Search results for ""author albert"
Ediciones Cátedra Comedia sin título seguida de El sueño de la vida
Entre otoño de 1935 y el invierno de 1936, García Lorca trabaja en una pieza teatral, la tradicionalmente denominada " Comedia sin título " , que él mismo califica como " un drama social " . De ella tan solo nos ha quedado el primer acto. En esta edición analizamos la dimensión " revolucionaria " de este auto moderno a partir de un extenso estudio introductorio que sitúa al poeta en los últimos años de su vida, decidido a remover los cimientos de un teatro caduco. Editamos, a la vez, el diálogo que Alberto Conejero ?uno de nuestros más destacados dramaturgos? establece con Lorca (bajo el título de " El sueño de la vida " ) continuando en un segundo y tercer actos aquello que ominosas circunstancias forzaron a dejar inconcluso.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Pentateuchstudien
Der vorliegende Band umfasst einundzwanzig Studien zur Komposition und Redaktion des Pentateuch/Hexateuch, die der Münsteraner Alttestamentler Rainer Albertz im Umkreis seiner Arbeit am Exoduskommentar in den letzten zehn Jahren verfasst hat. Acht fremdsprachlich veröffentlichte Beiträge erscheinen hier erstmals in einer überarbeiteten deutschen Fassung; fünf weitere werden hier erstmals veröffentlicht. Aus der forschungsgeschichtlich- und problemorientierten Zusammenschau zeichnet sich ein kompositions- und redaktionsgeschichtliches Modell für die Entstehung des Pentateuch ab, das an die Stelle der klassischen Drei-Quellen-Theorie treten könnte. Am Ende wird eine Übersicht über die vorgenommenen Textzuweisungen zu den erkennbaren überlieferungsgeschichtlichen und redaktionellen Entwicklungsstufen des Pentateuch geboten, welche die Leistungsfähigkeit des vorgelegten Modells leichter abschätzbar macht.
Irene y el aire Biblioteca Breve
Este libro es el relato de una promesa: que vas a ser padre. La historia de la Humanidad avala el cumplimiento de lo prometido, y un embarazo es indistinguible de otro embarazo. Pero cada nacimiento es una epopeya, a veces dramática, casi siempre feliz, llena de inquietud, humor, significaciones sociales y miedo, mucho miedo. Un largo camino extraordinario hasta que el niño toca el aire.Con una honestidad minuciosa y bellísima, Alberto Olmos ha escrito una novela sobre el embarazo desde el punto de vista más modesto: el de un hombre que trata de no molestar demasiado. Una carrera de obstáculos repleta de clases preparatorias al parto, términos inverosímiles, pánicos primigenios y visitas obligadas a IKEA.Irene y el aire supone la vuelta a la novela de Olmos tras varios años dedicado a tiempo completo al columnismo y a la crianza de sus dos hijos. Como escribe en estas páginas, nacer quizá sea la única historia que merece la pena contarse; él convierte ese relato en una tra
Duke University Press Uncanny Rest: For Antiphilosophy
In Uncanny Rest Alberto Moreiras offers a meditation on intellectual life under the suspension of time and conditions of isolation. Focusing on his personal day-to-day experiences of the “shelter-in-place” period during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Moreiras engages with the limits and possibilities of critical thought in the realm of the infrapolitical—the conditions of existence that exceed average understandings of politics and philosophy. In each dated entry he works through the process of formulating a life’s worth of thought and writing while attempting to locate the nature of thought once the coordinates of everyday life have changed. Offering nothing less than a phenomenology of thinking, Moreiras shows how thought happens in and out of a life, at a certain crossroads where memories collide, where conversations with interlocutors both living and dead evolve and thinking during a suspended state becomes provisional and uncertain.
Machado Grupo de Distribución El bodegón habla de otras cosas
Todo lo que está alrededor de los procesos en los que culmina la creación artística es un espacio que interesa especialmente a Alberto Corazón.
Alianza Editorial La leyenda dorada The Golden Legend
La colección de vidas de santos que conocemos por el nombre de ?La leyenda dorada? es en su mayor parte obra del dominico italiano Santiago de la Vorágine (h. 1228-1298), que llegó a ser obispo de Génova. Lectura de intención edificante, florilegio, utilizadísimo repertorio iconográfico, calendario, pero también centón de etimologías, fábulas milagrosas, curiosidades históricas y anécdotas pías cercanas al chisme, constituye una de las más claras expresiones de una literatura cristiana que, situándose muy lejos del discurso teológico e incorporando narraciones, conectaba con el alma popular mediante la sabia fusión de historia y leyenda. Hoy, sin embargo, como apunta Alberto Manguel, ?estas santas vidas casi no pueden ser leídas sino de manera literaria, con connotaciones humorísticas o fantásticas muy lejanas de la intención de su autor y la visión de sus primeros lectores?. Alianza Editorial dispone en su colección Alianza Forma de la versión completa de la obra: ?La leyenda dorada?
Abada Editores Himnos homricos
Los llamados ?Himnos homéricos? son una colección de 33 poemas dirigidos a diversos dioses el panteón griego. Están escritos en hexámetros dactílicos y en el mismo dialecto literario usado por los poetas griegos, desde Homero a Nono de Panópolis. Comienzan con una invocación a la divinidad a la que se dirigen, con epítetos y rasgos de su historia mítica; describen luego algunas escenas o episodios de la actividad del dios, con alabanzas y otros elementos; y terminan con una salutación o petición al dios. La presente edición bilingüe, a cargo de Alberto Bernabé, catedrático de la UCM, incluye una introducción general, introducciones a cada himno, notas e índices.
Pennsylvania State University Press A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century: Updated and Revised Edition
A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century, originally published in Buenos Aires in 1994, attained instant status as a classic. Written as an introductory text for university students and the general public, it is a profound reflection on the “Argentine dilemma” and the challenges that the country faces as it tries to rebuild democracy. Luis Alberto Romero brilliantly and painstakingly reconstructs and analyzes Argentina’s tortuous, often tragic modern history, from the “alluvial society” born of mass immigration, to the dramatic years of Juan and Eva Perón, to the recent period of military dictatorship. For this second English-language edition, Romero has written new chapters covering the Kirchner decade (2003–13), the upheavals surrounding the country’s 2001 default on its foreign debt, and the tumultuous years that followed as Argentina sought to reestablish a role in the global economy while securing democratic governance and social peace.
Editorial CCS El avión de papel
Este libro contiene dos obras originales de Alberto Morate: EL AVIÓN DE PAPEL, montaje teatral en un acto sobre la amistad, la solidaridad con otras personas y el deseo de un mundo sin fronteras. Actores: niños y niñas de 5 y 6 de Primaria. Personajes: 23 que pueden interpretarse con un mínimo de 12 actores. Duración: 75 minutos aproximadamente. MARITELE, montaje teatral irónico-crítico sobre el uso y el abuso de la televisión y su influencia en la sociedad. Actores: niños y niñas de 5 y 6 de Primaria. Personajes: 24 que se pueden interpretar con un mínimo de 12-14 actores. Duración: 30 minutos, aproximadamente.
Alianza Editorial Una historia natural de la curiosidad
" Tengo curiosidad por la curiosidad " , así arranca este texto admirable en el que Alberto Manguel, guiado por una galería de pensadores, escritores y artistas, indaga en el que ha sido desde la noche de los tiempos el estímulo que impulsa nuestro conocimiento y también la tentación para adentrarnos en lo prohibido, lo oculto, lo peligroso.Una de las primeras frases que pronunciamos como niños es " por qué? " . Una vez aprendida la pregunta, nunca dejamos de formularla, aunque muy pronto descubramos que la curiosidad rara vez es recompensada con respuestas reveladoras.En " Una historia natural de la curiosidad " confluyen largos años de lecturas, escritura y pensamiento alentados por una pasión y una vivacidad arrebatadoras: nada que pueda interesar a la curiosidad humana le es ajeno. En diecisiete capítulos, en los que las referencias literarias dialogan con los últimos descubrimientos científicos, Alberto Manguel traza un recorrido sugestivo y nunca excluyente por el territo
Rizzoli International Publications Campo Baeza: Selected Works
A comprehensive survey of the work of a master of modernist design today. Alberto Campo Baeza, one of contemporary architecture s most distinguished voices, is renowned for a body of work that exudes the power of radical simplicity. The architectural ideas expressed in his buildings have ranged in scale from such small but beautiful residential structures as the Ture?gano, Gaspar, and De Blas houses to cultural facilities such as Andalucia s Museum of Memory in Granada, an addition to his earlier achievement, the Caja General Bank Headquarters. All share an uncompromising dedication to simple composition and demonstrate the ways in which he so brilliantly deploys disciplined restraint to achieve architectural silence in the face of the clamor of the modern city. This monograph features projects spanning four decades of international architectural practice. Contributions by Richard Meier and David Chipperfield offer critical commentary on Campo Baeza s persistent quest for beauty and relevance through his adherence to simplicity and a deeply felt devotion to modernist principles of architecture.
Hay House Inc The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey through the Four Directions
Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel—a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel—its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.The teachings of the medicine wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating modern paradigms of shamanism while drawing on the sacred traditions of the past. In this book, shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo explains that the medicine wheel is also a wisdom wheel: an advanced tool for working toward personal and planetary transformation. By journeying through the wisdom wheel and its four directions—South, West, North, and East—each of which is associated with an archetypal animal and sacred journey, you will be able to access powerful healing energies and step into a new personal and collective destiny.
Desclée De Brouwer Habilidades De Entrevista Para Psicoterapeutas 2 Vols
Sabemos que la entrevista es, en buena medida, un arte. Pero esto no quiere decir que no sea adiestrable. Este paquete formativo pretende agrupar una serie de ejercicios pensados para entrenar específicamente algunas destrezas que facilitarán el que la comunicación entre el clínico y el paciente se establezca con fluidez y al servicio de los objetivos de la actividad clínica.El volumen I contiene una exposición teórica sobre las habilidades básicas de entrevista y algunos errores frecuentes en el quehacer terapéutico.En el volumen II se recogen las hojas de ejercicios con sus correspondientes instrucciones.Alberto Fernández Liria es psiquiatra, coordinador del Área de Salud Mental de Madrid y profesor de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.Beatriz Rodríguez Vega es psiquiatra en el Hospital Universitario La Paz y profesora en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Duke University Press Songs of Life and Hope/Cantos de vida y esperanza
Renowned for its depth of feeling and musicality, the poetry of Rubén Darío (1867–1916) has been revered by writers including Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz. A leading figure in the movement known as modernismo, Darío created the modern Spanish lyric and permanently altered the course of Spanish poetry. Yet while his output has inspired a great deal of critical analysis and a scattering of translations, there has been, until now, no complete English translation of any of his books of poetry. This bilingual edition of Darío’s 1905 masterpiece, Cantos de vida y esperanza, fills a crucial gap in Hispanic and world literature studies. Will Derusha and Alberto Acereda have provided not only an elegant English translation of Darío’s work but also an authoritative version of the original Spanish text. Written over the course of seven years and in many locales in Latin America and Europe, the poems in Cantos de vida y esperanza reflect both Darío’s anguished sense of modern life and his ecstatic visions of transcendence, freedom, and the transformative power of art. They reveal Darío’s familiarity with Spanish, French, and English literature and the wide range of his concerns—existential, religious, erotic, and socio-political. Derusha and Acereda’s translation renders Darío’s themes with meticulous clarity and captures the structural and acoustic dimensions of the poet’s language in all its rhythmic sonority. Their introduction places this singular poet—arguably the greatest to emerge from Latin America in modern literature—and his best and most widely known work in historical and literary context. An extensive glossary offers additional information, explaining terms related to modernismo, Hispanic history, mythological allusions, and artists and writers prominent at the turn of the last century.
Hiperión Antología poética del rock
Alberto Manzano es traductor de la obra de los grandes poetas del rock: Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Jackson Browne, Suzanne Vega, Neil Young, Kevin Ayers, Elliott Murphy, etc. Periodista musical en las revistas Rockdelux, Ruta 66, Ajoblanco, El Europeo, y adaptador al castellano de canciones de Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, Suzanne Vega, Hank Williams y Jacques Prévert para Enrique Morente (Omega), Santiago Auserón, Luis Eduardo Aute, Christina Rosenvinge, Jabier Muguruza, Mayte Martín y Yasmin Levy en los discos Cántame mis canciones (1998) y Acordes con Leonard Cohen (2007). Sesudo ensayista (Cohen, Dylan, Young, Browne, Reed, Ayers), y paciente poeta, ha publicado Para los que no pueden hablar (2000) y Puente del alma y la luna (2009), prologados por Luis Eduardo Aute y Enrique Morente respectivamente.
Sonetos lujuriosos
Libro maldito de un poeta maldito, los "Sonetos lujuriosos" de Aretino sacudieron a la curia cardenalicia en la Roma papal del siglo XVI. Basados en las imágenes eróticas realizadas al alimón por Giulio Romano y Marcantonio Raimondi, conocidas como los Modi, van instruyendo a los amantes sobre cómo deben acoplar sus sexos en las diferentes posturas amatorias para obtener mayor placer. Ajenos a la corrección política, esta nueva versión de Luis Alberto de Cuenca y?Adrián J. Sáez, que se ofrece en edición bilingüe, incorpora los grabados originales e intenta ser lo más fiel posible al espíritu provocador de su autor, que hubo de refugiarse en Venecia para huir de la ira eclesiástica. Un documentado prólogo explica la historia y el sentido de esta obra heterodoxa.
Cambridge University Press Black Legend: The Many Lives of Raúl Grigera and the Power of Racial Storytelling in Argentina
Celebrities live their lives in constant dialogue with stories about them. But when these stories are shaped by durable racist myths, they wield undue power to ruin lives and obliterate communities. Black Legend is the haunting story of an Afro-Argentine, Raúl Grigera ('el negro Raúl'), who in the early 1900s audaciously fashioned himself into an alluring Black icon of Buenos Aires' bohemian nightlife, only to have defamatory storytellers unmake him. In this gripping history, Paulina Alberto exposes the destructive power of racial storytelling and narrates a new history of Black Argentina and Argentine Blackness across two centuries. With the extraordinary Raúl Grigera at its center, Black Legend opens new windows into lived experiences of Blackness in a 'white' nation, and illuminates how Raúl's experience of celebrity was not far removed from more ordinary experiences of racial stories in the flesh.
Vida Publishers Pensar a Dios Desde La Filosofia Y La Teologia
Sumérgete en un viaje intelectual hacia lo divino, cuestionando, comprendiendo y descubriendo en cada página de este libro de Alberto F. Roldán.El autor nos lleva a dialogar sobre Dios y de la mano de reconocidos filósofos y teólogos del siglo XX y XXI. La obra te lleva a pensar las preguntas esenciales del ser humano y no por imaginar a un ser celestial objetivado y abstraído de la realidad. En consecuencia, pensar en Dios no puede reducirse a conocimiento, también se relaciona con la experiencia y sabiduría. Su obra nos hace reflexionar sobre los temas más actuales de la teología en un contexto de ateísmo y creciente secularismo, donde cada vez son más las personas ajenas a la preocupación por Dios, de tal modo que en ellas se manifiesta la “muerte de Dios” de un modo explícito, cuando son incapaces de sentir y concebir la realidad divina.
Intellect Books Spring and No Flowers: Memories of an Austrian Childhood
Albertine Gaur shares with the reader her childhood memories of the period just before, and during, the Second World War in Austria, her homeland. She relives this time of great social and political upheaval, depicting it through the eyes of a childhood as she passes from infancy to adolescence. It is a unique story, full of naïve poignancy, told with a poetic simplicity which helps us have a better understanding of how 'events' were seen and interpreted by a young person, struggling with the many diverse problems of 'growing up'. Incidentally, the book gives us an insight into child psychology and how children came to terms with fear, horror and violence but were to bear the scars of the trauma throughout their lives. It is a moving narrative, individual but, at the same time, universal in its appeal. She relates a personal drama, often with tragic implications, in which the characters are 'ordinary people' but who, in their different ways, portray the very passions and emotions which motivate society. To read about it is an enriching experience.
The University of Chicago Press Cancer on Trial: Oncology as a New Style of Practice
Until the early 1960s, cancer treatment consisted primarily of surgery and radiation therapy. Most practitioners then viewed the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients with heroic courses of chemotherapy as highly questionable. The randomized clinical trials that today sustain modern oncology were relatively rare and prompted stiff opposition from physicians loath to assign patients randomly to competing treatments. And yet today these trials form the basis of medical oncology. How did such a spectacular change occur? And how did medical oncology pivot from a nonentity and, in some regards, a reviled practice to the central position it now occupies in modern medicine? In "Cancer on Trial" Peter Keating and Alberto Cambrosio explore how practitioners established a new style of practice, at the center of which lies the clinical cancer trial. Far from mere testing devices, these trials have become full-fledged experiments that have redefined the practices of clinicians, statisticians, and biologists. Keating and Cambrosio investigate these trials and how they have changed since the 1960s, all the while demonstrating their significant impact on the progression of oncology. A novel look at the institution of clinical cancer research and therapy, this book will be warmly welcomed by historians, sociologists, and anthropologists of science and medicine, as well as clinicians and researchers in the cancer field.
Editorial Círculo de Bellas Artes Alfabeto Angelopoulos Spanish Edition
Alfabeto Angelopoulos es, simultáneamente, un ensayo escrito y audiovisual. El documental Alfabeto Angelopoulos, dirigido por el escritor Alberto Chessa, nos permite adentrarnos, a través de las palabras del cineasta griego y de algunas escenas de sus películas, en un universo cinematográfico punteado por constantes como la presencia de la historia y la mitología clásica, la poesía, las fronteras o el encuentro con el otro. El libro recoge con exhaustividad las declaraciones que realizó Theo Angelopoulos a su paso por el Círculo de Bellas Artes en 2008, y se acompaña de un breve ensayo introductorio de Chessa.Combinando la hondura reflexiva con un acerado sentido del humor, Angelopoulos aborda desde los temas más profundos de su cine hasta distintas anécdotas de su trato con actores como Harvey Keitel, su relación con el guionista Tonino Guerra o con su compositora de cabecera, Eleni Karaindrou.
Hay House Inc Mystical Shaman Pocket Oracle Cards: A 64-Card Deck and Guidebook
A pocket-sized, portable version of Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos' popular oracle deck in a keepsake tin, based on the wisdom and beauty of the shamanic world.One of Hay House's top-selling decks now comes pocket-sized! This compact, travel-sized edition of Mystical Shaman Oracle is packaged in a sleek tin box perfect for your on-the-go spiritual journey. Created by three master teachers and healers, this oracle deck includes indigenous shamanic practices combined with divination tools. The result is a deck like no other, featuring powerful beings, animals, and natural forces from cultures across the globe.
Ediciones Espuela de Plata Aventuras literarias del iracundo extremeño Don Bartolo Gallardete
Las Aventuras literarias que, bajo el pseudónimo de Lupián Zapata, publicara Adolfo de Castro en 1851 forma parte de una de las falsificaciones más injustas de la historia literaria española, pues nos dibuja una imagen ridícula y caricaturesca de Bartolomé José Gallardo que ha pervivido hasta la actualidad. Se esconde tras esta biografía, a caballo entre el retrato picaresco y la difamación cómica, todo un proceso de descalificación política que relega a Gallardo a los territorios de la excentricidad, la extravagancia y la locura, negándose así la rigurosidad de uno de los intelectuales más íntegros que generara las Cortes de Cádiz. Junto con las Aventuras también se editan los primeros textos de Castro contra Gallardo: las Cartas desde el otro mundo y el Proceso. Alberto Romero Ferrer (Cádiz, 1964) es profesor Titular de Literatura Española en la Universidad de Cádiz y director del Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII de esa Universidad. Pertenece a la Sociedad Española de Estudios del S
Páginas de Espuma SL Los atacantes
Las cámaras de seguridad nos han dado la tranquilidad de tener a alguien velando por nosotros. Pero también la incertidumbre de que siempre habrá algún otro vigilándonos. La ciencia ha erradicado enfermedades, pero también ha creado monstruos e infecciones impensables. El correo electrónico, las redes sociales, un teléfono en el bosillo: consuelos para la soledad, mejoras en la comunicación, pero también el principio del fin. Acosadores, stalkers, suplantadores. Atacantes de nuestro confort.Con un imaginario y una estética absolutamente personales, Alberto Chimal ?una de las grandes revelaciones mexicanas de los últimos años? nos ofrece, agazapado entre siete magistrales relatos, el terror con el que convivimos, aun sin percatarnos. Un libro de cuentos de miedo ?no necesariamente de horror? que mira en las esquinas más negras de nuestra sociedad, sin renunciar tampoco a la imaginación más libre, a la mirada más fantástica, al humor e incluso a la poesía. Aunque esta sea la poesía q
Pepitas de calabaza Viaje al Macondo real y otras crónicas
Considerado como uno de los más brillantes cronistas en lengua castellana, el colombiano Alberto Salceda Ramos reúne en Viaje al Macondo Real y otras crónicas, con su propia mano y la total complicidad de sus editores, sus historias más celebradas.En un mundo en el que omnipresentes ideologías regulan la relación entre los seres humanos, Salcedo Ramos apuesta por ?escuchar la palabra? como método de entendimiento y como manera de fortalecer la convivencia.Sus historias de perdedores, de bufones, de olvidados, de seres irrepetibles nos regalan una experiencia impagable: la posibilidad de entrar en una conversación amable y cercana que nos sitúa en la piel de los otros que, si bien están lejos, tras esta lectura estarán a nuestro lado para siempre.Boxeadores de mil pelajes, contadores de chistes en velorios, indígenas ?palabreros?, acordeonistas furtivos, futbolistas y árbitros improbables, empresarias creyentes, comunidades que han franqueado tanto los límites que resulta casi
Reaktion Books Curious Devices and Mighty Machines: Exploring Science Museums
Science museums have paradoxes at their core. They must be accessible and fun while representing increasingly complex science. They must be both historic and contemporary. Their exhibits attract millions, but most of their objects remain in deep storage, seldom seen. This book delves into these conflicts, revealing the secret lives of science curators; where science objects come from and who uses them; and, ultimately, what science museums are for. With an insider’s eye, Samuel J.M.M. Alberti exposes the idiosyncratic past and intriguing current practice of these institutions, and sets out a map for their future.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Insight: How Great Visualization Designers Think
Learn how expert data visualization designers reason about their craft In The Art of Insight: How Great Visualization Designers Think, renowned visualization designer and educator Alberto Cairo, in conversation with several leaders in the field, delivers an inspiring exploration of how they make design choices. The book is a celebration of visualization, and a personal journey that dives into subjects like: How the professional background and life experiences of every designer shape their choices of what to visualize and how to visualize it. What designers from different countries and cultures, and working in different fields, such as data art, data analytics, or data journalism, have in common, or how they differ from each other. How designers reflect on research, ethical reasoning, and also aesthetic judgments, to make decisions such as selecting the most appropriate ways to encode data, or the most appealing visual style. Perfect for data scientists and data journalists, The Art of Insight will also inspire artists, analysts, statisticians, and any other professional who uses data visualizations.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Shaman, Healer, Sage
Combining elements of Andrew Weil's SPONTANEOUS HEALING and Carolyn Myss's ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT with a concept all its own, Alberto Villoldo's remarkable book, Shaman, Healer, Sage demonstrates the healing power of energy medicine - a tradition practised in the Americas for more than 5,000 years - which is finally being recognized today by the medical establishment.As he explores such subjects as the Luminous Energy Field that surrounds our bodies, Villoldo shows us how, by learning to see and influence the imprints of disease on this aura of energy, we can discover not only how to heal ourselves and others, but prevent illness as well. Here too, he explores the subject of life beyond death, navigating this unseen world with the knowledge of a scientist and the wisdom of a shamanic healer. Classically trained as a medical anthropologist and a foremost teacher of the shamanic techniques of the Inkas, among whose descendants he has studied for more than twenty-five years, Villoldo weaves together a host of illuminating stories and exercises to provide an accessible, practical, and revolutionary programme of healing.
eighteen ESPASAesPOESA
Alberto Ramos tenía solo 15 años cuando decidió meter en una maleta su esperanza y voluntad, abandonar Málaga y establecerse en Estocolmo, buscando una nueva vida. Y realizar su sueño de estudiar en el extranjero su bachillerato internacional. El instituto está situado en un barrio de inmigrantes (especialmente de sirios), y lo que comenzó como una aventura se transformó en una pesadilla que duró tres años. El joven tuvo que enfrentarse a continuos episodios de abusos, intimidaciones, desprecios y bullying por parte de sus compañeros debido a su orientación sexual. Las denuncias ante la policía no tuvieron efecto y fue entonces cuando decidió hacerlo públicamente a través de sus redes sociales, llegando así a los medios de comunicación. Estos se hicieron eco del caso. Me pusieron una pulsera de seguridad para estar conectado con la policía, comenzaron a ir agentes al instituto, la directora decidió llenar todo el instituto de banderas LGTB?Todo su dolor q
University of Notre Dame Press Origins of Argentina’s Revolution of the Right
The Origins of Argentina’s Revolution of the Right traces the ideological roots and political impact of Argentine right-wing nationalism as it developed in the 1930s and 1940s. In this spirited book, Alberto Spektorowski focuses on the attempt by a new brand of nonconformist intellectuals to shift the concept of Argentine nationalism from its liberal incarnation to an integralist-populist one and, simultaneously, to change Argentina’s path of development from liberalism to a “third road” of economic autarky. Spektorowski maintains that the “third road” developed in 1930s Argentina through the juxtaposition of two apparently opposing types of anti-liberal ideological currents: a right-wing authoritarian current reliant upon counterrevolutionary European sources, and an anti-imperialist, populist current. He shows that both of these wings rejected liberal institutions, bourgeois society, cosmopolitanism, and old-type conservatism, and became profoundly anti-imperialist. Both defended a “pro-Axis” neutrality during World War II, and both set the ideological stage for Argentina’s sociopolitical shift of the 1940s. Spektorowski concludes that both of these currents produced a single nationalist ideology that became the intellectual framework in which the “repertoire” of political values of the 1943 military regime and Peronism was subsequently elaborated.
Ícaro Coltan
Este libro doble incluye dos de los más míticos libros de aventuras de Alberto Vázquez Figueroa: Ícaro, la extraordinaria aventura de Jimmy Angel, el héroe piloto de la Primera Guerra Mundial que sobrevivió a nueve accidentes aéreos y que descubrió el salto de agua más alto del mundo en Venezuela que lleva su nombre, y Coltan, una novela apasionante con trama política internacional sobre uno de los elementos más preciados de la naturaleza en nuestros tiempos: el coltan, mineral que se extrae de África para la industria de las telecomunicaciones.Vázquez-Figueroa en estado puro desvelando lo mejor y lo peor del ser humano con toda su crudeza y su extraordinario estilo narrativo que despierta en el lector la pasión por la aventura y el descubrimiento de su capacidad para superar cualquier adversidad.
Indiana University Press Orson Welles in Italy
Fleeing a Hollywood that spurned him, Orson Welles arrived in Italy in 1947 to begin his career anew. Far from being welcomed as the celebrity who directed and starred in Citizen Kane, his six-year exile in Italy was riddled with controversy, financial struggles, disastrous love affairs, and failed projects. Alberto Anile's book depicts the artist's life and work in Italy, including his reception by the Italian press, his contentious interactions with key political figures, and his artistic output, which culminated in the filming of Othello. Drawing on revelatory new material on the artist's personal and professional life abroad, Orson Welles in Italy also chronicles Italian cinema's transition from the social concerns of neorealism to the alienated characters in films such as Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita, amid the cultural politics of postwar Europe and the beginnings of the cold war.
Visor libros, S.L. Contribucin al estudio de dos proyectos de gramtica acadmica del siglo XX
En este libro, Jesús Sánchez Lobato, catedrático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, y Alberto Hernando García-Cervigón, profesor de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, llevan a cabo una investigación rigurosa, debidamente contextualizada, sobre los dos proyectos de gramática académica del último tercio del siglo XX, el Esbozo (1973) y la Gramática (1994), de Emilio Alarcos Llorach, que sirvieron de puente entre el texto de la última edición de la GRAE (1931) ?reimprimido en 1959 y 1962 con un ?apéndice con las nuevas normas de prosodia y ortografía declaradas de aplicación preceptiva desde 1. de enero de 1959?? y la publicación de la Nueva gramática (2009-2011), y actualmente ya ocupan un lugar de primer orden en la historia de nuestra gramática. Los autores, tras analizar los fundamentos teóricos de ambos proyectos, se centran en el tratamiento de las partes de la oración y la sintaxis oracional, los dos grandes bloques de estudio de la gramática entendida en sentido estricto, fijan
Microsoft Press,U.S. Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel
Renowned DAX experts Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo teach you how to design data models for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. How can you use Excel and Power BI to gain real insights into your information? As you examine your data, how do you write a formula that provides the numbers you need? The answers to both of these questions lie with the data model. This book introduces the basic techniques for shaping data models in Excel and Power BI. It’s meant for readers who are new to data modeling as well as for experienced data modelers looking for tips from the experts. If you want to use Power BI or Excel to analyze data, the many real-world examples in this book will help you look at your reports in a different way—like experienced data modelers do. As you’ll soon see, with the right data model, the correct answer is always a simple one! By reading this book, you will: • Gain an understanding of the basics of data modeling, including tables, relationships, and keys • Familiarize yourself with star schemas, snowflakes, and common modeling techniques • Learn the importance of granularity • Discover how to use multiple fact tables, like sales and purchases, in a complex data model • Manage calendar-related calculations by using date tables • Track historical attributes, like previous addresses of customers or manager assignments • Use snapshots to compute quantity on hand • Work with multiple currencies in the most efficient way • Analyze events that have durations, including overlapping durations • Learn what data model you need to answer your specific business questions About This Book • For Excel and Power BI users who want to exploit the full power of their favorite tools • For BI professionals seeking new ideas for modeling data
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Operaciones auxiliares en el control de agentes causantes de plagas y enfermedades a las plantas forestales
El presente manual se corresponde con el Módulo Formativo MF1295_1, Operaciones auxiliares en el control de agentes causantes de plagas y enfermedades a las plantas forestales, que a su vez forma parte del Certificado de Profesionalidad (AGAR0309): Actividades auxiliares en conservación y mejora de montes, y cuyo contenido sigue a lo establecido por el Real Decreto 682/2011, de 13 de mayo, que regula los Certificados de Profesionalidad en la Familia Profesional Agraria.;A lo largo de sus cinco capítulos, este libro plantea, de un modo comprensible, los aspectos más importantes a considerar en el control de plagas y enfermedades forestales.;Alberto Moreno Vega está titulado en distintas ramas de la ingeniería, es Técnico Superior y especialista Universitario en PRL. Ha escrito numerosos artículos y libros técnico-didácticos dedicados a ingeniería rural, cultivos agrícolas e industrias agroalimentarias. Desde hace más de 10 años desarrolla su actividad profesional como empleado público e
Johns Hopkins University Press Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein’s Relativity
The field of kinematics-the science of motion-has long been neglected and misrepresented. Despite rich traditions rooted in ancient times, modern physical kinematics never became a professional discipline. No journals or academic societies were founded to support its development and study and most physicists took the science of motion for granted. Yet some came to doubt its very principles, even denouncing its basic language-coordinate algebra-as an impediment to scientific progress. In this unique and comprehensive history of kinematics, Alberto A. Martinez rescues the forgotten roots of this field that led to Einstein's theory of special relativity. Using clear explanations and accessible language, he analyzes the development of kinematics; explains how mathematics, engineering, philosophy, and psychology pulled it in divergent directions; and discusses why modern kinematics inherited old and unresolved ambiguities. All students of physics and general science study basic kinematics. Martinez draws from an unparalleled wealth of sources to demonstrate why it is essential to the study and evolution of physics today.
Harvard University Press Dinner Pieces
A collection of stories meant to be read while dining and drinking, the Dinner Pieces, or Intercenales, are among Alberti's most innovative works. They constitute an important monument in the history of comic writing and cover topics from politics to the arts to love. This edition presents a new translation and an authoritative Latin text.
Duke University Press The Exhaustion of Difference: The Politics of Latin American Cultural Studies
The conditions for thinking about Latin America as a regional unit in transnational academic discourse have shifted over the past decades. In The Exhaustion of Difference Alberto Moreiras ponders the ramifications of this shift and draws on deconstruction, Marxian theory, philosophy, political economy, subaltern studies, literary criticism, and postcolonial studies to interrogate the minimal conditions for an effective critique of knowledge given the recent transformations of the contemporary world.What, asks Moreiras, is the function of critical reason in the present moment? What is regionalistic knowledge in the face of globalization? Can regionalistic knowledge be an effective tool for a critique of contemporary reason? What is the specificity of Latin Americanist reflection and how is it situated to deal with these questions? Through examinations of critical regionalism, restitutional excess, the historical genealogy of Latin American subalternism, testimonio literature, and the cultural politics of magical realism, Moreiras argues that while cultural studies is increasingly institutionalized and in danger of reproducing the dominant ideologies of late capitalism, it is also ripe for giving way to projects of theoretical reformulation. Ultimately, he claims, critical reason must abandon its allegiance to aesthetic-historicist projects and the destructive binaries upon which all cultural theories of modernity have been constructed. The Exhaustion of Difference makes a significant contribution to the rethinking of Latin American cultural studies.
CANTAR DE VALTARIO Prxima aparicin
Compuesto probablemente a finales del siglo X, durante el reinado del emperador Otón III, el Cantar de Valtario es una de las joyas más preciadas de la literatura latina medieval. Canta las hazañas de Walther o Valtario de Aquitania o de España, héroe del reino godo de Tolosa en los años oscuros de las invasiones germánicas, allá por el siglo V. De autor desconocido, poco importa quién fuera o el momento histórico en que lo escribió, porque lo que cuenta es la fluidez mágica del relato y la atmósfera irreal que envuelve esta auténtica novela de aventuras trepidantes, brutal y salvaje como una película de James Bond, que se adapta como un guante a las ilustraciones a color de Miguel Ángel Martín realizadas para esta edición. Tan sugerente y tan moderna es su lectura, que se convierte en una experiencia inolvidable. Con esta versión magistral del Cantar de Valtario, Luis Alberto de Cuenca obtuvo el PremioNacional de Traducción.
University of Notre Dame Press Origins of Argentina’s Revolution of the Right
The Origins of Argentina’s Revolution of the Right traces the ideological roots and political impact of Argentine right-wing nationalism as it developed in the 1930s and 1940s. In this spirited book, Alberto Spektorowski focuses on the attempt by a new brand of nonconformist intellectuals to shift the concept of Argentine nationalism from its liberal incarnation to an integralist-populist one and, simultaneously, to change Argentina’s path of development from liberalism to a “third road” of economic autarky. Spektorowski maintains that the “third road” developed in 1930s Argentina through the juxtaposition of two apparently opposing types of anti-liberal ideological currents: a right-wing authoritarian current reliant upon counterrevolutionary European sources, and an anti-imperialist, populist current. He shows that both of these wings rejected liberal institutions, bourgeois society, cosmopolitanism, and old-type conservatism, and became profoundly anti-imperialist. Both defended a “pro-Axis” neutrality during World War II, and both set the ideological stage for Argentina’s sociopolitical shift of the 1940s. Spektorowski concludes that both of these currents produced a single nationalist ideology that became the intellectual framework in which the “repertoire” of political values of the 1943 military regime and Peronism was subsequently elaborated.
Collegiate Press To Make a Poem
A poem comes from the same human need as a prayer, a curse, a lullaby, and a keen. How can emotion use language to satisfy its most urgent need, and how can it share and prolong that satisfaction by putting it into poems that will satisfy the same need in others? The answer can be learned and the skill taught. Unlike many other textbooks, this one has no teaching manual and Alberta Turner does not expect those who use it to agree with her interpretations. Each principled is illustrated with detailed analysis of several poems, but it is up to the teachers and students to decide whether it has succeeded or failed. Poetic tastes can't be legislated; they have to creep by underground runners. Although a poem never illustrates only one poetic principle at a time, this book has focused on each separately. Since the book is intended to used by beginning poets, the principles are sequenced from simpler to more complex. As courses in writing poetry range from two-week enrichment programs to full-semester college workshops, the book is arranged so that the course can be shortened or lengthened. This book will work best for flexible, imaginative teachers of flexible imaginative students. A Collegiate Press book
Reino de Cordelia S.L. Elsinore Scholia Necofilia
Recoge este volumen casi toda la poesía juvenil de Luis Alberto de Cuenca, pues reúne por primera vez los libros Elsinore (1972) y Scholia (1978), junto a la plaquette Necrofilia (1983). En palabras de Jesús Ponce Cárdenas, responsable de la edición y del extenso estudio preliminar que le sirve de prólogo, se trata de un singular tríptico de tinieblas, ya que en estas tres obras se concentra la poesía más hermética del poeta madrileño. Se escribieron coincidiendo con un momento de renovación lírica española, donde se apostó por la tradición helenística, el lenguaje y un hiperculturismo que De Cuenca superaría pocos años después dando un giro hacia la línea clara con La caja de plata, su primera gran obra de completa madurez.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Wolfgang Beltracchi: The Return of Salvator Mundi
In recent years, painter and legendary art forger Wolfgang Beltracchi has opened a new chapter of his career. The core of his latest work is an extensive series of paintings, titled The Greats, that have been put on sale as digital artworks using NFT technology. Its starting point was the Salvator Mundi, a painting attributed to Leonardo da Vinci and sold in 2017 in an auction at Christie’s in New York for $450m to an unknown buyer. Beltracchi studied the picture meticulously and created several hundred versions of the motif in a variety of styles, ranging from high renaissance to pop art, or depicting Jesus in the personification of Mick Jagger or Mao Zedong. The result is a fascinating game of deception with the disputed painting and its symbolism. This large-format book combines photographic insights into Beltracchi's everyday life in the studio by renowned Swiss photographer Alberto Venzago with a documentation of The Greats collection. Texts are contributed by Stanford University professor emeritus Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, German philosophers Peter Sloterdijk and Markus Gabriel, German journalist Ulrike Posche, German finance executive Leonhard Fischer, Swiss-based cryptocurrency and NFT expert Hansen Wang, Swiss art dealer Guido Persterer, and Alberto Venzago. A conversation between Beltracchi and Swiss writer and philosopher René Scheu rounds out this volume that describes and interprets the phenomenon of this extraordinary artist from a range of perspectives.
Duke University Press Songs of Life and Hope/Cantos de vida y esperanza
Renowned for its depth of feeling and musicality, the poetry of Rubén Darío (1867–1916) has been revered by writers including Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, and Octavio Paz. A leading figure in the movement known as modernismo, Darío created the modern Spanish lyric and permanently altered the course of Spanish poetry. Yet while his output has inspired a great deal of critical analysis and a scattering of translations, there has been, until now, no complete English translation of any of his books of poetry. This bilingual edition of Darío’s 1905 masterpiece, Cantos de vida y esperanza, fills a crucial gap in Hispanic and world literature studies. Will Derusha and Alberto Acereda have provided not only an elegant English translation of Darío’s work but also an authoritative version of the original Spanish text. Written over the course of seven years and in many locales in Latin America and Europe, the poems in Cantos de vida y esperanza reflect both Darío’s anguished sense of modern life and his ecstatic visions of transcendence, freedom, and the transformative power of art. They reveal Darío’s familiarity with Spanish, French, and English literature and the wide range of his concerns—existential, religious, erotic, and socio-political. Derusha and Acereda’s translation renders Darío’s themes with meticulous clarity and captures the structural and acoustic dimensions of the poet’s language in all its rhythmic sonority. Their introduction places this singular poet—arguably the greatest to emerge from Latin America in modern literature—and his best and most widely known work in historical and literary context. An extensive glossary offers additional information, explaining terms related to modernismo, Hispanic history, mythological allusions, and artists and writers prominent at the turn of the last century.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Mexican Philosophy for the 21st Century: Relajo, Zozobra, and Other Frameworks for Understanding Our World
Mexican philosophy has been relegated for far too long to the margins of philosophy’s global scene. Carlos Alberto Sánchez brings it to the front and centre by demonstrating that its figures, methods, and texts, supplement, enrich, and broaden the scope and depth of both philosophy and our everyday understanding. Explaining the context and thinkers associated with relajo, zozobra, nepantla, corazonada, tik, and Mexistentialism, Sánchez goes beyond a standard introduction of Mexican philosophy. His sustained analysis of prominent concepts gives us a new vocabulary for understanding ourselves and the world we live in. Based on the concrete experience of Mexican life, we are introduced to influential thinkers and uniquely Mexican themes: the primacy of history and circumstance and the intrinsic value of community. Powered by a commitment to use Mexican philosophy to navigate the perplexing world we inhabit, Sánchez challenges the blanket application of Eurocentric philosophy to our 21st-century concerns. This is an essential starting point for Latin American philosophy scholars and anyone approaching Mexican philosophy for the very first time.
Reino de Cordelia S.L. Voyeurs del arte grecorromano Imágenes Descripciones
Desde Homero, los escritores griegos y latinos han descrito detalladamente lo que veían en las esculturas y pinturas de su época, dando origen a un género literario de alta calidad e imprescindible para reconstruir el diezmado arte grecorromano, que apenas ha sido capaz de resistir el paso de los siglos. Hace veinticinco años, Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Miguel Ángel Elvira tradujeron a tres autores clásicos del período imperial, los dos Filóstratos ?el Joven y el Viejo?, que recrearon retóricamente con la minuciosidad de voyeurs y afán pedagógico y divulgativo las colecciones pictóricas, y Calístrato, que se centró en las esculturas de su época. Completamente agotado en la actualidad, el volumen incluye los grabados en los que el pintor francés del siglo XVI Antoine Caron reconstruyó los cuadros descritos por Filóstrato el Viejo. Esta nueva edición, revisada por sus editores originales, reubica las imágenes de Caron, para que coincidan por primera vez con el texto del mayor de los Filóst
Yale University Press Fabulous Monsters: Dracula, Alice, Superman, and Other Literary Friends
“In art and words, a book lover honors the characters he can’t forget.”—New York Times Book Review An original look at how literary characters can transcend their books to guide our lives, by one of the world's most eminent bibliophiles Alberto Manguel, in a style both charming and erudite, examines how literary characters live with us from childhood on. Throughout the years, they change their identities and emerge from behind their stories to teach us about the complexities of love, loss, and the world itself. Manguel’s favorite characters include Jim from Huckleberry Finn, Phoebe from The Catcher in the Rye, Job and Jonah from the Bible, Little Red Riding Hood and Captain Nemo, Hamlet’s mother, and Dr. Frankenstein’s maligned Monster. Sharing his unique powers as a reader, Manguel encourages us to establish our own literary relationships. An intimate preface and Manguel’s own “doodles” complete this delightful and magical book.
Los países invisibles
Alberto Álvarez Calero nos brinda un ensayo biográfico sobre John Dowland?el primero de estas características publicado en España? destinado no sólo al melómano sino a cualquier lector que, por curiosidad e interés, quiera conocer la figura de este atrayente y enigmático compositor, cuando su popularidad está en alza, favorecido por el definitivo resurgimiento de la llamada música antigua.