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JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Föderalismus und Subsidiarität
In diesem interdisziplinär angelegten Band werden Fragen der effizienten vertikalen Zuordnung von Kompetenzen in föderalen Systemen sowie der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen föderalen Wettbewerbs aus ökonomischer, rechts- und politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht debattiert.Ein föderaler Staatsaufbau gilt als besonders geeignet, regionale Heterogenität in der staatlichen Ordnung zu berücksichtigen und eine Differenzierung staatlichen Handelns nach regional unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen zu ermöglichen. Jedes föderale System aber muss die Balance zwischen dem Zentralstaat und den dezentralen Gebietskörperschaften immer wieder neu finden. Hier kommen Ökonomen, Juristen und Politikwissenschaftler zu Wort. Sie diskutieren, wie das Prinzip der Subsidiarität konkret angewendet werden kann, wie dezentrale politische Selbstbestimmung gegen die Tendenz zur Zentralisierung geschützt werden kann und welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen es für politischen Wettbewerb in föderalen Ordnungen gibt. Dies geschieht insbesondere auch mit einem Blick auf die Europäische Union, die sich immer mehr in Richtung einer föderalen Struktur entwickelt.
Marzano Resources Teacher's Guide to Standards-Based Learning: (An Instruction Manual for Adopting Standards-Based Grading, Curriculum, and Feedback)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die Bundestagswahl 2002: Analysen der Wahlergebnisse und des Wahlkampfes
In diesem Band werden die wichtigsten Aspekte der Bundestagswahl 2002 analysiert: der Wahlkampf, die Fernsehduelle, die Wahlkampfanzeigen, die Parteiprogramme, die Wahlbeteiligung, die Briefwahl und die Wahlentscheidung der Bürger.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Genetik für Dummies
Die Genetik ist eines der naturwissenschaftlichen Fachgebiete, deren Wissen am schnellsten wächst und deren Erkenntnisse ständig in Bewegung und in der Diskussion sind. "Genetik für Dummies" erklärt, was überhaupt hinter diesem spannenden Thema steckt. Die Autorinnen Tara Rodden Robinson und Lisa J. Spock erklären einfach und prägnant die Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre, wie beispielsweise die Mendelschen Regeln und die Zellteilung. Sie zeigen auch, wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine übersetzt wird. Außerdem gehen sie auf die Bedeutung der Genetik in der Humanmedizin ein, wie Genmutationen entstehen und Erbkrankheiten zur Folge haben. Auch die heißen Themen wie Gentechnik, Stammzellentherapie und der Einsatz der Genetik in der Rechtsmedizin kommen nicht zu kurz.
Verlag Herder Jesus - Der Messias Israels: Messianisches Judentum Und Christliche Theologie Im Gesprach
Kohlhammer Lehrbrief Gastrointestinale Notfalle
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Über Gott: Festschrift für Reinhard Feldmeier zum 70. Geburtstag
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes nähern sich dem Thema der Gotteslehre aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven (Alttestamentliche und Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, Kirchengeschichte, klassische Philologie, antike Religionsgeschichte, Judaistik, Systematische und Praktische Theologie). Sie ehren damit Reinhard Feldmeier, dessen biblisch-theologische Erkundungen zum Thema "Gott" stets antike und spätantike Religionsgeschichte einbeziehen und sich dabei durch Anschlussfähigkeit an moderne Religiosität, nicht zuletzt das Christentum im globalen Süden, auszeichnen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Transport System and Transport Policy: An Introduction, Second Edition
This extensively updated textbook introduces the transport system and its societal impacts in a holistic and multidisciplinary way. A timely second edition, it includes new analyses of travel behaviour and the transport system’s impacts on health and well-being.Key Features: Guidance for transport policy evaluation methods and modelling approaches Systematic approach to analysing higher-order impacts of interventions in the transport system Discussion of topical issues in transport policy, including analysis of current transport innovations The use of case studies to highlight interconnected aspects of the transport system and their relevance to decision making Exploration of the role of transport systems in providing accessibility and their impact on the environment, safety, health and well-being International in scope, this textbook will be invaluable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying disciplines such as transport policy and transport geography. It will also be useful to the professionals and policymakers in the transport industry.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance
This timely book examines the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), assessing its effect on the international economic order and global governance more broadly. Through a variety of qualitative case studies the book investigates the implementation of the BRI and evaluates its development outcomes both for China and the countries it interacts with under the initiative, along with its international implications. Chapters discuss as-yet-unexplored cases from the ground in brand new studies based on fieldwork by leading academics, as well as providing alternative readings of the rationale behind the BRI. Questions about connectivity and the financial implications of Chinese investments are addressed, taking a balanced approach that demonstrates the complexity and nuance of these issues, and the far-from-linear impact that the BRI is having on global governance. This incisive book will be critical reading for scholars and policy makers working on China and global governance. It will also provide useful insights for officials and practitioners working in BRI countries and international institutions, think-tanks and NGOs. Contributors include: M.A. Carrai, J.-C. Defraigne, J.-F. Di Meglio, D. Freeman, F. Godement, A. Halegua, N. Kassenova, C.-C. Kuik, C. Ljungwall, S. Nanwani, T. Pairault, U. Wissenbach, J. Wouter
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Faces of Human Rights
As human rights discourse increasingly focuses on analysing states and the institutions that promote and support the human rights machinery that states have created, this volume serves to recall that despite the growing size of the machinery and unwieldy nature of states, human rights began with real people. It samples a broad range of actors and localities where everyday people fought to ensure that the basic principles of human rights became a reality for all. This volume will give a face to the everyday people to whom credit is due for shaping human rights. It also responds to the perennial question of how to begin a career in human rights by highlighting that there is no single path into this dynamic field, a field built on the back of small initiatives by people across a broad spectrum of career paths.
Harvard University Press Solomon and Marcolf: Vernacular Traditions
Solomon and Marcolf: Vernacular Traditions offers an array of relevant texts, in English for the first time, that display the mysteries of the “rogue biography” that is Solomon and Marcolf. The astonishingly varied and fascinating pieces have been translated from medieval and early modern French, Russian, German, Icelandic, Danish, and Italian.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scheduling Theory and Its Applications
Covering deterministic scheduling, stochastic scheduling, and the probabilistic analysis of algorithms, this unusually broad view of the subject brings together tutorials, surveys and articles with original results from foremost international experts. The contributions reflect the great diversity in scheduling theory in terms of academic disciplines, applications areas, fundamental approaches and mathematical skills. This book will help researchers to be aware of the progress in the various areas of specialization and the possible influences that this progress may have on their own specialities. Few disciplines are driven so much by continually changing and expanding technology, a fact that gives scheduling a permanence while adding to the excitement of designing and analyzing new systems. The book will be a vital resource for researchers and graduate students of computer science, applied mathematics and operational research who wish to remain up-to-date on the scheduling models and problems of many of the newest technologies in industry, commerce, and the computer and communications sciences.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Towards a Knowledge Based Economy?: Knowledge and Learning in European Educational Research
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Transport System and Transport Policy: An Introduction, Second Edition
This extensively updated textbook introduces the transport system and its societal impacts in a holistic and multidisciplinary way. A timely second edition, it includes new analyses of travel behaviour and the transport system’s impacts on health and well-being.Key Features: Guidance for transport policy evaluation methods and modelling approaches Systematic approach to analysing higher-order impacts of interventions in the transport system Discussion of topical issues in transport policy, including analysis of current transport innovations The use of case studies to highlight interconnected aspects of the transport system and their relevance to decision making Exploration of the role of transport systems in providing accessibility and their impact on the environment, safety, health and well-being International in scope, this textbook will be invaluable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying disciplines such as transport policy and transport geography. It will also be useful to the professionals and policymakers in the transport industry.
Van Haren Publishing BV Gestion de Servicios ti Basado en ITIL - Guia de Bolsillo: Volume 3
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Global Power Europe - Vol. 2: Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU's External Relations
This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU’s external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor.Volume 1: The first volume “Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU’s External Relations” addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU’s institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU’s international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies)Volume 2: The second volume “Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU’s External Relations”, examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC International Law: A European Perspective
This textbook offers for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the classic doctrines and main areas of international law from a European perspective, meeting the needs of the many European law schools teaching public international law in English. Special attention is devoted to the practice of the European Union, the Council of Europe and European States – both civil law and common law countries – with regard to international law. In particular the book analyses the interplay between international law, EU law and national law in the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights and national jurisdictions in Europe. It provides the reader with insights into how the international legal practice of the EU and its Member States impacts the development of international law, both in terms of doctrines such as treaty-making and customary law, the exercise of (extraterritorial) jurisdiction, state responsibility and the settlement of disputes, as well as particular sub-fields of international law, such as human rights law and international economic law. In addition the book covers other important areas such as the use of force and collective security, the law of armed conflict, and global and regional international organisations. It provides European perspectives on all these issues and will be of great value to students, scholars and practitioners.
Peeters Publishers Paradijzen Van Papier: Utopie in De Nederlandse Literatuur
Er zijn weinig genres waarvan de kernwerken zo vast schijnen te liggen als dat van de literaire utopie. Nochtans zijn er ook heel wat manifestaties te vinden van het utopische gedachtegoed in teksten die normaal gesproken niet meteen tot deze beperkte verzameling worden gerekend. Neemt het tot nog toe verrichte utopieonderzoek de vooronderstellingen van een eeuwenlange onderzoekstraditie zomaar over? Bleven talloze titels onterecht buiten beschouwing? Moeten de conventionele visies op het genre worden bijgesteld? Met deze en andere vragen in het achterhoofd verkennen de vijf medewerkers aan deze bundel zowel oudere als moderne literatuur, op zoek naar sporen van het utopische in het werk van onder meer Jan van Boendale, Jeremias de Decker, Eric de Kuyper, Peter Verhelst en in Noord-Nederlandse regionale romans. Zij komen van hun reizen terug met spannende openingen voor verder onderzoek.
Siruela Piedra de luna azul
Durante el recreo, y mientras se juega a preguntas y respuestas, ha aparecido en el patio del colegio el Rey de los Infiernos, que promete al joven Joost una piedra de luna si es capaz de seguir su rastro. Joost deberá seguir sus misteriosas huellas y descender hasta los mismísimos infiernos. Por suerte, su amigo Jan le acompañará un tramo. Pero hay alguien más que baja a los infiernos para cumplir una promesa: el príncipe I-an. Joost y el príncipe se ven apresados bajo tierra y condenados a permanecer allí como esclavos, salvo que superen tres pruebas: construir un palacete de oro en un solo día, identificar a la más pequeña de las treinta hijas idénticas del rey y entregar a Magoguele una estrella de verdad.Serán capaces de llevar a cabo la misión que el pérfido rey les ha encomendado...?
Hatje Cantz Tal Sterngast. Twelve Paintings: Excursions in the Gemäldegalerie of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Berlin’s Gemäldegalerie is known for its outstanding collection of European paintings from the thirteenth to eighteenth century. Each chapter in this book is dedicated to one painting from the collection. In the breadth of this idiosyncratic selection, painting, as it discovers itself becomes a medium for the formulation of modern subjectivity. Each painting in focus unfolds its own making and its artistic concerns as they reflect contemporary issues, today. What are the paradoxes within which art is made by women? How does the primordial drive to destroy works of art affect today's art discourse? Where did the modern struggle of painting against the picture begin? Why does the Wild Man from early German Renaissance still haunt us? And why doesn’t it matter whether Jan Vermeer used an optical device for his paintings? Twelve Paintings highlights the currentness of the Old Masters.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd LONG WAVE THEORY
This reference collection brings together major papers and essays on long wave or Kondratieff cycles.Edited by Christopher Freeman, Long Wave Theory includes both early contributions and work deriving from the revival of interest in the 1970s and 1980s. This authoritative volume reproduces key papers on the connection between innovation and long wave theory, the statistical debate about long wave theory and recent work on its use as a forecasting tool. It includes the first ever English translation of Van Gelderen's classic paper.As well as Van Gelderen's pioneering 1913 article - translated and introduced by Bart Verspagen - this collection features the major contributions to the contemporary debate drawn from a wide range of journals and publications. Authors whose work is reproduced in this volume include Jan Tinbergen, Andrew Tylecote, Nathan Rosenberg, Ernest Mandel and Helga Nowotny.
University of Alberta Press Troubling Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Education: Critical Perspectives
Troubling Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Education offers a series of critical perspectives concerning reconciliation and reconciliatory efforts between Canadian and Indigenous peoples. Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars address both theoretical and practical aspects of troubling reconciliation in education across various contexts with significant diversity of thought, approach, and socio-political location. Throughout, the work challenges mainstream reconciliation discourses. This timely, unflinching analysis will be invaluable to scholars and students of Indigenous studies, sociology, and education. Foreword by Jan Hare. Contributors: Daniela Bascuñán, Jennifer Brant, Liza Brechbill, Shawna Carroll, Frank Deer, George J. Sefa Dei (Nana Adusei Sefa Tweneboah), Lucy El-Sherif, Rachel yacaaʔał George, Ruth Green, Celia Haig-Brown, Arlo Kempf, Jeannie Kerr, David Newhouse, Amy Parent, Michelle Pidgeon, Robin Quantick, Jean-Paul Restoule, Toby Rollo, Mark Sinke, Sandra D. Styres, Lynne Wiltse, Dawn Zinga
Unbound The Madonna of Bolton
Charlie Matthews's love story begins in a pebble-dashed house in suburban Bolton, at a time when most little boys want to grow up to be Michael Jackson, and girls want to be Princess Diana. Remembering the Green Cross Code and getting out of football are the most important things in his life, until... On his ninth birthday, Auntie Jan gives him a gift that will last a lifetime: a seven-inch single called 'Lucky Star'. He discovers Madonna - and falls in love. Casting the pop icon in the role of his spirit guide, Charlie draws on Madonna's audacity and ambition to help him find the courage to overcome his own obstacles and become a success in life. His obsession sees him through some tough times, but in order to be truly happy, he'll need to find his own inner strength...
Verlag Peter Lang Between Cross and Class: Comparative Histories of Christian Labour in Europe 1840-2000
Peeters Publishers Post-phénoménologies: Merleau-Ponty, Patocka, Barbaras
L’idée directrice de cet ouvrage est qu’une inflexion décisive caractérise les avancées théoriques proposées par Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jan Patocka et Renaud Barbaras. S’il s’agit bien encore, en effet, avec ces trois auteurs de refonder la phénoménologie (geste classique depuis Husserl), ce mouvement de refondation n’implique plus le strict recentrage de la phénoménologie sur ses possibilités propres. Il y va bien plutôt d’une refondation-extension (par là même post-phénoménologique) exigeant un déport, un mouvement vers une métaphysique, vers une autre métaphysique à déterminer. On verra que l’écart entre phénoménologie et métaphysique n’en est pas pour autant annulé, mais qu’il est bien plutôt pensé à nouveaux frais comme lieu toujours reconfiguré du dépassement de l’opposition initiale – un lieu aux bordures mouvantes qui a la particularité d’entretenir, d’aggraver même le polemos entre post-phénoménologie et métaphysique non substantielle. C’est en thématisant ce lieu que les post-phénoménologies que nous étudions ici révèlent le lien intime entre phénomènes-de-monde et être non positif.
Peeters Publishers Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China
This volume sheds new light on the matter of religious mountain culture in China – a theme of great relevance to the Chinese civilization. Already during the Chinese antiquity, mountains had specific ritual functions. This may be seen as a precursor to the importance mountains gained when in medieval China Buddhism and Daoism emerged as dominant religions. Adepts of both religions often went into retreat on mountains to practice spirituality, and as a result monastic communities often formed on mountains. In the further course, certain mountains began to attract pilgrims, since they were associated with famous practitioners who had lived there, or since they were seen as the seat of particular Buddhist or Daoist deities. As it would be impossible to cover this wide field in total, the present volume is designed to offer specialized studies of selected segments. Contributing scholars include Bart Dessein, Susan Andrews, Huang Chi-chiang, Timothy Wai Keung Chan, Thomas Jülch, Stephen Eskildsen, Jan de Meyer, and Louis Komjathy.
Peeters Publishers Het Mysterie Van Het "Lam Gods": Filips De Goede En De Rechtvaardige Rechters Van Van Eyck
De citaten uit de Apocalyps en de Profeten op het Lam-Godsretabel van Jan van Eyck (Gent, Sint-Baafskathedraal) evoceren de terugkeer van het Aards Paradijs, het Duizendjarige Rijk en de openbaring van het Nieuwe Jeruzalem. Het enthousiaste toekomstvisioen, met als inzet het einde van het Westerse schisma, de bevrijding van Jeruzalem en de bekering van de Joden, illustreert de hofideologie van het Bourgondische rijk in de 15de eeuw. Het werd mogelijk geinspireerd door Spaanse conversos met connecties in Brugge. Het was bestemd voor het Prinsenhof in Gent naar aanleiding van de doop op 6 mei 1432 van Josse, geboren in Gent, de verhoopte troonopvolger van Filips de Goede en Isabella van Portugal. Het retabel werd niet aanvaard omwille van zijn millenaristische ideologie. Het werd aangepast mits expliciete verwijzingen naar de zondeval van Adam en Eva en kreeg een plaats in de pas gebouwde kapel van Judocus Vijd en Elisabeth Borluut in de toenmalige Sint-Janskerk, nadien Sint-Baafskathedraal.
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. Scrates juicio y muerte de un ciudadano
No cabe la menor duda de que Sócrates es una figura fundamental del pensamiento occidental. Su búsqueda de la verdad, su indagación, mediante el diálogo, sobre la moral, la honestidad, la justicia y el conocimiento del hombre dando por supuesto que el inicio es siempre una pregunta que incide en el no conocimiento lo convierten en un ser singular y, por supuesto, en un ser peligroso para cualquier tipo de hipocresía, ya sea individual, colectiva o incluso estatal y... democrática. Una joven democracia que no digería la independencia, agudeza y ética de un hombre íntegro, valiente, irónico, coherente y enfrentado por su actitud a las oscuridades de un sistema llamado democrático dispuesto a devorar a sus más valiosos hijos.Sócrates. Juicio y muerte de un ciudadano presenta a Sócrates y su entorno en el juicio y muerte. Y, parafraseando a Jan Kott, pretende, sin alterar ninguna circunstancia histórica, hablar de Sócrates, nuestro contemporáneo. Porque entendemos que el teatro es siemp
Sevilla, octubre de 1936. Crisanta recibe un encargo peligroso. Ha desaparecido, en medio de los pillajes, un tríptico del siglo XVI de Jan Van Eyck. Si lo localiza y lo entrega, la ayudarán a salir del país. Sabe que no hay sitio para ella en la España sepultada por el oscurantismo, y acepta, a pesar de que sus instrumentos de adivinación le hayan desaconsejado participar en aquella empresa. Dicen que el tríptico atrajo el desastre sobre sus profanadores, pero ella no se deja amedrentar por las maldiciones.Juan Ramón Biedma, autor reconocido con los principales galardones de novela negra, fue ganador del XXI Premio Unicaja de Novela Fernando Quiñones con El sonido de tu cabello. Crisanta, su última novela, es un thriller impecable al tiempo que un cuento de fantasmas durante la Guerra Civil, que nace del encuentro entre las historias marginales del cine de los años treinta, el enigmático aire de las sociedades esotéricas británicas del XIX y la reconstrucción de la retaguard
HENI Publishing Colour with Brian Clarke Collages 3
Colour with Brian Clarke: Collages 3 is the fifth in a series of activity books published by HENI, based on the artworks of world-renowned contemporary artist, Sir Brian Clarke. Designed in close collaboration, and with an inspiring introduction by the artist himself, these are activity books with a difference for children to enjoy transforming each page into their very own masterpiece! Giving children a peek into the exciting world of art, guided by a leading British artist, the activity books present colouring pages alongside reproductions of 15 original artworks, providing inspiration and guidance for children whilst letting their imaginations run wild to discover their own creativity! In this volume, the beautiful outlines are taken from collage artworks first displayed at Clarke's major exhibition A Great Light (8 Jun 20237 Jan 2024) at Newport Street Gallery, London. Suitable for those aged three years and over, and allowing for a wide range of colouring applications to be used
Simon & Schuster The Blight Way: A Sheriff Bo Tully Mystery
From bestselling author Patrick McManus comes the first mystery starring Blight County sheriff, Bo Tully which Kirkus Reviews called “one of the most entertaining debuts in years.”Bo Tully, sheriff of Blight County, Idaho—and a fellow who dropped twenty pounds on Atkins—had been thinking about asking out Jan Whittle, his grade-school sweetheart. Problem is, he’s already promised to celebrate his dad’s seventy-fifth birthday with him. Thwarted romance proves to be the least of Bo’s problems, however, when a dead body turns up on Batim Scragg’s ranch. Forced to put on his sleuthing hat, Bo finds himself faced with a whole slew of possible suspects. And what quickly becomes apparent is that, while the sheriff’s investigative methods may not exactly be legal, they are, for better or worse, The Blight Way. A bestselling author with more than two million books in print, the curmudgeonly wit Patrick F. McManus delivers a page-turning mystery filled with mirth and misadventure set in hook-and-bullet territory.
Hatje Cantz Schön hier (German edition): Architektur auf dem Land
Rural regions and their local architecture receive far too little attention. This book aims to change that. The variety of realized projects shows the hidden potential of these areas and how architecture can contribute to a good life in the countryside. The projects presented here include homes, workshops, agricultural buildings, village stores, wineries, hotels, museums, chapels, sports facilities or public buildings. The geographical focus is on Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with individual projects from Europe also included. By highlighting selected regions and places, the book illustrates the overall changes in different area – whether through shrinkage or growth. This attractive volume is enhanced by essays on the realization process of projects, on important building types, on infrastructure, and on what can be learned from building in the countryside. The catalog portrays 65 projects by numerous renowned architecture offices, including Bernardo Bader Architekten, Gion A. Caminada, Peter Haimerl, Jan Rösler Architekten and Andy Senn Architekt.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Economic Institutions: A Critical Reader
It is now widely acknowledged that institutions are a crucial factor in economic performance. Major developments have been made in our understanding of the nature and evolution of economic institutions in the last few years. This book brings together some key contributions in this area by leading internationally renowned scholars including Paul A. David, Christopher Freeman, Alan P. Kirman, Jan Kregel, Brian J. Loasby, J. Stanley Metcalfe, Bart Nooteboom and Ugo Pagano. This essential reader covers topics such as the relationship between institutions and individuals, institutions and economic development, the nature and role of markets, and the theory of institutional evolution. The book not only outlines cutting-edge developments in the field but also indicates key directions of future research for institutional and evolutionary economics.Vital reading on one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing areas of research today, The Evolution of Economic Institutions will be of great interest to researchers, students and lecturers in economics and business studies.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Women of Faith Devotional Bible, Leathersoft, Purple: A Message of Grace and Hope for Every Day
A legacy of hope and inspiration from Women of Faith® to you. Featuring the accurate and beautiful New King James Version translation and thematic index, this Bible offers inspirational and encouraging resources to help you strengthen your walk with God.Features include: 366 devotionals on themes such as grace, hope, joy, peace, and love to encourage you each day More than 500 “Glimpses of Grace” offering quotes from contributors, including best-loved Women of Faith speakers and dramatists, as well as Kathy Troccoli, Jan Silvious, Jill Briscoe, Babbie Mason, Point of Grace, and others Thematic Index featuring twelve monthly devotional themes and related scriptures Special helps for new believers Contributors' Biographical Index 10-point type size Part of the Signature Series line of Thomas Nelson BiblesWomen of Faith Devotional Bibles sold to date: More than 250,000The New King James Version—More than 60 million copies sold in 30 years
Fordham University Press John Fante's Ask the Dust: A Joining of Voices and Views
This volume assembles for the first time a staggering multiplicity of reflections and readings of John Fante’s 1939 classic, Ask the Dust, a true testament to the work’s present and future impact. The contributors to this work—writers, critics, fans, scholars, screenwriters, directors, and others—analyze the provocative set of diaspora tensions informing Fante’s masterpiece that distinguish it from those accounts of earlier East Coast migrations and minglings. A must-read for aficionados of L.A. fiction and new migration literature, John Fante’s “Ask the Dust”: A Joining of Voices and Views is destined for landmark status as the first volume of Fante studies to reveal the novel’s evolving intertextualities and intersectionalities. Contributors: Miriam Amico, Charles Bukowski, Stephen Cooper, Giovanna DiLello, John Fante, Valerio Ferme, Teresa Fiore, Daniel Gardner, Philippe Garnier, Robert Guffey, Ryan Holiday, Jan Louter, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Meagan Meylor, J’aime Morrison, Nathan Rabin, Alan Rifkin, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Danny Shain, Robert Towne, Joel Williams
Stanford University Press The Political Theology of Paul
This highly original interpretation of Paul by the Jewish philosopher of religion Jacob Taubes was presented in a number of lectures held in Heidelberg toward the end of his life, and was regarded by him as his “spiritual testament.” Taubes engages with classic Paul commentators, including Karl Barth, but also situates the Pauline text in the context of Freud, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, Scholem, and Rosenzweig. In his distinctive argument for the apocalyptic-revolutionary potential of Romans, Taubes also takes issue with the “political theology” advanced by the conservative Catholic jurist Carl Schmitt. Taubes’s reading has been crucial for a number of interpretations of political theology and of Paul—including those of Jan Assmann and Giorgio Agamben—and it belongs to a wave of fresh considerations of Paul’s legacy (Boyarin, Lyotard, Badiou, Zîzêk). Finally, Taubes’s far-ranging lectures provide important insights into the singular experiences and views of this unconventional Jewish intellectual living in post-Holocaust Germany.
British Museum Press Out of Australia: Prints and Drawings from Sidney Nolan to Rover Thomas
This ground-breaking book follows the rise of a distinctive school of Australian art that first emerged in the 1940s. Beginning with the artists of the ‘Angry Penguins’ movement, Arthur Boyd, Albert Tucker, Joy Hester and Sidney Nolan, whose work exhibited a new strain of surrealism and expressionism, the book continues with the rich variety of 1970s work by Jan Seberg, Robert Jacks and George Baldessin, moving through to contemporary artists such as Rover Thomas and Judy Watson. Stephen Coppel traces the major developments in Australian art from the 1940s to the present day, and examines the significant interplay with the British art scene. The book includes a substantial essay outlining the major developments in Australian art since the 1940s, the reception of Australian art in Britain and the recent rise of Aboriginal printmaking. It features 127 works by 61 artists, and includes concise artists’ biographies and individual commentaries on the works.
Yale University Press The Little Street: The Neighborhood in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art and Culture
An interdisciplinary study of the central role that the neighborhood played in seventeenth-century Dutch painting and culture The neighborhood was a principal organizing structure of Dutch cities in the seventeenth century, and each had its own regulations, administrators, social networks, events, and diverse population of residents. Linda Stone-Ferrier argues that this sense of community contributed to the steady demand for pictures portraying aspects of this culture. These paintings, by such artists as Jan Steen and Pieter de Hooch, reinforced the role and values of the neighborhood. Through close readings of such works—by Steen and De Hooch and, among others, Gerrit Dou, Gabriel Metsu, Jacob van Ruisdael, and Johannes Vermeer—Stone-Ferrier deftly considers social history, urban studies, anthropology, and women’s studies in this penetrating exploration. Her new interpretations of seventeenth-century Dutch painting across genres—scenes of streets, domesticity, professions, and festivity—challenge existing paradigms in Dutch art history.
University of Illinois Press Babies and Beasts: THE ARGUMENT FROM MARGINAL CASES
Both its defenders and detractors have described the argument from marginal cases as the most important to date in defense of animal rights. Hotly debated among philosophers for some twenty years, the argument concludes that no morally relevant characteristic distinguishes human beingsincluding infants, the severely retarded, the comatose, and other "marginal cases"--from any other animals. Babies and Beasts presents the first book-length exploration of the broad range of views relating to the argument from marginal cases and sorts out and evaluates its various uses and abuses. Daniel Dombrowski analyzes the views of many who are prominent in the debate-- Peter Singer, Thomas Regan, H. J. McCloskey, Jan Narveson, John Rawls, R. G. Frey, Peter Carruthers, Michael Leahy, Robert Nozick, and James Rachels are included--in a volume that will be essential to philosophers, animal rights activists, those who work in clinical settings, and others who must sometimes deal with "marginal cases."
Hatje Cantz Lucia Moholy Exposures
A prolific writer, photographer, portraitist, and documentarian, Lucia Moholy defies categorization. She was as active in avant-garde circles as she was in the field of information science, advancing an expansive understanding of visual reproduction. While previous publications on Moholy have limited her accomplishments to the five years she spent at the Bauhaus, Lucia Moholy: Exposures presents the full breadth of her writings and photographs for the first time. Extensive essays drawing on new archival discoveries offer insights into her early life in turn-of-the-century Prague, her involvement in the radical social movements of the 1920s in Weimar Germany, her emigration to London, where colleagues and friends included members of the Bloomsbury Group as well as her wartime involvement with microfilm and scientific documentation and her work in the Middle East on behalf of UNESCO. Acknowledging her reception by contemporary artists such as Jan Tichy, the publication demonstrates how M
HENI Publishing Colour with Brian Clarke Collages 1
Colour with Brian Clarke: Collages 1 is the first in a series of activity books published by HENI, based on the artworks of world-renowned contemporary artist, Sir Brian Clarke. Designed in close collaboration, and with an inspiring introduction by the artist himself, these are activity books with a difference for children to enjoy transforming each page into their very own masterpiece!Giving children a peek into the exciting world of art, guided by a leading British artist, the activity books present drawing pages alongside reproductions of 15 original artworks, providing inspiration and guidance for children whilst letting their imaginations run wild to discover their own creativity! In this volume, the beautiful outlines are taken from collage artworks first displayed at Clarke's major exhibition A Great Light (8 Jun 2023 7 Jan 2024) at Newport Street Gallery, London.Suitable for those aged three years and over, and allowing for a wide range of colouring applications to be used in
University of Regina Press A Book of Ecological Virtues
For readers of The Sixth Extinction, a manifesto for meaningfully confronting our role in climate change and committing to sustainable, eco-friendly living during an era irrevocably marked by human activity. Despite our brief tenure on planet Earth, Homo sapiens have caused an epoch of climate change and declining ecological diversity: the Anthropocene. This age has been singularly defined by humans' unique and unprecedented ability to destroy our only habitat. In the face of global warming and animal extinction, it is vitally important we collectively turn toward the cultivation of eco-virtues—a new set of values by which to live—if there is to be any hope for us and other species to continue to exist. Within this collection are Nunavut hunters, religious theologists, acclaimed academics and poets—including writing by philosopher and poet Jan Zwicky recently deemed a seminal text on climate change by The Guardian . The contributors bring a wide breadth of perspecti
HarperCollins Publishers The Wine-Dark Sea (Aubrey-Maturin, Book 16)
There is a fine line between privateer and pirate, between friend and foe. With a beleaguered Britain already facing war on two fronts – against Napoleon’s armies in Europe but also against the young and vigorous United States – the objective of ship’s surgeon and spy Stephen Maturin is to light the touch paper of Peruvian revolutionary fervour, all while Captain Jack Aubrey engages with their many and varied enemies at sea. Will revolution in South America tip the balance Britain’s way? ‘The truth is that we aficionados scarcely feel them to be novels at all. They are a world of their own, a world full of excitement, mystery, charm and good manners of which we have ourselves become participating citizens.’JAN MORRIS, Observer ‘[O’Brian] goes on that very small shelf reserved for authors who, disregarding aptitudes, spin a story out of the heart and soul of their experience and the joy of living.’ Times Literary Supplement
Oxford University Press The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
The Caribbean is the source of one of the richest, most accessible, and yet technically adventurous traditions of contemporary world literature. This collection of Caribbean short stories is pan-Caribbean, including stories from the four main languages of the region: English, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Stories by major figures in the English language tradition such as V. S. Naipaul, Sam Sevlon, and Jean Rhys are set alongside their Spanish- and French-speaking contemporaries like Alejo Carpentier, Jan Bosh, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Their work, in all its diversity of style, theme, and linguistic energy, provides a context for the work of an exciting new generation of Caribbean writers like Edwidge Danticat, Robert Antoni, Astrid Roemer, and Jamaica Kincaid. A celebration of regional creativity, the collection contains sufficient surprises to keep even the most avid student of West Indian writing turning the pages, while reminding readers that the Caribbean is a multilingual, multicultural space.
John Wiley & Sons Inc African American Inventors
Meet the black inventors who lived their dreams--from the early years to modern times Benjamin BannekerAndrew Jackson BeardGeorge E. Carruthers, Ph.D.George Washington CarverMichael Croslin, Ph.D.David Nelson Crosthwait Jr.Charles Richard Drew, M.D.Meredith Gourdine, Ph.D.Claude HarvardShirley Ann Jackson, Ph.D.Frederick McKinley JonesPercy Lavon Julian, Ph.D.Ernest Everett Just, Ph.D.Lewis Howard LatimerJan Earnst MatzeligerElijah McCoyBenjamin MontgomeryJohn P. MoonGarrett Augustus MorganNorbert RillieuxEarl D. Shaw, Ph.D.Madame C. J. WalkerDaniel Hale Williams, M.D.Granville T. WoodsJane Cooke Wright, M.D. For more than three centuries, African American inventors have been coming up with ingenious ideas. In fact, it is impossible to really know American history without also learning about the contributions of black discoverers. This collection brings their stories to life. In every era, black inventors have made people's lives safer, more comfortable, more convenient, and more profitable. This inspiring, comprehensive collection shines history's spotlight on these courageous inventors and discoverers. One by one, they persevered, despite prejudice and obstacles to education and training. These stories show you how: Benjamin Montgomery, born a slave, invented a propeller that improved steamboat navigation. Jan Earnst Matzeliger, the son of a Dutch engineer, invented a machine that revolutionized the shoe manufacturing industry. Madame C. J. Walker, born two years after the Civil War emancipated her parents, invented a product that helped make her a millionaire. Dr. George E. Carruthers, an astrophysicist, invented the lunar surface ultraviolet camera/spectrograph for Apollo 16. Dr. Jane Cooke Wright, a third-generation physician and pioneer in the field of cancer research discovered a method for testing which drugs to use to fight specific cancers. Dr. Wright became the first woman elected president of the New York Cancer Society and the first African American woman to serve as dean of a medical college. This outstanding collection brings to light these and dozens of other exciting and surprising tales of inventors and discoverers who lived their dreams.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Paulinische Raum-Politik im Philipperbrief
Dieses Werk von Christian Blumenthal ist von Impulsen aus dem Spatial Turn inspiriert und lotet Raum als theologischen Topos im Philipperbrief aus. Paulus legt seine Theologie in diesem Brief ungemein räumlich an und entwirft einen Heilsraum „in Christus“. Dieser Raum ist gleichermaßen entgrenzt und lokal, imaginär und greifbar. Im Leben der Gemeinde in Philippi, in ihrem Miteinander und ihrer Handlungsweise gewinnt dieser Raum eine konkrete Gestalt und erlangt sowohl gesellschaftliche als auch politische Relevanz. Mit diesem Raum-Entwurf tritt Paulus zu anderen Sinnangeboten in Philippi in Konkurrenz und sucht ihn als die bessere Alternative auf dem Markt der Sinnangebote in dieser römischen Kolonie zu positionieren. Zugleich ist dieser Raumentwurf geeignet, die realweltliche Trennung zwischen dem Apostel im Gefängnis und der Gemeinde vor Ort zu überbrücken und über Distanz hinweg persönliche Nähe herzustellen. Dies ist für Paulus notwendig, um als abwesender Gemeindegründer seine Leitungsposition innerhalb der Gemeinde zu festigen.
Peeters Publishers Ruusbroec's Mystical Vision in 'Die gheestelike brulocht' Seen in the Light of 'minne'
In his masterwork, Die geestelijke brulocht (The Spiritual Espousals), the fourteenth-century Flemish mystic Jan van Ruusbroec used his profound knowledge of Trinitarian theology to show that the apex of the spiritual life consists in our being taken up into the love of the three persons of the blessed Trinity. The care and precision with which Ruusbroec describes the ascent from "the active life" to "the interior life" and from there to the culmination of "the contemplative life" is evident in the way he carefully distinguishes between three terms that could all be translated as "love": minne, karitate, and liefde. James Wiseman’s astute reading of Ruusbroec’s treatise shows how the affective aspect of love (liefde) and the aspect that expresses itself in virtuous activity (karitate) are both subsumed under the all-embracing reality of minne, the love that flows forth from the triune God and then draws us back to a blissful reunion with our loving Source.