Search results for ""university of california press""
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Rhetoric in the Middle Ages (1974): A Bibliographic Supplement to 2016
Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: A History of Rhetorical Theoryfrom Saint Augustine to the Renaissance was first published in 1974 by the University of California Press and won the national book award of the Speech Communication Association. It has since been translated into Italian, Spanish, and Polish. In 2001 it, along with its companion anthology, Three Medieval Rhetorical Arts, was reprinted by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (ACMRS), and remains in print. In the more than four decades since the book first appeared, a vast number of studies of medieval rhetoric have appeared and the field has advanced enormously. This Bibliographic Supplement allows readers to survey scholarly developments since 1974. It is organized into four chapters following the four sections of the original book: ancient rhetoric and its continuations, ars dictaminis, arts of poetry and prose, and ars praedicandi. Each chapter consists of a bibliographic essay discussing key works since 1974 in context and a bibliography specific to that chapter’s subject.
James Currey General History of Africa volume 2 [pbk abridged]: Ancient Civilizations of Africa
SPECIAL COMMENDATION in Africa's 100 Best Books of the Twentieth Century. The series is illustrated throughout with maps and black and white photographs. Volume 2 covers the period beginning at the close of the Neolithic era, from around the eighth millenium before our era. This period of some nine thousand years has been sub-divided into four major geographical zones. Chapters 1 to 12 cover the Nile, Egypt and Nubia: by far the largest part of the book is devoted to the ancient civilization of Egypt because of its pre-eminent place in the early history of Africa. Chapters 13 to 16 relate to the Ethiopianhighlands. Chapters 17 to 20 describe the Maghrib and its Sahara hinterland, and Chapters 21 to 29 the rest of Africa including some of the Indian Ocean islands. The series is co-published in Africa with seven publishers, inthe United States and Canada by the University of California Press, and in association with the UNESCO Press.
Peeters Publishers The King's Crown: Essays on XVIIIth and XIXth Century Literature, Art, and History honoring Basil J. Guy
Basil Guy is Professor Emeritus of French, University of California, Berkeley. A decorated World War II veteran, he is the author of several books and editions, including an outstanding translation of Charles-Joseph de Ligne «Coup d'oeil sur Beloeil» (University of California Press, 1986). His work reflects a wide variety of academic interests, ranging from Voltaire and Rousseau to art history and the literature of gardens, to European perceptions of China in the 18th century. He has directed and participated in directing numerous theses and dissertations in French, history, and art history at the University of California, Berkeley. He has forged enduring academic and intellectual friendships across both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. His former students teach at universities across the United States.
Heyday Books Hansen's Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Delight in the Sierra Nevada’s diverse avifauna with this long-awaited field guide.Identify and learn about over two hundred and fifty birds of the Sierra Nevada. From tiniest hummingbirds to condors with nine-foot wingspans; from lower-elevation wrens to the rasping nutcrackers of the High Sierra; from urban House Sparrows to wild water–loving American Dippers, Hansen’s Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada showcases artist-naturalist Keith Hansen’s sixteen-year project to illustrate the birds of the Sierra Nevada. Paired with stunningly detailed portraits is text informed by decades of birding experience—prose that while firmly grounded in expertise will nonetheless delight readers with its whimsy, allusion, and affection. Take the Bufflehead: "A diminutive and endearing diving duck," which moves "with spirited abandon." Or the "scrappy and antagonistic" Merlin, "holding dominion over winter skies, tormenting eagles, hawks, and vultures alike." The White-tailed Kite is "angelic in poise, a streamlined bird of unblemished tailoring"; the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sports a black eye-to-eye brow, imparting a "Frida Kahlo–like stare." This book is the field guide companion to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution, also coauthored by Edward C. Beedy and illustrated by Keith Hansen (University of California Press, 2013).
James Currey General History of Africa volume 3 [pbk abridged]: Africa from the 7th to the 11th Century
SPECIAL COMMENDATION in Africa's 100 Best Books of the Twentieth Century. The series is illustrated throughout with maps and black and white photographs. The period covered by Volume 3 is dominated by two movements of major and lasting significance in the history of Africa: the influence of Islam in the north and west, interacting with traditional African culture; and the Bantu expansion in the south. The book first places Africa in the context of world history at the opening of the seventh century. Detailed chapters follow discussing the successive Islamic dynasties, the Christian Nubia, the civilizations of the savannas, forests and coast of West Africa, the Horn of Africa, the East African coast and interior, Central Africa, Southern Africa, and Madagascar's internal development and international contacts. The three concluding chapters trace the African diaspora in Asia, examine international relations and the spread of technology and ideas, and assess the overall impact of the period on African history. The series is co-published in Africawith seven publishers, in the United States and Canada by the University of California Press, and in association with the UNESCO Press.
James Currey General History of Africa volume 7 [pbk abridged]: Africa under Colonial Domination 1880-1935
SPECIAL COMMENDATION in Africa's 100 Best Books of the Twentieth Century. The series is illustrated throughout with maps and black and white photographs. Volume 7 examines the period of partition, conquest and occupation from the beginnings of the 'European Scramble for Africa' to the Italian fascist invasion of Ethiopia in 1935. Throughout the volume the focus is on the responsesof Africans themselves to the challenge of colonialism. A general overview is followed by more detailed regional analyses. Chapters 13 to 21 concern the impact of economic and social aspects of colonial systems in Africa from1919 to 1935; the operation of colonial economies; the emergence of new social structures and demographic patterns; and the role of religion and the arts in Africa during the colonial period. The final section traces the growth of anti-colonial movements, the strengthening of African political nationalism and the interaction between black Africa and blacks of the New World. Liberia and Ethiopia are discussed in special chapters. The seriesis co-published in Africa with seven publishers, in the United States and Canada by the University of California Press, and in association with the UNESCO Press.
James Currey General History of Africa Complete Set of Vols 1-8 [pbks]
SPECIAL COMMENDATION in Africa's 100 Best Books of the Twentieth Century. The series is illustrated throughout with maps and black and white photographs. This set brings together all 8 volumes of the groundbreaking Unesco General History of Africa, which are all now available again as paperbacks. The series demonstrates the importance of African history from earliestpre-history, through the establishment of its ancient civilizations to the placing of Africa in the context of world history. The growth and development of African historiography, once written records became more common, documentthe triumph of Islam, the extension of trading relations, cultural exchanges and human contacts, as well as the impact and consequences of the slave trade. The European scramble for colonial territory in the 1880s is examined witha focus on the responses of Africans themselves to the economic and social aspects of colonial systems up to 1935, including the growth of anti-colonial movements and the strengthening of African political nationalism. The contributions document how the continent moved from international conflict under foreign domination to struggles for political sovereignty and economic independence. The last (unabridged) volume 8 examines the challenges of nation-building and the socio-cultural changes affecting the newly independent nations. The series is co-published in Africa with seven publishers, in the United States and Canada by the University of California Press, and in association with the UNESCO Press.
City Lights Books Joie de Vivre: Selected Poems 1992-2012
Inspired by the Beats, Black Mountain, and the New York School, Lisa Jarnot emerged in the 1990s as one of the foremost poets of the post-Language avant-garde. Joie de Vivre draws on twenty years of work, from the bold fragmentation of her mixed media debut, Some Other Kind of Mission, to the experimental lyricism of her recent Night Scenes. Following the poet's evolution through her engagements with form and music, Joie de Vivre showcases Jarnot's restless virtuosity and relentless curiosity. The archaic, the surreal, the pastoral, the political--no register of language proves too recalcitrant for her expansive sense of song. Praise for Joie de Vivre: "Riveting ...Reading this work is truly a joy."--Publishers Weekly "This compilation includes the best of Jarnot's Whitmanesque reflections and Ginsbergian outcries, speech acts that list always toward an avant-garde."--Booklist "Her ideas meddle in the traditions of form, medium, sound, and arrangement to recall the modernism of Joyce and Stein ...This selection highlights her inventiveness." --Library Journal About the Author: Born in Buffalo, New York, in 1967, Lisa Jarnot studied with Robert Creeley at SUNY Buffalo and later earned an MFA at Brown University. The author of four full-length poetry collections and the former editor of the Poetry Project Newsletter, she has also just published Robert Duncan: The Ambassador From Venus (University of California Press, 2012), the definitive biography of the San Francisco poet. Since the mid-1990s, she has lived in New York City.
Wave Books Retrievals
"I adore [Caples'] prescription to read widely and even perversely; and his breezy style is engaging." --Don Share "Caples' discussions are careful, nuanced, personal, and opinionated." --Steven Fama "Caples is part of a younger generation of writers reinvigorating contemporary poetry by combining modernist and Language-poetic verbal angularity with the sheer enthusiasm and lustiness of adolescence." --Publishers Weekly "Caples supplies us with a full aesthetic meal, with alarming images right out of the French Surrealists. He also means what he says; regardless of any implications to the contrary, Caples is writing out of emotion, even well-done sentiment." --Rain Taxi From "Theory on Retrievals": The concept of the poet-critic has always been a compelling one to me; it's hard not to admire 19th century French poets like Gautier, writing elegant prose in newspapers on topics the general public was more interested in reading about than it was in reading his poetry. (I've never been one to hold the general public's lack of interest in poetry against it; that's the way of the world.) The compensation was that being a poet gave one a certain license as a critic to roam among all the arts. Retrievals is a book of essays written over the course of ten years about underrecognized poets, unfairly discredited critics, and artists obscured by more famous relations. Garrett Caples is the author of The Garrett Caples Reader (Angle Press/Black Square Editions, 1999), Complications (Meritage Press, 2007), and Quintessence of the Minor (Wave Books, 2010). He is the co-editor of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia (University of California Press, 2013). He is the poetry editor at City Lights Books, and curates the Spotlight Poetry Series there. He has a PhD in English from the University of California, Berkeley, and lives in Oakland.