Search results for ""PLAZA""
Lo que arrastra la lluvia
Una novela inquietante y sobrecogedora sobre los límites entre el bien y el mal y la locuraGranada, 2007. Un padre y una hija mueren a la vez. Pocos meses después, Marina, madre y esposa de los fallecidos, aparece en un parque. Ha dejado de ser la mujer que era, profesora de latín y aficionada a la moda, para convertirse en una mendiga que vaga por las calles de la ciudad.Carmen y su familia viven en el mejor ático de la plaza Bib-Rambla y disfrutan de una vida cómoda y sin preocupaciones. O al menos así era hasta que Marina aparece en su camino y acepta la generosidad de Carmen, que se ofrece a ayudarla.Cuando las vidas de las dos mujeres se cruzan, ambas toman un nuevo rumbo que las conduce hasta las profundidades del alma humana. Y es que, a veces, el agradecimiento puede convertirse en envidia y desconfianza...Una descarnada novela negra que nos invita a reflexionar sobre los límites del dolor y las fronteras entre la locura y el silencio, pero también sob
Anatomía del amor Serie Hospital Whitestone 1
El sueño de Laura Collins siempre ha sido seguir la estela de sus padres, que se conocieron y enamoraron en el Hospital Whitestone de Phoenix, Arizona, uno de los mejores centros médicos del país. Cuando por fin logra la ansiada plaza como residente de primer año siente que su sueño se ha cumplido y ni siquiera la ruptura con su pareja va a poder arrebatárselo. Sin embargo, una vez allí, Laura se dará cuenta de que el trabajo de sus sueños la lleve al límite: será puesta a prueba con cada paciente, bajo el estrés, el desgaste emocional, los accidentes, lesiones, enfermedades e incluso la muerte, además de sentir el miedo perenne a equivocarse. Por fortuna, cuenta con el apoyo del resto de residentes que se convertirán casi en familia y le harán la vida más fácil: Mitch, Sierra, Maisie y Jane, todos brillantes y ambiciosos, quienes también lucharán incansablemente mano a mano junto a adjuntos, cirujanos y enfermeras para salvar vidas, sacrificando su tiempo libre, sus hobbies y sus fami
El estilita
La historia tiene lugar en el pequeño pueblo francés Gyors de la Montagne, y podría suceder ayer, hoy o mañana. Todo se centra en una pequeña plaza mayor, sobre todo, en lo alto de una columna.La columna sustenta la estatua ecuestre del Conde Italo Rodari, un prohombre de la zona y reclamo turístico del pueblo. Después de que durante una tormenta un rayo parta la estatua en mil pedazos, el pueblo ya se preparaba para enfrentarse a una involuntaria travesía por el desierto, despojados de su mayor fuente de ingresos.Pero un hecho insólito sorprenderá a todos sus habitantes: un desconocido se instala en lo alto de la columna para quedarse, dice, todo el tiempo que le dejen.El alcalde de Gyors de la Montagne, Pierre Laville, y su asesor Serge deberán decidir qué hacer con su extraña y excepcional petición.Ésta es una historia sobre la libertad, la confianza y la responsabilidad de gobernar de las personas. Sobre el mundo de hoy en día y su velocidad. Y sobre la aventura int
Jaque al cuarto mandamiento
Arrastrada por la necesidad de romper con todo, Déborah abandona la capital del Ebro para instalarse junto al mar, en un pequeño pueblo del norte. Solo ambiciona un verano tranquilo, sin tensiones ni sobresaltos. Pero el inquietante dibujo de uno de los niños a los que imparte clases y, poco después, unas supuestas apariciones en la casona donde trabaja le muestran el extremo de un hilo que no podrá evitar seguir hasta acabar enredada en una tela de araña deintrigas y secretos.Un discreto forastero recién llegado a la zona, el farmacéutico de la plaza y una profesora de historia medieval relacionada con la familia la acompañarán por un sinuoso camino hacia el otro lado del espejo.Qué ocurrió durante aquella última llamada? Quién es la misteriosa mujer de la cala? Cómo sabía la señora de la tienda de Rosa lo de su agresión? Los protagonistas llegarán hasta una realidad con origen cuarenta años atrás. Una historia donde nada es lo que parece. Una verdad que despierta en Débor
Este libro comprende un periodo aproximado de trece años, algunos de sus poemas fueron escritos en la que amorosamente llamo La casa de tierra, en México, cobijada por dos gigantes blancos, antes, mucho antes de pensar siquiera en cruzar el océano persiguiendo una idea de revolución; los últimos se han escrito en Madrid, a unos pasos de la Plaza del Sol donde hoy me siento a escribir esto sabiendo que Memorias desde la humedad de la tierra verá la luz primero en España y con Valparaíso, emprendiendo su propio viaje, levantándose sobre sus propias alas, para alcanzar el fin de tus manos. No puedo, aunque a eso se destinaba este espacio, definir Memorias desde la humedad de la tierra para ti por mucho que quiera y no puedo resumirlo? podría mirarte abiertamente a los ojos y en total silencio, en esta lengua del llanto que tanto me alcanza ser más certera. Te he escrito un libro comprendido en Elevación, Llanto y Memoria aunque he de confesarte que a menudo tropiezo con la palabra dada su
Muertos quién os ha muerto
Esta historia adictiva es la crónica negra de un fratricidio que conmovió el Pirineo. En Casa Gastó resuena un escopetazo que estremece los valles circundantes. Corre el año 1943 en una Andorra que intenta gestionar como buenamente puede los embates del polvorín europeo. España está inmersa en una posguerra durísima. Francia sufre la ocupación de los nazis, interesados en el control de la frontera andorrana. En este contexto de agitación y violencia, en una familia que se descompone, se produce el crimen más sonado del coprincipado. Meses después el fratricida es condenado a muerte, humillado y ejecutado en la plaza pública. Cuál de las dos muertes fue más injusta? Este libro se plantea respuestas a esa pregunta. Esta es una crónica sobre la extinción de un linaje, pero también sobre la destrucción de un modo de vida. Los Gastones nos hablan de la injusticia y la pena de muerte, pero también de la crueldad a la que han sido condenados todos aquellos que no tienen una segunda oportunida
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Toledo
Revestida con una belleza forjada a través de siglos, Toledo está declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO y es el principal enclave turístico de la Comunidad castellano-manchega. Cada monumento nos habla de una época y los avatares vividos por cada uno de los pueblos que la han poblado. Romanos, visigodos, árabes y cristianos han dejado su impronta en esta espectacular urbe en la que la convivencia de culturas ha sido su principal rasgo definitorio. La visita a Toledo, cómo no, nos conducirá a contemplar su Catedral (iniciada en el siglo XIII y una de las principales de la cristiandad); el Alcázar (construcción militar que alcanza su apogeo con Carlos V); el monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes (bello ejemplo del gótico isabelino del siglo XVI); la sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca (de traza mudéjar), la sinagoga del Tránsito (siglos XIV)? Junto a los lugares citados tenemos espacio públicos como la plaza de Zocodover que fue mercado de ganado en la Edad Media y que es acreed
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Roma y Ciudad del Vaticano
La Ciudad Eterna, la Ciudad de las Siete Colinas se presenta ante el viajero bajo diferentes aspectos. Por un lado, su cara tradicional con las ruinas de un imperio y por otro el esplendor del barroco en sus iglesias y palacios, las amplias plazas y las estrechas callejuelas que parecen convertirse en un laberinto, los elegantes barrios y los más humildes donde los niños y las mammas imponen su ley.Las dos principales causas por las que el viajero acude a Roma son su pasado y su arte y la religión. Pero que el turista no piense que todo son ruinas antiguas, arte en museos, palacios e iglesias, cada calle y más concretamente cada plaza es un mundo en sí mismo. Cuando se visite la capital, es imprescindible sentarse en alguna de las terrazas de sus plazas (Navona, Popolo, Spagna, Trastevere) para contemplar un desfile de gentes de todas las nacionalidades y tendencias. Aunque lo más entrañable, son esas pequeñas plazoletas donde los vecinos aún continúan sacando sus sillas para mante
Takatuka La seora Mara
La señora María vive en la calle y en verano busca refugio a la sombra de unos plátanos en la plaza. Le gusta explicar cuentos a los pajarillos y en los días de lluvia se hace un cobertizo con una cortina de baño para protegerse. Los animales del parque son los únicos seres vivos que le quedan con los que compartir recuerdos y cariños. Un día Ennatu oye unos ruidos extraños en el parque y decide investigar su procedencia.Hay personas en las grandes ciudades que no tienen casa. Se pasan las horas en la calle y al anochecer buscan un sitio donde dormir con el cielo como único techo. Muchas veces las observamos con desconfianza. La mirada sin prejuicios de una niña nos ayuda a ver más allá, rompiendo la reserva inicial que podemos sentir hacia estas personas, Ferran Busquets, Fundació Arrels.Los beneficios de este libro van destinados a la Fundació Arrels, fundación dedicada a atender y a ayudar a las personas en situaciones extremas de exclusión social.
En particular, la obra, recoge diversos discursos, homilías, cartas y reflexiones del Papa Francisco en este periodo. Destaca la Bendición Urbi et Orbi al final del Momento extraordinario de oración en tiempo de pandemia, del 27 de marzo de 2020 en la Plaza de San Pedro, el videomensaje a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas titulado La crisis, una oportunidad para construir una sociedad más fraterna, el discurso al Cuerpo Diplomático así como la entrevista que el Santo Padre ha concedido a la revista española Il mio Papa.En particular, el Papa Francisco, a lo través de estos textos, aborda las claves para superar la actual crisis pandémica, partiendo de un principio básico: De una crisis no se sale igual. O salimos mejores o salimos peores. Y el modo en que salgamos depende de las decisiones que tomemos durante la crisis, que tocan al futuro de la humanidad.El Pontífice habla de la esperanza que trae el 2021 con la vacuna contra el coronavirus, la necesidad de vacunarse
El cuerpo del duce Un ensayo sobre el desenlace del fascismo
En una entrevista Jung retrató a Mussolini como el hombre de la fuerza física, con él se tiene la agradable sensación de estar frente a un ser humano, mientras con Hitler se siente miedo. Seguramente, junto con Berlusconi, el duce es el líder político más corporal del siglo XX italiano. El consenso del que llegó a gozar se basó en su físico y en el dominio del espacio. Sergio Luzzatto sigue la pista de ese carisma a través de una visión panóptica del fascismo y del antifascismo cultural y político, pre y postbélico, incluyendo la gran literatura y la literatura de consumo, hasta completar una apasionante radiografía de las representaciones del dictador en el imaginario colectivo. Cuando la pasión se convirtió en odio, Mussolini fue vejado y colgado ya muerto en la plaza pública, en una inolvidable, pero no memorable orgía de violencia que precedió al rastro folletinesco dejado por su cadáver. En 1957, más de diez años después de su fusilamiento, por esas cosas que tiene la política, pu
Como una Jane Jacobs moderna, la comisaria de transportes de Nueva York Janette Sadik-Khan transformó las calles de la ciudad para hacer sitio a peatones, ciclistas, autobuses y espacios verdes. Describiendo las batallas que libró para lograr el cambio, en su libro aporta consejos prácticos que otras ciudades pueden seguir para hacer que sus propias calles sean más seguras y dinámicas. Sadik-Khan consiguió lo que parecía imposible y transformó las calles de una de las ciudades más grandes y duras del mundo en espacios dinámicos y seguros para peatones y ciclistas, a través de un planteamiento drástico y eficaz. El simple hecho de pintar una parte de la calle para convertirla en una plaza o un carril bus no solo hizo que la calle fuera más segura, sino que también disminuyó la congestión y aumentó el tráfico peatonal, lo que mejoró los resultados de los negocios. La experiencia confirmó que si se sabe leer la calle, se puede hacer que funcione mejor, sin reconstruirla totalmente, simple
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Catie Copley's Great Escape
Catie Copley is a black Labrador retriever who lives an unusual life as Canine Ambassador at the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston. Her job includes welcoming guests, taking them for walks, and helping Jim at his job as the hotel’s Chief Concierge. Santol, who trained as a guide dog, just like Catie, is her canine counterpart at the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Canada. Catie, a very lady-like dog, is surprised when, one day, a large, furry, black-and-white intruder snatches her toy lobster and runs away with it. She is taken aback, but once she gets to know the rambunctious Santol they become firm friends. When Jim drives Santol back to Canada, Catie is very excited to go too. This is Catie’s first vacation and her first time in a strange city where they speak a different language. Santol introduces her to a famous goat, a friendly horse, a clumsy juggler, and intriguing new foods and smells. Catie finds that there is a lot of opportunity for adventure… maybe a little too much adventure.
Duke University Press Haydée Santamaría, Cuban Revolutionary: She Led by Transgression
Taking part in the Cuban Revolution's first armed action in 1953, enduring the torture and killings of her brother and fiancé, assuming a leadership role in the underground movement, and smuggling weapons into Cuba, Haydée Santamaría was the only woman to participate in every phase of the Revolution. Virtually unknown outside of Cuba, Santamaría was a trusted member of Fidel Castro's inner circle and friend of Che Guevara. Following the Revolution's victory Santamaría founded and ran the cultural and arts institution Casa de las Americas, which attracted cutting-edge artists, exposed Cubans to some of the world's greatest creative minds, and protected queer, black, and feminist artists from state repression. Santamaría's suicide in 1980 caused confusion and discomfort throughout Cuba; despite her commitment to the Revolution, communist orthodoxy's disapproval of suicide prevented the Cuban leadership from mourning and celebrating her in the Plaza of the Revolution. In this impressionistic portrait of her friend Haydée Santamaría, Margaret Randall shows how one woman can help change the course of history.
Duke University Press Landscape with Human Figure
In Landscape with Human Figure, his fourth and most compelling collection of poetry, Rafael Campo confirms his status as one of America’s most important poets. Like his predecessor William Carlos Williams, who was also a physician, Campo plumbs the depths of our capacity for empathy. Campo writes stunning, candid poems from outside the academy, poems that arise with equal beauty from a bleak Boston tenement or a moonlit Spanish plaza, poems that remain unafraid to explore and to celebrate his identity as a doctor and Cuban American gay man. Yet no matter what their unexpected and inspired sources, Campo’s poems insistently remind us of the necessity of poetry itself in our increasingly fractured society; his writing brings us together—just as did the incantations of humankind’s earliest healers—into the warm circle of community and connectedness. In this heart-wrenching, haunting, and ultimately humane work, Rafael Campo has painted as if in blood and breath a gorgeously complex world, in which every one of us can be found.
DOM Publishers Rural Utopia and Water Urbanism: The Modern Village in Franco’s Spain
Post-Civil War Spain used the countryside as locus and symbol for the reconstruction and modernisation of the state. The Modern Village in Franco’s Spain studies the reconstruction of the towns devastated between 1936 and 1939. It analyses the ideological, political, and urbanistic principles of Franco’s hydro-social programme of modernisation of the countryside through the creation of man-made landscapes (Kulturlandschaften) of dams, irrigation canals, electric power plants, and new settlements – a genuine experiment in water urbanism. The consequent strategy of interior colonisation entailed the construction of 300 new villages or pueblos, each designed as a ‘rural utopia’ centred on a plaza mayor, which embodied, between tradition and modernity, the political ideal of civil life under the national-catholic regime. In the 1950s – 1960s, a new generation of architects, including José Luis Fernández del Amo, Alejandro de la Sota, and Antonio Fernández Alba, reimagined the pueblos as platforms of urban and architectonic experimentation in their search for an abstracted rural vernacular and an organic urban form merging with the landscape.
Johns Hopkins University Press L'Enfant's Legacy: Public Open Spaces in Washington, D.C.
Many American democratic ideals are embodied in the public spaces of its cities, especially in Washington, D.C. In L'Enfant's Legacy architect and scholar Michael Bednar explores the public spaces of the nation's capital, examining the context of the surrounding architecture and the roles of the spaces in the changing functional life of the city. Bednar examines the ways in which L'Enfant's innovative plan of 1791, along with later developments, symbolizes and encourages democratic freedoms and traditions. In the spaces of Capitol Square, citizens expect to encounter their government directly in a dignified setting, a symbolic public forum. On the White House grounds they expect to meet the president where he works and lives. At the National Mall-America's front lawn-citizens exercise their rights of assembly and free speech, as well as play football, eat lunch, and socialize. From historic Lincoln Square, Dupont Circle, and Judiciary Square to the newly developed Freedom Plaza, Pershing Park, and Market Square, Bednar's thoughtful study provides a fresh perspective on the role of public space in the expression of democratic ideals.
St Martin's Press Eating Salad Drunk: Haikus for the Burnout Age by Comedy Greats
"I'm huge on Twitter." -An ancient proverb that means Lonely in real life. -JOEL KIM BOOSTER Jokes and haikus have a common goal: to pack the greatest punch in the most succinct way possible. In Eating Salad Drunk, today's biggest names in comedy come together to do just that, with hilarious, poignant, and (sometimes) dirty haikus about living and coping in our modern "burnout age." Contributors include Jerry Seinfeld, Michael Ian Black, Aubrey Plaza, Margaret Cho, Maria Bamford, Ray Romano, Aparna Nancherla, Ziwe Fumudoh, Chris Gethard, Sasheer Zamata, Colin Mochrie, Zach Woods, and many more! Curated by Gabe Henry, author and manager of the popular Brooklyn comedy venue Littlefield, Eating Salad Drunk's topics include: -Modern Romance -Friends & Family -Screentime -Nature Calls -Food -Entertainment -The Struggle is Real -Words of Wisdom, and -Self Love & Loathing The book also includes 50 super-relatable black and white drawings by New Yorker cartoonist Emily Flake, as well as a foreword by stand-up comedian and actor Aparna Nancherla (Crashing, BoJack Horseman, Inside Amy Schumer). Eating Salad Drunk is the perfect gift for any fan of humor as an escape from our dystopian present.
Este puñado de relatos ha convertido a su autor en el guía más famoso y universal de la AlhambraConsiderado como patriarca de la literatura americana y el mejor escritor de habla inglesa de su tiempo, Washington Irving (1783-1859) logró el privilegio de vivir en la Alhambra mientras escribía este libro. En una tertulia que al atardecer reunía en la plaza de los Aljibes, recogió un torrente de recuerdos, historias y leyendas que le iban a servir de base para sus relatos, a la par documentados en la Biblioteca universitaria granadina. Tal vez contó allí mismo estos Cuentos a una niña que con el tiempo llegaría a ser emperatriz de Francia, pero, ciertamente, con ellos se ha convertido en el guía más famoso y universal de la Alhambra. Porque nadie le ha superado en los cuadros que de todos sus rincones pinta y que sirven de marco vivo a un género nuevo de novela fantástica y literaria.Antonio Gallego Morell, catedrático de Literatura Española de la Universidad de Granada, ha s
El viento conoce mi nombre
Una historia deviolencia, amor, desarraigo y esperanzaViena, 1938. Samuel Adler es un niño judío de seis años cuyo padre desaparece durante la Noche de los Cristales Rotos, en la que su familia lo pierde todo. Su madre, desesperada, le consigue una plaza en un tren que le llevará desde la Austria nazi hasta Inglaterra. Samuel emprende una nueva etapa con su fiel violín y con el peso de la soledad y la incertidumbre, que lo acompañarán siempre en su dilatada vida.Arizona, 2019. Ocho décadas más tarde, Anita Díaz, de siete años, sube con su madre a bordo de otro tren para escapar de un inminente peligro en El Salvador y exiliarse en Estados Unidos. Su llegada coincide con una nueva e implacable política gubernamental que la separa de su madre en la frontera. Sola y asustada, lejos de todo lo que le es familiar, Anita se refugia en Azabahar, el mundo mágico que solo existe en su imaginación. Mientras tanto, Selena Durán, una joven trabajadora socia
Maestra de pueblo estado civil opositora
La leyenda continúa. Maestra de pueblo, la profe más querida de internet, se enfrenta ahora a la peor amenaza de la galaxia: las oposiciones. María ya no es una maestra novata, pero continúa de sustitución en sustitución; quince días aquí, tres allá, veinte un poco más para acá. Pese a que lleva más kilómetros a las espaldas que Forrest Gump y a que ya se conoce los colegios de media provincia, esta joven no pierde la esperanza de obtener su propia plaza algún día. Además, este año le toca presentarse a las oposiciones, así que no le queda otra que liarse la manta a la cabeza.Entre las noches en vela por el estudio y las mañanas dando clase en pueblos remotos, no podrá disimular las ojeras de oso panda ni con una brocha. Aun así, María tendrá que enfrentarse a las vaciladas de los de sexto, a la primitiva tecnología de las aulas de informática, a las puñaladas traperas del claustro y, por si fuera poco, este curso, además, también aprenderá quién lleva realmente
Alianza Editorial Jos Toms un torero de leyenda
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Libros SingularesJose Tomas es sin duda el último torero de leyenda que ha dado el toreo. Esta tercera edición actualizada presenta la trayectoria de quien es también uno de los diestros más importantes de la Historia y uno de los que más ha sido capaz de entusiasmar a aficionados de todos los ruedos, y... La Leyenda Continua porque José Tomás ha reunido en sí mismo las grandes virtudes de los toreros de arte y de los de valor. Sus partidarios lo hemos sido tanto de su don natural para torear con una pureza y autenticidad incomparables como de su escalofriante y temerario valor. Y además su nombre está en la Historia del toreo con letras de oro porque ha unido a su personalidad taurina el halo de los toreros legendarios, capaces de dar miedo al mismo miedo, de parecer que despreciaban su propia integridad física, de ser capaces, con solo un quite, de poner boca abajo la plaza más importante. De ser heroico. En opinión de la gran mayoría de los t
Astiberri Ediciones El día 3
Faltan pocos días para que el papa Benedicto XVI visite la ciudad de Valencia. La capital del Turia se prepara para el evento y los medios de comunicación y personalidades políticas se engalanan para la ocasión. Sin embargo, algo acontece que va a trastocar esta gran ocasión.El día 3 de julio, alrededor de las 13.00 h, un convoy del metro se sale incomprensiblemente de las vías entre las estaciones de plaza España y Jesús provocando numerosos muertos y heridos. El accidente pilla por sorpresa a todo el mundo y lo que iba a ser, para algunos, una semana de fiesta y alegría corre el peligro de convertirse en una semana triste y gris.La narración sigue el recorrido de tres familias golpeadas por tal acontecimiento, de cómo pasan del caos de las primeras horas a la incertidumbre, la perplejidad, el abandono por parte de las instituciones y las luchas por dirimir responsabilidades, para acabar en el olvido por parte de una ciudad y de un país entero. Ignorados por casi todos, unas cua
Mi vida y el teatro no se pueden separar.Siempre les digo a los actores: "Haz!". Ellos piensan que es para la escena en la que están trabajando, pero es para la vida.He dirigido más de 100 obras de teatro y 80 óperas y he dado miles de horas de clases: esos son mis premios. En la vida de José Carlos Plaza, el director de escena más prestigioso y premiado de su generación, hacer ha sido la clave. Hacer teatro desde los siete años, cuando sintió por primera vez el vértigo de salir al escenario, la sensación de no pisar el suelo. Hacer grupo con sus compañeros en la pionera escuela de William Layton, donde se matriculó a espaldas de su familia con nombre falso. Luego en la militancia política, luego como director y profesor, siempre como parte de una comunidad, con lo común como guía. Su amor a la profesión y, sobre todo, su profundo sentido de la solidaridad vertebran este libro.No faltan anécdotas entre bambalinas, con Shelley Winters y sus dónuts con café, con Concha Velasco s
Temple University Press,U.S. Global Television: Co-Producing Culture
The face of U.S. television broadcasting is changing in ways that are both profound and subtle. Global Television uncovers the particular processes by which the international circulation of culture takes place, while addressing larger cultural issues such as identity formation. Focusing on how the process of internationally made programming such as Highlander: The Series and The Odyssey-amusingly dubbed \u201cEuropudding\u201d and \u201ccommercial white bread\u201d-are changing television into a transnational commodity, Barbara Selznick considers how this mode of production-as a means by which transnational television is created-has both economic rewards and cultural benefits as well as drawbacks. Global Television explores the ways these international co-productions create a \u201cglobal\u201d culture as well as help form a national identity. From British \u201cbrand\u201d programming (e.g, Cracker) that airs on A&E in the U.S. to children\u2019s television programs such as Plaza Sesamo, and documentaries, Selznick indicates that while the style, narrative, themes and ideologies may be interesting, corporate capitalism ultimately affects and impacts these programs in significant ways.
Beaufort Books Tea Under the Palms: From Leaf to Kettle, a History of Tea and the Art of a Proper Tea Party
"I wrote this book to extol the pleasures of my own habit of afternoon tea in the hope of drawing others into it.""Wars have been waged, royal marriages arranged, companies formed, and world problems solved over a perfect cup of tea. It's neither inebriating, expensive, nor fattening, and yet there's nothing quite so effective for regaining one's equilibrium and perspective—or simply relaxing." Who could argue with that?In this beautiful little book, Lady Patricia Farmer—whose mother introduced her to the ritual of afternoon tea at the Plaza Hotel's Palm Court when she was just seven years old—offers us the last word on the subject. Patty discusses the fascinating history of tea, the nuances which accompany tea’s many varieties, effective preparation techniques which will give you the very best cup, delicious tea recipes, and so much more!Featuring commentary by a host of experts and dozens of fun facts and entertaining anecdotes, Tea Under the Palms is meant to be savored and revisited—like the ritual it so joyously celebrates.
Workman Publishing Gardens of the High Line: Elevating the Nature of Modern Landscapes
“If you can't get to the High Line. . . this is the next best thing.” —The Washington Post Before it was restored, the High Line was an untouched, abandoned landscape overgrown with wildflowers. Today it’s a central plaza, a cultural center, a walkway, and a green retreat in a bustling city that is free for all to enjoy. This beautiful, dynamic garden was designed by Piet Oudolf, one of the world’s most extraordinary garden designers. Gardens of the High Line, by Piet Oudolf and Rick Darke, offers an in-depth view into the planting designs, plant palette, and maintenance of this landmark achievement. It reveals a four-season garden that is filled with native and exotic plants, drought-tolerant perennials, and grasses that thrive and spread. It also offers inspiration and advice on recreating its iconic, naturalistic style. Featuring stunning photographs by Rick Darke and an introduction by Robert Hammond, the founder of the Friends of the High Line, this large-trim, photo-driven book is a must-have gem of nature of design.
La noia invisible
Trilogia La noia invisible 1L?Aurora Ríos és invisible per a gairebé tothom. Els esdeveniments del passat han fet que s'aïlli del món i que amb prou feines es relacioni. Als seus disset anys no té amics i està farta que parlin a la seva esquena. Una nit la seva mare no la troba a casa quan torna de la feina. No és l'habitual. L?Aurora apareix morta l?endemà al matí al vestuari del seu institut, el Rubén Darío. Té un cop al cap, i al costat del cos hi han deixat una brúixola.La Julia Plaza, companya de classe de la noia invisible, està obsessionada amb trobar respostes. Podrà ajudar els seus pares en la resolució d'aquest enigma amb la seva gran intelligència i la seva memòria prodigiosa? La seva mare, l?Aitana, és la forense del cas, i el seu pare, el Miguel Ángel, el sergent de la Policia Judicial encarregat de la investigació. La Julia, al costat del seu inseparable amic Emilio, un noi particular amb una mirada inquietant, tractarà de fer tot el que estigui a les seves m
Facts On File Inc A Brief History of Peru
In the seven years since the first edition was published, Peru has undergone significant changes that have had national and international consequences. A Brief History of Peru, Second Edition maintains the insightful narrative of the first edition and includes a history of the country—from its ancient peoples and the Inca Empire through the most recent political, social, and economic developments. It expands on the second half of Alejandro Toledo's presidency, including his handling of domestic terrorism from the guerrilla organization Shining Path; the unveiling of a plan to construct a road that would connect Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru by roughly 2020; and the creation of a National Commission of Culture planned to bring a group of intellectuals and artists together to elaborate a governmental plan for cultural policies. This new edition explores the 2006 re-election of former president Alan García, who returned to the presidential palace at the Plaza de Armas with promises to improve Peruvians' living conditions and balance economic stability with increased social spending. He has since worked to improve his country's status and strengthen foreign relationships, particularly with Chile and Brazil.
Abrams Worn in New York: 68 Sartorial Memoirs of the City
The boots a passenger had on when his plane landed on the Hudson River. The tank top Andy Warhols assistant wore to one of their nightclub outings together. The jacket a taxi driver put on to feel safe as he worked the night shift. These and over sixty other clothing-inspired narratives make up Worn in New York, the latest volume from New York Times bestselling author Emily Spivack. In these first-person accounts, contributors in and out of the public eye share surprising, personal, wild, poignant, and funny stories behind a piece of clothing that reminds them of a significant moment of their New York lives. Worn in New York offers a contemporary cultural history of the cityits changing identity, temper, and tone, and its irrepressible vitalityby paying tribute to these well-loved clothes and the people who wore them. Includes contributions from: Adam Horovitz Amy Heckerling Andre Royo Anna Sui Aubrey Plaza Catherine Opie Coco Rocha Dick Cavett Eileen Myles Fab 5 Freddy Gay Talese Genesis Breyer P-Orridge JD Samson Jenji Kohan Jenna Lyons Kyp Malone Lena Dunham Pee Wee Kirkland Thelma Golden Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
HarperCollins Publishers Los Angeles Then and Now® (Then and Now)
In 1769, Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portola dedicated the new town: Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles – Our Lady the Queen of the Angels. Since then the city has been a colorful melting pot of cultures. Wagon trains brought pioneers in the mid-nineteenth century, some with the lure of California gold and others to farm in the mild climate they found in territory newly acquired from Mexico. Using archive photos paired with their modern equivalent, Los Angeles Then and Now charts the development of the city from the days of orange groves and melon patches and isolated Spanish mission buildings, to the staggering metropolis it is today. With a background in the movie business, Rosemary Lord interlaces the arrival of the movie business and the growth of the city she has lived in for twenty-five years. Sites include: Old Plaza Church, Olvera Street, Chinatown, Union Station, Los Angeles Theatre, Mayan Theatre, Angel’s Flight, Los Angeles Public Library, Biltmore Hotel, Ambassador Hotel, Bullocks Wilshire, Brown Derby Restaurant, Hollywood Sign, Griffith Observatory, Sunset and Vine, Egyptian Theatre, Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, Roosevelt Hotel, Schwab’s Pharmacy, Beverly Hills Hotel, Witch’s House, Thelma Todd’s Café, Venice Beach, Santa Monica Pier.
Colourpoint Creative Ltd The Golden Sisters
A moving saga that takes the reader to the very heart of a close-knit, fiery, loving family – perfect for fans of Maureen Lee, Mary Larkin and Pam Weaver. It’s 1941 and German bombs are falling on Belfast. Martha’s girls face danger, hardship and difficult decisions. Irene, the eldest of the sisters, is struggling with the constraints of married life, until a chance meeting forces her to choose between romance and reality. Pat, intelligent and sensitive, is working in Stormont alongside William Kennedy. As their relationship deepens, she feels that real happiness could be within her grasp. Peggy, impulsive and glamorous, is thrilled when the charismatic Devlin offers her a job with the dance band at the Plaza Ballroom. But she soon sees his darker side... Sheila, the youngest, is blossoming into a young woman, though her family seem intent on treating her like a child. When will they accept her for the grown-up she is? Together, they are the Golden Sisters, singing their way to victory in concert halls and army camps. But the war is taking their lives in unexpected directions and Martha will need all her strength to help her girls find their way through these turbulent times.
Trine Day Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy
Painstakingly researched by an authority on the history of the Secret Service and based on primary, firsthand accounts from more than 80 former agents, White House aides, and family members, this is the definitive account of what went wrong with John F. Kennedy’s security detail on the day he was assassinated. The work provides a detailed look at how JFK could and should have been protected and debunks numerous fraudulent notions that persist about the day in question, including that JFK ordered agents off the rear of his limousine; demanded the removal of the bubble top that covered the vehicle; and was difficult to protect and somehow, directly or indirectly, made his own tragic death easier for an assassin or assassins. This book also thoroughly investigates the threats on the president’s life before traveling to Texas; the presence of unauthorized Secret Service agents in Dealey Plaza, the site of the assassination; the failure of the Secret Service in monitoring and securing the surrounding buildings, overhangs, and rooftops; and the surprising conspiratorial beliefs of several former agents. An important addition to the canon of works on JFK and his assassination, this study sheds light on the gross negligence and, in some cases, seeming culpability, of those sworn to protect the president.
The University of Chicago Press The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification
A taxonomy we didn’t know we needed for identifying and cataloging stray shopping carts by artist and photographer Julian Montague. Abandoned shopping carts are everywhere, and yet we know so little about them. Where do they come from? Why are they there? Their complexity and history baffle even the most careful urban explorer. Thankfully, artist Julian Montague has created a comprehensive and well-documented taxonomy with The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America. Spanning thirty-three categories from damaged, fragment, and plow crush to plaza drift and bus stop discard, it is a tonic for times defined increasingly by rhetoric and media and less by the plain objects and facts of the real world. Montague’s incomparable documentation of this common feature of the urban landscape helps us see the natural and man-made worlds—and perhaps even ourselves—anew. First published in 2006 to great perplexity and acclaim alike, Montague’s book now appears in refreshed and expanded form. Told in an exceedingly dry voice, with full-color illustrations and photographs throughout, it is both rigorous and absurd, offering a strangely compelling vision of how we approach, classify, and understand the environments around us. A new afterword sheds light on the origins of the project.
Amberley Publishing Secret Stockport
Stockport sits on elevated ground 7 miles south-east of the city centre of Manchester. No part of Stockport is recorded in the Domesday Book but there are records that show a castle was built in the area in the late twelfth century and the first borough charter was granted around 1220. The town developed in size during the Industrial Revolution when its site at the confluence of the rivers Tame, Goyt and Mersey provided the water sources needed for the development of a number of mills. Today a walk around the narrow streets and passages of Hillgate provides evidence of Stockport’s rich history with the fifteenth-century Staircase House and the quaint cobbled streets surrounding the market sitting in the shadow of the historic Church of St Mary. Venture out of the centre, however, and you will find Stockport is rich in myth and legend. From the witch of Reddish Vale and ghosts of Bramall Hall to the beautifully restored, Art Deco Plaza Theatre, there is always something to catch the imagination of those visitors who wish to uncover the hidden secrets of this fascinating town.
Oro Editions New York Stilled Life: Portrait of a City in Lockdown
Mid-March 2020: native New Yorker Gregory Peterson is on an early evening walk through the city, suddenly shut down by the coronavirus pandemic. Manhattan’s grand public spaces are bare. The monumental Lincoln Center Plaza is empty. The sounds of skates on ice and bustle of tourists and workers at Rockefeller Center are absent. Not a soul on Easter Sunday at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. Starkly silent, the city is stilled, as no one had ever seen it before. Travelling on foot and by bike to avoid public transportation, Peterson took more than 400 photographs of over 200 locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens through the spring and summer of 2020. Using his iPhone 11, he captured myriad surreal landmarks - the United Nations Secretariat with no traffic, people, or flags, Grand Central Terminal without a person or even a car in sight, as well as gelled neighbourhood streets, churches, shops, and other tourist destinations. Without people, these photos reveal the city’s primeval soul. They unveil a serene beauty most often obscured by the frenzy of our fast-paced lives. We see New York with new eyes.
Fundacion Cisneros Tania Bruguera in Conversation with Claire Bishop
A controversial figure working in installation and performance, Cuban artist Tania Bruguera (born 1968) has consistently blurred the lines between art and activism. Defining herself as an initiator rather than an author, she often invites spectator participation and works in a collaborative mode, working with various organizations, institutions and individuals to challenge political and economic power structures and the control they hold over society. She researches and performs the ways in which art can be applied to everyday life, and how its effects can translate into political action. From offering Cubans one minute of uncensored time in Havana's Plaza de la Revolucion (#YoTambienExijo, 2014) to operating a flexible community center in Corona, Queens (Immigrant Movement International, 2011), Bruguera strives to make Arte Util (Useful Art), an art that imagines and provides tools to bring about social change. Published in the Fundacion Cisneros' Conversaciones/Conversations series, this volume features an in-depth conversation between the artist and the renowned art historian Claire Bishop. In this interview, Bruguera tells her own story, recounting the development of her early work in 1980s Cuba, motivated by her political activism, and her shift from intimate performances to the orchestration of the large-scale interactive situations and events that characterize her work today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Social Responsibility, Private Law and Global Supply Chains
'Rühmkorf's thought-provoking book has a powerful message: that we cannot rely on the discretion of business to promote CSR voluntarily. Through the devastating example of the Rana Plaza disaster, Rühmkorf shows that we must get beyond business rhetoric and develop a multidimensional approach to the regulation of global supply chains. Whilst recognising the existing limitations of private law, his book highlights the potential contribution of private law to the development and promotion of CSR. The task is not an easy one, but by adopting a pluralistic approach to corporate law and by employing contract law, consumer law and tort law more dynamically, English private law could fill many of the regulatory gaps. The message is urgent and strong. This is a must read book for anyone concerned with CSR, supply chains and the law.'- Charlotte Villiers, University of Bristol, UK'This book fills an important gap in discussions of international CSR standards. It is all very well to say that states must protect and companies should respect human rights, but when breaches of human rights do occur, it is remedies that matter. Rühmkorf explores the limits of private law avenues for seeking such remedies. In so doing, he provides a valuable understanding of obstacles to fuller realization of the three-pillared ''Protect, Respect and Remed'' Framework of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. - Alice de Jonge, Monash University, AustraliaCurrent debate surrounding social responsibility has neglected to fully comprehend the important role of national private law in achieving socially responsible conduct in business. This insightful book demonstrates how private law makes a significant contribution to the promotion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how it could be improved.Based on the analysis of four substantive areas (company law/corporate governance, contract law, consumer law and tort law), this inclusive book covers a full range of issues that are important for CSR. These include directors duties, corporate reporting, the incorporation of CSR policies into the supply chain, consumer rights and the tortious liabilities of companies. The book discerns how national private law in the home state of multinational enterprises can legally affect their socially responsible conduct worldwide. Andreas Rühmkorf demonstrates that private law already promotes and, with certain amendments, could better promote CSR in the regulation of global supply chains. The book's findings are applied to the collapse of the Rana Plaza Building in Bangladesh, which offers a supportive empirical insight.As an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of CSR and global supply chains, this work will benefit researchers and practitioners interested in the fields of CSR, private law, international law, political economy, international labor standards and sustainable supply chains.
Cornell University Press Envisioning Cahokia: A Landscape of Perspective
The massive earthen mounds of ancient Cahokia in southwestern Illinois form the largest and most complex archaeological site in the United States. Here, at the center of a vibrant Native American culture, a settlement of Mississippian Indians grew, prospered, and declined. Tracing perceptions of the Cahokian landscape from the times of Indians and explorers to the present, Envisioning Cahokia details the archaeology of North America's largest prehistoric urban center. Illustrated with a variety of images, this unique book provides new insights into Cahokian lifeways, land use, and culture through a landscape approach that explores the interrelationship of environment and society. Using the latest data from remote sensing and archaeological field studies, the authors examine such structures as the immense Grand Plaza and the impressive mounds used for both community ceremonies and burials. These mounds and other features of Cahokia form a political and social map, revealing a rich and elaborate culture. The authors show how settlement and ceremonial patterns defined power structures and belief systems, and suggest ways Cahokians may have perceived their place in the physical and spiritual worlds. Tracing the history of the Cahokians and their landscape, Envisioning Cahokia leads readers to a new awareness of a culture that will forever inspire wonder and respect.
Cornell University Press Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy
The world was shocked in April 2013 when more than 1100 garment workers lost their lives in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory complex in Dhaka. It was the worst industrial tragedy in the two-hundred-year history of mass apparel manufacture. This so-called accident was, in fact, just waiting to happen, and not merely because of the corruption and exploitation of workers so common in the garment industry. In Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, Richard P. Appelbaum and Nelson Lichtenstein argue that such tragic events, as well as the low wages, poor working conditions, and voicelessness endemic to the vast majority of workers who labor in the export industries of the global South arise from the very nature of world trade and production. Given their enormous power to squeeze prices and wages, northern brands and retailers today occupy the commanding heights of global capitalism. Retail-dominated supply chains—such as those with Walmart, Apple, and Nike at their heads—generate at least half of all world trade and include hundreds of millions of workers at thousands of contract manufacturers from Shenzhen and Shanghai to Sao Paulo and San Pedro Sula. This book offers an incisive analysis of this pernicious system along with essays that outline a set of practical guides to its radical reform.
Cornell University Press Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy
The world was shocked in April 2013 when more than 1100 garment workers lost their lives in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory complex in Dhaka. It was the worst industrial tragedy in the two-hundred-year history of mass apparel manufacture. This so-called accident was, in fact, just waiting to happen, and not merely because of the corruption and exploitation of workers so common in the garment industry. In Achieving Workers' Rights in the Global Economy, Richard P. Appelbaum and Nelson Lichtenstein argue that such tragic events, as well as the low wages, poor working conditions, and voicelessness endemic to the vast majority of workers who labor in the export industries of the global South arise from the very nature of world trade and production. Given their enormous power to squeeze prices and wages, northern brands and retailers today occupy the commanding heights of global capitalism. Retail-dominated supply chains—such as those with Walmart, Apple, and Nike at their heads—generate at least half of all world trade and include hundreds of millions of workers at thousands of contract manufacturers from Shenzhen and Shanghai to Sao Paulo and San Pedro Sula. This book offers an incisive analysis of this pernicious system along with essays that outline a set of practical guides to its radical reform.
Unicorn Publishing Group Hotel Dynasty: Four Generations of Luxury Hoteliers
Sempre Avanti. Ever Forward. That’s the motto on the Gelardi family shield and it’s a philosophy that has directed the lives and careers of four generations of hoteliers – Giuseppe, Giulio, Bertie and Geoffrey. Giuseppe managed hotels in his native Italy in the nineteenth century but his son Giulio was more ambitious and came to London, working first at Walsingham House – which was to later to become the Ritz – and managing the Savoy and Claridges in London and the Waldorf Astoria in New York. His son Bertie worked alongside Lord Forte to create the international Trust Houses Forte empire and acquiring, amongst others, the George V and Plaza Athenée in Paris, Sandy Lane in Barbados and the Pierre in New York. Geoffrey, Bertie’s son and the fourth generation Gelardi to make his mark in the luxury hotel business, spent years in the USA at the Bel Air in Los Angeles and the Sorrento in Seattle before returning to the UK to open the Lanesborough in 1991 – then, and still, London’s leading luxury hotel. Interweaved into this fascinating history we encounter royalty, celebrities, politicians and film stars – Mussolini, King Edward VII, Lilly Langtry, Ronald Reagan, various Atlantic City mafia figures, Frank Sinatra, Arnold Swartzenegger, Sophia Loren, Madonna, Michael Jackson, HRH The Queen, Princess Diana and many, many more.
Genesis Publications Another Day In The Life: My Life in Photos & Music
“This is a way of putting my life out there, because if I were to write a memoir, there’d be five volumes before I got to The Beatles. So I’m going at it this way, through photographs and quotes. And this is, I feel, a better way for me to do it.” – Ringo Starr "Ringo’s picture book, Ringo in book form. The essence of Ringo.” – David Lynch Another Day In The Life is introduced and narrated by Ringo Starr, with forewords by legendary movie director David Lynch and rock photographer Henry Diltz. Ringo shows us the world as seen through a Starr’s eyes, in more than 500 observational photographs and rare images from the archives, and an original text of nearly 13,000 words. From Los Angeles to Tokyo and everywhere in between, Ringo’s photographs celebrate his life in music and offer a glimpse behind the scenes. Many are taken during historic events, such as Ringo’s acceptance of a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and his return to New York’s Plaza Hotel, 50 years after The Beatles first visited the USA. Another Day In The Life, Ringo Starr’s 184-page monograph featuring Paul McCartney, Joe Walsh and a host of All-Starr friends, is captioned throughout with an original commentary. Meditative, witty and always engaging, Ringo reflects on a legendary life in music. RINGOBOOK.COMGENESIS-PUBLICATIONS.COM
Granta Books Wanderlust: A History of Walking
'Radical, humane, witty' Alain de Botton 'Magisterial' Will Self, Guardian Explore historical, political and philosophical paths traced by walkers in this profound and diverting modern classic. What does it mean to be out walking in the world, whether in a landscape or a metropolis, on a pilgrimage or a protest march? In this first general history of walking, Rebecca Solnit draws together numerous stories to create a new way of looking at one of humanity's most fundamental and expressive acts. Arguing that walking as history means walking for pleasure and for political, aesthetic, and social meaning, Solnit homes in on the walkers whose everyday and extreme acts have shaped our culture, from the philosophers of ancient Greece to the poets of the Romantic Age, from the perambulations of the Surrealists to the ascents of mountaineers. With profiles of some of the most significant walkers in history and fiction - from Wordsworth to Gary Snyder, from Rousseau to Argentina's Mother of the Plaza de Mayo, from Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet to Andre Breton's Nadja - Wanderlust takes us on an unforgettable journey and shows how walking can affect the body, the imagination, and the world around us. 'One of those rare, quirky, rather lovable books that makes you look anew at something so familiar ... Solnit winningly traces the shifting cultural significance of putting one foot in front of another' Daily Telegraph
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Catie Copley En Voyage A Quebec
Catie Copley en voyage á Québec Catie Copley est un labrador retriever noir qui mène une vie exceptionnelle en tant qu’Ambassadrice canine au Fairmont Copley Plaza à Boston. Son travail consiste à accueillir les clients, les faire sentir comme à la maison et aider Jim dans son travail de Chef Concierge de l’hôtel. Santol, qui fût entraîné comme chien-guide, tout comme Catie, est son homologue au Fairmont Le Château Frontenac dans la ville de Québec, Canada. Catie est une chienne très distinguée et bien élevée. Elle est surprise le jour où une grosse bête noire et blanche poilue vient la saluer, lui vole son jouet en forme de homard et s’enfuit. Au début, elle est réticente, mais lorsqu’elle apprend à connaître l’exubérant Santol, ils deviennent vite de très bons amis. Elle est triste lorsque son nouvel ami doit repartir chez lui au Canada. Cependant, lorsque Jim lui oVre de l’amener en vacances – à Québec ! – elle est très excitée. Ce sont ses premières vacances et c’est aussi la première fois qu’elle est laissée seule avec des inconnus, dans une ville étrange où on parle une langue diVérente. Santol lui présente des chèvres et des chevaux et lui fait découvrir des odeurs et des aliments intéressants. Catie trouve qu’il y a plein d’occasions pour l’aventure . . . peut-être même un peu trop.
University of Nebraska Press Recognizing Heritage: The Politics of Multiculturalism in New Mexico
In 2006 Congress established the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area to recognize the four-hundred-year “coexistence” of Spanish and Indian peoples in New Mexico and their place in the United States. National heritage areas enable local communities to partner with the federal government to promote historic preservation, cultural conservation, and economic development. Recognizing Heritage explores the social, political, and historical context of this and other public efforts to interpret and preserve Native American and Hispanic heritage in northern New Mexico. The federal government’s recognition of New Mexico’s cultural distinctiveness contrasts sharply with its earlier efforts to wipe out Indian and Hispanic cultures. Yet even celebrations of cultural difference can reinforce colonial hierarchies. Multiculturalism and colonialism have overlapped in New Mexico since the nineteenth century, when Anglo-American colonists began promoting the region’s unique cultures and exotic images to tourists. Thomas H. Guthrie analyzes the relationship between heritage preservation and ongoing struggles over land, water, and identity resulting from American colonization. He uses four sites within the heritage area to illustrate the unintentional colonial effects of multiculturalism: a history and anthropology museum, an Indian art market, a “tricultural” commemorative plaza, and a mountain village famous for its adobe architecture. Recognizing Heritage critiques the politics of recognition and suggests steps toward a more just multiculturalism that fundamentally challenges colonial inequalities.
HarperCollins Publishers San Diego Then and Now® (Then and Now)
San Diego Then and Now pairs up fascinating archive pictures of the city from its Spanish old town origins, to the bright and shining metropolis of today Known to its residents as “America’s Finest City,” San Diego has a mild, inviting climate and stunning coastal scenery. San Diego Then and Now looks at how the city developed from a small village settled by early Franciscan missionaries and the Spanish military. It came under U.S. rule in 1846, but it was not until 1867 when San Francisco speculator and businessman Alonzo E. Horton acquired 960 acres of waterfront land and promoted it as “New Town” that San Diego really began to take off. San Diego Then and Now pairs archival photographs with modern views of the same scene to illustrate the city’s growth since these humble beginnings. It shows how the city’s architecture still reflects and preserves its Spanish heritage but also incorporates modern glass skyscrapers and Victorian mansions. Sites include: Horton Plaza, U.S. Grant Hotel, Stingaree District, Speckels Theatre, Fifth Avenue, Seaport Village, Embarcadero, Star of India, Coronado, Hotel del Coronado, Santa Fe Depot, Carnegie Library, El Cortez Hotel, Long-Waterman Mansion, Villa Montezuma, The Prado, San Diego Zoo, Old Globe Theatre, San Diego High School, Hillcrest, City Heights, Kensington, La Casa de Estudillo, Casa de Bandini, Whaley House, Junipero Serra Museum, Ballast Point, Point Loma, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach.
University of Texas Press The Design of Protest: Choreographing Political Demonstrations in Public Space
Public protests are a vital tool for asserting grievances and creating temporary, yet tangible, communities as the world becomes more democratic and urban in the twenty-first century. While the political and social aspects of protest have been extensively studied, little attention has been paid to the physical spaces in which protests happen. Yet place is a crucial aspect of protests, influencing the dynamics and engagement patterns among participants. In The Design of Protest, Tali Hatuka offers the first extensive discussion of the act of protest as a design: that is, a planned event in a space whose physical geometry and symbolic meaning are used and appropriated by its organizers, who aim to challenge socio-spatial distance between political institutions and the people they should serve.Presenting case studies from around the world, including Tiananmen Square in Beijing; the National Mall in Washington, DC; Rabin Square in Tel Aviv; and the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Hatuka identifies three major dimensions of public protests: the process of planning the protest in a particular place; the choice of spatial choreography of the event, including the value and meaning of specific tactics; and the challenges of performing contemporary protests in public space in a fragmented, complex, and conflicted world. Numerous photographs, detailed diagrams, and plans complement the case studies, which draw upon interviews with city officials, urban planners, and protesters themselves.