Search results for ""author monica""
Si fuera
Si fuera una zanahoria... sería una nariz. Si fuera una nariz...sería una montaña. Si fuera una montaña... Un juego desimilitudes con formas geométricas para desarrollar lacreatividad y las nociones espaciales. Y mamá! Qué serías sifueras una estrella?
Editorial Libre Albedrío Lo que imagina la curiosidad
Los científicos comparten con los niños la infinita curiosidad: Por qué? Por qué? Para ambos es tan importante hacer preguntas porque de ellas dependen sus descubrimientos. Para eso hay que partir de lo conocido, pero proyectándose en lo desconocido para ir más allá. Este libro es una invitación a plantear hipótesis basadas en la imaginación, que aunque sean absurdas y divertidas, habrá que argumentarlas como si fueran los descubrimientos más serios del mundo. Se trata de dejarse guiar por la intuición y el buen humor. Estas páginas son un homenaje a la curiosidad que nos lleva a descubrir el mundo. Al impulso que une los sentimientos con los pensamientos, los estímulos con el entorno, la mente con el cuerpo. Y sigue un camino de ida y vuelta, de la realidad a la imaginación.
Melusina Teoría del Bloom
Bloom [blum] n.m. v. 1914; origen desconocido, acaso del ruso Oblomov , del alemán Anna Blume o del inglés Ulysses 1. Stimmung final de una civilización inmovilizada en su propio lecho, que sólo consigue distraerse de su naufragio mediante la alternancia de frases cortas de histeria tecnófila y largas playas de astenia contemplativa. Era como si la masa exsangüe de asalariados viviera en el Bloom. Muerte al Bloom! (J. Frey) 2. Fig. Forma de vida crepuscular, vacante que, por lo general, afecta a los humanos en el mundo de la mercancía autoritaria: bloomesco, bloomitud, bloomificación3. por ext. Sentimiento de ser póstumo. Sentir el bloom4. Acta de defunción de la política clásica 5. Acta de nacimiento de la política extática 6. Hist. Aquello cuya asunción determinó la formación de los distintos focos del Comité Invisible, conjura anónima que, mediante sabotajes y levantamientos, acabó liquidando la dominación mercantil en el primer cuarto del s
Thule Ediciones SL Receptes de pluja i sucre
Ediciones SM Biografia de un cuerpo
Parramón Disfraces de personajes
Parramón Nmeros y formas
Parramón Instrumentos musicales
Parramón Otono Manitas
Desclée De Brouwer Terapia cognitivoconductual con mindfulness integrado principios y prctica
"Un libro maravilloso que consigue reunir lo mejor de la ciencia cognitivo-conductual con la sabia introspección de las enseñanzas Budistas. Estamos ante una maravillosa contribución a la literatura".-J. Mark G. Williams, Profesor de Psicología Clínica y Jefe de investigación de la Universidad de Oxford."Bruno Cayoun predica con el ejemplo y eso se hace patente en todo lo que escribe. La TCCMi es un método completo, claro, práctico y fácilmente evaluable. Es como una bocanada de aire fresco y consciente para el mundo de la terapia que promete mejorar las vidas de nuestros pacientes? y las nuestras".-George W. Burns, Psicólogo Clínico, Profesor de la Universidad Edith Cowan, Australia.La incorporación de la práctica de Mindfulness a las técnicas de TCC tradicionales brinda una técnica terapéutica de incalculable valor para muchos trastornos psicológicos y demás problemas de bienestar general. TCC con Mindfulness integrado. Principios y práctica es la primera serie de princ
Desclée De Brouwer Guía de protocolos estándar de EMDR para terapeutas supervisores y consultores
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Biblioteca de PsicologiaAprender a utilizar el EMDR con seguridad y eficacia requiere la integración de una amplia gama de conocimientos y competencias. Esta guía quiere ser una orientación para las cuestiones clínicas, profesionales y de gestión de riesgos con las que los profesionales del EMDR se encuentran a diario.Siguiendo el modelo de las ocho fases del EMDR, el libro propone una guía clara y detallada para la utilización de los protocolos convencionales de EMDR para el tratamiento del trastorno de estrés postraumático, fobias y ataques de pánico. También se incluyen pautas para la formulación de casos, la planificación del tratamiento y para preparar a los pacientes para el reprocesamiento con EMDR. Además, la guía contiene muestras de contratos para supervisión y formularios para documentar los resúmenes de los casos y los resultados de los tratamientos, así como:- gráficos, formularios, ilustraciones, tablas y árboles de decisión
Desclée De Brouwer Arte de vivir arte de pensar introducción al asesoramiento filosófico
Descripción: 21x15 cm .Encuadernacion:Rustica.Coleccion:Etica aplicada 11.Este libro pretende ser una introducción accesible a la Práctica Filosófica y a su principal forma de aplicación, el asesoramiento filosófico: una nueva modalidad de relación de ayuda por la que un filósofo se ofrece a acompañar a sus consultantes o interlocutores en una reflexión dialogada orientada a clarificar, desde una perspectiva filosófica, sus preguntas, inquietudes o conflictos existenciales.La Práctica Filosófica es un movimiento internacional contemporáneo, puesto en marcha por filósofos, que aspira a que la reflexión filosófica esté presente en la vida social y abierta a la participación de todos los ciudadanos, y que busca rescatar la antigua concepción originaria de la filosofía como sabiduría vital con poder para sanar al individuo y dar plenitud de sentido a su existencia. Según esta concepción, toda persona puede y debe ser filósofa en la medida en que no se conforme con vivir somet
San Pablo, Editorial Mi libro de firmas mi Primera Comunión
Un bonito libro de firmas, disponible en tres versiones (naranja, azul y rosa), en el que los niños podrán guardar los recuerdos y las fotografías preferidas del día de su Primera Comunión y anotarlo todo sobre su vida cristiana: su bautismo, su primera confesión, su catequista y su grupo de catequesis... El libro cuenta además con amplio espacio para conservar las firmas y dedicatorias de todos los que estuvieron presentes en ese día tan especial: padres, padrinos, familiares, catequistas, amigos, compañeros de catequesis...
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Actividades de educacin en el tiempo libre infantil y juvenil
Los cambios sociales, tecnológicos y educativos que se han producido en las últimas décadas han incrementado la preocupación y el interés por estudiar la utilización del tiempo libre por parte de los niños y jóvenes fuera del horario escolar. A través d
Potencia tu creatividad de la mano de la neurociencia
Es imposible imaginar un mundo sin creatividad. Y actualmente se hace difícil no hablar de neurociencia cuando nos referimos al estudio de la cualidad humana por excelencia, la de tener ideas brillantes para afrontar los retos que se plantean en todos los ámbitos. En este libro, la doctoraMónica Kurtis muestra, con un eminente espíritu práctico, las buenas noticias que nos trae la neurociencia, es decir, que la creatividad no es tanto un soplo etéreo inspirado por las musas a unos pocos señalados, sino un proceso neurológico que se desencadena en nuestro cerebro bajo ciertas circunstancias y que todos podemos ejercitar, para adoptar soluciones imaginativas en cualquier ámbito y situación, sea la visualización de tu próxima escultura, la resolución de un conflicto o...algo tan socorrido como hacer la cena con lo poco que hay ahora mismo en la nevera.
Despiertame cuando acabe septiembre
Una women's fiction detectivesca. Una novela negra con personaje femenino convertido en detective por accidente.
Editorial La Calle El libro rojo de Raquel
Apenas unos años de distancia sepultados en el recuerdo separan a tres personas que lidian en la misma batalla interior. Tony, superdotado e hiperactivo, diagnosticado erróneamente como enfermo bipolar vive en una lucha constante por superar los fantasmas de su pasado; Marta, bailarina aficionada que tras varios desengaños amorosos ha decidido no mantener más relaciones sexuales y sueña con ser una estrella del Pool-dance y Raquel, repartidora de mercancías de dudosa legalidad en la gran ciudad, que vive en el permanente abandono de las personas que le rodean. Los tres son vulnerables. Los tres son objeto de un destino que insulta a su propia supervivencia. Cada minuto que pasa, cada vivencia, cada nuevo acontecimiento, les sitúa en una difícil encrucijada en el que pueden optar por convertirse en mejores personas o dejarse llevar por la irracionalidad que les rodea. Solo tienen dos opciones: esconderse y esperar, o luchar contra sus propios demonios y evitar convertirse en depredadore
Algún día
Algún día comenzará tu viaje, descubrirás lugares extraordinarios, aprenderás el lenguaje de las olas. Pero sabes que si el océano se vuelve difícil y te cuesta mantenerte a flote... Estaré siempre para ayudarte a llega a puerto.Esta es la historia que los padres les contamos a nuestro hijos, que estaremos junto a ellos hasta que emprendan su viaje a través de la vida. Y que siempre, siempre, podrán contar con nosotros si en algún momento nos necesitan.
Por siempre jams Crossbooks Spanish Edition
Megan Harper tiene diecisiete años y todos sus noviazgos terminan con un chico perfecto que se enamora con locura? de otra persona. Por esto ha decidido no sentir lástima de sí misma y concentrarse en su próxima conquista: convertirse en directora de teatro.Nunca imaginó que para lograrlo tendría que interpretar a Julieta (sí, esa Julieta) en la obra del instituto y ahora todo es una pesadilla. Megan no es actriz y mucho menos la protagonista, ni en su vida ni en el teatro, ella se ha acostumbrado a estar al fondo del escenario y pasar inadvertida.En los ensayos conoce a Owen, un aspirante a dramaturgo que está escribiendo una obra acerca de Rosalina, un personaje secundario de Shakespeare que, al igual que Megan, sabe un par de cosas sobre las relaciones fugaces. Cada día que pasa, Megan se siente más y más atraída por él. Será el Romeo que nunca esperó? Por primera vez está decidida a ser la protagonista de su vida y de sus propias historias.
Planeta Publishing Por Qué Nos Encantan Los Gatos
Planeta Publishing Noche Y Niebla En Los Campos Nazis: Historias Heroicas de Españolas Que Sobrevivieron Al Horror
Quarry Books Nature Play Workshop for Families A Guide to 40 Outdoor Learning Experiences in All Seasons
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Early Modern Drama and the Eastern Europen Elsewhere: Representation of Liminal Locality in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
This study integrates Renaissance texts of classical and early modern geography, cartography, and travel writing with postmodern theory to challenge the long-standing tradition of Eastern European space as a distant land of elsewhere and to demonstrate how contemporary modes of geographic thinking influenced aspects of English dramatic form. By examining the ways in which habits of thought derived from these texts informed Renaissance ideas about Eastern European space, this book shows how the threshold dividing the symbolic and the real is traversed and imagined as traversable. The study gives useful background on how Eastern European locations would have signified as marginal to early modern English audiences. Re-reading early modern texts ranging from geographic and travel accounts to the early modern drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, this study argues for a questioning and perspectival dimension of early modern subjectivity as fashioned by these texts, which emerges as enabling and compelling.
Graydon House Long Gone, Come Home
Guilford Publications The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings
Bipolar disorder is a lifelong challenge, but it doesn't have to rule your life. Join the many tens of thousands of readers who have used the science-based tools in this book to achieve greater balance and get the most out of treatment. Leading expert Dr. Monica Ramirez Basco helps you understand the nature of bipolar illness and recognize the early warning signs of mood swings. Step-by-step exercises (you can download and print additional copies of the forms as needed) give you greater insight into your own triggers, vulnerabilities, and strengths. Dr. Basco guides you to build the particular skills you need to withstand the seductive pull of manic episodes and escape the paralysis of depression. You'll also learn key strategies for managing stress, making healthy decisions, and solving problems. Vivid stories and examples illustrate how to put the techniques into action. Significantly revised, the second edition features a new structure, more succinct chapters, and streamlined exercises.
ZS Verlag Drink the Rainbow
Rutgers University Press Babylost: Racism, Survival, and the Quiet Politics of Infant Mortality, from A to Z
The U.S. infant mortality rate is among the highest in the industrialized world, and Black babies are far more likely than white babies to die in their first year of life. Maternal mortality rates are also very high. Though the infant mortality rate overall has improved over the past century with public health interventions, racial disparities have not. Racism, poverty, lack of access to health care, and other causes of death have been identified, but not yet adequately addressed. The tragedy is twofold: it is undoubtedly tragic that babies die in their first year of life, and it is both tragic and unacceptable that most of these deaths are preventable. Despite the urgency of the problem, there has been little public discussion of infant loss. The question this book takes up is not why babies die; we already have many answers to this question. It is, rather, who cares that babies, mostly but not only Black and Native American babies, are dying before their first birthdays? More importantly, what are we willing to do about it? This book tracks social and cultural dimensions of infant death through 58 alphabetical entries, from Absence to ZIP Code. It centers women’s loss and grief, while also drawing attention to dimensions of infant death not often examined. It is simultaneously a sociological study of infant death, an archive of loss and grief, and a clarion call for social change.
Edinburgh University Press Sensing Justice Through Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics, Law
University of Toronto Press Chaucer's Knight's Tale: An Annotated Bibliography 1900-1985
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Big Screen Rome
Big Screen Rome is the first systematic survey of the most important and popular films from the past half century that reconstruct the image of Roman antiquity. The first systematic survey of the most important and popular recent films about Roman antiquity. Shows how cinema explores, reinvents and celebrates the spectacle of ancient Rome. Films discussed in depth include Stanley Kubrick’s Spartacus, Ridley Scott’s Gladiator and Terry Jones's Monty Python's Life of Brian. Contributes to discussions about the ongoing relevance of the classical world. Shows how contemporary film-makers use recreations of ancient history as commentaries on contemporary society. Structured in a way that makes it suitable for course use, and features issues for discussion and analysis, and reference to further bibliographic resources. Written in an energetic and engaging style.
Princeton University Press Securing the Peace: The Durable Settlement of Civil Wars
Timely and pathbreaking, Securing the Peace is the first book to explore the complete spectrum of civil war terminations, including negotiated settlements, military victories by governments and rebels, and stalemates and ceasefires. Examining the outcomes of all civil war terminations since 1940, Monica Toft develops a general theory of postwar stability, showing how third-party guarantees may not be the best option. She demonstrates that thorough security-sector reform plays a critical role in establishing peace over the long term. Much of the thinking in this area has centered on third parties presiding over the maintenance of negotiated settlements, but the problem with this focus is that fewer than a quarter of recent civil wars have ended this way. Furthermore, these settlements have been precarious, often resulting in a recurrence of war. Toft finds that military victory, especially victory by rebels, lends itself to a more durable peace. She argues for the importance of the security sector--the police and military--and explains that victories are more stable when governments can maintain order. Toft presents statistical evaluations and in-depth case studies that include El Salvador, Sudan, and Uganda to reveal that where the security sector remains robust, stability and democracy are likely to follow. An original and thoughtful reassessment of civil war terminations, Securing the Peace will interest all those concerned about resolving our world's most pressing conflicts.
Harvard University Press The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas
Winner of the Caughey Western History PrizeWinner of the Robert G. Athearn AwardWinner of the Lawrence W. Levine AwardWinner of the TCU Texas Book AwardWinner of the NACCS Tejas Foco Nonfiction Book AwardWinner of the María Elena Martínez PrizeFrederick Jackson Turner Award Finalist“A page-turner…Haunting…Bravely and convincingly urges us to think differently about Texas’s past.”—Texas MonthlyBetween 1910 and 1920, self-appointed protectors of the Texas–Mexico border—including members of the famed Texas Rangers—murdered hundreds of ethnic Mexicans living in Texas, many of whom were American citizens. Operating in remote rural areas, officers and vigilantes knew they could hang, shoot, burn, and beat victims to death without scrutiny. A culture of impunity prevailed. The abuses were so pervasive that in 1919 the Texas legislature investigated the charges and uncovered a clear pattern of state crime. Records of the proceedings were soon filed away as the Ranger myth flourished.A groundbreaking work of historical reconstruction, The Injustice Never Leaves You has upended Texas’s sense of its own history. A timely reminder of the dark side of American justice, it is a riveting story of race, power, and prejudice on the border.“It’s an apt moment for this book’s hard lessons…to go mainstream.”—Texas Observer“A reminder that government brutality on the border is nothing new.”—Los Angeles Review of Books
Taylor & Francis Ltd Aphrodite
Aphrodite explores the many myths and meanings of the Greek goddess of love, sex and beauty. One of the most widely worshipped and popular deities in Greek antiquity, Aphrodite emerges from the imaginations of the ancient Greek writers and artists as a multifaceted, powerful and charismatic figure. This volume explores the importance of Aphrodite for the ancient Greeks, as well as her enduring influence as a symbol of beauty, adornment, love and sexuality in contemporary culture. In a wide-ranging investigation of the universality of Aphrodite’s power and significance, this volume illuminates the numerous intricate levels of divinity embodied by the alluring figure of Aphrodite. Aphrodite offers new insights into the ancient texts and artistic representations of the goddess, as well as a comprehensive survey of the current scholarship about the origins and interpretations of Aphrodite, whilst also highlighting her eternal popular appeal across cultures and generations. A goddess of love who is not afraid to enter the battlefield; a goddess of bodily adornment who is the first to appear totally nude; a goddess born of the sea who emerges into the open sky: Aphrodite is a polyvalent deity, plural in nature, function and significance.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Once Upon a Quinceañera
Perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Jane the Virgin, this immediately accessible and irresistibly fun rom-com debut will spin readers into an unforgettable summer of late-night dancing, broken hearts, second chances, and telenovela twists.Carmen Aguilar just wants to make her happily ever after come true. Except apparently “happily ever after” for Carmen involves being stuck in an unpaid summer internship. Now she has to perform as a party princess! In a ball gown. During the summer. In Miami.Fine. Except that’s only the first misfortune in what’s turning out to be a summer of Utter Disaster. But if Carmen can manage dancing in the blistering heat, fending off an oh-so-unfortunately attractive ex, and stopping her spoiled cousin from ruining her own quinceañera—Carmen might just get that happily ever after—after all.
Pennsylvania State University Press Pearls for the Crown
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Insiders/Outsiders: Refugees from Nazi Europe and their Contribution to British Visual Culture
Insiders/Outsiders, published to accompany a UK-wide arts festival of the same name in 2019, examines the extraordinarily rich and pervasive contribution of refugees from Nazi-dominated Europe to the visual culture, art education and art-world structures of the United Kingdom. In every field, émigrés arriving from Europe in the 1930s - supported by a small number of like-minded individuals already resident in the UK - introduced a professionalism, internationalism and bold avant-gardism to a British art world not known for these attributes. At a time when the issue of immigration is much debated, the book serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural cross-fertilization and of the deep, long-lasting and wide-ranging contribution that refugees make to British life.Contributions by: Richard Aronowitz, Harriet Atkinson, Michael Berkowitz, Morwenna Blewett, Monica Bohm-Duchen, Charmian Brinson, Andrew Chandler, Hans Christian Hönes, Leyla Daybelge, Rachel Dickson, Keith Holz, Amanda Hopkinson, Shauna Isaac, Swantje Kuhfuss-Wickenheiser, Simon Lake, Sarah MacDougall, Anna Müller-Härlin, Sir Norman Rosenthal, Anna Nyburg, Michael Paraskos, Antony Penrose, Alan Powers and Daniel Snowman
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cameos: Classical to Costume
From the formal carvings of the nineteenth century to the colorful and informal plastic and glass examples of molded relief jewelry, this revised and expanded guide is the perfect reference for those on a search for cameos. Fourteen new designs are included in vibrant detail, along with values and tips that will assist today's shopper with appropriate cameo choice befitting their tastes and styles. See shell, stone, plastic, ivory, lava, glass, plastics, and metal cameos used in jewelry and ornamental objects. They were produced by inspired artists in fine detail using old-world crafting and are displayed here in full color. An excellent pocket guide reference for collectors or anyone who appreciates the simplicity and beauty of cameo designs.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Pocket Guide to Occupied Japan
In Pocket Guide to Occupied Japan, authors Monica Lynn Clements and Patricia Rosser Clements showcase the wide array of products made in Japan during the American Occupation (1945-1952). Once sold in department stores or dime stores, these items are now much sought after by collectors. With a brief history and over 250 color photographs, this handheld guide features figurines, planters, vases, salt and pepper shakers, animals, toys, dishes, mugs, wall plaques, metal objects, and other interesting items made in Occupied Japan. It is a welcomed addition to anyone's personal reference library.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Sarah Coventry® Jewelry: An Unauthorized Guide for Collectors
As an increasingly popular line of collectible jewelry, creations distributed by Sarah Coventry, Inc. have made their mark. From the 1950s through the 1980s, women purchased the jewelry exclusively at home jewelry parties. The success of the jewelry made Sarah Coventry, Inc. one of the largest distributors of costume jewelry. Although the parties are a thing of the past, Sarah Coventry jewelry has not been forgotten. Now, these durable and fashionable pieces are sought after by collectors who have rediscovered their timeless appeal. In Sarah Coventry Jewelry, authors Monica Lynn Clements and Patricia Rosser Clements have compiled nearly 400 photographs that display the unique designs along with their current market values. Sets, limited edition pieces, earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants, and brooches are shown. The photographs depict jewelry made of gold metal, rhodium, and plastic as well as jewelry adorned with colorful plastic "stones," rhinestones, and gemstones. This reference guide is a must for collectors of Sarah Coventry jewelry.
Alma Books Ltd Slick
A new middle-grade sci-fi novel from the author of SIX, Slick is a fresh, funny and heargelt story about what it means to be human. Longlisted for the 2020 UKLA Book Award Eric Young is the first child android to be trialled in society, but he doesn't know that. He does know that he's just moved to Ashland from London, so it's important that he makes new friends. Not just any friends, but the right kind - the kind that would be interested in skateboarding and the new Slick trainers his Uncle Martin sends him. He's already growing his social media presence, but he knows it's important to make friends in the real world too. Danny Lazio doesn't have any friends, but he doesn't care about that. He would rather not be friends with someone like Eric, who's had seemingly everything handed to him. But when Eric takes an interest in Land X, Danny's favourite game, Danny thinks he might have found a real friend... if he can figure out the mystery behind Eric's sudden disappearances and strange lifestyle. As their friendship grows, it becomes harder to ignore the weird events that happen around Eric, from weekly "dentist" appointments to inexplicable medical mishaps. But uncovering the truth is an act that might cost them both, as powerful forces soon move in around them.
SPCK Publishing Crinkles: Stories of Jesus
Have interactive fun with baby and very young children introducing three popular stories that Jesus told with its rustling and sounds to make. This simple and colourful tactile cloth book is perfect for sharing during storytime to encourage chatting about the finding of the lost sheep, the return of the lost son and the good Samaritan. An exciting book for story time for little hands to spot things and explore. The Crinkles series of cloth books have an irresistible crinkling sound to stimulate active senses in the developmental steps from birth.
Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch Una revisión del derecho fundamental a la protección de datos de carácter personal
Un reto en clave de diálogo judicial y constitucionalismo multinivel en la Unión Europea. La transformación digital y la innovación tecnológica, en general, y el procesamiento y difusión masiva de los datos personales, en particular, como elementos definidores de la sociedad actual, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de regular la informática y la innovación tecnológica desde el Derecho y de asegurar una protección efectiva de los derechos fundamentales más afectados. La constante evolución social y, de manera especial, la evolución tecnológico-digital, requieren un permanente esfuerzo de ajuste, reactualización y conciliación jurídica. El presente estudio ha procurado analizar la situación actual y los avances recientes, a nivel normativo y jurisprudencial, para moldear y reforzar el derecho fundamental a la protección de datos de carácter personal, como respuesta al imparable progreso tecnológico-digital. Se pretende, por lo tanto, identificar, por un lado, los diferentes sistemas de pr
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Llewellyn's 2024 Hedgewitch Botanical Calendar
A true celebration of seasonal changes, this eye-catching wall calendar exhibits exquisite botanical paintings by world-famous artist Siolo Thompson, creator of the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle. With hand-made watercolor paints, Siolo imbues her personal energy into every work, capturing the spiritual essence of your favorite plants. Witchy tips by popular author Monica Crosson accompany each original artwork, offering advice for incorporating the featured plants in your practice. This calendar will welcome the enchantment of the natural world into your life throughout the year.
Cuando muere un hijo, nada vuelve a ser igual. Parte de ti muere con él. El dolor es tal, es tan indescriptible que, a veces, he tenido la sensación de que iba a perder la cabeza o estallar en mil pedazos. En este libro, cuento el cómo, el qué y el cuánd
Trivent Publishing Ambiguous Women in Medieval Art
Ambiguous Women in Medieval Art brings together the work of seven researchers who, coming from different perspectives, and in some cases different disciplines, approach the question of ambiguity in relation to different case-studies where the represented women do not follow the ever-present dichotomy exemplified by Eve and Mary. In doing so, they demonstrate the complexities of a topic that is as contemporary as it is ancient. Through them, we can get valuable insights on the understanding and experience of gender in the past and the ways in which these experiences have shaped our own understanding of this topic.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My Name Is a Story: An Empowering First Day of School Book for Kids
From Grammy Award-winning singer Ashanti comes an empowering story about a girl who learns to love her unique name. First days aren’t easy for a girl with a name like Ashanti. It feels like no one can pronounce it correctly! But with some encouragement from her mom, Ashanti spells her name and learns just how special it is.A is for awesome, S is for sunsets, H is for hand games, A is for art…Inspired by Ashanti’s own experience, this delightful picture book shares the joy that one child finds in her name.A perfect pick for classrooms and all story times!
Editorial Kairos La Sabiduría Recobrada: Filosofía Como Terapia