a historical feat: Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) became the first former Latin American guerrilla movement to win the ballot after failing to take power by means of armed struggle. In 2014, former comandante Salvador Sánchez Cerén became the country’s second FMLN president. After Insurgency focuses on the development of El Salvador’s FMLN from armed insurgency to a competitive political party. At the end of the war in 1992, the historical ties between insurgent veterans enabled the FMLN to reconvert into a relatively effective electoral machine. However, these same ties also fueled factional dispute and clientelism. Drawing on in-depth ethnographic fieldwork, Ralph Sprenkels examines El Salvador’s revolutionary movement as a social field, developing an innovative theoretical and methodological approach to the study of insurgent movements in general and their aftermath in particular, while weaving in the personal stories of former revolutionaries with a larger historical study of the civil war and of the transformation process of wartime forces into postwar political contenders. This allows Sprenkels to shed new light on insurgency’s persistent legacies, both for those involved as well as for Salvadoran politics at large. In documenting the shift from armed struggle to electoral politics, the book adds to ongoing debates about contemporary Latin America politics, the “pink tide,” and post-neoliberal electoralism. It also charts new avenues in the study of insurgency and its aftermath.
The University of Chicago Press Of War and Men: World War II in the Lives of Fathers and Their Families
Fathers in the 1950s tend to be portrayed as wise and genial pipe-smokers or distant, emotionless patriarchs. These common but limited stereotypes obscures the remarkable diversity of their experiences and those of their children. To uncover the real story of fatherhood during this transformative era, Ralph LaRossa takes the long view - from the attack on Pearl Harbor up to the election of John F. Kennedy - revealing the myriad ways that World War II and its aftermath shaped men. Offering compelling accounts of people both ordinary and extraordinary, "Of War and Men" digs deep into the terrain of fatherhood. LaRossa explores the nature and aftereffects of combat, the culture of fear during the Cold War, the ways that fear altered the lives of racial and sexual minorities, and how the civil rights movement affected families both black and white. Overturning some calcified myths, LaRossa also analyzes the impact of suburbanization on fathers and their kids, discovering that living in the suburbs often strengthened their bond. Finally, looking beyond the idealized dad enshrined in TV sitcoms, "Of War and Men" explores the brutal side of family life in the postwar years. LaRossa's richly researched book dismantles stereotypes while offering up a fascinating and incisive chronicle of fatherhood in all its complexity.
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers The Nelson Project
Collector's Guide Publishing Energy Crisis: Solution from Space
Luath Press Ltd Baffies' Easy Munro Guide: Southern Highlands
Baffies, the entertainments convenor of the Go-Take-a-Hike Mountaineering Club, is allergic to exertion, prone to lassitude, suffers from altitude sickness above 600m, blisters easily and bleeds readily. Think the Munros are too difficult? Think again. Baffies' Easy Munro Guide is the first of a series of reliable rucksack guides to some of the more easily tackled Munros. Twenty-five routes, each covering one main Munro, all with detailed maps and full colour throughout - this lightly humorous and opinionated book will tell you everything you need to reach the summit. Thousands of people each year attempt to conquer the Munros. This guide allows beginners and those looking for a less strenuous challenge to join in. It is perfect for anyone exploring Scotland's beautiful mountains, whatever his or her level of experience.
Boydell and Brewer A Jamaican in Lincolnshire From the wartime RAF to a Life in Boston
Lucas Publications The Good Schools Guide London South
University of Wales Press Shakespeare’s Settings and a Sense of Place
Shakespeare’s use of location governs his dramas. Some he was personally familiar with, like Windsor; some he knew through his imagination, like Kronborg Castle (‘Elsinore’); some matter because Shakespeare’s plays were performed there, like Hampton Court and the Great Hall of the Middle Temple. Shakespeare’s plays are powerfully shaped by their sense of place, and the location becomes an unacknowledged actor. This book is about the locations that he used for his plays, each of which the author has visited, and the result presents the reader with a sense of those places that Shakespeare knew either through direct personal contact or through his imaginative re-interpretation of the scene.
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program: Plans & Progress
Rowman & Littlefield NFL Brawler: A Player-Turned-Agent's Forty Years in the Bloody Trenches of the National Football League
NFL Brawler is a raucous first-person account of an NFL under siege by the game’s first player-turned-agent, Ralph Cindrich, the original “Blind Side” agent whose entertaining pro football memoir takes readers behind the scenes of the game’s most important and outrageous drafts, deals, and trades; takes on NFL scandals by tellin’ it like it is; and takes readers closer to the real action of the sport—from locker rooms to boardrooms, and into the worlds of agents and players—than any book to date. Chronicling more than thirty years in the professional football business—on the field and in the locker room; in high-stakes negotiations with coaches, GMs, and owners; and inside agents’ and players’ personal lives—Cindrich, twice named by The Sporting News as one of the 100 most powerful people in sports, writes about a who’s who of professional football: NFL personnel like Jimmy Johnson, Bill Polian and Bill Parcells; NFL owners like Art Rooney and Al Davis to Jerry Jones and others; sports agents; and of course NFL players like Herschel Walker, Bill Fralic, and James Farrior. While taking certain aspects of his beloved sport to task, Cindrich’s memoir is entertaining—blowing out of the water Jerry Maguire, Arli$$, and other portrayals of an agent’s life.
The Merlin Press Ltd Marxism and Politics
This readable survey of Marxist political theory and key texts by seminal thinkers including Marx, Engels, and Lenin highlights formative concepts and debates within Marxist thought. The argument is presented that a democratic socialism can defend and extend freedoms and thereby remove class distinctions. This introduction considers the nature of class conflict, the proposed defense of the old order, and the possibilities for reform and revolution. This replaces 0198760620.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Timeless Treasures: The Fascination of Certified Pre-Owned Watches
In a 2021 study, McKinsey describes Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) within the watch market as 'the industry's fastest-growing segment'. The trade in pre-owned watches is expected to overtake that in new watches by the middle of the decade. 'Certified Pre-Owned' is thus a booming trend. Pre-owned watches are becoming increasingly popular for various reasons: CPO makes classic watches and exclusive rarities accessible to connoisseurs, but also to new customers. Since the fine pieces are authenticated by experts, the market offers security. Above all, however, the CPO business enables an emotional approach: buyers get watches with a history that they can perpetuate themselves and then pass on to the next generation. Dive into the fascinating world of watches and watch collecting with Timeless Treasures. Does a good watch really have to be expensive? What factors determine the condition of a watch? What should I look for when buying? Are CPO watches a good investment? These and many other questions are answered here by leading experts in the field. But you will not only find useful information for building your own high-quality collection. You will feel the passion for elegant timepieces on every page of this book. Discover first-class photographs of classic and current watch models from the major brands, of celebrities professing their passion for this accessory, or of legendary film scenes in which special watch models play supporting and leading roles. The reading is rounded off with a 'style guide', which offers watch lovers inspiration on how to perfectly stage their favourite pieces in every situation or also answers the question: What type of watch am I? The result is an emotional all-round portrait of the impressive world of CPO watches, perfectly attuned to an ever larger and more diverse fan community. It's time to let a little luxury into your life with this book! Text in English and German.
Lucas Publications The Good Schools Guide
Luath Press Ltd The Ultimate Guide to the Munros: Vol 5 - Cairngorms North
The Ultimate Guide to The Munros is a guidebook with a difference. Rather than telling the reader which are the 'best' routes, it describes all practicable ascent routes up all the Munros, and rates them in terms of difficulty and quality (using comprehensive grading systems). This enables the reader to make his/her own choices from a range of route options. Providing everything a prospective hill walker could want, The Ultimate Guide to the Munros also makes extensive use of annotated digital photographs and OS maps and includes everything about a route from the amount of effort required to local history, weather conditions and the best tea-rooms in the vicinity.
Veloce Publishing Ltd BMW E30 3 Series
Buying a classic and iconic E30 BMW 3 Series can be just the start of a wonderful adventure.How to Modify BMW E30 3 Series explains how these fantastic cars can be modified to suit a vast range of applications, from simple upgrades to make everyday driving easier, through to servicing and renovation tips, and large-scale conversions for racing and rallying. Some of the most popular forms of motorsport are examined, along with explanations of how to take part and what equipment you need. All the procedures are explained in straightforward text by a qualified engineer and racer with many years of practical experience, accompanied by detailed photographs showing the reader how it's done. Many of the modifications shown are done on the author's own vehicles, so you get an honest report--bruised knuckles and all. As well as the 'how to' sections, there are a large amount of data and comparison charts to help you choose which modif
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Overtones and Undercurrents: Spirituality, Reincarnation, and Ancestor Influence in Entheogenic Psychotherapy
Sharing 15 detailed histories from his casebook and the innovative practices he uses in his therapeutic sessions, Metzner shows how the psychological problems we confront often derive from factors not considered in conventional psychotherapy, such as birth trauma, unconscious imprints from prenatal existence, memories from past lives, ancestral and familial soul connections, and even psychic intrusions. The case histories he describes include a wide spectrum of practices, such as the use of quiet meditative retreat, guided regressions, as well as imagery visualizations amplified by entheogens. He describes how tuning in with the spiritual overtones of our being and the karmic undercurrents of our lives can resolve issues such as a fear of intimacy, help heal the after-effects of abuse and abortion, reconcile estranged parental and ancestral relationships, dissolve fears left over from past incarnations, and convert malignant presences into protective allies. In addition to guided meditations, visualizations, and yogic light-fire exercises, the practices in his psychotherapy sessions at times include the selective use of small amounts of psychedelics, mind-expanding substances functioning to amplify awareness of the subtler realms of consciousness. Part of each case history gives a description of the particular visualization used, adding to the book’s practical use as a guidebook for transpersonal psychotherapists.
Simon & Schuster Untitled
Synopsis coming soon.......
John Wiley & Sons Inc AutoCAD For Dummies
You’re one step away from creating crystal-clear computer-aided drafts in AutoCAD Ever started an AutoCAD project, only to give up when you couldn’t quite get the hang of it? Or do you have a project coming up that would really benefit from a few meticulously created drawings? Then you need the latest edition of AutoCAD For Dummies, the world’s bestselling retail book about the wildly popular program. With coverage of all the important updates to AutoCAD released since 2019, this book walks you through the very basics of pixels, vectors, lines, text, and more, before moving on to more advanced step-by-step tutorials on three-dimensional drawings and models. Already know the fundamentals? Then skip right to the part you need! From blocks to parametrics, it’s all right here at your fingertips. You’ll also find: In-depth explanations of how to create and store your drawings on the web Stepwise instructions on creating your very first AutoCAD drawing, from product installation and project creation to the final touches An exploration of system variables you can tweak to get the best performance from AutoCAD Perfect for the AutoCAD newbie just trying to find their way around the interface for the first time, AutoCAD For Dummies is also a must-read reference for the experienced user looking to get acquainted with the program’s latest features and essential drawing tips. Grab a copy today!
Random House USA Inc Invisible Man
Thames & Hudson Ltd Vincent's Gardens: Paintings and Drawings by Van Gogh
This glorious gift book presents Van Gogh’s lifelong love affair with the garden. Illustrated with an extraordinary range of works, from iconic oils such as Irises to exquisite etchings and intimate sketches, the book is a visual feast. The images are illuminated by a sensitive commentary, which augments the well-known facts of Van Gogh’s life by exploring the importance of the garden locations he sought out wherever he went.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Mathematics of Money Management: Risk Analysis Techniques for Traders
Every futures, options, and stock markets trader operates under a set of highly suspect rules and assumptions. Are you risking your career on yours? Exceptionally clear and easy to use, The Mathematics of Money Management substitutes precise mathematical modeling for the subjective decision-making processes many traders and serious investors depend on. Step-by-step, it unveils powerful strategies for creating and using key money management formulas--based on the rules of probability and modern portfolio theory--that maximizes the potential gains for the level of risk you are assuming. With them, you'll determine the payoffs and consequences of any potential trading decision and obtain the highest potential growth for your specified level of risk. You'll quickly decide: What markets to trade in and at what quantities When to add or subtract funds from an account How to reinvest trading profits for maximum yield The Mathematics of Money Management provides the missing element in modern portfolio theory that weds optimal f to the optimal portfolio.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electricity: A Self-Teaching Guide
Learn electricity at your own pace What makes a light bulb work? What overloads a fuse? How does a magnetic field differ from an electrical field? With Electricity: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more about this powerful, versatile force that everyone uses, yet most of us don't understand. Ralph Morrison demystifies electricity, taking you through the basics step by step. Significantly updated to cover the latest in electrical technology, this easy-to-use guide makes familiar the workings of voltage, current, resistance, power, and other circuit values. You'll discover where electricity comes from, how electric fields cause current to flow, how we harness its tremendous power, and how best to avoid the various pitfalls in many practical applications when the time comes for you to put your knowledge to work. The clearly structured format of Electricity makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview for everyone from the student to the engineer to the hobbyist. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Electricity allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to improve his or her understanding of basic electricity.
Columbia University Press Reasons to Pass: A Guide to Making Fewer and Better Investments
Confidence and conviction are the keys to success in asset management. Analysts projecting these traits become more likely candidates for promotion; clients gravitate to portfolio managers who radiate assurance about future performance. However, these qualities do a disservice to optimal decision making and long-term investment performance. The future is too complex to justify such levels of confidence.In Reasons to Pass, the seasoned practitioner Ralph Birchmeier argues that an optimal portfolio-building strategy means patiently waiting for the few investments worthy of capital allocation. He outlines the principles required for success then examines specific reasons to pass on investments, detailing behavioral biases that disrupt optimal decision making. Although professional and retail investors alike are tempted by various opportunities, the wisdom of experience proves the value of prudence. An investing strategy built to last requires humility and the willingness to accept uncertainty; most of the time, it’s best to pass. Reasons to Pass brings investing back to the basics, helping readers navigate the complexity of the financial landscape and bringing clarity to the investment process. By underscoring the perils of overconfidence and the importance of humility, this book offers invaluable new perspective on investing for the long term.