Search results for ""Author . Allan""
Bunker Hill Publishing Inc Animals Aloft: photographs from the Smithsonian national Air & Space Museum
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's archives are world-renowned, but few might suspect that among over a million and a half photographs of airplanes, spacecraft, and famous aviators, the Museum has a veritable photographic menagerie of animals of all shapes and sizes. Animals Aloft presents a selection of photographs and anecdotes of this little-known aspect of aviation history. The author, in a witty and well informed text, describes the unique moments in the history of animal flight captured by the camera and artists' engravings. Animals Aloft records and illustrates hundreds of animal aviators and co-pilots including fifteen cats, two chickens, one rooster and four chicks; eight cows, one chimpanzee, numerous dogs, innumerable horses (including an entire cavalry column), birds, four goats and a spider. The bravest flew in legendary craft; the chicks in a Lockheed Constellation; the spider in the Skylab space station; the cows in a DC-3A, Kiddo in airship America; Gilmore the lion in a Lockheed Air Express 3; and Tailwind the woodchuck, who flew away in a Bellanca Sky Rocket and was never seen again. Meet Kiddo, the first cat to attempt a transatlantic crossing by air; Whiskey and Soda, lion mascots of the Lafayette Escadrille; Cher Ami, heroic pigeon of the Battle of Meuse-Argonne in World War I; Titina, the dog who flew over the North Pole twice; and Gilmore, lion mascot (and nervous passenger) of the dashing pilot Roscoe Turner. There are the tragic stories of Tailwind the woodchuck and Laika the space dog--and did Moritz, the Red Baron's Great Dane, really suffer from airsickness? Wilbur Wright, Alexander Graham Bell, Charles Lindbergh, and James H. Jimmy Doolittle make guest appearances, as does Amelia Earhart--with Harpo Marx. And, amazingly enough, it turns out that pigs really can fly. Animals Aloft pays an affectionate and at times humorous tribute to all these wonderful animals in their flying machines. Allan Janus is a museum specialist in the Archives Division of the National Air and Space Museum, where he assists researchers and maintains the archives' lighter than air (balloons and airship) files. He has organized several exhibits of archival material for the Museum, including Fauna in the Files, Airships in the Archives, and Army Green to Air Force Blue. He also wrote Dog is my Co-Pilot for Air & Space/Smithsonian magazine. Janus is also a widely exhibited photographer, whose work is represented in several museum collections, including the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and the Baltimore Museum of Art. Janus grew up in the Washington D.C. area, and currently lives in Washington Grove, Maryland, with two decidedly earth-bound cats, Max and Maxine.
Penguin Putnam Inc In Search of Captain Zero: A Surfers Road Trip Beyond the End of the Road
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Snow Fell Three Graves Deep: Voices from the Donner Party
Skyhorse Publishing Evil of the Age: A Thriller
The year is 1871 and Lucy Maloney, a kept woman, has been found murdered and stuffed in a trunk at the Hudson railway depot and New York journalist Charles St. Clair is on the story. The clues lead him from the mansions of Fifth Avenue to the brothels of SoHo to the dangerous saloons on Water Street. When the medical examiner reveals that the woman died from a botched abortion, St Clair sees a connection to his late wife’s death from the same procedure. St Clare and his boss hire Ruth Cardaso, a beautiful actress, to visit abortion clinics gathering information for an article he plans to run called "Evil of the Age." Deceit at the highest levels of political power comes to light when they uncover Lucy’s connection to a ring of abortionists and to Madame Philippe, a wealthy woman known as “Madam Killer.” As St. Clair dives deeper into the city’s sordid politics, he finds villains in surprising places and comes to suspect that while petty crime in New York is rampant, organized crime trickling from the top down is the true scourge on society. Evil of the Age is well-crafted a mix of historical lore and political corruption set against the seedy background of mid-1800s New York City.
WW Norton & Co The Uncollected Stories of Allan Gurganus
Since the explosive publication of Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All, Allan Gurganus has dazzled readers as “the most technically gifted and morally responsive writer of his generation” (John Cheever). He has been praised as "one of America’s preeminent novelists, our prime conductor of electric sentences" (William Giraldi). Above all, Allan Gurganus is a seriously funny writer, an expert at evoking humor, especially in our troubled times. Now he offers nine classic tales—never before between covers. They attest to his mastery of the short story and the growing depth of his genius. Offering characters antic and tragic, Gurganus charts the human condition—masked and unmasked—as we live it now. “Once upon a time” collides with the everyday. We meet a mortician whose dedication to his departed clients exceeds all legal limits. We encounter a seaside couple fighting to save their family dog from Maine’s fierce undertow. A virginal seventy-eight-year-old grammar school librarian has her sole erotic experience with a polyamorous snake farmer. A vicious tornado sends twin boys aloft, leaving only one of them alive. And, in an eerily prescient story, cholera strikes a rural village in 1849 and citizens come to blame their doomed young doctor who saved hundreds. These meticulously crafted parables recall William Faulkner’s scope and Flannery O’Connor’s corrosive wit. Imbuing each story with charged drama, Gurganus, a sublime ventriloquist, again proves himself among our funniest writers and our wisest.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach
Tundra Books A Big City Alphabet
WW Norton & Co Local Souls
Through memorable language and bawdy humor, Gurganus returns to his mythological Falls, North Carolina, home of Widow. This first work in a decade offers three novellas mirroring today’s face-lifted South, a zone revolutionized around freer sexuality, looser family ties, and superior telecommunications, yet it celebrates those locals who have chosen to stay local. In doing so, Local Souls uncovers certain old habits—adultery, incest, obsession—still very much alive in our New South, a "Winesburg, Ohio" with high-speed Internet. Wells Tower says of Gurganus, "No living writer knows more about how humans matter to each other." Such ties of love produce hilarious, if wrenching, complications: "Fear Not" gives us a banker's daughter seeking the child she was forced to surrender when barely fifteen, only to find an adult rescuer she might have invented. In "Saints Have Mothers," a beloved high school valedictorian disappears during a trip to Africa, granting her ambitious mother a postponed fame that turns against her. And in a dramatic "Decoy," the doctor-patient friendship between two married men breaks toward desire just as a biblical flood shatters their neighborhood and rearranges their fates. Gurganus finds fresh pathos in ancient tensions: between marriage and Eros, parenthood and personal fulfillment. He writes about erotic hunger and social embarrassment with Twain's knife-edged glee. By loving Falls, Gurganus dramatizes the passing of Hawthorne’s small-town nation into those Twitter-nourished lives we now expect and relish. Four decades ago, John Cheever pronounced Allan Gurganus "the most technically gifted and morally responsive writer of his generation." Local Souls confirms Cheever’s prescient faith. It deepens the luster of Gurganus’s reputation for compassion and laughter. His black comedy leaves us with lasting affection for his characters and the aching aftermath of human consequences. Here is a universal work about a village.
B&H Publishing Group Exalting Jesus in Leviticus ChristCentered Exposition Commentary
Rowman & Littlefield Global Social Problems
While conventional social problems textbooks focus on issues in the United States, Global Social Problems examines major problems around the world. Beginning with a broad history of how humanity came to be divided along its present major social cleavages, the text then turns to the specific problems of war, social inequality, population, and resources and environment. It is intended as a core reading for a class on global social problems including war, inequality, population, and resources and environment.
Scholastic US Vietnam War Heroes (10 True Tales)
WW Norton & Co Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology
Engaging, hands-on, and visual-the geology manual that helps your students think like a geologist.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc Pedal Power: How One Community Became the Bicycle Capital of the World
Today if you visit Amsterdam, you'll see bikes everywhere - they rule the road! But that wasn't always the case. Fifty years ago, Amsterdam was so crowded with vehicles that bicyclists could hardly move. But mums and kids relied on their bikes to get from place to place in the city. What could they do? Women like Maarjte van Putten and her friends led protests, and one day, a whole swarm of women and children took over the new big tunnel meant just for vehicles to show what a little pedal power could do. They were arrested, but when the women and children arrived to cookies and lemonade at the police station, they knew they were well on their way to making a big change.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Privilege, Power, and Difference
Privilege, Power, and Difference is a groundbreaking tool for students and non-students alike to examine systems of privilege and difference in our society. Written in an accessible, conversational style, the 3rd edition links theory with engaging examples in ways that enable readers to see the underlying nature and consequences of privilege and their connection to it. This program has been used across the country, both inside and outside the classroom, to shed light on issues of power and privilege. The Connect course for this offering includes SmartBook, an adaptive reading and study experience which guides students to master, recall, and apply key concepts while providing automatically-graded assessments.
Geistkirch Verlag UFOs Glaubensfrage oder Realität
Midas Verlag Ag Das kann nur ein Buch
Vagabond Voices A Woman's War against Progress
In 1916 a young woman, Rahvaema, leaves the forest community where she grew up, and sets off for a century-long adventure whose struggles and sufferings she could never have imagined. She becomes a campaigner for her Surelik language and culture, and in doing this she expands her horizons and is paradoxically drawn away from the language she loves and wants to defend. The novel confronts the personal costs of political activism and questions our ability to mould our future rationally and morally, whilst also suggesting that we have no choice but to attempt just that. A fortuitous coincidence of events allows her to establish an autonomous republic for her people, the Surelikud, but power brings no only opportunities but also compromises and betrayals. She lives too long and thus she lives to see her achievements crumble. The novel has has many themes, but the way progress is used or abused in order to worsen the living conditions of humanity is the primary one. Rahvaema is the first-person narrator but her ideas about progress are not necessarily the author's, but would be understandable in someone coming from her background.
Bonnier Books Ltd The Monster Butler: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer
Archibald Hall was one of Scotland's most enigmatic criminals. A man of multiple personae, Hall was more widely known as Roy Fontaine, the Monster Butler who murdered five people, including his own brother. After his convictions for murder in both Scotland and England in 1978, and with talk of a film of his life story, Hall took the opportunity to glamourise his past in books and magazines. What can be unravelled from his web of lies, though, is that he began the sinister transformation into Roy Fontaine, the gentleman butler - ready to seduce, steal and deceive - after effecting a more refined accent and studying etiquette and the aristocracy whilst serving his many jail terms. But how does a man go from thief to killer? Was he always destined to be an unfeeling, cold-blooded murderer? Or was he simply a desperate man obsessed with making a fortune by any means? And what could have influenced his bizarre outlook on life? These are the questions Allan Nicol examines in this illuminating new account of 'The Monster Butler'.
Cicerone Press Trekking in Austria's Zillertal Alps: The Zillertal Rucksack Route, South Tirol Tour, Peter Habeler and Olperer Runde
A guidebook to four hut-to-hut treks in Austria’s Zillertal Alps: the 80km Zillertal Rucksack Route (also known as the Berliner Hohenweg), the 54km Peter Habeler Runde, the 45km Olperer Runde and the 61km Zillertal South Tirol Tour. Suitable for experienced trekkers with good fitness, the routes showcase the region’s stunning mountain scenery. The Zillertal Rucksack Route is presented in 9 stages, the Peter Habeler Runde in 7, the Olperer Runde in 6 and the Zillertal South Tirol Tour in 7. Also included are optional ascents of neighbouring peaks, including the region’s highest, 3510m Hochfeiler, some of which may require specialist equipment, mountaineering skills and experience of glacier crossing. Clear route description illustrated with 1:50,000 mapping GPX files available for download Elevation profiles for each trek Comprehensive hut directory Detailed summary of each day’s challenges and any potential hazards
Fonthill Media Ltd Wellington in the 1920s and 1930s
This collection of archive images, many never before published, documents life in the ancient Shropshire market town of Wellington between two World Wars. Entertaining and informative, this book reveals how the people of Wellington recovered from the effects of one devastating war before they were obliged to make preparations for coping with another. It shows long-established industries continuing to survive during the interwar period, and an abundance of family run shops helping to retain the traditional character of the town, then the main centre for commerce and entertainment in this part of the county. New forms of public and private transport brought immediate change, while local Councils embraced developments required for new national legislation and prepared the way for poorly conceived town plans which would later blight the economic landscape. Throughout this period of change, Wellingtonians displayed remarkable resilience. The Great War had been regarded as 'the war to end all wars', and it was with this belief that a rise in population occurred, schools thrived and a wide range of sporting and cultural events blossomed.By 1939, many folk had money to spare on dances, theatre visits and other pastimes. Then another period of austerity and heartbreak began.
Kent State University Press The Somnambulist and the Detective
The Kent State University Press is excited to reissue these classic true crime detective stories by Allan Pinkerton, the Scottish American detective and spy who founded the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in 1850. His agency was the largest private law enforcement organization in the world at the height of its power, and its well-known logo of a large, unblinking eye actually served as inspiration for the term "private eye."In The Somnambulist and the Detective, Allan Pinkerton Pinkerton travels to Atkinson, Mississippi, to investigate the murder of bank teller George Gordon and the theft of more than $130,000 in the City Bank of Atkinson. Atkinson appears at first to be no more than a quiet town of shopkeepers, laborers, and businessmen. But dark secrets lurk beneath the town's Southern facade, and Pinkerton wastes no time in discovering them. Traveling under the guise of a cotton speculator, Pinkerton makes inquiries into the crime without drawing suspicion.Although George's body was discovered in the morning, he was in the habit of remaining in the bank after hours. And upon learning that George would never let anyone into the locked bank save "only one or two personal friends," Pinkerton is certain George must have known his killer! But without much hard evidence, the Scottish detective must use all of his cunning to deduce the identity of the murderous thief and extract a confession.
Temple University Press,U.S. Not from Here: A Memoir
When Allan Johnson asked his dying father where he wanted his ashes to be placed, his father replied—without hesitation—that it made no difference to him at all. In his poignant, powerful memoir, Not from Here, Johnson embarks on an extraordinary, 2,000-mile journey across the Upper Midwest and Northern Plains to find the place where his father’s ashes belonged. As a white man with Norwegian and English lineage, Johnson explores both America and the question of belonging to a place whose history holds the continuing legacy of the displacement, dispossession, and genocide of Native peoples. More than a personal narrative, Not from Here illuminates the national silence around unresolved questions of accountability, race, and identity politics, and the dilemma of how to take responsibility for “a past we did not create.” Johnson’s story—about the past living in the present; of redemption, fate, family, tribe, and nation; of love and grief—raises profound questions about belonging, identity, and place.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy
New Third Edition!The Gender Knot, Allan Johnson's response to the pain and confusion that men and women experience by living with gender inequality, explains what patriarchy is and isn't, how it works, and what gets in the way of understanding and doing something about it. Johnson's simple yet powerful approach avoids the paralyzing trap of guilt, blame, anger, and defensive denial that often results from conversations about gender. This edition features: • Updated references, data, resources, and examples, especially in relation to issues of sexual orientation and gender identity (e.g., gay marriage, transgender/cisgender) • A glossary of terms • A new chapter, "What Changes and What Does Not: Manhood and Violence," that provides an extended analysis of the causes of men's violence as a patriarchal phenomenon
Hodder Education Visual Arts for Lower Secondary
Teach Visual Arts with confidence with this comprehensive coverage of visual arts syllabi across the Caribbean, for all school years.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Molecular Methods in Ecology
The incorporation of molecular methods in ecological research has added an exciting new dimension to conventional studies, and opened windows into previously intractable areas of research, at the interface between ecology and genetics. Using these new methods it has now become routine to use genetic markers to study ecological phenomena, from molecular sexing of individuals and parentage of offspring, through to population structure of species and phylogenetic relationships of taxa. These methods have stimulated an explosion of empirical and analytical developments in molecular ecology, which have in turn, increasingly attracted students and professional biologists eager to employ them in their studies. Molecular Methods in Ecology traces the development of molecular ecology by reviewing basic molecular biological techniques and earlier methods such as protein electrophoresis, DNA-DNA hybridisation, restriction analysis of DNA, and DNA fingerprinting. Later chapters review methods using newer classes of markers such as microsatellites, introns, MHC, SSRs and AFLP markers in plants and molecular sexing in animals. The strengths and limitations of methods are discussed and guidance is provided in selecting the most appropriate methods for particular problems in ecology. This book will provide both postgraduates and researchers with a guide to choosing and employing appropriate methodologies for successful research in the field of molecular ecology. Provides up-to-date summaries of the latest molecular approaches in this rapidly expanding field. Gives guidance on the appropriate choice of methods for particular problems in ecology, and their strengths and limitations. Provides brief laboratory protocols for each molecular method and summaries of software available for analysis of data in molecular ecology. Outlines examples of the latest research results from studies of both plants and animals, integrated within the framework of molecular ecology.
Columbia University Press The Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, 1916–2016: A Dental School on University Lines
In 1916, Columbia University established the School of Dentistry (now known as the College of Dental Medicine). In 1917, the university merged the school with the newly acquired New York Post-graduate School of Dentistry and New York School of Dental Hygiene. To those working in the health sciences, the move was a powerful signal of a field on the rise. It recognized dental medicine as a key component of individual and social well-being and initiated a monumental era in medical innovation and progressive public health outcomes. This hundred-year history shares the turbulent story of dentistry, a medical field in the making. It recounts the institutional battles and research controversies that set the terms for the development and practice of dentistry. The assimilation of the dental school into the university system was not smooth. Rivalries played out in public and in private; traditionalists fought the inclusion of a young and evolving medical approach. Once the school found its footing, the College of Dental Medicine developed rapidly, and by the end of the twentieth century, had successfully launched a series of global outreach programs that immeasurably helped impoverished and underserved communities worldwide. The school's work now includes transitioning the field into the digital age and effecting even greater change in the lives of those without access to high-quality dental care. Featuring fascinating biographical details of the school's major teachers, administrators, and graduates, this book secures the reputation of Columbia University's College of Dental Medicine as a global leader in advancing the public good.
Columbia University Press The Inner Life of the Dying Person
This unique book recounts the experience of facing one's death solely from the dying person's point of view rather than from the perspective of caregivers, survivors, or rescuers. Such unmediated access challenges assumptions about the emotional and spiritual dimensions of dying, showing readers that-along with suffering, loss, anger, sadness, and fear-we can also feel courage, love, hope, reminiscence, transcendence, transformation, and even happiness as we die. A work that is at once psychological, sociological, and philosophical, this book brings together testimonies of those dying from terminal illness, old age, sudden injury or trauma, acts of war, and the consequences of natural disasters and terrorism. It also includes statements from individuals who are on death row, in death camps, or planning suicide. Each form of dying addressed highlights an important set of emotions and narratives that often eclipses stereotypical renderings of dying and reflects the numerous contexts in which this journey can occur outside of hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices. Chapters focus on common emotional themes linked to dying, expanding and challenging them through first-person accounts and analyses of relevant academic and clinical literature in psycho-oncology, palliative care, gerontology, military history, anthropology, sociology, cultural and religious studies, poetry, and fiction. The result is an all-encompassing investigation into an experience that will eventually include us all and is more surprising and profound than anyone can imagine.
Pearson Education Introduction to Networks Course Booklet CCNAv7
Cisco Networking Academy teaches hundreds of thousands of students annually the skills needed to build, design, and maintain networks, improving their career prospects while filling the global demand for networking professionals. With 10,000 academies in 165 countries, it helps individuals prepare for industry-recognized certifications and entry-level information and communication technology careers in virtually every industrydeveloping foundational technical skills while acquiring vital 21st-century career skills in problem solving, collaboration, and critical thinking. Cisco Networking Academy uses a public-private partnership model to create the world's largest classroom.
Bellwether Media Super Volcano Eruption
Bellwether Media The Baltimore Ravens Story
Allan Wright Photographic Skye
Bellwether Media The San Diego Chargers Story
Cambridge University Press History for the IB Diploma Paper 3 The Soviet Union and postSoviet Russia 19242000 Coursebook with Digital Access 2 Years
Page Two Books, Inc. The 1Page Marketing Plan
Your Entire Marketing Strategy on One PageTo build a successful business, you need to stop doing random acts of marketing and start following a reliable plan for rapid business growth. Traditionally, creating a marketing plan has been a difficult and time-consuming process, which is why it often doesn't get done.In The 1-Page Marketing Plan, serial entrepreneur and rebellious marketer Allan Dib reveals a marketing implementation breakthrough that makes creating a marketing plan simple and fast. It's literally a single page, divided up into nine squares. With it, you'll be able to map out your own sophisticated marketing plan and go from zero to marketing hero.Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced entrepreneur, The 1-Page Marketing Plan is the easiest and fastest way to create a marketing plan that will propel your business growth.In this groundbreaking new book you'll discover: How to get new customers,
North Star Editions Amazing Inventions: Inventing Cars
This book reveals the fascinating history of cars, from when they were first invented to the latest innovations, as well as the changes they've created in people's lives. The book also includes a table of contents, fun facts, a That's Amazing special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Beacon level, aligned to reading levels of grades 2-3 and interest levels of grades 3-5.
North Star Editions Amazing Inventions: Inventing Airplanes
This book reveals the fascinating history of airplanes, from when they were first invented to the latest innovations, as well as the changes they've created in people's lives. The book also includes a table of contents, fun facts, a That's Amazing special feature, quiz questions, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. This Focus Readers title is at the Beacon level, aligned to reading levels of grades 2-3 and interest levels of grades 3-5.
Transworld The Shape of Battle
A professional solder for thirty-five years, Allan Mallinson began writing while still serving. His first book was a history of four regiments of British light dragoons, one of which he commanded. His debut novel was the bestselling A Close Run Thing, the first in an acclaimed series chronicling the life of a fictitious cavalry officer before and after Waterloo (The Tigress of Mysore is the fourteenth in the series). His The Making of the British Army was shortlisted for a number of prizes, while 1914: Fight the Good Fight won the British Army's Book of the Year' Award. Its sequel, Too Important for the Generals, is a provocative look at leadership during the Great War, while Fight to the Finish is a comprehensive history of the First World War, month by month.Allan Mallinson reviews for the Spectator and the TLS and also writes for The Times. He lives on Salisbury Plain.
McGraw-Hill Education Elementary Statistics A Brief Version ISE
Cambridge University Press History for the IB Diploma Paper 2 Authoritarian States 20th Century with Digital Access 2 Years
This coursebook with Cambridge Elevate edition covers Paper 2, World History Topic 10: Authoritarian States (20th century) of the History for the IB Diploma syllabus for first assessment in 2017. Tailored to the requirements of the IB syllabus and written by experienced IB History examiners and teachers, it offers authoritative and engaging guidance through the following detailed studies from around the world: Mussolini and Italy, Hitler and Germany, Mao and China, and Castro and Cuba.
Austin Macauley Publishers Sumbar on Sumbeach
Austin Macauley Publishers Nous Nous Reverrons Mate Well Meet Again Mate
Josef Weinberger Plays The Pool of Bethesda
Temple University Press,U.S. The Forest and the Trees: Sociology as Life, Practice, and Promise
New Third Edition! If sociology could teach everyone just one thing, what would it be? The Forest and the Trees is one sociologist's response to the hypothetical-the core insight with the greatest potential to change how people see the world and themselves in relation to it. This Third Edition features: • Updated key references, data, resources, and examples, from global warming, Obama's election, and gay marriage to transgender/cisgender and the Occupy Movement • A glossary of terms • The short essays in Chapter 6, framed around the power of sociology, dig beneath easy and popular understandings to reveal what lies beneath • An additional analysis of how men's violence is made invisible even though most violence is perpetrated by men • Chapter 7's focus on sociology as a worldview with an analysis of the origins of white privilege
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Logos that Last: How to Create Iconic Visual Branding
Learn how to create iconic visual branding that stands the test of time with the innovative tools and inspiration in Logos That Last. Award-winning graphic designer Allan Peters has distilled the knowledge and experience of a 20-year career into this landmark guide for designers and brand strategists of any level. Through the years, Peters has designed hundreds of logos for top brands as well as personal passion projects, and has developed a unique creative process he shares in Logos that Last for the very first time. Learn how to build great relationships with clients, while cultivating consistency and productivity.Logos that Last also includes: Detailed case studies that follow designs from concept to completion Tips for turning a good idea into a great logo Strategies for extending a great logo into a dynamic brand system Advice for turning your passion into your profession With Logos that Last, discover how to create inventive, thoughtful, and enduring logos with Peters’s own hands-on, step-by-step process.
University of Illinois Press American Political Plays: AN ANTHOLOGY
Richly deserving of wider exposure in the theater and the classroom, these sly, remarkable scripts touch on the forceful and salient issues of the 1990s, including the Gulf War, racial and sexual relations, crises unique to big cities, immigration and multiculturalism, art and censorship, revisionist history, academic freedom, and the transformation of the American presidency. The American Play by Suzan-Lori Parks features an Abraham Lincoln impersonator trapped in an outrageous, Beckett-like world, while Naomi Wallace's In the Heart of America centers on a Palestinian American from Atlanta who is caught up in the Persian Gulf conflict. Kokoro by Velina Hasu Houston chillingly depicts the stark predicament of a Japanese mother caught between two impossible worlds; Marisol by José Rivera reveals the dark fairytale life of a young Latin woman in a wartorn, apocalyptic New York. The Gift by Allan Havis confronts overwhelming moral ambiguity in the farcical realm of university politics, while Nixon's Nixon by Russell Lees offers an adroit treatment of the fascinating, tortured Nixon/Kissinger relationship. The collection closes with Mac Wellman's 7 Blowjobs, a wicked send-up of the compromise politics that determined the fate of the National Endowment for the Arts. Taken together, these seven plays present an eclectic web of social thought and imagination that are uniquely American, offering the reader a splendid, honest study of a rich society in search of itself.
Merlin Unwin Books Get Fishing: the 'how to' guide to Coarse, Sea and Fly fishing
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Psalms Volume 2 (Psalms 73-150): A Mentor Commentary
Psalms 73 to 150. Psalms contain the praises of the people. This is the people of Israel's creed. But more than that, they display historical accounts which demonstrate how the people are to put their trust in God. They display the character of God who is majestic, compassionate and our Creator God. Mentor Commentaries retains a high view of Scripture whilst interacting with other research from different theological viewpoints.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Psalms Volume 1 (Psalms 1-72): A Mentor Commentary
Psalms 1 to 72 Psalms contain the praises of the people. This is the people of Israel's creed. But more than that, they display historical accounts which demonstrate how the people are to put their trust in God. They display the character of God who is majestic, compassionate and our Creator God. Mentor Commentaries retains a high view of Scripture whilst interacting with other research from different theological viewpoints.