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Peter Lang AG Unternehmensbewertung Und Terminal Value: Operative Planung, Steuern Und Kapitalstruktur
World Scientific Publishing Co Inc (USA) Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy (Ninth Edition)
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the ninth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media, and case examples.This book takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. It features cases and examples from all over the world and is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view.Supplementary Material Resources:Resources are available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: (1) Instructor's Manual, (2) Case Teaching Notes, (3) PowerPoint deck, and (4) Test Bank. Please contact Features:
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Investigating Welfare State Change: The ‘Dependent Variable Problem’ in Comparative Analysis
Contemporary accounts of welfare state change have produced conflicting findings and incompatible theoretical explanations. To a large extent this is due to a 'dependent variable problem' within comparative research, whereby there is insufficient consideration of how to conceptualize, operationalize and measure change. With contributions from leading international scholars, this important book presents a comprehensive examination of conventional indicators (such as social spending), available alternatives (including social rights and conditionality), as well as principal concepts of how to capture change (for example convergence and de-familization). By providing an in-depth discussion of the most salient aspects of the 'dependent variable problem', the editors aim to enable a more cumulative build-up of empirical evidence and contribute to constructive theoretical debates about the causes of welfare state change. The volume also offers valuable suggestions as to how the problem might be tackled within empirical cross-national analyses of modern welfare states.The focus on the methodology of conceptualizing and measuring welfare state change in a comparative perspective gives this unique book widespread appeal amongst scholars and researchers of social policy and sociology, as well as students at both the advanced undergraduate and post-graduate level studying comparative social policy, research methods and welfare reform.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Markets and Authorities: Global Finance and Human Choice
This stimulating book addresses the relationship between market authority and political authority - a favourite theme of Susan Strange to whom the book is dedicated. From a survey of the bias against capital liberalisation in economic thought to an analysis of the US role in global monetary affairs, it discusses how and why free capital flows contribute to the instability of the global capitalist system. The internationally renowned contributors analyse the history and theory of international capital flows to make sense of contemporary global investments and what they mean for global polity and the economy. They argue over the challenges of integrating large developing countries into a liberal world order and the consequences of the multilateral system for the world's poor. In further discussions they investigate the sustainability of global capitalism in light of financial crises, widespread inequality and the uncertain future for traditional welfare states. They also advance various mechanisms through which they believe greater stability and equity could be introduced into the global financial system and the world economy. Implicit in these arguments is the shared belief that tensions between visions of a rule-based, liberal world and concepts of a more equitable distribution of resources drive most of the major conflicts in the global economy.Investigating the economic, political and social drawbacks of volatile global finance, and the human choices required to introduce stability, equity and a sense of purpose to the world economy, Markets and Authorities will be an invaluable addition to the fields of economics, political science, political economy and international business.
Edinburgh University Press Transnational Migration and Boundary-Making
JOVIS Verlag Havana: Fotografien von Bodo Tüngler
Trilingual edition (English/Spanish/German) / Dreisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/spanisch/englisch) The vibrant Cuban metropolis Havana is, yet in its state of decay, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. A nineteen-fifties pre-revolutionary boom still characterizes the city, alongside picturesque colonial architecture: renowned international Modernist architects, often working with artists, created fascinating architectural ensembles at the time. Clarity, panache and color today still bear witness to the pioneering spirit of those years. The photographer Bodo Tuengler, has documented the most impressive buildings of Havana’s short Modernist period and unveils surprising new perspectives of the „sleeping beauty“.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Advances in European Borderlands Studies
Harrassowitz Der Konigsgruftkomplex Von Qatna: Teil 1: Befunde Und Fundverteilung Des Korridors Und Der Vorkammer
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Einführung in die Methoden, Methodologie und Statistik im Sport
Studieren Sie Sportwissenschaft, sehen Sie Ihren Fokus in erster Linie in der praktischen Anwendung Ihres Wissens und sind wahrscheinlich überrascht, dass Sie sich in Ihrem Studium oder in einer weiteren Qualifikation nun erneut mit Mathematik und Statistik auseinandersetzen müssen. Haben Sie mit Schrecken festgestellt, dass Statistik auch hier zum unverzichtbaren Handwerkszeug gehört, will dieses Buch Sie motivieren, die Grundlagen der Methoden und der Statistik im Sport zu verstehen, Wissenslücken zu schließen und zu erkennen, dass empirisches Arbeiten keine Zauberei ist. Die Autoren vermitteln Hintergründe zur Verortung der Sportwissenschaft im wissenschaftlichen Kontext und erklären darauf aufbauend die Grundbegriffe und Arbeitsschritte bei der Durchführung, Auswertung und Beurteilung wissenschaftlicher Studien. Sie finden hier fundierte Tipps, wie Sie die richtige Forschungsfrage stellen, wie Sie Daten sammeln und aufbereiten, wann Sie welches statistische Verfahren rechnen und wie Sie die Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis umsetzen können. Alle Ausführungen sind leicht verständlich formuliert und mit einer Vielzahl von realen Beispielen aus der Sportwissenschaft verdeutlicht. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine gute Unterstützung, die empirischen Herausforderungen Ihres Studiums zu bewältigen - sei es beim Verstehen von Studien, sei es bei der Erstellung der ersten Hausarbeit mit echten Daten oder bei dem Verfassen Ihrer Abschlussarbeit.
Campus Verlag Theorizing Emotions: Sociological Explorations and Applications
"Theorizing Emotions" reflects the recent turn to emotions in academia - not just in sociology but also in psychology, evolutionary biology, and neuroscience. Drawing on the classic studies of Max Weber, Erving Goffman, and Norbert Elias, several leading scholars present their findings on the role of emotions in various facets of society, from the laboratory to the office to the media. Among the topics discussed are the tensions between feelings and feeling rules, the conscious and unconscious emotions of scientists, emotions and social disorder, the effect of the emotional turn as an element of advancing modernity, romantic love in U.S. and Israeli codes of conduct, and the role of mass media in generating massive public emotions.
Vitra Design Museum The Atlas of Furniture Design
In 2019, the Vitra Design Museum will publish the Atlas of Furniture Design, the definitive, encyclopedic overview of the history of modern furniture design. Featuring over 1700 objects by more than 500 designers and 121 manufacturers, it includes approximately 2800 images ranging from detailed object photographs to historical images documenting interiors, patents, brochures, and related works of art and architecture. The basis for the Atlas of Furniture Design is the collection held by the Vitra Design Museum, one of the largest of its kind with more than 7000 works. The book presents selected pieces by the most important designers of the last 230 years and documents key periods in design history, including early nineteenth-century industrial furniture in bentwood and metal, Art Nouveau and Secessionist pieces and works by protagonists of classical modernism and postwar design, as well as postmodern and contemporary pieces. The Atlas of Furniture Design employed a team of more than 70 experts and features over 550 detailed texts about key objects. In-depth essays provide sociocultural and design-historical context to four historical epochs of furniture design and the pieces highlighted here, enriched by a detailed annex containing designer biographies, glossaries, and elaborate information graphics. The Atlas of Furniture Design is an indispensable resource for collectors, scholars and experts, as well as a beautifully designed object that speaks to design enthusiasts.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Medizinische Statistik für Dummies
Wenn auch Sie Ihre kleinen Problemchen mit medizinischer Statistik haben, sind Sie hier genau richtig. Mit viel Witz bringen Ihnen die Autoren Geraldine Rauch, Konrad Neumann, Ulrike Grittner, Carolin Herrmann und Jochen Kruppa die Prinzipien der Biostatistik näher. In diesem Buch lernen Sie alles, was Sie benötigen, um Statistik im medizinischen Bereich erfolgreich einzusetzen. Angefangen bei der Begriffskunde und den Grundlagen, erfahren Sie alles von Studientypen über deskriptive Verfahren, Verteilungen, Schätzungen oder Korrelation und Regression bis hin zur Ereigniszeitanalyse, diagnostischen Tests und multiplem Testen. Die Autoren bringen Ihnen das theoretisch vermittelte Wissen mit vielen anschaulichen Beispielen näher. So schaffen Sie die nächste Klausur mit Links!
Pano Verlag Imperium Und Intelligencija: Fallstudien Zur Russischen Kultur Im Fruhen 19. Jahrhundert
Gabler Das emotionale Unternehmen: Mental starke Organisationen entwickeln - Emotionale Viren aufspüren und behandeln
Veränderungsprozesse belasten in vielen Unternehmen Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter. Ähnlich wie im Leistungssport ist auch in der Wirtschaft, neben Wissen und Training, die mentale Stärke der Organisation für den Erfolg entscheidend. Interessenkonflikte um Macht und Geld, kulturelle Unterschiede, persönliche Hoffnungen und Ängste der Schlüsselpersonen rufen „emotionale Viren“ hervor, die eine „mentale Verschmutzung“ des Unternehmens nach sich ziehen.Die beiden erfahrenen Berater zeigen anschaulich, wie ein Unternehmen zur mentalen Stärke geführt werden kann. Das Prinzip der „emotionalen Viren“ dient dabei als Grundlage, um die Selbstheilungskräfte der Organisation zu aktivieren. Ein innovativer und international bewährter Ansatz, anschaulich und kurzweilig dargestellt - eine originelle und nützliche Lektüre.
Vitra Design Museum Ingo Mauer
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) (Post)Koloniale Rechtswissenschaft: Geschichte und Gegenwart des Kolonialismus in der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft
Der Band untersucht die Rolle der Rechtswissenschaft im deutschen Kolonialismus und koloniale Kontinuitäten im deutschen Recht. Dabei stehen drei Blickrichtungen im Mittelpunkt: erstens Recht und Rechtswissenschaft während der Zeit, in der das Deutsche Kaiserreich formal eine Kolonialmacht war, zweitens die Nachwirkungen des Kolonialismus nach 1919 und drittens die Relevanz kolonialer Dimensionen oder postkolonialer Theorieangebote in aktuellen rechtswissenschaftlichen Debatten. Der Band leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Geschichte der Disziplin in ihrer Breite. Zugleich adressiert er aus rechtswissenschaftlicher Perspektive heutige Kontroversen um Reparationen für koloniales Unrecht und neokoloniale Strukturen der politischen Ökonomie. Des Weiteren markiert er Anfänge einer reflexiven Rechtswissenschaft, die sich ihres Beitrags zu Kolonisation und kolonialer Kontinuitäten bewusst wird und damit die Voraussetzungen für ein post- und dekoloniales Rechts schafft.
Edinburgh University Press Migration and Border-Making: Reshaping Policies and Identities
Examining the ongoing processes of migration in Europe and beyondThis book deals with the ongoing processes of migration and boundary-(re)making in Europe and other parts of the world. It takes stock of recent and hitherto unpublished research on the refugee crisis in Europe, migration dynamics in the Middle East and migration flows in Africa and Latin America, specifically in relation to their political, social and cultural framing. In particular, chapters in this collection focus on newer cases of transnational migration and their socio-political implications. Alongside the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, which can be seen as one of the most divisive political issues in recent European history, new patterns of migration and re-bordering can also be seen across Europe, the Middle East and beyond. These include both the rise of anti-immigration populism within the nation-states and practices of discouraging migration at the regional level such as the EU.
Lannoo Publishers Less Contact, More Impact: How to Win Buyers’ Trust in a Turbulent Digital World
Customers today demand a highly personalised and unique purchasing experience: they require expert guidance in a purchasing process that is relevant and efficient from start to finish. Less Contact, More Impact explores the dynamics of corporate sales today and in the future as a function of trust and cooperation. The RIO model developed by Belgium-based Blinc Sales Institute marks the evolution of a new era in which genuine contact between client and salesperson is crucial to meeting the challenges of customer expectations. The goal of this book is to guide sales in the digital age in order to achieve maximum personal impact, better results, and consistent customer satisfaction in a minimum amount of time.
Duncker & Humblot Die Udssr Und Die Beiden Deutschen Staaten 1949-1953: Dokumente Aus Deutschen Und Russischen Archiven
JOVIS Verlag Tel Aviv:: The White City
A photographic guide to the 'White City' of Tel Aviv, which contains over 4000 white Bauhaus buildings. Celebrates the city's current state while placing it within its historical context. Over 4,000 white Bauhaus buildings give Tel Aviv its most famous name: 'the White City'. The city centre, created in the 1930s and '40s under the influence of international modernism, was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 2003. Many architects, most of them emigrating from Europe, found opportunities here to realize their ideological principles and architectural ideas. Tel Aviv's modernism is characterised by a specific combination of functionality and elegance. While the buildings are adapted to the climatic conditions, many of them display highly specific stylistic features. Stefan Boness succeeds in capturing the particularities and unique atmosphere of the city in his photographs. By juxtaposing classical modernism with the contemporary architecture of the city, he demystifies it while simultaneously embedding it in its historical context. This book is published to celebrate the centenary of the Bauhaus movement in 2019. Text in English and German.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Altersteilzeit: Handbuch Zu Den Gesetzlichen Und Tariflichen Regelungen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Trust in Biobanking: Dealing with Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in an Emerging Field of Biotechnology
Biobanks are promising instruments of biomedical research and of transnational medicine in particular. Ethical, legal and social issues associated with biobanking, however, have recently led to a more critical view on this concept. All efforts addressing these concerns have been grounded on well-established standards of biomedical ethics such as informed consent procedures, protection of individual autonomy, benefit sharing etc. By additionally highlighting the widely neglected aspect of trust, this book aims at broadening the horizon of the ELSI-debate and thus filling a gap in current research on biobanking. The contributions of leading experts and junior researchers cover a wide field of disciplines relevant for biobanking including law, ethics, medicine, public health, social sciences, philosophy and theology.
Rudolf Steiner Press Energizing Water: Flowform Technology and the Power of Nature
The poor quality of water, as well as its restricted supply and availability, is one of the biggest challenges of our time, with presently two-fifth's of the world's population unable to find adequate fresh water for essential usage. Over 40 years' research has been carried out on the positive effects that rhythms and specific water flow has on water's capacity to support life. Energizing Water presents this cutting-edge research to the general and professional reader at a time when interest in finding solutions to water's huge worldwide problems�is growing rapidly. Three aspects determine water quality: its chemical constituents (including its oxygen levels); its organic aspects (with the danger of contamination by effluent, pathogens and algae); and its 'energetic' nature. The latter facet has been recognized from time immemorial by traditional societies, who have developed their own sciences in relation to water quality, using terms such as prana and chi for energy. Now, through the introduction of quantum physics into the life sciences, modern science is beginning to accept this concept, measuring energy as light emission. Research into energetic water quality - and particularly into the creation of moulded surfaces that support biological purification of the chemical and organic elements, as well as enlivening the energetic attributes - goes back to George Adams' and John Wilkes' pioneering work in the 1960s. The invention of Flowform technology in 1970 carried this research further, providing the world with one of the first modern-day, biomimicry�eco-technologies. This creative technology applies nature's best methods to produce extraordinary results, and this book outlines the background story on research and application of the Flowform method today.
Yale University Press The Seas and the Mobility of Islamic Art
Tracing the currents of change that unite the visual and material culture of the Islamic world across space and time The seas have long served as both connective tissue for and barriers between intellectual, social, and artistic traditions. Nowhere is this dual role more evident than within the visual and material cultures of the Islamic world. This remarkable new book brings together an international group of scholars and curators whose contributions address seafaring mobility’s profound effect on Islamic art. Their case studies range across the globe and span a period from Islam’s 1st century to today. Contributors examine the roles of importation and migration, travel, diplomacy, and gift giving in driving artistic innovation and changing the social, political, and religious institutions of an increasingly diverse Islamic world. Taken together, these chapters embody a distinctive big-picture approach, pulling an exceptional diversity of voices and topics into productive dialogue.
Sandstein Verlag Werke Aus Stein Und Gips: Sammlungskatalog Des Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums Braunschweig, Band XXI
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst Jochen Gerz: Work with the Public
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Der Gut Organisierte Staat: Festschrift Fur Werner Jann Zum 65. Geburtstag
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lehrbuch der systemischen Therapie und Beratung II: Das störungsspezifische Wissen
Transcript Verlag Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing? – Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Since the dawn of humanity, people have developed concepts about themselves and the natural world in which they live. This volume aims at investigating the construction and transfer of such concepts between and within various ancient and medieval cultures. The single contributions try to answer questions concerning the sources of knowledge, the strategies of transfer and legitimation as well as the conceptual changes over time and space. After a comprehensive introduction, the volume is divided into three parts: The contributions of the first section treat various theoretical and methodological aspects. Two additional thematic sections deal with a special field of knowledge, i.e. concepts of the moon and of the end of the world in fire.
Columbia University Press Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence
In Phenomena of Power, one of the leading figures of postwar German sociology reflects on the nature, and many forms of, power. For Heinrich Popitz, power is rooted in the human condition and is therefore part of all social relations. Drawing on philosophical anthropology, he identifies the elementary forms of power to provide detailed insight into how individuals gain and perpetuate control over others. Instead of striving for a power-free society, Popitz argues, humanity should try to impose limits on power where possible and establish counterpower where necessary. Phenomena of Power delves into the sociohistorical manifestations of power and breaks through to its general structures. Popitz distinguishes the forms of the enforcement of power as well as of its stabilization and institutionalization, clearly articulating how the mechanisms of power work and how to track them in the social world. Philosophically trained, historically informed, and endowed with keen observation, Popitz uses examples ranging from the way passengers on a ship organize deck chairs to how prisoners of war share property to illustrate his theory. Long influential in German sociology, Phenomena of Power offers a challenging reworking of one of the essential concepts of the social sciences.
Yale University Press The Environment and Ecology in Islamic Art and Culture
The Islamic world finds itself increasingly at the epicenter of our escalating climate emergency, both as a locus of the petrochemical industry and as home to extraordinary landscapes in which the effects of environmental transformation are acutely felt. Yet, far from a solely twenty-first-century concern, engagement with changing, and often extreme, natural conditions has long characterized Islamic art and architecture in the central Islamic lands and beyond into the Muslim diaspora. This new book brings together a diverse group of scholars and critics whose contributions address this profound ecological awareness through the dual lenses of Islamic culture and climate change. Their case studies range from the Gulf, Iraq, Syria, the Indian Subcontinent, North Africa, and even outer space. Contributors examine the optimistic, sustainable, and innovative responses adopted by artists and builders in the face of often irreversible and escalating environmental destruction that necessitates such ingenuity. Breaking traditional disciplinary boundaries, this timely book brings together a diverse range of perspectives to bear on this increasingly urgent problem.
V&R unipress GmbH Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung (SHM).
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Celle
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Resilienz durch Organisationsentwicklung: Forschung und Praxis
Dieses Open-Access-Fachbuch beleuchtet empirische und theoretische Aspekte einer Organisationsentwicklung, die auf Resilienz als strategischem Leitprinzip abhebt. Vor dem Hintergrund der gegenwärtigen weltweiten Coronakrise ist besonders deutlich geworden, wie wichtig zukunftsfähige und krisenresistente Strukturen und Prozesse für erfolgreiche Organisationen und Unternehmen sind. Resilienz als Fähigkeit zu kontinuierlichem Wandel spielt dabei neben Beständigkeit, dynamischem Wachstum und Innovation eine wichtige Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigen sich die Beiträge dieses Herausgeberbandes u.a. mit den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes agiler Methoden in Unternehmen, den Konsequenzen agiler Strukturen für das HRM von Unternehmen sowie den zukünftig benötigten Skills von Mitarbeitenden, um digitale Transformationsprozesse erfolgreich mitgestalten zu können.Alle Beiträge basieren auf empirischen Analysen und wurden durch bewährte Autorenteams aus Lehrenden und Forschenden sowie Unternehmenspraktikern mit akademischem Background erarbeitet.
Universitatsverlag Winter Noctes Sinenses: Festschrift Fur Fritz-Heiner Mutschler Zum 65. Geburtstag
SAP Press SAP S/4HANA Architecture
If you're working with SAP S/4HANA, you need to know the ins and outs of the system. Master SAP S/4HANA's technical and application architecture with this book! See how the foundation is built: the backend data models, the frontend user experience, the analytics and extension capabilities, integration options, and more. Then learn about SAP S/4HANA's core application areas, from finance to logistics. Finally, see what SAP S/4HANA architecture looks like in the cloud. Get ready to master SAP S/4HANA from the ground up! In this book, you'll learn about:a. Technical Foundation See what makes a modern ERP solution. Learn about SAP S/4HANA's technical backbone, including the underlying programming models. Then walk through core concepts: the SAP Fiori user experience, analytics, intelligent technologies, integration, extensions, and more. b. Business Architecture Explore SAP S/4HANA's line of business landscape. Take a tour of the master data structure and individual application areas like sales, service, sourcing and procurement, logistics, warehouse management, and finance. c. Cloud ConsiderationsPop the hood of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Discover cloud-specific architecture features, from scoping to outputs to identity and access management. Learn about cloud operations for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.Highlights include:1) Technical and application architecture2) Programming models3) Analytics4) Extensibility5) Integration6) Master data7) Sales and service8) Sourcing and procurement9) Logistics and manufacturing10) Finance and governance11) Identity and access management12) On-premise and cloud
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Nanotechnology and Energy: Science, Promises, and Limits
Novel breakthroughs in the cutting-edge field of nanotechnology, as a cross-sectional technology, show potential for being applied across the whole value chain of the energy sector (energy sources, energy conversion, energy distribution, energy storage, and energy use). This book gives an overview of nanotechnological applications within the value chain of the energy sector and evaluates selected applications and their direct and indirect impacts on the energy sector. It presents selected nanotechnological applications that influence the energy economy significantly. Furthermore, the authors give a comprehensive description of the impacts and outcomes of selected nanotechnological applications on energy consumption, energy sources, energy supply, and the energy industry in Germany and show the potential of these applications for energy savings, improvement in energy efficiency, and the reduction of emissions until 2030.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Zahnärztliche Chirurgie
Das Buch bietet einen schnellen und kompletten Überblick über chirurgische Eingriffe in der Zahnmedizin. Handlich, umfassend und ideal geeignet für den Praxis- und Klinikalltag und auch zur Prüfungsvorbereitung. Neben den operativen Techniken behandelt das Buch alle wichtigen Themen der oralen Chirurgie. Geeignet für Zahnärzte, MKG-Chirurgen und Studenten der Zahnmedizin.
Anthroposophic Press Inc Toward a Phenomenology of the Etheric World: Investigations into the Life of Nature and Man
Harrassowitz Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics
Thieme Publishing Group ENT Head and Neck Surgery: Essential Procedures
Thorough, user-friendly compendium of must-know ENT surgical procedures This highly practical surgical guide presents detailed descriptions of the most established and important surgical techniques for the full range of ENT conditions. The expert authors describe the key stages of each procedure in a step-by-step format supplemented by clearly labeled illustrations. Every consistently organized chapter begins with an overview of the basic anatomic, functional, and clinical principles followed by vital information on indications, contraindications, surgical instruments, anesthesia, and postoperative care. Features Over 900 high-quality drawings display the main steps of each procedure Easy-to-reference textboxes highlight surgical rules, tips, tricks and risks, and give advice on how to manage potential complications The latest information on recent developments in transplantation, cochlear implants, bone-anchored prosthesis, and laser-supported interventions Coverage of the full spectrum of plastic and reconstructive surgical techniques, such as external rhinoplasty, scar revision, keloid management, and free skin grafts ENT-Head and Neck Surgery: Essential Procedures is an indispensable companion for all fellows and residents in otolaryngology during training and in daily practice.