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Transcript Verlag Salafismus in Deutschland Ursprnge und Gefahren einer islamischfundamentalistischen Bewegung
Transcript Verlag Lernen in Beziehung Zum Verhltnis von Subjektivitt und Relationalitt in Lernprozessen
Transcript Verlag Transkulturalitt Klassische Texte
Transcript Verlag Neuromythologie Eine Streitschrift gegen die Deutungsmacht der Hirnforschung 4 unvernderte Auflage 2014
Transcript Verlag Feministische Mdchenarbeit weiterdenken Zur Aktualitt einer bildungspolitischen Praxis
Transcript Verlag Schlsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften
transcript Verlag Shielding
transcript Verlag InVisibility of Flight
transcript Verlag Building Institution
Transcript Verlag The Object as a Process: Essays Situating Artistic Practice
How does artistic practice lead to the production of knowledge? How does, in turn, artistic knowledge relate to its material base? How does contingent materiality guide the artist towards finding form and developing a statement? This volume is dedicated to the object as a process in order to offer new insights into the ways the object - broadly construed, comprising digital and other non-classical objects - becomes an active element in artistic practice.
Transcript Verlag The Myths That Made America: An Introduction to American Studies
This essential introduction to American studies examines the core foundational myths upon which the nation is based and which still determine discussions of US-American identities today. These myths include the myth of "discovery," the Pocahontas myth, the myth of the Promised Land, the myth of the Founding Fathers, the melting pot myth, the myth of the West, and the myth of the self-made man. The chapters provide extended analyses of each of these myths, using examples from popular culture, literature, memorial culture, school books, and every-day life. Including visual material as well as study questions, this book will be of interest to any student of American studies and will foster an understanding of the United States of America as an imagined community by analyzing the foundational role of myths in the process of nation building.
transcript Verlag A Heated Debate
transcript Verlag Subterranean Explorations
Transcript Verlag Spaces of Commemoration and Communication: A Novel Approach at the Mauthausen Memorial Visitor Center
In times of resurgence of ultra-nationalistic and xenophobic tendencies across Europe, education and awareness-raising for all age groups about the history of the Holocaust are of paramount importance for agency and civil engagement. Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss examines commemorative culture and its transformation towards interactive and participatory experiences through a novel form of visitor engagement at the Mauthausen memorial visiting center. This unique space from an arts-based and media research project builds on human-centered design, as well as individual and collective experiences of contributing to a living memory culture.
transcript Verlag Religious Freedom and Populism
Transcript Verlag Narrating Experiences of Alzheimer's Through the Arts: Phenomenological and Existentialist Descriptions of the Living Body
While Alzheimer's might be associated with a difficulty to express oneself, Ana Paula Barbosa-Fohrmann addresses this topic by examining experiences with Alzheimer's based on narratives. In this original contribution, she studies the nexus of life stories, subjectivity, fragmentation, and fiction. The philosophical basis of this research is phenomenology from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, specifically that of Husserl and above all that of Merleau-Ponty. This work also draws on Proust's and Camus's literature as well as Beckett's dramaturgy.
Transcript Verlag Contemporary Curating and Museum Education
In the context of critical museology, museums are questioning their social role, defining the museum as a site for knowledge exchange and participation in creating links between past and present. Museum education has evolved as a practice in its own right, questioning, expanding and transforming exhibitions and institutions. How does museum work change if we conceive of curating and education as an integrated practice? This question is addressed by international contributors from different types of museums. For anyone interested in the future of museums, it offers insights into the diversity of positions and experiences of translating the "grand designs" of museology into practice.
Transcript Verlag Situating Globalization: Views from Egypt
The range of perspectives and original materials dealt with by each author highlights the renewed urgency of the struggle for cultural autonomy and voice within the context of globalization. In other words, each paper explores how the various processes at both the local and global level intersect to create new discourses and debates round the "indigenization of knowledge." If a new wind of cultural decolonization is blowing through the Arab Middle East, which is having profound impact on the lives of men and women, then we should expect a new scholarship to emerge in order to grasp and understand it. This book is a contribution in that direction.
Transcript Verlag Bodies, Boundaries, and Spirit Possession – Moroccan Women and the Revision of Tradition
The social structures of Moroccan society have been changing in accordance with western models at an ever-growing rate. The role of Islam in sharing the burden of these changes and in narrowing the ever-expanding gap between modernity and tradition is exemplified by the folk-Islamic spirit possession practices presented in this study. By adjusting their vocation to ongoing processes of commercialization and professionalization and to the changing needs and expectations of their female clientele, traditional women seers have increasingly taken on the therapeutic task of helping women to resolve the growing number of inner and interpersonal conflicts in their daily lives.
Transcript Verlag Lebanese in Motion – Gender and the Making of a Translocal Village
Globalisation and transnational migration have altered people's understanding of as well as their relationship to their "dwelling places" and "places of origin". Taking the empirical case of the South Lebanese Shi'ite village of Zrariye and its migrant population in Abidjan/Côte d'Ivoire, the book shows how "place", which has become a vital political, economic and social resource, continues to be of tremendous significance in the age of mobility and change. "Lebanese in Motion" explores how villagers "at home" and "abroad" are involved in producing a "translocal village-in-the-making", which emanates as a social field through their practices and narratives. Travel and the means of communication make it possible to keep in constant touch and thus renegotiate kinship, generational and gender relationships beyond local, regional and nation-state boundaries. Particularly interested in understanding how female identities are redefined, the study delineates how gender and place are mutually constituted in the translocal village under study.
Transcript Verlag The Politics of Imagination – Benjamin, Kracauer, Kluge
This book explores Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer and Alexander Kluge's analyses of the role that a rejuvenation in the capacity for imagination can play in encouraging us to reconceive the possibilities of the past, the present, and the future outside of the parameters of the status quo. The concept of imagination to which the title of the book refers is not a strictly defined, stable concept, but rather a term which is employed to refer to a capacity that facilitates both an active, creative relationship to one's environment, and a process of mediation between the outside world and one's own experiences and memories. Through a detailed analysis of their engagements with subjects that span a broad range of historical and thematic contexts (including topics as diverse as literature, children's play, film, photography, history, and television) the book charts the extent to which the concept of imagination plays a central role in Benjamin, Kracauer, and Kluge's explorations of a mode of perception and experience which could serve as a catalyst for the creation and sustenance of a desire for a different kind of future.
Transcript Verlag Theater in Lebanon – Production, Reception and Confessionalism
With a rich history of conflicts, a society full of contrasts, Lebanon presents a theater not less fascinating with its wide spectrum of social peculiarities. Confessionalism, which crystallizes to a key concept in the social balance as well as its misbalance, defines the images of the "self" and of the "other" within the Christian and Moslem social worlds and in the manner they interrelate with each other. It also generates a complex base for the interpretation of theatrical signs and symbols, theater being another stage for interaction between two conflicting social worlds. This book sheds a light on theater in Lebanon, its production and reception, the significance of theatrical performance and its implications, and the many categories ruling this phenomenon.
Transcript Verlag Companies in Peace Processes – A Guatemalan Case Study
The role of private companies in violent conflicts has gained increasingly more attention in recent years. Although the private sector is often associated with sustaining conflicts, companies are also assumed to be self-interested as well as able to support the prevention, settlement and transformation of violent conflicts. This book explores the role of the private business sector during the civil war and the peace process in Guatemala. It examines and analyses the corporate positions during this period, aiming to add to a better understanding on the potentials and limits of integrating private business actors in conflict transformation.
transcript Verlag The Capitalist Economy and its Prosthetics
transcript Verlag Singular Plural Ways of Staging Together
Transcript Verlag Pariahs or Partners?: Patterns of Government Formation with Radical Right Parties in Central and Eastern Europe, 1990-2020
In the past three decades, radical right parties had the opportunity to directly influence political developments from the highest public office in many post-communist Central and Eastern European countries. Oliver Kossack provides the first comprehensive study on government formation with radical right parties in this region. Even after the turn of the millennium, some distinct features of the post-communist context persist, such as coalitions between radical right and centre-left parties. In addition to original empirical insights, the time-sensitive approach of this study also advances the discussion about concepts and methodological approaches within the discipline.
Transcript Verlag Materials of Culture: Approaches to Materials and their Relevance for Cultural Studies
While the so-called material turn in the humanities and the social sciences has inspired a vibrant discourse on objects, things, and the concept of materiality in general, less attention has been paid to materials, particularly in cultural studies scholarship. With each of its chapters taking a particular material as its point of departure, this volume offers a palette of fresh approaches to materials within the realm of cultural studies. The contributors call for a materials-based perspective on culture, which has become all the more pertinent by the need for sustainability in times of climate change, energy crisis, conflict, migration, and the lingering coronavirus pandemic.
transcript Verlag Actor Avatar
Transcript Verlag Norman M. Klein's »Bleeding Through: Layers of Los Angeles«: An Updated Edition 20 Years Later
In 2003, Norman M. Klein's docufable ?Bleeding Through? raised questions of urban aesthetics and memory as part of the multimedia documentary ?Bleeding Through: Layers of Los Angeles, 1920-1986.? Now, 20 years later, this important text is reissued along with several essays addressing its central themes, such as the aesthetics and politics of urban memory, the development of Los Angeles since the 20th century, the role of urban imaginaries in US politics, or media evolution in the 21st century. The volume also features a long interview with Klein and two docufables from Klein's celebrated study ?The History of Forgetting: Los Angeles and the Erasure of Memory?, one being the kernel of the novella, the other imagining Walter Benjamin in L.A. Finally, the book contains links to two films featuring much of the multimedia material contained in the first edition.
Transcript Verlag On Making Fiction: Frankenstein and the Life of Stories
Fiction is generally understood to be a fascinating, yet somehow deficient affair, merely derivative of reality. What if we could, instead, come up with an affirmative approach that takes stories seriously in their capacity to bring forth a substance of their own? Iconic texts such as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and its numerous adaptations stubbornly resist our attempts to classify them as mere representations of reality. Friederike Danebrock shows how these texts insist that we take them seriously as agents and interlocutors in our world- and culture-making activities. Drawing on this analysis, she develops a theory of narrative fiction as a generative practice.
Transcript Verlag Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage: A Berlin Ethnography
The museum and heritage sector has been shaken by debates over how to address colonialism, migration, Islamophobia, LGBTI+ and multiple other forms of difference. This major multi-researcher ethnography of museums and heritage in Berlin provides new insight into how "diversity" is understood and put into action in museums and heritage. Exploring new initiatives and approaches, the book shows how these work - or do not - in practice. By doing so, it highlights ways forward - for research and action - for the future. The fieldwork locations on which this book is based include the Humboldt Forum, the Museum of Islamic Art, the Museum für Naturkunde, and the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, as well as Berlin streets and protests.
Transcript Verlag The Politics of Digital Pharmacology: Exploring the Craft of Collective Care
Digitization is transforming our world economically, culturally, and psychologically. The influx of new forms of communication, networking, and business opportunities, as well as new types of distraction, self-observation, and control into our societies represents an epochal challenge. Following Bernard Stiegler's concept of pharmacology, Felix Heidenreich and Florian Weber-Stein propose to view these new forms as digital pharmaka. Properly dosed, they can enable new self-relationships and forms of sociality; in the case of overdose, however, there is a risk of intoxication. In this essay, Felix Heidenreich, Florian Weber-Stein, and, in a detailed interview, Bernard Stiegler analyse this complex change in our world and develop new skills to use digital pharmaka.
Transcript Verlag Big Screens, Small Forms: Visual Varieties in Digital Media Culture
We witness an era with more screens than ever before, and within each screen, a multitude of visual varieties. Lisa Gotto investigates this medial diversity as a field of tension between large and small forms of digital image culture. This includes, on the one hand, the immersive potential of large image arrangements, such as digital 3D cinema, and, on the other hand, the compactness of mobile image forms, such as those of the smartphone film or the media practices of Instagram. Weaving together a rich variety of examples and sources, this book presents a multifaceted collection of essays that explore the transformational potential of digital media culture, contextualize its media-technical conditions, and reflect on its social consequences.
Transcript Verlag Changing Time - Shaping World: Changemakers in Arts & Education
A World of Changemakers - how can a hybrid arts lecture series concept in e-learning create attitudes and shape skills as a playful and critical thinking navigator in an uncertain world? To re-create meaning is an interdisciplinary cross-sectional task of our zeitgeist in a civil society. Our international guests represent key roles in relevant philosophical, technical or economic debates, non-university community art & design projects or companies.
Transcript Verlag Critical by Design?: Genealogies, Practices, Positions
In its constructive and speculative nature, design has the critical potential to reshape prevalent socio-material realities. At the same time, design is inevitably normative, if not often violent, as it stabilises the past, normalises the present, and precludes just and sustainable futures. The contributions rethink concepts of critique that influence the field of design, question inherent blind spots of the discipline, and expand understandings of what critical design practices could be. With contributions from design theory, practice and education, art theory, philosophy, and informatics, "Critical by Design?" aims to question and unpack the ambivalent tensions between design and critique.
Transcript Verlag Expanded Choreographies—Choreographic Histories: Trans-Historical Perspectives Beyond Dance and Human Bodies in Motion
From objects to sounds, choreography is expanding beyond dance and human bodies in motion. This book offers one of the rare systematic investigations of expanded choreography as it develops in contemporaneity, and is the first to consider expanded choreography from a trans-historical perspective. Through case studies on different periods of European dance history - ranging from Renaissance dance to William Forsythe's choreographic objects and from Baroque court ballets to digital choreographies - it traces a journey of choreography as a practice transcending its sole association with dancing, moving, human bodies.
Transcript Verlag Migrating Through the Web: Interactive Practices About Migration, Flight and Exile
How to study a media object on the web that is at the same time a documentary, a reportage, and a game which combines both fiction and non-fiction elements? Nicole Braida digs into the discursive and material structures and infrastructures of serious games, text-adventures, newsgames, interactive maps, and data visualizations, in which refugees and migrants become the subject of humanitarian discourse. Although the goal is to arouse empathy towards migrants, these "interactive practices" distinguish who is vulnerable and who is not. It supports the idea of a "migratory crisis", which, the author argues, is actually the symptom of a deeper crisis of the humanitarian system itself.
Transcript Verlag »Failed« Migratory Adventures?: Malian Men Facing Conditions Post Deportation in Southern Mali
The effects of the intra-African and European deportation regimes brought about since the European Union's externalization of its migration and development policy by transferring it to countries of sub-Saharan Africa remain largely understudied - especially their effects on people's everyday life after forced returns. Based on extensive field research, Susanne U. Schultz's book analyses the supposedly "failed" migration of Malian men, the social situations in which they find themselves following deportation, and the implications of their "failure" for their social environment and broader society. This important ethnographic study creates empirical knowledge on key issues in migration research, policy, and practice in the context of a charged debate.
Transcript Verlag Biohacking, Bodies and Do-It-Yourself: The Cultural Politics of Hacking Life Itself
From self-help books and nootropics, to self-tracking and home health tests, to the tinkering with technology and biological particles - biohacking brings biology, medicine, and the material foundation of life into the sphere of "do-it-yourself". This trend has the potential to fundamentally change people's relationship with their bodies and biology but it also creates new cultural narratives of responsibility, authority, and differentiation. Covering a broad range of examples, this book explores practices and representations of biohacking in popular culture, discussing their ambiguous position between empowerment and requirement, promise and prescription.
Transcript Verlag The Changing Leadership Roles of Dedes in the Alevi Movement: Ethnographic Studies on Alevi Associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the Present
What is the function of clerical leadership in Alevism based on sociocultural and political understandings? To answer that complex question, Deniz Cosan Eke examines the political, cultural, and religious debates surrounding Alevis and the Alevi movement in relation to the ideas and claims of the Turkish state, Alevi communities in Turkey, and migrant Alevi communities in Germany. The book, which focuses on the emergence of collective emotions in religious rituals, the struggle of religious groups in migration processes, and the leadership role of clergy in social movements, is of great interest to a wide readership.
Transcript Verlag Traditions Can Be Changed: Tanzanian Nationalist Debates Around Decolonizing Race and Gender, 1960s1970s
Whether and to what extent African states and societies have been able to break away from colonial impact is a still contentious issue. Harald Barre considers newspapers and academic activism in Tanzania as forums in which the project of an independent African nation was shaped through heated debates. Examining the changing discourses on race and gender in the 1960s and 1970s, he reveals that equating difference with inequality in the national narrative was fiercely contested. Pervasive images rooted in colonialism were thus challenged and in some cases fundamentally transformed by journalists, students, (inter)national scholars, (inter)national events and the promise of an egalitarian socialist state.
Transcript Verlag Internment Refugee Camps: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
How did and does the fate of refugees unfold in internment camps? The contributors facilitate an extensive engagement with the organized, state led, and forced placement of refugees in the past and present. They show the parallels and differences between the practices and types of internment in different countries - while considering the specific historical contexts. Moreover, they highlight the nexus of relationships and agencies which constitute the camps in question as transitory spaces. The contributions consist of analyses of local phenomena or case studies as well as comparative engagements from an international and/or historical perspective.
Transcript Verlag Dimensions: Journal of Architectural Knowledge: Vol. 2, No. 3/2022: Species of Theses an Other Pieces
"Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge" is an academic journal in, on, and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the creation, constitution, and transmission of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, procedures, and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attention to the architectural design and epistemologies of aesthetic practice and research. Issue 3, "Species of Theses an Other Pieces", is concerned with the form of the doctoral thesis in practice-oriented research. In reference to George Perec's "Species of Spaces and Other Pieces", this issue takes the love for playing with forms, genres, and arrangements as its program.
Transcript Verlag Digital Culture & Society (DCS): Vol. 2, Issue 2/2016 - Politics of Big Data
Do models of a ground-breaking art of the information age, an "algorithmic revolution", or of a democratization of art production still have any mileage? How do contemporary art practitioners cope with the political situation and with the attempts of the Silicon Valley giants to appropriate algorithmic generation of art-like artefacts? This issue aims to discuss how computer art from the pioneering days is now being reframed as digital, post-digital or algorithmic art under the prevailing conditions of big data, smart AI, an almost all-encompassing surveillance technology and a political state of neo-liberalism.
Transcript Verlag Resilience Stories – Individualized Tales of a Metanarrative
Be resilient! Today, we hear this line in almost any context. The term resilience is among the most repeated buzzwords. But why, simply, do we need to be resilient? Hamideh Mahdiani presents answers to this question by challenging a reductionistic understanding of resilience from single disciplinary perspectives; by questioning the dominance of life sciences in defining an age-old concept; and by problematizing the neglected role of life writing in fostering resilience. In so doing, through a multidisciplinary frame of reference, the book works with various examples from life writing and life sciences, and testifies to the focal role of narrative studies in resilience research.
Transcript Verlag What Will Be Already Exists – Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East–Central Europe and Beyond
How do artist archives survive and stay authentic in radically changed contexts? The volume addresses the challenge of continuity, sustainability, and institutionalization of archives established by Eastern European artists. At its center stands the 40th anniversary of the Artpool Art Research Center founded in 1979 in Budapest as an underground institution based on György Galántai's "Active Archive" concept. Ten internationally renowned scholars propose contemporary interpretations of this concept and frame artist archives not as mere sources of art history but as models of self-historicization. The contributions give knowledgeable insights into the transition of Cold War art networks and institutional landscapes.
Transcript Verlag Dimensions: Journal of Architectural Knowledge: Vol. 1, No. 1/2021: Research Perspectives in Architecture
"Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge" is an academic journal in, on and from the discipline of architecture, addressing the creation, constitution and transmission of architectural knowledge. It explores methods genuine to the discipline and architectural modes of interdisciplinary methodological adaptions. Processes, procedures and results of knowledge creation and practice are esteemed coequally, with particular attentiveness to the architectural design and epistemologies of aesthetic practice and research. Issue 1, "Research Perspectives in Architecture", explores different lines of enquiry with specific focus on their methodology. Design-based, reflexive, qualitative, experience-based, archival and interdisciplinary perspectives are investigated.
Transcript Verlag Competition in World Politics – Knowledge, Strategies, and Institutions
The "return of great power competition" between (among others) the US, China, Russia and the EU is a major topic in contemporary public debate. But why do we think of world politics in terms of "competition"? Which information and which rules enable states and other actors in world politics to "compete" with one another? Which competitive strategies do they pursue in the complex environment of modern world politics? This cutting-edge edited collection discusses these questions from a unique interdisciplinary perspective. It offers a fresh account of competition in world politics, looking beyond its military dimensions to questions of economics, technology and prestige.