Search results for ""Fernwood Publishing""
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd The Year We Became Us: A Novel About the Saskatchewan Doctors Strike
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Men on the Edge
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking About Canadian Social Issues
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Tailings of Warren Peace
A corrupt mining company, repossessed gravestones, a man’s fractured past, mysterious notes posted to lampposts and murder deep in the highlands of Guatemala. In Tailings of Warren Peace, Stephen Law effortlessly weaves these elements into a powerful story of love and memory, exploring how the past haunts us and how solidarity can save us all. Mysterious, passionate and powerful, Tailings of Warren Peace shows us the interconnections that exist between us, transcending social class, culture and geography.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Asian Immigrants in "Two Canadas": Racialization, Marginalization and Deregulated Work
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Shaping an Agenda for Atlantic Canada
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Community Organizing: A Holistic Approach
From the Introduction:History is full of stories of the oppressed rebelling against the oppressor, only to reinstate an equally oppressive system. What we learn from oppression is how to oppress. If we want a truly transformative politics, then we must take up methods that embody the kind of world we want to create; we have to change deeply embedded beliefs and behaviours.In this engaging and passionate book, long-time community organizer Joan Kuyek offers important insights and concrete tools to encourage people to get involved in social justice action at the community level. In Canada, activists are frustrated with their inability to effect change in the global economic system, overwhelmed by the number and complexity of issues and too often unaware or dismissive of the efforts of other activists. As a result, social forces for justice and the environment are fragmented and ineffective, and the economic elite grows more powerful. Community Organizing argues that it does not have to be this way. Suggesting that most of our attempts at change and community-building fail because we cannot get along with each other, Community Organizing starts at the community level to describe how we can work together and create organizations based on dignity and respect. It provides strategies to build movements from the community to assert democratic political power and tools to create a culture of hope in this time of despair. This book offers the means to reclaim political power in Canada.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Archival Narratives for Canada: Re-telling Stories in a Changing Landscape
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Good Girls, Good Sex: Women Talk about Church and Sexuality
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Activism That Works
How do social justice and environmental activists determine or define their effectiveness? This unique consideration shares the stories of eight diverse social justice movements-including the Alberta College of Social Workers, the Calgary Raging Grannies, Oxfam Canada, and the Youth Project of Halifax-as they contemplate their own achievements. Revealing that success is not measured only in large-scale social reform, but is also found in moments of connection, such as in building relationships and raising awareness, this record provides meaningful insights into the struggle against neoliberal capitalism. A contribution to the movements challenging the domination of free market ideology, this book will offer a space for reflecting on the impacts of activist groups.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Media Mediocrity - Waging War Against Science: How the Television Makes Us Stoopid!
From science channels and documentaries to fictional and children's programming, television brings a myriad of scientific discoveries and theories into the homes of people around the world. While television is an important intermediary between society and its understanding of science, this record argues that the science we learn on the tube is inaccurate, misleading, and, sometimes, even dangerous. Dealing with issues such as tobacco consumption, global warming and Intelligent Design-as well as a host of pseudoscientific pursuits like UFOs, ghosts, and the afterlife-this illuminating account examines how producers' pursuit of ratings and profit trump any desire to provide the Audience with an accurate knowledge of science.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Manufacturing Meltdown: Reshaping Steel Work
In the 1980s, following decades of booming business, the global steel industry went into a precipitous decline, which necessitated significant restructuring. Management demanded workers’ increased participation in evermore temporary and insecure labour. Engaging the workers at the flagship Stelco plant in Hamilton, the authors document new management strategies and the responses of unionized workforces to them. These investigations provide valuable insights into the dramatic changes occurring within the Canadian steel industry.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Race & Well-Being: The Lives, Hopes and Activism of African Canadians
Through in-depth qualitative research with African Canadians in three Canadian cities-Calgary, Toronto, and Halifax-this study explores how experiences of racism, when combined with other social and economic factors, affect the health and well-being of this segment of the country`s population. With a special interest in how racial stereotyping impacts black men and boys, the book presents stories of racism and violence and describes how reactions to racism differ across a range of social and economic variables. In addition, the discussion rejects the notion that black communities are homogeneous and provides a detailed examination of three distinct communities: Caribbean, immigrant African, and Canadian black.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Ontario Works ? Works for Whom?: An Investigation of Workfare in Ontario
An ethnographic study of Ontario Works-a jobs program for welfare recipients-this reference points to unsolved problems going back to 1996, when the program was voted in as part of the neoliberal restructuring of the welfare state. Key findings show that the assigned jobs often complicate the lives of the workers; that the workers provide subsidized and cheap labor for companies and social agencies; and that workers don`t get enough assistance in keeping jobs or building skills.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Poverty, Regulation and Social Justice: Readings on the Criminalization of Poverty
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Maternity Rolls: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Disability
Combining ethnology and memoir, this fascinating book describes the issues surrounding childbirth and motherhood for disabled women. The author, a paraplegic, tells about her own hunt for medical advice before getting pregnant-and then about the normal births of her two children-before widening the conversation to other disabled women and sympathetic members of the medical community.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd The Guy in the Green Truck: John St. Amand - A Biography
Spotlighting one man's choice to abandon security for chance, this biographical memoir relates the inspiring story of John St. Amand, who left a promising career as a sociologist-along with handsome health and retirement benefits-to take on the turbulent life of a union organizer. Documenting one of his first campaigns in which he crisscrossed industrial Cape Breton signing up workers to the new Canadian Miner's Union, this narrative recollects how, because of his preferred mode of transportation, he became known as "the guy in the green truck." Forming a tribute to a courageous fighter who banished any thoughts of defeat in the face of lost campaigns and worked tirelessly to bring hope and justice to the oppressed and neglected, this exploration portrays Amand's steadfast dedication to all working men and women.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Deep Roots
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Bankruptcies & Bailouts
Taking a closer look at the industrialized world, this revealing study claims that Canada is in the midst of an economic crisis of global proportions-and that Nobel Prize–winning economists failed to see it coming. This accessible survey tackles the roots of this monetary disaster with a collection of in-depth essays, showing how the global capitalist economy-dependent on hyper-extended credit, fueled by systematic deregulation, and rooted in the contradictions of a mad drive for unlimited profitability-must inevitably end up in such a predicament. From recession to depression and market adjustment to billion-dollar stimulus plans, this reference also proves that there are ways out of this economic conundrum that do not involve saving those responsible.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Racism & Justice: Critical Dialogue on the Politics of Identity, Inequality and Change
Exploring the prospect for "postraciality," this anthology of essays seeks to inform discussion and debate about the possibility of postracial politics-those that are neither oblivious to the importance of racial classification nor the persistence of racism and injustice. Conceptualizing this type of politics as a set of interrelated institutional and cultural changes that can neither be separated from historical relations nor reduced to the past, this compendium collectively prioritizes complexity over simplicity, progress over retrenchment, unity over diversity, and polemics over dogmatism. Analyzing historical records and highlighting new directions in the studies of race and race relations in Canada, this volume provides a valuable postmodern perspective on social identity.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Blowback: A Canadian History of Agent Orange and the War at Home
Chronicling the horrific story of the Agent Orange experiments near Oromocto, New Brunswick, this shocking history reveals the tragic accounts of numerous families who lost loved ones due to military testing. Depicting the initial spraying of the deadly defoliant near Gagetown, this document portrays how the United States military, searching for a terrain similar to Vietnam, began conducting tests in this area. Although the Americans discontinued their trials in the late 1960s, this record uncovers more than an additional decade's worth of continued use by Canadian forces, who discovered it was cheaper to clear brush and kill trees with a dangerous chemical than to hire workers to perform the task. As this astonishing study demonstrates, what they did not know at the time was that Agent Orange also killed people. Hundreds of locals suffered and died, and cancer and other diseases ran rampant among military personnel and civilians who worked on the base. This stunning recollection investigates the stories of those who didn't survive as well as their relatives' daunting struggle to obtain compensation for their suffering and loss, exposing countless years of government complicity.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd You Must Be a Basketball Player: Rethinking Integration in the University
Documenting a black professor's account of his own professional experience, this study describes what it feels like to be a nonwhite academic in one of the "big three" disciplines in the humanities-English, history, and philosophy. Challenging the notion that today's Canadian universities have successfully addressed the issues of diversity, this argument warns that if professors of color cannot see academia as a liberal bastion, it can only be even more forbidding for students of color. Demonstrating how integration policies are manipulated when it comes to hiring visible minorities in the university, this reference highlights aspects such as merit that are commonly used to deny employment. Positing that institutions should deliver on their stated policies instead of hiding behind formalities, this emboldened examination will surprise those inside and outside of the academic field.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Mining Town Crisis: Globalization, Labour and Resistance in Sudbury
Exploring key aspects of the economic, health, and social conditions of the largest hard-rock-mining center in North America-and in the world-this account investigates the hinterland mining town of Sudbury in Northern Ontario, Canada. Deconstructing the myth that the enormous mineral wealth of the Sudbury Basin has brought prosperity to the town's cultural and educational welfare institutions, this overview analyzes the impact that globalization and corporate power have had on the working people, how and why resistance has emerged, and why alternative directions are needed. Uncovering the truth behind a well-maintained and attractive physical infrastructure, this examination offers important lessons for other mining and resource communities.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Energy Security and Climate Change: A Canadian Primer
Peak oil and climate change were mere hypotheses only a few years ago. This book brings together some of Canada's and the world's leading authorities to explore the origins of twin crises of our times and to evaluate the various solutions being advanced. What emerges is an engrossing discussion that is critical, sophisticated and plain spoken, challenging and controversial. "Energy Security and Climate Change" will be of interest to those seeking an introduction to the issues, as well as those looking for a greater depth of analysis.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Risk & Trust: Including or Excluding Citizens?
In recent years politicians, academics and social commentators have discussed and debated aspects of the "risk society." For some, embracing a risk frame fulfils a socially productive role in that it helps identify and manage a range of harms and fears. However, as this multidisciplinary collection illustrates, peeling back the veneer of this often highly technocratic discourse reveals a series of moral judgments about the constitution of risk and its role in organizing contemporary society. Exploring a broad range of case studies - including young women in conflict with the law, child soldiers, welfare recipients, genetic testing, biotechnology and new technologies - the contributors explore whether the concept of risk has undermined our sense of trust in society, effectively eroding the definition of citizenship, marginalizing particular people and groups, needlessly heightening societal fears and rendering invisible social inequalities.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Research Ethics and the Internet: Negotiating Canada`s Tri-Council Policy Statement
Kitchin helps readers pick their way through the minefield that stands in the way of all who seek to find clarity as to the ethics of Internet research. The Internet poses new challenges to researchers, and the author clearly discusses these challenges in all their complexity. Issues of copyright, privacy and ethical use of Internet materials loom large. Kitchin analyzes contradictions between the federal Tri- Council Policy Statement and university-based research ethics boards and offers a simple solution to policy makers who grapple with the ethics of internet research.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd With Child: Substance Use During Pregnancy: A Woman-Centred Approach
Pregnant drug users are the focus of this new study that argues that women who abuse substances should not be treated differently during their pregnancies but should instead be treated the same way as women who have medical problems with obstetric consequences. The social issues that produce drug abuse during pregnancy are discussed, and valuable information about top practices and policies for caring for maternal drug users is provided.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Collective Bargaining in Canada: Human Right or Canadian Illusion?
"Canada's reputation as an international champion of human rights falls appallingly short when it comes to the question of workers' rights. While we are among the first nations to sign international labour conventions, too often we break them when they prove inconvenient at home. This timely and valuable publication chronicles a list of these abuses, and challenges us as a nation to reclaim our once shining international reputation." - Ed Broadbent, Former MP.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Ruling Canada: Corporate Cohesion and Democracy
The "economic elite" has long been thought to cooperate at a corporate level to impact state and national policies and programs at the expense of the Canadian citizenry. However, this work reveals the expanding reach of the elite and their current encroachment into the noncorporate arena as yet another opportunity to exert their formidable influence. Citing the increasingly unified and class-conscious aspects of the group, this text reveals the degree to which this minority continues to prosper, dominate, and threaten Canadian democracy through numerous unifying mechanisms: corporate director interlocks; concentrated economic ownership; ties to the mass media; and the many business-oriented think tanks, philanthropic foundations, and corporate policy organizations. Maintaining that these existing relations need not be considered inevitable, the author challenges concerned citizens to come together to disrupt the political and economic status quo.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Escape!
Based on Leon Trotsky's real-life imprisonment in Amherst, Nova Scotia, this adventure tells the tale of 13-year-old Russian Alexi Gertoff and his chance meeting with Lev, Leon Trotsky's son. In the spring of 1917, Lev has come to Amherst to help his father escape from the wartime prison camp and Alexi becomes involved in this dangerous attempt to reunite Trotsky with his family. Following the fast-paced trip of these two young men, this tale is full of unpredictable twists that make for an absorbing read full of suspense and adventure.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Inventing Tax Rage: Misinformation in the National Post
During the National Post's first year of publication, it claimed that Canada's supposedly exorbitant taxes were causing great damage to the economy and had produced a form of "tax rage" among the middle class. In contrast, Larry Patriquin suggests that the paper's writers were engaged in a dubious form of "reasoning" in order to promote an ideology that mostly benefits the wealthy. This involved presenting the Post's aspiration for tax cuts as the "agenda of the people" when, as this book demonstrates, the vast majority of citizens receive little or no benefit from low levels of taxation. In advancing its case, the Post published a stunning collection of factual and logical errors that were incessantly repeated in editorials and columns. Yet in 2000, the federal Liberal Party surrendered completely to the bogus "tax rage" invented by the Post and, as a result, the Liberal's fiscal policy became inseparable from right-wing platforms. Patriquin categorizes these errors to better illustrate why the arguments are flawed. He structures the chapters in a point-counterpoint format to serve as a guide for readers on how to, and how not to, develop and defend an argument.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Calculated Kindness: Global Restructuring, Immigration and Settlement in Canada
Debunking the common perception that immigrants are admitted into a new country because of the host country`s generosity and willingness to provide refuge and security, this collection of immigrant case studies suggests that immigrants are admitted to serve a host country`s economic interests or to make good on a national debt. The firsthand experiences of Ghanaian women, migrant sex-workers, foreign-trained professionals, and Canadian aid workers reveal that the host country often reaps benefits from immigration. The impact of policies and regulations on real people are thoughtfully explored in this biting indictment of the selfish motivations that power admittance and rejection cater to in the immigration process.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Contesting Fundamentalisms
A multidimensional understanding of the nature of fundamentalism is presented in this exploration of fundamentalism`s manifestations in economics, nationalism, ethnic relations, gender politics, and religious practice. While religious fundamentalism has been a particularly potent cultural force in contemporary times, other spheres have been affected by this revival of extreme positions. How fundamentalism is used by the powerful to retain privileged positions and how it can be attractive to subordinate groups as a strategy for resisting oppression are among the issues discussed in this incisive examination.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Challenging Politics: COPE, Electoral Politics and New Social Movements
This history of Vancouver`s Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE) examines the processes and pitfalls of coalition building at the urban level. The role of politics in the era of globalization is a key issue discussed, with emphasis on how electoral politics and processes must adhere to democratic values. COPE is examined as a microcosm illustrating two central tensions in leftist politics: the problem of building coalitions between diverse social organizations and the role of electoral politics in broader leftist projects. COPE`s involvement in recent urban elections in Vancouver shed light on the success of leftist agendas.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Social Torment: Globalization in Atlantic Canada
This in-depth study of globalization`s effect on Atlantic Canada considers not simply the gross national Product and its measures of the economic trends of the corporate elite, but the social indices that track globalization`s impact on working people, the working poor, people on social assistance, and the elderly. Healthcare, education, the environment, and the local economy demonstrate the affluency (or desperation) of communities, and it is argued that these measures reflect the devastating effects of free trade and privatization in Atlantic Canada. A positive vision for the Canadian and international economy that emphasizes human need over corporate greed is outlined to promote social change.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Teaching Controversy
This critical text on pedagogy addresses how classroom dynamics change when a teacher introduces controversial issues and challenges the tacit privileges perpetuated by accepted perceptions. Teachers learn how to deal with the stigma of challenging accepted norms and how to respect students who have different viewpoints. Power, control, and vulnerability are among the ideas discussed in detail to prevent teachers and students from being relegated to a marginal position when canonical concepts in a discipline are questioned.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin: An Aboriginal Approach to Helping
Historically, social work and psychology professions have pressured and coerced Aboriginal peoples to follow the euro-centric ways of society. The needs of Aboriginal peoples have not been successfully addressed by helping professioan due to a limited attempt to incorporate Aboriginal perspectives and practices of helping. Michael Hart briefly discusses colonization from an Aboriginal perspective, ontological imperialism, social work's role in colonial oppression, and the dynamic of resistance. Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin encourages Aboriginal concepts, values and perspectives to be effectively incorporated by helpers trained in counselling, supporting, and teaching disciplines.Micheal Hart uses his own personal and professional experiences and that of other Aboriginal helpers. Throughout the book he outlines ways of adopting an Aboriginal Approach to helping. The closing chapter examines one such approach, the sharing circle, and how it can be used to guide practice with individuals, families, and groups in several contexts.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Pieces of a Puzzle: Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse
Intended for practitioners, researchers, and students interested in contemporary perspectives on child sexual abuse, this volume offers a description of current Canadian research and intervention efforts on topics that include treatment for young victims, understanding mothers of children who have been sexually abused, grooming patterns of offenders, family systems approaches to treatment, criminal prosecution in child sexual abuse cases, and the use of community notification programs.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Mindfulness and Its Discontents: Education, Self, and Social Transformation
Mindfulness, a way to alleviate suffering by realizing the impermanence of the self and our interdependence with others, has been severed from its Buddhist roots. In the late-stage-capitalist, neoliberal, solipsistic West, it becomes McMindfulness, a practice that instead shores up the privatized self, and is corporatized and repackaged as a strategy to cope with our stressful society through an emphasis on self-responsibility and self-promotion. Rather than a way to promote human development and social justice, McMindfulness covertly reinforces neoliberalism and capitalism, the very self-promoting systems that worsen our suffering.In Mindfulness and Its Discontents, David Forbes provides an integral framework for a critical, social, moral mindfulness that both challenges unmindful practices and ideas and provides a way forward. He analyzes how education curricula across North America employ mindfulness: to help students learn to succeed in a neoliberal society by enhancing the ego through emphasizing individualistic skills and the self-regulation of anger and stress. Forbes argues that mindfulness educators instead should uncover and resist the sources of stress and distress that stem from an inequitable, racist, individualistic, market-based (neoliberal) society and shows how school mindfulness programs can help bring about one that is more transformative, compassionate and just.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Making Space for Indigenous Feminism, 2nd Edition
The first edition of Making Space for Indigenous Feminism proposed that Indigenous feminism was a valid and indeed essential theoretical and activist position, and introduced a roster of important Indigenous feminist contributors. This new edition builds on the success and research of the first and provides updated and new chapters that cover a wide range of some of the most important issues facing Indigenous peoples today: violence against women, recovery of Indigenous self-determination, racism, misogyny and decolonization. Specifically, new chapters deal with Indigenous resurgence, feminism amongst the Sami and in Aboriginal Australia, neoliberal restructuring in Oaxaca, Canada's settler racism and sexism, and missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada.Written by Indigenous feminists and allies, this book provides a powerful and original intellectual and political contribution demonstrating that feminism has much to offer Indigenous women, and all Indigenous peoples, in their struggles against oppression.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Human Development: Lessons from the Cuban Revolution
Capitalism is a system in crisis. In the context of an urgent need for an alternative system, Cuba provides valuable lessons. The Cuban Revolution's unique features have allowed it to survive both the conditions that brought about the collapse of the Soviet model of socialism and the renewed assault of US imperialism. The Revolution also serves as an inspiration for developing countries seeking to escape the clutches of global capitalism. Henry Veltmeyer examines the Cuban Revolution from the perspective of socialist human development, critiquing the notion of human development used by the United Nations Development Programme to rescue capitalism from its fundamental contradictions and give a human face to an exploitative and destructive development process. Veltmeyer's analysis shows the necessity to jettison a process designed to benefit the rich and powerful at an enormous social and environmental cost, one disproportionately borne by the working classes and the impoverished masses of the developing world.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Bearing Witness: Journalists, Record Keepers and the 1917 Halifax Explosion
At approximately 8:45 a.m. on 6 December 1917, the Belgian Relief vessel IMO struck the munitions-laden freighter Mont-Blanc in Halifax Harbour. The Mont-Blanc exploded in a devastating 2.9 kiloton blast, which killed 2,000 people and injured 9,000. More than 6,000 people were made homeless, and an additional 12,000 were left without shelter.Bearing Witness tells the story of the Explosion, and the catastrophic damage it caused, through the eyes and words of more than two dozen journalists and record keepers who experienced it first hand. Their accounts reveal a unique perspective, offering new detail about the tragedy and providing insight into the individuals who struggled to articulate the magnitude of the shocking event to the rest of the world.In addition to the original work by journalists and record keepers, Michael Dupuis provides over 30 photographs and illustrations, several previously unseen, and a detailed timeline of journalistic activities from the time of the Explosion on December 6 to December 16.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Disability Politics and Theory
An accessible introduction to disability studies, Disability Politics and Theory provides a concise survey of disability history, exploring the concept of disability as it has been conceived from the late 19th century to the present. Further, A.J. Withers examines when, how and why new categories of disability are created and describes how capitalism benefits from and enforces disabled people's oppression. Critiquing the model that currently dominates the discipline, the social model of disability, this book offers an alternative: the radical disability model. This model builds on the social model but draws from more recent schools of radical thought, particularly feminism and critical race theory, to emphasize the role of intersecting oppressions in the marginalization of disabled people and the importance of addressing disability both independently and in conjunction with other oppressions. Intertwining theoretical and historical analysis with personal experience this book is a poignant portrayal of disabled people in Canada and the U.S. - and a radical call for social and economic justice.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods
Indigenous researchers are knowledge seekers who work to progress Indigenous ways of being, knowing and doing in a modern and constantly evolving context. This book describes a research paradigm shared by Indigenous scholars in Canada and Australia, and demonstrates how this paradigm can be put into practice. Relationships don't just shape Indigenous reality, they are our reality. Indigenous researchers develop relationships with ideas in order to achieve enlightenment in the ceremony that is Indigenous research. Indigenous research is the ceremony of maintaining accountability to these relationships. For researchers to be accountable to all our relations, we must make careful choices in our selection of topics, methods of data collection, forms of analysis and finally in the way we present information. I'm an Opaskwayak Cree from northern Manitoba currently living in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales, Australia. I'm also a father of three boys, a researcher, son, uncle, teacher, world traveller, knowledge keeper and knowledge seeker. As an educated Indian, I've spent much of my life straddling the Indigenous and academic worlds. Most of my time these days is spent teaching other Indigenous knowledge seekers (and my kids) how to accomplish this balancing act while still keeping both feet on the ground.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Accumulation and Constraint: Biomedical Development and Advanced Industrial Health
"Accumulation and Constraint examines the dynamic world of advanced industrial health, exploring it as a means to better understand the internal differences in biomedical development (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices) and health care reform, delivery and restructuring. Rodney Loeppky suggests that it is because of intensified industrial competitive pressure that health production has grown so robustly across the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Loeppky also argues that there are important national, systemic differences, particularly in health care delivery, that place limits on the quest for economic gain through biomedical innovation. Using a political economy framework, Loeppky emphasizes the transitions to capitalism of industrial states - particularly the United States, Canada and Germany - as a critical point of development that shaped their contemporary handling of biomedical production and health."