Search results for ""de gruyter""
De Gruyter Dark Trading: Shedding Light on US and EU Regulation of the Securities Markets’ Dark Sector
This book explores the pressing topic of dark trading. Following new EU legislation regulating financial markets (MiFID II and MiFIR), it traces the development of off-market securities trading (“dark trading”), analyzes economic studies of this development, and positions the resulting regulatory framework of the EU over against that of the US. The study closes with proposals for reform that provide new impetus for further academic discussion.
De Gruyter Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
This handbook will provide a comprehensive treatment of the gamut of issues and challenges that exist through the development of both cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. This will not be confined to simply the investment potential within these new technological areas. We will examine the challenges in the regulatory, legal, taxation, accounting, modelling, ethical, macroeconomic impact and internationalization issues. Research on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has identified issues such as pricing abnormalities and bubble-like behavior, indicating that these new assets are highly speculative in nature, contain a growing number of legal abnormalities (such as the hacking of exchanges and broad theft of investor assets) and a growing number of significant regulatory issues. It is paramount that we investigate each of these issues in great detail to help to determine whether cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology merits consideration as a sustainable alternative investment asset. The handbook will be useful for specialist technical audiences such as legal, accounting and financial practices. It will also be beneficial for upper level masters and research students in economics, law, accounting, taxation, investment and portfolio management.
De Gruyter Ethical Approaches to Marketing: Positive Contributions to Society
Ethical approaches to marketing offers a dynamic and inspiring perspective on how powerful marketing can have a positive and ethical impact on society. It brings together a wealth of internationally acclaimed academics who share their thoughts on a broad range of ethical approaches to marketing. With the continued and unwavering criticism of marketing across the globe, with accusations of persuasion, exploitation and manipulation and more this book aims to open the minds of the reader to the constructive and progressive approaches of ethical marketers. It reframes the way we think about marketing and society offering a number of emotional and motivational topics written by world leading academics, bringing together the great minds of ethical academics in a profound and dynamic monograph. The range of scholars includes new and upcoming academics taking on the opportunity to publish their work alongside eminent scholars. Contributions support the notion that marketing is good for society and impacts on consumer wellbeing, lifestyle, communities and positive consumer behaviours. This book asks the reader to think differently, feel the change that is rapidly developing in marketing through the interconnections of personal ethical values which are becoming interdependent with professional marketing values. "As problems linked to health, the environment and social injustice mount during the 21st century, harnessing the power of marketing to help find and promote positive solutions is going to be crucial for all our futures. Billy Bob Thornton once claimed publicly that ‘Marketing is the Devil’, but this collection demonstrates the potential for marketing and marketers to make important contributions on the side of the angels." (Professor Ken Peattie)
De Gruyter Portfolio Decisions for Faith-Based Investors: The Case of Shariah-Compliant and Ethical Equities
This book examines the idiosyncratic risk, risk-return trade off and payout decisions for faith-based investors including Islamic Shariah compliant and ethical investors, who may be paying a cost for their belief system in the form of under-diversification of portfolios and additional monitoring costs owing to their unique risk profile. There is a growing number of investors who are motivated by social, environmental, and ethical considerations in their investment decisions. They apply a set of investment screens to include or exclude assets based on ecological, social, corporate governance or ethical criteria. This socially responsible investment (SRI), ethical investment or sustainable investment style is prevalent since religious or ethical values matter to investors even if the risk-adjusted returns are lower than those of conventional investments. The author addresses these issues for Islamic and socially responsible portfolios in detail by using proprietary data of Dow Jones Indices from the United States. The findings are a unique and valuable addition to the existing corporate finance, portfolio management and Islamic finance literature.
De Gruyter Shariah Investment Agreement: The Legal Tool for Risk-Sharing in Islamic Finance
Risk-sharing investment is currently the buzz word in Islamic finance. However, there is an incongruence in applying multilayered and opaque Tijarah contracts for investment purposes. This has contributed to the divergence between Shariah and Common Law and caused tremendous problems and systemic legal risks to Islamic finance. The authors of Shariah Investment Agreement introduce a legal tool in the form of a Shariah Investment Agreement carefully drafted to ensure that it is Shariah-compliant and can be applied in Common Law jurisdictions as well, so as to allow for the execution of risk-sharing investment in Islamic finance. It details the building blocks and key considerations that must be noted when drafting such agreements so the investor and investee will know what to expect when entering into such a contract. Proper implementation of the Shariah Investment Agreement will pave a clear route to a harmonious convergence between Shariah and Common Law and lead to Islamic finance developing further to become a stronger, unstoppable force in the finance industry.
De Gruyter An Alternative Approach to Liquidity Risk Management of Islamic Banks
Despite noticeable growth in Islamic banking and finance literature in recent years, very few published books in this area deal with supervisory and regulatory issues in Islamic banking – theoretically or empirically – and none with the critical issue of risks involved in liquidity management of Islamic banks. This unique book is the first of its kind in dealing with challenges these financial institutions face in the absence of interest rate mechanism and debt-based financial instruments. The book examines critically issues involve in managing the risk of liquidity management for these types of institutions, including those stemming from Basel requirements. It then offers an alternative regulatory framework more appropriately suited for such banks without compromising safety and security. The book's unique features and innovative dimensions diagnostically differentiate between Islamic banks and conventional banks as related to liquidity management risks. It proposes a risk-sharing regulatory framework that, once implemented, would mitigate risks posed by balance-sheet mismatches. The book aims to assist regulators, supervisors, Islamic finance practitioners, academicians and other relevant stakeholders.
De Gruyter Strategic Retail Management and Brand Management: Trends, Tactics, and Examples
The retail industry and associated business models have gone through a significant phase of disruption. The rapid emergence of new technologies, digital business models and the evolution of social media platforms as a new sales channel continue to influence the sector. Key contextual or external trends will affect and shape the retail landscape in the years to come. Therefore, it seems important to prepare for this situation and be ready with a head start in terms of knowledge. This textbook provides its readers basic knowledge about the national and international retail sector and gives important insights into trends and developments. It deals with key trends, in particular new patterns of personal consumption, evolving geopolitical dynamics, technological advancements and structural industry shifts. Moreover, it explains why it is so important that retailers use these trends, adapt their retail strategies and tactics, create strong brands and come up with innovative, new ways of doing business. Today we are living in a challenging time for retail. This textbook tries to give insights and explanations to better understand these challenges and provide managerial implications.
De Gruyter Demystifying Global Macroeconomics
Demystifying Global Macroeconomics (DGM) provides readers with a practical, working use of international macroeconomics. For serious business and political leaders, understanding the global interconnections in economic and financial markets is crucial for making informed and well-timed decisions. DGM takes the mystery out of seemingly complex economic interactions by providing an easy-to-understand framework within which to analyze the effects of economic, social, and political shocks to a nation’s economy. John E. Marthinsen integrates the three major macroeconomic sectors, which are the credit market, goods and services market, and foreign exchange market. The author provides the reader with contemporary examples that virtually leap off the front pages of our daily news reports and confront business managers and politicians with choices and decisions to make. For example, DGM shows how to use macroeconomic tools and a global framework to analyze the effects of: U.S. tariffs on China and China’s tariffs on the United States Infrastructure spending Speculative capital outflows from nations under stress, such as Argentina and Turkey, and speculative capital inflows into safe-haven countries, such as Switzerland Demonetization in India Successfully fighting the opioid abuse problem in the United States Border adjustment tax Monetary policies Fiscal policies Marthinsen keeps readers visually engaged with the strategic use of figures, tables, charts, and illustrative exhibits. Demystifying Global Macroeconomics emphasizes the interaction among markets and equips readers with a macroeconomic perspective that will last (and be used) for years. If you are adopting this book for a teaching course, please contact to request additional instructional material.
De Gruyter Stock Market Math: Essential formulas for selecting and managing stock and risk
Stock Market Math shows you how to calculate return, leverage, risk, fundamental and technical analysis problems, price, volume, momentum and moving averages, including over 125 formulas and Excel programs for each, enabling readers to simply plug formulas into a spread sheet. This book is the definitive reference for all investors and traders. It introduces the many formulas and legends every investor needs, and explains their application through examples and narrative discussions providing the Excel spreadsheet programs for each. Readers can find instant answers to every calculation required to pick the best trades for your portfolio, quantify risk, evaluate leverage, and utilize the best technical indicators. Michael C. Thomsett is a market expert, author, speaker and coach. His many books include Mathematics of Options, Real Estate Investor’s Pocket Calculator, and A Technical Approach to Trend Analysis. In Stock Market Math, the author advances the science of risk management and stock evaluation with more than 50 endnotes, 50 figures and tables, and a practical but thoughtful exploration of how investors and traders may best quantify their portfolio decisions.
De Gruyter Snøhetta: Architektur und Baudetails / Architecture and construction details
Snøhetta – Schneekappe – nennt sich das 1989 von mehreren Architekten verschiedener Nationalitäten gegründete Büro für Architektur, Landschaft und alles, was damit zusammenhängt. Die Verknüpfung verschiedener Disziplinen auf gleichberechtigtem Niveau stellt den Kern ihrer Arbeit dar. Es geht um Teamwork und gegenseitige Wertschätzung. Eine lebenswerte Umwelt und gelungene Architektur kann – so Snøhetta – nur durch einen gemeinsamen Schaffensprozess entstehen, bei dem viel hinterfragt und immer wieder neu gedacht wird. So vielschichtig wie die Denkweise, so unterschiedlich die Projekte: Diese Monografie zeigt Projekte, die bei Detail veröffentlicht wurden – und enthält damit viele interessante Einblicke in die Philosophie von Snøhetta und ihre beeindruckenden Architekturen.
De Gruyter Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Guide to his buildings
This delightful book is the first comprehensive guide to all extant buildings of the great German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. With detailed descriptions and color illustrations, it takes the reader from Aachen through Potsdam and Berlin to St. Petersburg. On the occasion of his 225th birthday on March 13, 2006, the compact guide on the work of this universally talented architect was published in German. Now it is available in English, detailing almost 150 remaining buildings, ranging from churches and palaces to museums, technical buildings and monuments. Schinkel's buildings are spread from the Rhineland to Russia, with a particular focus on Berlin and Potsdam, where Schinkel created his most famous buildings, such as the Altes Museum, the buildings on Peacock Island or the Nikolaikirche in Potsdam.
De Gruyter Wielandgut Oßmannstedt
Im Frühjahr 1797 erwarb der Schriftsteller Christoph Martin Wieland (1733–1813) das Gut Oßmannstedt, das er bis April 1803 mit seiner großen Familie bewohnte und bewirtschaftete. Hier entstand sein letzter großer Roman, „Aristipp und einige seiner Zeitgenossen". Wieland empfing hier zahlreiche Besucher, neben Goethe, dem Ehepaar Herder und der Herzogin Anna Amalia, die aus dem nahen Weimar kamen, seine Jugendliebe Sophie von La Roche mit ihrer Enkelin Sophie Brentano, die Schriftsteller Jean Paul, Heinrich von Kleist, Johann Gottfried Seume und viele mehr. Der Band erzählt die Geschichte von Haus und Park des Wielandguts Oßmannstedt und folgt der Ausstellung im Wieland-Museum, die in Leben und Werk von Christoph Martin Wieland einführt und seine Bedeutung für die deutsche Literatur zeigt.
De Gruyter Housing Estates in the Berlin Modern Style: UNESCO World Heritage Site
Berlin has a special architectural treasure: six residential estates in the Modern Style, built between 1913 and 1932, are remarkable both for their high international importance and their good state of preservation. In July 2008 they were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
De Gruyter Navigating Leadership Paradox: Engaging Paradoxical Thinking in Practice
One of the most significant management challenges in modern companies and organizations is dealing with unavoidable, complex paradoxes. Today’s world is multidimensional, multipolar, and multipurpose, and increasingly, classic management challenges such as leadership vs. management; exploitation vs. exploration, virtual vs. physical presence, economic sustainability vs. environmental sustainability, localization vs. globalization, etc. assume the characteristics of paradoxes rather than problems or dilemmas. Leadership of paradox is not about making a decision once and for all or prioritizing tough trade-offs, but about navigating between opposing considerations. Navigating Leadership Paradox argues that academic knowledge pools can support leaders’ decision-making and sense-making in organizations and navigating paradoxes. The book outlines a practical pathway for management leaders and professionals for steering through paradox using 5 phases, 10 paradoxes, 15 tools, 20 cases, and 25 learning points. It delineates how to identify a paradox by assessing the nature of your challenge and discusses the appropriate courses of action individually as well in collaboration with other stakeholders. It also gives inspiration and advice for professional helpers assisting others in navigating paradox as part of organizational development or other educational purposes. This book will be essential reading for practitioners and academicians in the fields of leadership paradox, complexity management, change management, leadership dilemmas and organizational paradox.
De Gruyter Can Art History be Made Global?: Meditations from the Periphery
The book responds to the challenge of the global turn in the humanities from the perspective of art history. A global art history, it argues, need not follow the logic of economic globalization nor seek to bring the entire world into its fold. Instead, it draws on a theory of transculturation to explore key moments of an art history that can no longer be approached through a facile globalism. How can art historical analysis theorize relationships of connectivity that have characterized cultures and regions across distances? How can it meaningfully handle issues of commensurability or its absence among cultures? By shifting the focus of enquiry to South Asia, the five meditations that make up this book seek to translate intellectual insights of experiences beyond Euro–America into globally intelligible analyses.
De Gruyter Smart Analysis of Tourism Policy Efficiency in Bulgaria for the Period 1980-2017
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of tourism in the economy of Bulgaria. In this paper, we present the history of the Bulgarian tourism industry trends from the beginning to its contemporary policy patterns. We apply an econometric methodology consisting of unit root test, cointegration analysis, linear regression, correlation analysis, Granger causality test and 3-D visualizations by IBM Watson Studio based on the statistics for the period 1980-2017. Exploring the link between tourism and the economic development of Bulgaria, the tourism – led - growth hypothesis about Bulgaria is validated for the post-communism period. Our findings show that a relationship between tourism and Bulgaria’s economic development exists. We can conclude that tourism is in part an endogenous growth process. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Smart Analysis of Tourism Policy Efficiency in Bulgaria for the Period 1980-2017 is covered by the following services: Baidu ScholarBarnes & NobleBayerische StaatsbibliothekBDSBoDBowker Book DataCiandoCNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)DimensionsEBSCOExLibrisGoogle BooksGoogle ScholarNavigaReadCubeSemantic ScholarTDOne (TDNet)WorldCat (OCLC)X-MOLAdditionally, the proceedings volume is registered and indexed in the Crossref database and accessible on Amazon.
De Gruyter Neues aus dem 19. Jahrhundert: Von Kühen, edlen Damen und verzauberten Landschaften Oder von der Liebe zur Kunst
Das Museum Wiesbaden – im 19. Jahrhundert gegründet – ist den künstlerischen Werken dieser Zeit besonders verbunden. Wie an einer Perlenschnur reihen sich in der Galerie des 19. Jahrhunderts die mannigfaltigen künstlerischen Entwicklungen dieser Zeit bis zum Jugendstil auf: Porträts, Genremalerei, Landschaftsdarstellungen, Tiermotive, Historienmalerei von großen Namen wie Max Klinger, Ludwig Knaus, Hans von Marées, Hans Markart, Moritz von Schwind, Carl Spitzweg, Hans Thoma oder Heinrich Vogeler und andere mehr. Diese, aber auch viele in diesem Buch neu zu entdeckende Künstler führen uns die einzigartigen gestalterischen Fähigkeiten der Kunstschaffenden dieser Epoche vor Augen.
De Gruyter Sustainability, Green Management, and Performance of SMEs
In a world facing environmental challenges and socio-economic inequalities, SMEs can drive positive change by integrating sustainability principles into their business practices. This book examines the relationship between sustainability, green management, and SME performance, providing insights, strategies, and case studies to guide SMEs towards a more sustainable future and long-term viability. Drawing from extensive research, the book analyzes the drivers, barriers, and motivations influencing SMEs' adoption of sustainability practices. It offers practical recommendations on overcoming resource constraints, awareness gaps, regulatory complexities, and resistance to change. It explores emerging trends such as digital technologies, circular economy approaches, clean energy transitions, and social innovation and discusses collaboration among SMEs, academia, and government agencies as a crucial factor for innovation and scaling up sustainable practices. Sustainability, Green Management and Performance of SMEs is a comprehensive and practical guide for SMEs seeking to integrate sustainability into their business strategies. It inspires and supports SMEs on their journey towards environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and long-term profitability, thus enabling them to unlock new business opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and secure their future in a changing global economy.
De Gruyter Knowledge Engineering for Modern Information Systems: Methods, Models and Tools
Knowledge Engineering (KE) is a field within artificial intelligence that develops knowledgebased systems. KE is the process of imitating how a human expert in a specific domain would act and take decisions. It contains large amounts of knowledge, like metadata and information about a data object that describes characteristics such as content, quality, and format, structure and processes. Such systems are computer programs that are the basis of how a decision is made or a conclusion is reached. It is having all the rules and reasoning mechanisms to provide solutions to real-world problems. This book presents an extensive collection of the recent findings and innovative research in the information system and KE domain. Highlighting the challenges and difficulties in implementing these approaches, this book is a critical reference source for academicians, professionals, engineers, technology designers, analysts, undergraduate and postgraduate students in computing science and related disciplines such as Information systems, Knowledge Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Artifi cial Intelligence, Cognitive Neuro - science, and Robotics. In addition, anyone who is interested or involved in sophisticated information systems and knowledge engineering developments will find this book a valuable source of ideas and guidance.
De Gruyter Francis Bacon – In the Mirror of Photography: Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting
The British painter Francis Bacon (1909–1992) is famed for his idiosyncratic mode of depicting the human figure. Thirty years after his death, his working methods remain underexplored. New research on the Francis Bacon Studio Archive at Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin, sheds light on the genesis of his works, namely the photographic source material he collected in his studios, on which he consistently based his paintings. The book brings together the artist’s pictorial springboards for the first time, delineating and interpreting recurring patterns and methods in his preparatory work and adoption of photographic material. In addition, it correctly locates ‘chance’ as a driving force in Bacon’s working method and qualifies the significance of photography for the painter. German Photo Book Award 23/24, Gold in the category Text Volume Photo Theory
De Gruyter Track III Actions: Transforming Protracted Political Conflicts from the Bottom-up
Since the end of the Cold War in the early ’90s, a multi-track approach to peacemaking has been developed by academics and practitioners to bring political and civil society leaders together from across the divide of contested societies to find ways out of the conflict. Much of the focus up to now has been given to the strategic contribution of Track II conflict analysis and problem-solving workshops. This book puts the spotlight on the role that grassroots leaders and citizens can play at Track III level in the community in building and strengthening a bottom-up approach to conflict transformation following protracted conflicts. In Part 1, the focus is on the post-conflict situation of Northern Ireland twenty years after the Belfast Good Friday Agreement. Part 2 portrays scholarly and practitioners’ perspectives and actions in communities and organizations designed to build partnerships in order to counteract the legacies of active protracted conflict. Plots the role of Track III approaches within a multi-track peacemaking pyramid in the protracted conflict and post-conflict phases of confl ict transformation. Provides case studies on how to engage community leaders in thinking together how to work with deep-seated legacies of protracted conflicts. Explores the contribution of bottom-up models to build intergroup partnerships within and between local communities. Focuses on the interface between research and practice.
Walter de Gruyter Untersuchungen Über Den Luftwiderstand: Ergebnisse Von Versuchen an Eisenbahnzügen in Tunneln
Walter de Gruyter Zur Kritik Der Wesensschau: Einige Gedanken Im Anschluss an J. Hessens Werk Über Das Kausalprinzip
Walter de Gruyter V. Tertiäre Wirbeltiere, 3. Die Mittel- Und Obereocäne Fischfauna Ägyptens Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Teleostomi
Walter de Gruyter I.Halbjahr 1926
Walter de Gruyter Automatische Registrierwagen
Walter de Gruyter Text
Walter de Gruyter Mechanik Des Menschlichen Körpers
Walter de Gruyter Vorgeschichte Des Europäischen Menschen
Walter de Gruyter Psychologie Des Personlichen Verkaufs
Walter de Gruyter Protein Chemistry
Walter de Gruyter Geistliche Fürsten Und Der Reichstag: Die Hochstifte Bamberg Und Würzburg ALS Akteure Der Reichspolitik Mitte Des 18. Jahrhunderts
Walter de Gruyter Die 80 wichtigsten Management- und Beratungstools
Walter de Gruyter Januar - Dezember 1707
Walter de Gruyter Thermodynamik
Walter de Gruyter Grundlagen der Finanzierung und Investition
Walter de Gruyter Marketing und Vertrieb
Walter de Gruyter Städtische Erfahrung in deutsch-jüdischen Selbstzeugnissen aus Breslau im 'Dritten Reich'
Walter de Gruyter Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Walter de Gruyter Carmina Priapea: Griechisch - Lateinisch - Deutsch
Walter de Gruyter Betriebsfestigkeit, Federn, Verbindungselemente, Schrauben
Walter de Gruyter Quantentechnologien
Walter de Gruyter Rassismus
Walter de Gruyter Sammlung Der Geister: Kulturkritischer Aktivismus Im Umkreis Rudolf Euckens 1890-1945
Walter de Gruyter Kynegetika: Griechisch - Deutsch