Search results for ""peeters""
Peeters Publishers Semiotics and Church Architecture
In recent decades semiotics has succeeded in establishing itself as a discipline with international recognition. As a discipline specifically devoted to the study of signs and sign systems, it is relevant to the discipline of theology, working as it does with verbal and non-verbal signs. Since 1976 Semanet, a Dutch study group, has applied Greimassian semiotics to linguistic theological statements. More recently, Gerard Lukken undertook the analysis of church buildings. It was at that stage that Mark Searle joint Semanet during a sabbatical leave. He applied the analytical method to a particular church: SS. Peter and Paul in Tilburg, which is of interest both as a representative modern church and as a particularly intruiging object for semiotic analysis. The book shows how Greimassian semiotic theory as it relates to architecture was developed into a usable method for analysing particular church buildings and then demonstrates how such an analysis might be conducted. The book contains numerous full color reproductions. Gerard Lukken (1933) is professor of liturgy and sacramental theology and director of the Liturgical Institute at the Theological Faculty of Tilburg. He studied at the Diocesan Seminary in Haaren, the Pontificia Universita Gregoriana in Rome, and the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in Paris. Mark Searle (1941-1992) was associated professor of pastoral liturgy at the Notre Dame University in Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). He studied at the Franciscan House of Studies in East Bergholt (United Kingdom), the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in Paris, the Liturgisches Institut in Trier and the Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Antonio in Rome.
Peeters Publishers Insiders and Outsiders
Peeters Publishers Guterbegriff Und Handlungstheorie: Eine Studie Zur Ethik Friedrich Schleiermachers
If philosophy claims to be competent on foundational questions of ethics, one of its central problems becomes the alternative 'deontological versus teleological ethics'. From the historical and systematical point of view this alternative can be captured in the formula 'Kant or Aristotle ?' Schleiermacher's 'Guterethik' (ethics of goods) can be read as an attempt of a post-Kantian rehabilitation of the aristotelian approach. That this attempt is not a mere repetition of older scholastic approaches, is shown by its act-theoretical perspective, which is mounted critically against Kant. The distinction made by Kant between phaenomena and noumena leaves no room for an idea of human acts. In contrast, Schleiermacher's 'goods' do present a structural framework in which acts can appear amidst a social world. With these, a diversity of recognition modalities and a differentiated compound of societal institutions move to the center of ethical reflection. To test the solidity of this approach, one has to distinguish in Schleiermacher's texts between a metaphysical and a meaning-critical strain of thought. In this, Schleirmacher's reception of the contemporary notion of organism separates him from a crude neo-aristotelianism and connects him with Hegel's philosophy of law.
Peeters Publishers Almighty God: Study of the Doctrine of Divine Omnipotence
Peeters Publishers Écrire en Gaule du Nord à lépoque romaine
Peeters Publishers Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka II. Dictionnaire ethnographique Aka-Français. Fasc. 2, B
Peeters Publishers Aspects De La Communication En Afrique
Peeters Publishers Phonologie Du Creole Reunionnais. Unite Et Diversite. Preface De A. Martinet
Peeters Publishers Thesaurus tenda. Dictionnaire ethnolinguistique de langues sénégalo-guinéennes (bassari-bedik-konyagi). Tome 1
Peeters Publishers Histoire D'une Civilisation Forestiere I. Dans La Foret D'Afrique Centrale, Les Pygmees Aka Et Baka
Peeters Publishers A La Recherche Du Sens. Des Ressources Linguistiques Aux Fonctionnements Langagiers
Peeters Publishers Chants Lapons. Transcriptions Musicales par Vincent Dehoux
Peeters Publishers Cheminements Linguistiques Malgaches Au-dela des Grammaires Usuelles
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire Birman-Francais. Fasc. 12
Peeters Publishers Acquisition Du Langage Chez L'enfant Et Conditions De Communication
Contributions de C. Girardin, C. Hudelot et C. Preneron & M.-C. Pouder.
Peeters Publishers Aspects Du Basaa (Cameroun). Traduction De L. Bouquiaux
Peeters Publishers La Belle Ne Se Marie Point. Contes Comoriens En Dialecte Malgache De L'Ile de Mayotte
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire Etymologique De La Langue Copte
Peeters Publishers Hommage a Georges Vajda: Etudes D'histoire Et De Pensee Juives
Peeters Publishers Contes, Legendes et Coutumes Populaires du Liban. Texte Arabe, Transcription, Traduction et Notes. T. III
Peeters Publishers Maitre Siger de Brabant
Peeters Publishers Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra). Tome IV: Chapitres XLII (suite)-XLVIII
Peeters Publishers Contes, Legendes et Coutumes Populaires du Liban. Texte Arabe, Transcription, Traduction et Notes. T. II
Peeters Publishers The Emergence of the Armenian Diocese of New Julfa in the Seventeenth Century
This book explores the history of one of the largest, most prosperous and influential sees of the 17th century Armenian Church. Created in 1605 and centered in New Julfa, near Isphahan, the capital of Safavid Iran, it played a prominent role in the religious, administrative and cultural life of the Armenian church for almost a century. Primarily based on archival materials, as well as Armenian, Persian and Western primary sources, the diocese of New Julfa is studied here for the first time as the religious institution of the largest non-Muslim minority in Iran.
Guerras, desastres naturales, accidentes industriales, personajes y escenarios explosivos, naturaleza, cielo y océano desencadenados. El viaje que propone Frederik Peeters tiene lugar en entornos devastados, donde la prehistoria, el pasado, el presente y el futuro chocan, como si toda la cronología del mundo y de la humanidad se concentraran en un solo tiempo, un solo lugar, alrededor de este hombre preocupado, cuyo cuerpo y mente se están desmoronando. Una síntesis de la historia cuyo resultado no produce risa, sino desolación.La ganadería intensiva, la guerra, la contaminación, la comunicación virtual, el consumo excesivo... Frederik Peeters hace una amarga crítica del mundo saqueado por los hombres, en un álbum carente de palabras, pero cargado de significado.
Confluencias Hergé. hijo de Tintín
Hergé, hijo de Tintín desvela cómo y por qué un seudónimo acabó devorando a un hombre al tiempo que su trabajo se iba haciendo cada vez más popular. Sumergiéndose en entrevistas y gracias al uso por primera vez de fuentes documentales y testimonios inéditos, Peeters penetra de un modo profundo en esta biografía en la mente y en la vida de Hergé. No menos importante es la cantidad de detalles, pequeños secretos y grandes revelaciones, que componen el libro: el origen de cada personaje secundario ?tras cada protagonista de Tintín se esconde alguien de la propia vida de Hergé?, las lecturas y aficiones de Hergé, la génesis de cada álbum, sus relaciones con colaboradores y otros dibujantes, los fracasos y los éxitos, confesiones personales del propio Hergé largamente olvidadas... Tampoco quedan fuera de la mirada de Peeters los lados más oscuros de Hergé, a quien le acompañó la controversia y la polémica, pero Peeters siempre lo hace de un modo justo, sin juzgar a la persona pero revelando
Astiberri Ediciones Paquidermo
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: Sillón OrejeroLa mujer perdida. Suiza, años 50. Una mujer cuyo marido ha sufrido un accidente de automóvil se dirige al hospital en el que ha sido ingresado pero un elefante caído sobre la calzada impide la circulación. La mujer abandona su coche y trata de llegar al hospital monte a través. Ya en el hospital, se encontrará con personajes tan insólitos como un grotesco espía que le habla de la guerra fría o un seductor cirujano mezclado en un extraño asunto de espionaje. La realidad se confunde con lo onírico en una espiral vertiginosa que cambiará radicalmente la vida de la protagonista.Frederik Peeters nos conduce por un laberinto fascinante en el que el entorno parece modificarse al hilo de los pensamientos de los personajes, como en una gran pantalla en la que proyectan sus miedos, sus secretos y sus pensamientos más íntimos.Con este álbum de una rareza inquietante, Frederik Peeters nos introduce en un universo onírico que domina de
Malva, la hija que Pablo Neruda abandonó porque la hidrocefalia congénita que ella padecía era un obstáculo para que él desarrollara su poesía y sus ideas políticas, le narra a Hagar Peeters ?desde el más allá? cómo la enfermedad le arrebató la vida y el amor de su padre, de quien aún espera ser reconocida. De esta conversación unidireccional surge una novela espléndida y cargada de poesía.
DoppelHouse Press Malva: The unknown story of Pablo Neruda's only child, told from the afterlife
The abandoned daughter of Pablo Neruda speaks through “incandescent poetic prose full of magical realism, biographical details and psychological insight." Winner of the Fintro Prize for Literature Malva, a precocious eight-year-old ghost, is running amok in the afterlife with a cadre of other lost children. She searches for her father, the famous poet Pablo Neruda, and wants him to know the details of her small, but not insignificant life. Why did he abandon her, and her mother Maria? And what became of him? Who was he before he had a child? And what did she, his only child, mean to him? From her omniscient perspective, the once disabled and mute Malva now travels through the world and through time, seeing her father as a young boy, later as he courted her mother in Dutch-Indonesia, and how his political passions drove his life. She scrutinizes every moment, seeking to understand and resolve her loss. With the wisdom of a child, she picks up her father’s pen and conducts literary mischief, courting the great poets of our time and bringing her chosen ghostwriter, Hagar Peeters, news of her own father, who was a journalist in Chile during the coup and Neruda’s mysterious death.… Startling, profound, and graceful, Peeters brings to readers the world Malva could not describe in life, an extraordinary story of love that spans earth and heaven. Hagar Peeters (b. 1972), nominee for Dutch Poet Laureate, has won numerous prizes and published several volumes of poetry: Enough Poems Written About Love Today (1999), Suitcases of Sea Air (2003), Runner of Light (2008) and Maturity (2011). She spent ten years researching the life of Malva in The Netherlands and Chile. She lives in Amsterdam with her son.
Astiberri Ediciones Olor a tierra caliente
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Colección Sillo OrejeroFrederik Peeters vuelve a la ciencia ficciónEn un futuro lejano... Verloc Nim se despierta amnésico en medio de ninguna parte. Gracias a su diario, que le entrega un simio-robot llamado Churchill, puede sumergirse en su pasado. Verloc descubre que lleva una vida miserable, que ha perdido trabajo, familia y amigos desde que decidió vivir al margen de un mundo hipertecnológico, prescindiendo de implantes y modificaciones genéticas. Hasta que su hermano Conrad lo lleva a otro planeta para recuperar una misteriosa sustancia conocida como Aama...
SelfMadeHero Aama Vol. 2: The Invisible Throng
Verloc Nim has travelled with his brother Conrad to the desert planet Ona(ji) to recover the mysterious biorobotic experiment aama. The planet is home to an abandoned group of scientists, who have been left to their fate. In the second volume of Frederik Peeters’ science fiction series, Conrad sets up an expedition to find the professor who has taken aama to another part of the planet. With the assistance of their robot-ape Churchill, Verloc and Conrad embark on a journey that brings spectacular discoveries and unsettling encounters… Aama won the 'Best Series' prize at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2013.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Derrida: A Biography
This biography of Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) tells the story of a Jewish boy from Algiers, excluded from school at the age of twelve, who went on to become the most widely translated French philosopher in the world – a vulnerable, tormented man who, throughout his life, continued to see himself as unwelcome in the French university system. We are plunged into the different worlds in which Derrida lived and worked: pre-independence Algeria, the microcosm of the École Normale Supérieure, the cluster of structuralist thinkers, and the turbulent events of 1968 and after. We meet the remarkable series of leading writers and philosophers with whom Derrida struck up a friendship: Louis Althusser, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Genet, and Hélène Cixous, among others. We also witness an equally long series of often brutal polemics fought over crucial issues with thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, John R. Searle, and Jürgen Habermas, as well as several controversies that went far beyond academia, the best known of which concerned Heidegger and Paul de Man. We follow a series of courageous political commitments in support of Nelson Mandela, illegal immigrants, and gay marriage. And we watch as a concept – deconstruction – takes wing and exerts an extraordinary influence way beyond the philosophical world, on literary studies, architecture, law, theology, feminism, queer theory, and postcolonial studies. In writing this compelling and authoritative biography, Benoît Peeters talked to over a hundred individuals who knew and worked with Derrida. He is also the first person to make use of the huge personal archive built up by Derrida throughout his life and of his extensive correspondence. Peeters’ book gives us a new and deeper understanding of the man who will perhaps be seen as the major philosopher of the second half of the twentieth century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Derrida: A Biography
This biography of Jacques Derrida (1930–2004) tells the story of a Jewish boy from Algiers, excluded from school at the age of twelve, who went on to become the most widely translated French philosopher in the world – a vulnerable, tormented man who, throughout his life, continued to see himself as unwelcome in the French university system. We are plunged into the different worlds in which Derrida lived and worked: pre-independence Algeria, the microcosm of the École Normale Supérieure, the cluster of structuralist thinkers, and the turbulent events of 1968 and after. We meet the remarkable series of leading writers and philosophers with whom Derrida struck up a friendship: Louis Althusser, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Genet, and Hélène Cixous, among others. We also witness an equally long series of often brutal polemics fought over crucial issues with thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, John R. Searle, and Jürgen Habermas, as well as several controversies that went far beyond academia, the best known of which concerned Heidegger and Paul de Man. We follow a series of courageous political commitments in support of Nelson Mandela, illegal immigrants, and gay marriage. And we watch as a concept – deconstruction – takes wing and exerts an extraordinary influence way beyond the philosophical world, on literary studies, architecture, law, theology, feminism, queer theory, and postcolonial studies. In writing this compelling and authoritative biography, Benoît Peeters talked to over a hundred individuals who knew and worked with Derrida. He is also the first person to make use of the huge personal archive built up by Derrida throughout his life and of his extensive correspondence. Peeters’ book gives us a new and deeper understanding of the man who will perhaps be seen as the major philosopher of the second half of the twentieth century.
Johns Hopkins University Press Hergé, Son of Tintin
Tintinology [tin-tin-ol-uh-jee] (noun) is the study of the works of comic creator Herge and the cultural impact of Tintin, his best-known and most influential character. The adventures of Tintin and his dog, Snowy, have captivated people worldwide since they first appeared as an insert in the Belgian Catholic newspaper "Le Vintieme Siecle" in 1929. Available for the first time in English, this insightful biography delves deep into the psyche of Tintin creator Georges Remi and his public persona Herge. Author of the critically acclaimed Tintin and the World of Herge and the last person to interview Remi, Benoit Peeters tells the complete story behind Herge's origins and shows how and why the nom de plume grew into a larger-than-Remi personality as Tintin's popularity exploded. Drawing on interviews and using recently uncovered primary sources for the first time, Peeters reveals Remi as a neurotic man who sought to escape the troubles of his past by allowing Herge's identity to subsume his own. As Tintin adventured, Herge lived out a romanticized version of life for Remi. Millions have traveled alongside Tintin and Snowy through books, animated television series, theatrical performances, exhibitions, documentaries, and movies, including Steven Spielberg's fall 2011 "The Adventures of Tintin". Now Tintinologists have the opportunity to better understand the complex and sometimes dark personality of Tintin's creator and his carefully crafted public persona.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change Liability
This book sheds new light on the growing issue of using liability as a tool for both preventing and compensating for the damage caused by climate change. Michael Faure and Marjan Peeters have brought together a selection of expert contributors who explore a variety of both national and European perspectives on the topic. Climate change liability is no longer only a theoretical idea since climate change litigation has become so hotly debated and this book examines to what extent it can be used for mitigation and adaptation issues. Chapters discuss the potential role of liability within various legal systems, like the national systems of the USA and The Netherlands, but also EU and ECHR law. Liability is outlined in a broad perspective since not only compensation for damage suffered by plaintiffs is discussed, but also the need for prevention in order to obtain a reduction of greenhouse gases. This well-documented work will be invaluable to law and environmental science students, researchers, lawyers and civil servants.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd When Silence Speaks: The Spiritual Way of the Carthusian Order
True solitude is a rare experience in today’s busy world. For many people it has negative connotations, but for the Carthusian monks it is a blessing. They have given up everything in order to share in the desert experience of Jesus and to continue the ancient traditions of the Desert Fathers, who searched for God in the realms of silence. When Silence Speaks uncovers the deep spiritual foundations on which this remarkable and mysterious order of hermits has built for more than nine centuries: solitude and silence, separation and simplicity, contemplation and prayer, asceticism and perseverance. It includes an anthology of the original spiritual literature of the Carthusian tradition, the testimonies of monks who still follow the Carthusian way today, and a selection of photographs that provide a rare window into their world away from the world. ‘To understand what is almost incomprehensible,’ writes author Tim Peeters, ‘we will take a walk with Saint Bruno and the Carthusian monks. We will climb into the high mountains of the Chartreuse massif near Grenoble [in France] where the origins of the order are situated. We will watch over the walls of the monasteries and enter into the cells and the hearts of the monks. And we hope you will taste something of the ultimate goal of this solitary and silent life: God, who speaks when the Carthusian listens and keeps quiet.’ The original Dutch version of this book received the award for Religious Book of the Year in Belgium. It has also been published in French and Italian.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Renewable Energy Law in the EU: Legal Perspectives on Bottom-up Approaches
This timely book examines the role played by regional authorities in the EU in the transition towards renewable energy. Regional governments generally have important decision-making powers concerning energy transition, but they may encounter resistance to the establishment of renewable energy activities in their communities.Drawing on both academia and practice, the expert contributors explore some of the key legal questions that have emerged along the energy transition path. Specific attention is paid to support mechanisms, administrative procedures for authorizing renewable energy projects, including the relevance of procedural rights as set out in the Aarhus Convention, and opportunities for allowing citizens, particularly citizens living near renewable energy projects, participate financially in renewable energy production. Based on experiences in several Member States (Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands) improvements to the content and application of the law are discussed. The book shows the complexities of renewable energy law, which will most likely become a controversial field of law in the near future.Providing a much-needed contribution to the literature, this is the first book to map legal questions around renewable energy from the perspective of local governments. It will have great appeal to scholars across both law and social sciences, as well as to practitioners in governments, NGOs and law firms.Contributors: B. Egelund Olsen, S. Fanetti, S. Gaines, K. De Graaf, I. Del Guayo Castiella, L. Holstenkamp, H. Kahl, C. Maly, A. Marseille, M. Meister, G. Michanek, M. Peeters, B. Pozzo, T. Schomerus, H. Thomas
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Environmental Legislation: Legal Perspectives on Regulatory Strategies
EU environmental law is now a dominant source of influence in the development and application of environmental law and policy in most Member States. This important new study provides a fresh appraisal of the changing nature of EU environmental legislation, and the tensions between discretion and goals. Above all it tackles the difficult questions of the appropriate role and design of law in tackling current and future environmental challenges. It should be required reading byall those concerned with the future of environmental law, both within Europe and elsewhere, and the authors are to be congratulated on the quality and scope of their analysis.'- Richard Macrory, University College, London, UKThis thought-provoking book offers a cross-cutting debate on EU environmental legislation from a legal perspective focusing on key themes such as regulatory instrument choice, the coherency of law, and enforceable commitments.Based on thorough investigations of several environmental domains - particularly water law, air quality law, industrial emissions law and climate and energy law - it presents the current state of EU environmental regulatory approaches and suggests potential ways for improvement. It pays close attention to the consequences of EU legislative choices for Member States and balances the need for clear environmental legislation providing enforceable substantive rights to citizens against the wish to leave discretion to Member States.This timely book provides a critical review of the complexity and inherent flexibility of EU environmental law. It will have great appeal to environmental law scholars, political scientists, environmental policy and law consultants and to Governmental officers both in the EU and Member States.Contributors: B. Beijen, M. Bogaart, F. Groothuijse, S. van Holten, A. Keessen, J. van Kempen, F. Oosterhuis, M. Peeters, M. van Rijswick, R. Uylenburg, E. Vogelezang-Stoute
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change Law
The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is a landmark reference work, providing definitive and comprehensive coverage of this dynamic field. Each volume probes the key elements of law, the essential concepts, and the latest research through concise, structured entries written by international experts. Each entry includes an extensive bibliography as a starting point for further reading. The mix of authoritative commentary and insightful discussion will make this an essential tool for research and teaching, as well as a valuable resource for professionals and policymakers.Climate Change Law, the first volume of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, provides a guide to the rapidly evolving body of legal scholarship relating to climate change. The amount of international, European and national legislation, judicial decisions, and legal scholarship in the field of climate law has now become almost overwhelming. This book focuses on the underlying concepts that are of concern to researchers, students and policymakers rather than on the details of national legislation. The core topics include the difficulty of setting up a coherent international treaty approach, the importance of national and subnational legal action, the potential role of international and national courts, and the importance of human rights and environmental justice. Providing a comprehensive discussion, more than 50 entries developed by experts from across the world cover mitigation and adaptation issues in their wider context, from both international and national perspectives. Each chapter concludes by identifying important research challenges. Finally, the concluding chapter argues that a discernible global legal regime is emerging. The 2015 Paris Agreement marks both the increasingly interlinked but polycentric nature of this new regime.This is the definitive resource for all those seeking the state of the art of climate change law, from students and legal scholars to practising lawyers, civil servants and NGOs.Contributors include: D. Badrinarayana, D. Benson, W.W. Buzbee, M.R. Caldwell, A.E. Camacho, H.S. Cho, R.K. Craig, B. Curtis, J. Dafoe, P. DeArmey, J. de Cendra de Larragán, J.C. Dernbach, N. de Sadeleer, M. Doelle, W.T. Douma, D.M. Driesen, B. Egelund Olsen, K.H. Engel, D.A. Farber, Heline Sivini Ferreira, S. Ferrey, S.R. Foster, D. French, P. Galizzi, M.B. Gerrard, N.S. Ghaleigh, M. Hall, S.B. Hecht, D. Hodas, T. Honkonen, S.-L. Hsu, A. Jordan, A. Kaswan, A. Keessen, S.-H. Kim, S. Krakoff, K. Kulovesi, M.A. Livermore, K. Lu, J. Lueders, R. Lyster, M.L. Melius, Z. Meng, H.M. Osofsky, J. Peel, M. Peeters, B. Pontin, L. Rajamani, A.W. Reitze Jr, J. Reynolds, B.J. Richardson, F. Romanin Jacur, T.Schomerus, J. Scott, D.A. Serraglio, F. Sindico, M.P. Solis, B.K. Sovacool, P.-T.Stoll, L.G. Sun, T. Tang, A.D. Tarlock, Q. Tianbao, X.F. Torrijo, H. van Asselt, M. van Rijswick, M.P. Vandenbergh, R.R.M. Verchick, C. Voigt, X. Wang, M. Wilensky, K.M. Wyman, Y. Zhang
University of California Press Raptors of California
Raptors--the charismatic group of birds that includes hawks, eagles, and falcons--evoke power, swiftness, and grace. Raptors, or birds of prey, gaze calmly about while at rest, exuding confidence and nobility, and, while soaring aloft, they are absolute icons of the California landscape. Featuring descriptions of every diurnal California raptor, this state-of-the-art, beautifully illustrated guide is the first to combine identification of these important birds with a comprehensive discussion of their natural history. Raptors of California notes well-established field marks in addition to introducing several new pointers that help distinguish especially difficult species. More than a field guide, the book also includes information on raptor anatomy, foraging, reproduction, movement, where and how to observe raptors, human-raptor interactions, raptor conservation, endangered species, caring for injured hawks, falconry, and more. Of special interest is the inclusion of previously unpublished descriptions of raptor behavior and many fascinating anecdotes and vivid observations from the field that provide new insights into the lives of these captivating birds. * Covers 27 species, with range maps for the 18 species regularly occurring in California * 104 color figures include photographs and wash drawings illustrating habitats, anatomy, field marks, and behavior * 12 full-page color plates show the various plumages of each species--including rarities--as well as their appearance in flight * Highly readable and accessible, even when covering complicated topics such as flight and evolutionary adaptations
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Law in EU Member States: Towards National Legislation for Climate Protection
The book gives detailed discussions of essential EU climate law and presents profound national reports which cover the transposition of EU law and focus on national climate strategies, which are often complex and sometimes also ambitious. Comparative studies at the grassroots level are an important source of ideas and possibilities and also useful documentation both for researchers and political actors.'- Erkki Hollo, University of Helsinki, Finland'This is an outstanding collection of essays by a multi-national team of leading scholars. It reminds us that in a system of multi-level governance, it is crucial to examine and appraise developments not only at the level of the European Union but also within the Member States. This task has become easier with the publication of this excellent book.'- Joanne Scott, University College London, UKThe complex and multifaceted nature of EU climate legislation poses a major challenge for EU Member States. This timely book focuses on national climate action, addressing the regulatory responses required for the purposes of meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives for 2020 (and beyond).The book seeks to answer such questions as: what kind of legislative approaches should be developed to comply with EU climate law? What room for national discretion should remain? What opportunities exist to go beyond EU ambitions? In addition, distinguished authors analyze national regulatory developments across selected Member States, identifying potential areas for review and improvement. The book offers further discussion and legal analysis of core themes such as: long-term target setting; contrasting legislative approaches; instrument mixes; and key linkages between environmental and energy law.In light of the challenges confronting national legislators, this book offers important insights into the role and contribution of law towards improved climate protection, with potential lessons for countries both within and outside the EU. With this in mind, Climate Law in EU Member States will be a valuable read for policymakers and civil servants at national ministries and at the European Commission, carbon consultants and environmental non-governmental organizations, as well as for academics in and outside the EU.Contributors: E. Bergsma, J. de Cendra de Larragán, K. de Graaf, J. Gupta, N. Hervé-Fournereau, M. Holwerda, G. Kaminskaite-Salters, L. Karski, A. Langlais, T. Parejo Navajas, M. Peeters, B. Pozzo, C. Reid, T. Schomerus, L. Squintani, M. Stallworthy, N. van der Grijp, S. Weishaar
Alfred Music Hymn Preludes for the Liturgical Year Op. 100
Edisud Encyclopedie Berbere. Fasc. XI: Bracelets - Caprarienses
Autant anthropologiques au sens large que proprement historiques ou linguistiques, les articles specialises de l'Encyclopedie berbere etudient les caracteristiques des populations berberes et leur originalite dans l'ensemble mediterraneen, islamique et africain.
Edisud Encyclopedie Berbere. Fasc. XXV: Iseqqemaren - Juba
Autant anthropologiques au sens large que proprement historiques ou linguistiques, les articles specialises de l'Encyclopedie berbere etudient les caracteristiques des populations berberes et leur originalite dans l'ensemble mediterraneen, islamique et africain.
Edisud Encyclopedie Berbere. Fasc. XXII: Hadrumetum - Hidjaba
Autant anthropologiques au sens large que proprement historiques ou linguistiques, les articles specialises de l'Encyclopedie berbere etudient les caracteristiques des populations berberes et leur originalite dans l'ensemble mediterraneen, islamique et africain.