Search results for ""Author Ross"
Folio Verlagsges. Mbh No Stress Mira kocht
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Hessisches Datenschutz- Und Informationsfreiheitsg: Hdsig
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Neue Datenschutzrecht: Europaische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung Und Deutsche Datenschutzgesetze
Lübbe Der Zorn des Oktopus
Bergverlag Rother Wandern mit Hund Südtirol
Aulis Verlag Neue Rtsel im Biologieunterricht Kommentierte Kopiervorlagen fr die aufgelockerte Biologiestunde
Kneipp Verlag 3 Methoden Heilfasten mit Sften oder Suppen oder veganer Dit 8 Tage fasten plus richtig essen danach
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Autonomie
Suedwest Verlag Eat Yourself Healthy Rezepte bungen Lifestyle Alles fr ein darmfreundliches Leben Lerne deinen Darm lieben mit Dr Megan Jamie Oliver
Lübbe Heißzeit 51
GRIN Verlag Fragmentästhetik in Kleinkunst und Performance
The History Press Ltd My Wexford
My Wexford
Edinburgh University Press Resisting Militarism: Direct Action and the Politics of Subversion
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Risk Professional�s Survival Guide: Applied Best Practices in Risk Management
Balanced, practical risk management for post – financial crisis institutions A Risk Professional's Survival Guide fills a critical gap left by existing risk management texts. Instead of focusing only on quantitative risk analysis or only on institutional risk management, this book takes a comprehensive approach. The disasters of the recent financial crisis taught us that managing risk is both an art and a science, and it is critical for practitioners to understand how individual risks are integrated at the enterprise level. This book is the only resource of its kind to introduce all of the key risk management concepts in a cohesive case study spanning each chapter. A hypothetical bank drawn from elements of several real world institutions serves as a backdrop for topics from credit risk and operational risk to understanding big-picture risk exposure. You will be able to see exactly how each rigorous concept is applied in actual risk management contexts. This book includes: Supplemental Excel-based Visual Basic (VBA) modules, so you can interact directly with risk models Clear explanations of the importance of risk management in preventing financial disasters Real world examples and lessons learned from past crises Risk policies, infrastructure, and activities that balance limited quantitative models This book provides the element of hands-on application necessary to put enterprise risk management into effective practice. The very best risk managers rely on a balanced approach that leverages every aspect of financial operations for an integrative risk management strategy. With this book, you can identify and control risk at an expert level.
Sourcebooks, Inc I Love You a HoHo Lot
Elsevier Science & Technology Immunotherapeutics: Volume 129
Immunotherapeutics, Volume 129 in the Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology series highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of topics, including Vaccines for the prophylaxis and treatment of HPV, Lung-targeted RNA-based therapeutics, Clostridium difficile: Current overview and future perspectives, Antivenoms for treatment of snake bites, Natural killer cell-based strategies for immunotherapy of cancer, Immunological insights of selectins in human disease mechanism, Current update, challenges, and future aspects of immunotherapeutics in non-small cell lung cancer, In silico interaction analysis of NEMO binding domain peptide on the NFkB protein, and much more.
North Star Editions Big Machines on the Farm
This fun book provides a simple explanation of tractors, combines, and other machines found on farm. Labeled photos and a photo glossary help make the text engaging and easy to read.
Tokyopop Press Inc Deep Scar, Volume 3
After fainting unexpectedly, Sofia begins to remember glimpses of her life before the fateful accident she had a few years ago that took most of her memories. It seems she wasn't always the straight-laced good girl everyone thought she was. Now, she'll have to reckon with what really happened back then, and what her family has done to keep her in the dark. At the center of it all is Lorenzo, but she still doesn't understand why. Sofia's mysterious past is finally starting to unravel... but what will she find when it all comes to light?
David & Charles Knossos
Allowing you to wander through the labyrinth city of Knossos and lose yourself in its ancient treasures, this book features colour photographs of original artefacts, sculptures, reliefs and frescos of this palace. It also shows you what everyday life was really like for the people of rural, urban and coastal Crete between 2000 and 1450BC.
Hartmann Projects Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson: Verso Nord
Meidenbauer, Martin, Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH & Co. KG Integration und Desintegration in Mitteleuropa: Plaene und Realitaet
Seit dem Wiener Kongress 1814/15 überstand der mitteleuropäische Raum eine Menge an staatsrechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen, geistigen und territorialen Veränderungen. Manche Projekte zur Neugestaltung des mitteleuropäischen Gebiets blieben unrealisiert und lediglich auf dem Papier, trotzdem bilden auch sie ein unverkennbares Gedankengut des heutigen Mitteleuropas. Sie bestimmten und bestimmen den Inhalt des zeitgenössischen geistigen Antlitzes dieses geopolitisch und strategisch exponierten Territoriums, das immer schon von einer breiten Skala der Nationen bewohnt war, bzw. bewohnt ist. Das Dasein und das Leben in der geopolitischen Sphäre Europas stellt für die Bevölkerung eine ständige Gefahr an Veränderungen dar, für die Historiker und Politologen jedoch einen spannenden Stoff, der nicht nur für eine Retrospektive nützlich ist, sondern auch für verschiedene überzeitliche Betrachtungen. Dieses historische Repertoire wird im Buch ohne Vorurteile wissenschaftlich aufgegriffen und zeigt dabei jene Wege, die Mitteleuropa in den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten gegangen ist, sodass es schließlich zu einem Bestandteil der Europäischen Union werden konnte.
North Star Editions I Got a Pet! My Pet Fish
North Star Editions I Got a Pet! My Pet Snake
North Star Editions I Got a Pet! My Pet Cat
North Star Editions Colors in My World: Red in My World
North Star Editions Colors in My World: Green in My World
North Star Editions Colors in My World: Blue in My World
North Star Editions Saving Our Planet: Saving Earth's Water
This book explains the causes and effects of polluted water, as well as what individuals and groups can do to help reduce it. The book includes a table of contents, one infographic, informative sidebars, a "You Can Help!" special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Pioneer level, aligned to reading levels of grades 1–2 and interest levels of grades 1–3.
North Star Editions Saving Our Planet: Saving Earth's Land
This book explains the causes and effects of pollution on land, as well as what individuals and groups can do to help reduce it. The book includes a table of contents, one infographic, informative sidebars, a "You Can Help!" special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Pioneer level, aligned to reading levels of grades 1–2 and interest levels of grades 1–3.
North Star Editions Saving Our Planet: Saving Earth's Animals
This book explains the causes and effects of endangered animals, as well as what individuals and groups can do to help protect them. The book includes a table of contents, one infographic, informative sidebars, a "You Can Help!" special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Pioneer level, aligned to reading levels of grades 1–2 and interest levels of grades 1–3.
North Star Editions Saving Our Planet: Saving Earth's Water
This book explains the causes and effects of polluted water, as well as what individuals and groups can do to help reduce it. The book includes a table of contents, one infographic, informative sidebars, a "You Can Help!" special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Pioneer level, aligned to reading levels of grades 1–2 and interest levels of grades 1–3.
North Star Editions Spreading Kindness: Volunteering
This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can help their communities, such as distributing food or cleaning up. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered.
North Star Editions Spreading Kindness: Being Kind to Friends
This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can show kindness to their friends, such as taking turns choosing games or activities. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered.
North Star Editions Spreading Kindness: Being Kind at School
This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can show kindness to their teachers and classmates, such as listening when others are speaking. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered.
North Star Editions Spreading Kindness: Helping with Chores
This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can help around the home, such as cleaning floors and counters. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered.
North Star Editions Spreading Kindness: Helping at Mealtime
This engaging book introduces readers to ways they can help before and after meals, such as setting and clearing the table. Vibrant photos and simple text reflect diverse experiences to help all readers feel empowered.
North Star Editions Big Machines in the City
This fun book provides a simple explanation of buses, trucks, and other machines found in a city. Labeled photos and a photo glossary help make the text engaging and easy to read.
North Star Editions Weather: Snow
This title provides a basic overview of snow and how it forms. Easy-to-read text, labeled photos, and a photo glossary make this title perfect for beginning readers.
North Star Editions Weather: Fog
This title provides a basic overview of fog and how it forms. Easy-to-read text, labeled photos, and a photo glossary make this title perfect for beginning readers.
North Star Editions Weather: Snow
This title provides a basic overview of snow and how it forms. Easy-to-read text, labeled photos, and a photo glossary make this title perfect for beginning readers.
North Star Editions Opposites: Wet and Dry
Introduces readers to the concept of opposites through the pairing of wet and dry. Simple text, straightforward photos, and a photo glossary make this title the perfect primer on a common pair of opposites.
North Star Editions The Climate Crisis in the Southwest
This urgent title examines the typical climate of the Southwest, how climate change is affecting it, and ways the region can fight against and adapt to the climate emergency. The book also features informative sidebars, a "That's Amazing!" special feature, a table of contents, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers series is at the Navigator level, aligned to reading levels of grades 3-5 and interest levels of grades 4-7.
North Star Editions Essential Jobs: We Need Food Workers
This book celebrates workers who help grow, ship, and prepare food. It includes a table of contents, an On the Job special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Pioneer level, aligned to reading levels of grades 1-2 and interest levels of grades 1-3.