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Manchester University Press Sustainable Art Communities: Contemporary Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean
This collection sets out a range of perspectives on the challenges that the Caribbean is facing today, showing how the arts hold a crucial role in forging a more sustainable Caribbean community. It forcefully attests to the view that visual art in particular has a specific contribution to make and that this in turn means striving to foster a sustainable arts community that can contend with an environment of uneven infrastructure, opportunity and public awareness. Spanning the scholarly, artistic and professional fields of arts and heritage, this book compares two of the Caribbean’s key linguistic regions – the Anglophone and the Dutch – to address the themes of global-local relations, capital, patronage, morality, contestation, sustainability and knowledge exchange. The result is a milestone of collaboration from diverse global settings of the Caribbean and its diaspora, including Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, Suriname, Curaçao, the Netherlands, UK, Germany and the US.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Communist Manifesto: The Modern South African Edition
‘…the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.’ The Modern South African Edition of the Communist Manifesto Includes: Leon Trotsky’s Afrikaans Introduction to the 1937 edition with an English translation. Neville Alexander’s 2002 Introduction in isiZulu and English to the isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. A new isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. Jeremy Cronin’s Introduction to this edition. As the first in the new series RADICAL PASTS, RADICAL FUTURES, this edition of The Communist Manifesto is a vantage point from where to view the lives, work and creativity of ordinary South Africans in the years 1937, 2002 & 2022, and a prompt to visit and re-visit Marx & Engels’ urgent text.
Wellred Books The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects
John Wiley & Sons Inc Renewable Energy in Power Systems
An up to date account of renewable sources of electricity generation and their integration into power systems With the growth in installed capacity of renewable energy (RE) generation, many countries such as the UK are relying on higher levels of RE generation to meet targets for reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In the face of this, the integration issue is now of increasing concern, in particular to system operators. This updated text describes the individual renewable technologies and their power generation characteristics alongside an expanded introduction to power systems and the challenges posed by high levels of penetrations from such technologies, together with an account of technologies and changes to system operation that can ease RE integration. Features of this edition: Covers power conditioning, the characteristics of RE generators, with emphasis on their time varying nature, and the use of power electronics in interfacing RE sources to grids Outlines up to date RE integration issues such as power flow in networks supplied from a combination of conventional and renewable energy sources Updated coverage of the economics of power generation and the role of markets in delivering investment in sustainable solutions Considers the challenge of maintaining power balance in a system with increasing RE input, including recent moves toward power system frequency support from RE sources Offers an insightful perspective on the shape of future power systems including offshore networks and demand side management Includes worked examples that enhance this edition’s suitability as a textbook for introductory courses in RE systems technology Firmly established as an essential reference, the Second Edition of Renewable Energy in Power Systems will prove a real asset to engineers and others involved in both the traditional power and fast growing renewables sector. This text should also be of particular benefit to students of electrical power engineering and will additionally appeal to non-specialists through the inclusion of background material covering the basics of electricity generation.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Smith
A Puffin Book - stories that last a lifetime.Puffin Modern Classics are relaunched under a new logo: A Puffin Book. There are 20 titles to collect in the series, listed below, all with exciting new covers and fun-filled endnotes.London street urchin Smith is 12 years old, and an experienced pick-pocket. One day on Ludgate Hill, he robbed an old gentleman, and one minute later watched him silently murdered by two men, who chased him for the document he had stolen but could not understand. Smith artfully dodges the two men and winds up in the odd company of a wealthy blind man, who takes Smith into his home and provides him with an education. But this new comfort is lost when Smith himself is suspected of the very murder he witnessed.Leon Garfield was a British novelist, born in 1921. He is best known for children's historical novels, though he also wrote for adults. He wrote more than thirty books including Shakespeare's Stories - retellings of Shakespeare's plays for children, and he won many awards including the Guardian Award and the Carnegie Medal. He died in 1996, aged 74.Also available in A Puffin Book: GOODNIGHT MISTER TOM and BACK HOME by Michelle Magorian CHARLOTTE'S WEB, STUART LITTLE and THE TRUMPET OF THE SWAN by E. B. White THE BORROWERS by Mary NortonSTIG OF THE DUMP by Clive KingROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY by Mildred D. TaylorA DOG SO SMALL by Philippa PearceGOBBOLINO by Ursula Moray WilliamsCARRIE'S WAR by Nina BawdenMRS FRISBY AND THE RATS OF NIMH by Richard C O'BrienA WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'EngleTHE CAY by Theodore TaylorTARKA THE OTTER by Henry WilliamsonWATERSHIP DOWN by Richard AdamsSMITH by Leon GarfieldTHE NEVERENDING STORY by Michael EndeANNIE by Thomas MeehanTHE FAMILY FROM ONE END STREET by Eve Garnett
Thieme Publishing Group Chinese Herbal Medicine: The Formulas of Dr. John H.F. Shen
A treasure trove of information for practitioners of Chinese medicine, this book gathers the herbal formulas of master practitioner Dr. John H. F. Shen for the first time. Not only does it incorporate the experience of Dr. Leon Hammer, who studied directly with Dr. Shen for nearly three decades, but it also presents the stimulus, rationale, and thinking behind many of the formulas. The result is a unique compendium of diseases spanning infancy to old age, with expert analysis and commentary by the authors, and the clinically tested herbal formulas used to treat each condition. Special Features Logically organized in two sections: the first by standard medical systems ranging from cardiovascular to respiratory; and the second by life cycle progression and developmental milestones Offers valuable insights on the etiology, symptoms, pathogenesis, and clinical signs of each disease Combines pulse diagnosis with herbal medicine for superior therapeutic outcomes Builds on the prominent Ding-Menghe lineage in Chinese medicine, dating back to the early 1600s Offering a window into the mind and practice of one of the greatest innovators in Chinese medicine, and integrating the knowledge and expertise of two foremost modern practitioners, this book is the only complete source available on Dr. Shens herbal heritage. It is essential reading for all Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists, and other medical professionals prescribing herbs.
CABI Publishing Chemical Food Safety
Chemical food safety deals with all aspects of chemical risks in the food chain, predominantly with the biologically active components of food, additives, contaminants and their toxicology. Preventing the contamination of food with problematic chemical compounds requires a thorough understanding of how compounds enter and pass through the food production process, in addition to toxicology and risk management. Chemical Food Safety covers the underlying principles and applied science required to understand, analyse and take professional action on food safety problems and questions that call for interventions at a local, national or international level. The text follows food contaminants through the production and processing of plant, fungal, algal and animal foods, including oral exposure and intestinal absorption. Risk assessment is explained in the context of targeted future risk management and risk communication, with a view to assessing, managing and communicating risk in the food chain. Chemical Food Safety is ideal for higher level students as well as those working in the food production industry, consultants and national food authorities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Organic Soils and Peat Materials for Sustainable Agriculture
While organic soils have the potential to contribute greatly to agricultural production, the irreversible processes that occur from draining organic soils need to be managed with caution. The wise use of peatlands must include the avoidance of unacceptable ecological effects on the contiguous and global environment. Organic Soils and Peat Materials for Sustainable Agriculture provides detailed information from a worldwide perspective on the degradation process of fragile peat resources used for agriculture. It documents the best management practices and defines and quantifies soil quality indicators and pedo-transfer functions for organic soils and peat materials.Co-published with the International Peat Society, this reference is the first to integrate the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of organic soils and peat materials for sustainable agriculture and horticulture. It details the principles and indicators behind positive action in sustainable management. The book presents a complete analysis of how peat works chemically, physically, and ecologically. It quantifies the moorsh-forming, or peat degradation, process in tables and figures, provides conversion equations among pH determination methods, and supplies a novel diagnosis of N and P release. In addition, the book revisits water, pesticides, phosphorus, and copper sorption characteristics of organic soils.The authors provide up-to-date information in order to define quality indicators for the optimum use of organic soils. With detailed information and a global perspective, Organic Soils and Peat Materials for Sustainable Agriculture aims to promote a shift from the current paradigm of input-based unsustainable use to a new knowledge-based approach.
Harvard University Press Biographical and Autobiographical Writings
A fresh English translation of five Alberti works that illuminate new aspects of the literary aims and development of the first “Renaissance man.”Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) was one of the most famous figures of the Italian Renaissance. His extraordinary range of abilities as a writer, architect, art theorist, and even athlete earned him the controversial title of the first “Renaissance man.”The works collected in Biographical and Autobiographical Writings reflect Alberti’s lived experiences and his interests in the genre. This volume includes On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Literature, which partly reflects his experiences as a student in Bologna; The Life of St. Potitus, the biography of a Christian martyr, which also contains autobiographical projections and was to have been the first in a series of lives of saints; My Dog, a mock funeral oration for his dead dog; My Life, one of the first autobiographies of the early modern period and the main source for Jacob Burckhardt’s portrait of Alberti; and a comic encomium, The Fly. In particular, the last three works—My Dog, My Life, and The Fly—constitute a kind of trilogy, as the humanist finds one of his main themes, the portrait of the ideal life, with a strong emphasis on humor.This edition presents the first collected English translations of these works alongside an authoritative Latin text.
Libros de la Resistencia Blacklabel
Brill U Mentis Wissenschaftlicher Und Moralischer Realismus
Manuscriptum Volksverletzung
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Essai Sur Le Senat de Constantinople: Des Origines Au Regne de Leon VI Le Sage
familia Verlag Waldbesuch bei Eli Eichhrnchen Postkartengeschichte
Diogenes Verlag AG Hoffmans Hunger
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 194
This volume includes eight chapters which describe recent advances in medicine and biology. Chapter One summarises new therapeutics for the treatment of optic neuritis, a condition involving primary inflammation, demyelination, and axonal injury of the optic nerve. Chapter Two uses animal models of viral myocarditis to study the natural history, genetics, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestation of viral myocarditis in humans. Chapter Three evaluates the functions of fibroblast growth factors in physiological mechanisms, their role in maintaining homeostatic balance, their role in signal transduction regulation, metabolism and interactions between organisms, and their relationship with diseases. Chapter Four investigates the potential of antibiotics to fight against the inherently nonspecific adaptation mechanisms of bacteria. Chapter Five deals with new methodologies for drug development to counter the evolution of mechanisms to resist antibiotics such as efflux pumps in bacteria that cause infectious disease. Chapter Six concerns the development of new therapeutic strategies regarding the involvement of brain neuropeptides in alcohol use disorder. Chapter Seven examines growth promotion and changes in functional constituents through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis in Asian ginseng. Finally, Chapter Eight explicates procedures for postoperative care in thoracic surgery.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 190
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 103
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 96
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 88
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 83
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 79
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 77
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 65
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 62
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 61
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 55
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 43
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 41
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 53
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 10
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 9
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 36
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 32
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 27
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 24
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 16
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Arms Control & Nonproliferation: Issues & Analyses
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 174
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 172
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 159
This volume discusses the merits and demerits of currently available conventional cholera vaccine delivery systems and therapies, and the potential role of novel nanomaterials-based delivery approaches for the management of cholera. Cholera, the watery diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae, is a major public health issue in the developing world. V. cholerae is a gram negative, facultative anaerobic, aquatic bacterium with single polar flagellum and is a member of γ subdivision of the family Proteobacteriaceae. Following this, the structures and functions of human helicases and the 5-upstream regions of the encoding genes are classified for further investigation. Genetic studies have revealed that mutations in some of these genes are associated with certain human diseases, including Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Cockayne Syndrome and Werner Syndrome. The authors describe a practical exercise where the construction of a pharmacophore model is interpreted with the aid of 2-D structures, while the final model is used in a virtual screening to identify potentially active kinase inhibitors. The use of freely available software and web servers makes this exercise a useful and easily implementable resource for almost any undergraduate student. This compilation also addresses how folate intake during pregnancy is essential for adequate fetoplacental development and for the health of the baby. Neural tube defects are a preventable cause of mortality and morbidity, and the prevalence of neural tube defects has significantly decreased worldwide after the fortification of folic acid. Subsequently, the authors describe recent findings in the storage and supply site, localization, and imaging of high-density lipoprotein in human coronary arteries. In an effort to achieve less invasive surgery justified by better outcomes, lower hospital costs, patient recovery time and cosmetic results, the authors also review innovative surgical techniques such as minilaparoscopy, single incision laparoscopic surgery, natural orifice transluminal surgery and others that are being employed or expected to be the future. The concluding chapter describes several cases where Mycoplasma have led to the electronic contamination of prestigious public data stores.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 155: Volume 155
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 155 reviews whether the non-surgical and non-pharmacological interventions commonly used for knee osteoarthritis patients are effective and, if effective, which ones are the most effective. For this, randomized controlled trials were identified through electronic databases. Following this, the authors discuss how the early identification of target subjects who are at high cardiometabolic risk is important for critical lifestyle interventions and pharmacological management strategies. Additionally, they discuss the diversity, biotechnological applications and sustainable bioproduction of chitinases enzyme from Streptomyces origin, as well as their properties, production and potential applications in the industrial and biotechnological spheres. New strategies such as the use of atomic force microscopy, the isolation of cardiomyocytes, primary culturing in different types of substrates as well as transcriptomic studies are enabling the understanding of how these cells can be affected by different pathologies. As such, in this compilation these issues are updated by analyzing how new approaches to basic aspects of the structure and physiology of cardiomyocytes can be of clinical relevance. This collection also discusses chitotriosidase and acidic mammalian chitinase belonging to the chitinase family. This family includes 18 chitinases united by the features of their molecular structure. Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis is a common, multifactorial process also associated with aging, which frequently causes central canal stenosis. Several types of interbody fusion procedures that may treat of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis are examined, particularly lateral lumbar interbody fusion. The final chapter explores the role surgical intervention plays in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 154
Volume 154 first compares the scleral buckle procedure to pneumatic retinopexy and vitrectomy for the repair of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment to evaluate patient outcomes, single surgery reattachment rate, and complications. Following this, the authors review recent advances in liver organoids differentiated from pluripotent stem cells and discuss the future directions of organoid technology. Additionally, the authors compare the efficacy of low-level red and infrared laser irradiation for the correction of adverse side effects in the oral mucosa in patients receiving (chemo)radiotherapy for oral and pharyngeal cancer. In vivo oral mucosa state monitoring is carried out in patients during the course of oral and pharyngeal cancer radiation/chemoradiation therapy using multimodal optical coherence tomography. An overview of the current methods used for diagnosing, classification of fractures, treatment, and prevention of periprosthetic femur fractures following total hip arthroplasty is provided. This collection also investigates the presence of kyphosis in adolescents and the association between the incidence of kyphosis and age, the average duration of the sports training, body mass index, weight, height and pulse in adolescents who have participated in karate, swimming and handball. The authors attempt to describe advancements in the electrochemistry of cytochrome P450 enzymes and study molecular aspects and catalytic behavior of enzymatic electrocatalysis. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of major causes of liver fibrosis, medicinal plants and the role of medicinal plants in combatting liver fibrosis is provided. Lastly, this compilation recapitulates the history of artificial intelligence in Chinese medicine, focusing on the way Chinese medicine is being revolutionized by this state-of-the-art technology, and how healthcare in China is influenced by various artificial intelligence systems.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 147
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 145
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 132
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 111