Search results for ""science publishers""
Science Publishers Consciousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution, Brain & Mind
Pabst Science Publishers Kaleidoskop: Vielfalt Kunsttherapeutischer Intervention
Pabst Science Publishers Lilith Im Massregelvollzug: Ein Frauenforensischer Praxisreader
Pabst Science Publishers Herausforderung Schmerz: Psychologische Begleitung Von Schmerzpatienten
Pabst Science Publishers Wissensgesellschaft Im Krisenstress: Corona & Co.
Pabst Science Publishers Frei Tod? Selbst Mord? Bilanz Suizid?: Wenn Gefangene Sich Das Leben Nehmen
Pabst Science Publishers Freier Wille Und Therapie: Erorterungen Zu Sprachspiel Und Handlungslogik in Der Straftaterbehandlung
Pabst Science Publishers Kokain, Ecstasy, Amphetamine Und Verwandte Designerdrogen: Pharmakologie, Wirkmechanismen, Vorgehen Bei Intoxikationen
Pabst Science Publishers Das Biographische Eignungs-Interview (B-E-I): Zur Auswahl, Platzierung Und Potenzial-Einschatzung Von Fuhrungskraften Und Top-Fachkraften (Professionals)
Pabst Science Publishers Weltgeschichte Der Psychologie
Pabst Science Publishers Psychologie Im Human Resource Management: Ein Lehrbuch Fur Hochschule Und Praxis
Bentham Science Publishers Physics Education for Students: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climate Change Adaptation: Ecology, Mitigation & Management
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stock Market: Crisis, Recovery & Emerging Economies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trends in Lifestyle & Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Agriculture & Soil Pollution: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Studies of High Temperature Superconductors: Volume 29 -- Advances in Research & Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Theory of Structure Transformations in Non-Equilibrium Condensed Matter
Nova Science Publishers Inc Instantaneous Action at a Distance in Modern Physics: "Pro" & "Contra"
Nova Science Publishers Inc What Do American Schools Need?: A Handbook for Parents, Students, Educators & Community
Nova Science Publishers Inc Luminescence & Related Properties of II-VI Semiconductors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Domestic Eonomic Modernization in China
Nova Science Publishers Inc Faith As a Durable & Reasonable Tool for Believers in the 21st Century
Nova Science Publishers Inc Therapeutic Uses of Writing
Nova Science Publishers Inc Guide to Books on Black Americans
Nova Science Publishers Inc War Powers Resolution After Thirty-Six Years
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sculptures & Art of Gogi Ochiauri: An Album with Text
Nova Science Publishers Inc First Decade Of Safe & Effective Hiv Vaccines
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Relationships
Nova Science Publishers Inc Surviving Through Obliqueness: Language of Politics in Emerging Democracies
Nova Science Publishers Inc World Poverty: A Bibliography with Indexes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Tobacco Industry: Wheezing or Breezing?
Nova Science Publishers Inc Russian Leaders: A Bibliography with Indexes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sexual Harassment: Analyses & Bibliography
Nova Science Publishers Inc Studies of High Temperature Superconductors: Volume 27 -- Pseudogap in High Temperature Superconductors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Calling All Saints
Nova Science Publishers Inc Business Cycle in Post-War Japan
Nova Science Publishers Inc European Arms Trade
Nova Science Publishers Inc Types of Photodetectors and their Applications
The book Types of Photodetectors and their Applications, edited by Dr. S. S. Kushvaha and Dr. V. N. Singh and published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc., USA, is the result of joint efforts of some well-known researchers in the field. The broad electromagnetic spectrum bands from ultraviolet (UV) to terahertz (THz) are effectively detected by PDs depending upon specific applications. Broadband PDs have various applications in various fields, i.e., security, defense, optical communication, imaging, bio-medical, night vision, environmental sensing, process control, etc. Thus, PDs are touching almost all aspects of life. The book comprises eight chapters and discusses various aspects of photodetectors, starting from multiple materials, configurations, methods to enhance its performance, etc. The book aims to cater to the need of budding researchers in the field of optoelectronics and post-graduate students.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Health, Safety and Hygiene in Indoor Environments
Indoor air quality and human health are of continuously growing importance. Indoor air quality may be affected by many factors excluding, but not limited to, more loosely sealed buildings, the use of air purifiers and other pollutant sources (for example, room air fresheners), the use of various chemicals for pesticide management and cleaning, and finally, the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings. In recent years, people have become more aware of potential health and comfort problems that may be associated with poor indoor air quality. It is partly due to the move to more tightly sealed buildings, the implementation of energy conservation programs, and the growing use of laser printers, photocopiers, and other sources of indoor air contamination. Greater general awareness of environmental issues may also play a part. Most IAQ complaints from building occupants are related to a respiratory headache, irritation, odours, or fatigue. These concerns may be associated with chemical vapours, dust generated in the work environment, contaminants associated with fungal growth (mould), materials infiltrating from outside sources (such as pollen or engine exhaust), or other factors such as elevated carbon dioxide levels. This handbook aims to turn the attention to these subjects and to promote methods and technologies to reduce poor indoor air quality and to distribute outdoor air throughout the building, remove contaminants and odours, and control the indoor temperature and humidity. The information in this guide will help to maintain good indoor air quality in a building, prevent indoor air quality problems, and correct issues that may arise. It will also help to understand the indoor air quality requirements. The structure of this text allows for flexibility in course content and design. It may be used equally well either as a textbook for students or a handbook for environmental consultants, mechanical engineers, building occupants, labour unions and suppliers. Furthermore, this text may be useful data for either the undergraduate or the graduate level. The author wishes to acknowledge Nova Science Publishers with special mentions to Nadya S Gotsiridze-Columbus and Carra Feagaiga for their editorial support.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Transgenic Plants: Recent Developments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Handbook of Smoking & Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Small Interfering RNA: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Economics & Foreign Investment in China
Nova Science Publishers Inc Modeling Income Determinants in Embedded Economies: Cross-Section Applications to U.S. Native American Economies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Awards of Attorneys Fees by Federal Courts, Federal Agencies & Selected Foreign Countries
Nova Science Publishers Inc Can Religious Believers Accept Evolution?: 25 Questions Answered Regarding the Conflict Between Evolution & Revealed Religion