Search results for ""author andrea""
Herder Editorial La intervención estratégica en los contextos educativos comunicación y problemsolving para los problemas escolares
labutxaca Un cau descurçons
El mal de la feina d?en Montalbano és que de vegades s?acaba sabent la veritat. I això no sempre és agradable. Per exemple, quan resulta que un irreprotxable comptable vidu de Vigata ocultava una doble vida al fons d?un calaix. Els fi lls de l?assassinat, assisteixen consternats a la transformació pública del seu pare, però no són els únics: el comissari també s?ha d?empassar, incrèdul, tota la veritat sobre un sensesostre que se li ha refugiat al porxo de Marinella, fugint de la pluja. Com tantes altres vegades, el somni amb què es desencadenen les aventures d?en Montalbano és premonitori, i aquesta vegada fi ns i tot anticipa la clàssica trucada d?en Catarella per comunicar la ?mort d?un mort?.Amb la col.laboració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura.
Anagrama Piratas Contra Vikingos
April Adam y la trayectoria de los planetas
Pueden tener algo en común un chico que solo vive entre sueños y una chica que solo sueña despierta? Y una chica que cree tener el don de romper el corazón a los demás y un chico que lo tiene de piedra? Quizá aún haya esperanza para ellos; quizá, juntos, sean capaces de conseguir que los planetas dejen de girar. A partir de 14 años.
Oceano Travesia ¡Accidente!
Planeta Publishing La Chica del Zodiaco. Primera Parte
Christian Verlag GmbH Pho
V&R unipress GmbH Brahms gewidmet: Ein Beitrag zu Systematik und Funktion der Widmung in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Schwabenverlag AG Ruhe finden Gott begegnen Gemeinschaft erfahren Meditative Gebetstreffen fr ein ganzes Jahr
Juventa Verlag GmbH Die Diagnose Autismus im Spiegel inklusiver Widersprche
ellermann Ich trau mich Ich trau mich nicht
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gestickte Pracht - Gemalte Welt
The Torah pennants are an expression of individual creativity and personal belief as well as documentation of a deep connection to the community. A great feature of the Göttingen collection is the ability to assign almost all Torah pennants to specific people and families. With their expressive design, the 28 Torah pennants in the collection of the Göttingen Municipal Museum act as important evidence of Jewish culture in Germany far beyond the region. This inventory catalog has deliberately decided against purely scientific documentation of the collection. The focus is on conveying the information contained in the picture program on Jewish traditions and beliefs and showing the conditions of Jewish life over three centuries in a Christian society. In addition to this outlined context in which this collection must be viewed, the peculiarity and beauty of each individual pennant are equally important. The embroidery and paintings impressively convey not only the joy of the newborn child, but also the parental wishes and hopes for a happy life in the tradition of the community.
Brill Schoningh Otto Von Bismarck Gesammelte Werke - Neue Friedrichsruher Ausgabe: Abteilung III: 1871-1898, Band 9 1890-1898
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Die Frau aus dem Meer
Karl-Alber-Verlag Politik ALS Anti-Metaphysik: Rekonstruktion Und Kritik Der Politischen Theorie Hannah Arendts
Ravensburger Verlag Wieso Weshalb Warum 30 Bei den Rmern
Ravensburger Verlag Alles ber Laster Bagger und Traktoren
Harrassowitz Agyptische Magie Und Ihre Umwelt
Betz, Annette Du schnarchst
Bohlau Verlag Kantaten Fur Furst Und Kaiser: Antonio Caldaras Kompositionen Zwischen Unterhaltung Und Hofischem Zeremoniell
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Grundloses Vertrauen: Eine theologische Studie zum Verhältnis von Grund- und Gottvertrauen
In welchem Verhältnis stehen Vertrauen und Glaube? Diese Frage beschäftigt die Theologie seit Menschengedenken. Unter Berücksichtigung von Erik Eriksons Entwicklungspsychologie hat Wolfhart Pannenberg einen neuen Akzent gesetzt und die These formuliert, dass religiöser Glaube in frühkindlichem Grundvertrauen ( Basic Trust) begründet sei.Mit diesem Gedanken setzt sich Andrea Lassak in ihrer Studie kritisch auseinander. Sie lotet die Tragweite dieser Verhältnisbestimmung aus und gibt eine alternative Antwort in der Tradition hermeneutischer Theologie. Dabei sondiert sie das schillernde Konzept des Grundvertrauens ebenso wie sie die Bedeutungsspektren christlichen Gottvertrauens aufzeigt.
Georg Thieme Verlag Gynkologie und Geburtshilfe fr Pflegeberufe
Walter de Gruyter Oradour Und Die Deutschen: Geschichtsrevisionismus, Strafrechtliche Verfolgung, Entschädigungszahlungen Und Versöhnungsgesten AB 1949
Walter de Gruyter Das Kz Auschwitz 1942-1945 Und Die Zeit Der Todesmärsche 1944/45
Random House USA Inc Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self
Random House USA Inc Who Will You Be?
Scribner Book Company Interesting Women
University of Pennsylvania Press Closely Observed
Closely observed explores the infinite variety and beauty of the botanical world. Andrea Baldeck sequences photographs in sumptuous black and white to beguile the viewer with variations on the theme of leaf and flower, fruit and seed. The aesthetic appeal of a mute yet deeply expressive world imbues the 178 tritone plates. The book presents a garden of the imagination that invites the eye to linger, marvel, and enjoy.
Capstone Editions of Coughlan Companies Pink Hair and Other Terrible Ideas
BookBaby An Ode to Us
Rockridge Press 20th Century American History for Kids: The Major Events That Shaped the Past and Present
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sofía Valdez, presidenta tal vez / Sofia Valdez, Future Prez
Europa Editions The Sect Of Angels
Oceanview Publishing The Well of Ice: Volume 3
Oceanview Publishing Treacherous Strand: Volume 2
Front Street Inc Honeysuckle House
Other Press LLC The Enlightenment of Nina Findlay: A Novel
Candlewick Press,U.S. My Dog Just Speaks Spanish
Kensington Publishing Murder at Queen's Landing
Harry N. Abrams The Questioneers Picture Book Collection
WW Norton & Co Natural History: Stories
In Natural History, Andrea Barrett completes the beautiful arc of intertwined lives of a family of scientists, teachers, and innovators that she has been weaving through multiple books since her National Book Award–winning collection, Ship Fever. The six exquisite stories in Natural History are set largely in a small community in central New York state and portray some of her most beloved characters, spanning the decades between the Civil War to the present day. In “Henrietta and Her Moths,” a woman tends to an insect nursery as her sister’s life follows a different path. In “Open House,” a young man grapples with a choice between a thrilling life spent discovering fossils and a desire to remain close to home. And in the magnificent title novella, “Natural History,” Barrett deepens the connection between her characters, bringing us through to the present day and providing an unforgettable capstone. Told with Barrett’s characteristic elegance, passion for science, and wonderful eye for the natural world, the psychologically astute and moving stories gathered in this collection evoke the ways women’s lives and expectations—in families, in work, and in love—have shifted across a century and more. Building upon one another, these tales brilliantly culminate to reveal how the smallest events of the past can have large reverberations across the generations, and how potent, wondrous, and strange the relationship between history and memory can be.
WW Norton & Co The Air We Breathe: A Novel
In the fall of 1916, America prepares for war—but in the town of Tamarack Lake, the focus is on the sick. Wealthy tubercular patients live in private cure cottages; charity patients, mainly immigrants, fill the large public sanatorium. From within their isolated community, they grapple with some of the most thrilling scientific discoveries of their time—X-ray technology, chemical and biological weapons, changing theories of atomic structure—and their limitations. Prisoners of routine, they take solace in gossip, rumor, and, sometimes, secret attachments. When the well-meaning efforts of one enterprising patient lead instead to a tragic accident and a terrible betrayal, the war comes home, bringing with it a surge of anti-immigrant prejudice. With The Air We Breathe, Andrea Barrett has crafted a "majestic, breathtaking, [and] thrilling" (San Diego Union-Tribune) novel that brilliantly illuminates the inescapable heartbreak of war.
Susan Schadt Press, LLC Andrea's Cooktales: A Keepsake Cookbook. Learn New Recipes, Treasure Old Ones
Andrea's Cooktales: A Keepsake Cookbook. Learn New Recipes, Treasure Old Ones is the debut book of one of America’s top 100 home cooks. This heirloom cookbook is meant to be savored, splattered, and shared. It features "New-Generation" Southern recipes that are unique, fun, and easy to follow. Special stories are behind every recipe, which will inspire your own memories and stories. Learn new recipes to add to your weekday as well as holiday meal rotations. From appetizers to dessert, recipes are both naughty (for splurging) and nice (for healthy eating). A notes section is included for cooking/food questions and answers, as well as journal areas to jot down stories and enter family recipes.The perfect gift book, it features a scuff-resistant hardcover, Smythe-sewn binding and a ribbon bookmark that will ensure it will be passed along for years. With delicious photography by Memphian Nicole Cole and a foreword by Memphis restaurateur and chef Jennifer Chandler.
Reginetta Press Hook & Jill
Nightwood Editions Canoodlers
Berklee Press Publications Beginning Songwriting Berklee Press