Search results for ""author jacob"
Hodder & Stoughton Heart of the Town
Dora Preston has guts but it will take more than that for her to break free from Hedderby and make a life for herself on the stage. Then she meets Gideon - and pursuing her ambitions becomes even harder. Gideon has returned from the fighting in India only to discover that an impostor has stolen his inheritance. He has vowed he will claim his birthright but his enemies are ruthless and desperate. Arson attacks, crime and drunkenness have beset the Lancashire mill town, but the forces of goodness are rallying and are determined to prevail, whatever it takes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Spanish Tragedy
The first fully-fledged example of a revenge tragedy, the genre that became so influential in later Elizabethan and Jacobean drama, The Spanish Tragedy (1589) occupies a very special place in the history of English Renaissance drama. Hieronimo, Knight-Marshal of Spain during its war with Portugal, fails to obtain justice when his son is murdered for courting Bel-Imperia, the Duke of Castile's daughter, and decides to take justice into his own hands...This new student edition has been freshly revised by Professor Andrew Gurr to incorporate the latest stage history and critical interpretations of the play. It also appends the scenes that were added in 1602, discusses Elizabethan attitudes to revenge, the Senecan features of the play and the significance of the Anglo-Spanish conflict in the 1580s.
Princeton University Press Arithmetic and Geometry: Ten Years in Alpbach (AMS-202)
Arithmetic and Geometry presents highlights of recent work in arithmetic algebraic geometry by some of the world's leading mathematicians. Together, these 2016 lectures—which were delivered in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the annual summer workshops in Alpbach, Austria—provide an introduction to high-level research on three topics: Shimura varieties, hyperelliptic continued fractions and generalized Jacobians, and Faltings height and L-functions. The book consists of notes, written by young researchers, on three sets of lectures or minicourses given at Alpbach.The first course, taught by Peter Scholze, contains his recent results dealing with the local Langlands conjecture. The fundamental question is whether for a given datum there exists a so-called local Shimura variety. In some cases, they exist in the category of rigid analytic spaces; in others, one has to use Scholze's perfectoid spaces.The second course, taught by Umberto Zannier, addresses the famous Pell equation—not in the classical setting but rather with the so-called polynomial Pell equation, where the integers are replaced by polynomials in one variable with complex coefficients, which leads to the study of hyperelliptic continued fractions and generalized Jacobians.The third course, taught by Shou-Wu Zhang, originates in the Chowla–Selberg formula, which was taken up by Gross and Zagier to relate values of the L-function for elliptic curves with the height of Heegner points on the curves. Zhang, X. Yuan, and Wei Zhang prove the Gross–Zagier formula on Shimura curves and verify the Colmez conjecture on average.
Penguin Publishing Group Jackpot Summer
After the Jacobson siblings win a life-changing fortune in the lottery, they assume their messy lives will transform into sleek, storybook perfection–but they couldn’t be more wrong. The four Jacobson children were raised to respect the value of a dollar. Their mother reused tea bags and refused to pay retail; their father taught them to budget before he taught them to ride a bike. And yet, now that they’re adults, their financial lives are in disarray. The siblings reunite when their newly widowed father puts their Jersey Shore beach house on the market. Packing up childhood memories isn’t easy, especially when there’s other drama brewing. Matthew is miserable at his corporate law job and wishes he had more time with his son; Laura’s marriage is imploding in spectacular fashion; Sophie’s art career is stalled while her boyfriend’s is on the rise; and Noah’s total failure to launch has him doin
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Leverage Change: 8 Ways to Achieve Faster, Easier, Better Results
Oneworld Publications Ghosts of the Desert
To escape his troubled past, Norman heads to the desert to lose himself in his work. He has just received a research grant to study the ghost towns and abandoned mines that litter the landscape. But when he comes across a group of desert-dwelling outcasts and is taken captive by their charismatic leader Jacoby, he is introduced to an alternative way of life: one that both repulses and mesmerizes. As he struggles to make sense of this strange new world – with its perverse and unorthodox practices – Norman begins to realize he must either yield to the ever-watchful Jacoby, or take his chances and run. Ireland’s refined and sparse style cuts through to the dark heart of the American dream in this chilling novel about the thin lines that separate the civilized from the primitive, and the living from the dead.
Vintage Publishing Waverley
Read the first historical novel - this tale of romance and adventure during the 1745 Jacobite rebellion will stir the blood and warm the heart. King George is on the throne, but there are those in Scotland who swear loyalty to the Stuart heir, Bonnie Prince Charlie, and are prepared to stake his claim in conflict and bloodshed. Young Edward Waverley is caught in the middle: son of a Hanoverian yet nephew and heir to a Jacobite, a captain in the King's army yet drawn to the brave Highlanders and their romantic history. Edward must choose where his loyalties lie, even as his heart is torn between gentle Rose Brawardine, and the passionate, principled Flora Mac-Ivor. ‘Waverley is the first great historical novel and should be ranked alongside Stendhal's The Charterhouse of Parma or Tolstoy's War and Peace’ Independent
John Wiley & Sons Odagahodhes
University of Texas Press Unlearning the Language of Conquest: Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America
Responding to anti-Indianism in America, the wide-ranging perspectives culled in Unlearning the Language of Conquest present a provocative account of the contemporary hegemony still at work today, whether conscious or unconscious. Four Arrows has gathered a rich collection of voices and topics, including: Waziyatawin Angela Cavender Wilson's "Burning Down the House: Laura Ingalls Wilder and American Colonialism," which probes the mentality of hatred woven within the pages of this iconographic children's literature. Vine Deloria's "Conquest Masquerading as Law," examining the effect of anti-Indian prejudice on decisions in U.S. federal law. David N. Gibb's "The Question of Whitewashing in American History and Social Science," featuring a candid discussion of the spurious relationship between sources of academic funding and the types of research allowed or discouraged. Barbara Alice Mann's "Where Are Your Women? Missing in Action," displaying the exclusion of Native American women in curricula that purport to illuminate the history of Indigenous Peoples. Bringing to light crucial information and perspectives on an aspect of humanity that pervades not only U.S. history but also current sustainability, sociology, and the ability to craft accurate understandings of the population as a whole, Unlearning the Language of Conquest yields a liberating new lexis for realistic dialogues.
Welsh Academic Press The Butcher: The Duke of Cumberland and the Suppression of the '45
The Butcher, in this new edition, deals with the Government's response to the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion. Whilst there have many studies of the uprising from the Jacobite perspective, few have tackled the event from the view of the Government and its supporters. When roused from the initial reluctance to take the rebellion seriously, supporters of the Hanovarian dynasty rallied to its defence and exposed adherents of the Stuarts as a small minority, not only in England but even in Scotland. The result was to revenge the spectacular early successes of the Young Pretender's forces in the crushing defeat at Culloden. The leader of the Government's forces, The Duke of Cumberland, was determined there would not be a third rebellion to add to those in 1715 and 1745 and his tactics and treatment of the defeated Jacobite forces rightly earned him the title 'The Butcher'.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung: Band 2: §§ 78-147
Dieser Band versammelt Kommentierungen zu Rechtsgebieten, die ebenso von wissenschaftlichem Interesse wie von großer praktischer Bedeutung sind. Florian Jacoby bearbeitet die Vorschriften des Allgemeinen Teils über den Anwaltsprozess, die Prozessbevollmächtigten und die Beistände. Das vielfach vernachlässigte Kostenrecht ist von Olaf Muthorst umfassend kommentiert worden, ebenso das Recht der Prozesskostenhilfe von Reinhard Bork. Die Regelungen der mündlichen Verhandlung haben in den letzten Jahren eine erhebliche Überarbeitung erfahren, was sich in der Kommentierung von Christoph Kern niederschlägt. Christoph Althammer schließlich hat sich den Normen betreffend prozessleitende Anordnungen und die Verbindung von Verfahren gewidmet.Die Auflage erscheint in 12 Bänden. Diese können sowohl einzeln, als auch in Subskription bezogen werden.Der Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung ist Bestandteil des Moduls Zivilprozessrecht Mohr Siebeck, das bei erhältlich ist.
Broadview Press Ltd Memoirs of Modern Philosophers
When the Anti-Jacobin Review described Memoirs of Modern Philosophers in 1800 as “the first novel of the day” and as proof that “all the female writers of the day are not corrupted by the voluptuous dogmas of Mary Godwin, or her more profligate imitators,” they clearly situated Elizabeth Hamilton’s work within the revolutionary debate of the 1790s. As with her successful first novel, Letters of a Hindoo Rajah, Hamilton uses fiction to enter the political fray and discuss issues such as female education, the rights of woman and new philosophy.The novel follows the plight of three heroines. The mock heroine, Bridgetina Botherim—a crude caricature of Mary Hays—participates in an English-Jacobin group, leading her to abandon her mother and home to pursue her beloved to London in hopes of emigrating to the Hottentots in Africa. The second heroine, Julia Delmont, is another member of the local group; she is seduced by a hairdresser masquerading as a New Philosopher. She is left pregnant and destitute only to discover that her actions caused her father’s untimely death. The third heroine is the virtuous Harriet, whose Christian faith enables her to resist the teachings of the New Philosophers.
Edinburgh University Press The Black Dwarf
Set in south-west Scotland in the immediate aftermath of the 1707 Union, The Black Dwarf was intended to be a story about the first, abortive, Jacobite uprising of 1708. Instead it developed into a gothic tale of the supernatural. This new edition brings out the virtues in the story, long overlaid by Scott's embellishments in later editions.
Real Reads Rob Roy
But what is Rashleigh up to? Who are his mysterious friends? Frank has to find some missing papers to save his father’s business. The search takes him to Scotland. His life is in danger. Who wants to kill him? Frank meets the outlaw Rob Roy and heads for the Highlands. He’s seized by soldiers looking for Jacobite rebels. Whose side is Rob Roy really on? And how can Frank get the papers to save his father?
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Introducing the German Idealists: Mock Interviews with Kant, Hegel, and Others
Mock interviews with Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Reinhold, Jacobi, Schlegel, and a letter from Schopenhauer.
New York University Press Essential Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Border
A comprehensive compilation gathering classic articles on borderline psychology Essential Papers on Borderline Disorders: One Hundred Years at the Border gathers between two covers the classic articles on the subject of borderline psychology. It includes essays by such core figures as Otto Kernberg, John G. Gunderson, Edith Jacobson, and Erik H. Erikson, as well as an extensive introduction by the editor providing a comprehensive overview of the field. Contributors: Hagop S. Akiskal, Michael Balint, Helene Deutsch, Erik H. Erikson, John Frosch, Roy Grinker, Sr., John G. Gunderson, Paul Hoch, C. H. Hughes, Edith Jacobson, Otto Kernberg, Seymout S. Kety, Robert P. Knight, Margaret S. Mahler, Phillip Polatin, James Cowles Prichard, Sandor Rado, Irving C. Rosse, Melitta Schmideberg, Harold F. Searles, Margaret T. Singer, Robert L. Spitzer, Adolph Stern, and Leo Stone.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Funktionentheorie 1
Die ersten vier Kapitel dieser Darstellung der klassischen Funktionentheorie vermitteln mit minimalem Begriffsaufwand und auf geringen Vorkenntnissen aufbauend zentrale Ergebnisse und Methoden der komplexen Analysis einer Veränderlichen. Sie gipfeln in einem Beweis des kleinen Riemannschen Abbildungssatzes und einer Charakterisierung einfach zusammenhängender Gebiete. Weitere Themen sind: elliptische Funktionen (Weierstraßscher, Jacobischer Ansatz), die elementare Theorie der Modulformen einer Variablen, Anwendungen der Funktionen- auf die Zahlentheorie (einschl. eines Beweises des Primzahlsatzes). Plus: über 400 Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen.
Manchester University Press The Library and Archive Collections of the University of Aberdeen: An Introduction and Description
This volume commences with the the books and manuscripts given at the foundation of King's College in 1495, continues with the collections which accrued to Marischal College from its foundation in 1593, and comes together with the fusion of the two colleges in 1860 in the modern University of Aberdeen.From the beginning, the scope and focus of the University was international, and its developing collections represent a microcosm of the world of knowledge as it changed over the centuries. The University Colleges of Aberdeen have a distinct intellectual tradition: pragmatically tolerant in times of persecution; dissident from the religious and political policies of the Lowlands; looking outwards to the world of northern Europe and to the territories of the Jacobite diaspora.The book introduces one of the oldest continually-evolving academic library collections of the Anglophone world, surveys its history and includes a series of studies of items or collections of particular interest.
MH - Indiana University Press The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill
Presents the works of Harriet Taylor Mill. This book assess the importance and influence of her ideas on women's issues such as marriage and divorce, education, domestic violence, and suffrage.
Bang Ediciones Marcopola la isla remera
La colección MAMUT es una colección de cómics diseñada y pensada exclusivamente para los más pequeños. Estará dividida en dos: para mayores de 3 años y para mayores de 6 años, para aquellos que comienzan a leer y para los que aún no saben. Mamut para niños a partir de los 6 AÑOS Estas historias para niños están casi desprovistas de texto. El relato se sostiene sobre las viñetas con dibujos. Pero aún así se trata de lectura: el niño leerá de manera autónoma un relato complejo porque las viñetas de estos comics no son simples ilustraciones sino que hay en ellas una verdadera gramática. El libro Marcopola, antes de llamarse Marcopola, era una islita aislada en medio del océano que se aburría mucho; hasta que una mañana al despertarse, descubrió en la orilla de su playa un extraño objeto... qué será?.. para qué servirá? Así comienza esta aventura en la que también encontrarás mucha agua, cielo, tierra, un avión, mariposas, un libro, un monstruo, estrellas, una barquita, gigantes, un cactus
Aschendorff Verlag Verus Filius Dei Incarnatus: The Christologies of Paulinus II of Aquileia, Benedict of Aniane, and Agobard of Lyon in the Context of the Felician Controversy
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin David Hume Et La Croyance: Idealisme Et Realisme
Pixel+Ink Twig and Turtle 5: Time for Teamwork
Skyhorse Publishing The Little Black Book of Political Wisdom
Politics. It’s a word that carries a great deal of weight, and there have been many words spoken about it ever since human beings decided it might be a good idea to come down from the trees and form some kind of government. The Little Black Book of Political Wisdom is an engaging collection of the wisest, funniest, and most insightful words ever said about the world of politics. Gathered here are hundreds of quotations from statesmen and stateswomen, philosophers, foreign leaders, journalists, and other politically astute observers from ancient times to present day.Here are some examples:Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” Henry AdamsI have learned that one of the most important rules of politics is poisewhich means looking like an owl after behaving like a jackass.” Ronald ReaganPolitics are almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can be killed once, but in politics many times.” Sir Winston ChurchillWe hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” AesopGiving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” P. J. O’Rourke
Hazelden Information & Educational Services Mindfulness And The 12 Steps
American Pharmacists Association Communication and Management Skills for the Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy technicians play an important role in the management and operation of modern pharmacy practices. They need a working knowledge in areas such as customer service, protecting patients’ health information, ethics, third-party payers, medication and inventory control, managing workflow, staffing, and team building. Because they regularly interact with colleagues and patients, good communication skills are also essential. Communication & Management Skills for the Pharmacy Technician includes a wealth of practical information on the wide range of communication and management issues that arise in pharmacy settings. This book helps pharmacy technicians develop professional skills that are critical to the efficient operation of the pharmacy. Key Features: Practical information is presented in a clear, reader-friendly format. Activities and real-world examples reinforce concepts. Includes discussion of key pharmacy issues and suggested readings.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Crashing In Love
Simon & Schuster It's All Relative: Adventures Up and Down the World's Family Tree
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Classics for the Developing Pianist Study Guide Bk 4 Study Guide for Preparation Practice Performance
Hal Leonard Corporation Pretty Good Years: A Biography of Tori Amos
American Maritain Association A Piercing Light: Beauty, Faith, and Human Transcendence
Candlewick Press,U.S. Paper Things
Candlewick Press,U.S. Small as an Elephant
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Professional Piano Teaching Vol 2 Intermediate Advanced Levels A Comprehensive Piano Pedagogy Textbook
Arcadia Publishing Camp Grant Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Arcadia Publishing Waynes Trace Fort Deposit to Fort Industry Motor History
AMRA Verlag ALIENHYBRIDEN Sie sind mitten unter uns Der Plan der Auerirdischen die Menschheit zu unterwerfen
Calwer Verlag GmbH Kursbuch Religion Sekundarstufe II Basiswissen
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Blake und Mortimer Bibliothek 2 Das Geheimnis der großen Pyramide
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Abschreiben erwnscht Neubearbeitung 910 Schuljahr Trainingseinheiten zum Abschreiben ben und zur Berufswahlvorbereitung Trainingsheft mit Lsungen
Cinebook Ltd Blake & Mortimer 17 - The Secret of the Swordfish Pt 3
The captain and the professor have finally made it to the secret base with the Swordfish blueprints, and construction has begun on the extraordinary machines. Olrik hasn't had his last word, though, and he is ready to take tremendous risks to locate the world's last bastion of resistance and freedom. A race against time is on between Imperial forces on one side and Mortimer's teams of engineers on the other...The fate of civilisation is at stake.
Emerald Publishing Limited Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities
The contributors to this latest volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care investigate race, ethnicity and gender as factors in health and health care disparities. Looking specifically at the factors that impact race and ethnicity in a US context, gender issues, hospitals and health care spending, and research from India. Chapters focus on linkages to health disparities among races, health experiences for incarcerated women and issues of hospital and health care spending.
Nick Hern Books The Comeuppance
A bitingly comic, strikingly timely satire for the stage, which asks if we can ever break free from the people we used to be.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Feminist Economics
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. The intellectual origins of the area are explicated, and the current state of the subfield outlined. Specific topics covered include conflict over terminology, pedagogy, and content in the field of economics, measurement of the unmeasured economy, the role of caring labor in the economy, heteronormativity in economics, feminist approaches to economic development, multiple approaches to empiricism, modeling of intrahousehold relationships, consideration of the role of property rights in reifying gender roles, differential effects of international trade and finance by gender, and feminist approaches to public finance and social welfare.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Feminist Economics
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. The intellectual origins of the area are explicated, and the current state of the subfield outlined. Specific topics covered include conflict over terminology, pedagogy, and content in the field of economics, measurement of the unmeasured economy, the role of caring labor in the economy, heteronormativity in economics, feminist approaches to economic development, multiple approaches to empiricism, modeling of intrahousehold relationships, consideration of the role of property rights in reifying gender roles, differential effects of international trade and finance by gender, and feminist approaches to public finance and social welfare.
powerHouse Books,U.S. The Kraken's Rules For Making Friends
Bristol University Press Intimations of Nostalgia: Multidisciplinary Explorations of an Enduring Emotion
Nostalgia, a complex and multi-layered emotion, has gained interest since the turn of the century in both society and academic circles. Written by an international group of scholars, this volume investigates the relationship between nostalgia and contemporary social issues from a multidisciplinary perspective. From history and political theory to marketing and media, each chapter discusses the way nostalgia has been presented within a disciplinary context and shows how it has evolved over time as a topic of research. Casting light on many recent changes in society and culture, this is an important contribution to the study of nostalgia and emotions.