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Johns Hopkins University Press Feeding the World Well: A Framework for Ethical Food Systems
Leading experts reveal ways that the future of food production for the world's burgeoning population can (and must) be both sustainable and ethical.In the United States, food is abundant and cheap but loaded with hidden costs to the environment, human health, animal welfare, and the people who work in our food systems. The country's current food production systems lack diversity in crops and animals and are intensified but not sustainable, inhumane in the treatment of animals, and inconsiderate of labor. In order to feed the world's rapidly growing population with high-quality, ethically produced food, new food production systems are urgently needed. These new systems must be genetically diverse and environmentally sustainable, and they need to follow internationally recognized animal welfare and labor practices.Feeding the World Well examines these costs of cheap food while presenting a unique framework for ethical food systems: the Core Ethical Commitments, which are designed to guide consumers in choosing foods that are aligned with their values while helping producers enhance the ethics of their practices and products. Edited by Alan M. Goldberg, the volume features contributions from leading ethicists and food systems experts. Addressing complex issues such as climate change, worker exploitation, obesity, antibiotic resistance, wasted food, and biotechnology, the book discusses the fundamental forces that have shaped, and will continue to shape, our food systems. It also describes some of the approaches that food companies and nonprofit organizations are using to address the ethical challenges facing these food systems. Finally, the book explains what the Core Ethical Commitments are (and what they are not), how they were developed, and how they might be used by food system actors.By bringing together an all-star group of contributors from academia and industry, Feeding the World Well sets a new course for food production and how it is evaluated. By including the voices of industry leaders alongside those of researchers and regulators, the book prepares the food production industry for a world in which "ethical" or "sustainable" production practices are not only trendy but necessary to ensure that we can feed the world's growing population. Conceived as a textbook for food studies courses, this volume will appeal to anyone who is strongly interested in food, including conscious consumers, food industry leaders, researchers, and policy makers.Contributors: Anne Barnhill, Martin W. Bloem, Jonathan Bloom, Nicole M. Civita, Claire Davis, Michiel van Dijk, Adele Douglass, Shauna Downs, Kevin Esvelt, Ruth Faden, Jessica Fanzo, Evan Fraser, Maisie Ganzler, Tara Garnett, Sara Glass, Alan M. Goldberg, Christopher Good, Meredith Kaufman, Gillian Kelleher, Frederick L. Kirschenmann, Herman B. W. M. Koëter, Jennifer Kuzma, Kees van Leeuwen, Robert Martin, Anne E. McBride, Suzanne McMillan, Tom Morley, Marion Nestle, Peter O'Driscoll, Lance B. Price, Marie Luise Rau, Bernard Rollin, Yashar Saghai, Susan A. Schneider, Ellen K. Silbergeld, Paul B. Thompson, Paul Willis, Sylvia Wulf
Andrews McMeel Publishing Japanese Farm Food
Japanese Farm Food, now available in paperback, offers a unique look into life on a Japanese farm through 165 simple, clear-flavored recipes along with personal stories and over 350 stunning photographs. It is a book about love, community, and life in rural Japan. Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012: USA Winner, Best Japanese Cuisine Book "Our life centers on the farm and the field. We eat what we grow." --Nancy Singleton Hachisu,Japanese Farm Food offers a unique window into life on a Japanese farm through the simple, clear-flavored recipes cooked from family crops and other local, organic products. The multitude of vibrant images by Kenji Miura of green fields, a traditional farmhouse, antique baskets, and ceramic bowls filled with beautiful, simple dishes are interwoven with Japanese indigo fabrics to convey an intimate, authentic portrait of life and food on a Japanese farm. With a focus on fresh and thoughtfully sourced ingredients, the recipes in Japanese Farm Food are perfect for fans of farmers' markets, and for home cooks looking for accessible Japanese dishes. Personal stories about family and farm life complete this incredible volume.American born and raised, Nancy Singleton Hachisu lives with her husband and teenage sons on a rural Japanese farm, where they prepare these 165 bright, seasonal dishes. The recipes are organized logically with the intention of reassuring you how easy it is to cook Japanese food. Not just a book about Japanese food, Japanese Farm Food is a book about love, life on the farm, and community. Covering everything from pickles and soups to noodles, rice, and dipping sauces, with a special emphasis on vegetables, Hachisu demystifies the rural Japanese kitchen, laying bare the essential ingredients, equipment, and techniques needed for Japanese home cooking."Nancy Hachisu is...intrepid. Outrageously creative. Intensely passionate. Committed. True and real. I urge you to cook from this book with abandon, but first read it like a memoir, chapter by chapter, and you will share in the story of a modern-day family, a totally unique and extraordinary one." --Patricia Wells"This book is both an intimate portrait of Nancy's life on the farm, and an important work that shows the universality of an authentic food culture." --Alice Waters"The modest title Japanese Farm Food turns out to be large, embracing and perhaps surprising. Unlike the farm-to-table life as we know it here, where precious farm foods are cooked with recipes, often with some elaboration, real farm food means eating the same thing day after day when it’s plentiful, putting it up for when it's not, and cooking it very, very simply because the farm demands so much more time in the field than in the kitchen. This beautiful, touching, and ultimately common sense book is about a life that's balanced between the idea that a life chooses you and that you in turn choose it and then live it wholeheartedly and largely. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your rich, intentional and truly inspiring life." --Deborah Madison"Nancy Hachisu’s amazing depth of knowledge of Japanese food and culture shines through in every part of this book. You will feel as if you live next door to her...savoring and learning her down-to-earth approach to cooking and to loving food." --Hiroko Shimbo"Taking a peek into Nancy Hachisu's stunning Japanese Farm Food is like entering a magical world. It's a Japan that used to be, not the modern Japan defined by the busyness of Tokyo, but a more timeless place, a place whose rhythms are set by seasons and traditions and the work of the farm. Japanese Farm Food is so much more than a cookbook. This book has soul. Every vegetable, every tool has a story. Who grew this eggplant? Who made this soy sauce? Nancy doesn't have to ask, "Where does my food come from?" She knows. Here's a woman who grows and harvests her own rice, grain by grain. Not that she asks or expects us to do the same at all. What she does offer is a glimpse into her life in rural Japan, with its shoji screens and filtered light, and recipes from her farm kitchen that you can't wait to try." --Elise Bauer,"Japanese Farm Food is a lovely book about the culture, landscape, and food of Japan, a true insider's view of the Japanese kitchen, from farm to table, by a passionate and talented writer." --Michael Ruhlman
John Wiley & Sons Inc Frequency Selective Surfaces: Theory and Design
"...Ben has been the world-wide guru of this technology, providing support to applications of all types. His genius lies in handling the extremely complex mathematics, while at the same time seeing the practical matters involved in applying the results. As this book clearly shows, Ben is able to relate to novices interested in using frequency selective surfaces and to explain technical details in an understandable way, liberally spiced with his special brand of humor... Ben Munk has written a book that represents the epitome of practical understanding of Frequency Selective Surfaces. He deserves all honors that might befall him for this achievement." -William F. Bahret. Mr. W. Bahret was with the United States Air Force but is now retired. From the early 50s he sponsored numerous projects concerning Radar Cross Section of airborne platforms in particular antennas and absorbers. Under his leadership grew many of the concepts used extensively today, as for example the metallic radome. In fact, he is by many considered to be the father of stealth technology. "This book compiles under one cover most of Munk's research over the past three decades. It is woven with the physical insight that he has gained and further developed as his career has grown. Ben uses mathematics to whatever extent is needed, and only as needed. This material is written so that it should be useful to engineers with a background in electromagnetics. I strongly recommend this book to any engineer with any interest in phased arrays and/or frequency selective surfaces. The physical insight that may be gained from this book will enhance their ability to treat additional array problems of their own." -Leon Peters, Jr. Professor Leon Peters, Jr., was a professor at the Ohio State University but is now retired. From the early sixties he worked on, among many other things, RCS problems involving antennas and absorbers. This book presents the complete derivation of the Periodic Method of Moments, which enables the reader to calculate quickly and efficiently the transmission and reflection properties of multi-layered Frequency Selective Surfaces comprised of either wire and/or slot elements of arbitrary shape and located in a stratified medium. However, it also gives the reader the tools to analyze multi-layered FSS's leading to specific designs of the very important Hybrid Radome, which is characterized by constant band width with angle of incidence and polarization. Further, it investigates in great detail bandstop filters with large as well as narrow bandwidth (dichroic surfaces). It also discusses for the first time, lossy elements used in producing Circuit Analog absorbers. Finally, the last chapter deals with power breakdown of FSS's when exposed to pulsed signals with high peak power. The approach followed by most other presentations simply consists of expanding the fields around the FSS, matching the boundary conditions and writing a computer program. While this enables the user to obtain calculated results, it gives very little physical insight and no help in how to design actual multi-layered FSS's. In contrast, the approach used in this title analyzes all curves of desired shapes. In particular, it discusses in great detail how to produce radomes made of FSS's located in a stratified medium (Hybrid Radomes), with constant band width for all angles of incidence and polarizations. Numerous examples are given of great practical interest. More specifically, Chapter 7 deals with the theory and design of bandpass radomes with constant bandwidth and flat tops. Examples are given for mono-, bi- and tri-planar designs. Chapter 8 deals with bandstop filters with broad as well as narrow bandwidth. Chapter 9 deals with multi-layered FSS of lossy elements, namely the so-called Circuit Analog Absorbers, designed to yield outstanding absorption with more than a decade of bandwidth. Features material previously labeled as classified by the United States Air Force.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Role of Social Workers in a Broken World: A Christian Faith Perspective
The world today is a much more dangerous place in many aspects than it used to be years back. Much has changed in many arenas of life and the general situation seems to be getting worse by the day. This is a world that still seems to be in a pretty dismal condition and offers little to no prospect for progress of improvement. Today, people appear to be inclined toward greed, oppression, violence, threat, conquest, exploitation and even self-exploitation. For example, poverty is pushing more people into despondency and this in some cases has resulted in people fleeing their homelands in search of supposedly better lives in the developed nations. Some people are fleeing their homelands as refugees, seeking refuge in other developed countries. Many who take this path risk their lives through running away or escaping across unfriendly and wild oceans where many drown and die before reaching their destiny. Environmental degradation is another challenge that is affecting lives of many people. The ones suffering the most are people in developing countries where the effects of environmental degradation have contributed to drought that is adversely impacting their livelihoods and disturbing their daily lives through such induced practices as load shedding. Load shedding is periodic loss of electric power in homes brought about by reduced water levels and this has affected the production of hydroelectric power. Even in the United States the impact of environmental degradation or commonly known as global warming has taken its toll in some states where drought has negatively impacted many communities. Although much of the environmental injustice is being perpetuated by the rich and some developing countries including the United States and China. These countries have refused to take responsibility for the misery their actions have caused to many peoples especially those in the developing countries. One particular example is in the area of bio-medics in which we have see a proliferation in the number of viruses. These viruses have caused untold misery and mayhem in some parts of the world. The latest viral incident has been the novel COVID-19 that broke out in Wuhan, China in 2020 and immediately became a pandemic causing hundred of thousands of preventable deaths across the globe. The first cases were reported in Wuhan since early April of 2020. In the area of politics the story is no better as we now have a new crop of politicians who are narcissistic self-declared gods and who are driven by their egocentric and insatiable desire for gain and wealth at the expense of the masses. This political scenario, unfortunately, is what we are witnessing now. We have a political system that is driven and dictated by the wealthy and powerful. Most of these individuals are doing everything in their power to feed on and exploit people's fears all for their own aggrandizement. This book utilizes different angles to discuss these critical issues using a Christian lens. It also simultaneously highlights brokenness as the resulting consequence of the issues highlighted above. When people are victims of poverty, of viral pandemics, of environmental inequity and have no immediate hope or resolve to redress their situation, they are broken. When they flee their homelands and often risk their lives across unforgiving and turbulent oceans, they are broken. When they are timid and exploited by a political machinery that feeds on their vulnerability, they are broken. When environmental injustice affects the welfare and wellbeing of many people who do not have any power or privilege, they become broken by the consequence of this injustice. From a Christian perspective, the only answer to these challenges is God. God offers an unflinching, ceaseless and powerful revelation of love and compassion for the broken. The Bible, which testifies to this, contains scriptures that are a harbinger of Jesus's love for humanity and of how He is interested in mediating, mending and restoring broken humanity to His image. This book espouses faith and spirituality as central elements for victory against the current economic and social malaise. These two are tried and tested weapons that can effectively confront the current ills. The book discusses how spirituality and belief in God and how taking Him by His word is the only credible answer and hope for broken individuals, families, groups and communities. It provides a poignant discussion of how brokenness affects individuals, families and communities and offers practical suggestions of how brokenness can be addressed through the use of different platforms nested within a Christian perspective. Each of the following twenty chapters: A Broken World; War and Brokenness; Physical and Social Environment; International Refugee Crisis; Being Broken; Brokenness and Transformation; Reflecting and Brokenness; Staying Strong; Navigating Brokenness through Life; Social Work and Life; Brokenness, Social Work and Church; Storms and Brokenness; Standing Firm when Broken; Finding Meaning In a Broken World; Life is short but Eternity is Long, Long, Long; Rejoicing in a Broken World; The Holy Spirit in Brokenness; The Blessed Hope; Spirituality in Brokenness and; Inspirational Insights is unique and offers a persuasive and compelling argument for restoration and hope even in the midst of brokenness. The chapters offer solid discourse on ways in which the church and other stakeholders might use spiritual practices that could remedy brokenness and restore hope in those who are impacted by this malady. Although the book seems to provide practical suggestions for social workers, it is a very useful resource to other helping professions who are working and coming into contact with broken individuals daily.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of East Asia
The post-war growth of the East Asian economies is an unprecedented achievement in world economic history. The newly-industrializing countries of Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan were first to emulate Japan's economic success; more recently, the People's Republic of China and several Southeast Asian countries have experienced extremely high rates of economic growth and rapid industrial transformation.This comprehensive six volume set brings together the best work published on the political economy of the East Asia region, including studies of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The collections will be welcomed by specialists in Asian studies, comparative politics, international political economy and economics.The series can be purchased either by title - each of which consists of two volumes - or as a complete six volume set.JAPANJapan's economic transformation in the postwar period occurred at an historically unprecedented pace. Rapid urbanization accompanied economic growth and brought major changes in the social and political systems.These authoritative volumes analyse the factors behind Japan's economic success and the consequences that it has had both for Japan's political system and for Japan's role in the global economy.Volume I focuses on the process of policy making in Japan, especially on the issue of the relative importance of the bureaucracy and its relations with other key actors. The second part of the volume contains the most important contributions to the debate on whether industrial policy was the principal reason for Japan's economic success.Volume II contains sections on industrial culture and organization that examine Japanese corporate systems, the role of flexible production, the unique nature of Japanese society and the advantages and drawbacks of Japan's industrial groupings, as well as the regulatory framework under which Japan's firms operate. The final readings focus on the question of whether Japan's trading pattern is abnormal for an economy of its level of development and natural resources, and how this pattern will evolve in the future.CHINA, KOREA AND TAIWANThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of Korea, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong four of the most rapidly growing countries in the contemporary world economy.The first chapters in this collection are comparative studies of the political economy of the newly-industrializing countries in general; these construct an East Asian 'model' as a tool for comparative analysis. Later comparative work reproduced in the first volume focuses specifically on Korea and Taiwan and is concerned with explaining the different evolution of state-society relations in these two countries. Among the subjects included are economic adjustment, financial systems, agriculture, trading companies, and policies on foreign direct investment and trade.The second part of Volume II consists of papers on the political economy of China since beginnings of the economic liberalization process in 1978. Besides reviewing the achievements of China in this period, the chapters discuss the continuing contradictions of market liberalization under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party. The final papers in Volume II review the political economy of Hong Kong, how its economy has been shaped by government policies, and the increasing importance of economic links with mainland China.SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, THE PHILIPPINES AND THAILANDThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of five of the member states of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.The readings document how Singapore has enjoyed consistently high rates of growth since the mid-1960s thanks to a mixture of liberal trade policies and judicious government intervention. By the early 1990s it per capita income had surpassed that of many Western European countries.Singapore was the only Southeast Asian country to be included in the original list of newly industrializing countries. In the decade after the mid-1980s, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand also all enjoyed very high rates of economic growth. Their recent success reflects the benefits, first, of policy reform that has reduced economic distortions and, second, of high levels of foreign direct investment from Northeast Asia. The readings identify some of the continuing struggles between proponents of liberalization and advocates of protectionism who have benefited from the patrimonial politics characteristic of these three countries.The reading on the fifth country in this volume, the Philippines, analyse how the country's development has been held back by the 'crony capitalism' of the Marcos years and by the failure to introduce measures that would reduce the power of the traditional landed elites.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip.Climb Half Dome, gaze at Mono Lake, and ski in Yosemite; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and begin your journey now! Inside the Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks Travel Guide: User-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durations Focused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling tours Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Contextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservation Over 40 full-color trail and park maps and full-color images throughout Useful features- Travel with Children,Clothing and Equipment, andDay and Overnight Hikes Covers Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, Badger Pass, Wawona, Tuolumne Meadows, Hetch Hetchy The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, our most comprehensive guide to these national parks, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less traveled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA's National Parks for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's USA for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking to visit more North American national parks? Check out USA's National Parks, a new full-color guide that covers all 59 of the USA's national parks. Just looking for inspiration? Check out Lonely Planet's National Parks of America, a beautifully illustrated introduction to each of the USA's 59 national parks. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Wolters Kluwer Health Developmental Care of Newborns & Infants
Update and improve your neonatal and newborn intensive care unit (NICU) nursing know-how, with the evidence-based Developmental Care of Newborns and Infants, 3rd Edition. This leading text on developmentally supportive care of infants and their families addresses the full spectrum of neonatal care, from prenatal planning to delivery, plus neonatal intensive care and the transition to home. The book presents developmental care in terms of holistic awareness of infant and family and their interactions with the NICU environment. It offers a framework for providing care that protects and supports the neurobehavioral development of the infant using an interdisciplinary approach. In short, Developmental Care of Newborns and Infants, 3rd Edition is the definitive guide for learning current care standards, and the ideal foundation for neonatal nurses, students, and NICU nurses. In this new edition: New and fully updated content and practice guidelines New practice standards from the European Foundation for Infants and Newborn Children New content aligned with the findings of the Gravens Task Force standards for high-risk newborns New color-enhanced photographs of infants Chapters offer latest evidence-based findings and best practices, including: The science of infant- and family-centered developmental care including the history and principles Infant- and family-centered care standards for NICU Healthcare team collaboration, including the family Theoretical perspective for individualized family-centered developmental care (IFCDC) Quality indicators for developmental care – trauma-informed conceptual model Infant mental health – essential strategies for social-emotional care of NICU families The structures and processes of critical periods of fetal development The NICU sensory environment Collaborative therapeutic positioning – multisystem and behavioral implications The high-risk infant – oral feeding, touch and massage, pain assessment and nonpharmacologic management, palliative care Developmental care beyond the NICU Expert guidance from physiology of embryonic and fetal development through to coordinated, interdisciplinary IFCDC care About the Clinical Editors Carole Kenner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, ANEF, is Carol Kuser Loser Dean and Professor at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, New Jersey, and Chief Executive Officer of the Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN) in Yardley, Pennsylvania. Jacqueline M. McGrath, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, is Thelma and Joe Crow Endowed Professor and Vice Dean for Faculty Excellence at the School of Nursing, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas.
Baen Books Invisible Wars: The Collected Dead Six
The Dead Six series is an inventive and action-packed military adventure series with a touch of conspiracy and big dollop of descriptive firepower! Now, for the first time, all of the Dead Six novels are available in a single omnibus edition. Inside you will find: Dead Six: Michael Valentine has been recruited by the government to conduct a secret counter-terror operation in the Persian Gulf nation of Zubara. The unit is called Dead Six. Their mission is to take the fight to the enemy and not get caught. Lorenzo, assassin and thief extraordinaire, is being blackmailed by the world's most vicious crime lord. His team has to infiltrate the Zubaran terrorist network and pull off an impossible heist or his family will die. When Dead Six compromises his objective, Lorenzo has a new job: Find and kill Valentine. Swords of Exodus: On the far side of the world, deep in former Soviet Central Asia, lies a stronghold called the Crossroads. It is run with an iron fist by a brutally effective warlord. Enter Lorenzo, thief extraordinaire, and Michael Valentine, implacable mercenary warrior. Their task: team with a shadowy organization of modern day Templars and take down a brutal slave lord. Alliance of Shadows: Europe has spiraled into chaos. In the midst of the disorder, mercenary Michael Valentine and his team are trying to track down an evil woman bent on total power. They’re on their own, with few friends, few resources—and racing against the clock. Plus, two short stories set in the Dead Six universe: "Sweothi City" by Larry Correia, and the two-part short story "Rock, Meet Hard Place" by Mike Kupari and Peter Nealen. Features a brand-new introduction by Correia and Kupari! About Larry Correia: “[E]verything I like in fantasy: intense action scenes, evil in horrifying array, good struggling against the darkness, and most of all people—gorgeously flawed human beings faced with horrible moral choices that force them to question and change and grow.”—Jim Butcher “[A] no-holds-barred all-out page turner that is part science fiction, part horror, and an absolute blast to read.”— “If you love monsters and action, you’ll love this book. If you love guns, you’ll love this book. If you love fantasy, and especially horror fantasy, you’ll love this book.”— “A gun person who likes science fiction—or, heck, anyone who likes science fiction—will enjoy [these books] . . . The plotting is excellent, and Correia makes you care about the characters . . . I read both books without putting them down except for work . . . so whaddaya waitin’ for? Go and buy some . . . for yourself and for stocking stuffers.”—Massad Ayoob “This lighthearted, testosterone-soaked sequel to 2009's Monster Hunter International will delight fans of action horror with elaborate weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, disgusting monsters, and an endless stream of blood and body parts.”—Publishers Weekly on Monster Hunter Vendetta About Mike Kupari: “After co-writing Dead Six and Swords of Exodus with Larry Correia, Kupari makes his solo debut with this space opera that is bound to attract fans of Mike Shepherd’s Kris Longknife series or Elizabeth Moon’s Vatta’s War books. An excellent choice for both teen and adult sf readers.” —Library Journal on Her Brother's Keeper "Page-turning action."—Galveston County Daily News
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria, 2 Volume Set
Bacteria in various habitats are subject to continuously changing environmental conditions, such as nutrient deprivation, heat and cold stress, UV radiation, oxidative stress, dessication, acid stress, nitrosative stress, cell envelope stress, heavy metal exposure, osmotic stress, and others. In order to survive, they have to respond to these conditions by adapting their physiology through sometimes drastic changes in gene expression. In addition they may adapt by changing their morphology, forming biofilms, fruiting bodies or spores, filaments, Viable But Not Culturable (VBNC) cells or moving away from stress compounds via chemotaxis. Changes in gene expression constitute the main component of the bacterial response to stress and environmental changes, and involve a myriad of different mechanisms, including (alternative) sigma factors, bi- or tri-component regulatory systems, small non-coding RNA’s, chaperones, CHRIS-Cas systems, DNA repair, toxin-antitoxin systems, the stringent response, efflux pumps, alarmones, and modulation of the cell envelope or membranes, to name a few. Many regulatory elements are conserved in different bacteria; however there are endless variations on the theme and novel elements of gene regulation in bacteria inhabiting particular environments are constantly being discovered. Especially in (pathogenic) bacteria colonizing the human body a plethora of bacterial responses to innate stresses such as pH, reactive nitrogen and oxygen species and antibiotic stress are being described. An attempt is made to not only cover model systems but give a broad overview of the stress-responsive regulatory systems in a variety of bacteria, including medically important bacteria, where elucidation of certain aspects of these systems could lead to treatment strategies of the pathogens. Many of the regulatory systems being uncovered are specific, but there is also considerable “cross-talk” between different circuits. Stress and Environmental Regulation of Gene Expression and Adaptation in Bacteria is a comprehensive two-volume work bringing together both review and original research articles on key topics in stress and environmental control of gene expression in bacteria. Volume One contains key overview chapters, as well as content on one/two/three component regulatory systems and stress responses, sigma factors and stress responses, small non-coding RNAs and stress responses, toxin-antitoxin systems and stress responses, stringent response to stress, responses to UV irradiation, SOS and double stranded systems repair systems and stress, adaptation to both oxidative and osmotic stress, and desiccation tolerance and drought stress. Volume Two covers heat shock responses, chaperonins and stress, cold shock responses, adaptation to acid stress, nitrosative stress, and envelope stress, as well as iron homeostasis, metal resistance, quorum sensing, chemotaxis and biofilm formation, and viable but not culturable (VBNC) cells.Covering the full breadth of current stress and environmental control of gene expression studies and expanding it towards future advances in the field, these two volumes are a one-stop reference for (non) medical molecular geneticists interested in gene regulation under stress.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Little Savage
With Little Savage, Emily Fragos delivers a magnificent collection in the American tradition of Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Bishop. With clean, strongly wrought lines she builds poems that are elegant and powerful. Marie Ponsot calls the collection remarkable. What separates Fragos from her contemporaries is her amazing ability to empathize with the characters she createsthe misfits, the artists, the children kept in a fifteenth century school, the composer going mad. She convincingly becomes a young girl in the Venetian conservatory for the abandoned: Sofia del violino. Once I saw myself / in a clear puddle of rain / water. My teeth are very crooked, I / know. We are none of us / startled by the other. We are all / the same. To Heaven.” These moments ache with honesty, humility, and make us wish that every sentiment expressed by Fragos could be true. Deceptively simple poems written by an unostentatiously skilled poet, Little Savage is permeated with a reverence for nature, music, myth and dancea veritable treasure trove of compassion and grace. Richard Howard's Foreword You are alone in the room, reading her poems. Nothing is happening, nothing wrong, but all at once, say around page 17 or 18, you hear remember, no one is with you, no one else is therea sigh. Or a whispered word: someone. You are not alarmed, but you had thought you were alone. Perhaps not. The sensation is what Freud used to call unheimlich, uncanny. That is the effect of the poems of Emily Fragos. Like their maker, her readers are accompanied, and not to their ulterior knowledge. It is not disagreeable to be thus escorted, attended, joined, but we had not expected it. And as Robert Frost used to tell us (no surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader”), Fragos too has not expected such visitations, as she will call them. This poetthese poemsendure otherness, they are haunted: I remain, with one of everything.” Even as one is being saved conjure the army of others” What would happen to my life when all along there has been nothing but me?” Did you not see how I was made to feel when you put me among others” And my bodyuninhabitedsuffers and wonders: whose hands are these? whose hair?” The poems will reveal whose, though I do not think Emily Fragos herself ever finds out. Inevitably, we recall that old surrealist shibboleth, Tell me by what you are haunted and I will tell you who you are;” it can be the password to indentity. But this poet has what she calls luxurious mind” and her ghosts are legion: Alone in my odd-shaped room, I practice Blindness and the world floats close and away. I am uncertain of everything. I must walk slowly, carefully. She is acknowledging, with some uneasiness (will you please tidy up?”), that it is not only the beloved dead, the proximate departed who are with her, who possess her, but others, any others. The remarkable thing about this poetic consciousness is that the woman’s body is inhabitedsometimes with mere habitude, sometimes joyously, more often with astonishing painby the prolixity of the real (and of the unreal’); the poems are instinct with others: How dare you Care for me when all my life I have had this voltage to ignite me, this rhythm to drive me, when something inside your body dares me to touch my hands to yours And quite as remarkable, of course, is the even tonality of such possession; there is nothing hysterical or even driven about the voice of the poems as it records, as it laments or exults in these unsought attendants. There is merelymerely!a loving consistency of heedfulness; and one remembers Blake’s beautiful aphorism: unmixed attention is prayer. Of course such poetic staffage is not peculiar to Emily Fragos; like Maeterlinck, like Rilke, she exults in her discovered awareness: I need the other/the way a virus/needs a host.” Rather, she imbues, she infects all of us with the consciousness that there are no single souls: we are not alone.
Orenda Books The Shot: The shocking, searingly authentic new thriller from award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon
An aspiring TV journalist faces a shattering moral dilemma and the prospect of losing her career and her life, when she joins an impetuous photographer in the Middle East. A shocking, searingly authentic thriller by award-winning ex-CNN news executive Sarah Sultoon.‘Shocking and visceral, this novel deals with the horrors of war … a brave, important and utterly compelling book’ S J Watson ‘Gritty, hard-hitting and often harrowing … a hugely exciting voice in crime fiction’ Victoria Selman‘A powerhouse writer’ Jo Spain––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––An act of mercyOr the ultimate betrayal…Who decides?Samira is an up-and-coming TV journalist, working the nightshift at a major news channel and yearning for greater things. So when she’s offered a trip to the Middle East, with Kris, the station’s brilliant but impetuous star photographer, she leaps at the chanceIn the field together, Sami and Kris feel invincible, shining a light into the darkest of corners … except the newsroom, and the rest of the world, doesn’t seem to care as much as they do. Until Kris takes the photograph.With a single image of young Sudanese mother, injured in a raid on her camp, Sami and the genocide in Darfur are catapulted into the limelight. But everything is not as it seems, and the shots taken by Kris reveal something deeper and much darker … something that puts not only their careers but their lives in mortal danger.Sarah Sultoon brings all her experience as a CNN news executive to bear on this shocking, searingly authentic thriller, which asks immense questions about the world we live in. You'll never look at a news report in the same way again... ‘A powerful story of the brutality of front-line journalism. Authentic, provocative and terrifyingly relevant’ Will Carver ‘A gritty, jarring page-turner’ Peter Hain ‘Passionate, disturbing storytelling at its best’ James Brabazon ‘You won't read another book like this in 2022! Raw, authentic, powerful ... you won't see the end coming!’ E C Scullion ‘Brilliantly conveys both the exhilaration and the unspeakable horror of life on the international news frontline’ Jo Turner ‘Astute and penetrating, evoking feelings that are long lasting and hard to shake off … Sarah Sultoon is a new and welcome voice in what can be a very crowded genre’ Random Things through My Letterbox ‘A masterclass in storytelling and cinematic in scope’ Live & Deadly ‘Brutally honest, extremely thought-provoking, stark and vivid … impossible to put down’ Jen Med’s Book ReviewsPraise for The Source**Winner: Crime Fiction Lover Best Debut Award**‘A brave and thought-provoking debut novel. Sarah Sultoon tackles a challenging and disturbing subject without sensation, and her sensitive handling, tight plotting and authentic storytelling make for a compelling read’ Adam Hamdy‘A taut and thought-provoking book that’s all the more unnerving for how much it echoes the headlines in real life’ CultureFly‘A tense thriller, a remarkable debut, heartbreaking, but ultimately this is a story of resilience and survival’ New Books Magazine‘A powerful, compelling read that doesn’t shy away from some upsetting truths … written with such energy’ Fanny Blake‘Tautly written and compelling, not afraid to shine a spotlight on the darker forces at work in society’ Rupert Wallis‘So authentic and exhilarating … breathtaking pace and relentless ingenuity’ Nick Paton Walsh, CNN‘A powerful, intense whammy of a debut that is both uncomfortable and exhilarating to read … Thought-provoking, tense, and expressive’ LoveReading‘A gripping, dark thriller’ Geoff Hill, ITV‘A cleverly constructed story that offers an authentic view behind the scenes in a British newsroom … an original and wholly engaging debut. Definitely a name to watch’ Crime Fiction Lover‘My heart was racing … fiction to thrill even the most hard-core adrenaline junkies’ Diana Magnay, Sky News ‘Unflinching and sharply observed. A hard-hitting, deftly woven debut’ Ruth Field‘With this gripping, fast-paced debut thriller, it’s easy to see what made Sultoon such a great journalist’ Clarissa Ward, CNN ‘A hard-hitting, myth-busting rollercoaster of a debut’ Eve Smith‘I could picture and feel each scene, all the fear, tension and hope’ Katie Allen For fans of Holly Watt, Sarah Vaughan, Laura Lippman and Karin Slaughter
Cengage Learning, Inc CSB Study Bible, Brown Genuine Leather
The CSB Study Bible is designed to help you know and be transformed by God's Word. Featuring the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), this study Bible keeps Scripture primary on every page. To inspire you to grow in your understanding and love for God's Word, the CSB Study Bible includes an award-winning array of study resources including over 16,000 study notes, tools, and word studies—each tool presented on the same page as the verses it refers to. For both deep study and daily reading, the CSB Study Bible is the ideal resource for lifelong discipleship. Features include: 368 word studies to introduce you to the context and meaning behind key Greek and Hebrew words High-quality smyth-sewn binding that will lie open whether you are reading Genesis 1 or Revelation 22 Full-color visuals to help you see the structure and context of Scripture come alive, including 94 photographs, 55 maps, 44 paintings, 21 illustrations/reconstructions, 19 charts, and 61 timelines Introductions and outlines for each book, including background information, theological themes, and insights into the unique contribution of each book Easy-to-read layout with two columns of text, Jesus' words in red, center-column cross-references, and three columns of notes The CSB Study Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.
New York University Press Black in Latin America
Selected as a 2012 Outstanding Title by AAUP University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries The history of how six Latin American countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Middle Passage. While just over 11.0 million survived the arduous journey, only about 450,000 of them arrived in the United States. The rest—over ten and a half million—were taken to the Caribbean and Latin America. This astonishing fact changes our entire picture of the history of slavery in the Western hemisphere, and of its lasting cultural impact. These millions of Africans created new and vibrant cultures, magnificently compelling syntheses of various African, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish influences. Despite their great numbers, the cultural and social worlds that they created remain largely unknown to most Americans, except for certain popular, cross-over musical forms. So Henry Louis Gates, Jr. set out on a quest to discover how Latin Americans of African descent live now, and how the countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past; how the fact of race and African ancestry play themselves out in the multicultural worlds of the Caribbean and Latin America. Starting with the slave experience and extending to the present, Gates unveils the history of the African presence in six Latin American countries—Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Peru—through art, music, cuisine, dance, politics, and religion, but also the very palpable presence of anti-black racism that has sometimes sought to keep the black cultural presence from view. In Brazil, he delves behind the façade of Carnaval to discover how this ‘rainbow nation’ is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. In Cuba, he finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of this island is inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959. In Haiti, he tells the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic, and finds out how the slaves’s hard fought liberation over Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Empire became a double-edged sword. In Mexico and Peru, he explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people—far greater than the number brought to the United States—brought to these countries as early as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created in Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico, the Costa Chica region on the Pacific, and in and around Lima, Peru. Professor Gates’ journey becomes ours as we are introduced to the faces and voices of the descendants of the Africans who created these worlds. He shows both the similarities and distinctions between these cultures, and how the New World manifestations are rooted in, but distinct from, their African antecedents. “Black in Latin America” is the third instalment of Gates’s documentary trilogy on the Black Experience in Africa, the United States, and in Latin America. In America Behind the Color Line, Professor Gates examined the fortunes of the black population of modern-day America. In Wonders of the African World, he embarked upon a series of journeys to reveal the history of African culture. Now, he brings that quest full-circle in an effort to discover how Africa and Europe combined to create the vibrant cultures of Latin America, with a rich legacy of thoughtful, articulate subjects whose stories are astonishingly moving and irresistibly compelling.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook
Known for its accuracy, consistency, and portability, Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook, 3rd Edition teaches the unique range of skills needed to assess children of all ages. Spiral-bound for quick reference in clinical settings, this photo-rich, step-by-step guide to physical examination for advanced practice providers prepares you to expertly examine children from birth through adolescence. Body system chapters begin with fetal development and take you through the key developmental stages of childhood. For infants and young children, Duderstadt uses the quiet-to-active approach favored by pediatric experts and considered more effective for this age-group than the traditional head-to-toe approach used for adults. This edition features a new chapter on newborn physical examination, expanded coverage of skin conditions and new Red Flag highlights that help you recognize high-priority health issues. Expert guidance for the pediatric exam employs the quiet-to-active approach to the examination and assessment of infants - including preterm infants - and young children. This pediatric assessment approach, which starts with listening and moves on to touching, yields the best results in this age group. Richly illustrated in full color to help facilitate learning, with more than 300 photos and drawings that familiarize you with assessment techniques and common assessment findings. Easy-to-use two-column format provides quick access to concise guidance for the pediatric physical exam. Quick-reference special features, including: Information Gathering tables highlight questions and data needed from the patient/guardian, with questions conveniently separated by age group, to guide history-taking. Concise Conditions tables summarize common abnormal findings for each examination area. Pediatric Pearls highlight effective physical examination findings and techniques gleaned from years of expert practice. Family, Cultural, and Racial Considerations sections address the increasingly important areas of family and cultural assessment to prepare you for differences to anticipate when assessing children of various cultural or racial groups. Evidence-Based Practice Tips highlight useful research findings that guide clinical practice. Bulleted Summary of Examination lists at the end of each examination chapter highlight key assessment points associated with each body system and serve as a convenient learning aid and quick reference. End-of-chapter Charting examples demonstrate how to record physical examination findings in the health record and familiarize you with documentation language and format. Convenient spiral binding lets you lay the book flat or fold it back for easy visualization and quick reference in clinical settings. NEW! Completely new Newborn Assessment chapter equips you to provide comprehensive assessment of newborn patients. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of skin conditions equips you to effectively assess the common pediatric skin conditions that you will encounter in day-to-day practice. NEW and UNIQUE! Red Flag feature alerts you to recognize such issues as trauma, neglect, health issues related to conflict-related geographic displacement, and other high-priority health issues that practitioners encounter (e.g., croup, developmental delay). UNIQUE! Interprofessional Collaboration feature promotes engagement with other healthcare and non-healthcare professionals, such as Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, physicians, medical specialists, counselors, or other professional resources. NEW! Updated content throughout, including the latest coverage of gender considerations, autism spectrum disorder screening, and electronic documentation (charting via the EHR).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Santa Maybe: Don't miss out on this absolutely hilarious and festive romantic comedy!
Get in the Christmas spirit with this charming and funny festive rom-com perfect for fans of Elena Armas, Sophie Kinsella and Catherine Walsh! It's going to be a holly jolly Christmas... Toy Store owner Elodie Martin is not one to get into the festive spirit but nothing gets her fired up more than the chance to get one over on her nemesis, Callum Ashley – the frosty, infuriatingly handsome owner of the local department store. Christmas is the only time she can compete thanks to her grandad Jim, everyone's favourite Santa Claus. But when he has to unexpectedly hang up his red suit, Elodie is at risk of losing the business for good and has no choice but to rely on last-minute replacement out-of-work actor Nick Winter. Can a sprinkling of Christmas magic warm Callum's heart and help Elodie find her happily-ever-after? Or is it just possible that love is to be found a little bit closer to home? Readers love Santa Maybe!: 'Oh my heart!!! Mary Jayne Baker has straightened her crown and taken her seat back on the throne, fully deserving of a QUEEN title... I have literally been transported by this book... impossible to put down... It's a must read!!' littlemissbooklover87, 5* Review 'Santa Maybe is a great big love triangle with tinsel and flashing tree lights decked all over it... Impossibly, breathtakingly romantic... Invitingly sigh-worthy... reality wrapped in a shimmery sheen of hopes and hearts fulfilled.' SparklyPrettyBriiiight, 5* Review 'A five-star read that is worthy of any Santa list... So sweet and funny and had me so wrapped up that I sobbed buckets!!... I am well into the Christmas spirit now.' NetGalley 5* Review 'Aw, what a wonderful festive romance and with such a perfect ending!... This is such a brilliant story and the perfect festive romance to read this Christmas!... The ending is good and so perfect... I can't believe how much I have enjoyed reading this and how I couldn't stop turning the pages! Just want to re-read it again already!' thestrawberrypost 'A gorgeous story that takes all the ingredients of a perfect romantic comedy, and adds that extra sprinkle of Christmas magic to the mix... There is so much here to laugh out loud about, but Baker also knows how to reduce you to a weeping mess – and I loved every extra sparkly magical festive moment.' @brownflopsy, 5* Review 'I loved this so much... Think Miracle on 34th Street vibes, I could see this as a movie, it really was so good!!!!' @reemareads, 5* Review 'It had a You've Got Mail vibe to it and I loved that... Super festive and uplifting... If you're looking for a super festive and speedy read then I'd definitely recommend Santa Maybe.' @youngcreativepress 'Loved this christmassy read. Lovely story very enjoyable will be rereading come December.' @SarahOates10, 5* Review 'Fun festive rom com in book form, that made me smile... Enjoyable quick read, savour with a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows.' @librarianwithattitude1 'This is a sweet and lovely story; it will make you laugh and believe in love... Because, let's be honest, love is a little bit magic, it happens the moment you least expect it and it transforms your life... You'll have to read the book to know all the answers! And believe me when I say that this is a book that will make you smile!' Varietats2010 'Wonderful Christmas book... filled with so much love, warmth and Christmas spirit. Wonderful.' NetGalley 5* Review 'I have never read a Mary Jayne Baker book I didn't love. This one was no exception... A fun book which I enjoyed reading, whatever the season.' Goodreads 5* Review 'Another smash. This book is funny and clever, with a resolution to a potential love triangle that was done in a careful and believable manner... Add this to your Christmas reads.' Sikonat, 5* Review 'An absolute joy to read – it was gorgeously festive and I was so invested in the characters, even the ones I didn't want to like.' christmaslover1985, 5* Review
Archaeopress Technologie du harponnage sur la côte Pacifique du désert d’Atacama (nord du Chili)
These objects do not have a single purpose. This is the central premise that guides the research within this book. Throughout the volume the reader will follow a representation of a marine hunter-gatherer society, a projection deriving from one of its iconic and most important material assets, the harpoon. This very technical object will be studied not only for its most evident function - hunting at sea – and the work delves into the structural, symbolic, technological and world-building aspects of the human societies that used them. To achieve this goal the text begins with a judgment about the role of marine hunting, its prey, and the agents involved in different coastal societies on the American continent, in order to create a comprehensive framework of reference for the subject. It continues by focussing on clarifying, defining and discussing the concept of harponage from technology compared with other historical and ethnographic cases of marine hunters across the globe. A typology of harpoon points from the Atacama Desert is presented, with classification based on their technical attributes, constituent units, composition features and articulation mechanisms, in order to evaluate the chronological scope and geographical distribution of each one of the types of harpoon heads from the last 7000 years of coastal history. The text then explores the multiple values and meanings of the harpoons of the Atacama Desert. The book finally examines the social reasons that influenced the development of an incredibly sophisticated and complex technology of marine hunting. Inferences that take it out of the sea and away from hunting, towards hypotheses that seek answers in the cultural determinism stemming from technical decisions, to utilise technology as another mechanism to establish and strengthen social bonds in the construction of worlds between different agents and collectives, and no longer as a simple tool to satisfy subsistence needs. | Les objets n’ont pas un seul objectif. Prémisse centrale qui guide le dénouement de ce livre. Dans les pages suivantes le lecteur trouvera une réflexion sur une société des chasseurs-collecteurs marins à partir d’un de ces biens matériaux iconiques et un des plus importantes, le harpon. Cet objet technique sera étudié hors de sa fonction la plus évidente, au-delà de la chasse marine, pour pénétrer les aspects structurels, symboliques, technologiques et de construction du monde de ces collectifs humains. Pour entreprendre ce défi, le texte nous submerge dans un premier temps dans une révision critique sur le rôle de la chasse marine, leurs proies et les agents impliqués dans ces activités et dans différentes sociétés côtières du continent américain, afin de pourvoir un cadre de référence adéquate sur cette thématique. Dans un deuxième moment, nous nous centrons dans l’éclaircissement, la définition et la concrétisation du concept de harponnage depuis la technologie comparée avec d’autres cas historiques et ethnographiques de chasseurs-cueilleurs du monde. Une typologie de têtes de harpon pour le désert d’Atacama est ensuite présentée, fondée sur leurs solutions techniques, leurs unités constitutives, leurs normes de composition et leurs mécanismes d’articulation, pour évaluer ensuite la portée chronologique et la distribution géographique de chaque type au cours des dernières 7000 années d’histoire littorale. Par la suite, le texte tente d’explorer les multiples valeurs et significations des harpons du désert d’Atacama. Dans sa partie finale, notre récit aborde les raisons sociales qui ont permis le développement d’une technologie de chasse marine aussi sophistiquée et complexe. Interprétations qui nous emmènent hors de la mer et loin de la chasse, vers des hypothèses qui cherchent des réponses sur les contraintes culturelles qui se trouvent derrière les décisions techniques, pour concevoir à la technologie comme un mécanisme employé afin d’établir les liens sociaux dans la construction des mondes et rapprocher différents agents sociaux et collectifs, plus que comme un simple outil destiné à satisfaire des besoins de subsistance. | Los objetos no tienen un solo objetivo. Esta es la premisa central que guía el desenlace de este libro. A lo largo de sus páginas el lector conocerá una reflexión acerca de una sociedad cazadora-recolectora marina a partir de uno de sus bienes materiales icónicos y más importantes, el arpón. Este objeto técnico será estudiado fuera de su función más evidente, más allá de la caza en el mar, para adentrarse en aspectos estructurales, simbólicos, tecnológicos y de construcción de mundo de estos colectivos humanos. Para llevar a cabo este programa, el texto se sumerge en una primera instancia en un juicio acerca del rol de la caza marina, sus presas y los agentes involucrados en diferentes sociedades costeras del continente americano, con tal de crear un marco de referencia comprensivo y adecuado sobre el tema. En segundo lugar, se aboca a clarificar, definir y concretizar el concepto de arponaje desde la tecnología comparada con otros casos históricos y etnográficos de cazadores marinos del planeta. Se presenta una tipología de cabezales para el desierto de Atacama fundada en sus soluciones técnicas, unidades constitutivas, normas de composición y mecanismos de articulación, para luego evaluar el alcance cronológico y la distribución geográfica de cada uno de los tipos de cabezales de arpón definidos para los últimos 7000 años de historia litoral. Posteriormente, el texto intenta explorar en torno a los múltiples valores y significados de los arpones del desierto de Atacama. El libro indaga en su desenlace final acerca de las razones sociales que dieron cabida al desarrollo de una tecnología de caza marina tan sofisticada y compleja. Inferencias que lo llevan fuera del mar y lejos de la caza, hacia hipótesis que buscan respuestas en las condicionantes culturales tras las decisiones técnicas, para concebir a la tecnología como un mecanismo más para entablar y estrechar lazos sociales en la construcción de mundos entre distintos agentes y colectivos, y ya no como una simple herramienta para satisfacer necesidades de subsistencia.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Students learn best when they can relate what they are studying to familiar issues, problems, and experiences, and Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition does just that. With a clear and concise focus on anatomy and physiology, this new edition explains the normal structure of the human body and how it functions to maintain a state of balance and health - and covers need-to-know principles in an easy-to-understand manner. It focuses on how tissues, organs, and body systems work together to carry out activities such as maintaining body temperature, regulating blood pressure, learning, and responding to stress. Completely updated with a brand new art program, this engaging, user-friendly text clarifies concepts that are often difficult for various career-level health professions students to grasp through reading only. UNIQUE! Tools for Learning pedagogical approach ties together learning objectives, Quiz Yourself boxes, and chapter summaries to help summarize key material, identify important topics, and seamlessly test your comprehension as you work through the text. UNIQUE! Concept-statement headings and subheadings, clearly visible throughout the text, transform simple descriptions into key ideas that you should learn in each section of content. Need-to-know information includes only basic anatomy and physiology content to avoid causing confusion. Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide a brief synopsis of the chapter and act as a guide for you to prioritize topics. Learning objectives appear after main headings to help you concentrate on important information. Chapter summaries illustrate how the topics covered in each chapter support the learning objectives. Quiz Yourself boxes at the end of each major section reinforce information as it is learned, measure mastery of learning objectives, and test your knowledge and comprehension of key topics within the chapter. Glossary, including key terms, pronunciations, definitions, and chapter references, emphasizes and defines essential terminology. Key terms, presented with pronunciations in bold throughout the text, show you what terminology is critical to gaining a solid understanding of anatomy and physiology. Illustrated tables, with illustrations integrated into the rows and columns, bring tables to life and combine the functionality of succinct tabular material with the added visual benefit of illustrated concepts. A conversational style facilitates learning and ensures you are not intimidated. End-of-chapter quizzes consist of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and new vocabulary matching exercises that let you evaluate your understanding of chapter content. You can find the answers on Evolve. Review questions, including labeling exercises, at the end of each chapter focus on important concepts and applications and allow you to relate structure to function. Study Guide, for sale separately, mirrors the text's Table of Contents and includes study questions, labeling exercises, and crossword puzzles that provide you with a fun way to reinforce concepts learned in the text. Evolve site provides support and guidance for new instructors with minimal teaching experience - and facilitates student learning through a variety of interactive and supplemental resources. NEW! Audio chapter summaries on Evolve can be downloaded to your MP3 player, providing you with an easy, portable way to reinforce chapter concepts. NEW! Completely updated illustration program reinforces content and keeps the text fresh. NEW! Thoroughly updated content ensures material is accurate, current, and reflective of the latest research and topics related to anatomy and physiology. NEW! Key words with definitions and pronunciations, listed at the beginning of each chapter and in the Glossary, help reinforce your terminology comprehension. NEW! Matching vocabulary exercises added to chapter quizzes to help you identify important words and definitions. NEW! Answers to in-book questions on Evolve for instructors, instead of in the book, so instructors have the flexibility to provide or not provide answers to chapter quizzes and review questions from the book - and decide whether or not to use them for homework assignments.
RIBA Publishing RIBA Concise Building Contract 2018
Fully revised and updated, the RIBA Concise Building Contract is specifically designed to be a simple, clear and easy to understand and use contract between a client and a contractor, and can be used on all types of simple commercial building work. It can be used in both the private and public sectors, as it includes optional provisions dealing with official secrets, transparency, discrimination and bribery as normally required by public sector clients. Key benefits Written in plain English that is succinct and easy to understand Fair and equitable terms for all parties Facilitates good management of the project from start to completion Allows effective collaboration between the employer and contractor Gives control over the timely completion of the building project Allows the contractor to design parts of the building project Other features Collaboration provisions: advance warnings, joint resolution of delay, proposals for improvements and cost savings Management provisions: pre-start meeting and progress meetings Flexible payment options Provision for contractor design, with ‘fit for purpose’ liability option Optional provisions for a contractor programme Optional provisions for client-selected suppliers and sub-contractors Mechanisms for dealing with changes to the project which allow for agreement and include specified timescales Option for commencement and completion in stages Guidance notes on use and completion are included. Key changes in the 2018 edition: The contract has been fully updated to comply with the CDM Regulations 2015. The Guidance Notes include detailed advice for clients with regards to their particular duties under the Regulations. The guidance on Insurance and Insuring the Works has been expanded and is clearer and easier to understand. Further explanation is given on the process for ensuring that adequate insurance is obtained and the importance of notifying the property’s building and contents insurer if the work is to an existing building. Emphasis is given to the need for whoever takes out the insurance to provide written confirmation of the extent of cover provided in respect of the works. The Consents, Fees and Charges item has been expanded so that it now clearly states what regulatory and statutory consents, fees and charges need to be obtained and who is taking on the ether the responsibility for obtaining and paying for them, either the client or the contractor. The guidance on Dispute Resolution has been expanded but also simplified. Adjudication is still the default option, as the parties to the contract are legally obliged to have access to this method for resolving their dispute, however, the contract advocates that the parties to the contract choose mediation as an initial step in the process, as mediation can be less expensive than other methods, and is therefore encouraged by the courts. The Programme optional item has been simplified. The contract have retained the requirement for a contractor to indicate the activities they will carry out to complete the works, including the start and finish times of each activity and the relationship of each activity to the others. However, the obligation on the contractor to submit a Programme prior to the commencement of the works, and any financial penalties for not doing so (perceived as too confrontational), have been removed. The Contractor Design optional item has been retained, so that, if it is agreed that the contractor is to design part of the Works, a detailed and accurate description can be provided of the parts that the contractor will design. However, this optional item now also allows a level of professional indemnity insurance to be specified. The Required Specialists optional item has been amended so that while clients can still request that specific subcontractors and suppliers be used for parts of the Works, details of those parts of the works are now to be identified at the tender stage and listed in the Contract Documents. The contract now includes a Contract Checklist which both parties should review and answer ‘yes’ to the questions provided before signing the contract. This is to ensure that the client is fully aware of what they are agreeing to, that all of the appropriate documents and information has been provided and that all of the provisions – such as: scope of the works; start and completion dates of the works; contract price; payment of fees; access to the site and working hours; insurance; and the process for dispute resolution – have been adequately completed. Easy to understand The RIBA Concise Building Contract is written in plain English, which provides three key benefits: the language used in the contract is simple and easy to understand, compared to other standard forms of contracts; the clause structure used in the contract avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and too much cross-referencing between provisions; and Where common construction terminology is used, it has been simplified so that less-experienced users can understand it. Copies required for each Party It is legally advisable that both parties to the contract each have an original signed version. Therefore you should purchase two copies of the contract, so that both the client and contractor has an original signed copy. Alternatively prepare your contract online enabling you to issue final copies of the contract to each party at no extra cost. Integration with other RIBA documents The RIBA Concise Building Contract have been specifically written to integrate with the RIBA suite of professional services contracts (RIBA Agreements) and the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Create your RIBA Building Contract online – it is quick, simple and straightforward Generating your building contract online allows you to create, alter, manage and view all of your contracts in one secure location before printing the final contract. For further details, go to: