Search results for ""duke university press""
MD - Duke University Press Doom Patterns Latinx Speculations and the Aesthetics of Violence
MD - Duke University Press Censorium
Grounded in a close analysis of cinema regulation in the world's largest democracy, Censorium ultimately illuminates the elusive foundations of political and cultural sovereignty in mass-mediated societies.
MD - Duke University Press Japans Holy War
A work of history documenting the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century transformation of State Shinto into a radical ideology that ultimately drove Japan into a holy war against Western civilization.
MD - Duke University Press Beyond Lines of Control
A historical and ethnographic account of a region located on the border of India and Pakistan; the people who live there engage with the specter of war and religious conflict, racial identity, and the processes of modernity through varying performative mo
MD - Duke University Press The Age of Beloveds
Examines the "golden age" of the culture of the Ottoman empire in the 16th century, exploring sexuality, gender and literary society, as well as the demographics, economics, politics, society of love and other cultural productions of the Ottomans. In part
MD - Duke University Press Television after TV
A critical reassessment of television and television studies in the age of new media.
MD - Duke University Press Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America
Examines the mutually influential interactions of gender and the state in Latin America from the late colonial period to the end of the twentieth century. This book locates watershed moments in the processes of gender construction by the organised power of the ruling classes and in the processes by which gender has conditioned state-making.
MD - Duke University Press Obscene Things
After first appearing around 1590, Jing Ping Mei was circulated among some of China's best known writers of the time and subsequently published in three major recensions. By arguing from the standpoint of feminism, this title can contribute to studies of Chinese literature, Asian studies, feminism, politics of sexuality, and cultural studies.
MD - Duke University Press Lively Capital
This collection of anthropology of science essays explores the new forms of capital, markets, ethical, legal, and intellectual property concerns associated with new forms of research in the life sciences.
MD - Duke University Press Working Like a Homosexual
What does camp have to do with capitalism? How have queer men created a philosophy of commodity culture? This book responds to these questions by arguing that post-World War II gay male subcultures have fostered their own ways not only of consuming mass culture but of producing it as well. It is suitable for students of cinema, and queer studies.
MD - Duke University Press Information Please
Mark Poster considers how new media—from TiVO to digital file sharing—affects society, and he traces its implications for cultural theory and progressive political change.
MD - Duke University Press The Tail of the Dragon
Tracing the evolution of modern dance movements in New York City, this survey focuses on the choreographers, such as Merce Cunningham, Twyla Tharp, Trisha Brown and David Gordon, who were propelled into rebellion against conventional modern dance by various counter-cultural dance troupes.
MD - Duke University Press Chinese Reportage The Aesthetics of Historical Experience
Explores the origins of Chinese reportage (journalism) in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, and develops an understanding of the aesthetics that governed the creation of this literature.
MD - Duke University Press The Battle of the Sexes in French Cinema 19301956
This comprehensive historical study of French films made between 1930 and 1956—before, during, and after the Second World War—homes in on cinematic representations of gender relations.
MD - Duke University Press Emergence and Embodiment
Explores the cultural legacy of cybernetics and neocybernetics that offers new insight on the role of the human in an era of the posthuman.
MD - Duke University Press New Materialisms
Leading cultural and political theorists argue that any account of experience, agency, and political action demands attention to the urgent issues of our own material existence and environment.
MD - Duke University Press Drugs for Life
Joseph Dumit argues that underlying Americans' burgeoning consumption of prescription drugs and the skyrocketing cost of healthcare is a relatively new perception of ourselves as inherently ill and in need of chronic treatment.
MD - Duke University Press Mestizo Genomics
Based on ethnographic research in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, this title helps you explore how the concepts of race, ethnicity, nation, and gender enter into and are affected by genomic research.
MD - Duke University Press Desiring China
Argues that the creation of such "desiring subjects" is at the core of China's contingent, piece-by-piece reconfiguration of its relationship to a post-socialist, neo-liberal-dominated world.
MD - Duke University Press Sociology Empire
The revelation that the U.S. Department of Defense had hired anthropologists for its Human Terrain System project—assisting its operations in Afghanistan and Iraq—caused an uproar that has obscured the participation of sociologists in similar Pentagon-funded projects. As the contributors to Sociology and Empire show, such affiliations are not new. Sociologists have been active as advisers, theorists, and analysts of Western imperialism for more than a century. The collection has a threefold agenda: to trace an intellectual history of sociology as it pertains to empire; to offer empirical studies based around colonies and empires, both past and present; and to provide a theoretical basis for future sociological analyses that may take empire more fully into account. In the 1940s, the British Colonial Office began employing sociologists in its African colonies. In Nazi Germany, sociologists played a leading role in organizing the occupation of Eastern Europe
MD - Duke University Press Chinas AvantGarde Fiction
Filled with mirages, hallucinations, myths, mental puzzles, and the fantastic, the contemporary experimental fiction of the Chinese avant-garde represents a genre of storytelling unlike any other. This book includes a selection of examples of this school of writing, which gained prominence in the late 1980s.
MD - Duke University Press Goth
Includes twenty-three essays from various disciplines explore the music, cinema, television, fashion, literature, aesthetics, and fandoms associated with the subculture. In this title, the editors provide a history of goth, describing its play of resistance and consumerism, its impact on class, race, and gender.
MD - Duke University Press The Woman in the Zoot Suit Gender Nationalism and the Cultural Politics of Memory
Recovers the neglected history of young Mexican American women zoot-suiters in wartime Los Angeles and explains their absence from Chicano movement narratives.
MD - Duke University Press HipHop Japan
An ethnographic study of Japanese hip-hop.
MD - Duke University Press E.T. Culture
Cultural readings of alien encounters
MD - Duke University Press Intimate Outsiders
Brings to light a body of harem imagery that was created through a dynamic process of cultural exchange. The author focuses on images produced by nineteenth-century European artists and writers who were granted access to harems in the urban centres of Istanbul and Cairo. These Europeans were "intimate outsiders" within the women's quarters.
MD - Duke University Press The Enduring Legacy
A history of the oil industrys rise in Venezuela focused especially on the experiences and perceptions of industry employees, both American and Venezuelan.
MD - Duke University Press A Time for Tea
Provides an examination of the production, consumption, and circulation of tea. This book reveals how the female tea-pluckers seen in advertisements came to symbolise the heart of colonialism in India. It exposes how this image has distracted from working conditions, low wages, and coercive labour practices enforced by the patronage system.
MD - Duke University Press Colonial Fantasies
Uncovering Germany's colonial legacy and imagination, this book describes the significance of colonial fantasies, and explores imaginary colonial encounters of Germans with natives in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century literature. This book is of interest to historians, literary theorists, cultural critics, students, and scholars.
MD - Duke University Press Visible Histories Disappearing Women Producing Muslim Womanhood in Late Colonial Bengal
Examines how Muslim women came to represented as invisible, backward, and victimized in the written history of late colonial Bengal. This title argues that their near-invisibility, except as victims, in normative histories of India was central to the consolidation of national identity in the colonial period and beyond.
MD - Duke University Press Life beside Bars
MD - Duke University Press Blues Mamas and Broadway Belters Black Women Voice and the Musical Stage
MD - Duke University Press A Resonant Ecology
MD - Duke University Press The Essential Jill Johnston Reader
MD - Duke University Press On the Way to Theory
MD - Duke University Press Learning to Lead Undocumented Students Mobilizing Education
MD - Duke University Press After Palmares Diaspora Inheritance and the Afterlives of Zumbi
MD - Duke University Press When Monsters Speak A Susan Stryker Reader
MD - Duke University Press The Ethnographers Way A Handbook for Multidimensional Research Design
MD - Duke University Press Chinese Theories of Literary Creation A Historical and Critical Introduction
MD - Duke University Press Menace to the Future
MD - Duke University Press Shooting for Change Korean Photography after the War
MD - Duke University Press Porous Becomings Anthropological Engagements with Michel Serres
MD - Duke University Press Silicon Valley Imperialism Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Times
MD - Duke University Press The Book of Politics China in Theory
MD - Duke University Press Closures Heterosexuality and the American Sitcom
MD - Duke University Press Oceaning Governing Marine Life with Drones
MD - Duke University Press Utopia of the Uniform Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav Peoples Army