Search results for ""scarecrow press""
Scarecrow Press Buddy DeFranco: A Biographical Portrait and Discography
Clarinetist Buddy DeFranco has made concert and recording appearances with nearly every important jazz musician in the world, including such legendary figures as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Oscar Peterson, Tommy Dorsey. His playing career spans over half a century and encompasses performances all over the world. The authors chronicle the life of this singular musician, whose tremendous influence on the history and development of jazz has been acknowledged by fellow musicians and critics alike. Leonard Feather calls this a fascinating volume, recognizing DeFranco for the giant he has always been. Photographs from throughout his playing career bring the people and the times to life. Arne Astrup's detailed discography contains exhaustive data unavailable elsewhere.
Scarecrow Press Casebook in College Library Administration
A companion to Lyle's Administration of the College Library, by Caroline Coughlin & Alice Gertzog. Applying principles to practice is one of the most valuable exercises teachers can present to students. Designed for use in a course dealing with academic libraries or with library management, the twenty cases in this book describe problems that every college librarian will encounter in one form or another. Each has policy, political, practical, and procedural implications. Questions are offered at the conclusion of the cases to promote discussion, and suggested readings are supplied to help students investigate the cases in light of precedent and against the background of information provided in professional literature. Cases include "Mapplethorpe at McMillan"; "The Obsolescent Employee"; "At the Judge's Behest"; "Alumni Blues"; "The Single Mom"; and others.
Scarecrow Press Theodore Besterman, Bibliographer and Editor: A Selection of Representative Texts
Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) is acknowledged as one of the preeminent systematic bibliographers of the 20th century. His interests were wide-ranging, including theosophy, scrying, psychical research, anthropology, and, above all, Voltaire studies. In all these fields Besterman made significant contributions, and his World Biblio-graphy of Bibliographies (4th ed., 5 vols., 1965-1966) and edition of Voltaire's correspondence (107 vols., 1952-1965) are great monuments in the annals of modern scholarship. Cordasco collects representative selections from Besterman's vast oeuvre, with major attention to Besterman's chief bibliographical works and Voltaire studies, and selections from his writings in other fields. Includes a biographical and critical profile of Besterman and a detailed checklist of his writings.
Scarecrow Press Annual Review of Jazz Studies 5: 1991
Cloth-bound, with a photo insert of jazz pictures by noted trumpeter Joe Wilder Volume 5 features articles and reviews on the Ellington legacy; George Duvivier; Milt Hinton; John Coltrane; a bibliography of British jazz periodicals; an expanded review section; and a review essay on jazz autobiographies.
Scarecrow Press A Latino Heritage, Series IV: A Guide to Juvenile Books About Hispanic People and Cultures
Like its predecessors, A Hispanic Heritage, Series IV is designed as an aid for librarians and teachers who are interested in exposing students to the cultures of Hispanic people. The books listed are intended to provide students in kindergarten through high school with an understanding and appreciation of the people, history, and art and political, social, and economic problems of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Venezuela, and the Hispanic-heritage people of the United States. The volume is arranged in chapters that explore specific countries and cultures, and chapters on Central and Latin America as a whole. Books are listed in alphabetical order by author surname. An attempt has been made to include most in-print books in English published since 1988 in the U.S. concerning the countries and people listed above, as well as general books on Latin America. Especially noteworthy titles that contain recent information and are also entertaining are marked with an asterisk. The author has assigned tentative grade levels and expresses her personal opinions of the books in the annotations. With author, subject, and title indexes.
Scarecrow Press Where's That Tune?: An Index to Songs in Fakebooks
A 'fakebook' is a collection of songs containing words, melody line, and chord notations. Legal fakebooks are a relatively recent product of the music marketplace. This book provides easy access to the contents of a substantial number of these publications. Included are 64 collections encompassing a total of over 13,500 songs by hundreds of different composers. Popular standards, country, jazz, folk, gospel, and classical music are included. Represented are the works of such diverse composers as George Gershwin, Gilbert and Sullivan, Elton John, Quincy Jones, Lennon and McCartney, Willie Nelson, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Stevie Wonder, and many, many more. Indexing is by title and composer, with complete bibliographic descriptions of the fakebooks included.
Scarecrow Press Taking Center Stage: Feminism in Contemporary U.S. Drama
Successor to the author's ground-breaking Feminist Drama (1979; hailed by CHOICE as "... an admirable example of the new feminist scholarship"), this new book describes the evolution of contemporary American feminist thought since that volume appeared and traces its themes in a cross-section of contemporary plays. Brown develops new and more encompassing definitions of feminism and feminist drama applicable to the wealth of theory and drama that has appeared since 1979. Giving voice to silenced women, glorifying those defined by the patriarchy as marginal, and propounding a feminist ethic based on respect for the environmental context and for the concrete, everyday world are among the central concerns of the new feminist drama. Plays by Jane Chambers, Caryl Churchill, Darrah Cloud, Kathleen Collins, Holly Hughes, Marsha Norman, David Rabe, Ntozake Shange, and Jane Wagner receive close textual analysis in the book.
Scarecrow Press Managing Public Access Microcomputers in Health Sciences Libraries
This is a step-by-step guide to planning, installing, managing, and marketing microcomputer services. Each chapter focuses on a specific topic: funding, planning facilities, equipment and peripherals, local area networks, software collections, user services, support personnel, and administrative issues. Written not only for health information professionals, but for all information professionals who manage public access microcomputers or who are planning future facilities.
Scarecrow Press In Another Country: Feminist Perspectives on Renaissance Drama
This anthology aligns feminist essays about Shakespeare with essays on other dramatists of the English Renaissance, particularly Peele, Marlowe, Webster, Marston, and Middleton. Foregrounding the intertextuality of Elizabethian drama, the thirteen essays_eleven of them new_explore the contribution of the stage to various feminist subjects, drawing on diverse theoretical approaches_formalists, materialist, historical, new historicist, deconstructionist, psychoanalytic, rhetorical_and resisting the figuration of feminist criticism as simple or univocal. Essayists include Laura Bromley, Mary Ann Bushman, Christy Desmet, Coppelia Kahn, Margaret Mikesell, Thomas Moisan, Jeanie Grant Moorem Phyllis Rackin, James Schiffer, Jeremy Tambling, Carolyn Whitney-Brown, and the editors. With extensive bibliographies.
Scarecrow Press Poetry by American Women 1975-1989: A Bibliography
Poetry by American women has been neglected by critics as well as publishers. Thus, this bibliography is a significant contribution to American literary history. Highly recommended.
Scarecrow Press A Bookman's Guide to Hunting, Shooting, Angling, and Related Subjects: A Compilation of Over 13,450 Catalog Entries with Prices and Annotations, Both Bibliographic and Descriptive
This unique compilation catalogs books on sporting and related material from the 2nd and 3rd centuries A.D. through 1988, providing detailed bibliographical information and accurate pricing, as taken from over 400 recent catalogs from booksellers representing Canada, South Africa, Great Britain, and all parts of the United States. Entries are listed alphabetically by author and are numbered as well. There are 7,182 separate titles described, providing the following information: author, title, size, number of volumes, pagination, place published, date published, edition, number and type of illustrations, and type of binding. Informative annotations are also retained when provided with original catalog entry. With a list of pseudonyms, references cited, title index, and comprehensive subject index.
Scarecrow Press Response Recordings: An Answer Song Discography, 1950-1990
This book presents a comprehensive alphabetized list of over 2,500 hit tunes that prompted the production of answer songs or other forms of response recordings. Covering January 1, 1950 through January 1, 1990, the compilers list more than 5,000 recordings (45 rpm) by title, artist, record number, and date of release. With a well-documented introductory essay.
Scarecrow Press Directory of Blacks in the Performing Arts
This second edition is a single-volume ready reference source on some 1,100 black performing artists in film, television, theatre, dance, and musical performance. The body of the work is arranged alphabetically. All artists included in the first edition are listed here, with updated information as appropriate.
Scarecrow Press A Checklist of American Imprints 1830-1839 -Title Index
Provides title access to 59,415 items published during the 1830s, as listed in A Checklist of American Imprints.
Scarecrow Press A Bibliography of Military Name Lists from Pre-1675 to 1900: A Guide to Genealogical Research
This annotated bibliography gleans from more than 400 genealogy and history periodicals articles listing military men in America's wars from the Colonial era to the Spanish-American War, whether their names appeared on tombstones or in roster lists, pension records, reunion rosters, or old newspapers. The work is arranged chronologically by war, then alphabetically by state and county. Entries for the Civil War are also classified by regiment. The juxtaposition of entries by geographic region under each war collects the scattered articles that appear in diverse periodicals. This arrangement will help researchers focus on the area where their ancestor may have lived or died.
Scarecrow Press Bibliography of Ancient Ephesus
A bibliography of over 1,500 titles on the history and artifacts of ancient Ephesus. Brings together works that might otherwise have been very hard to locate...- CHOICE
Scarecrow Press Steinbeck Bibliographies: An Annotated Guide
No descriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press The First Tycoons
MacCann has shaped from 28 different memoirs and histories a cumulative story of the conflicts and achievements of the founders of the great movie studios. Carl Laemmle, Marcus Loew, William Fox, Samuel Goldwyn, Jesse Lasky, and Adolph Zukor are the stars of this history, some of them speaking in their own voices, others assessed by film historians. Zukor (described by Ramsaye as 'inwardly driven by Napoleonic ambition') becomes the central figure of the era. A source book for students and teachers and a treasure for general readers and classic film fans.
Scarecrow Press Energy and Individuality in the Art of Anna Huntington, Sculptor, and Amy Beach
Includes a catalog of each artist's work, a discography of Beach's music, photographs of sculptures, and numerous musical examples.
Scarecrow Press Science Fair Project Index 1973-1980: Science & Technology Division Akron-Summit County Public Library
'Helpful in selecting projects suitable to a given age level and manageable with a home's workshop and kitchen resources.'—WILSON LIBRARY BULLETIN
Scarecrow Press Bibliography of the Languages of Native California: Including closely related languages of adjacent areas
A comprehensive, annotated listing of over a thousand books, monographs, and articles containing substantive information on all the American Indian languages of California and closely related languages outside its boundaries. Important book reviews are included, as are unpublished theses and dissertations. The main listing is by author, with cross-references for co-author. A single index, which refers back to the main listing by item numbers, lists general works; names of dialects, languages, and language families; and miscellaneous topics.
Scarecrow Press A Guide to Critical Reviews, Part IV, Supplement I: The Screenplay: 1963-1980
Detailed history and understanding of the screenplay from 1963-1980.
Scarecrow Press The Conservation of Archival and Library Materials: A Resource Guide to Audiovisual Aids
This guide to the 20-year period ending in 1980, provides a selective listing of audiovisual materials with informative annotations.
Scarecrow Press Research in Parapsychology 1980: Abstracts and Papers from the Twenty-Third Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1980
The current volume contains abbreviated versions of the original papers presented at the convention.
Scarecrow Press The Image Makers: A Bibliography of American Presidential Campaign Biographies
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
Scarecrow Press Newspaper Indexes: A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers
A straight forward and essential resource.
Scarecrow Press Poltergeists: An Annotated Bibliography of Works in English, circa 1880-1975
Introduces the reader to poltergeist literature in the form of over 1100 references drawn from books, research papers, journals and magazines published between 1882 and 1975.
Scarecrow Press Index to Artistic Biography
...A guide to biographical information of 70,000 artists...- RQ
Scarecrow Press Organizing African Unity
No descriptive material is available for this title.
Scarecrow Press Chinese Drama: An Annotated Bibliography of Commentary, Criticism, and Plays in English Translation
Providing access to relevant citations from a variety of disciplines_art, architecture, anthropology, literature, political science, history, and others_this bibliography is intended for theatrical groups or students searching for a translation of a play or an interpretation of one, for scholars seeking an introduction to an aspect of Chinese drama beyond their immediate expertise, for teachers revising or developing courses in Chinese/Asian drama, and for libraries attempting to develop their Chinese/Asian drama collection. Part I, Drama, is a comprehensive, classified, annotated, interdisciplinary bibliography in English of articles, books, parts of books, theses, and dissertations concerning all aspects of Chinese drama from its shamanistic origins to 1985. Part II, Plays in Translation, includes references both to Chinese plays in English translation and to commentary. The plays are listed alphabetically by title. For each play, citations are listed within three possible subdivisions: scripts, selections, excerpts; summaries; commentary/criticism, with a separate name index for each part.
Scarecrow Press How to Identify Chinese Characters
With the spread of written information, non-Chinese-speaking Westerners have increasing need to identify Chinese characters, but they encounter great difficulty when attempting to look them up in a dictionary, because modern Chinese dictionaries and reference materials are all based on the official pinyin, an alphabetic romanization of the Chinese language. This book provides an easy method_by modified stroke count_by which the most frequently used Chinese characters can be identified and transcribed into pinyin. Access to dictionaries and meanings easily follows.
Scarecrow Press John Steinbeck and His Contemporaries
In March of 2006, scholars from around the world gathered in Sun Valley, Idaho for a conference devoted to not only John Steinbeck but also to the authors whose work influenced, informs, or illuminates his writings. This volume represents the many unique papers delivered at that conference by scholars from around the world. This collection includes studies on authors who influenced Steinbeck's work, discussions of writers whose work is in dialogue with Steinbeck, and examinations of Steinbeck's contemporaries, whose individual works invite comparisons with those of the Nobel-prize winning author. Revealing Steinbeck's penchant for culling "all old books," the first section focuses on Steinbeck's European forebears, particularly Sir Thomas Malory's retelling of the legend of King Arthur, Le Morte d'Arthur, and Henry Fielding's novel Tom Jones. This section also includes articles on his American forebears: Walt Whitman and Sarah Orne Jewett. The second part, "Steinbeck, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Cather" includes a personal reminiscence by Ernest Hemingway's daughter-in-law, Valerie, as well as comparisons of Steinbeck with other great American authors of the 20th century. The third section includes an essay by National Book Award winner Charles Johnson (Middle Passage), as well as articles that compare Steinbeck's work with Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison. Further articles are concerned with Steinbeck's moral philosophy and strong sense of social justice, eliciting comparisons with Sinclair Lewis, Tom Kristensen, and Charles Johnson. The fourth section, "Steinbeck, the Arts, and the World" includes articles on the film adaptation of The Moon Is Down, on Steinbeck and Mexican Modernism, on the American experience as portrayed in The Grapes of Wrath and Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep, and on Steinbeck and ecocriticism. The book fittingly concludes with John Ditsky's keynote address, "In Search of a Language: Steinbeck and Others," which was delivered
Scarecrow Press Stefan Lorant: Godfather of Photojournalism
Hungarian-born Stefan Lorant's work as a visual and literary editor allowed him to pioneer and develop the genré of picture-based journalism at a period that saw the emergence of modern mass communications. Lorant became a guiding force on an international scale, disseminating his ideas and political knowledge throughout Europe in the late-twenties and thirties by working in Hungary, Germany, and England. His innovative layouts, his "exclusive" interviews and his thirst for knowledge became a familiar part of millions of everyday lives, largely through the pages of his own creations and in particular the legendary Picture Post. Eventually his sphere of influence spread to America where he introduced the concept of the pictorial biography. His vision of photography as a documentary medium inspired Life and Look magazines and paved the way for the eventual emergence of the television documentary. For this he has become recognized as "the godfather" of photojournalism. Lorant's work enlightened the world - yet his own world was shrouded with darkness. His secret past, hidden throughout his lifetime, reveals the changing attitude of sexual politics as it evolved throughout the century. His serial womanizing and scandalous love affairs provide insight into the unhappy alliance between his sexual fulfillment and intellectual frustration, his searching in others for what he could not find within himself. Michael Hallett first interviewed Stefan Lorant in late 1990 and spent the following years researching and interviewing his subject. Hallett examines Lorant's public image, his huge ego, his manipulative nature, and his devious love of subterfuge and confusion. Hallett also reveals Lorant's warmth, his generosity, his callousness, his passions and his extraordinary humanity. This biography encompasses the 20th century, while focusing on the emergence of modern mass communications throughout Europe and the United States. Additionally there is a small but key section that highlights Lorant's pl
Scarecrow Press Pepper Adams' Joy Road: An Annotated Discography
Pepper Adams' Joy Road is more than a compendium of sessions and gigs done by the greatest baritone saxophone soloist in history. It's a fascinating overview of Adams' life and times, thanks to colorful interview vignettes, drawn from the author's unpublished conversations with Adams and other musicians. These candid observations from jazz greats about Adams and his colleagues reveal previously unknown, behind-the-scenes drama about legendary recordings made by John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Pearson, Thad Jones, David Amram, Elvin Jones, and many others. All types of sound material—studio recordings, private tapes and broadcasts, film scores, audience tapes, and even jingles—are listed, and Adams' oeuvre is pushed back from 1956 to 1947, when Adams was 16 years old, before he played baritone saxophone. Because of Carner's access to Adams' estate, just prior to its disposition in 1987, much new discographical material is included, now verified by Adams' date books and correspondence. Since Adams worked in so many of the great bands of his era, Pepper Adams' Joy Road is a refreshing, sometimes irreverent walk through a large swath of jazz history. This work also functions as a nearly complete band discography of the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra, the most influential big band of its time. Adams was a founding member and stayed with the band until a year before Jones left to relocate in Denmark. Finally, Carner charts the ascent of Adams as an original yet still underappreciated composer, one who wrote 43 unique works, nearly half of them after August, 1977, when he left Jones-Lewis to tour the world as a soloist. Pepper Adams' Joy Road, the first book ever published about Pepper Adams, is a companion to the author's forthcoming biography on Adams.
Scarecrow Press What It Is: The Life of a Jazz Artist
Dave Liebman is one of the leading forces in contemporary jazz. Prominently known for performing with Miles Davis and Elvin Jones, he has exerted considerable influence as a saxophonist, bandleader, composer, author, and educator. In addition to his recent recognition as a National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master, he has received the Order of Arts and Letters from France and holds an honorary doctorate from the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland. He has mentored many of today's most notable young jazz musicians worldwide and is a prolific writer on jazz. In What It Is: The Life of a Jazz Artist, friend, pianist, and noted jazz scholar Lewis Porter conducts a series of in-depth interviews with Liebman, who discusses his professional, personal, and musical relationships with Davis and Jones, as well as such notable musicians as Chick Corea, Richie Beirach, Michael and Randy Brecker, and many others. Through the interviews, Liebman discusses such personal matters as contracting polio as a child and the difficulties it caused as an adult during his rise as a jazz musician. He offers insights into the life of jazz performers of his generation, particularly the tumultuous period of the 1960s and 1970s. The book also features rare photos from Liebman's personal collection. A fascinating and witty storyteller, Liebman's stories in What It Is will appeal to jazz fans and scholars by providing a firsthand look into the creative life of one of America's leading jazz musicians.
Scarecrow Press Exploring U2: Is This Rock 'n' Roll?: Essays on the Music, Work, and Influence of U2
Exploring U2: Is This Rock 'n' Roll? features new writing in the growing field of U2 studies. Edited by Scott Calhoun, with a foreword by Anthony DeCurtis, Exploring U2 contains selections from the 2009 inaugural gathering of "The Hype and The Feedback: A Conference Exploring The Music, Work and Influence of U2." In keeping with U2's own efforts to remove barriers that have long prevented dialogue for understanding and improving the human experience, this collection of essays examines U2 from perspectives ranging from the personal to the academic and is accessible to curious music fans, students, teachers, and scholars alike. Four sections organize sixteen essays from leading academics, music critics, clergy, and fans. From the academic disciplines of literature, music, philosophy, and theology, essays study U2's evolving use of source material in live performances, the layering of vocal effects in signature songs, the crafting of a spiritual community at live concerts, U2's success as a business brand, Bono's rhetorical presentation of Africa to the Western consumer, and readings of U2's work for irony, personhood, hope, conservatism, and cosmic-time. Official band biographer Neil McCormick considers U2 as a Dublin-shaped band, and Danielle Rhéaume tells how discovering and returning Bono's lost briefcase of lyrics for the album October propelled her along her own artistic journey. This thoughtful and timely collection recognizes U2's music both as art and commentary on personal journeys and cultural dialogues about contemporary issues. It offers insights and critical assessments that will appeal not only to scholars and students of popular music and culture studies but to those in the fields of theology, philosophy, the performing arts, literature, and all intellectually curious fans of U2.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of the Civil War and Reconstruction
The importance of the Civil War and Reconstruction in the history of the United States cannot be overstated. Many historians regard the Civil War as the defining event in American history. At stake was not only freedom for 3.5 million slaves but also survival of the relatively new American experiment in self-government. A very real possibility existed that the union could have been severed, but a collection of determined leaders and soldiers proved their willingness to fight for the survival of what Abraham Lincoln called "the last best hope on earth." The second edition of this highly readable, one-volume Historical Dictionary of the Civil War and Reconstruction looks to place the war in its historical context. The more than 800 entries, encompassing the years 1844-1877, cover the significant events, persons, politics, and economic and social themes of the Civil War and Reconstruction. An extensive chronology, introductory essay, and comprehensive bibliography supplement the cross-referenced dictionary entries to guide the reader through the military and non-military actions of one of the most pivotal events in American history. The dictionary concludes with a selection of primary documents. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Scarecrow Press The A to Z of Animation and Cartoons
Animation was once a relatively simple matter, using fairly primitive means to produce rather short films of subjects that were generally comedic and often quite childish. However, things have changed, and they continue changing at a maddening pace. One new technique after another has made it easier, faster, and above all cheaper to produce the material, which has taken on an increasing variety of forms. The A to Z of Animation and Cartoons is an introduction to all aspects of animation history and its development as a technology and industry beyond the familiar cartoons from the Disney and Warner Bros. Studios. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, photos, a bibliography, and over 200 cross-referenced dictionary entries on animators, directors, studios, techniques, films, and some of the best-known characters.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Skiing
Skiing is one of the oldest modes of transportation known, predating the wheel with dated artifacts to prove its pedigree. Skiing for sport, however, did not become common until about 150 years ago. The first Winter Olympic Games, held in Chamonix, France in 1924, were the first to introduce skiing as a competition. Events were held in both ski jumping and cross-country skiing. With advances in technology and increased leisure time, the popularity of skiing as a sport has risen exponentially since it was first introduced. The Historical Dictionary of Skiing relates the history of the sport through a comprehensive alphabetical dictionary with detailed, cross-referenced entries on key figures, places, competitions, and governing bodies within the sport. Author E. John B. Allen introduces the reader to the history of skiing through a detailed chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes and an extensive bibliography. This book is an excellent access point for researchers, students, and anyone interested in the history of skiing.
Scarecrow Press Alex North's A Streetcar Named Desire: A Film Score Guide
Alex North's A Streetcar Named Desire: A Film Score Guide examines the acclaimed score for Elia Kazan's much-celebrated adaptation of Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). Situating the score within the context of Alex North's life and career, the book begins with an overview of North's musical training and his works up to his first scores for Hollywood in 1950, demonstrating how his experience in writing music for stage, concert hall, dance, and documentaries each contributed to the skills necessary for film composition. Annette Davison uses examples from North's film career to identify and describe his scoring techniques. Using manuscript and archival research, Davison explores both the play's debut stage production and the film's production process, with a particular emphasis on the genesis and development of the music heard in the film. Considering the influence and changes imposed by the film's studio (Warner Bros.), the Production Code Administration, and the Catholic Legion of Decency on the film, Davison explores the impact of these changes on the interpretation of this finely balanced drama, comparing the different versions of the film and its scores. The book concludes with a full and detailed analysis of the jazz-inflected score, taking a holistic approach and using both musicology and film studies to investigate the ways it gives a dynamic shape to the film as a whole.
Scarecrow Press Sarah Caldwell: The First Woman of Opera
Sarah Caldwell: The First Woman of Opera is the first biography of this significant musician, conductor, and director and documents Ms. Caldwell's genius as an indomitable force for opera in America. Caldwell mounted many U.S. premieres and brought rare editions of standard works to her audiences. At the height of her career, she raised her baton over four of the top five orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and conducted orchestras in such cities as Pittsburgh, St. Louis, San Antonio, Atlanta, Mexico City, and Puerto Rico. She conducted ensembles in Canada, Sweden, South Africa, and Russia; was a musical director for Wolf Trap; and was the first woman to conduct at the Metropolitan Opera. She founded the renowned Opera Company of Boston, as well as the outreach effort Opera New England and a nation-wide touring enterprise, the American National Opera Company. Caldwell's undeniable zeal was evident in whatever she undertook, and her accomplishments invite reflection, showing what an opera company could and should be in America. Daniel Kessler presents Ms. Caldwell's life in flashbacks and explores her 1978 landmark production of Gaetano Donizetti's Don Pasquale, which serves as a prime example of how she engaged with her creative Muse. He describes her personal and professional life, including her experience with the impresario Boris Goldovsky, her ability to create her own brand of 'stage wizardry,' and her moments of overreaching and hubris, such as her unorthodox fundraising methods and her experience with Imelda Marcos. Complete with several illustrations, a bibliography, an index, and the comprehensive annals of her three opera companies, Sarah Caldwell demonstrates what one person of genius, imagination, and passion can accomplish single-handedly.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Mexico
For almost three thousand years Mexico was the site of some of the most advanced Indian civilizations, most notably the Aztec and Mayan. In many ways, these civilizations were more advanced than their European contemporaries, especially in such spheres as astronomy, mathematics, and city organization. Upon seeing the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlán, for the first time, Spanish explorer Bernal Díaz del Castillo was awed by its beauty and confessed he had never seen a city in Spain that could match it. However, Díaz del Castillo's arrival coincided with that of Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conqueror of Mexico who captured the Aztec capital in 1521. Since then, it has been known as Mexico City. Mexico's struggle—and eventual success—through the subsequent years to become an independent country is chronicled in the second edition of Historical Dictionary of Mexico. It covers the history of Mexico from its great Indian civilizations to the controversial election of Felipe Calderón in 2006. This is done through a detailed chronology, an introduction, a map, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on some of the more significant persons, places, and events; institutions and organizations; and political, economic, social, cultural, and religious facets.
Scarecrow Press Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible: My Life in Music is the engaging autobiography of Lalo Schifrin, the musician, conductor, and composer of more than 60 jazz and classical works and over 100 film and television scores including Mission Impossible.
Scarecrow Press Joseph Stalin: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Periodical Literature to 2005
With the opening of Russian and communist-bloc archives dating from the Soviet-era, there has been a significant increase of scholarly writings pertaining to Joseph Stalin. Widely considered to be among the most influential historical figures of the twentieth century, Stalin continues to be a source of intense study. In the absence of a comprehensive compilation of periodical literature, the need for Joseph Stalin: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Periodical Literature to 2005 is conspicuous. Ranging from editorials and news reports to academic articles, the more than 1,700 sources cited collectively cover the full range of his life, the various aspects of his leadership, and virtually all facets of the system and practices traditionally associated with his name. The coverage in this bibliography extends beyond the person of Stalin to include the subjects of Stalinism, the Stalinist system, the Stalin phenomenon, and those policies and practices of the Communist Party and Soviet state associated with him. This volume also provides a record of scholarly opinion on Stalin and sheds light on the evolution and current state of Stalinology. An effort has been made to list only those articles in which Stalin figures prominently, but, in some instances, articles have been included which do not center on Stalin but are worthy of listing for other reasons. The book is divided into fourteen main sections: General Studies and Overviews; Biographical Information and Psychological Assessments; The Revolutionary Movement, October Revolution and Civil War; Rise to Power; Politics; Economics; Society and Social Policy; Nationalism and Nationality Policy; Culture; Religion; Philosophy and Theory; Foreign Relations and International Communism; Military Affairs; and De-Stalinization. Including a subject index of several hundred headings and even greater number of subheadings, this comprehensive annotated bibliography should be of benefit to those individuals who, for the purpose of research or classroom
Scarecrow Press Near Miss: The Army Air Forces' Guided Bomb Program in World War II
The U.S. military's use of smart bombs and guided missiles has become commonplace in modern warfare. The ability to destroy a single floor of one building in a densely populated metropolitan area, while minimizing civilian casualties stands in stark contrast to the massive bombings that took place during World War II. However, it was from that war that the technology of today's precision munitions programs was first developed. Near Miss: The Army Air Forces' Guided Bomb Program in World War II is a story that has remained untold for over 60 years—indeed, it might be the last major subject of the air war during WWII to remain unexplored in unclassified accounts. Author Donald Hanle outlines the research, development, and combat employment of these early, first generation guided bombs in the first major history of the Army Air Force's guided munitions program in the Second World War. While guided missile histories have occasionally mentioned Operation Aphrodite or the JB-2 jet bomb, Near Miss is the only single volume work that focuses on every major guided bomb designed by or for the AAF during the war. It examines not only the weapons systems, but it also explains why these systems succeeded or failed as combat weapons, as well as why the guided munitions program suddenly ground to a halt after WWII ended. Including never before published combat photos of guided bombs in-flight and hitting their targets, no airpower enthusiast's or WWII air war historian's bookshelf will be complete without Near Miss.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Anglo-American Relations
Anglo-American relations have been a crucial factor in international relations for over two centuries. For most of that time dealings between Britain and the United States have remained co-operative, cordial, and supportive. In the beginning, however, relations were confrontational and discordant: the two nations waged war against each other twice—in the War of Independence and in the War of 1812—and have often disagreed over trade, finance, and foreign policy. This volume demonstrates the changing nature of Anglo-American relations and focuses, in particular, on the strengths and fragilities of the "special relationship" that developed in the aftermath of the WWII and continues to the present day. The Historical Dictionary of Anglo-American Relations surveys Anglo-American relations from 1607 to the present and covers key events, individuals, and issues that have played a part in its history. Through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, appendixes, and hundreds of cross-referenced entries—with an emphasis on the political and economic relationship between Britain and the United States but also featuring the cultural links between the two—this comprehensive and easily accessible reference tool will delight those interested in the history of these two countries.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Leibniz's Philosophy
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was one of the first Modern philosophers, and as such, one of the most significant. His contributions were often pathbreaking and his imprint still remains on fields such as logic, mathematics, science, international law, and ethics. While publishing relatively little during his life, he was in regular correspondence with important philosophers and even political leaders. The Historical Dictionary of Leibniz's Philosophy sheds light not only on his philosophical thought but also the impact it had on the thinking of his contemporaries. They, and he, are described in numerous cross-referenced dictionary entries. Also included are other entries that present his writings, explain his concepts, and trace his action in specific fields. The introduction sums much of this up and—along with the bibliography—provides a strong foundation for further study.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy
Having only emerged in the past few decades, Feminist Philosophy is rapidly developing its own thrust in areas of particular importance to feminism-and women more generally-while also reevaluating and reshaping most other fields of philosophy, from ethics to logic and Marxism to environmentalism. It draws not only on feminist philosophers but criticizes, approves, or appropriates the work of the leading philosophers of all times. The introduction to this reference work provides a useful overview of the subject area and the chronology runs the gamut from Ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary feminist ones. The cross-referenced dictionary entries cover both the central figures and ideas from the historical tradition of philosophy, as well as ideas and theories from contemporary feminist philosophy, such as epistemology (the philosophy of science) and topics that have been introduced by the feminist movement itself, like abortion and sexuality. In addition to including entries on Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Beauvoir, and Daly, relevant aspects of other fields of philosophy, the major concepts, and prevailing interpretations and conjectures are also covered. A comprehensive bibliography allows for further reading.