Search results for ""author anne""
Legend Press Ltd Dangerous to Know: A Psychological Thriller featuring Forensic Psychiatrist Natalie King
This is a compelling guide to law firm M&A that will challenge your thinking. Find out what stops integration working by using the insight of a peer group of Managing Partners. Benefit from their hindsight on themes that are recurrent, this is practical and entirely relatable with useful anecdotes and case studies on best practice. Featuring every key aspect of the M&A process from inception to completion, there is advice on everything from strategy, culture, communications, finance, behaviour of partners and staff, client considerations, marketing and IT which will enable you to plan and focus on successful integration. Inspiring for those considering M&A and insightful for day-to-day management of professional services partnerships.
Little, Brown Book Group Wave Me Goodbye: Stories of the Second World War
'Fascinating . . . a poignant book . . . an unusual and absolutely authentic view of those convulsive years' OBSERVER 'Each story in Wave Me Goodbye is a relic of the Second World War' SUNDAY TIMES 'This is as stark and acidic a collection of war stories as you will read . . . Stripped bare of the sentimentalism attached to love in wartime' SCOTSMAN This collection of wartime stories includes some of the finest writers of a generation. War had traditionally been seen as a masculine occupation, but these stories show how women were equal if different participants. Here, war is less about progress on the frontline of battle than about the daily struggle to keep homes, families and relationships alive; to snatch pleasure from danger, and strength from shared experience. The stories are about saying goodbye to husbands, lovers, brothers and sons - and sometimes years later trying to remake their lives anew.By turn comical, stoical, compassionate, angry and subversive, these intensely individual voices bring a human dimension to the momentous events that reverberated around them and each opens a window on to a hidden landscape of war.Writers include: Jean Rhys, Beryl Bainbridge, Elizabeth Bowen, Elizabeth Taylor, Stevie Smith, Rosamond Lehmann, Barbara Pym, Angela Thirkell, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Dorothy Parker, Doris Lessing, Olivia Manning, Rose Macaulay and Stevie Smith
Random House USA Inc Random House German-English English-German Dictionary: Second Edition
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Killer Cat Strikes Back
'Okay, okay. So stick my head in a holly bush.'Tuffy knows what he likes. And he doesn't like the 'art' that Ellie's mum brings home from her new classes. So what's a cat to do?A few scratches here just happen to shred a painting. A nudge there somehow slips a vase off a shelf. Dad hope a horribly lumpy clay pot will be next, but Tuffy's having none of it. The killer cat will go his own sweet way!
Princeton Book Company Dancing in Your School A Guide for Preschool and Elementary School Teachers Teaching Skills Techniques School Physical Activity
Liverpool University Press Iris Murdoch
This study provides an accessible introduction to the whole range of Iris Murdoch’s fiction, exploring philosophical, theological, political, social and biographical influences and her experimentations with the novel form.
Lerner Publishing Group Quién Es Jessica Long (Meet Jessica Long): Superestrella de la Natación Paralímpica (Paralympic Swimming Superstar)
Editorial Lumen El baile del reloj
Vida de una mujer como tú.La ganadora de los premios Pulitzer, National Book Critics Circle y Pen/Faulkner regresa con una novela íntima y conmovedora.Pocos pero significativos son los momentos que han marcado la vida de Willa Drake: la desaparición de su madre a los once años, casarse a los veintiuno y el accidente que la dejó viuda a los cuarenta. Cuando recibe una inesperada llamada, Willa decide abandonar todo e ir en la ayuda de la exnovia de su hijo, quien ha sido gravemente herida. La espontánea decisión de cuidar de esta mujer, de su hija de nueve años y de su perro la llevarán a explorar un territorio desconocido: el de elegir su propio camino.Una novela cautivadora llena de esperanza y transformación: Anne Tyler en plena forma.Reseñas:Tan reconfortante como volver a casa.Minneapolis Star-TribuneEl baile del reloj te atrae sin dejar de hacer tictac. Las novelas de Tyler garantizan que las posibilidades de una conexión i
Alliance Publishing Inc.,U.S. Instant Expert: Collecting Quilts
Newmarket Press,U.S. Laughing Allegra: The Inspiring Story of a Mother's Struggle and Triumph Raising a Daughter With Learning Disabilities
Clarion Books Charlie, Presumed Dead
Random House USA Inc The Ship Who Sang: A Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down: A Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc St. Patrick's Day
Transcript Verlag Disability Studies Kultursoziologie und Soziologie der Behinderung Erkundungen in einem neuen Forschungsfeld
Wienand Verlag & Medien Jan Kolata
utzverlag GmbH Römische Feste
Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Germany The Wow Factor: Global research compendium on the impact of the arts in education
Lübbe Die vier Gezeiten Roman
Coppenrath F GeldkuvertGeschenkbuch Wolke konturgestanzt
Link, Carl Verlag Die 55 hufigsten Konflikte aus dem Schulalltag So handeln Sie rechtssicher in schwierigen Situationen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Arbeitsbuch frühkindliche Dysphagien und Trinkschwächen
tredition Joschi fliegt zum Mond
Bod Third Party Titles Transgenerationale Traumatisierung Narzissmus und destruktive Symbiose am Beispiel von Aelrun Goettes Dokumentarfilm Die Kinder sind tot
FISCHER, S. Das Hinterhaus Het Achterhuis
£26.24 Der Tod ist mein Beruf von Robert Merle Lektürehilfe
Sparsile Books Ltd Medicine Money And Murder
National Gallery Company Ltd Lake Keitele: A Vision of Finland
In 1999, Akseli Gallen-Kallela’s Lake Keitele (1905) became the first Finnish painting to enter the National Gallery and is now one of the most popular pictures in the collection. Although the artist and his work are relatively unknown to audiences outside of Finland, he was not only a leading figure in modern Finnish painting but an accomplished practitioner of the decorative arts and a key figure in the development of early twentieth-century Modernism.This book focuses on four versions of his shimmering depictions of Lake Keitele, north of Helsinki; a stylized lake composition which first appeared in the early 1880s, when the artist was still elaborating his own descriptive language, and continued to preoccupy him until well into the 1920s. Anne Robbins examines these abstract and modernist pictures in the light of the international avant gardes with which Gallen-Kallela was in contact for much of his career, and the ways in which his work expressed his fervent Finnish nationalism.Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University PressExhibition Schedule:National Gallery, London (11/15/17–02/04/18)
Emerald Publishing Limited Librarianship in Times of Crisis
The field of librarianship has undergone traumatic shifts (mostly downward) due to the global financial meltdown that began in the fall of 2008. Libraries have been deeply affected by the worst recession since the Great Depression. While "Advances in Librarianship" endeavors to identify trends and innovations, the trend addressed in this volume is admittedly not a happy one. The current climate does however, present opportunities for analysis, and far reaching searches for solutions and innovations that can alleviate the challenges created by the clash of fiscal retrenchment with steadily increasing use of libraries. Therefore this volume addresses the ripple effects of the economic recession from the point of view of librarianship, the need for advocacy, and the necessity to tout the value that libraries bring to their communities. Chapters focus on identifying means to change library and library related organizations so that they focus on distinctive assets and strengths, use free or low cost resources and technologies, and position themselves to take advantage of collaborative initiatives.
Bristol University Press Obama’s Welfare Legacy: An Assessment of US Anti-Poverty Policies
The election of Barack Obama in the midst of the 2008 economic downturn brought hope to millions and presented an opportunity for expanding socio-economic rights. But the Obama administration was consistently constrained by the challenges of divided government, and the now threatened Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’) remains the stand-out welfare reform of his Presidency. Using new research, Anne Daguerre examines Obama’s legacy on welfare and antipoverty policies, focusing in particular on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The book provides an up-to-date account of the contemporary politics of poverty and public entitlements in the US, comparing this with the Western European experience and its traditionally strong commitment to social welfare, to assess what lessons can be learned.
Stanford University Press The Title to the Poem
A Stanford University Press classic.
The Book Guild Ltd The Narcissist
When famous actress Vanessa Forsyth is found dead in her dressing room, with a bullet hole in her head and a gun on the floor, everyone assumes she has taken her own life. It is only a matter of time, however, before DI Ronnie Twist and her sergeant, Luke Carter, discover that the film star was murdered. As suspicion falls on Vanessa’s family and friends, the police discover that more than one person had reason to want her out of the way. And as the net closes around her own family, Vanessa’s neighbour and protégée, Billie, finds that those she trusts most have more secrets than she ever imagined. Set in the market town of Beverley, The Narcissist is the third Twist in the Tale novel.
B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd Behind the Glass Screen
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Renoir
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) stands out among the great artists for his willingness to paint pictures that are straightforwardly pretty and charming. This title offers an account of the life of the man who created such singularly sparkling works.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Song of the Lion
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Rock with Wings
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down
Batsford Ltd Textile Nature: Embroidery techniques inspired by the natural world
An inspirational guide to using nature in textile art, with step-by-step projects Plants, flowers, gardens, insects and birds are a rich source of inspiration for artists and designers of all kinds. This beautiful guide demonstrates how to get the most out of your surroundings to create original and unique pieces in textiles. Beginning with a chapter on drawing from nature, the book demonstrates how to use sketchbooks and create mood boards to explore your local environment and landscape. The author demonstrates how to make small pieces such as folding books based on observational drawing and stitch. Moving on to a section on floral inspiration, the author shows how to use plants and flowers in your work, from using stencilled flower motifs as embellishment to printing with plants onto fabric and making simple relief prints. Finally, the taking flight chapter demonstrates how to move into three-dimensions and sculptural work with birds and insects made from cloth. Featuring step-by-step projects as well as work from contemporary artists, makers and collaborative groups throughout, this practical and beautiful guide shows how practitioners of all kinds can draw from the natural world for making and inspiration.
John Wiley & Sons The Religious System of the Mahanubhava Sect The Mahanubhava Sutrapatha
Gallery Books A Murder in Mohair
Museum of Modern Art Picasso: Guitars 1912-1914
Pablo Picasso’s modest yet revolutionary cardboard and sheet metal Guitar sculptures (1912 and 1914, respectively) bracket an incandescent period of structural, spatial and material experimentation for the artist. In October 1912, while in what he described as ‘the process of imagining a guitar’, Picasso embraced the radical techniques of collage, construction, and mixedmedia painting, frequently combining traditional artists’ supplies – oil paint, charcoal, pastel, ink – with what were then unconventional materials, including cardboard, newspaper, wallpaper, sheet music and sand. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, this volume situates Picasso’s Guitars within the constellation of objects that surrounded them in his studio, affording a fresh understanding of the unique material and historical qualities of the artist’s work in the years immediately prior toWorldWar I. An essay by Anne Umland incorporates photographs, correspondence, archival records and eyewitness accounts, providing insights into Picasso’s practice and the remarkable institutional history behind the acquisition of the two Guitar sculptures, both gifts to MoMA from the artist.
Random House USA Inc It's Always Personal: Navigating Emotion in the New Workplace
Random House USA Inc Acceptable Loss: A William Monk Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Prisoner of Night and Fog
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Lost Girl
HarperCollins Publishers Inc No Dogs Allowed!