Search results for ""author albert"
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Cervantes' Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: A Study of Genre
A study which highights the ironic intrusion of novelistic elements in Persiles y Sigismunda, subverting its categorization as pure romance fiction. The lengthy Byzantine romance Persiles y Sigismunda, which Cervantes completed only days before his death in 1616, has conventionally been considered a relatively pure example of romance fiction. This study of genre in thePersiles questions that view by analysing the novelistic or realist aspects of the work. An extensive comparison with examples of Byzantine romance from its Greek origins to its Renaissance evolution highlights the degree to which Cervantes departs from the established canon, notably in the characterisation of the heroine and the significance of the protagonists' wedding, where Cervantes upsets the reader's expectations of a conventional happy ending by consistent use of an ironic mode typical of the work. Multidimensional characters, contrasting perspectives and ironic manipulations produce a kind of 'generic hybridisation' which exposes the fallacies of this type of fiction. MARIA ALBERTA SACCHETTI holds a doctorate from University College London.
Pearson Education (US) Truthful Art, The: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication
No matter what your actual job title, you are—or soon will be—a data worker. Every day, at work, home, and school, we are bombarded with vast amounts of free data collected and shared by everyone and everything from our co-workers to our calorie counters. In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Functional Art—Alberto Cairo's foundational guide to understanding information graphics and visualization—the respected data visualization professor explains in clear terms how to work with data, discover the stories hidden within, and share those stories with the world in the form of charts, maps, and infographics. In The Truthful Art, Cairo transforms elementary principles of data and scientific reasoning into tools that you can use in daily life to interpret data sets and extract stories from them. The Truthful Art explains: • The role infographics and data visualization play in our world • Basic principles of data and scientific reasoning that anyone can master • How to become a better critical thinker • Step-by-step processes that will help you evaluate any data visualization (including your own) • How to create and use effective charts, graphs, and data maps to explain data to any audience The Truthful Art is also packed with inspirational and educational real-world examples of data visualizations from such leading publications as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Estado de São Paulo (Brazil), Berliner Morgenpost (Germany), and many more.
Duke University Press The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies
The conditions for thinking about Latin America as a regional unit in transnational academic discourse have shifted over the past decades. In The Exhaustion of Difference Alberto Moreiras ponders the ramifications of this shift and draws on deconstruction, Marxian theory, philosophy, political economy, subaltern studies, literary criticism, and postcolonial studies to interrogate the minimal conditions for an effective critique of knowledge given the recent transformations of the contemporary world.What, asks Moreiras, is the function of critical reason in the present moment? What is regionalistic knowledge in the face of globalization? Can regionalistic knowledge be an effective tool for a critique of contemporary reason? What is the specificity of Latin Americanist reflection and how is it situated to deal with these questions? Through examinations of critical regionalism, restitutional excess, the historical genealogy of Latin American subalternism, testimonio literature, and the cultural politics of magical realism, Moreiras argues that while cultural studies is increasingly institutionalized and in danger of reproducing the dominant ideologies of late capitalism, it is also ripe for giving way to projects of theoretical reformulation. Ultimately, he claims, critical reason must abandon its allegiance to aesthetic-historicist projects and the destructive binaries upon which all cultural theories of modernity have been constructed. The Exhaustion of Difference makes a significant contribution to the rethinking of Latin American cultural studies.
Columbia University Press The Pop Musical: Sweat, Tears, and Tarnished Utopias
After Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley’s iron grip on the movie musical began to slip in the face of pop’s cultural dominance, many believed that the musical genre entered a terminal decline and finally wore itself out by the 1980s. Though the industrial model of the musical was disrupted by the emergence of pop, the Hollywood musical has not gone extinct. Many Hollywood productions from the 1960s to the present have revisited the forms and conventions of the classic musical—except instead of drawing from showtunes and jazz standards, they employ the styles and iconography of pop.Alberto Mira offers a new account of how pop music revolutionized the Hollywood musical. He shows that while the Hollywood system ceased producing large-scale traditional musicals, different pop strains—disco, rock ’n’ roll, doo-wop, glam, and hip-hop—renewed the genre, giving it a new life. While the classical musical presented a world light on conflict, defined by theatricality and where effortless talent can shine through, the introduction of pop spurred musicals to address contemporary social and political conditions. Mira traces the emergence of a new set of themes—such as the painful hard work depicted in Dirty Dancing (1987); the double-edged fandom of Velvet Goldmine (1998); and the racial politics of Dreamgirls (2006)—to explore why the Hollywood musical has found renewed relevance.
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. El futuro de Europa: Reforma o declive
En este provocador libro, los economistas Alberto Alesina y Francesco Giavazzi señalan que, si Europa no toma pronto medidas, es casi inevitable que se intensifique su declive económico y político. Si no se emprende una reforma global, las sobreprotegidas y superreguladas economías de Europa occidental continental continuarán perdiendo velocidad y su influencia política acabará siendo casi inapreciable. Eso no significa que Alemania, Francia, España y otros países que hoy son prósperos vayan a empobrecerse; su nivel de vida continuará siendo holgado. Pero acabarán siendo casi irrelevantes en el panorama mundial. En El futuro de Europa, Alesina y Giavazzi (que son europeos) esbozan las medidas que debe tomar Europa para impedir su eclipse económico y político.Según los autores, Europa tiene mucho que aprender de Estados Unidos. Los europeos trabajan menos y tienen más vacaciones que los estadounidenses; valoran sobre todo la seguridad y la estabilidad del empleo. Alesina y Giavazzi sostienen que los estadounidenses trabajan más y un número mayor de horas y están más dispuestos a soportar los altibajos de una economía de mercado. Los europeos valoran su Estado de bienestar; los estadounidenses aborrecen el gasto público. Estados Unidos es un crisol de culturas; los países europeos tienen dificultades para absorber la población inmigrante. Alesina y Giavazzi advierten de que para que Europa ponga freno a su declive, tiene que adoptar un modelo parecido al de libre mercado de Estados Unidos.Las recomendaciones de Alesina y Giavazzi sobre la forma en que Europa debe afrontar las cuestiones relacionadas con la productividad de los trabajadores, la regulación del mercado de trabajo, la globalización, la financiación de la enseñanza superior y de la investigación tecnológica, la política fiscal y sus sociedades multiétnicas suscitarán sin duda controversias, al igual que su visión de la Unión Europea y del euro. Pero su llamada de atención sonará alta y clara para todo aquel al que le preocupe el futuro de Europa.
Reaktion Books Burned Alive: Giordano Bruno, Galileo and the Inquisition
In 1600 the Catholic Inquisition condemned the philosopher Giordano Bruno for his heretical beliefs. He was then burned alive in a public place in Rome. Historians, scientists and teachers usually deny that Bruno was condemned for his beliefs about the universe and that his trial was linked to the later confrontations between the Inquisition and Galileo in 1616 and 1633. Based on new evidence, however, Burned Alive asserts that Bruno's beliefs about the universe were indeed the primary factors that led to Bruno's condemnation: his beliefs that the stars are suns surrounded by planetary worlds like our own, and that the Earth moves because it has a soul. Alberto A. Martinez shows how some of the same Inquisitors who judged Bruno also confronted Galileo in 1616. Ultimately the one clergyman who wrote the most critical reports used by the Inquisition to condemn Galileo in 1633 immediately wrote an unpublished manuscript, in which he denounced Galileo and other followers of Copernicus for believing that many worlds exist and that the Earth moves because it has a soul. This book challenges the accepted history of astronomy and shows how cosmology led Bruno bravely to his death.
Hay House Inc Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health
This newly revised edition of the Wall Street Journal bestseller One Spirit Medicine offers an accessible guide to an ancient practice for healing and transformation--including new, cutting-edge science, recipes, and a 7-day Grow a New Body meal plan!Using the principles and practices in this book, you can feel better in a few days, begin to clear your mind and heal your brain in a week, and in six weeks be on your way to growing a new body--one that heals rapidly, retains its youthful vitality, and keeps you connected to Spirit, to the earth, and to a renewed sense of purpose in your life.Our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short--a worrying diagnosis, a broken relationship, or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. When things are a little off, we read a self-help book. When they're really bad, we bring in oncologists to address cancer, neurologists to repair the brain, psychologists to help us understand our family of origin.This fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago.Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist--as well as his own journey back from the edge of death--acclaimed shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo shows you how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods; use techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to heal your body; and follow the ancient path of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.
The University of Chicago Press Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
An eye-opening look at how incarcerated people, health professionals, and others behind and beyond bars came together to problem-solve incarceration. Raising the Living Dead is a history of Puerto Rico’s carceral rehabilitation system that brings to life the interactions of incarcerated people, their wider social networks, and health care professionals. Alberto Ortiz Díaz describes the ways that multiple communities of care came together both inside and outside of prisons to imagine and enact solution-oriented cultures of rehabilitation from the 1930s to the 1960s. Scientific and humanistic approaches to well-being were deliberately fused to raise the “living dead,” an expression that reemerged in the modern Caribbean to refer to prisoners. These reform groups sought to raise incarcerated people physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and civically. The book is based on deep, original archival research into the Oso Blanco (White Bear) penitentiary in Puerto Rico, yet it situates its study within Puerto Rico’s broader carceral archipelago and other Caribbean prisons. The agents of this history include not only physical health professionals, but also psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers, spiritual and religious practitioners, and, of course, the prisoners and their families. By following all these groups and emphasizing the interpersonal exercise of power, Ortiz Díaz tells a story that goes beyond debates about structural and social control. The book addresses key issues in the history of prisons and the histories of medicine and belief, including how prisoners’ different racial, class, and cultural identities shaped their incarceration and how professionals living in a colonial society dealt with the challenge of rehabilitating prisoners for citizenship. Raising the Living Dead is not just about convicts, their immediate interlocutors, and their contexts, however, but about how together these open a window into the history of social uplift projects within the (neo)colonial societies of the Caribbean. There is no book like this in Caribbean historiography; few examine these themes in the larger literature on the history of prisons.
The University of Chicago Press Raising the Living Dead: Rehabilitative Corrections in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
An eye-opening look at how incarcerated people, health professionals, and others behind and beyond bars came together to problem-solve incarceration. Raising the Living Dead is a history of Puerto Rico’s carceral rehabilitation system that brings to life the interactions of incarcerated people, their wider social networks, and health care professionals. Alberto Ortiz Díaz describes the ways that multiple communities of care came together both inside and outside of prisons to imagine and enact solution-oriented cultures of rehabilitation from the 1930s to the 1960s. Scientific and humanistic approaches to well-being were deliberately fused to raise the “living dead,” an expression that reemerged in the modern Caribbean to refer to prisoners. These reform groups sought to raise incarcerated people physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and civically. The book is based on deep, original archival research into the Oso Blanco (White Bear) penitentiary in Puerto Rico, yet it situates its study within Puerto Rico’s broader carceral archipelago and other Caribbean prisons. The agents of this history include not only physical health professionals, but also psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers, spiritual and religious practitioners, and, of course, the prisoners and their families. By following all these groups and emphasizing the interpersonal exercise of power, Ortiz Díaz tells a story that goes beyond debates about structural and social control. The book addresses key issues in the history of prisons and the histories of medicine and belief, including how prisoners’ different racial, class, and cultural identities shaped their incarceration and how professionals living in a colonial society dealt with the challenge of rehabilitating prisoners for citizenship. Raising the Living Dead is not just about convicts, their immediate interlocutors, and their contexts, however, but about how together these open a window into the history of social uplift projects within the (neo)colonial societies of the Caribbean. There is no book like this in Caribbean historiography; few examine these themes in the larger literature on the history of prisons.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governing Disasters: The Challenges of Emergency Risk Regulation
'Even the best-laid policy plans go awry. What do we do when, despite our best preventive efforts, a surprise crisis occurs? How do we regulate a disaster while it is unfolding? From volcanoes to tornadoes, and tsunamis to terrorists, extreme events test our resilience. In this illuminating volume, regulatory scholar Alberto Alemanno and his colleagues diagnose the complex combination of natural disasters and flawed institutions that make these crises so difficult to manage. They offer a set of insights and remedies that must be read by anyone concerned to deal with disasters in the future.' - Jonathan B. Wiener, Duke University'This comprehensive edited volume makes an important and much needed contribution to an increasingly important dimension of risk assessment and management, namely emergency risk regulation. Drawing upon the responses of government, businesses, and the public to the 2010 volcanic eruption in Iceland - which disrupted European air travel, it offers important lessons for policy-makers who are likely to confront similar unanticipated global risks. The recent nuclear power disaster in Japan makes this volume both timely and prescient.'- David Vogel, University of California, BerkeleyEmergency crises have always tested our ability to organize and swiftly execute a coordinated response. Both natural and unnatural disasters pose new questions to which previous experience provides only limited answers. These challenges are arguably greater than ever, in a more globalized world confronted by a truly transnational hazard. This is the first volume that addresses the complexities of the volcanic ash cloud that overshadowed Europe in April 2011, but has subsequently struck again in Australia, Chile and Europe. It does so from a multidisciplinary perspective, drawing upon research from economics, law, sociology and other fields, as well as volcanology and leading expertise in jet engineering. While our knowledge base is wide-ranging, there is a common focus on the practical lessons of the ash cloud crisis both for subsequent eruptions and for emergency risk regulation more generally. Among many other insights Governing Disasters explains why it was that industry and regulators were largely unprepared for a phenomenon about which we were not scientifically ignorant. It concludes that the toolbox of risk regulation should not be expected to provide ready-made solutions but applied flexibly, creatively and with some humility. This unique and timely resource will be useful to policy makers, scholars, officials of international organizations, research institutions and consumer groups who want to acquire or further develop their capacities for risk regulation. For teaching purposes it is ideal for courses on risk regulation, disaster law and policy, and crisis management or as a supplement in courses on environmental law, transport law, space law or land use.Contributors: A. Alemanno, N. Bernard, V. Brannigan, C.M. Briggs, M. Broberg, A. Burgess, G.G. Castellano, S. Chakraborty, A. Fioritto, F. Hansstein, L. Jachia, A. Jeunemaitre, C. Johnson, C. Lawless, F.B. López-Jurado, D. Macrae, M. Mazzocchi, V. Nikonov, M. Ragona, M. Simoncini, A.M. Viens
Little, Brown & Company The Only Black Girls in Town
Beach loving surfer Alberta has been the only black girl in town for years. Alberta's best friend Laramie is the closest thing she has to a sister, but there are some things even she can't udnerstand. When the Bed and Breakfast next door finally finds new owners, Alberta is ecstatic to learn the new family is black, and they have a 12-year old daughter just like her.Alberta is positive she and the new girl, Edie, will be fast friends. But her dads are quick to warn her, "all skinfolk ain't kinfolk". While Alberta is an upbeat sporty beach lover, Edie is a moody Wednesday Addams come to life. She wears black dresses and lipstick, and doesn't get any of Alberta's jokes. When the girls discover a collection of secret journals in Edie's attic, their curiosity gets the best of them and they put their differences aside. Soon they discover shocking and painful secrets, and the role the unrelenting violence of s racism played in it.
Birkhauser On Digital Architecture in Ten Books: Vol. 1: Books I–III.
Treatise on digital architecture Hovestadt’s treatise strictly follows the model of the famous treatises by Vitruvius (De architectura) and Alberti (De re aedificatoria), based on the supposition that we find ourselves in a comparable situation today. Vitruvius and Alberti expressed the meaning of architecture in their eras: Roman antiquity and the Renaissance. Hovestadt has done the same for the present day, incorporating considerations of physics, mathematics, technology, literature, and philosophy. Books I to III deal with the role of the architect and the objectivity of architecture. Books IV to VI address the modalities of speaking about and encoding architecture: the secret, the public, and the private. Books VII to X are dedicated to actual digital mechanisms: artificial intelligence, natural communication, gnomonics, and cultural heritage. An architectural treatise for our age in 10 books Inspired by the works of Vitruvius and Alberti Published in three volumes in the Applied Virtuality Book Series Ludger Hovestadt, professor of architecture and CAAD, ETH Zurich
Birkhauser On Digital Architecture in Ten Books: Vol. 2: Books IV–VI.
Treatise on digital architecture Hovestadt’s treatise strictly follows the model of the famous treatises by Vitruvius (De architectura) and Alberti (De re aedificatoria), based on the supposition that we find ourselves in a comparable situation today. Vitruvius and Alberti expressed the meaning of architecture in their eras: Roman antiquity and the Renaissance. Hovestadt has done the same for the present day, incorporating considerations of physics, mathematics, technology, literature, and philosophy. Books I to III deal with the role of the architect and the objectivity of architecture. Books IV to VI address the modalities of speaking about and encoding architecture: the secret, the public, and the private. Books VII to X are dedicated to actual digital mechanisms: artificial intelligence, natural communication, gnomonics, and cultural heritage. An architectural treatise for our age in 10 books Inspired by the works of Vitruvius and Alberti Published in three volumes in the Applied Virtuality Book Series, Vol. 19, 20, and 21
Little, Brown & Company The Only Black Girls in Town
Beach loving surfer Alberta has been the only black girl in town for years. Alberta's best friend Laramie is the closest thing she has to a sister but there are some things even she can't understand. When the Bed and Breakfast next door finally finds new owners, Alberta is ecstatic to learn the new family is black and they have a 12-year old daughter just like her.Alberta is positive she and the new girl, Edie, will be fast friends but her dads are quick to warn her, "all skinfolk ain't kinfolk". While Alberta is an upbeat sporty beach lover, Edie is a moody Wednesday Addams come to life. She wears black dresses and lipstick and doesn't get any of Alberta's jokes. When the girls discover a collection of secret journals in Edie's attic, their curiosity gets the best of them and they put their differences aside. Soon they discover shocking and painful secrets and the role the unrelenting violence of racism played in it.
Titan Books Ltd The Chronicles of Legion Vol. 3: The Blood Brothers
Across centuries, and in all their incarnations, the vampiric brothers Radu and Vlad continue their bloody feud. But how long can the immortals remain completely immune to the humanity of their hosts before their emotions and feelings start to merge? Now the brothers feel their wills and that of the humans their inhabit combine, and their destiny, which they once felt so certain they controlled, is changed forever.
Titan Books Ltd The Chronicles of Legion Vol. 4: The Three Faces of Evil
Across the centuries, and in all their incarnations, the vampiric brothers Radu and Vlad continue their bloody feud. But how long can the immortals remain completely immune to the humanity of their hosts before their emotions and feelings start to merge? Now the brothers feel their will and that of the humans their inhabit become combined, and their fate, which they once felt so certain they controlled, is changed forever.
Viella Editrice Rubens E La Cultura Italiana: 1600-1608
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Tengo un nudo en la barriga / I Have a Knot in My Belly
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El Club de las niñas fantasma / The Ghost Girls Club
Classiques Garnier Les Chroniques: France Et Italie (Xiiie-Xive Siecles)
Oni Press,US Letter 44 Volume 2: Redshift
Sixth months into his first term, President Stephen Blades is attempting to salvage his administration from the revelation he received on his Inauguration Day — an alien presence is building something in the asteroid belt, and the previous president covered it up while sending a manned mission aboard a ship named the Clarke to investigate. Blades has a plan to end the Middle Eastern wars begun by his predecessor, and to start preparing America for the truth about what's coming... but he's facing serious threats from within his own government and a new, mysterious danger from abroad. Meanwhile, the brave astronauts of the Clarke finally meet the aliens... but what they learn seems likely to doom the Earth!
Kerber Verlag Ben Willikens
His mostly precisely composed, large-format paintings, with deserted spaces as their main motif, made Ben Willikens (*1939) famous in the second half of the 1970s. The exhibition and accompanying catalogue present nearly 50 works created between 1971 and 2021 and thus span the artist’s entire oeuvre. Three groups of works form the central pillars: the Anstaltsbilder of the 1970, in whose motifs Willikens processes a dark chapter in his life, and the series ORTE (PLACES) And ORTE 2 (PLACES 2), which deal with Willikens’s examination of the architecture of the National Socialist period. There are also various works from the series Räume der Moderne (Spaces of Modernity). Text in English and German.
McGill-Queen's University Press Being and Its Surroundings
Gianni Vattimo, one of Europe's foremost contemporary philosophers and most famously associated with the concept of weak thought, explores theoretical and practical issues flowing from his fundamental rejection of the traditional Western understanding of Being as an absolute, unchanging, and transcendent reality. The essays in this book move within the surroundings of Being without constructing a systematic, definitive analysis of the topic. In Being and Its Surroundings, Vattimo continues his career-long exploration of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, in particular his repudiation of metaphysics with its presupposition of the existence of permanent, universal truth, and that of Friedrich Nietzsche, with its promotion of nihilism. One consequence of problematizing the idea of an attainable truth is the relativization of values and cultures. In the face of the death of God – or the absence of a transcendent guarantor of the validity of human judgments – we have the postmodern tendency to see all value systems and assertions of truth as purely subjective, and to suggest that "anything goes," which Nietzsche called passive nihilism. Vattimo advocates a more active response as he challenges all forms of authoritarianism in the world today. He brings his intellectual acumen to bear on such urgent issues as globalization, the clash of civilizations and terrorism, the crisis of democracy, and the relevance of orthodox religion. Rather than endorse dogmatism or indifference and detachment from social engagement in the name of relativism, Vattimo opts for the path of meaningful dialogue and a search for a mediated consensus based on reason, with all its limitations.
Silvana Magnum Sul Set: Magnum Photographers on Film Sets
Over 60 years since the legendary cooperative photographic agency began, the Magnum photographers have borne witness to some of the most important moments in cultural history, recording the making of many of history's classic films. Magnum Photographers on Film Sets takes readers behind the scenes of cinematic masterpieces including Charlie Chaplin's Limelight (with W. Eugene Smith), Billy Wilder's The Seven Year Itch (with Elliott Erwitt), Nicholas Ray's Rebel Without a Cause (with Dennis Stock), Orson Welles' The Trial (with Nicolas Tikhomiroff), John Huston's Moby Dick (with Erich Lessing), Joseph L. Mankiewicz's Suddenly, Last Summer (with Burt Glinn), Andrzej Zulawski's L'important c'est d'aimer (with Jean Gaumy), Michelangelo Antonioni's Zabriskie Point (with Bruce Davidson) and Volker Schlöndorff's Death of a Salesman (with Inge Morath). The publication features both classic and rarely-seen photos of Hollywood's finest such as Montgomery Clift, James Dean, Clark Gable, Katharine Hepburn, Charlton Heston, Dustin Hoffman, Buster Keaton, Klaus Kinski, John Malkovich, Marilyn Monroe, Gregory Peck, Anthony Perkins, Elizabeth Taylor, John Wayne, Natalie Wood and many more. Text in English, Italian and French.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind – A Global Perspective on Addressing Inclusion through the SDGs
The future of our world over the next decade is being shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to uphold childrens wellbeing and, by their call to leave no one behind and to reach the furthest behind first, shine a spotlight on the worlds most vulnerable populations including children and adolescents living in poverty and exclusion. The transformative steps promised in the SDGs to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path assumes greater significance in the post-COVID-19 world where structural exclusions are starkly exposed and deep societal inequalities thickly underlined. This volume seeks to address the main drivers of poverty, exclusion, urbanization, and violence against children and adolescents and investigates how knowledge, information, data collection, measurement, and monitoring can support strategies and innovations to effectively implement the SDGs by drawing on data and experience from several countries across the world including Bangladesh, Colombia, Côte dIvoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Malawi, MENA countries, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Suriname, and Thailand. As a result, it contributes to revealing the politics of social inclusion, offering policy proposals towards overcoming inequality and exclusion among children and adolescents.
Independent Publishing Network Contemporary Hyloshapes
Oxford University Press Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Dark Red Book Band, Oxford Level 18: Alices Adventures in Wonderland
Project X Origins Graphic Texts can help children to reach higher standards in comprehension. This graphic retelling of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland brings a fresh look to a well-loved classic. When Alice falls asleep under a tree, she finds herself in the fantastical world of Wonderland where nothing seems to make sense. Will Alice be able to keep her head and make it back home? This book also contains notes on the inside front and back covers with advice on supporting older children with their reading, ideas for follow-up activities and higher-level comprehension questions.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Depredadores sagrados: Pederastía clerical en México / Sacred Predators
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Kant Et Les Lumieres Europeennes
Behemoth Comics Hotline Miami: Wildlife Vol. 1: Wildlife
CABI Publishing Phytoplasmas: Genomes, Plant Hosts and Vectors
Phytoplasmas are a worldwide issue in plant health. A range of serious diseases are caused by these bacteria in major crops around the globe. Knowledge of the importance of phytoplasmas as plant disease agents has advanced rapidly over the last decade with an increased interest in the impact of these pathogens on important field and horticultural crops as well as ornamental plants. This comprehensive volume brings together current research on phytoplasmas, covering their biology, taxonomy and genomics as well as their interactions with plant hosts and transmission by vectors.
Silvana Francesca Liberatore: Made in Italy
Italian designer Francesca Liberatore (1983) has worked for some of the biggest fashion houses in the world. Francesca Liberatore worked for Viktor & Rolf in Amsterdam, Jean-Paul Gaultier in Paris and Brioni Womenswear in Italy, before launching her own brand around 2009. This book, presenting designs and stylistic inspirations of great intercultural richness, is structured in a four-section journey (London, Paris, Milan, New York) that represent the significant phases of the young fashion designer's professional growth. Gathering its experience in these pages, it allows to spread with renewed vigor the Italian style that the new generations - whom Francesca Liberatore represents - interpret all over the world. Text in English, Italian, French and Chinese.
Edra Publishing US LLC Feline surgery
Aftershock Comics CALCULATED MAN, A
Watkins Media Limited Regeneration Songs: Sounds of Investment and Loss in East London
The impact of global capital and foreign investment on local communities is being felt in major cities across the world. Since the 2012 Olympics was awarded to the British capital, East London has been at the heart of the largest and most all-encompassing top-down urban regeneration strategy in civic history. At the centre of this has been the local government, Newham Council, and their daring proposal: an "Arc of Opportunity" for developers to transform 1,412 hectares of Newham. This proposal was outlined in a short film, London's Regeneration Supernova, and shown to foreign developers and businesses at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. While the sweeping changes to East London have been keenly felt by locals, the symbolism and practicalities of these changes - for the local area, and the world alike - are overdue serious investigation. Regeneration Songs is about how places are turned into simple stories for packaged investment opportunities, how people living in those places relate to those stories, and how music and art can render those stories in many different ways. The book will also include a download code to obtain the related musical project, Music for Masterplanning - in which musicians from East London soundtracked London's Regeneration Supernova - and a 32-page glossy insert detailing the artists involved.
Dundurn Group Ltd The Ancient Dead: An Amanda Doucette Mystery
Amanda Doucette searches desperately for the connection between bones discovered in a remote Alberta coulee and an uncle who went missing thirty years ago.Photographer Todd Ellison is engrossed in a photo shoot deep in Alberta’s dinosaur country when he stumbles upon human bones buried in the sand of a remote coulee. Not far away, while driving through the Alberta prairie, Amanda Doucette glimpses an abandoned farmhouse that reminds her of an old photograph hanging on her aunt’s wall.Who is the cocky young cowboy in the photo? Could it be connected to Amanda’s uncle, who went missing in Alberta thirty years ago? As Amanda starts to make connections between his disappearance and the body in the coulee, she discovers more questions than answers. To make matters worse, a mysterious person will stop at nothing to get her to abandon the investigation.
Kerber Verlag Sean Scully: Eleuthera
In a spectacular move, the Albertina presents Sean Scully from a hitherto unfamiliar side with a series of large figurative paintings of his son Oisín playing on the beach of Eleuthera, an island in the Bahamas. Scully's inimitable pictures used to rely solely on paint - applied with a strong, but above all abstract gesture - the new series however appears like a surprising point of reversal. Yet, the new paintings are a return to his earliest beginnings, as, in the 1950s, Scully embarked along the Fauves and German Expressionism from realism into the realm of pure colour. Even today, abstraction, as he sees it, is still infused with memories of figurative sources. This richly illustrated catalogue brings together all Oisín-Paintings, enriched by graphic works from Albertina's collection, extensive material from Scully's private archive, as well as in-depth essays by Werner Spies and Elisabeth Dutz elaborating on this newly obtained painterly freedom.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Herennius Modestinus: Excusationum Libri VI
Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Cascos Hispano-Calcidicos: Simbolo de Las Elites Guerrarars Celtibericas
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Research in Contemporary Religion (RCR): Grundlagen und Fallanalysen
Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes gehen gröÃtenteils auf eine Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fÃ"r Religionsphilosophie zurÃ"ck. Die erste Hälfte ('Grundlagen: Zur Theorie religiöser Konflikte') behandelt das Thema in sechs Beiträgen aus philosophischer und fundamentaltheologischer Perspektive, und zwar primär mit Blick auf die ontologischen bzw. semantischen, handlungstheoretischen, ethischen, geschichtsphilosophischen, erkenntnistheoretischen und anthropologischen Implikationen religiöser Konflikte. Der zweite Teil ("Fallanalysen: Zur Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Konflikten in und mit der Religion") bietet fÃ"nf religionsphilosophische und hermeneutisch-theologische Analysen exemplarischer religiöser Konfliktfelder unter der Leitfrage der Konfliktwahrnehmung und -bewältigung. Diskutiert wird das Problem heiliger Schriften in Judentum, Christentum und Islam; der Konflikt zwischen Theologie und Naturalismus; der Absolutheitsanspruch des christlichen Monotheismus; das religiöse Konfliktpotential politischer UmbrÃ"che am Beispiel SÃ"dafrika; die dialogorientierte Interaktion als Konfliktbewältigungsstrategie im Religionsunterricht.
Les Belles Lettres Intercenales / Petites Pieces a Lire Entre Convives
Capstone Press Strays (Jason Strange)
Penguin Putnam Inc The Jungle Books
Springer International Publishing AG Innovative Tools and Methods Using BIM for an Efficient Renovation in Buildings
This open access book describes a BIM-based toolkit that has been developed according to the latest research activities on building information modelling and semantic interoperability to optimize the building process. It highlights the impacts of using such new tools to fast renovation activities starting from the decision-making and design stages to the construction site management with the possibility to monitor occupants' and owners’ feedback during the realization process. In this process, a framework has been developed and implemented to allow stakeholders involved in a renovation project to efficiently compile, maintain, and add data about (i) building elements, (ii) building services systems, (iii) tenants, operators, and owners of the building, and (iv) current and predicted performance of the building from the various data sources available. The framework applies and specializes the existing practices in the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and ontology domain to the management of renovation projects. It has been designed to be open so that any system which implements the required functions and uses the specified conventions will be able to achieve semantic interoperability with other framework-compliant systems in the renovation domain. Finally, this book represents the validation process of the toolkit that has been held in three demo sites: a social housing building in Italy and two private residential buildings in Poland and Finland. The outcome shows that the toolkit facilitates the renovation process with relevant reductions of time, costs, and energy consumption and that the inhabitants can take advantage of the increase in building performances, quality, and comfort.
Marvel Comics Bishop: War College