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Sage Publications Ltd Whiteness Racial Trauma and the University
Universities are regarded as safe havens for knowledge production and the educational transformation of lives. There is however a long history of universities as sites of contestation where structures of hierarchical legitimacy are played out. In response to the upsurge in global protests against racial violence and contestation of colonial, racialised and Eurocentric forms of thinking, universities have adopted new roles as anti-racist' and decolonial' beacons of hope. This book unravels how such liberal progressive acts' hide a much deeper racialised logic of whiteness-framed structural narcissism, producing insidious powerful and difficult to trace forms of racialised harm.
Sage Publications Ltd Data Visualisation
This handbook offers everything students and scholars need to master the craft of developing insightful and delightful data visualisations. Across over 300 pages packed full of useful knowledge this book is an essential reference to help readers harness the wide range of contextual, analytical, editorial, and visual ingredients that shape this complex but invigorating subject.With an emphasis on critical thinking over technical instruction, the importance of good decision-making is placed at the centre of a proven step-by-step process. Blending conceptual, theoretical, and practical thinking, this updated edition will inspire you to elevate your ambition and inform you how to get there.With this book and an extensive companion collection of digital resources, readers will: See more than 200 examples showcasing visualisation works from a diverse list of talented creators covering a spectrum of topics and techniques Develop a detailed understanding of 40 di
Sage Publications Ltd Slippery Eugenics
Sage Publications Ltd The Muslim, State and Mind: Psychology in Times of Islamophobia
Mental health is positioned as the cure-all for society’s discontents, from pandemics to terrorism. But psychology and psychiatry are not apolitical, and neither are Muslims. This book unpacks where the politics of the psy-disciplines and the politics of Muslims overlaps, demonstrating how psychological theories and practices serve State interests and perpetuate inequality—especially racism and Islamophobia. Viewing the psy-disciplines from the margins, this book illustrates how these necessarily serve the State in the production of loyal, low-risk and productive citizens, offering a modern discussion of three paradigms underlying the psy-disciplines: neoliberalism, security and the politics of mental health. Tarek Younis is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Middlesex University.
Sage Publications Ltd Brand Management: Co-creating Meaningful Brands
Presenting the basics of brand management, the book provides both a theoretical and practical guide to brands, placing emphasis on the theory that the consumer is a co-creator in a brand′s identity. In a world in which social media and inclusive digital platforms have increased customer engagement, the role of brands and branding has changed. The line between the producer and the consumer has become blurred; consumers are no longer the recipients of brand identity, but the co-creators, playing a significant role in shaping new products and systems. Case studies include the Canterbury Crusaders, KVD Beauty, Kodak, Yamaha, Ottobock and Holland′s rebrand as The Netherlands.
Sage Publications Ltd Managing Change Creativity and Innovation
Now in its fifth edition, this bestselling text brings a fresh and unique approach to managing organizational change, taking the view that change, creativity and innovation are interconnected. It couples a strong theoretical understanding of change, creativity and innovation with practical guidance and ideas for organizational change and development.With over 40 international case studies, discussing renowned companies like Amazon, Canva, the NFL, and General Motors, as well as new topics such as social innovation in the creative sector, this edition offers real-world insights that resonate across industries. This book is a must-read for Change Management and Organizational Change modules, as well as those focussing on creativity and innovation.Patrick Dawsonis Emeritus Professor of Management at the University of Aberdeen.Constantine Andriopoulosis Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Associate Dean for Entre
Sage Publications Ltd The Science of Academic Writing
Are you unsure what your thesis should look like? Perhaps you are struggling to get started or tie everything together in your conclusion? Help is here! Taking you from the introduction all the way through to the conclusion, this practical guide will provide you with step-by-step guidance, examples, checklists and expert tips to help you write your thesis with confidence. Student Success is a series of essential guides for students of all levels. From how to think critically and write great essays to boosting your employability and managing your wellbeing, theStudent Successseries helps you study smarter and get the best from your time at university..
Sage Publications Ltd Research Design
Research design is of critical importance in social research, despite its relative neglect in many methods resources. Early consideration of design in relation to research questions leads to the elimination or diminution of threats to eventual research claims, by encouraging internal validity and substantially reducing the number of alternative explanations for any finite number of research 'observations'. This new book: discusses the nature of design; gives an introduction to design notation; offers a flexible approach to new designs; looks at a range of standard design models; and presents craft tips for real-life problems and compromises. Most importantly, it provides the rationale for preferring one design over another within any given context. Each section is illustrated with case studies of real work and concludes with suggested readings and topics for discussion in seminars and workshops, making it an ideal textbook for postgraduate research methods courses.
Sage Publications Ltd Achieving your Assessment and Quality Assurance Units TAQA
This edition of the focused and comprehensive text written for TAQA learners and all trainee assessors and quality assurers is another essential support text from bestselling author Ann Gravells. The content covers all assessor and quality assurance units and is easy-to-read and clearly structured. This edition has been enhanced with new chapters; and has activities and examples to help you link theory with practice.It includes:*cross references to the qualification units and the national occupational standards;*two new chapters covering the external quality assurance role;*completed examples of templates and forms for assessors, internal and external quality assurers;*ideas for evidence that can be used towards achievement of each unit;*new bullet lists, tables and checklists.TAQA, and other assessor and quality assurer trainees will find this text both an invaluable resource for their course and useful handbook to take into practice. Please not
Sage Publications Ltd Social Work Intervention
Since launching in 2003, Transforming Social Work Practice has become the market-leading series for social work students. These books use activities and case studies to build critical thinking and reflection skills and will help social work students to develop good practice through learning. Social workers need to have a sound working knowledge of intervention as they are often balancing complex and sometime stressful circumstances with the individual needs of the service users. Also, as there are a wide range of social work interventions in current practice, students will benefit from knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each model and approach. This book on effective social work intervention will help students apply and integrate this knowledge in practice, to critically evaluate different methods and to choose the most effective in any particular set of circumstances. Fully-revised to include new material on value-based pr
Sage Publications Ltd Pricing Strategies: Harvesting Product Value
Written by a leading pricing researcher, this book provides a simple unified system for the setting and management of prices. The pricing procedures described are grounded in basic research and are generally applicable over products, situations, and times. The result is that students gain a deeper, more generally useful understanding of this essential aspect of business. The author demystifies the math necessary for making pricing decisions. Using clear, direct language, he explains in detail how to apply expected value, multiple regression, price elasticity, and generalized breakeven analysis to essential pricing tasks. He uses a descriptive approach to explaining mathematical techniques so that formulas can be seen as simply more detailed specifications of intuitive ideas. Used in dozens of college and MBA classes all over the world, Pricing Strategies is now available in a second edition. This revised edition includes updated examples and exercises as well as expanded coverage of topics such as freemium and in-app pricing, subscriptions, tipping, pay-what-you-want pricing, pricing algorithms, and dynamic pricing. Robert M. Schindler is a Professor of Marketing at Rutgers University, USA.
Sage Publications Ltd Primary Teaching: Learning and teaching in primary schools today
The second edition of this core text from Learning Matters asks: What is teaching? Does curriculum really matter? Does behaviour need ′managing′? What is a learning environment today? Does my classroom reflect the identities of all of my learners? How can I bring the theme of sustainability to my teaching? Discussing these and many more, it covers the contents of professional studies modules and goes beyond to support trainees on placements and in their learning on the course. Five new chapters are added for this edition discussing themes of sustainability, teacher self care, diversity in the curriculum, sex and relationships education and our new understanding of learning environments. Learning features throughout have been designed to help students develop their understanding, broaden their perspectives, think more critically and apply theory to practice. These include: Case Studies to apply learning to real-life school contexts. Key Readings to encourage wider reading, broaden perspectives and offer practical ideas for the classroom. Key Theory features introduce and summarise big ideas, theories and research. Critical Questions direct reflection, help students engage with what their reading and encourage critical responses. Classroom Links highlight good practice, provide practical ideas and show how to implement these in the classroom. Assignment features offer helpful points to consider and practical advice for writing assignments on chapter topics, which act as great starting points.
Sage Publications Ltd Steps to Recovery: A clinician′s guide
With each chapter representing a session, this engaging book is a guide to working collaboratively with individuals and incorporating recovery principles into your therapeutic practice. Incorporating both philosophical and theoretical background, the authors guide the reader through each session with highlights of what to do when, key points for thought, and notes of caution. With access to downloadable worksheets to use with clients in session, as well as crib sheets to help keep you on track, you will have everything you need to confidently help people on their recovery journey.
Sage Publications Ltd Methodology: Who Needs It?
The literature on social science methods and the issues surrounding them has grown massively and continues to increase. Yet many social scientists are ambivalent about methodology. For some, it plays a central, perhaps even an all-encompassing, role; while, for others, it is desirable only in small amounts, or indeed is regarded as an irrelevance, as a distraction from actually doing research. In this book, Hammersley argues that, in large part, this reflects and is part of a wider problem: the gradual decline of a previously influential academic model of inquiry. This has occurred as a result of ideological challenges and the erosion of the institutional conditions that support academic work. He defends this model, spelling out the demands it places upon social scientists, and examining such issues as the proper role of methodology, the nature of objectivity, the false idea that social scientists should be intellectuals or social critics, the dialectic of academic discussion, the ethics of belief, and the limits of academic freedom. More broadly, he also questions the role of the social research within society and what it means to be a social scientist in the 21st century. Hammersley′s book is engagingly written and controversial. It tackles the major issues of contemporary social research methodology head on and is an essential read for anyone with an interest in this field.
Sage Publications Ltd Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick Fix
Lecturers teaching big mixed cohort intro statistics courses cite one of the more frequent challenges their students encounter involves choices over which statistical test to use. Students, even if they have a basic grasp of statistics and which types of tests are out there, often make the wrong choice, or have difficulty in distinguishing between the types of tests for different types of data. This Little Quick Fix provides step-by-step support in narrowing down possible tests they could use so they know which test fits their data and variables, and which test will actually help them answer the questions they want to answer and create maximum impact from their data. Little Quick Fix titles provide quick but authoritative answers to the problems, hurdles, and assessment points students face inthe research course, project proposal, or design—whatever their methods learning is. Lively, ultra-modern design; full-colour, each page a tailored design. An hour′s read. Easy to dip in and out of with clear navigation enables the reader to find what she needs—quick. Direct written style gets to the point with clear language. Nothing needs to be read twice. No fluff. Learning is reinforced through a 2-minute overview summary; 3-second summaries with super-quick Q&A DIY tasks create a work plan to accomplish a task, do a self-check quiz, solve a problem, get students to what they need to show their supervisor. Checkpoints in each section make sure students are nailing it as they go and support self-directed learning. How do I know I’m done? Each Little Quick Fix wraps up with a final checklist that allows the reader to self-assess they’ve got what they need to progress, submit, or ace the test or task.
Sage Publications Ltd See Numbers in Data: Little Quick Fix
A key step in numeracy is being able to read and interpret tables and graphs. It’s not as easy as it looks! It gets tested on exams and these are common questions where students will lose marks. This Little Quick Fix will prep students to make sure they’re ready to read, interpret and produce tables and graphs that will score them good marks. Little Quick Fix titles provide quick but authoritative answers to the problems, hurdles, and assessment points students face in the research course, project proposal, or design - whatever their methods learning is. Lively, ultra-modern design; full-colour, each page a tailored design. An hour′s read. Easy to dip in and out of with clear navigation enables the reader to find what she needs - quick. Direct written style gets to the point with clear language. Nothing needs to be read twice. No fluff. Learning is reinforced through a 2-minute overview summary; 3-second summaries with super-quick Q&A DIY tasks create a work plan to accomplish a task, do a self-check quiz, solve a problem, get students to what they need to show their supervisor. Checkpoints in each section make sure students are nailing it as they go and support self-directed learning. How do I know I’m done? Each Little Quick Fix wraps up with a final checklist that allows the reader to self-assess they’ve got what they need to progress, submit, or ace the test or task.
Sage Publications Ltd Statistical Significance: Little Quick Fix
You can′t get anywhere in your statistics course without grasping statistical significance. it′s often seen as difficult but is actually a straightforward concept everyone can—and should—understand. Do your results mean something—or not? How can you measure it? Breaking it down into three building blocks, this Little Quick Fix shows students how to master: hypothesis testing normal distribution p values Students will learn how to understand the concept and also how to explain it for maximum effect in their essays and lab reports. Good for results—this is also a secret weapon for critical thinking. Little Quick Fix titles provide quick but authoritative answers to the problems, hurdles, and assessment points students face in the research course, project proposal, or design—whatever their methods learning is. Lively, ultra-modern design; full-colour, each page a tailored design. An hour′s read. Easy to dip in and out of with clear navigation enables the reader to find what she needs—quick. Direct written style gets to the point with clear language. Nothing needs to be read twice. No fluff. Learning is reinforced through a 2-minute overview summary; 3-second summaries with super-quick Q&A DIY tasks create a work plan to accomplish a task, do a self-check quiz, solve a problem, get students to what they need to show their supervisor. Checkpoints in each section make sure students are nailing it as they go and support self-directed learning. How do I know I’m done? Each Little Quick Fix wraps up with a final checklist that allows the reader to self-assess they’ve got what they need to progress, submit, or ace the test or task.
Sage Publications Ltd Principles of Methodology: Research Design in Social Science
This book provides a comprehensive, accessible guide to social science methodology. In so doing, it establishes methodology as distinct from both methods and philosophy. Most existing textbooks deal with methods, or sound ways of collecting and analysing data to generate findings. In contrast, this innovative book shows how an understanding of methodology allows us to design research so that findings can be used to answer interesting research questions and to build and test theories. Most important things in social research (e.g., beliefs, institutions, interests, practices and social classes) cannot be observed directly. This book explains how empirical research can nevertheless be designed to make sound inferences about their nature, effects and significance. The authors examine what counts as good description, explanation and interpretation, and how they can be achieved by striking intelligent trade-offs between competing design virtues. Coverage includes: • why methodology matters; • what philosophical arguments show us about inference; • competing virtues of good research design; • purposes of theory, models and frameworks; • forming researchable concepts and typologies; • explaining and interpreting: inferring causation, meaning and significance; and • combining explanation and interpretation. The book is essential reading for new researchers faced with the practical challenge of designing research. Extensive examples and exercises are provided, based on the authors′ long experience of teaching methodology to multi-disciplinary groups. Perri 6 is Professor of Social Policy in the Graduate School in the College of Business, Law and Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University. Chris Bellamy is Emeritus Professor of Public Administration in the Graduate School, Nottingham Trent University.
Sage Publications Ltd Bundle Digital Marketing 2e The Digital Marketing Planner
Save money on these two essential Digital Marketing books by buying them together!Digital Marketing: Strategic Planning and Integration, Second Edition:An unbiased, balanced guide to all aspects of digital marketing, from social media, mobile and VR marketing to objectives, metrics and analytics. Covering all aspects of digital marketing planning and the latest models, the book also offers a range of tools to help implement your own digital marketing plans and strategies.The second edition has been expanded to include new discussions and research on areas including digital privacy, types of influencers, social listening and the gig economy.Key features: Supported by case examples from 28 global companies and brands including IKEA, Uber, Klarna and TikTok. A brand-new case study on Strava runs throughout the book to help you apply what you've learnt to real-world scenarios. Ethical Insight'
Sage Publications Ltd Training to be a Primary School Teacher ITT and Beyond
Your essential coursebook for primary initial teacher training. Linked to the CCF and the ITTECF. This complete handbook supports your accredited primary initial teacher training (ITT) course. *Covers all areas of core content outlined in the ITT Core Content Framework and the Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework *Introduces key educational debates and a range of pedagogical perspectives on teaching and learning *Includes reflection activities to empower you to take control of your own learning and deepen your understanding *Supports your understanding of how the academic aspects of your ITT course link with your school-based experience *Provides you with opportunities to apply your knowledge in context *Enhances your understanding of what is required of you during ITT; ensuring you get the most out of your course
Sage Publications Ltd Developing Academic Skills for Nursing Associates
If you are keen to succeed in your studies as a Trainee Nursing Associate, then this is the study skills book for you. Written specifically for students and apprentices, this 2nd edition prepares you for higher education by helping you to develop key academic skills like time management, independent learning, academic writing, referencing, and literature searches. The book also covers important skills for your future career as a Nursing Associate, including portfolio development, delivering presentations, and using digital technologies to support your learning. Key features: · Fully mapped to the new NMC standards of proficiency for nursing associates (2018) · Case studies, activities and other learning features help you master the skills, whatever your level. · Focused specifically on the ski
Sage Publications Ltd Social Work and Human Development
Social work engages with people across the life course, and social workers are expected to work with groups of people at very different stages of their life. Developing a thorough understanding of human growth to encompass the whole of the life course is therefore a central part of all qualifying social work training and practice. A clear favourite among students and lecturers, this bestselling book introduces the main theoretical models in a clear and accessible way before applying them to various stages of the life course. From infants to older adults, the authors use case studies and practice examples to bring social work methods, skills and principles to life.
Sage Publications Ltd Effective Communication for Nursing Practice
Effective communication is at the heart of the nursing role. From providing person-centred care to collaborating with the multi-disciplinary team, this book will develop your communication and interpersonal skills and support you in finding your own voice. It equips you with key theory and principles and shows how to apply them to practice, from communicating with compassion to overcoming barriers to communication. This is your go to guide for effective communication in your everyday practice. Key features: · Each chapter is mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards · Takes a lifespan approach, covering communication with different groups across all fields of practice · Content and examples explore communication in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion, encouraging cul
SAGE Publications Ltd Qualitative Research Practice
A qualitative research book for the ‘doers’, this text provides really practical coverage for those that are undertaking research in real-world contexts.
Sage Publications Ltd Doing Digital Methods
Get 12 months FREE access to the Digital Methods Manual (an abridged, interactive eBook that provides handy step-by-step guidance to your phone, tablet, laptop or reading device) when purchasing ISBN: 9781526487995 Paperback & Interactive eBook.Teaching the concrete methods needed to use digital devices, search engines and social media platforms to study some of the most urgent social issues of our time, this is the essential guide to the state of the art in researching the natively digital. With explanation of context and techniques and a rich set of case studies, Richard Rogers teaches you how to: Build a URL list to discover internet censorship Transform Google into a research machine to detect source bias Make Twitter API outputs comprehensible and tell stories Research Instagram to locate ‘hashtag publics’ Extract and fruitfully analyze Facebook posts, images and video And much, much more
Sage Publications Ltd Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell
Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell is a short, accessible guide to one of the most popular approaches to counselling. Using examples drawn from practice, Roger Casemore outlines, in a clear, jargon-free style, the main principles of the person-centred approach, using the core therapeutic conditions: - congruence - unconditional regard - empathy This revised and updated second edition includes new material on professional issues, on the use of person-centred counselling in short-term therapy, and on the wider application of the person-centred approach in other settings. Providing a concise introduction to the theory and practice of person-centred counselling, Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell is the ideal place to start for anyone reading about the approach for the first time. Roger Casemore is Senior Teaching Fellow and Director of Counselling courses at University of Warwick
Sage Publications Ltd Race & Crime
In this original and cutting-edge new textbook, Mike Rowe explores the key topics in race and crime. Examining the main issues from a historical and comparative approach, the book fully situates arguments and ideas in a global context with contemporary examples. Encouraging readers to think critically about well-worn debates, Race & Crime covers a diverse range of issues, including: Representation and Disproportionality Victimisation Human Rights Terrorism Popular Culture Governance As with all books in the Key Approaches to Criminology series, Race & Crime features extensive learning features to help students to fully engage with topics covered. These include: chapter overviews, study questions, further reading and key terms. Stylishly written yet accessible, Race & Crime will prove invigorating, vital reading for students in criminology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, and cultural studies. The Key Approaches to Criminology series celebrates the removal of traditional barriers between disciplines and, specifically, reflects criminology’s interdisciplinary nature and focus. It brings together some of the leading scholars working at the intersections of criminology and related subjects. Each book in the series helps readers to make intellectual connections between criminology and other discourses, and to understand the importance of studying crime and criminal justice within the context of broader debates. The series is intended to have appeal across the entire range of undergraduate and postgraduate studies and beyond, comprising books which offer introductions to the fields as well as advancing ideas and knowledge in their subject areas.
Sage Publications Ltd Diversity, Equality and Achievement in Education
Most classrooms contain children from a variety of backgrounds, where home culture, religious beliefs and the family′s economic situation all impact on achievement. This needs to be recognised by teachers in order to establish fair, respectful, trusting and constructive relationships with children and their families, which will allow every child to reach their full potential. This book looks at real issues that affect teachers in the classroom, and examines a variety of influences affecting child development. It provides you with the theoretical and practical information you need to ensure you understand the complex factors which affect the children in your care, and it encourages good, thoughtful teaching. Dealing with some of the less widely addressed aspects of diversity and inclusion, the book considers: - children who are asylum seekers - the notion of ′pupil voice′ - what diversity and equality mean in practice - gender and achievement - looked-after children - social class - disability - ethnicity and whiteness This book is essential reading for any education student looking at diversity and inclusion, and for teachers in role looking for advice on how to meet the professional standards.
Sage Publications Ltd The Manual for the Early Years SENCO
Written with both new and experienced practitioners in mind and packed with practical advice, suggestions, case studies and useful photocopiable materials, this new edition of a much-loved book will help all SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators) succeed in what is often a very demanding role. Providing plenty of help with planning and time-management, this book contains everything you need to know about your role, information on the current government policies such as Every Child Matters (ECM) and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and meeting the Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) standards for supporting children with additional needs. New to this second edition are: - a CD-ROM containing photocopiable materials - PowerPoint presentations for delivery of in-service training - advice on inter-agency working and inter-professional practice - more guidance on working in partnership with parents - guidance on implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for all children - case studies including several in the Birth to 3 age range A must-have for new and busy SENCOs working in reception classes, nursery schools, playgroups or any other early years setting working with the Birth to 7 age range, this book is also useful for those studying for a Foundation Degree in Early Childhood Care and Education and for those working towards Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).
Sage Publications Ltd Special Needs and Early Years: A Practitioner Guide
In the third edition of this respected and influential textbook, Kate Wall blends theory and practice with an informative and highly accessible writing style to provide a detailed analysis of provision for young children with additional needs. New to this edition are: - up-to-date information on all the relevant policies and legislation, including the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Every Child Matters (ECM) and the training guidelines for new SENCOs; - a timeline showing the development of policies and legislation in the field; - learning objectives at the beginning of chapters; - points for reflection within chapters, to aid independent study and facilitate critical thinking; - new case studies, which cover the Birth to 8 age range; - new content on the role of fathers, pupil voice and listening to children, taking an holistic view of the child, and current issues around diversity and inclusion. This book is essential reading for early years students and practitioners, and for all those working with young children with special educational needs and their families.
Sage Publications Ltd Working with Children, Young People and Families
Written from a unique interprofessional perspective, this book is an essential introduction to working with children, young people and families. It covers policy, practice and theory, exploring key themes and developments, including: - poverty and disadvantage - ethical practice - child development - education - child protection - children and young people′s rights - doing research. The book introduces students to a range of theoretical perspectives, links the key themes to the existing and emerging policy and practice context and supports students in engaging with and evaluating the central debates. With case studies, reflective questions and sources of further reading, this is an ideal text for students taking courses in childhood studies, working with children, young people and families, interprofessional children′s services, early years, youth work and social work.
Sage Publications Ltd A Critical Introduction to Social Research
A Critical Introduction to Social Research is the new, updated and improved edition of A Short Introduction to Social Research. This book introduces students and researchers to the key ideas and issues that inform research practice. In it, Henn, Weinstein and Foard provide a clear and easy-to-understand route-map to help the reader plan their research project from beginning to end. A Critical Introduction is perfect for use on introductory methods courses and is also an invaluable guide for the first time researcher embarking on their own small-scale research project. This new second edition now features updated chapters which reflect recent debates and developments in the field, including: - New coverage of emancipatory and feminist approaches; - Comparative research methods, evaluation research, and action research; - Online research; - Glossary of key terms; - Revised further reading sections at the end of each chapter which include peer-reviewed research articles. This book aims to prepare students and new researchers for their research project. Brilliantly written throughout, this is your essential guide to the theory of research, the practice of research and the best ways to plan and manage your research.
Sage Publications Ltd Action Research for Improving Educational Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide
Which topics are right for Action Research in an education context? How do you go about planning a project, collecting and analysing your data? What′s the best way to present your research findings to parents, colleagues or funding bodies? Whether you are a busy teacher doing research in your classroom, an undergraduate starting your research project, or a Masters level or education doctorate student writing up your dissertation, this step-by-step guide takes you through every stage involved in carrying out Action Research. In this brand new edition, you will find additional guidance on: - philosophical underpinnings of Action Research - the challenges of being an insider researcher - searching and analysing literature from the internet - children′s participation and children′s rights in action research projects in educational settings - validity and authenticity in action research - a new chapter on writing for publication - an action research planning sheet. This book draws on Valsa Koshy′s extensive experience of supervising researchers at all levels, and includes examples of Action Research carried out by practitioners across a range of topics and age groups. Case studies include UK and international examples, allowing you to reflect on multiple perspectives of Action Research in education. Those new to Action Research, and those looking for a straightforward explanation of the methods involved, will find this book invaluable. Valsa Koshy is Professor of Education and Director of a Research and Development Centre at Brunel University.
Sage Publications Ltd Relationship Skills in Social Work
"Roger Hennessey has written a wonderfully warm and readable book about the importance of a relationship-based approach to social work practice. It is full of wisdom, humanity, and commonsense. The book is rich with examples and exercises. You know that you are in the hands of an expert whose skill, experience and understanding shine and reassure on every page." Professor David Howe, School of Social work and Psychology, University of East Anglia Human relationships lie at the very heart of social work practice, and an understanding of their importance is a crucial aspect of training. This book considers the place of relationships in current practice and explores the ways in which social workers can use relationship skills to achieve the best possible outcomes for their clients. The book also offers a unique discussion of the social worker′s relationship with him or herself, arguing that self-awareness is as essential to good practice as an emotional understanding of the other. In doing so, the book promotes a new model for relationship-based social work, which emphasises the importance of both the inter- and intrapersonal. Opening with an introduction to the theoretical bases of the relationship-based model, the book then focuses on their direct application to social work practice. Key topics include: -Self-awareness and using oneself -Knowing the other person -Sustaining oneself -The ethics of relationship-based social work -Internalising knowledge, skills and values Using reflective exercises and case studies, the book encourages students to relate the tools they have learnt to practice scenarios from the real world, and is essential reading for all qualifying social work students.
Sage Publications Ltd Science in the Early Years: Building Firm Foundations from Birth to Five
Giving early years practitioners and students the confidence to effectively support scientific exploration and investigation with young children, this book explains the science behind young children′s knowledge and understanding of the world. Linking theory to good early years practice, the emphasis throughout the book is on recognizing young children as competent, creative thinkers and building on their ideas. The reader is encouraged to think carefully about the role of the adult in supporting child-initiated learning and discovery by providing open ended resources, asking productive questions and observing carefully. The authors provide essential background information for all the key areas of scientific knowledge supported by practical ideas suitable for babies, toddlers and children aged 3 to 5 years. For each of these ideas, practice and theory are linked by highlighting the skills, attitudes and dispositions to observe and the questions to ask to challenge young children′s thinking and plan for the next stages in their learning. Chapters cover: - the place of science in early years curricula in the UK - the processes of science and the role of the adult in supporting young children′s scientific learning - using open ended resources to create a science-rich environment - essential background knowledge, covering all areas of early years science - ideas to use as starting points for exploration and investigation, indoors and outdoors - pointers for observational assessment and planning - suppliers of resources and equipment By making clear links to practice, and providing ideas to use with babies and toddlers as well as with 3-5 year old children, this book enables the reader to fully exploit the potential for exploration and investigation in any early years setting. Pat Brunton and Linda Thornton are both Education Consultants based in Cheltenham. They run their own training and consultancy company alc associates, and edit Early Years Update.
Sage Publications Ltd Working on Health Communication
Good communication is at the heart of strategies for effective health promotion and public health. At a time when lifestyle and preventable diseases are still on the rise, practitioners are in need of the skills to deliver effective health messages to the right audience, at the right time. Responding to this demand, Working on Health Communication provides a practical guide to the process of designing, implementing and evaluating campaigns. The book follows the campaign design process step-by-step. It covers every stage from selecting theoretical models and identifying the message and target audience, right through to running the campaign and evaluating its success. "Real-life examples" of actual campaigns are used throughout to show how theoretical ideas work in practice. Working on Health Communication is ideal for students and practitioners in public health, health promotion and other health-related areas who are working on health campaigns.
Sage Publications Ltd Focus Group Methodology: Principle and Practice
Focus Group Methodology is an introductory text which leads readers through the entire process of designing a focus group study, from conducting interviews to analysing data and presenting the findings. It also includes discussions on cross-cultural and virtual focus group. Liamputtong presents clear, practical advice in simple terms which will be appropriate for undergraduate and postgraduate students who are undertaking research, making this an ideal starter text for anyone new to focus group research. Like her previous book, Researching the Vulnerable, Liamputtong′s latest work pays close attention to research ethics and will also be of great interest to researchers who are working with different social groups - such as women, men, older people, children and ethnic groups - and anybody who is engaging in cross-cultural research. Illustrated with case studies and examples throughout, this is a perfect introduction to focus group methods for students and new researchers alike.
Sage Publications Ltd Achieving Positive Outcomes for Children in Care
For over a decade and with the best of intentions, the U.K. government has spent millions attempting, but largely failing, to improve personal, social and educational outcomes for children and young people in public care. In this book, the authors explain why the problems of this highly vulnerable group have resisted such effort, energy and expenditure and go on to show how achieving positive outcomes for children in care is possible when the root causes of failure are tackled. Topic covered include: - The power of parenting - The impact of parental rejection on emotional development - Support for the adaptive emotional development of children and young people - Practical advice on introducing the ′Authentic Warmth′ approach into existing childcare organisations - Future issues in childcare This book is essential reading for carers, commissioners, policymakers, support professionals, educational psychologists, designated teachers and students of social work.
Sage Publications Ltd Mathematical Misconceptions: A Guide for Primary Teachers
How do children relate to numbers and mathematics? How can they be helped to understand and make sense of them? People are rarely ambivalent towards mathematics, having either a love or hate relationship with the subject, and our approach to it is influenced by a variety of factors. How we are taught mathematics as children plays a big role in our feelings towards it. Numbers play a large part in our lives, and it is therefore beneficial to inspire a positive attitude towards them at a young age. With contributors comprised of teachers, teacher educators, mathematicians and psychologists, Mathematical Misconceptions brings together information about pupils′ work from four different countries, and looks at how children, from the ages of 3 - 11, think about numbers and use them. It explores the reasons for their successes, misunderstandings and misconceptions, while also broadening the reader′s own mathematical knowledge. Chapters explore: - the seemingly paradoxical number zero - the concept of equality - children′s perceptions and misconceptions of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - the learning process - the ways in which children acquire number concepts. This unique book will transform the way in which primary school teachers think about mathematics. Fascinating reading for anyone working with children of this age, it will be of particular interest to teachers, trainee teachers and teaching assistants. It will show them how to engage children in the mysteries and delights of numbers.
Sage Publications Ltd Early Childhood Education: Society and Culture
′The authors who have contributed to this book bring a wealth of expertise and a wide range of research findings. This gives the reader the opportunity to link theory with practice in a helpful and illuminating way′ - Early Years Update Praise for the first edition: `...represents an enormously rich body of research and expertise focused on the objective of taking into account the social, historical and cultural dimensions of everyday activities in order to better understand children. …will undoubtedly be of interest and value to anyone with a similar concern′ - Early Years Journal ` international state-of-the-art early childhood education publication that sets out research-based evidence and critically links this with theory and practice. It is pitched at the graduate level and beyond. Readers will gain more from the book if they have a thorough base understanding of relevant learning and social-cultural theories and an open-mind to appreciate the perspectives presented in this book′ - Childforum, New Zealand This fully revised and up-to-date edition examines sociocultural and historical approaches to current theories of learning in early childhood education. It sets out research-based evidence linking theory and practice in early childhood settings. Written by leading figures in the field, the book extends a strong and traditional theme - the importance of the child′s perspective and respect for each child′s individual background. Within the context of early years settings, the book is structured around four overall themes: - the dynamics of learning and teaching - the nature of knowledge - assessment - evaluation and quality. This book is essential reading for undergraduate and advanced courses in early childhood studies.
Sage Publications Ltd Key Concepts in Planning
"I have been looking for a book which does this for ages! It provides a clear explanation of the different elements and concepts which underpin how the planning system works and which are fundamental to the operation of the UK system. It also provides good guidance on further reading. A real assett to anyone wanting to understand the nature of planning in the UK" - Dr Catherine Hammond, Architecture and Planning, Sheffield Hallam University Key Concepts in Planning forms part of an innovative set of companion texts for the human geography sub-disciplines. Organized around 19 short essays, the book provides a cutting edge introduction to the central concepts that define contemporary research in planning. Involving detailed and expansive discussions, the text includes: An introductory chapter providing a succinct overview of the recent developments in the field. 18 key concept entries with comprehensive explanations, definitions and evolutions of the subject. Detailed suggested further reading for each concept discussed. It is an ideal companion text for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students in planning, and covers the expected staples of the discipline in an accessible style.
Sage Publications Ltd Effective Communication and Engagement with Children and Young People, their Families and Carers
This book focuses on providing information and guidance for professionals involved in the newly emerging multi-agency, interdisciplinary children′s workforce. It does so by helping them to understand the theory behind the issues relating to communication and engagement in multi-agency settings for children and families. The book is of use to both students and those already working in the sector who are undertaking professional development to enhance understanding and skills in the new children′s workforce environment.
Sage Publications Ltd Reflective Practice in Social Work
Reflective practice is at the heart of becoming a competent and confident social worker. It’s both a key element of learning and development on social work courses and an important aspect of social work practice. This accessible and introductory text explores a range of approaches to reflective practice, its main aim being to help you as a student become more confident in answering key questions, including ′what is reflective practice?′, ‘how do I develop as a reflective practitioner?’, ‘how do I maintain reflective practice in key contexts?’. There are sections on writing reflective journals, communicating well with service users and carers and reflective practice while on placements.
Sage Publications Ltd Digital Skills for Nursing Studies and Practice
This practical book equips you with the digital capabilities you need for your nursing studies and career. Whether you are a digital native or less confident with technology, the book develops your ability to harness digital tools and opportunities to enhance your nursing practice. From using technology for better communication, collaboration and participation to honing your technical skills, the book instils the digital mindset you need as a 21st century nurse. Key features: · Mapped to HEE’s Digital Capability Framework · Structured around opportunities for self-assessment and reflection to help you identify the areas that require work · Focuses on the capabilities specifically needed for the nursing role, using activities and case studies to highlight their application to practice · Covers topical issues such as digital wellbeing, online professionalism, data protection and more
Sage Publications Ltd Teaching the Primary Curriculum Outdoors
Research evidence consistently shows that an outdoor learning environment can improve behaviour, engagement and encourage more active participation in learning. So why keep learning in a classroom? In reality, we know the challenges teachers face. We know the barriers that get in the way of taking learning outside. Learning through Landscapes has three decades of experience supporting teachers with the everyday challenges of teaching outdoors. Through this real life understanding of teaching and step by step guidance, this book shows you that every curriculum subject in primary schools can be taught outdoors. Through the pages of this book, Learning through Landscapes shows you that learning outdoors not only improves the health, wellbeing and attainment of the children in your class - it also brings joy to your teaching.
Sage Publications Ltd Leadership, Management and Team Working in Nursing
Leadership is central to all aspects of the nursing role, from managing the delivery of high quality care to acting as a role model for best practice. Written specifically for nursing students, this book introduces you to the principles and practice of leadership, management and multi-disciplinary team working. Key features: o Each chapter is mapped to the 2018 NMC standards o Introduces the core leadership theory you need to know, using case studies and reflective activities to show how it relates to your practice o Updated throughout including new content on the impact of COVID-19 and increased coverage of emotional intelligence and resilience o Builds your understanding of the challenging aspects of leadership including managing conflict, being assertive and leading service improvement
Sage Publications Ltd Nursing Adults with Long Term Conditions
This book provides an accessible overview of the care and management of people living with a long-term condition. Develop your skills and knowledge of the particularities of working with this group, including supporting self-care and self-management as well as providing care for those with complex needs, comorbidities and palliative care. Key features Each chapter is mapped to the 2018 NMC standards Structured sequentially to follow the journey an individual with an LTC might take, from diagnosis through to palliative care Case students and activities relate theory and research to your own experiences and practice
Sage Publications Ltd The What, Why and How of Assessment: A guide for teachers and school leaders
How do teachers develop their understanding of the foundation principles of assessment , stay up to date with the latest classroom approaches and have the confidence to evaluate and question the effectiveness of new methods? This professional resource for teachers supports them to understand the what, why and how of assessment. It provides key knowledge on the types and purposes of assessment and explores key themes such as validity, reliability and fairness. It explores assessment in practice offering practical support for busy teachers and takes an in-depth look at how qualifications are designed and developed and how examinations are marked, graded and regulated.