Search results for ""author albert"
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix the Bonnie Fechter (Scots)
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix an Gladaidheatair (Gaelic)
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix Agus an Corran ÒIr (Gaelic)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governing the Environment: Salient Institutional Issues
Environmental policy, focusing on the control of pollution and on over-exploitation, easily overlooks the extensive range of interconnections between economic activities and natural systems. In this timely book, a number of specialists examine how crucial aspects of complex environmental problems and policy can be dealt with in decentralized governmental systems. Bridging the gap between the conventional environmental federalism literature and advances in environmental and ecological economics that have been made over the last two decades, this innovative book explores alternative solutions to the problem of assigning powers over the environment. It deals with important issues in environmental governance including interjurisdictional contracting, discounting, risk management, eliciting compliance, and environmental accounting - in each case concentrating on the comparative advantage of governments at different jurisdictional levels in implementing optimal policies.Offering a comprehensive approach to environmental policy, this book will be a valuable resource for researchers and students in environmental economics, environmental politics, governance and decentralization. It will also benefit practitioners and policy-makers with responsibilities over the environment.
Manson Publishing Ltd Respiratory Medicine: Self-Assessment Colour Review, Third Edition
This edition integrates self-test questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations, as well as provides new material on sleep-disordered breathing, the newer methods of staging of lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases, and infections.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Technology and the Market: Demand, Users and Innovation
The interplay between demand from the market, the role of users in shaping that demand, and the way in which these factors influence the innovation process has always been a complex one. This forward thinking book examines this interplay from a technological change perspective.The contributors explore the potential for rapprochement between economics, sociological and other social science disciplines in considering the allocation of resources and the making of decisions about technological change. The papers within this book represent a judicious blend of theory and empirical research and look at a broad range of innovations, markets and technologies in medicine, agricultural and food production, services and IT. Technology and the Market raises the question of the many 'visible hands' that are involved in linking technology and the market together.This book is recommended to academics and policymakers interested in demand-innovation interaction, scholars of industrial economics and the sociology of technology as well as entrepreneurs.Understanding user needs is now seen as one of the most important factors in the success of innovation and one of the raisons d'être of market research. This book attempts to move the boundaries to show the importance of how demand is detected or constructed by innovators.
Rutgers University Press Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Theory and Practice across Disciplines
Interdisciplinarity has become a buzzword in academia, as research universities funnel their financial resources toward collaborations between faculty in different disciplines. In theory, interdisciplinary collaboration breaks down artificial divisions between different departments, allowing more innovative and sophisticated research to flourish. But does it actually work this way in practice? Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration puts the common beliefs about such research to the test, using empirical data gathered by scholars from the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. The book’s contributors critically interrogate the assumptions underlying the fervor for interdisciplinarity. Their attentive scholarship reveals how, for all its potential benefits, interdisciplinary collaboration is neither immune to academia’s status hierarchies, nor a simple antidote to the alleged shortcomings of disciplinary study. Chapter 10 is available Open Access here (
Stanford University Press The Declared Enemy: Texts and Interviews
This posthumous work brings together articles, interviews, statements, prefaces, manifestos, and speeches dating from 1964 to 1985 (just before Genet's death in 1986). These texts bear witness to the many political causes and groups with which Genet felt an affinity, including May ’68 and the treatment of immigrants in France, but especially the Black Panthers and the Palestinians. We follow him from the Chicago Democratic Convention (where he met William Burroughs and Alan Ginsberg) to Yale University, where he gave the famous May Day Speech in support of the Black Panthers, to Jordan and the Palestinian camps. Along the way, Genet finds allies (George Jackson, Angela Davis, Leyla Shahid, Tahar Ben Jelloun). And, of course, enemies. Between passionate enmity and passionate affinity, Genet speaks for a politics of protest, with an uncompromising outrage that, today, might seem on the verge of being forgotten. The texts are accompanied by detailed editorial notes.
University of California Press Yanomami: The Fierce Controversy and What We Can Learn from It
"Yanomami" raises questions central to the field of anthropology - questions concerning the practice of fieldwork, the production of knowledge, and anthropology's intellectual and ethical vision of itself. Using the Yanomami controversy - one of anthropology's most famous and explosive imbroglios - as its starting point, this book draws readers into not only reflecting on but refashioning the very heart and soul of the discipline. It is both the most up-to-date and thorough public discussion of the Yanomami controversy available and an innovative and searching assessment of the current state of anthropology. The Yanomami controversy came to public attention through the publication of Patrick Tierney's best-selling book, "Darkness in El Dorado", in which he accuses James Neel, a prominent geneticist who belonged to the National Academy of Sciences, as well as Napoleon Chagnon, whose introductory text on the 'Yanomami' is perhaps the best-selling anthropological monograph of all time, of serious human rights violations. This book identifies the ethical dilemmas of the controversy and raises deeper, structural questions about the discipline. A portion of the book is devoted to a unique roundtable in which important scholars on different sides of the issues debate back and forth with each other. This format draws readers into deciding, for themselves, where they stand on the controversy's - and many of anthropology's - central concerns. All of the royalties from this book will be donated to helping the Yanomami improve their healthcare.
Helion & Company Libyan Air Wars: Part 1: 1973-1985
Transcript Verlag Envisioning the World – Mapping and Making the Global
The "global" is permanently made and remade by how it is envisioned in political projects, in language, and in literature. Through a range of case studies, this book shows how practices of referring to the world actually constitute the global in its many facets. It aims to provide a sense in readers of how the global is not something "out there", but that it is embedded in a wide range of the seemingly "everyday". The contributions appeal to a readership from a background in Sociology, History, Political Science, Literary Studies, and Social Work.
John Libbey Eurotext Cognitive Disfunction in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix and the Sassenachs (Scots)
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix Agus an Mac Mioscaise (Asterix i Ngaeilge / Asterix in Irish)
Dalen (Llyfrau) Cyf Asterix ar Phairc an Chatha (Irish)
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Manifesting Minds: A Review of Psychedelics in Science, Medicine, Sex, and Spirituality
Les Belles Lettres Demosthene, Plaidoyers Civils: Tome IV: Discours LVII-LIX
Alfred Music Il Re Pastore: Conductor Score
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf the Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying
Zondervan Awakening the Evangelical Mind: An Intellectual History of the Neo-Evangelical Movement
The first major study to draw upon unknown or neglected sources, as well as original interviews with figures like Billy Graham, Awakening the Evangelical Mind uniquely tells the engaging story of how evangelicalism developed as an intellectual movement in the middle of the 20th century. Beginning with the life of Harold Ockenga, Strachan shows how Ockenga brought together a small community of Christian scholars at Harvard University in the 1940s who agitated for a reloaded Christian intellect.With fresh insights based on original letters and correspondence, Strachan highlights key developments in the movement by examining the early years and humble beginnings of such future evangelical luminaries as George Eldon Ladd, Edward John Carnell, John Gerstner, Gleason Archer, Carl Henry, and Kenneth Kantzer.
Springer International Publishing AG Nonlinear Vibration Reduction: An Electromagnetically Tuned Mass Damper System
The tuned mass damper is one of the classic dynamic vibration absorbers with effective devices for energy dissipation and vibration reduction. The electromagnetically tuned mass damper system is extensively used for vibration reduction in engineering. A better understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of the electromagnetically tuned mass damper system is very important to optimize the parameters of such systems for vibration reduction. However, until now, one cannot fully understand complex periodic motions in such a nonlinear, electromagnetically tuned mass damper system. In this book, the semi-analytical solutions of periodic motions are presented through period-1, period-3, period-9, and period-12 motions. The corresponding stability and bifurcations of periodic motions are determined. The frequency-amplitude characteristics for bifurcation routes of such higher-order periodic motions are presented. This book helps people better understand the dynamical behaviors of an electromagnetically tuned mass damper system for the new development and design of vibration reduction and energy harvesting systems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Universities and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
This book brings together leading research and scholarship on one of the newest and most compelling forces of economic growth, dynamism and innovation - entrepreneurial ecosystems. Particular emphasis is given to the role of innovation, startups, SMEs and technology transfer in shaping the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as its impact on firm performance and regional economic performance. From the perspectives of theory, empirical analysis and public policy, this book shows why entrepreneurial ecosystems have become the new economic superstars in the global economy. It provides explicit analysis of policies promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems, and examines the link between entrepreneurial ecosystems and universities. This timely collection of research will be of interest not only to academics and scholars in economics and management, but also to thought leaders in public policy and business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reformation or Deformation of the EU Public Procurement Rules
Using an innovative 'law and political science' methodology, this timely book carries out a critical assessment of the reform of the EU public procurement rules. It provides a rich account of the policy directions and the spaces for national regulatory decisions in the transposition of the 2014 Public Procurement Package, as well as areas of uncertainty and indications on how to interpret the rules in order to make them operational in practice.Most EU law research focuses on the content of rules and the impact of case law on their interpretation and application. It rarely discusses how the CJEU's case law influences the creation of new rules, or the way EU law-makers enact them - issues which, conversely, are a staple for political scientists. By blending both approaches this book finds that political science provides a useful framework to describe the law making process and shows that the influence of the CJEU was significant. Though the specific case studies identify many reforms, the ultimate assessment is that EU public procurement law was deformed.Offering a clear contribution to the emerging scholarship on 'flexible' EU law-making, this book's novel methodology will appeal to scholars and students of both law and political science. Law and policy makers as well as legal practitioners will also find its practical approach compelling.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States: A Handbook
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States is a comprehensive Handbook, providing a detailed, step-by-step examination of the private enforcement process, as illuminated by many of the country's leading practitioners, experts, and scholars. Written primarily from the viewpoint of the complainant, the Handbook goes well beyond a detailed cataloguing of the substantive and procedural considerations associated with individual and class action antitrust lawsuits by private individuals and businesses. It is a collection of thoughtful essays that delves deeply into practical and strategic considerations attending the decision-making of private practitioners. This eminently readable and authoritative Handbook will prove to be an invaluable resource for anyone associated with the antitrust enterprise, including both inexperienced and seasoned practitioners, law professors and students, testifying and consulting economists, and government officials involved in overlapping public/private actions and remedies. Contributors: W.K. Arends, A.C. Briggs, W.J. Bruckner, P.B. Clayton, C.C. Corbitt, E.L. Cramer, M.B. Eisenkraft, A.A. Foer, A.J. Gaughan, P. Gilbert, J. Goldberg, D.E. Gustafson, M.D. Hausfeld, K. Kinsella, R.H. Lande, J. Langenfeld, S. Martin, K.J.L. O'Connor, H.L. Renfro, J.D. Richards, V. Romanenko, J.L. Rubin, M.R. Salzwedel, A.E. Shafroth, D.C. Simons, S.P. Slaughter, R.M. Stutz, B.E. Sweeney, J. Tabacco, M.J. Waters, S. Wheatman, K.C. Wildfang, G.G. Wrobel, J.A. Zahid
Taylor & Francis Inc Eating, Sleeping, and Sex: Perspectives in Behavioral Medicine
The lack of balance and the failure of regulation in life has traditionally been recognized in such extreme symbolic acts as overconscientiousness or a criminal lack of conscience. This volume shows how the neurotic process affects biologic functions, distorting natural functioning. Three distinct functions and their respective extremes are discussed: eating (obesity, bulimia nervosa), sleeping (insomnia, excessive somnolence), and sex (hypersexuality including child molestation, hyposexuality including inhibited sexual desires).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy-Efficient Distributed Computing Systems
The energy consumption issue in distributed computing systems raises various monetary, environmental and system performance concerns. Electricity consumption in the US doubled from 2000 to 2005. From a financial and environmental standpoint, reducing the consumption of electricity is important, yet these reforms must not lead to performance degradation of the computing systems. These contradicting constraints create a suite of complex problems that need to be resolved in order to lead to 'greener' distributed computing systems. This book brings together a group of outstanding researchers that investigate the different facets of green and energy efficient distributed computing. Key features: One of the first books of its kind Features latest research findings on emerging topics by well-known scientists Valuable research for grad students, postdocs, and researchers Research will greatly feed into other technologies and application domains
The University of Chicago Press Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex
Originally published in 1529, this work argues that women are more than equal to men in all things that really matter, including the public spheres from which they have long been excluded. Rather than directly refuting prevailing wisdom, Agrippa uses women's superiority as a rhetorical device and overturns the misogynistic interpretations of the female body in Greek medicine, the Bible, Roman and canon law, theology, moral philosophy and politics. He raised the question of why women were excluded and provided answers based not on sex but on social conditioning, education and the prejudices of their more powerful oppressors. His declamation, disseminated through the printing press, illustrated the power of that new medium, soon to be used to generate a larger reformation of religion.
Nova Science Publishers Inc American Indians: Developments, Policies and Research. Volume 4
Nova Science Publishers Inc Osteoporosis: Etiology, Diagnosis & Treatment
The Good Book Company Acts 13-28 For You: Mapping the Explosive Multiplication of the Church
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Perth Amboy's Historic Neighborhoods
Citadel Press Inc.,U.S. How To Keep People From Pushing Your Buttons
Hansebooks Diagnostisches Lexikon für praktische Ärzte
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd TECHNOLOGICAL COLLABORATION: The Dynamics of Cooperation in Industrial Innovation
This major new book provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary analysis of the nature and significance of collaboration between firms and other actors involved in industrial innovation.The motivations and mechanisms for technological collaboration, the fields in which it is likely to occur, and the consequences of collaboration for the parties involved and the economy as a whole are all addressed by a distinguished group of scholars drawn from economics, sociology, management theory and political economy. Areas and issues covered include growth theory and the theory of the firm, managerial objectives across different cultures, interfirm technological linkages, networks and innovation, strategic collaboration, collaborative agreements, state intervention, strategic alliances and informal networks.Technological Collaboration emphasizes the importance of interfirm collaboration and the establishment of networks in innovation and economic growth. The issues and themes raised in this volume will be of interest to scholars from a variety of different perspectives, interested in technical change, innovation and industrial organization.
University of Toronto Press 100 to Dinner: Better Cooking for camps, clubs, resorts, schools, institutions, industrial plants, offices, and public dining rooms
Ohio University Press Writing a Wider War: Rethinking Gender, Race, and Identity in the South African War, 1899–1902
A century after the South African War (1899-1902), historians are beginning to reevaluate the accepted wisdom regarding the scope of the war, its participants, and its impact. Writing a Wider War charts some of the changing historical constructions of the memorialization of suffering during the war. Writing a Wider War presents a dramatically new interpretation of the role of Boer women in the conflict and profoundly changes how we look at the making of Afrikaner nationalism. African experiences of the war are also examined, highlighting racial subjugation in the context of colonial war and black participation, and showcasing important new research by African historians. The collection includes a reassessment of British imperialism and probing essays on J. A. Hobson; the masculinist nature of life on commando among Boer soldiers; Anglo-Jewry; secularism; health and medicine; nursing, women, and disease in the concentration camps; and the rivalry between British politicians and generals. An examination of the importance of the South African War in contemporary British political economy, and the part played by imperial propaganda, rounds off a thoroughly groundbreaking reinterpretation of this formative event in South Africa’s history.
University of Illinois Press Black Leaders of the Nineteenth Century
Annick Press Ltd Walking Together
This innovative picture book introduces readers to the concept of Etuaptmumk—or Two-Eyed Seeing, the gift of multiple perspectives in the Mi’kmaw language—as we follow a group of young children connecting to nature as their teacher.A poetic, joyful celebration of the Lands and Waters as spring unfolds: we watch for Robin's return, listen for Frog's croaking, and wonder at maple tree's gift of sap. Grounded in Etuaptmumk, also known as Two-Eyed Seeing—which braids together the strengths of Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing—and the Mi’kmaq concept of Netukulimk—meaning to protect Mother Earth for the ancestors, present, and future generations—Walking Together nurtures respectful, reciprocal, responsible relationships with the Land and Water, plant-life, animals and other-than-human beings for the benefit of all.
Imprint Academic The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe
Gallup Press Viva Sus Fortalezas: Catholic Edition
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA Chinese Archaeological Abstracts, 2: Prehistoric to Western Zhou
An account of the remarkable decade of Chinese archaeology from 1972 to 1981, as abstracted from Chinese journals. Volume 2, Prehistoric to Western Zhou, contains abstracts of over 110 articles describing excavations at sites ranging from Paleolithic through Western Zhou.
Springer International Publishing AG Discovery Science: 26th International Conference, DS 2023, Porto, Portugal, October 9–11, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Discovery Science, DS 2023, which took place in Porto, Portugal, in October 2023. The 37 full papers and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 133 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Machine learning methods and applications; natural language processing and social media analysis; interpretability and explainability in AI; data analysis and optimization; fairness, privacy and security in AI; control and spatio-temporal modeling; graph theory and network analysis; time series and forecasting; healthcare and biological data analysis; anomaly, outlier and novelty detection.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology, 2 Volume Set
A consummate classic with a fresh approach to pediatric dermatology Children´s skin is different. Maturation affects the epidermal barrier, the cutaneous microbiome, adnexal structures, vasculature, and transcutaneous absorption of drugs. The immature skin is more susceptible to pathogens and environmental disruption. Many genetic disorders are either present at birth or manifest early in childhood. Skin diseases thus present differently in children than in adults. Pediatric dermatology has seen significant advances over the last decade, particularly in the field of molecular genetics research, which has furthered our understanding of the pathogenesis of many skin diseases and the development of new approaches to treatment. This fourth edition of the Harper classic provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of skin disease in children. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions - both common and rare - with a consistently evidence-based approach. Existing content has been refreshed and fully updated to reflect emerging thinking and to incorporate the latest in research and clinical data - especially at the genetic level. This new fourth edition includes: Greater focus on the genetics behind skin disease, including new genes/genodermatoses, progress in genetic analysis, and stem cell transplants Increased coverage of lasers and other technologies used to treat skin disease More summary tables, learning points, tables of differential diagnosis, and clinical algorithms for diagnosis and management Additional online features, including patient information links and multiple choice questions Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology delivers crucial clinical insights and up-to-date research information that spans the breadth of the field. As the most comprehensive reference book on this subject available, this revised fourth edition will support and guide the daily practice of both dermatologists and pediatricians across the world.
Harvard University Press Serbocroatian Heroic Songs: Volume 3: The Wedding of Smailagić Meho: Avdo Međedović
In researching this collection, Milman Parry set out to test the theories he had evolved on oral epic, theories that were to introduce a new era of Homeric scholarship. In the Balkans, one of the few areas where a living tradition of oral heroic poetry was still to be found, he observed firsthand how unlettered singers composed their poems, and collected more than 1200 hours of poetic performance from the most experienced bards. Comprising representative texts and translations from the Parry Collection, this series records the South Slavic tradition.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Grid Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
The only single, up-to-date source for Grid issues in bioinformatics and biology Bioinformatics is fast emerging as an important discipline for academic research and industrial applications, creating a need for the use of Grid computing techniques for large-scale distributed applications. This book successfully presents Grid algorithms and their real-world applications, provides details on modern and ongoing research, and explores software frameworks that integrate bioinformatics and computational biology. Additional coverage includes: * Bio-ontology and data mining * Data visualization * DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping * Molecular evolution and phylogeny * Gene expression and micro-arrays * Molecular modeling and simulation * Sequence search and alignment * Protein structure prediction * Grid infrastructure, middleware, and tools for bio data Grid Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is an indispensable resource for professionals in several research and development communities including bioinformatics, computational biology, Grid computing, data mining, and more. It also serves as an ideal textbook for undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in bioinformatics and Grid computing.