Search results for ""author andrea""
labutxaca El joc de pistes
Els ancians Gregorio i Caterina Palmisano, dos germans molt missaires, s'han reclòs a casa i reben la policia a trets de pistola. Quan per fi les forces de l'ordre aconsegueixen entrar-hi, es troben amb la sorpresa inquietant que el pis, ple de crucifixos, és un cau de rates i que el vell Gregorio té una nina inflable plena d'esgarrinxades. Al cap de pocs dies n'apareix una altra en un contenidor de Vigata. En Montalbano, perplex, s'endú totes dues nines a casa per rumiar sobre el misteri. I aleshores, de sobte, comença a rebre cartes anònimes que contenen instruccions per a un joc de pistes: endevinalles, proves a superar, indrets a localitzar. El comissari, però, no està gaire tranquil. Quan una de les pistes li arriba acompanyada d'un cap de be ensangonat, s'adona que allò és el senyal que el joc ha passat a ser una cosa més seriosa...
labutxaca Ledat del dubte
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Itbuxaca
Salamandra El Homenaje
Salamandra Una Voz En La Noche
Publicaciones y Ediciones Salamandra, S.A. La nochevieja de Montalbano The Eve of Montalbano Narrativa
Ediciones Akal Las antgüedades de Roma
El arquitecto vicentino Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) viajó en cuatro ocasiones, quizá cinco, a Roma. Probablemente como consecuencia de su último viaje de 1554, y aprovechando el bagaje que los anteriores le habían procurado en lo referente al estudio de los restos antiguos y a la medición de las ruinas, escribió este opúsculo sobre las antigüedades romanas que fue publicado a la par en Roma y en Venecia ese mismo año.Diferenciándose de las obras coetáneas más importantes de la naciente primera arqueología, Palladio no propone un itinerario topográfico por la ciudad antigua como era usual, sino un recorrido rigurosamente tipológico, de la misma manera en que lo haría después pormenorizadamente en su trabajo teórico más notable, 'Los cuatro libros de la arquitectura' de 1570. Acueductos, termas, circos, teatros, anfiteatros y arcos triunfales se suceden en el libro de Palladio como un revelador compendio de tipologías, obviando su situación en el entramado urbano como criterio organi
Edaf Antillas Gran Libro de Baby Sign
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Aventuras marxistas
Oxen la primera víctima
"Si realmente un día logramos saber qué opinión tienen de nosotros los animales, estoy seguro de que no nos quedará más remedio que desaparecer de la faz del planeta, cubiertos de vergüenza. Yo, afortunadamente, ya no estaré. Pero quisiera que algún bisnieto mío entregara a los animales un ejemplar de este librito para que pudieran tener de mí, y de muchísimos otros como yo, una opinión, ni que fuese ligeramente, distinta." ANDREA CAMILLERI Recomendado para lectores de 9 a 99 años, amantes de los animales y de los buenos libros.
Plataforma Editorial S.L. Eres real
Qué pasaría si confundieras a tu compañero de piso con un ladrón y lo dejases inconsciente en el salón de tu casa?Lily Sullivan ha empezado el primer año de universidad, lejos de su hogar y de su perro Pizza, y sueña con convertirse en escritora. Todo iba bien hasta que descubre que sus padres guardan un secreto que podría cambiar su vida para siempre. Por si fuera poco, la relación con su nuevo compañero de piso, Blake, no podría haber empezado peor.A pesar de su desafortunado primer encuentro, Lily no podrá evitar sentirse atraída por Blake, de ojos oscuros y sonrisa amable. Serán capaces de superar sus diferencias y construir algo juntos?
La piràmide de fang
Una pluja impròpia de Sicília té paralitzades les obres de la nova conducció d?aigua de Vigata. Enmig de la immensa esplanada de fang i amb les excavadores aturades, apareix el cadàver d?un home. El llot que ho cobreix tot mig amaga la bicicleta amb què fugia. Què hi feia un home mig despullat pedalant sota la pluja enmig de la nit?El comissari no té més remei que començar a investigar per una botiga clandestina de queviures. I a mesura que va lligant caps, entre les esquerdes del fang, van apareixent els ingredients que han fet de l?illa italiana un dels territoris més obscurs de tot Europa: amenaces, corrupció, política de claveguera... Tot camuflat, com és tradició mediterrània, sota la aparença d?un simple afer de banyes.
En las praderas del fin del mundo
La trayectoria poética de la colombiana Andrea Cote es una de las más sólidas y originales de la poesía contemporánea en español. Dueña de una pluma que recrea un universo personal, se sitúa en la búsqueda constante partiendo siempre de presupuestos de necesidad intelectual e inquietud anímica. En las praderas del fin del mundo, su último libro, supone un paso adelante en su camino hacia la depuración formal y la sedimentación reflexiva. Consciente de la existencia humana en su dimensión de constante cadena, la poeta desentraña con precisión y esencialidad los misterios de la entrega incondicional y la pérdida. Dedicado a su hijo, En las praderas del fin del mundo convoca a los lectores a ajustar cuentas con la identidad propia, eternamente refundada en quienes nos sobreviven. Engendrar y pasar el testigo, con toda su raigambre biológica y cultural, significa una renovada oportunidad de nacer en el otro, en ese reflejo de temblor y trascendencia que Andrea Cote acierta a desplegar en s
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Inschriften Der Stadt Braunschweig Bis 1528
Schnell Verlag Champignon Steinpilz Co Ein Pilzkochbuch
Vincentz Network GmbH & C Winterfreuden 28 Kurzaktivierungen im Winter fr Menschen mit Demenz
Windmühle Verlag Positiv Führen mit Neuer Autorität
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Examination and Simulation of New Magnetic Materials for the Possible Application in Memory Cells
Universitatsverlag Winter Sprachraume Und Sprachgrenzen Im Untersuchungsgebiet Des Sprachatlas Von Mittelfranken: Traditionelle Dialektgeographie. Wahrnehmungsdialektologie. Dialektometrie
Schnell & Steiner Religiose Tradition Und Sakulare Ethik: Neutestamentliche Gleichnisse in Der Kunst Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts
Kaufmann Ernst Vlg GmbH Reimen springen Silben schwingen
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Medaillen Und Schaumunzen Der Kaiser Und Konige Aus Dem Haus Habsburg Im Munzkabinett Des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien, Band XI: Ferdinand I. (1793-1875, Reg. 1835-1848)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum Tajikistan - Sasanian Coins and Their Imitations from Sogdiana and Toachristan
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Streit Um Vergil: Eine Poetologische Lekture Der Eklogen Giovanni del Virgilios Und Dante Alighieris
Harrassowitz Graeco-Coptica: Greek and Coptic Clause Patterns
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Psalmenrezeption in Reformatorischem Liedgut: Entstehung, Gestalt Und Konfessionelle Eigenarten Des Psalmliedes, 1523-1650
Classiques Garnier L'Oralite Perdue: Essais d'Histoire Des Pratiques Lettrees (Bresil, Xvie-Xixe Siecle)
Caitlin Press What We Once Believed
Simon & Schuster We Came Here to Forget A Novel
A vivid novel about a young Olympic skier who loses everything and reinvents herself in Buenos Aires, where she meets a man keeping dark secrets of his own.
Zibby Books Women Are the Fiercest Creatures
University of Pennsylvania Press Presence Passing
A visual exploration of decay, impermanence, and loss, manifest in structures and objects that are left behind, the spirit of this collection is one of evocation, inviting us to conjure meanings from the images, to wonder what each of us will leave behind, as presence passes and absence overtakes.
Booth Clibborn London Every Day
Tate Publishing Everything is Mine
Marcello von Cauliflower Bonaparte Jackson is a kind, clever and very loyal dog. Unfortunately, there is one problem. He believes that absolutely everything is his. A slipper? It’s his. Pork chops from Leo’s dinner plate? It is absolutely his. An entire park? Oh that’s his, too. Marcello (and his list of things that he owns) is out of control! Will Leo be able to remind him what is really important? Andrea D’Aquino’s lively, collaged illustrations and text help to show children that no matter how much stuff you have, it doesn’t mean anything without the people you love.
Moon Dust Press C is for Coven
Thunder Bay Press Chill & Unwind Coloring Book
Simon & Schuster Kingdom of Without
A wily young thief must use her wits to survive futuristic, alternate history Beijing in this Les Misérables–inspired young adult cyberpunk that is perfect for fans of Six of Crows and Fullmetal Alchemist.When Zhong Ning’er takes the job, she expects a smash-and-grab burglary she’s doing to make rent and help out a friend. What she doesn’t expect: a sad-eyed army boy who dreams of insurrection, a former rebel leader trapped inside a secret lab, a group of aspiring revolutionaries who are first collaborators, then compatriots, and then, perhaps, friends. But this is Beijing, nearly a hundred and fifty years after General Yuan Shikai successfully declared himself emperor in 1915. His descendants rule the country from their seat in the imperial city, their gendarmerie—the Beiyang Army—run the streets, aided by cyborgs and the Brocade Guard. Walls have risen, dividing the city into districts called Rings—nominally only by geography, but in truth by class. Earthquakes devastate the northern farmlands, crops drown in the southern typhoons, and all over the country people are hooked on a drug they call Complacency. As a Sixth Ring girl who watched previous uprisings crushed brutally by the court, Ning’er isn’t much of an optimist, and she’s certainly no revolutionary. But that might not be up to her—as the stakes get higher, the time for passivity is quickly running out, and she must decide if she wants to sit idly in her cynicism, or embrace the breathless, terrible possibility of hope.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Rosa Pionera, ingeniera / Rosie Revere, Engineer
Skyhorse Publishing Okinawan Kobudo: The History, Tools, and Techniques of the Ancient Martial Art
Japan’s Ryukyu archipelago was the birthplace of two methods of self-defense now practiced worldwide: Okinawan Karate and Ryukyu Kobujutsu, known as Okinawan Kobudo. Kobudo is the study of weapons adapted from the tools of farming and fishing.Okinawan Kobudo reveals, for the first time through print and photographs, the rich history and techniques of this most prestigious martial art known worldwide as Matayoshi.Andrea Guarelli traces the history of Matayoshi Kobudo, explores the background of each weapon, and demonstrates the form and technique of practice through rare photos, many of which the author took while a student of Shinpo Matayoshi Sensei (19211997).Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sportsbooks about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.In addition to books on popular team sports, we also publish books for a wide variety of athletes and sports enthusiasts, including books on running, cycling, horseback riding, swimming, tennis, martial arts, golf, camping, hiking, aviation, boating, and so much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Bella Books Ladyfish
Red Hen Press The Other Life
Each person lives but a single life—yet this is not wholly true. While our lives progress as a result of the choices we make—this career, that husband, this town, that house—we are left imagining a life we might have lived. If we are defined by our choices, in what ways are we limited by them? What of the spiritual lives we lead, the inner lives that others cannot truly know? Which life is truest? A woman recalls her special bond with her father and compares it with her ties to other men; a man copes with his unloved life and finds a way to secretly inherit it; after making love for the first time, a young woman wishes to go back in time, erase what she’s done. In readable, finely wrought, resonant, and memorable poems about the nature of longing and disappointment, desire and betrayal, pleasure and sorrow, The Other Life explores the dualities in life that every person experiences.
Beyond Words Publishing Enlighten Up Card Deck 34 colour cards and 80page guidebook
Design Originals Trendy Accents for Wood: Decor with Paper Accents, Mosaics, Silk Florals, Decoupage, Einvirotex, Paints
Express your creativity with charming wood projects that are fun and easy to make.
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Little Red Riding Hood
The story of Little Red Riding Hood reset in rural New England of the early nineteenth century. Into the forbidding but beautiful New England winter steps a resourceful farm girl in her scarlet cloak, bound with her basket of presents for her ailing grandmother. Told in a folksy cadence, the tale ends happily, as Little Red’s father comes to the rescue (sharp-eyed children will notice a calico cat helped, too!). Loving detail fills each illustration in this unique version. Andrea Wisnewski based her interiors, architecture, and costumes on models found at Old Sturbridge Village, the living-history museum in western Massachusetts. The images, full of period detail, are done in a medium Wisnewski has made her own: black-and-white prints made from intricate papercut designs (the results look much like woodcuts) that are then hand painted in gloriously vivid watercolor. This is a beautiful, totally original, reimagining of the German fairytale classic and, yes, Little Red does survive the ravenous wolf—moist but intact. A wonderful version of the classic tale, perfect as a read-aloud, a picture book to share.
Essential Library Brazil
Skyhorse Publishing The Wizard's Craftbook: Magical DIY Crafts Inspired by Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, and More!
Bring the magic wherever you go with these wizard-inspired crafts!Abracadabra! Now you too can reveal your inner wizard with these fantastical crafts inspired by your favorite witches and wizards from Shakespeare, Disney, Harry Potter, and more! Dazzle your friends and family with creative decorations for your home or apartment or charm a significant other with the perfect gift. Nerds and geeks of all shapes and sizes will be under the spell of these witchy crafts. With fifty different projects and ideas, The Wizard’s Craftbook will have you dusting off your potions and alchemy sets and constructing amazing creations such as: Owl Post Packages (Harry Potter) Maleficent's Staff (Sleeping Beauty) Black Flame Candle (Hocus Pocus) The White Witch's Ice Wand (The Chronicles of Narnia) Enchanted Rose Bath Bomb (Beauty and the Beast) Wicked Witch's Hat (The Wizard of Oz) Gandalf's Fireworks (The Lord of the Rings) And many, many more! With easy-to-follow instructions and templates, you’ll find projects you can complete whether you’re just a first year student or an ancient scholar. No curses or hexes will penetrate the perfection of these magical crafts. Simply scan the QR codes within these pages to access templates and how-to videos. Any witch or wizard in your life, no matter their age, will enjoy the creating (or receiving) the crafts contained in this enchanted book. So break out your wand and sorcerer’s hat (or make your own) and start crafting some magic with The Wizard’s Craftbook!
De Gruyter Functions of Head and Body Movements in Austrian Sign Language
Research on nonmanual elements – or ‘nonmanuals’ – in sign languages has focused on both the possible functions and the occurrence (frequency and form) of these elements in recent years. As a matter of fact, research on nonmanuals is still a quite uncharted territory in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) today, which has also initiated the study given. In order to identify head and body movements in ÖGS, these nonmanuals were determined and analyzed functionally via a new user-oriented methodology. Getting feedback of multiple native signers was a main part of this method. Accordingly, you will find the findings of this study in this volume: various functions such as negation, assertion, interrogativity, conditionality, and many more can be expressed nonmanually. Brand new insights into sign language research are given, as well as astonishing results: even (epistemic) modality can be expressed by particular head and body movements.
Washington Square Press She Regrets Nothing