Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Stochastic Dynamics of Structures
This book is dedicated to the general study of the dynamics of mechanical structures with consideration of uncertainties. The goal is to get the appropriate forms of a part in minimizing a given criterion. In all fields of structural mechanics, the impact of good design of a room is very important to its strength, its life and its use in service. The development of the engineer's art requires considerable effort to constantly improve structural design techniques.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Analytical Modeling of Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless networks represent an inexpensive and convenient way to connect to the Internet. However, despite their applications across several technologies, one challenge still remains: to understand the behavior of wireless sensor networks and assess their performance in large-scale scenarios. When a large number of network nodes need to interact, developing suitable analytical models is essential to ensure the appropriate coverage and throughput of these networks and to enhance user mobility. This is intrinsically difficult due to the size and number of different network nodes and users. This book highlights some examples which show how this problem can be overcome with the use of different techniques. An intensive parameter analysis shows the reader how to the exploit analytical models for an effective development and management of different types of wireless networks.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1: Food Alteration and Food Quality
This book serves as a general introduction to food science and technology, based on the academic courses presented by the authors as well as their personal research experiences. The authors' main focus is on the biological and physical-chemical stabilization of food, and the quality assessment control methods and normative aspects of the subsequent processes. Presented across three parts, the authors offer a detailed account of the scientific basis and technological knowledge needed to understand agro-food transformation. From biological analyses and process engineering, through to the development of food products and biochemical and microbiological changes, the different parts cover all aspects of the control of food quality.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Transformation of Collective Intelligences: Perspective of Transhumanism
There is a great transformation of the production of knowledge and intelligibility. The "digital fold of the world" (with the convergence of NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of “thought”, of research. The aims of these assemblages are also controversial issues. From a general standpoint, these debates concern “performative science and performative society”. But one emerges and strengthens that has several names: transhumanism, post-humanism, speculative post-humanism. It appears as a great narration, a large story about the future of our existence, facing our entry into the Anthropocene. It is also presented as a concrete utopia with an anthropological and technical change. In this book, we proposed to show how collective intelligences stand in the middle of the coupling of ontological horizons and of the “process of bio-technical maturation”.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ethical Efficiency: Responsibility and Contingency
Practical and conceptual, the Responsible Research and Innovation set of books contributes to the clarification of this new requirement for all sciences and technological innovation. It covers the multiple and international responsibilities, by using various philosophical resources, mostly discussing the following topics: ethics, contingency, normative economy, freedom, corporate social responsibility (CSR), participative technological evaluation, sustainable development, geoengineering, the precautionary principle, standards, interdisciplinarity, and climate management. The ethics of efficiency must be considered with regard to the logic of action or to economic, political, legal or scientific systems. This book presents a question on the central theme of responsible research and innovation (RRI), which has an ethical influence on effective logics. The issue is to question the opportunity and modularities of an ethical effective influence on the logics of efficiency of research and innovation. From the distinction of efficiency and effectiveness, lies the problem of efficacy, the ethical accord between the two. Thus appears the possibility of taking effective responsibility with respect to systematic injustices potentially linked to this efficiency. This book proposes categories to understand the ethical implications of research and innovation processes, under the aspect of their efficacy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge Management and Innovation: Interaction, Collaboration, Openness
This book explores the relationships between knowledge management (KM) processes and innovation management. The geographical extension of markets and intensification of competition have led firms to experiment with novel approaches to innovation. New organizational forms emerged in which firms collaborate with various stakeholders to create, absorb, integrate and protect knowledge. This book explores how knowledge management processes evolve with firms' implementation of interactive, collaborative and open innovation models and it identifies the various knowledge types and processes involved throughout the different phases of the innovation process. The authors provide operational typologies for understanding innovative firms' capabilities and knowledge management practices and also discuss the main properties of four models of interactive innovation, namely open innovation, user-centric innovation, community-based innovation and crowdsourcing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovations and Techno-ecological Transition
This book aims to present a systemic perspective to energetic transition to a discarbonated society implying an increase of energetic efficiency of current production process, new way of energy production - integration of renewable energies, re-use of wastes. Main societal functions are analyzed in order to highlight the ongoing process of technological and non-technological innovations: transport and mobility, food, building. The purpose of this book is to analyze from a global perspective the energetic innovative system on building and to understand the limits of its development and potential new actions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tools for Oceanography and Ecosystemic Modeling
Studying the Ocean Planet requires measuring and sampling instruments to feed models that take into account its complexity. This book presents the diversity of observation and monitoring techniques at various scales, but also different kinds of model that take into account some conceptual schemes incorporating various scientific knowledge. Sampling is approached via the efficiency of fishing gears; underwater acoustics is used to detect, count, identify and listen to live and mobile living resources. Bio-logging allows us to rely on the behavior of marine animals to help investigate environments that are difficult to sample by conventional means, while listing the physiological changes they undergo. Modeling is presented not only in a functional framework, but also in an exploratory design incorporating various scenarios for ecosystem changes under the pressure of global change. This ninth volume completes the "Seas and Oceans" Set that adopts a transversal approach leading to the governance and sustainable management of the marine environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Connections Management Strategies in Satellite Cellular Networks
This book provides a novel method based on advantages of mobility model of Low Earth Orbit Mobile Satellite System LEO MSS which allows the evaluation of instant of subsequent handover of a MS even if its location is unknown. This method is then utilized to propose two prioritized handover schemes, Pseudo Last Useful Instant PLUI strategy and Dynamic Channel Reservation DCR-like scheme based respectively on LUI and DCR schemes, previously proposed in literature. The authors also approach a different aspect of handover problem: calls with short durations dropped due to a handover failure. We propose a decision system based on fuzzy logic Rescuing System that allows the rescue of calls with short durations facing a premature at the expense of those lasting for long durations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Era 1: Big Data Stakes
For 200 years, industry mastered iron, fire, strength and energy. Today, electronics shapes our everyday objects, integrating chips: computers, phones, keys, games, household appliances, etc. Data, software and calculation frame the conduct of humankind, and everything is translated into data. The first volume in this series analyzes the stakes of the massive data which accumulate on the Internet, keeping track of our actions and gestures, the state of the world and our knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Internal Combustion Engine Bearings Lubrication in Hydrodynamic Bearings
This Series provides the necessary elements to the development and validation of numerical prediction models for hydrodynamic bearings. This book with the specific case of internal combustion engine (ICE) journal bearing lubrication. Many examples, relating to various types of ICE, are presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Mechanics
This book presents the fundamental principles of mechanics to re-establish the equations of Discrete Mechanics. It introduces physics and thermodynamics associated to the physical modeling. The development and the complementarity of sciences lead to review today the old concepts that were the basis for the development of continuum mechanics. The differential geometry is used to review the conservation laws of mechanics. For instance, this formalism requires a different location of vector and scalar quantities in space. The equations of Discrete Mechanics form a system of equations where the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition plays an important role.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Participatory Mapping: New Data, New Cartography
This book is intended for applications of online digital mapping, called mashups (or composite application), and to analyze the mapping practices in online socio-technical controversies. The hypothesis put forward is that the ability to create an online map accompanies the formation of online audience and provides support for a position in a debate on the Web.The first part provides a study of the map: - a combination of map and statistical reason- crosses between map theories and CIS theories- recent developments in scanning the map, from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Web map.The second part is based on a corpus of twenty "mashup" maps, and offers a techno-semiotic analysis highlighting the "thickness of the mediation" they are in a process of communication on the Web. Map as a device to "make do" is thus replaced through these stages of creation, ranging from digital data in their viewing, before describing the construction of the map as a tool for visual evidence in public debates, and ending with an analysis of the delegation action against Internet users.The third section provides an analysis of these mapping practices in the case study of the controversy over nuclear radiation following the accident at the Fukushima plant on March 11, 2011. Techno-semiotic method applied to this corpus of radiation map is supplemented by an analysis of web graphs, derived from "digital methods" and graph theory, accompanying the analysis of the previous steps maps (creating Geiger data or retrieving files online), but also their movement, once maps are made.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 2
This book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. The book will particularly focus on the interest of nanostructures and nanodevices (nanowires, small slope switches, 2D layers, nanostructured materials, etc.) for advanced More than Moore (RF-nanosensors-energy harvesters, on-chip electronic cooling, etc.) and Beyond-CMOS logic and memories applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Fatigue Damage
Fatigue damage in a system with one degree of freedom is one of the two criteria applied when comparing the severity of vibratory environments. The same criterion is also used for a specification representing the effects produced by the set of vibrations imposed in a real environment. In this volume, which is devoted to the calculation of fatigue damage, Christian Lalanne explores the hypotheses adopted to describe the behavior of material affected by fatigue and the laws of fatigue accumulation. The author also considers the methods for counting response peaks, which are used to establish the histogram when it is not possible to use the probability density of the peaks obtained with a Gaussian signal. The expressions for mean damage and its standard deviation are established and other hypotheses are tested.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc VBR Video Traffic Models
There has been a phenomenal growth in video applications over the past few years. An accurate traffic model of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) video is necessary for performance evaluation of a network design and for generating synthetic traffic that can be used for benchmarking a network. A large number of models for VBR video traffic have been proposed in the literature for different types of video in the past 20 years. Here, the authors have classified and surveyed these models and have also evaluated the models for H.264 AVC and MVC encoded video and discussed their findings.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-volatile Memories
Written for scientists, researchers, and engineers, Non-volatile Memories describes the recent research and implementations in relation to the design of a new generation of non-volatile electronic memories. The objective is to replace existing memories (DRAM, SRAM, EEPROM, Flash, etc.) with a universal memory model likely to reach better performances than the current types of memory: extremely high commutation speeds, high implantation densities and retention time of information of about ten years.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Scheduling of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures: Toward Cooperative Management
System virtualization has become increasingly common in distributed systems because of its functionality and convenience for the owners and users of these infrastructures. In Scheduling of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures, author Flavien Quesnel examines the management of large-scale virtual infrastructures with an emphasis on scheduling up to 80,000 virtual machines on 8,000 nodes. The text fills a need for updated software managing to meet the increasing size of virtual infrastructures. Virtual machine managers and virtual operators will appreciate this guide to improvement in cooperative software management.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chinese Cybersecurity and Defense
Cyberdefense has become, over the past five years, a major issue on the international scene. China, by the place it occupies, is the subject of attention: it is observed, criticized, and designated by many states as a major player in the global cyber-insecurity. The United States is building their cyberdefense strategy against what they call the "Chinese threat." It is therefore important to better understand today's challenges related to cyber dimension in regard of the rise of China.Contributions from international researchers provide cross perspectives on China, its strategies and policies for cybersecurity and cyberdefense. These issues have now gained major strategic dimension: Is Cyberspace changing the scene of international relations? How China does apprehend cybersecurity and cyberdefense? What are the issues, challenges? What is the role of China in the global cyberspace?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Software Architecture 1
Over the past 20 years, software architectures have significantly contributed to the development of complex and distributed systems. Nowadays, it is recognized that one of the critical problems in the design and development of any complex software system is its architecture, i.e. the organization of its architectural elements. Software Architecture presents the software architecture paradigms based on objects, components, services and models, as well as the various architectural techniques and methods, the analysis of architectural qualities, models of representation of architectural templates and styles, their formalization, validation and testing and finally the engineering approach in which these consistent and autonomous elements can be tackled.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Algorithms and Ordering Heuristics for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
DisCSP (Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem) is a general framework for solving distributed problems arising in Distributed Artificial Intelligence. A wide variety of problems in artificial intelligence are solved using the constraint satisfaction problem paradigm. However, there are several applications in multi-agent coordination that are of a distributed nature. In this type of application, the knowledge about the problem, that is, variables and constraints, may be logically or geographically distributed among physical distributed agents. This distribution is mainly due to privacy and/or security requirements. Therefore, a distributed model allowing a decentralized solving process is more adequate to model and solve such kinds of problem. The distributed constraint satisfaction problem has such properties. Contents Introduction Part 1. Background on Centralized and Distributed Constraint Reasoning 1. Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2. Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems Part 2. Synchronous Search Algorithms for DisCSPs 3. Nogood Based Asynchronous Forward Checking (AFC-ng) 4. Asynchronous Forward Checking Tree (AFC-tree) 5. Maintaining Arc Consistency Asynchronously in Synchronous Distributed Search Part 3. Asynchronous Search Algorithms and Ordering Heuristics for DisCSPs 6. Corrigendum to “Min-domain Retroactive Ordering for Asynchronous Backtracking” 7. Agile Asynchronous BackTracking (Agile-ABT) Part 4. DisChoco 2.0: A Platform for Distributed Constraint Reasoning 8. DisChoco 2.0 9. Conclusion About the Authors Mohamed Wahbi is currently an associate lecturer at Ecole des Mines de Nantes in France. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from University Montpellier 2, France and Mohammed V University-Agdal, Morocco in 2012 and his research focused on Distributed Constraint Reasoning.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Time-Predictable Architectures
Building computers that can be used to design embedded real-time systems is the subject of this title. Real-time embedded software requires increasingly higher performances. The authors therefore consider processors that implement advanced mechanisms such as pipelining, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, cache memories, multi-threading, multicorearchitectures, etc. The authors of this book investigate the timepredictability of such schemes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Visual Inspection Technology in the Hard Disk Drive Industry
A presentation of the use of computer vision systems to control manufacturing processes and product quality in the hard disk drive industry. Visual Inspection Technology in the Hard Disk Drive Industry is an application-oriented book borne out of collaborative research with the world’s leading hard disk drive companies. It covers the latest developments and important topics in computer vision technology in hard disk drive manufacturing, as well as offering a glimpse of future technologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnologies for Synthetic Super Non-wetting Surfaces
Texturing surfaces at micro- and/or nano-scales modifies the interactions of liquids and solids. This book is a summary of the state of the art concerning the development and use of micro/nano-technologies for the design of synthetic liquid repellent surfaces with a particular focus on super-omniphobic materials. It proposes a comprehensive understanding of the physical mechanisms involved in the wetting of these surfaces and reviews emerging applications in various fields such as energy harvesting and biology, as well as highlighting the current limitations and challenges which are yet to be overcome.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-mechanism Modeling of Inelastic Material Behavior
This book focuses on a particular class of models (namely Multi-Mechanism models) and their applications to extensive experimental data base related to different kind of materials. These models (i) are able to describe the main mechanical effects in plasticity, creep, creep/plasticity interaction, ratcheting extra-hardening under non-proportional loading (ii) provide local information (such us local stress/strain fields, damage, ….). A particular attention is paid to the identification process of material parameters. Moreover, finite element implementation of the Multi-Mechanism models is detailed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Lasers: Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
This book concerns the presentation of particle velocity measurement for acoustics using lasers, including Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV or Anemometry (LDA)) and Particle Imagery Velocimetry (PIV).The objective is first to present the importance of measuring the acoustic velocity, especially when the acoustic equations are nonlinear as well as characterizing the near fields. However, these applications need to use non-invasive sensors. Some optical techniques, initially developed for fluid mechanics, have been adapted to the field of acoustics in recent years. This book summarizes 15 years of research in this area, highlighting the improvements that have been made, particularly in signal processing, and showing applications for which they have proven to be a carrier of innovation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Telecommunication Systems
Wireless telecommunication systems generate a huge amount of interest. In the last two decades, these systems have experienced at least three major technological leaps, and it has become impossible to imagine how society was organized without them. In this book, we propose a macroscopic approach on wireless systems, and aim at answering key questions about power, data rates, multiple access, cellular engineering and access networks architectures. We present a series of solved problems, whose objective is to establish the main elements of a global link budget in several radiocommunications systems. Contents 1. Radio Propagation. 2. F/TDMA and GSM. 3. CDMA and UMTS. 4. OFDM and LTE. 5. MIMO and Beamforming. 6. UWB. 7. Synchronization. 8. Digital Communications Fundamentals. 9. Erlang B Tables. About the Authors Michel Terré received his engineering degree from Télécom SudParis, his phD in electronics and telecommunications from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), and his habilitation to conduct researches from Paris XIII University. He is a full professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. He his responsabile of CNAM’s Master of Science in radiocommunicationssystems. Mylène Pischella received her engineering degree and her phD in electronics and telecommunications from Télécom ParisTech. She is an associate professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). Emmanuelle Vivier received her engineering degree from Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris (ISEP) and her PhD in radiocommunications from Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). She is an associate professor at ISEP, where she is responsible of networks and telecommunications teaching majors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LTE-Advanced DRX Mechanism for Power Saving
Resource allocation and power optimization is a new challenge in multimedia services in cellular communication systems. To provide a better end-user experience, the fourth generation (4G) standard Long Term Evolution/Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE/LTE-Advanced) has been developed for high-bandwidth mobile access to accommodate today’s data-heavy applications. LTE/LTE-Advanced has adopted discontinuous reception (DRX) to extend the user equipment’s battery lifetime, thereby further supporting various services and large amounts of data transmissions. By introducing the basics of mathematical analysis and performance evaluation of power-saving mechanisms in 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) LTE and LTE-Advanced networks, the authors of this book aim to describe novel algorithms which could have better performance capabilities than previous methods. Chapter 1 gives the basic theory description of the 3GPP LTE network and 3GPP DRX power saving mechanism, empirical measurements of LTE network traffic and an overview of the basic LTE DRX model in the field of power saving techniques. Chapter 2 provides steps for deriving a 2-state analytical model up to a 4-state DRX model. The third and final chapter summarizes alternative methods for the implementation of LTE DRX. Contents 1. Basic Theory. 2. Analytical Semi-Markov Power-Saving Models. 3. Other Approaches for LTE Power Saving. About the Authors Scott A. Fowler is Associate Professor at Linköping University, Sweden, working with the Mobile Telecommunication (MT) group. He has served on several IEEE conferences/workshops as TPC to Chair, including Special Interest Groups coordinator for IEEE Communications Software (CommSoft) Technical Committee since 2012. His research interests include Quality of Service (QoS) support over heterogeneous networks, computer networks (wired, wireless), energy management, mobile computing, pervasive/ubiquitous, performance evaluation of networks and security. Abdelhamid Mellouk is Full Professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil VdM (UPEC, ex. Paris 12), Networks & Telecommunications (N&T) Department (IUT C/V) and LiSSi Laboratory in France. He is a founder of the Network Control Research activity with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. His general area of research is in adaptive real-time control for high-speed new generation dynamic wired/wireless networking in order to maintain acceptable Quality of Service/Experience for added-value services. Naomi Yamada is a research associate at Linköping University, Sweden.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hybrid Systems with Constraints
Control theory is the main subject of this title, in particular analysis and control design for hybrid dynamic systems. The notion of hybrid systems offers a strong theoretical and unified framework to cope with the modeling, analysis and control design of systems where both continuous and discrete dynamics interact. The theory of hybrid systems has been the subject of intensive research over the last decade and a large number of diverse and challenging problems have been investigated. Nevertheless, many important mathematical problems remain open. This book is dedicated mainly to hybrid systems with constraints; taking constraints into account in a dynamic system description has always been a critical issue in control. New tools are provided here for stability analysis and control design for hybrid systems with operating constraints and performance specifications. Contents 1. Positive Systems: Discretization with Positivity and Constraints, Patrizio Colaneri, Marcello Farina, Stephen Kirkland, Riccardo Scattolini and Robert Shorten. 2. Advanced Lyapunov Functions for Lur’e Systems, Carlos A. Gonzaga, Marc Jungers and Jamal Daafouz. 3. Stability of Switched DAEs, Stephan Trenn. 4. Stabilization of Persistently Excited Linear Systems, Yacine Chitour, Guilherme Mazanti and Mario Sigalotti. 5. Hybrid Coordination of Flow Networks, Claudio De Persis, Paolo Frasca. 6. Control of Hybrid Systems: An Overview of Recent Advances, Ricardo G. Sanfelice. 7. Exponential Stability for Hybrid Systems with Saturations, Mirko Fiacchini, Sophie Tarbouriech, Christophe Prieur. 8. Reference Mirroring for Control with Impacts, Fulvio Forni, Andrew R. Teel, Luca Zaccarian. About the Authors Jamal Daafouz is an expert in the area of switched and polytopic systems and has published several major results in leading journals (IEEE TAC, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, etc.). He serves as an Associate Editor for the key journal IEEE TAC and is a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE CSS society. Sophie Tarbouriech is an expert in the area of nonlinear systems with constraints and has published several major results in leading journals (IEEE TAC, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, etc.) and books. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE CSS society and has also served as an Associate Editor for the key journal IEEE TAC. Mario Sigalotti is an expert in applied mathematics and switched systems and has published several results in leading journals (IEEE TAC, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, etc.). He heads the INRIA team GECO and is a member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Distributed Parameter Systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Embedded Systems: Analysis and Modeling with SysML, UML and AADL
Since the construction of the first embedded system in the 1960s, embedded systems have continued to spread. They provide a continually increasing number of services and are part of our daily life. The development of these systems is a difficult problem which does not yet have a global solution. Another difficulty is that systems are plunged into the real world, which is not discrete (as is generally understood in computing), but has a richness of behaviors which sometimes hinders the formulation of simplifying assumptions due to their generally autonomous nature and they must face possibly unforeseen situations (incidents, for example), or even situations that lie outside the initial design assumptions. Embedded Systems presents the state of the art of the development of embedded systems and, in particular, concentrates on the modeling and analysis of these systems by looking at “model-driven engineering”, (MDE2): SysML, UML/MARTE and AADL. A case study (based on a pacemaker) is presented which enables the reader to observe how the different aspects of a system are addressed using the different approaches. All three systems are important in that they provide the reader with a global view of their possibilities and demonstrate the contributions of each approach in the different stages of the software lifecycle. Chapters dedicated to analyzing the specification and code generation are also presented. Contents Foreword, Brian R. Larson.Foreword, Dominique Potier.Introduction, Fabrice Kordon, Jérôme Hugues, Agusti Canals and Alain Dohet.Part 1. General Concepts1. Elements for the Design of Embedded Computer Systems, Fabrice Kordon, Jérôme Hugues, Agusti Canals and Alain Dohet.2. Case Study: Pacemaker, Fabrice Kordon, Jérôme Hugues, Agusti Canals and Alain Dohet.Part 2. SysML3. Presentation of SysML Concepts, Jean-Michel Bruel and Pascal Roques.4. Modeling of the Case Study Using SysML, Loïc Fejoz, Philippe Leblanc and Agusti Canals.5. Requirements Analysis, Ludovic Apvrille and Pierre De Saqui-Sannes.Part 3. MARTE6. An Introduction to MARTE Concepts, Sébastien Gérard and François Terrier.7. Case Study Modeling Using MARTE, Jérôme Delatour and Joël Champeau.8. Model-Based Analysis, Frederic Boniol, Philippe Dhaussy, Luka Le Roux and Jean-Charles Roger.9. Model-Based Deployment and Code Generation, Chokri Mraidha, Ansgar Radermacher and Sébastien Gérard.Part 4. AADL10. Presentation of the AADL Concepts, Jérôme Hugues and Xavier Renault.11. Case Study Modeling Using AADL, Etienne Borde.12. Model-Based Analysis, Thomas Robert and Jérôme Hugues.13. Model-Based Code Generation, Laurent Pautet and Béchir Zalila.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc User-Centered Agile Method
Agile development methods began to emerge around 20 years ago. However, it was not until the early 2000s that they began to be widely used in industry. This growth was often due to the advent of Internet services requiring faster cycles of development in order to heighten the rate at which an ever-greater number of functionalities were made available. In parallel, user-centered design (UCD) methods were also becoming more and more widely used: hence, user-centered design and agile methods were bound to cross paths, at least in the telecoms industry! During this period, in the field of telecommunications, the explosion in the number of connected terminals, Web applications, new use environments (particularly in a domestic setting), etc., meant it was crucial to gain a fuller understanding of users’ requirements and better evaluate the relevance and acceptance of services’ attempts to cater for these requirements. Thus the user-centered agile method, as proposed in this book, aims to mutually integrate two existing methods: user-centered design – as used by ergonomists – and the agile Scrum method – as used by developers. The user testing method is also covered. Analyzing work on this subject spanning the past 10 years, the authors also provide an assessment of the feedback on the user-centered agile method. The method described in this book has been based on all these sources. It is a framework relying on the logic introduced by Scrum, i.e. a framework based on project management. The method proposed is seen as an extension of Scrum which is “centered on humans” because of the integration of user-centered design and user-testing. Therefore the description of the user-centered agile method is based on the basics of the agile Scrum method and uses its terminology and elements. As well as descriptive elements of the user-centered agile method, practical examples of how to implement it are also provided. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Intrioduction to the Methods Employed. 3. Sources for this Work. 4. Description of The User-Centered Agile Method. 5. Case Studies. About the Authors Dominique Deuff worked at the National Institute of Informatics in Japan for 2½ years before coming back to France in June 2006 and joining Orange Labs France Telecom as a developer in a Scrum team. In 2008, she graduated with a Master’s degree in ergonomics and has since then been applying her new skills to various projects at Orange Labs Lannion. Mathilde Cosquer joined Orange Labs as an ergonomist after completing her PhD on the question of transparency of technical devices from the user’s point of view. She has taken part in the design and evaluation of numerous innovating services, but over the past four years, she has been more particularly involved in projects of interpersonal communication services.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks
The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented development and growth in global wireless communications systems, technologies and network “traffic” generated over network infrastructures. This book presents state-of-the-art energy-efficient techniques, designs and implementations that pertain to wireless communication networks such as cellular networks, wireless local area networks (WLANs) and wireless ad hoc networks (WAHNs) including mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as they are deployed across the world to facilitate “always on” reliable high-speed wireless access from anywhere, at anytime to accommodate the new paradigm of the “Internet of Things” (IoT). The pervasive and exponential growth of Wi-Fi and the impact of bandwidth-intensive applications on the energy consumption of Wi-Fi-enabled devices are discussed along with energy harvesting as an advantageous option to power WAHNs. The book aims to serve as a useful reference for researchers, students, regulatory authorities, and educators.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemistry in Microelectronics
Microelectronics is a complex world where many sciences need to collaborate to create nano-objects: we need expertise in electronics, microelectronics, physics, optics and mechanics also crossing into chemistry, electrochemistry, as well as biology, biochemistry and medicine. Chemistry is involved in many fields from materials, chemicals, gases, liquids or salts, the basics of reactions and equilibrium, to the optimized cleaning of surfaces and selective etching of specific layers. In addition, over recent decades, the size of the transistors has been drastically reduced while the functionality of circuits has increased. This book consists of five chapters covering the chemicals and sequences used in processing, from cleaning to etching, the role and impact of their purity, along with the materials used in “Front End Of the Line” which corresponds to the heart and performance of individual transistors, then moving on to the “Back End Of the Line” which is related to the interconnection of all the transistors. Finally, the need for specific functionalization also requires key knowledge on surface treatments and chemical management to allow new applications. Contents 1. Chemistry in the “Front End of the Line” (FEOL): Deposits, Gate Stacks, Epitaxy and Contacts, François Martin, Jean-Michel Hartmann, Véronique Carron and Yannick Le Tiec. 2. Chemistry in Interconnects, Vincent Jousseaume, Paul-Henri Haumesser, Carole Pernel, Jeffery Butterbaugh, Sylvain Maîtrejean and Didier Louis. 3. The Chemistry of Wet Surface Preparation: Cleaning, Etching and Drying, Yannick Le Tiec and Martin Knotter. 4. The Use and Management of Chemical Fluids in Microelectronics, Christiane Gottschalk, Kevin Mclaughlin, Julie Cren, Catherine Peyne and Patrick Valenti. 5. Surface Functionalization for Micro- and Nanosystems: Application to Biosensors, Antoine Hoang, Gilles Marchand, Guillaume Nonglaton, Isabelle Texier-Nogues and Francoise Vinet. About the Authors Yannick Le Tiec is a technical expert at CEA-Leti, Minatec since 2002. He is a CEA-Leti assignee at IBM, Albany (NY) to develop the advanced 14 nm CMOS node and the FDSOI technology. He held different technical positions from the advanced 300 mm SOI CMOS pilot line to different assignments within SOITEC for advanced wafer development and later within INES to optimize solar cell ramp-up and yield. He has been part of the ITRS Front End technical working group at ITRS since 2008.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling of Living Systems: From Cell to Ecosystem
Modeling is now one of the most efficient methodologies in life sciences. From practice to theory, this book develops this approach illustrated by many examples; general concepts and the current state of the art are also presented and discussed. An historical and general introduction informs the reader how mathematics and formal tools are used to solve biological problems at all levels of the organization of life. The core of this book explains how this is done, based on practical examples coming, for the most part, from the author’s personal experience. In most cases, data are included so that the reader can follow the reasoning process and even reproduce calculus. The final chapter is devoted to essential concepts and current developments. The main mathematical tools are presented in an appendix to the book and are written in an adapted language readable by scientists, professionals or students, with a basic knowledge of mathematics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations
Bringing together 18 chapters written by leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid and fluid mechanics, this book presents state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new and challenging stability problems. Nonlinear Physical Systems: Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations focuses on problems of spectral analysis, stability and bifurcations arising in the nonlinear partial differential equations of modern physics. Bifurcations and stability of solitary waves, geometrical optics stability analysis in hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics, and dissipation-induced instabilities are treated with the use of the theory of Krein and Pontryagin space, index theory, the theory of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems and modern asymptotic and perturbative approaches. Each chapter contains mechanical and physical examples, and the combination of advanced material and more tutorial elements makes this book attractive for both experts and non-specialists keen to expand their knowledge on modern methods and trends in stability theory. Contents 1. Surprising Instabilities of Simple Elastic Structures, Davide Bigoni, Diego Misseroni, Giovanni Noselli and Daniele Zaccaria. 2. WKB Solutions Near an Unstable Equilibrium and Applications, Jean-François Bony, Setsuro Fujiié, Thierry Ramond and Maher Zerzeri, partially supported by French ANR project NOSEVOL. 3. The Sign Exchange Bifurcation in a Family of Linear Hamiltonian Systems, Richard Cushman, Johnathan Robbins and Dimitrii Sadovskii. 4. Dissipation Effect on Local and Global Fluid-Elastic Instabilities, Olivier Doaré. 5. Tunneling, Librations and Normal Forms in a Quantum Double Well with a Magnetic Field, Sergey Yu. Dobrokhotov and Anatoly Yu. Anikin. 6. Stability of Dipole Gap Solitons in Two-Dimensional Lattice Potentials, Nir Dror and Boris A. Malomed. 7. Representation of Wave Energy of a Rotating Flow in Terms of the Dispersion Relation, Yasuhide Fukumoto, Makoto Hirota and Youichi Mie. 8. Determining the Stability Domain of Perturbed Four-Dimensional Systems in 1:1 Resonance, Igor Hoveijn and Oleg N. Kirillov. 9. Index Theorems for Polynomial Pencils, Richard Kollár and Radomír Bosák. 10. Investigating Stability and Finding New Solutions in Conservative Fluid Flows Through Bifurcation Approaches, Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz and Charles H.K. Williamson. 11. Evolution Equations for Finite Amplitude Waves in Parallel Shear Flows, Sherwin A. Maslowe. 12. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation I, Philip J. Morrison and George I. Hagstrom. 13. Continuum Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation II, George I. Hagstrom and Philip J. Morrison. 14. Energy Stability Analysis for a Hybrid Fluid-Kinetic Plasma Model, Philip J. Morrison, Emanuele Tassi and Cesare Tronci. 15. Accurate Estimates for the Exponential Decay of Semigroups with Non-Self-Adjoint Generators, Francis Nier. 16. Stability Optimization for Polynomials and Matrices, Michael L. Overton. 17. Spectral Stability of Nonlinear Waves in KdV-Type Evolution Equations, Dmitry E. Pelinovsky. 18. Unfreezing Casimir Invariants: Singular Perturbations Giving Rise to Forbidden Instabilities, Zensho Yoshida and Philip J. Morrison. About the Authors Oleg N. Kirillov has been a Research Fellow at the Magneto-Hydrodynamics Division of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany since 2011. His research interests include non-conservative stability problems of structural mechanics and physics, perturbation theory of non-self-adjoint boundary eigenvalue problems, magnetohydrodynamics, friction-induced oscillations, dissipation-induced instabilities and non-Hermitian problems of optics and microwave physics. Since 2013 he has served as an Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Mathematical Physics. Dmitry E. Pelinovsky has been Professor at McMaster University in Canada since 2000. His research profile includes work with nonlinear partial differential equations, discrete dynamical systems, spectral theory, integrable systems, and numerical analysis. He served as the guest editor of the special issue of the journals Chaos in 2005 and Applicable Analysis in 2010. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. This book is devoted to the problems of spectral analysis, stability and bifurcations arising from the nonlinear partial differential equations of modern physics. Leading experts in dynamical systems, operator theory, partial differential equations, and solid and fluid mechanics present state-of-the-art approaches to a wide spectrum of new challenging stability problems. Bifurcations and stability of solitary waves, geometrical optics stability analysis in hydro- and magnetohydrodynamics and dissipation-induced instabilities will be treated with the use of the theory of Krein and Pontryagin space, index theory, the theory of multi-parameter eigenvalue problems and modern asymptotic and perturbative approaches. All chapters contain mechanical and physical examples and combine both tutorial and advanced sections, making them attractive both to experts in the field and non-specialists interested in knowing more about modern methods and trends in stability theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Virtual Networks: Pluralistic Approach for the Next Generation of Internet
The first chapter of this title concerns virtualization techniques that allow sharing computational resources basically, slicing a real computational environment into virtual computational environments that are isolated from one another. The Xen and OpenFlow virtualization platforms are then presented in Chapter 2 and a performance analysis of both is provided. This chapter also defines the primitives that the network virtualization infrastructure must provide for allowing the piloting plane to manage virtual network elements. Following this, interfaces for system management of the two platforms are proposed in Chapter 3. To control and manage virtual network elements, five primitives that the network virtualization infrastructure must provide are defined: instantiate, delete, migrate, monitor and set. The book then moves on to survey existing control algorithms for virtual networking. It also describes the main challenges for packet forwarding using Xen as a virtualization tool and describes, in more detail, a proposal for local control of virtual networks. Within each physical node, this proposal guarantees the service level acquired by each virtual network, even in the presence of misbehaving virtual networks. Contents 1. Virtualization, Luís Henrique M.K. Costa. 2. Virtual Network Interfaces, Miguel Elias M. Campista. 3. Performance Improvement and Control of Virtual Network Elements, Igor M. Moraes. 4. State of the Art in Context-Aware Technologies, Edmundo R.M. Madeira and Guy Pujolle. 5. Providing Isolation and Quality-of-Service to Virtual Networks, Miguel Elias M. Campista. 6. Piloting System, Edmundo R.M. Madeira and Nelson Luis S. Da Fonseca. 7. Management and Control: The Situated View, Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte. 8. System Architecture Design, Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte. About the Authors Otto Carlos M.B. Duarte is Full Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, where he has worked since 1978. His research interests include mobile communications, security, multicast, and QoS guarantees. Guy Pujolle is currently Professor at University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI) in France and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Orange/France Telecom Group. He has published widely in the area of computer systems modeling and performance, queuing theory, high-speed networks, intelligence in networking, wireless networks, and Post-IP networks, including 19 influential texts and monographs in these areas.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Finite Element Method
This book offers an in-depth presentation of the finite element method, aimed at engineers, students and researchers in applied sciences.The description of the method is presented in such a way as to be usable in any domain of application. The level of mathematical expertise required is limited to differential and matrix calculus.The various stages necessary for the implementation of the method are clearly identified, with a chapter given over to each one: approximation, construction of the integral forms, matrix organization, solution of the algebraic systems and architecture of programs. The final chapter lays the foundations for a general program, written in Matlab, which can be used to solve problems that are linear or otherwise, stationary or transient, presented in relation to applications stemming from the domains of structural mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Command-control for Real-time Systems
A real-time system is a complex system which is an integral part of an industrial or experimental system, a vehicle or a construction machine. The peculiarity of these systems is that they are driven by real-time targets in distributed environments. Command-control for Real-time Systems presents the calculation of correction for industrial systems of different physical natures, their implementation on real-time target industrial systems (PLC-SCADA, embedded systems with distributed networks, Networked Control Systems) and their validation by simulation. It optimizes industrial processes by the use of automatic tools, industrial computing and communications networks and aims to successively integrate new control laws (linear, nonlinear and fuzzy controllers) so that users can leverage the power of engineering science as an automatic service process optimization while maintaining their high maintainability facilities. Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Modeling Tools, Sébastien Cabaret and Mohammed Chadli. 3. Control Tools, Mohammed Chadli and Hervé Coppier. 4. Application to Cryogenic Systems, Marco Pezzetti, Hervé Coppier and Mohammed Chadli. 5. Applications to a Thermal System and to Gas Systems, Sébastien Cabaret and Hervé Coppier. 6. Application to Vehicles, Elie Kafrouni and Mohammed Chadli. 7. Real-time Implementation, Marco Pezzetti and Hervé Coppier. About the Authors Mohamed Chadli is a senior lecturer and research supervisor at the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) in France. His main research interests lie in robust control, the diagnosis and fault tolerant control of polytopic systems and applications for automobiles. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and Vice President of the AAI Club as part of SEE-France. He is the author/co-author of 3 books, book chapters and more than 100 articles published in international journals and conferences. Hervé Coppier is a lecturing researcher at ESIEE-Amiens in France. He has collaborated with industrialists in the field of automation and industrial computing, particularly with CERN, and has spearheaded various international European projects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovative Software Development in GIS
At a time when people use more and more geographic information and tools, the management of geographical information in software systems still holds many challenges and motivates researchers from different backgrounds to propose innovative solutions. Representing geographical space beyond our mere perception is key to making relevant decisions, whether it is with respect to sustainable development or to the planning of everyday activities. Designing, sharing and exploiting such representations entails many challenges. This book presents recent software design projects, led in teams, which sometimes have different backgrounds, to address these challenges. It analyzes the specificities of these projects in terms of motivation, data models and analysis methods. Proposals are also put forward to improve resource sharing in this domain. Contents 1. Introduction, Bénédicte Bucher and Florence Le Ber. Part 1. Software Presentation 2. ORBISGIS: Geographical Information System Designed by and for Research, Erwan Bocher and Gwendall Petit. 3. GEOXYGENE: an Interoperable Platform for Geographical Application Development, Éric Grosso, Julien Perret and Mickaël Brasebin. 4. Spatiotemporal Knowledge Representation in AROM-ST, Bogdan Moisuc, Alina Miron, Marlène Villanova-Olivier and Jérôme Gensel. 5. GENGHIS: an Environment for the Generation of Spatiotemporal Visualization Interfaces, Paule-Annick Davoine, Bogdan Moisuc and Jérôme Gensel. 6. GEOLIS: a Logical Information System to Organize and Search Geo-Located Data, Olivier Bedel, Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. 7. GENEXP-LANDSITES: a 2D Agricultural Landscape Generating Piece of Software, Florence Le Ber and Jean-François Mari. 8. MDWEB: Cataloging and Locating Environmental Resources, Jean-Christophe Desconnets and Thérèse Libourel. 9. WEBGEN: Web Services to Share Cartographic Generalization Tools, Moritz Neun, Nicolas Regnauld and Robert Weibel. Part 2. Summary and Suggestions 10. Analysis of the Specificities of Software Development in Geomatics Research, Florence Le Ber and Bénédicte Bucher. 11. Challenges and Proposals for Software Development Pooling in Geomatics, Bénédicte Bucher, Julien Gaffuri, Florence Le Ber and Thérèse Libourel.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Artificial Materials
This book addresses artificial materials including photonic crystals (PC) and metamaterials (MM). The first part is devoted to design concepts: negative permeability and permittivity for negative refraction, periodic structures, transformation optics. The second part concerns PC and MM in stop band regime: from cavities, guides to high impedance surfaces. Abnormal refraction, less than one and negative, in PC and MM are studied in a third part, addressing super-focusing and cloaking. Applications for telecommunications, lasers and imaging systems are also explored.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Audiovisual Archives
Today, huge quantities of digital audiovisual resources are already available – everywhere and at any time – through Web portals, online archives and libraries, and video blogs. One central question with respect to this huge amount of audiovisual data is how they can be used in specific (social, pedagogical, etc.) contexts and what are their potential interest for target groups (communities, professionals, students, researchers, etc.). This book examines the question of the (creative) exploitation of digital audiovisual archives from a theoretical, methodological, technical and practical point of view, especially in three main directions of work: - The repurposing and republishing of existing audiovisual data. - The building of community-centric audiovisual archives. - The use of digital social media and Web 2 technology for the diffusion and sharing of audiovisual content. This book presents a series of concrete examples of creative uses of digital audiovisual corpora for education, research and cultural heritage preservation and valorization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Managerial Logic
The publication of the first book by Kenneth Arrow and Hervé Raynaud, in 1986, led to an important wave of research in the field of axiomatic approach applied to managerial logic. Managerial Logic summarizes the prospective results of this research and offers consultants, researchers, and decision makers a unified framework for handling the difficult decisions they face. Based on confirmed results of experimental psychology, this book places the problem in a phenomenological framework and shows how the influence of traditional methods has slowed the effective resolution of these problems. It provides a panorama of principal concepts and theorems demonstrated on axiomatized methods to guide readers in choosing the best alternatives and rejecting the worst ones. Finally, it describes the obtained extensions, often paradoxical, reached when these results are extended to classification problems. The objective of this book is also to allow the decision maker to find his way through the plethora of “multicriterion methods” promoted by council organizations. The meta-method it proposes will allow him to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. The collaboration with Kenneth Arrow comes essentially from the fact that his work influenced all subsequent works quoted in this book. His famous impossibility theorem, his gem of a PhD thesis, and his various other works resulted in him receiving the Nobel Prize for economy just before meeting Hervé Raynaud who was at that time a visiting professor at Berkeley University in California. Their mutual publications serve as the basis for the axiomatic approach in multicriterion decision-making.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Design and Damage
The design of mechanical structures with predictable and improved durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading researchers in the field, this book, along with the complementary books Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals and Application to Damage and Design (both also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. This book deals with multiaxial fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue, fretting-fatigue, influence of defects on fatigue life, cumulative damage and damage tolerance, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of materials science and engineering, mechanical, nuclear and aerospace engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonparametric Tests for Censored Data
This book concerns testing hypotheses in non-parametric models. Generalizations of many non-parametric tests to the case of censored and truncated data are considered. Most of the test results are proved and real applications are illustrated using examples. Theories and exercises are provided. The incorrect use of many tests applying most statistical software is highlighted and discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Human-Computer Interactions in Transport
The human-computer interactions are more and more present in our everyday life, and lead to many conceptual and methodological problems for the designers and evaluators of interactive systems. This book is about Human-Computer Interaction in Transport domain, in which the traveler becomes a user of information systems, particularly before and during the travel(s). This book will focus on traveler information and personalized systems, using a human-centered design approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-standard Antennas
This book aims at describing the wide variety of new technologies and concepts of non-standard antenna systems – reconfigurable, integrated, terahertz, deformable, ultra-wideband, using metamaterials, or MEMS, etc, and how they open the way to a wide range of applications, from personal security and communications to multifunction radars and towed sonars, or satellite navigation systems, with space-time diversity on transmit and receive. A reference book for designers in this lively scientific community linking antenna experts and signal processing engineers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications: Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doctorial Symposium of the I-ESA International Conference 2010
Within the framework of the Sixth I-ESA International Conference, supported by the INTEROP VLab (International Virtual Laboratory on Enterprise Interoperability,, three workshops and a Doctoral Symposium have been organized in order to strengthen some key topics related to interoperability for enterprise applications and software. The workshops were selected to complement the conference topics, leaving more time to researchers for brainstorming and then coming up, at the end of the workshops, with new research directions for the future. The goal of the workshop “Standards – a Foundation for Interoperability” is to increase awareness and understanding of interoperability standards as a fundamental need. The workshop “Use of MDI/SOA Concepts in Industry” promotes the application of MDI (Model-Driven Interoperability) combined with SOA (Services Oriented Architecture) and the associated technology (BPM, Enterprise Modeling, ontology, mediation, model transformation, etc.) in industry. The workshop on “Dynamic Management across Interoperating Enterprises” investigates the need for enhancements to current business management systems and processes to address the needs of global trading across enterprises utilizing the new service-oriented Internet. Finally, the Doctoral Symposium has given the opportunity for students involved in the preparation of their PhDs in this emerging area to present and discuss their research issues and ideas with senior researchers.