Search results for ""Author Louise"
Donning Company Publishers Favored Land Tallahassee: A History of Tallahassee and Leon County
Stone Arch Books Las Malvadas de la Escuela Secundaria
Stone Arch Books El Gran Chisme
University of California Press Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: Linking Science and Management in Conservation
One major consequence of climate change is abrupt, dramatic changes in regional biodiversity. Even if the most optimistic scenarios for mitigating climate change transpire, the fate of many wild species rests on the shoulders of people engaged in conservation planning, management, and policy. Providing managers with the latest and most useful climate change research is critical and requires challenging the conventional divide between scientists and managers. Biodiversity in a Changing Climate promotes dialogue among scientists, decision makers, and managers who are grappling with climate-related threats to species and ecosystems in diverse forms. The book includes case studies and best practices used to address impacts related to climate change across a broad spectrum of species and habitats from coastal krill and sea urchins to prairie grass and mountain bumblebees. Focused on California, the issues and strategies presented in this book will prove relevant to regions across the West, as well as other regions, and provide a framework for how scientists and managers in any region can bridge the communication divide to manage biodiversity in a rapidly changing world. Biodiversity and a Changing Climate will prove an indispensable guide to students, scientists, and professionals engaged in conservation and resource management.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy
The steady expansion of the European Union's involvement in health over the past 20 years has been accelerated by recent events. This Handbook offers an up-to-date analytical overview of the most important topics in EU health law and policy. It outlines, as far as possible, the direction of travel for each topic and suggests research agendas for the future. Split into five parts, this book brings together international, interdisciplinary contributions to consider the past, present and future of EU health law and policy. The changing membership of the EU could see dramatic changes for EU health law and policy: the contributors consider current developments in the light of past trajectories. The book covers key institutions; policies on people and products; health systems; public health; and the health implications of the EU's external trade policies and laws. Wide-ranging and accessible, this Handbook will appeal to academics and students focussing on EU health law or policy. It will also be of interest to lawyers and policy makers working in or with the EU as well as health managers and NGOs.Contributors include: A. Alemanno, O. Bartlett, L.E. Bishop, E. Brosset, A. de Ruijter, A. den Exter, G. Dussault, M.L. Flear, M. Frischhut, A. Garde, I. Goldner Lang, S.L Greer, M. Guy, T.K. Hervey, H. Jarman, M. Koivusalo, E. Kuhlmann, C. Larsen, A. Mahalatchimy, C.B. Maier, D.S Martinsen, J.V. McHale, N. Mijatovic, E. Pavolini, M. Pilgerstorfer, C. Rieder, C.S. Rusu, W. Sauter, T. Sokol, M.-I. Ungureanu, J.W. van de Gronden, C.A. Young
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Child Protection
A comprehensive guide to empirically supported approaches for child protection cases The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Child Maltreatment offers clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals an evidence-based approach to best professional practice when working in the area of child protection proceedings and the provision of assessment and intervention services in order to maximize the well-being of young people. It brings together a wealth of knowledge from expert researchers and practitioners, who provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary work informing theory, assessment, service provision, rehabilitation and therapeutic interventions for children and families undergoing care proceedings. Coverage includes theoretical perspectives, insights on the prevalence and effects of child neglect and abuse, assessment, children’s services, and interventions with children, victims and families.
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Midwife to the Queen of France – Diverse Observations
Diverse Observations is a groundbreaking book available for the first time in English. Written by a midwife committed to improving the care of women and newborns, it records the evolution of Bourgeois’s practice and beliefs, comments on changing attitudes related to reproductive health, and critiques the gendered elitism of the early modern medical hierarchy
Elsevier Australia Introduction to Public Health
Pacific Grove Books My Life in Pacific Grove: A Memoir
Oro Editions Complements: Eloquence of Small Objects
Complements is a gem, an intimate book to be savoured on first readings and held near as a resource on what is meaningful. It contains 110 luscious photos of small objects juxtaposed in ways that evoke emotions, thoughts, questions, and remembrance of beauty. The photographs tell stories, make wry jokes, and allude to the larger realities of the esoteric. As complements, the objects are more than the sum of their parts. A sentence or two of text accompanies each photograph, creating storylines that draw the viewer into the world of the objects as strongly as if the objects were human, except their not being human allows the viewer a purer sense of the message of their story. David Hume Kennerly, the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, says in the foreword, “The narrative and pictures reunite twins separated at birth.” The photographs pull the viewer in with their emotional content, then ask the viewer to step back for another look — to both feel and think, to understand truths beyond words. Complements is a gem, an intimate book to be savoured on first readings and held near as a resource on what is meaningful. It contains 110 luscious photos of small objects juxtaposed in ways that evoke emotions, thoughts, questions, and remembrance of beauty. The photographs tell stories, make wry jokes, and allude to the larger realities of the esoteric. As complements, the objects are more than the sum of their parts. A sentence or two of text accompanies each photograph, creating storylines that draw the viewer into the world of the objects as strongly as if the objects were human, except their not being human allows the viewer a purer sense of the message of their story. David Hume Kennerly, the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, says in the foreword, “The narrative and pictures reunite twins separated at birth.” The photographs pull the viewer in with their emotional content, then ask the viewer to step back for another look—to both feel and think, to understand truths beyond words. More book information can be found at:
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Carrie Mae Weems: Hasselblad Award 2023
Worth Publishing Teenagers and Attachment: Helping Adolescents Engage with Life and Learning
When children from insecure backgrounds become adolescents, the challenges they experience themselves and present for those around them can get a lot harder to sort out, before the teenager can fully integrate into society. These adolescents can quickly acquire 'bad kid' or 'anti-social' labels. They may form attachments by joining gangs, but in doing so, further alienate themselves from other more constructive options on offer.The contributors to this much needed book have all worked successfully on the front line with teenagers whose ability to make healthy relationships, or to find learning exciting or even possible, has been severely compromised by their past experiences of trauma, neglect and abuse. Each expert practitioner offers practical strategies, underpinned by attachment theory and their own extensive experience, to enable teachers, psychologists, therapists and social workers to reach out to young people in new ways, establishing genuine connection and real possibilities for learning and hope.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP7)
The latest updated edition of the market-leading guide to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in the food and drink industry This all-new, 7th edition of Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management features a wealth of new information reflecting changes in the industry and advances in science that have occurred since the publication of the last edition back in 2013. They include topics such as: Food Safety Culture, Food Crime and Food Integrity Management Systems, Food Crime Risk Assessment including vulnerability risk assessment and Threat Analysis Critical Control Point (TACCP), Security and Countermeasures, Food Toxins, Allergens and Risk Assessment, Provenance and authenticity, Electronic and digital traceability technologies, Worker Welfare Standards; Smart Packaging, Food Donation Controls and Animal Food Supply, Safety Culture; Provenance and integrity testing and Sustainability Issues. In addition to the new topics mentioned above, Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice, 7th Edition offers comprehensive coverage of information in chapters on Quality Management System; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP); Premises and Equipment; Cleaning and Sanitation; Product Control, Testing and Inspection; Heat Preserved Foods; Frozen Foods; Foods for Catering and Vending Operations; and much more. Comprises both general guidance and food sector-specific requirements for good manufacturing practice Incorporates all the most recent developments and changes in UK and EU law Provides a readable and accessible reference for busy managers in the food industry Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice: A Guide to its Responsible Management, 7th Edition is a valuable reference for anyone in a managerial or technical capacity concerned with the manufacture, storage, and distribution of food and drink. The book is also a “must –read” for the recommended reading lists for food science, food technology and food policy undergraduate and postgraduate studies. IFST - the Institute of Food Science and Technology is the leading qualifying body for food professionals in Europe and the only professional qualifying body in the UK concerned with all aspects of food science and technology.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The True Human Being: The Figure of Jesus in K.E. Logstrup's Thought
The aim of Odgaard Møllers book is threefold: The first main section seeks to clarify how and why Jesus is presented in the pre-1968 writings of the Danish theologian and philosopher K.E. Løgstrup (1905-1981). Throughout his work, Løgstrups main focus has been a rehabilitation of the insight that life is something definite, because it is created. Here, Jesus primarily plays a methodological/strategic role as the one confirming and giving witness to Løgstrups interpretation of created life in a given time of his authorship. When faith in creation is formulated polemically against another interpretation of life, Jesus serves as Løgstrups ally in this discussion. In the second main section, this examination is extrapolated to include a discussion with Bultmann and two of his students in order to clarify the character of his Christology, not least whether -- or in what way -- this can be characterised as implicit Christology. Finally, in the light of Ricoeurs hermeneutic philosophy of religion, the third main section considers the systematic-theological validity of this picture of Jesus. The overall conclusion can be summed up in this way: The main line in Løgstrups work goes from created life to the human being Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus incarnates created life; therefore he is the true human being. This close connection between (created) Life and (true) Human Being is the kernel in Løgstrups thought. This makes his perception of Jesus and his Christology distinctive, original and specifically Løgstrupian.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Royal Auxiliary Air Force: Commemorating 100 Years of Service
Owing its origins to Lord Trenchard's desire to establish an elite corps of civilians who would serve their country in flying squadrons during their spare time, the Auxiliary Air Force (AAF) was first formed in October 1924\. Today, the Royal Auxiliary Air Force (RAuxAF) is the primary reinforcement capability for the regular RAF. It consists of paid volunteers who, at weekends, evenings and holidays, train to support the RAF, particularly in times of national emergency and conflict. This has seen the AAF play important roles in the Battle of Britain, its squadrons claiming 30 per cent of enemy kills'. Other notable achievements by AAF pilots include the first German aircraft destroyed over the British mainland and its territorial waters, the first U-boat to be destroyed with the aid of airborne radar, the first destruction of a V-1 flying bomb, and an AAF squadron claimed the highest score of any British night fighter squadron. It was an AAF squadron which was the first to be equipped with jet-powered aircraft. Receiving Royal' status in 1947 in recognition of its contribution to victory in the Second World War, the RAuxAF also came to the fore during the Cold War providing home defence as the regular squadrons were shipped to hotspots around the world. In more recent times, squadrons and personnel of the RAuxAF have seen action in Iraq and Afghanistan This book presents, for the first time, the history and development of all the squadrons and units that made up the Auxiliary and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force, including the Balloon Squadrons, the Maritime Headquarters Units, Fighter Control and Radar Reporting Units, Royal Auxiliary Air Force Regiments and of course the Women's Auxiliary Air Force. These devoted warriors continue to serve alongside the regular forces in defence of the United Kingdom, ready to be called into action whenever their country is in time of need.
Brookes Publishing Co Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™) for Preschool Classrooms
If your programme is among the thousands using the evidence-based Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children, this is the one tool you need to support teachers to effectively use the practices. Developed by highly respected creators of the Pyramid Model for classrooms enrolling children 2–5 years of age, the TPOT™ is an in-depth tool that provides information on how well teachers are implementing practises related to universal, targeted, and individualised supports. A trained administrator conducts a classroom observation and teacher interview, uncovering detailed information about the quality of 14 key teaching practises, noting red flags that indicate areas for immediate support, and observing how teachers respond to challenging behaviors. TPOT™ results show which practises are being implemented successfully - and what teachers need to focus on to ensure positive social-emotional outcomes for young children.TPOT™ helps programmes: Support effective implementation of the proven PBIS-based Pyramid model Promote social-emotional competence in young children Implement strategies to prevent and address challenging behaviour Compare implementation across classrooms, teachers, and programmes Identify where teachers need extra professional development and support Guide coaching efforts This is the one tool you need to make sure teachers are effectively putting the evidence-based Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children into practice. Learn more about TPOT.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Painted Words: Nahua Catholicism, Politics, and Memory in the Atzaqualco Pictorial Catechism
University of Pennsylvania Press Feminist Anthropology: Past, Present, and Future
Bringing together distinguished scholars and original voices from anthropology's diverse subfields, Feminist Anthropology: Past, Present, and Future probes critical issues in the study of gender, sex, and sexuality. Contributors offer significant reflections on feminist anthropology's winding trajectory. In so doing, they examine what it means to practice feminist anthropology today, at a time when the field is perceived as fragmented and contentious. By uniting around shared feminist concerns, Feminist Anthropology establishes a common ground for varied practitioners. A holistic perspective allows for effective and creative dialogue on such issues as performativity, pedagogy, heteronormativity, difference, and identity. In addition, the volume provides a vital assessment of the history and current state of feminist theorizing within the discipline as a whole by identifying three issues central to future feminist analyses: the critical reenvisioning of old interpretations, the political and practical aspects of the academy, and the critique of heteronormativity. Throughout the volume, these topics are explored, deconstructed, and transformed. The enduring contribution of Feminist Anthropology book lies in its contributors' efforts to place their work within the larger context of social theory, while acknowledging and focusing on the realities of anthropological practice and politics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What Works in Offender Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment
This comprehensive volume summarizes the contemporary evidence base for offender assessment and rehabilitation, evaluating commonly used assessment frameworks and intervention strategies in a complete guide to best practice when working with a variety of offenders. Presents an up-to-date review of ‘what works’ in offer assessment and rehabilitation, along with discussion of contemporary attitudes and translating theory into practice Includes assessment and treatment for different offender types across a range of settings Internationally renowned contributors include James McGuire, James Bonta, Clive Hollin, Anthony Beech, Tony Ward, William Lindsay, Karl Hanson, Ray Novaco and William Marshall
University of New Mexico Press Trumpism, Mexican America, and the Struggle for Latinx Citizenship
For Latinx people living in the United States, Trumpism represented a new phase in the old struggle to achieve a sense of belonging and full citizenship. Throughout their history in the United States, people of Mexican descent have been made to face the question of how they do or do not belong to the American social fabric and polity. Structural inequality, dispossession, and marginalized citizenship make up an old story for Mexican Americans, and this story is a foundational one. This volume situates a new phase of presidential politics in relation to what went before and asks what new political possibilities emerged from this dramatic chapter in our history. What role did anti-Mexicanism and attacks on Latinx people and their communities play in Trump's political rise and presidential practices? Driven by the overwhelming political urgency of the moment, the contributors to this volume seek to frame Trumpism's origins and political effects.
University Press of Southern Denmark Significance of Immigration for Public Finances in Denmark: Study Paper No. 35
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Bismaya: Recovering the Lost City of Adab
An expedition from the University of Chicago excavated the site of Bismaya (ancient Adab) from December 24, 1903, until late June 1905. The excavations were directed first by Edgar J. Banks and then, briefly, by Victor S. Persons. Over 1,000 artifacts, many of them early cuneiform documents, were sent to Chicago, where they are now housed in the Oriental Institute Museum The results of the Bismaya excavations were never properly published, and most of the material was never published at all. Banks wrote a lively and highly readable popular account, Bismya, or the Lost City of Adab, that appeared in 1912 and gave the impression that his field methods were considerably less than satisfactory. However, that was not the case. Banks kept a careful field diary, complete with highly accurate sketches, and sent detailed weekly reports, lavishly illustrated with his own drawings, back to Chicago. These materials show that he excavated a mid-third millennium B.C. temple and discovered some of the world' s first historical inscriptions incised on stone vessels dedicated in that structure. He also uncovered residences of the late Early Dynastic period, two Akkadian administrative centers, and a palace of the Isin-Larsa/Old Babylonian period. This monograph presents this large and significant corpus of unpublished material and includes analyses of stratigraphy, architecture, sculpture, cylinder seals, metalwork, and pottery, and discussions of chronology, the succession of the first kings of Adab, and administrative practices during the third millennium B.C.
Editorial Molino La máquina tejemonstruos / Solve Your Own Mystery: The Monster Maker
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Child Rorschach Responses: Developmental Trends from Two to Ten Years
Please visit our website to learn more about Jason Aronson psychology titles
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Your Ten to Fourteen Year Old
Royal Academy of Arts Herzog & de Meuron
Renowned for such prominent buildings as London’s Tate Modern, Beijing’s Bird’s Nest National Stadium and 1111 Lincoln Road in Miami Beach, Herzog & de Meuron sits at the cutting edge of contemporary design. Founded in Basel over 40 years ago, the Swiss architectural practice is now an international partnership with projects across the globe – among them museums, hospitals, skyscrapers, arenas, and private and civic buildings. Produced in close collaboration with the architects, and comprising new texts by leading writers, practitioners and thinkers, this exciting new publication gives an authoritative account of the inner workings of what the New York Times dubbed ‘one of the most admired architecture firms in the world’.
Stone Arch Books Blancanieves Y Los Siete Robots: Una Novela Gráfica
Princeton University Press Around Chigusa: Tea and the Arts of Sixteenth-Century Japan
An in-depth look at the dynamic cultural world of tea in Japan during its formative period Around Chigusa investigates the cultural and artistic milieu in which a humble jar of Chinese origin dating to the thirteenth or fourteenth century became Chigusa, a revered, named object in the practice of formalized tea presentation (chanoyu) in sixteenth-century Japan. This tea-leaf storage jar lies at the nexus of interlocking personal networks, cultural values, and aesthetic idioms in the practice and appreciation of tea, poetry, painting, calligraphy, and Noh theater during this formative period of tea culture. The book's essays set tea in dialogue with other cultural practices, revealing larger cultural paradigms that informed the production, circulation, and reception of the artifacts used and displayed in tea. Key themes include the centrality of tea to the social life of and interaction among warriors, merchants, and the courtly elite; the multifaceted relationship between things wa (Japanese) and kan (Chinese) and between tea and poetry; the rise of new formats for display of the visual and calligraphic arts; and collecting and display as an expression of political power.
Stone Arch Books Las Malvadas de la Escuela Secundaria
Stone Arch Books Blancanieves Y Los Siete Robots: Una Novela Gráfica
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Comedy in the Modern Age
Drawing together contributions by scholars from a variety of fields, including theater, film and television, sociology, and visual culture, this volume explores the range and diversity of comedic performance and comic forms in the modern age. It covers a range of forms and examples from 1920 to the present day, including plays, film, television comedy, live comedy, and comedy on social media. It argues that the period covered was marked by an explosion of comic forms and a flowering of comic creativity across a range of media. From the communal watching of silent films at the start of the period, to the use of Twitter and other online platforms to share and comment on comedy, technology has brought about significant changes in its form, consumption, and social effects. As comic forms have shifted and developed, so too have attitudes to what comedy can and cannot do. This study considers its role in entertainment and in provoking consideration of a range of social and political topics. Each chapter takes a different theme as its focus: form, theory, praxis, identities, the body, politics and power, laughter, and ethics. These eight different approaches to comedy add up to an extensive, synoptic coverage of the subject.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis
Emerging from cognitive behavioural traditions, mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies hold promise as new evidence-based approaches for helping people distressed by the symptoms of psychosis. These therapies emphasise changing the relationship with unusual and troublesome experiences through cultivating experiential openness, awareness, and engagement in actions based on personal values. In this volume, leading international researchers and clinicians describe the major treatment models and research background of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Person-Based Cognitive Therapy (PBCT), as well as the use of mindfulness, in individual and group therapeutic contexts. The book contains discrete chapters on developing experiential interventions for voices and paranoia, conducting assessment and case formulation, and a discussion of ways to work with spirituality from a metacognitive standpoint. Further chapters provide details of how clients view their experiences of ACT and PBCT, as well as offering clear protocols based on clinical practice. This practical and informative book will be of use to clinicians and researchers interested in understanding and implementing ACT and mindfulness interventions for people with psychosis.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Nordost-Tor Und Persische Belagerungsrampe in Alt-Paphos: IV. Skulpturen, Votivmonumente Und Bauteile in Der Belagerungsrampe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis
Emerging from cognitive behavioural traditions, mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies hold promise as new evidence-based approaches for helping people distressed by the symptoms of psychosis. These therapies emphasise changing the relationship with unusual and troublesome experiences through cultivating experiential openness, awareness, and engagement in actions based on personal values. In this volume, leading international researchers and clinicians describe the major treatment models and research background of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Person-Based Cognitive Therapy (PBCT), as well as the use of mindfulness, in individual and group therapeutic contexts. The book contains discrete chapters on developing experiential interventions for voices and paranoia, conducting assessment and case formulation, and a discussion of ways to work with spirituality from a metacognitive standpoint. Further chapters provide details of how clients view their experiences of ACT and PBCT, as well as offering clear protocols based on clinical practice. This practical and informative book will be of use to clinicians and researchers interested in understanding and implementing ACT and mindfulness interventions for people with psychosis.
Random House USA Inc Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume I
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The definitive cookbook on French cuisine for American readers: What a cookbook should be: packed with sumptuous recipes, detailed instructions, and precise line drawings. Some of the instructions look daunting, but as Child herself says in the introduction, ''If you can read, you can cook.'' —Entertainment Weekly “I only wish that I had written it myself.” —James Beard Featuring 524 delicious recipes and over 100 instructive illustrations to guide readers every step of the way, Mastering the Art of French Cooking offers something for everyone, from seasoned experts to beginners who love good food and long to reproduce the savory delights of French cuisine.Julia Child, Simone Beck, and Louisette Bertholle break down the classic foods of France into a logical sequence of themes and variations rather than presenting an endless and diffuse catalogue of dishes—from historic
Penguin Books Ltd Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1
'This isn't just any cookery book. It is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and it's a book that is a statement, not of culinary intent, but of aspiration, a commitment to a certain sort of good life, a certain sort of world-view; a votive object implying taste and appetite and a little je ne sais quoi. Julia Child was like Amelia Earhart, or Eleanor Roosevelt: she was a hero who'd gone out there and made a difference. Her books are a triumph, and also a trophy' A. A. Gill, The Times
Alfred A. Knopf Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 1
Random House USA Inc Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Box Set): A Cookbook
Penguin Books Ltd Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1
'This isn't just any cookery book. It is Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and it's a book that is a statement, not of culinary intent, but of aspiration, a commitment to a certain sort of good life, a certain sort of world-view; a votive object implying taste and appetite and a little je ne sais quoi. Julia Child was like Amelia Earhart, or Eleanor Roosevelt: she was a hero who'd gone out there and made a difference. Her books are a triumph, and also a trophy.' AA GILL, The TimesThis is the classic guide to French cooking, with over 1,000 clear, authentic and delicious recipes for everything from Boeuf Bourguignon to the perfect omelette. Bon appetit!
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Grain Boundaries and Crystalline Plasticity
The main purpose of this book is to put forward the fundamental role of grain boundaries in the plasticity of crystalline materials. To understand this role requires a multi-scale approach to plasticity: starting from the atomic description of a grain boundary and its defects, moving on to the elemental interaction processes between dislocations and grain boundaries, and finally showing how the microscopic phenomena influence the macroscopic behaviors and constitutive laws. It involves bringing together physical, chemical and mechanical studies. The investigated properties are: deformation at low and high temperature, creep, fatigue and rupture.
Roaring Brook Press Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali
'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.' Legendary icon Muhammad Ali, known worldwide as 'The Greatest', immortalised those words by becoming one of the most significant and celebrated athletes of the 20th Century. Now, his epic story is retold for the next generation as a stunning graphic novel. Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali chronicles Ali's journey from humble beginnings as Cassius Clay in Louiseville, Kentucky to his meteoric rise to Olympian and Heavyweight Champion of the world. Bringing readers through major moments of his life, this graphic biography pays reverent tribute to Ali the fighter, the poet, and the inspiration he quickly became.
Roaring Brook Press Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Legendary icon Muhammad Ali, known worldwide as "The Greatest", immortalized those words by becoming one of the most significant and celebrated athletes of the 20th Century. Now, his epic story is retold for the next generation as a stunning graphic novel. Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali chronicles Ali's journey from humble beginnings as Cassius Clay in Louiseville, Kentucky to his meteoric rise to Olympian and Heavyweight Champion of the world. Bringing readers through major moments of his life, this graphic biography pays reverent tribute to Ali the fighter, the poet, and the inspiration he quickly became.
The University of Chicago Press Hooked
How does a novel entice or enlist us? How does a song surprise or seduce us? Why do we bristle when a friend belittles a book we love, or fall into a funk when a favored TV series comes to an end? What characterizes the aesthetic experiences of feeling captivated by works of art? In Hooked, Rita Felski challenges the ethos of critical aloofness that is a part of modern intellectuals' self-image. The result is sure to be as widely read as Felski's book, The Limits of Critique. Wresting the language of affinity away from accusations of sticky sentiment and manipulative marketing, Felski argues that being hooked is as fundamental to the appreciation of high art as to the enjoyment of popular culture. Hooked zeroes in on three attachment devices that connect audiences to works of art: identification, attunement, and interpretation. Drawing on examples from literature, film, music, and paintingfrom Joni Mitchell to Matisse, from Thomas Bernhard to Thelma and LouiseFelski brings the langu
WW Norton & Co Thomas Mann: New Selected Stories
A towering figure in the pantheon of twentieth-century literature, Thomas Mann has often been perceived as a dry and forbidding writer—“the starched collar,” as Bertolt Brecht once called him. But in fact, his fiction is lively, humane, sometimes hilarious. In these fresh renderings of his best short work, award-winning translator Damion Searls casts new light on this underappreciated aspect of Mann’s genius. The headliner of this volume, “Chaotic World and Childhood Sorrow” (in its first new translation since 1936)—a subtle masterpiece that reveals the profound emotional significance of everyday life—is Mann’s tender but sharp-eyed portrait of the “Bigs” and “Littles” of the bourgeois Cornelius family as they adjust to straitened circumstances in hyperinflationary Weimar Germany. Here, too, is a free-standing excerpt from Mann’s first novel, Buddenbrooks—a sensation when it was first published. “Death in Venice” (also included in this volume) is Mann’s most famous story, but less well known is that he intended it to be a diptych with another, comic story—included here as “Confessions of a Con Artist, by Felix Krull.” “Louisey”—a tale of sexual humiliation that gives a first glimpse of Mann’s lifelong ambivalence about the power of art—rounds out this revelatory, transformative collection.
Abrams Under the Sign of the Moon
A gastronomic exploration of Mirazur, the “best restaurant in the world,” and the creative vision of chef Mauro Colagreco. Step into the magical and delicious world of chef Mauro Colagreco’s Mirazur, the three-Michelin–starred restaurant situated along the French Riviera at the foot of the mountains and overlooking the sea. Colagreco’s much-lauded cuisine takes its inspiration from the natural world and the terroir surrounding Mirazur; his personal garden, which brims with aromatic herbs and fragrant citrus trees just across from the restaurant; his Italian Argentinian heritage; and his background training with leading French chefs Bernard Louiseau, Alain Passard, Alain Ducasse, and Guy Martin. More than just a cookbook, Mauro and Laura Colagreco’s Mirazur: Under the Sign of the Moon unearths the chef’s unique vision and earth-honoring philosophy for food. The sustainable gastronomy transla