Search results for ""de Gruyter""
de Gruyter Isotopenchemie
De Gruyter 18021804
de Gruyter Thermochemie Von Komplexverbindungen
de Gruyter Inorganic Chemistry
de Gruyter JanuarOktober 1695
de Gruyter Der Thoraausleger Aristobulos
de Gruyter Studien Zu Methodios Von Olympos
de Gruyter Amerikanische Literaturkritik Im Engagement
de Gruyter Mathematical Scattering Theory
de Gruyter Internal Stresses in Heterogeneous Solids
de Gruyter Developing Countries Economics and Politics
de Gruyter 22h Rektaszension Lieferung 2 26m59m
De Gruyter 19h Rektaszension Lieferung 2 26m59m59s
de Gruyter HerzKreislaufForschung
de Gruyter Goethe Zur Aufgabe Der Kunstgeschichte
de Gruyter Sozialreformismus in Der Klassenauseinandersetzung Zwischen Sozialismus Und Imperialismus
de Gruyter Das Aktive Und Das Passive
de Gruyter Sowjetische Namenforschung
de Gruyter Lucilius Satiren. Teil 1
de Gruyter Die Krise in Der Soziologie
de Gruyter Historia Hospitalium
de Gruyter Spießförster 8210 Sprossen
de Gruyter Handbook of Stemmatology
de Gruyter Unfamiliar Selves in the Hebrew Bible
De Gruyter The Challenge to Academic Freedom in Hungary
The Challenge to Academic Freedom in Hungary: A Case Study in Culture War, Authoritarianism and Resistance presents a case study as to how an authoritarian regime like the one in Hungary seeks to tame academic freedom. Andrew Ryder probes the reasons for ideological conflict within the academy through concepts like culture war' and authoritarian populism. He explores how the Orbán administration has introduced a series of reforms leading to limitations being placed on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Gender Studies no longer being recognized by the State, the relocation of the Central European University because of government pressure and new reforms that ostensibly appear to give universities autonomy but critics assert are in fact changes that will lead to cronyism and pro-government interference in academic freedom.
de Gruyter Anekdotisches Erzählen
de Gruyter Orte des Überflusses
de Gruyter The Phonetics of Derived Words in English
de Gruyter How Language Speaks to Music
de Gruyter Vernunft und Vertrauen
de Gruyter The Many Faces of English Ing
De Gruyter WorkFamily Triangle Synchronization
I need to check with my partner is a common response of an employee to his manager, emphasizing the tug of war between the employee's spouse and the workplace. The challenges in the fields of work and family have been the focus of researchers for decades. Frameworks for workfamily conflict, workfamily enrichment, and workfamily balance have been put forth in light of the complexity of the interface. Yet the relationship between the three stakeholders managing the interface (manager, employee, and spouse), has not received the attention it deserves. WorkFamily Triangle Synchronization takes a holistic look into the triangle of forces involved in the conflict: the manager, the employee, and the employee's spouse at home. Using the therapeutic triangle relationship framework, it elaborates on the dynamic of workfamily triangles and offers a structured process for designing a psychological contract among the three players. This process is termed workfamil