Search results for ""Author Gabriele""
Emons Verlag 111 Orte in Stuttgart die man gesehen haben muss
Fraunhofer Irb Stuttgart Natursteinsanierung 2023.
Weimarer Verlagsgesellsch Mit fremder Feder
Springer Online journalism: Copywriting and conception for the internet. A handbook for training and practice
The handbook provides tips and practical guidance on copywriting for the Internet and intranet, moving images and podcasts, social networks and communities, forms and formats of the medium, and content management processes. How does one become an online journalist? Where do online journalists work? What do they need to know: journalistic craft, Internet skills, online law? How do you write teasers? How do you integrate user activities? What role do audio and video play in the cross-media web offering? How do you ensure that your content is found (search engine optimization)?This book is a translation of an original German 5th edition Online-Journalismus by Gabriele Hooffacker, published by Springer VS, imprint of Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
Oldenbourg Schulbuchverl. Startklar 7 Jahrgangsstufe Ernhrung und Gesundheit Realschule Bayern Schlerbuch
Motorbuch Verlag Die Geheimdienste der Achsenmächte weltweit
Handwerk + Technik GmbH Hauswirtschaftliche Betreuungsleistungen
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Das Glck liegt im Chiemsee
Carl Hanser Verlag Der Sonne nach
btb Taschenbuch So wars eben
Julius Beltz GmbH Das MorgenkreisBuch 111 Impulse zur kreativen Gestaltung Fr die Grundschule und Sekundarstufe I Mit OnlineMaterialien
Müller Rüschlikon Magische Islandpferde
Müller Rüschlikon Kenzie Dysli und die Pferde
Styria Verlag Geheimnisvolles Wien
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei
Max Hueber Verlag Tamburin Lehrbuch 2
Reclam Philipp Jun. 50 Gedichte der Neuen Sachlichkeit
Georg Thieme Verlag Allgemeine Krankheitslehre und Innere Medizin fr Physiotherapeuten
Edinburgh University Press Research Methods for English Studies
This title introduces students to a range of research methods deployed in the study of English. With a revised Introduction and with all chapters revised to bring them completely up-to date, this new edition remains the leading guide to research methods for final-year undergraduates, postgraduates taking Masters degrees and PhDs students of 19th- and 20th-century Literary Studies. Written by a range of distinguished contributors, each chapter centres on one particular method, offering both concrete practical advice on how to utilise it and exploring some of the methodological issues that are involved in the use of the particular method. The chapters cover research methods familiar to English scholars such as textual analysis, as well as those less commonly explored such as visual and quantitative methods, which also contribute significantly to research in English Studies. Other approaches discussed include auto/biographical methods, discourse analysis, interviewing, archival methods, ethnographic methods, oral history, creative writing as a research method, and research using information and communication technologies (ICTS). Gabriele Griffin is Professor of Women's Studies at the University of York. Her publications include the co-edited volumes The Emotional Politics of Research Collaboration (2013), The Social Politics of Research Collaboration (2013), and Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research: Researching Differently (2011). She is the General Editor for Edinburgh University Press of the Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities series.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing without Leadership: Towards a Theory of Organizational Functioning
A critical examination of leadership theories past and present, "Managing without Leadership" argues that leadership as traditionally understood does not explain organizational functioning. Bounded by empiricist assumptions and methodology, and including a narrow theory of mind as symbol processor, leadership theories are unable to support their claims about leaders and their actions. Drawing on coherentist epistemology, connectionism, and the theory of self-organizing dynamic systems, a naturalistic account of organizational functioning and organization design is explored that includes leaders as non-privileged agents in the cognitive fabric of organizational life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability and the Changing Contexts of Family and Personal Relationships
The past 50 years have witnessed a transformation in the structure and function of families and households. The social and demographic catalysts for these changes including but not limited to delayed marriage, the legalization of same-sex marriage, women's increased labor force participation, and declines in fertility and mortality have further impacted norms around family life and the performance of formal and informal family roles. Despite these radical shifts, however, family and personal relationships are not well-represented in disability scholarship.In the interest of expanding disability scholarship on families, this volume of Research in Social Science and Disability brings together research and theoretical perspectives that challenge and revise dominant perspectives on disability and the changing contexts of family and personal relationships. Rooted in a sociological and anti-ableist understanding of families which recognizes that families are not only sha
National Gallery Company Ltd The National Gallery: Masterpieces of Painting
An exceptional introduction to European paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century through one of the greatest collections in the world. This richly illustrated and beautifully designed book offers an ideal introduction to European painting from the 13th to the early 20th century. The National Gallery, London, houses one of the finest collections of Western European art in the world. Its extraordinary range includes exceptional paintings from medieval Europe through the early Renaissance and on to Post-Impressionism, including masterpieces by Leonardo, Hans Holbein, Titian, Velázquez, Rembrandt, Turner, Monet, and Van Gogh. This volume showcases more than 250 of the Gallery’s most treasured pictures, providing an opportunity to make connections across this uniquely representative collection. Paintings are accompanied by numerous details, as well as brief and illuminating texts, providing an informative and visually rich survey of hundreds of years of European painting.Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University Press
Key Publishing Ltd English Medieval Armies: 1066-1337
After the Norman conquest of 1066, the English lands gradually lost their Saxon character and became much more similar to continental Europe than previously; feudalism was brought to the British Isles by the Normans, together with a new model of centralized monarchy, thus changing the administrative and social structures of England forever. After a few decades, however, the new royal family initiated by William the Conqueror disappeared due to the lack of direct heirs and thus the Kingdom of England entered a chaotic phase characterised by civil conflicts, as well as by the search for a new royal house that could assume control over the turbulent English lands. This historical period, known as 'The Anarchy', began in 1135 and ended only in 1154, when the first Plantagenet was crowned as monarch of the English realm. The new royal family would have kept power over its kingdom for more than three centuries, until the outbreak of the War of the Roses. During this long period, the Plantagenet kings fought a series of conflicts, which can be grouped into three main categories: wars fought against the French monarchy in continental Europe, wars fought in the British Isles against the 'Celtic nations' (Wales, Scotland and Ireland) and civil conflicts fought in England against rebel aristocrats. This book pays special attention to the wars fought by England against Wales, Scotland and Ireland; at the same time, it provides a detailed overview of the 'minor' conflicts that saw the Plantagenet monarchs campaigning in France. This book will cover the history, organization and equipment of the English armies that fought the many wars of the early Plantagenet period.
Penguin Putnam Inc Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Army of the Early Roman Empire 30 BC-AD 180: History, Organization and Equipment
The legionary soldier of the early Empire period, with his distinctive segmented armour, is one of the images most closely associated by popular imagination with ancient Rome. Such soldiers conquered most of Britain, suffered and avenged the terrible disaster of the Teutoburg Forest and vanquished the fearsome Dacians across the Danube, a feat immortalized on Trajan's Column, as well as fighting many other tribes. In the East they overcame the Great Jewish Revolt and repeatedly contended with mixed success against the powerful Parthians. This was the army that enforced the so-called Pax Romana at the point of a gladius and maintained the greatest empire the world had yet seen. Of course, such troops were also employed to bloody effect in the many civil wars such as those of AD69, the Year of the Four of the Emperors'. Gabriele Esposito describes the tactics, organization and equipment of the Roman army at the height of its powers, considered by many to be the most efficient and powerful fighting force of the ancient world. He gives an overview of the most significant campaigns and considers in detail not only the iconic legionaries but also the various auxiliary units, including cavalry. His clear, accessible text is supported by dozens of colour photos of replica weapons, armour and other kit in use.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Napoleon's Imperial Guard: Organization, Uniforms and Weapons
A detailed analysis of the organization, uniforms and weapons of the French Imperial Guard created by Napoleon I. The author describes how this large military body evolved from the Consular Guard created by Bonaparte as early as 1799 and how this came to include dozens of different military units belonging to each branch of service (infantry, cavalry, artillery, specialist corps). The Imperial Guard was a 'miniature army' made up of veteran soldiers, who were dressed with the most spectacular and elegant uniforms ever seen on the battlefields of Europe. The Guard also included several 'exotic' non-French units that are also covered in the text: Egyptian Mamelukes, Polish and Lithuanian lancers, Tatar scouts, Dutch grenadiers and lancers. The way in which Napoleon employed the Guard in battle is discussed and also how it differed from the rest of the French Army in terms of military dress and weaponry.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Normans 911–1194: Organization, Equipment and Tactics
The Norman story began in 911, when a frightened French king (Charles III ‘the Simple’) gave land on the Channel coast to the Viking leader Rollo in return for adopting Christianity and helping repel other Viking marauders. Rollo and his fellow Norsemen (hence ‘Normandy’ and ‘Normans’) adopted all the trappings of feudalism, evolving from pagan ship-borne raiders to archetypal Christian knights and builders of castles. However, they seem to have lost none of their ferocity and adventuring spirit. As well as Duke William’s famous cross-Channel conquest, Norman forces (often mercenaries) conquered territories in Spain, Sicily, Malta, Italy and Albania and formed the hard core of the early Crusades. Bohemond captured Antioch from the Turks and set up a principality that endured almost two centuries. Gabriele Esposito discusses the armies of the Normans in all these theatres, incorporating not only the Norman knights but the various feudal levies, local auxiliaries and mercenary contingents that fought with them. Having outlined the major battles and campaigns, he details their equipment, weapons and tactics. The accessible text is supported by numerous colour photographs of replica costume, weapons and equipment in use.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Infodemic: Disinformation, Geopolitics and the Covid-19 Pandemic
What caused the Covid-19 pandemic, a natural spillover event or an accident in a Wuhan laboratory? Were the mitigation measures imposed by many governments - such as lockdowns and mask-wearing mandates - based on scientific evidence, or rather aimed at curtailing civil liberties and disrupting economic activities, under the secret maneuvering of a global cabal of politicians and financiers? And were Covid-19 vaccines effective in curbing the spread of the disease, or were they just a profitable scheme by big pharmaceutical companies? These questions and speculations, some legitimate, some dubious, have been swirling around the globe through social media, alternative information outlets, instant messaging apps, and mainstream media since the beginning of the pandemic, feeding the ‘infodemic’ - an overwhelming surge of information, misinformation, rumours and conspiracy theories which continue to linger in public and private discourse. With an original take on concepts and theories drawn from post-truth and disinformation studies, the book analyses the ‘infodemic’ through a series of global case studies. Framing the infodemic as a complex, multi-layered phenomenon with vast geopolitical implications, Gabriele Cosentino reveals the global competition for control in twenty-first century geopolitics between Western liberal democracies and non-Western autocracies, and above all between the United States and China.
£30.76 Turlendana ritorna e Turlendana ebro
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Structure-Related Anti-Inflammatory Mechanisms of Probiotic Bacteria
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH Die 7 Strahlen und die Entwicklung des Lebens
Nietsch Hans Verlag Wilde Grne Kche 10 Wildkruter 50 PowerSnacks
S. Hirzel Verlag Wie Nachhaltig Ist Unsere Ernahrung?
Bachem J.P. Editionen Romanik in Köln Wie geht das
facultas.wuv Universitäts PsychodramaPsychotherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen Ein Handbuch
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Ovid Metamorphosen Kopiervorlagen Fur Kompetenzorientierte Lekture Kopiervorlagen fr kompetenzorientierte Lektre
Kompetenzorientierte Ovid-LektÃre â ein motivierender Ansatz!
Trias Trauma
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Friseure. Fachtheorie Arbeitsheft
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Mirrored Loss: A Yemeni Woman's Life Story
Mirrored Loss tells the story of Amat al-Latif al Wazir, only daughter of 'Abdullah al-Wazir, the leader of Yemen's constitutional movement of the mid-twentieth century for democratisation of the autocratic imamate. Her relationship with her adored father, who was accused of treason, takes centre stage in this biographical narrative. Amat al-Latif, enjoyed a privileged childhood in a high-ranking family at the heart of Yemeni politics; yet the failed revolt of 1948 was the family's downfall, leaving her and other close relatives exposed to social indignities and privation. She then spent many years in exile, where she suffered a personal calamity that compounded the earlier catastrophe. Through one family's story, Gabriele vom Bruck explores how violence translates into tragedy in the personal realm, and how individual lives and larger cultural and political worlds intersect in Yemen. Her narrative makes these tragic events compellingly tangible, especially at the level of gendered subjectivity--female Yemenis have been either unknown to or deemed insignificant by most male historians of this period. Mirrored Loss is a significant step in righting that omission.
WORD The Universal Spirit,U.S. Reincarnation - Life's Gift of Grace: Where does the journey of my soul go?
Amadeus Verlag Sklavenplanet Erde
Nietsch Hans Verlag Wilde grne Smoothies 50 Wildkruter 50 Rezepte
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