Search results for ""author albert"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining and Postprocessing of Biological Data
The first comprehensive overview of preprocessing, mining, and postprocessing of biological data Molecular biology is undergoing exponential growth in both the volume and complexity of biological dataand knowledge discovery offers the capacity to automate complex search and data analysis tasks. This book presents a vast overview of the most recent developments on techniques and approaches in the field of biological knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD)providing in-depth fundamental and technical field information on the most important topics encountered. Written by top experts, Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining, and Postprocessing of Biological Data covers the three main phases of knowledge discovery (data preprocessing, data processingalso known as data miningand data postprocessing) and analyzes both verification systems and discovery systems. BIOLOGICAL DATA PREPROCESSING Part A: Biological Data Management Part B: Biological Data Modeling Part C: Biological Feature Extraction Part D Biological Feature Selection BIOLOGICAL DATA MINING Part E: Regression Analysis of Biological Data Part F Biological Data Clustering Part G: Biological Data Classification Part H: Association Rules Learning from Biological Data Part I: Text Mining and Application to Biological Data Part J: High-Performance Computing for Biological Data Mining Combining sound theory with practical applications in molecular biology, Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook is ideal for courses in bioinformatics and biological KDD as well as for practitioners and professional researchers in computer science, life science, and mathematics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RFID: A Guide to Radio Frequency Identification
This book provides an introduction to RFID technology. It describes and addresses the following: How RFID works, how it is and can be used in current and future applications. The History of RFID technology, the current state of practice and where RFID is expected to be taken in the future. The role of middleware software to route data between the RFID network and the information technology systems within an organization. Commercial and government use of RFID technology with an emphasis on a wide range of applications including retail and consumer packaging, transportation and distribution of products, industrial and manufacturing operations, security and access control. Industry standards and the regulatory compliance environment and finally, the privacy issues faced by the public and industry regarding the deployment of RFID technology.
University of Illinois Press The Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol 10: The American Federation of Labor and the Great War, 1917-18
Volume 10 of the Samuel Gompers Papers focuses on the AFL's struggle to serve the nation and the labor movement during the critical period when American neutrality gave way to war. Beginning with Gompers' last minute effort to persuade German workers to avoid war with the United States, it follows the labor movement's internal debate over the meaning of American participation and the Executive Council's pragmatic--and in some cases reluctant--pledge of support, offered just weeks before war was declared. This volume also charts the evolution of a new relation between organized labor and the federal government: Acknowledging organized labor's vital role in the war effort, government now supported labor-adjustment boards that upheld the eight-hour day, equal pay for equal work, and labor's right to organize and bargain collectively with employers. As organized labor's main spokesman in Washington, Gompers played a central role in the development of wartime labor policies, with an eye to increasing production, reducing industrial conflict, and advancing labor's wage and hour standards.
Random House USA Inc Short Story Masterpieces: 35 Classic American and British Stories from the First Half of the 20th Century
The Good Book Company Acts 13-28 For You: Mapping the Explosive Multiplication of the Church
Penguin Young Readers Group Lad A Dog
Lad, a courageous and dignified 80-pound collie, lived in The Place. The Place was thick with woods, abounding with squirrels to chase, and a cool lake in which to plunge -- a beautiful kingdom -- and Lad was its undisputed king. Lad's loyalty to his chosen Master and Mistress knew no bounds. The stories in this book are all about Lad. Some will make you laugh out loud, some will make you cry. And when the book comes to its conclusion, you will know one thing for sure -- that Lad was a dog with a soul . . .
Editorial Alma Peter Pan
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen, Band 5: iba - luzzilo
Volume 5 of the "Etymological Dictionary of Old High German" contains the letters I, J, K and L. It provides the proper etymology of many words from Old High German for the first time. It also suggests plausible etymologies for numerous words that were retained in New High German and previously had backgrounds designated as "unclear" or "unsure". Because this dictionary is based on modern methods of studying the Indogermanic and Germanic languages, it provides a firm basis for research into word origins and thus represents a valuable tool for use in other linguistic disciplines.
Alfred Music Shepherd's Hymn of Thanksgiving: Score
The Catholic University of America Press Imago Dei: Human Dignity in Ecumenical Perspective
What does it mean when we speak of human dignity? What challenges does human dignity confront in our culture today? What is the relationship between contemporary understandings of human dignity and the ancient Christian doctrine of imago Dei, the view that human beings are created in ""the image and likeness of God""?This book pursues these and related questions in the form of an ecumenical ""trialogue"" by leading scholars from the three major Christian traditions: John Behr from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Russell Hittinger from the Catholic, and C. Ben Mitchell from the Protestant tradition. The book is the first of its kind to foster an ecumenical conversation around teachings of imago Dei and present-day understandings of human dignity. The three chapter-essays, the editor's introduction, and the afterword by Lutheran theologian Gilbert Meilaender draw from a wide array of sources, including Scripture, patristic works, ancients creeds, medieval and Thomistic writings, papal encyclicals, Protestant confessional statements, the works of modern theologians, and more. Imago Dei will serve as an indispensable resource for those wishing to deepen their grasp of the theological bases for Christian views of human dignity, as well as for those who believe that Christ's words ""that they be one"" (John 17:21) remain a theological imperative today. The combination of ethical inquiry and ecumenical collaboration makes this timely book a unique and compelling contribution to present-day Christian thought.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Technische Mechanik. Dynamik: Grundlagen - effektiv und anwendungsnah
Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch vermittelt an Praxisbeispielen und selbsterklärenden Abbildungen sehr effektiv die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Dynamik. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Kinematik und Kinetik geradliniger, ebener und räumlicher Bewegungen sowie freie und erzwungene Schwingungen. Ausgewählte Übungsbeispiele und Klausuraufgaben ermöglichen ideal das erfolgreiche Selbststudium. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden vier neue Klausuraufgaben mit Lösungen aufgenommen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Developments in the Economics of Science and Innovation
This volume presents the most important contributions of the last decade in the fields of science and innovation, demonstrating the key relationship between the two. Early chapters emphasize the intrinsic characteristics of knowledge as an economic activity, and later chapters document the importance of science as an input to technology and innovation. This continuum has pushed the field of economics to investigate in detail the processes that shaped the generation, dissemination, and exploitation of technological knowledge.The ideas of nearly fifty eminent researchers are assembled in this volume. Students of the field at all stages of their careers will benefit from reading this collection.
Cornell University Press Ecological States: Politics of Science and Nature in Urbanizing China
Ecological States critically examines ecological policies in the People's Republic of China to show how campaigns of scientifically based environmental protection transform nature and society. While many point to China's ecological civilization programs as a new paradigm for global environmental governance, Jesse Rodenbiker argues that ecological redlining extends the reach of the authoritarian state. Although Chinese urban sustainability initiatives have driven millions of citizens from their land and housing, Rodenbiker shows that these migrants are not passive subjects of state policy. Instead, they creatively navigate resettlement processes in pursuit of their own benefit. However, their resistance is limited by varied forms of state-backed infrastructural violence. Through extensive fieldwork with scientists, urban planners, and everyday citizens in southwestern China, Ecological States exposes the ways in which the scientific logics and practices fundamental to China's green urbanization have solidified state power and contributed to dispossession and social inequality With support from the Henry Luce Foundation, our goal is to produce all titles in this series both in Open Access, for reasons of global accessibility and equity, as well as in print editions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biology and Politics: The Cutting Edge
This volume examines cutting edge research in the study of biology and politics. Following an introduction from the editors it is divided into two main sections. The first part of the book explores the linkage between evolution, genetics and politics with initial chapters on abandoned baby legislation, a model of action and norms, and the biopolitics of primates. The next four chapters have a special focus on the use of twin studies to study political phenomena and provide a biological critique of twin studies, phenotypic measurement issues and twin studies, a survey of twin studies research, and an example of using twin studies to explore politically relevant behaviour. The second section looks at the relationship of brain science to our understanding of politics. With respect to the applicability of brain science it features chapters summarizing what literature exists as well as how to use neuroimaging techniques to study political behaviour.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Value and Limits of Rights: Essays in Honour of Peter Jones
Rights are part of our everyday moral and political vocabulary. Yet while few would deny that rights are important, there is a great deal of disagreement about just how valuable rights are and what their proper limits ought to be. For example, some scholars and practitioners maintain that human rights are valuable because they lay down a framework of protection, while at the same time leaving people ample room to lead their lives as they see fit. They are not just another way of life, but instead set the boundaries to what government can or cannot do. Others, however, hold that, while important, rights are not neutral between different ways of life and hence cannot tell us what to do when different ways of life conflict. This collection breaks new ground by tackling such questions head on. The issues it covers are some of the most vital that we face today. Their relevance to contemporary social and political debates cannot be overstated. The collection should appeal to political philosophers, lawyers, human rights activists and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the arts, humanities and social sciences.This book was published as a special issue of Critical Review of International, Social and Political Philosophy.
Cambridge University Press The Science of Science
This is the first comprehensive overview of the 'science of science,' an emerging interdisciplinary field that relies on big data to unveil the reproducible patterns that govern individual scientific careers and the workings of science. It explores the roots of scientific impact, the role of productivity and creativity, when and what kind of collaborations are effective, the impact of failure and success in a scientific career, and what metrics can tell us about the fundamental workings of science. The book relies on data to draw actionable insights, which can be applied by individuals to further their career or decision makers to enhance the role of science in society. With anecdotes and detailed, easy-to-follow explanations of the research, this book is accessible to all scientists and graduate students, policymakers, and administrators with an interest in the wider scientific enterprise.
RAND A Tutorial and Exercises for the Compensation, Accessions and Personnel Management (Capm) Model
State University of New York Press Interruptions
SAGE Publications Inc Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams
Your guide to responsive collaboration A responsive and collaborative approach meets the needs of students with disabilities in partnership with their families. Written to empower all members of the IEP or 504 team, this book guides educators and parents alike through the implementation of a responsive decision-making process on behalf of students. Learning disruption due to the pandemic has affected millions of students. This book offers practical tools for improving the fit between the learning profile of individual students and schooling. Responsive Collaboration for IEP and 504 Teams provides a framework that identifies opportunities to build connections between educators, establish relationships with service providers, strengthen school-family partnerships, address inequities, and develop student self-determination. Readers will find guidance on Referral and eligibility determination Individualized plan development Responsive teaming over time Other key practices related to responsive teaming, with links to implementation tools Drawing on the principles of social justice and responsive practice, this is your guide to navigating the complexities of IEP and 504 Team meetings for the benefit of students, educators, and families.
Ediciones La Llave Ternura y agresividad carcter gestalt bioenergtica y eneagrama
Una integración de las ideas de Fritz Perls, Wilhelm Reich y Claudio Naranjo que relaciona eneagrama, bioenergética y gestalt, y nos ayuda a leer el carácter en el cuerpo.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church
The president of Southern Seminary reveals how secularism has infiltrated every aspect of society and how Christians, equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ, can meet it head on with hope, confidence, and steadfast conviction.A Storm Is ComingWestern civilization and the Christian church stand at a moment of great danger. Facing them both is a hurricane-force battle of ideas that will determine the future of Western civilization and the soul of the Christian church. The forces arrayed against the West and the church are destructive ideologies, policies, and worldviews deeply established among intellectual elites, the political class, and our schools. More menacingly, these forces have also invaded the Christian church.The perils faced by the West and the church are unprecedented: threats to religious liberty redefinitions of marriage and family attacks on the sacredness and dignity of human life How should Christians respond to this multifaceted challenge?Addressing each dimension of this challenge, The Gathering Storm provides answers and equips Christians both to give an answer for the hope that is within them and to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints.
Ediciones Mundi-Prensa Manual bsico para el mantenimiento de jardines zonas verdes y parques
En este libro hemos tratado de exponer secuencialmente y en la forma más asequible las diferentes técnicas empleadas en el mantenimiento de los elementos del jardín, tanto los vegetales como los no vegetales (infraestructuras, equipamiento, instalaciones y mobiliario), haciendo un tratamiento monográfico en el Capítulo 2, de todo lo referente a la defensa fitosanitaria, su normativa reguladora y los métodos aplicables en la jardinería pública y privada. El último Capítulo incluye algunas consideraciones sobre las Normativas legales vigentes y de obligada consideración, en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales, en control de calidad y en protección medioambiental. Todos los contenidos se presentan en forma esencialmente práctica y aplicada, con abundantes fotografías representativas de lo expuesto en el texto. Dada la complejidad que han adquirido la jardinería y el paisajismo y el tremendo desarrollo tecnológico del sector, los trabajos a desarrollar ya no pueden estar a cargo de
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Mi cuaderno Montessori
Aprende números, letras y descubre la naturaleza y el mundo! Actividades táctiles, visuales y sonoras basadas en la pedagogía Montessori que invitan a los niños de 4 años en adelante a descubrir las letras, los números y el mundo que les rodea. Encontrareis recomendaciones para ayudar a respetar el ritmo y la capacidad de concentración de cada niño, favoreciendo su aprendizaje. A partir de 4 años.
Zondervan Academic Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy a Video Study
The University Press of Kentucky Bourbon 101
Comprehensive introduction to the history, production, and culture of bourbon
Harvard University Press Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Major Poetry presents a selection of definitively edited texts that remind us why Emerson’s poetry matters and why he remains one of our most important theoreticians of verse. Drawn chiefly from the multivolume Collected Works, each poem is accompanied by a headnote for the student and general reader.
Executive Books The New Common Denominator of Success
Saint Benedict Press The Paradise of the Soul: Forty-Two Virtues to Reach Heaven
TF Editores & Interactiva S.L.U. Esteban Vicente en Silos
Edicions del Periscopi SL El silenci del far
L'Anna és la bibliotecària de Húsavik, un petit poble de pescadors d'Islàndia. Quan rep una carta que firma "el teu pare que t'estima", s'obre dins seu una porta que creia que havia tancat per sempre i que l'obliga a enfrontar-se al passat i a redefinir les certeses sobre les quals ha construït la seva identitat. Per què la van abandonar, els seus pares? Qui és ella, realment? De quina manera la podrà ajudar en Gunnar, el seu antic professor de piano? Per descobrir-ho haurà d'endinsar-se a la casa abandonada on van viure els seus pares, malgrat la por irracional que li produeix.Al mateix temps arriba a Húsavik en Gísli, un jove biòleg de la capital que ha recorregut tota l'illa amb la intenció de guarir ferides del passat.La trobada entre tots dos resultarà inevitable, i junts teixiran un fil de complicitats en l'intent compartit de desenterrar fantasmes antics.
Edicions Bellaterra Nacionalismo y cultura
Hace cuarenta años asesinaban a Amílcar Cabral en Conakry. Desde allí dirigía la lucha anticolonial en Guinea Bissau y se había convertido en uno de los principales pensadores del nuevo nacionalismo africano. Cabral vivió de forma entusiasta, sin reservas, el mundo que le tocó vivir, un mundo que no era el actual y con el cual se identificó. Baste echar un vistazo a las fotos que se han conservado de él: su poder evocador inmediato es tal que uno se pregunta si Amílcar Cabral no podría haberse convertido en una de las caras del siglo XX, a la manera del Ché Guevara, si hubiese vivido en un país más grande, si hubiese sido sojuzgado por un imperio más central que el del salazarismo tardío. Al fin y al cabo, Cabral diseñó, organizó y dirigió casi hasta su consumación, la única lucha nacionalista Africana ?y de las poquísimas en todo el siglo XX? que conquistó su derecho a la independencia tras derrotar militarmente al colonizador. Los historiadores de la Gran Historia lo han olvidado. Pe
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Programacin y organizacin de los trabajos de jardinera y restauracin del paisaje Spanish Edition
Presentamos un nuevo texto, con el título de "Programación y organización de los trabajos de jardinería y restauración del paisaje" que corresponde a la UF0023, incluida en el Módulo MF0007_3: Instalación de parques y jardines y restauración del paisaje del Certificado de Profesionalidad (AGAO0308): Jardinería y restauración del paisaje. Su contenido está adaptado al Real Decreto 295/2004 que regula los Certificados ed Profesionalidad en la Familia Profesional Agraria. Su índice coincide exactamente con el publicado por el Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración en el BOE n 215 del viernes 5 de septiembre de 2.008, págs. 36204 y siguientes, y en consecuencia hemos tratado de que el desarrollo de sus contenidos se ajuste fielmente a las capacidades y objetivos fijados para el proceso formativo en la normativa publicada en el citado BOE.;En el texto hemos tratado de exponer secuencialmente y en la forma más asequible como interpretar la documentación contenida en los documentos del proyecto
Tánger segunda patria una ciudad imprescindible en la historia y la literatura española
Qué tiene Tánger? Se preguntaba Mick Jagger al regresar de una estancia en las entrañas de la ciudad imantada para atraer a artistas. Quizá sea porque "posa altiva como una vedette en la puerta de África" -como decía Perre Lotti- o, tal vez, que prod
Proteus Libros y Servicios Editoriales Too late
Kaplan Publishing Let's Review Regents: Chemistry--Physical Setting Revised Edition
Barron's Let's Review Regents: Chemistry gives students the step-by-step review and practice they need to prepare for the Regents Chemistry/Physical Setting exam. This updated edition is an ideal companion to high school textbooks and covers all Chemistry topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents.Let's Review Regents: Chemistry covers all high school-level Chemistry topics and includes: Extensive review of all topics on the test Extra practice questions with answers A detailed introduction to the Regents Chemistry course and exam One actual, recently released, Regents Chemistry exam with an answer key
San Pablo Bruja O Hada
Theologischer Verlag Aufbruchsfreude Und Geistesgegenwart: Gestalten Einer Erneuerten Christlichen Spiritualitat
Les Belles Lettres Le Traite Du Flux: Tractatus de Fluxu Causatorum a Causa Prima Et Causarum a Causa Prima Et Causarum Ordine