Search results for ""Author Ross"
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazzin Americana for Two Book 4
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazzin Americana For Two Book 1
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Msica de Navidad Bk 1 8 Late Elementary Christmas Piano Arrangements in Latin American Styles Msica Latina
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Summertime Samba Signature
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Spirit of the Mountain Stream Signature
F&W Publications Inc No Excuses Watercolor Animals: A Field Guide to Painting
Simon & Schuster Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain
FJH Music Co, Inc A Trip Through the Rainforest
Rowman & Littlefield Creating a Dignified Past: Museums and the Colonial Revival
The cultural phenomenon known as the Colonial Revival emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a period of intense and unsettling social and economic change in the United States. Many fields of endeavor felt its impact, from architecture and literature to politics and advertising. Nowhere was this more evident than within the museum community. Historic preservation and restoration, gallery installations, research and publication efforts all reflected in some element of the Colonial Revival aesthetic, which postulated an American "golden age" stretching from the Pilgrim's arrival at Plymouth Rock to the death of Thomas J. Jefferson. In Creating a Dignified Past a distinguished group of museum professionals assess the impact of the Colonial Revival on American museums. Included are general overviews of the movement and detailed examinations of museums as diverse as Colonial Williamsburg, Wadsworth-Longfellow House (Portland, Maine), Pennypacker Mills (Pennsylvania), and Historic Cherry Hill (Albany, New York). Together, these essays provide new insights into the ways successive generations have interpreted and reinterpreted America's past.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Creative Composition Toolbox Bk 3 A StepByStep Guide for Learning to Compose
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Creative Composition Toolbox Bk 1 A StepByStep Guide for Learning to Compose
ADAC Reiseführer ADAC Reisefhrer plus Venedig mit MaxiFaltkarte zum Herausnehmen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 3 Schuljahr Wrter zum Merken bungsheft
The University of Chicago Press Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness
The most accurate and comprehensive picture of homelessness to date, this study offers a powerful explanation of its causes, proposes short- and long-term solutions, and documents the striking contrasts between the homeless of the 1950s and 1960s and the contemporary homeless population, which is younger and contains more women, children, and blacks.
University of Wales Press Darllen y Dychymyg: Creu ystyron newydd i blant a phlentyndod yn Llenyddiaeth y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg
Erbyn hyn, mae llyfrau i blant ymhlith gwerthwyr gorau'r diwydiant cyhoeddi ac yn rhan ganolog o addysg pob plentyn yng Nghymru. Ond prin yw'r sylw beirniadol a gafodd hanes a datblygiad llenyddiaeth plant yn y Gymraeg. Mae'r gyfrol hon yn mynd i'r afael a'r tawelwch hwnnw ynghylch llenyddiaeth plant yn ein hanes cenedlaethol, gan ddadlau dros ei harwyddocad cymdeithasol a diwylliannol. Drwy fanylu ar ddechreuadau llyfrau a chylchgronau i blant yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, dengys y gyfrol hon fod llenyddiaeth plant yn hanfodol bwysig er mwyn deall sut mae syniadau ac agweddau'n cael eu trosglwyddo a'u trawsffurfio. Ymdrinnir yn bennaf ag agweddau tuag at blant a phlentyndod, gan olrhain y modd yr esblygodd y cysyniadau hynny o dan bwysau trawsnewidiadau economaidd a diwyllianol yr oes. Yng ngoleuni cysyniadau beirniadol Pierre Bourdieu a Michel de Certeau, archwilir y ffactorau oedd cyflyru awduron i ysgrifennu ar gyfer plant yn y lle cyntaf, a'r hyn oedd yn siapio eu hagweddau tuag at eu darllenwyr ifainc. Drwy wneud hynny, mae'r astudiaeth hon yn gosod carreg sylfaen ar gyfer astudio llenyddiaeth plant yn y Gymraeg a'i pherthynas a'i hamgylchfyd hanesyddol a diwylliannol.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on Materials Science Research
University of Wales Press Y Ferch ym Myd y Faled: Delweddau o'r Ferch ym Maledi'r Ddeunawfed Ganrif
The first detailed study of the female in the ballad genre. It involves how females were portrayed in eighteenth century ballads, and a vast amount of themes that are within women's experiences are studied. The ballads are also put in their historical and international context. 8 black-and-white pictures.
Running Press Desktop Soccer
Goooal!Now you can bring all of the fun and excitement of the soccer pitch to your desktop with this miniature set that you play with your fingers! * Everything you need to play: Includes soccer pitch mat, 2 goals, 2 pairs of soccer cleats for your fingers, 1 mini soccer ball* Book included: With a brief history and rules of the sport, profiles of famous players, trivia, and more in this 32-page fully illustrated miniature book* Unique gift: Perfect for soccer lovers of all ages
Ara Llibres La veïna del carrer Berlín
Ton Creus Virgili (Sabadell, 1944-2010) fou mestre d'escola i llicenciat en història. La seva passió per la literatura va començar a Sabadell durant els anys cinquanta, amb els còmics de l'època, Verne i Salgari. Combinà la seva professió de mestre amb la d'escriptor. Ha publicat les novelles següents: Eren rossos (2000), El sot del cavall (2002) Premi Ciutat de Badalona de Narrativa Juvenil i L'home del quiosc (2003).Una novella d?acció trepidant en una Barcelona del futur, destruïda i connectada als ordinadors, en la qual les vides dels homes estan totalment controlades pel govern.Max Nin: quaranta-dos anys, és informàtic i expert en llenguatge SAN.Ophèlia Burns: no deu passar dels setze anys, és negra, jove, atlètica, té un somriure de dentífric, vesteix una granota verda i treballa a TRÀFIC DAS.Lucía Mendoza: d?edat indefinida, ulls verds, cabells rossos tallats molt curts i una mirada intelligent,és veïna de Max Nin.Any 2054: assassinen la veïna de Max Nin al ca
Canongate Books Claires Last Secret
A tragic death leads Claire Clairmont to be haunted by her past and the ''summer of 1816'' she shared with Byron and Shelley in this first in an intriguing new historical trilogy.1873, Florence. Claire Clairmont, the last survivor of the ''haunted summer of 1816'' Byron/Shelley circle, is living out her final years in genteel poverty, but the appearance of British tourist, William Michael Rossetti, brings hope that she may be able to sell some of her memorabilia to earn enough cash to support her and her niece/companion, Paula. But Rossetti''s presence in Florence heralds a cycle of events that links the summer of 1816 - when Claire conceived an ill-fated child with George Gordon, Lord Byron, when Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, and when four tempestuous lives came together - to a tragic death. As Claire begins to unravel the truth, she must go back to that summer of passion to discover the identity of her old enemy.
University of Toronto Press Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies: An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, Tome 1, 1956-1975
Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies is an anthology of poems and essays that aims to provide an organic profile of the evolution of Italian poetry after World War II. Beginning with the birth of Officina and Il Verri, and culminating with the crisis of the mid-seventies, this tome features works by such poets as Pasolini, Pagliarani, Rosselli, Sanguineti and Zanzotto, as well as such forerunners as Villa and Cacciatore. Each section of this anthology, organized chronologically, is preceded by an introductory note and documents every stylistic or substantial change in the poetics of a group or individual. For each poet, critic, and translator a short biography and bibliography is also provided.
University of Illinois Press Making Sense of American Liberalism
This collection of thoughtful and timely essays offers refreshing and intelligent new perspectives on postwar American liberalism. Sophisticated yet accessible, Making Sense of American Liberalism challenges popular myths about liberalism in the United States. The volume presents the Democratic Party and liberal reform efforts such as civil rights, feminism, labor, and environmentalism as a more united, more radical force than has been depicted in scholarship and the media emphasizing the decline and disunity of the left. Distinguished contributors assess the problems liberals have confronted in the twentieth century, examine their strategies for reform, and chart the successes and potential for future liberal reform. Contributors are Anthony J. Badger, Jonathan Bell, Lizabeth Cohen, Susan Hartmann, Ella Howard, Bruce Miroff, Nelson Lichtenstein, Doug Rossinow, Timothy Stanley, and Timothy Thurber.
Peeters Publishers North Kharga Oasis Survey: Explorations in Egypt's Western Desert
The North Kharga Oasis Survey (NKOS) presents the results of archaeological exploration carried out over seven years in the northern part of Kharga Oasis, the largest and most southern oasis of Egypt’s Western Desert. This area had seen limited archaeological exploration until 2001, when NKOS began. NKOS has discovered and documented sites dating to all eras, ranging from the Prehistoric to the Late Antique. They include temporary camps, rock art sites, settlements, tombs, temples, industrial areas, Roman forts, fields, complex irrigation systems, and a network of routes that connect the sites together, as well as linking Kharga to the Nile Valley, Dakhla Oasis, Sudan, and beyond. The distribution, types of sites, and water acquisition strategies illustrate the changing interactions between humans and the landscape, which has fluctuated between wet and dry over time. Illustrated with maps, plans, drawings and photographs, the archaeological heritage of North Kharga is revealed for the first time.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Alla Ricerca Di Ghiongrat Studi Sui Libri Parrocchiali Romani (1600-1630)
Kohl Verlag Spiele im Chemieunterricht
advance music GmbH Scungilli Ensemble Mix Conductor Score Parts Advance Music
advance music GmbH Arrivo in Abruzzo 3 MelodieInstrumente Rhythmusgruppe Partitur und Stimmen Advance Music Flex Ensemble Mix
advance music GmbH Contrast and Continuity in Jazz Improvisation A Diatonic and MultiColored Approach Advance Music
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europaische Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: Vorrang Des Unionsrechts - Anwendbarkeit Des Nationalen Rechts
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Wolken Uber Dem Rechtsstaat?: Recht Und Technik Des Cloud Computing in Verwaltung Und Wirtschaft
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Petite Messe Solennelle Eulenburg Miniature and Study Scores
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG The Barber of Seville Overture Miniature Score
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht L'intercession entre les hommes dans la Bible hébraïque: L'intercession entre les hommes aux origines de l'intercession auprès de Dieu
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Psychologie d'Aristote
Meerkat Press Smoke City
Allworth Press,U.S. The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide
Alfred Music Hypnotic Memories: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music Mt. Everest: Conductor Score
Tokyopop Press Inc Deep Scar, Volume 1
Sofia is a quiet, shy young woman who's never been away from home for long. When she moves to Turin for school, it's her first time away from her family and her boyfriend Luca. But her new roommate, Veronica, leads a life very different from hers: she prefers evenings in the company of beautiful boys! Meanwhile, Luca dreads the influence of Veronica and her entourage on Sofia, and especially the presence of the enigmatic Lorenzo, who seems to be a little too interested in his girlfriend...
Hal Leonard Corporation Resplendent Glory Score and Parts
St. Martin's Griffin Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That Changed Their Lives Forever
Hal Leonard Corporation LItaliana in Algeri Libretto
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Opera Overtures Arranged for Pianofour hands