Search results for ""jewish lights publishing""
Jewish Lights Publishing Thich Nhat Hanh: Buddhism in Action
This engaging introduction to Thich Nhat Hanh will show you how one person can accomplish big things. This colorful book introduces you to the world of Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the most amazing people of the twentieth century—and today. You will be inspired as you learn about Thich Nhat Hanh’s life—from his work to end the war in Vietnam, to his eventual founding of the Plum Village community in France—and his teachings about peace and "mindfulness" in the world. Through enjoyable biography, activities inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s values and beliefs, and poems written by the teacher himself, Thich Nhat Hanh: Buddhism in Action will show you how to be braver, more caring, and happier in your own life.
Jewish Lights Publishing Sacred Speech: A Practical Guide for Keeping Spirit in Your Speech
The complete guide to spirit-filled speech and speaking with spirit "This book is a spiritual guide to using the holy gift of speech. It is a ... how-to ... grounded in a humble way of being, expressing an attitude of gratitude toward the tongue, in the knowledge that speech is a gift from God and we have a choice to use our mouths virtuously, in the most humble and searching sense of that word." —from the Introduction So much of our time is spent in conversation, yet little time is devoted to thinking about the words we choose to use, or the manner in which we speak. Taking the time to make our words count—to make our speech sacred—can lead to positive changes in our lives, and improve our relationships with others. Sacred Speech is a personal, warm-hearted approach to a complex matter—how we can use speech in holy ways. Drawing support from literary and spiritual sources, Rev. Donna Schaper offers compelling advice from her own experience as a clergyperson, teacher, partner, and parent, empowering us to: Acknowledge the Divine in the words we use Use speech to maximize the possibility of love and care Use speech to minimize fear Link, connect, and contact with others through words A clear invitation to improve our communications with others, Sacred Speech is ideal for spiritual and religious leaders, professionals who work in multifaith settings, the politically correct and the not-so politically correct, and anyone who wants to do more than simply "watch what they say."
Jewish Lights Publishing Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery
The monastic experience demystifiedan essential guide to what its like to spend a week inside a Catholic monastery. A life of quiet, work and prayer, monasticism has been a part of the Christian spiritual tradition for over 1,700 years, and it remains very much alive today. This book offers you a personal encounter with daily life inside the Trappist Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, as you might encounter it on a one-week retreat. Including a detailed guide to the monastic places in North America that receive visitors, as well as a detailed glossary, Making a Heart for God is an excellent introduction for anyone interested in learning about monastic spiritualityand it is also the perfect preparation for your first retreat experience. Whether youre simply curious about whats behind the mystery, or interested in experiencing it firsthand, this is the ideal handbook. Also included are a helpful glossary of terms and a listing of monasteries throughout North America that receive visitors.
Jewish Lights Publishing Praying with Our Hands: Twenty-One Practices of Embodied Prayer from the Worlds Spiritual Traditions
A spiritual guidebook for bringing prayer into our bodies The power of words is nowhere more evident than when we use them to pray, but prayer is also the place where we most often come up against the limitations of words. In this intriguing book of reflections and accompanying photographs, we see how our bodies, in particular our hands, can give meaning to our prayers in a way that words alone cannot. Here are twenty-one simple ways of using our hands to speak to God, presented in word and image. These spiritual practices are from a broad range of religious traditions—from Anglican to Sufi, from Buddhist to Shaker. Some may be familiar, some new; all demonstrate the universal importance people of all faith traditions have given to embodied prayer. They teach us to experience the unique spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pray with our hands.
Jewish Lights Publishing Being God's Partner: How to Find the Hidden Link Between Spirituality and Your Work
Jewish Lights Publishing Recovery from Codependence: A Jewish Twelve Steps Guide to Healing Your Soul
Jewish Lights Publishing Grieving with Your Whole Heart: Spiritual Wisdom and Practices for Finding Comfort, Hope and Healing After Loss
Everyone has experienced losses that profoundly shape them, changing how they see themselves and the world around them-from the death of a beloved family member to losing a job, home, friendship or physical or mental abilities. It is essential to heal and move forward-but also to honor what has been lost. This soulful companion for grief offers wisdom and creative spiritual practices for expressing and experiencing sorrow while keeping a life-giving connection to the past. Whether mourners need to grieve in words or silence, in solitude or in company with others, this gentle guidance from across spiritual traditions will meet them where they are and help them find wholeness and a renewed vision of themselves and the world. For use by individuals as well as in groups or counseling settings, this wide range of perspectives, offered with grace and compassion, will help readers: Prepare when they know a loss is coming; Express the storm of emotion; Find a still point; Reach out for comfort and strength; Heal from the pain of loss; Remember and honour what was; Reorient to their changed world; Walk alongside others who are grieving.
Jewish Lights Publishing Birthing God: Women'S Experiences of the Divine
In BIRTHING GOD, forty women relate Spirit-filled moments: a grieving pastor walks a labyrinth and rediscovers the Rock of her existence; a human rights advocate re-encounters Allah in an intensely visceral moment in the sun; a teacher, moved by an ancestral vision, launches a global tree-planting project to heal the wounds of slavery; a revolutionary awakens from a coma and realises that all of life is infused with Spirit; a peasant woman under fire discovers within herself the God who gives her courage and a disabled doctor, embraced by Shekhinah, turns her heart to rabbinical studies. Grounded in raw experience and ideal for spiritual seekers and leaders of all faiths, these engaging and powerful stories invite you to consider the origins of your own spirituality and to deepen your relationship with God.
Jewish Lights Publishing Forgiveness Handbook: Spiritual Wisdom and Practice for the Journey to Freedom, Healing and Peace
Old wounds can bind up your heart and keep you from fully loving - and fully living - in the present. Your pain may come from devastating trauma or unconscious resentment from accumulated everyday grievances. No matter the depth of the hurt, true healing comes from the courage to face the past and begin the process of letting go. These offerings of warmth and wisdom from many different faiths, backgrounds and perspectives will encourage you to begin your own journey toward the wholeness and freedom that comes from true forgiveness. CONTRIBUTORS: Nancy L. Bieber . Rev. Carolyne Call . Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell . Nancy Barrett Chickerneo, PhD . Paul Wesley Chilcote, PhD . William Cleary . Nancy Corcoran, CSJ . Linda Douty . Rabbi Ted Falcon . Marcia Ford . Rev. Dr. Marie M. Fortune . Tamar Frankiel, PhD . Rabbi Edwin Goldberg, DHL . Caren Goldman . Rev. Steven Greenebaum . Judy Greenfeld . Kent Ira Groff . Diana L. Guerrero . Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar . Kay Lindahl . Rabbi David Lyon . Pastor Don Mackenzie . St. Maximos . Ron Miller . Diane M. Millis, PhD . Rev. Timothy J. Mooney . Rev. Dr. John Philip Newell . Linda Novick . Rev. Larry J. Peacock . Gordon Peerman . M. Basil Pennington, OCSO . Jan Phillips . Susan Quinn . Imam Jamal Rahman . Marty Richards, MSW, LCSW . The Rev. Canon C.K. Robertson, PhD . Rev. Nanette Sawyer . Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper . The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori . Aaron Shapiro . Rami Shapiro . Louise Silk . Rev. Susan Sparks . Aaron Spevack, PhD . Rabbi Elie Kaplan Spitz . Molly and Bernie Srode . Tom Stella . Sohaib N. Sultan . Terry Taylor . Yoland Trevino . Rev. Jane E. Vennard . The Rev. Peter Wallace
Jewish Lights Publishing The Imitation of Christ: Adapted from John Wesley's the Christian's Pattern Selections Annotated & Explained
Next to the Bible, THE IMITATION OF CHRIST is the most widely read devotional work within the Christian community. Thought to be compiled by fifteenth-century cleric Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471), this spiritual classic focuses the contemporary God-seeker on a religion of the heart - a vital connection with God in our innermost being. It advocates the cultivation of virtues, like humility and purity of intention, by inviting the spirit of Jesus to dwell richly in our lives. It emphasises the need to translate that life of love into daily action. Now you can experience the timeless wisdom of this spiritual classic with no previous knowledge of late mediaeval Christianity. This SkyLight Illuminations edition, based on John Wesley's popular 1741 abridgment, renders these meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus in a way that is accessible to the contemporary reader. A substantive introduction and facing-page commentary places the work in its original context; clarifies the text's roots in the Bible, the early Church and mediaeval mysticism and explains its influence - spanning five hundred years - on spiritual luminaries from saints to popes and its continuing significance today.
Jewish Lights Publishing Finding Time for the Timeless: Spirituality in the Workweek
Practice spirituality in a culture where work has become a religion. This collection of real-life examples offers refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture. Drawing from the experiences of others, it shows you how you too can refocus and enrich your daily life with spiritual practice, including: Finding a haven for inspiring reading at a coffeehouse Singing during the morning commute to work Prayerful walking at home and on business trips Mindful eating and other deliberate experiences of God's goodness Full of insight and inspiration, Finding Time for the Timeless will help empower you to see how even your busiest workweek can include spiritual habits and routine.
Jewish Lights Publishing Saint Ignatius Loyola: The Spiritual Writings - Selections Annotated & Explained
Ignatius of Loyola, sixteenth-century mystic, spiritual director and founder of the Society of Jesus, is considered to be among the greatest teachers in the history of western civilisation. While the Jesuits went on to establish one of the largest educational networks in the world, Ignatius's initial vision was simply "the help of souls." Even today, his writings continue to inspire Christians in their quest for a meaningful holy life. The Spiritual Exercises alone-Ignatius's most well-known work-has guided the retreat experience of over a million Christians over nearly five centuries. This fascinating introduction to Ignatian spirituality draws from contemporary translations of original texts focusing on the practical mysticism of Ignatius of Loyola. Excerpts from The Spiritual Exercises, his autobiography and his collected letters and instructions provide direct insights from Ignatius about the role of humility, obedience, discernment, sin and self-awareness in spiritual life. Substantive facing-page commentary illuminates Ignatius's perspectives on many key aspects of Christian spirituality, including trusting in God, imitating Jesus and the saints, love and the common good and much more.
Jewish Lights Publishing Sacred Attention: A Spiritual Practice for Finding God in the Moment
Paying attention is rarely easy to do. In this inspiring book, you will discover ways to develop a practice of attention as a means of talking - and listening - to God. Framed on the Christian liturgical year and paired with images of the seasons of the earth, each chapter includes an insightful and poignant narrative which illustrates the surprising richness to be found in every attention-getting moment. Following each narrative is a prayer, suggested scripture readings and a specific exercise you can use to develop your own practice of attention as a means to better connect with God. Accessible, humorous and meaningful, these words and practices will lead you further along your path toward discovering a deeper awareness of yourself and your relationship to all that is around you - and within you.
Jewish Lights Publishing Soul Fire: Accessing Your Creativity
Creative energy is inherent in all of us, burning life a fire deep within our souls. By ignoring it, you risk extinguishing your creative spirit and disconnecting from an aspect of your self that give's life's pursuits and relationships meaning. But fuel it and you unlock the secret to lifelong spiritual vitality and regenration. This inspiring guide shows you how to cultivate your creative spirit, particularly in the second half of life, as a way to encourage personal growth, enrich your spiritual life and deepen your communion with God. It explores the nature of creativity and why it is important to give expression to your creative energy regardless of your age and stage in life. Each chapter provides questions for reflection to help you identify your creative energy, overcome your insecurities, and connect with your chosen method of expression. Practical exercises at the end of each chapter help you awaken your creative spirit within. Learn how to: - be true to your deepest self - open up space for your creative energies - develop your creativity - tap your creative potential - listen to your longing Whether you are drawn to painting, dancing, music, cooking, writing or sculpting, whether a novice or an expert, you will be challenged by this invigorating call to set free your creative potential
Jewish Lights Publishing Technology and Spirituality: How the Information Revolution Affects Our Spiritual Lives
Every day, new technologies affect your life at home, at work and at play. But how often do you pause to consider how your computer, mp3 player, mobile phone or Blackberry influence your spiritual life your beliefs, your faith, your fundamental understanding of God? With wit and verve, Stephen Spyker leads you on a lively journey through the many ways technology impacts on how we think about faith and how we practise it. He explores the role of new spiritual communities, the personal relationships we have with our gadgets, our changing expectations, helping you to think about the many, often subtle, ways technology has seeped into every aspect of our lives and changed the way we "do" faith. Can online churches replace traditional houses of worship? Will my iPod give me peace of mind? Is technological convenience undermining our ability to create community and make commitments? Whether a technophile or technophobe, no matter your faith or background, this book will entertain and challenge you while encouraging you to take a fresh look at spirituality in our modern world.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Scrapbooking Journal: A Hands-on Guide to Spiritual Discovery
In this imaginative, creative resource, award-winning scrapbook designer, Cory Richardson-Lauve, leads you on a celebration of the divine connection you can experience through scrap booking. Weaving her own insights, techniques and artwork with the reflections and layouts of other professional scrapbookers and the wisdom of spiritual thinkers, Richardson-Lauve reveals how this innovative and dynamic craft can become a practice used to deepen and shape your life. Each chapter includes an original scrapbooking project with dozens of variations for both cut-and-paste and digital artists, beginning scrapbookers and published designers alike that helps you explore a theme essential to both your designs and your spirituality.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Sacred Art of Forgiveness: Forgiving Ourselves and Others Through Gods Grace
Tap into the power of the Divine. Learn how to forgive—and be forgiven. Everyone knows that forgiveness is a virtue and a key to emotional, spiritual and even physical well-being. But learning how to actually forgive—or to accept forgiveness, as the case may be—is a sacred art few of us have mastered. It doesn’t have to be that way. Writing from personal experience and her broad knowledge of many faith traditions, Marcia Ford offers a new perspective on forgiveness and reconciliation, an approach rooted in the Spirit that can be learned by anyone no matter how deep the hurt. Through real-life examples, penetrating reflections, scriptural references and practical suggestions, Ford outlines the steps that one by one can help you to forgive, including: Coming to terms with anger, bitterness and resentment Understanding the differences between forgiveness and reconciliation Taking the initiative, even when you’re the one who’s been wronged Strategies for listening “with the heart” in emotionally charged situations Knowing when to forgive and forget—and when to forgive and take action Ways of allowing the power of the Divine to work through you Finding compassion for others—and for yourself … and much more
Jewish Lights Publishing The Lost Sayings of Jesus: Teachings from Ancient Christian Jewish Gnostic and Islamic Sources - Annotated and Explained
Jesus's words of wisdom can become a companion on your own spiritual journey. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not the only record we have of the words spoken by Jesus. Designed to challenge, enlighten and inspire, they are also quoted in a wide variety of other ancient sources—including the Qur’an, writings by early Christian church fathers, and fragments of lost gospels only recently discovered. Some of these sayings are familiar; many are surprising; all expand our conventional understanding of the scope and essence of Jesus’s original teachings. More than a "Christian" compilation, this collection of more than three hundred sayings reveals a Jesus whose words encapsulate spiritual truths that resonate across religious boundaries. From the encouraging “I am hope for the hopeless,” to the wise and practical “Love those who hate you and you will not have an enemy,” to the candid “Give no opportunity to the evil one,” these pointed sayings not only reveal how Jesus was understood and portrayed across a wide variety of cultures long ago—they will also penetrate to your heart, challenge your assumptions, and energize your own spiritual quest. Now you can experience the wisdom and power of Jesus’s sayings even if you have no previous knowledge of these little-known texts.
Jewish Lights Publishing Healing the Christian Rift: Growing Beyond Our Wounded History
How did a Jewish teacher, healer, sage and mystic become the vehicle for so much hatred and harm directed against his own people? "Dialogue is demanding and difficult. It is often painful. It entails deep listening, letting others define themselves and being willing to confront and transform deep-rooted prejudices in ourselves. It requires the courage to re-envision absolutely everything we tend to cherish and protect, and to relinquish our entrenched vainglorious ego attachments, our inflated sense of 'I, me and mine.' This challenge to grow beyond tribalism, to approach others in a fair and reasonable way, is an essential step in our human evolution." —from the Invitation to the Reader Judaism and Christianity have had a volatile relationship in their two-thousand-year history. Anger, rivalry, insensitivity, bloodshed and murder have marred the special connection these two Abrahamic faiths share. In the last several decades, scholars, activists, laypeople and clergy have attempted to expose and eliminate the struggles between Jews and Christians. This collaborative effort brings together the voices of Christian scholar Ron Miller and Jewish scholar Laura Bernstein to further explore the roots of anti-Semitism in Christian faith and scripture. In a probing interfaith dialogue, Miller and Bernstein trace the Jewish-Christian schism to its very source in the first book of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew. Illuminating the often misunderstood context of Matthew’s gospel—a persecuted Christian minority writing some sixty years after Jesus’s death—this examination of a foundational Christian text discerns the ways in which the Jewishness of Jesus was forgotten and Jews and Judaism became Christianity’s foil. More important, it takes a renewed look at Matthew with contemporary retellings that present a new and better future of conciliation and compassion between the two faith traditions.
Jewish Lights Publishing Does God Forgive Me
What if something I say hurts one of my friends? Then God gives you new words that help to heal and mend. And if my mistakes pile up to the sky? Then God helps you correct them so they don't multiply. Will God still love us if we do bad things? Will we be forgiven if we hurt a friend's feelings? Using simple everyday examples that children can relate to this colourful book helps young readers understand the importance of apologising and reconciling after we've done something wrong. A vibrant and fun way for children to develop a deeper understanding of God this book gently guides children down their own path of spiritual discovery . and reminds us all that God will always love us. Ages 3-6
Jewish Lights Publishing What You Will See Inside a Hindu Temple
A colorful, fun-to-read introduction that explains the ways and whys of Hindu faith and worship What You Will See Inside… A new series of illustrated books designed to show children ages 6 and up the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of traditional houses of worship, liturgical celebrations, and rituals of different world faiths, empowering young people to respect and understand their own religious traditions—and those of their friends and neighbors. Visual and vibrant, What You Will See Inside a Hindu Temple features many informative pictures and concise descriptions of what is happening, the objects used, the spiritual leaders and laypeople who have specific roles, and the spiritual intent of the believers. Ideal for children as well as teachers, parents, librarians, clergy and lay leaders who want to demystify the celebrations and ceremonies of Hinduism throughout the year, as well as encourage understanding and tolerance among different faith traditions. What You Will See Inside a Hindu Temple will: Satisfy kids’ curiosity about what goes on in a Hindu temple attended by their friends, broadening awareness of other faiths at an important age when opinions and prejudices can first form. Provide Hindu children with a deeper understanding of the practices of their own religious tradition. Give children the opportunity to ask questions, making them more active participants.
Jewish Lights Publishing Does God Ever Sleep
Does everything sleep at night? Does God sleep too? Using simple everyday examples familiar to children this colourful book helps young readers imagine God's role in bringing nighttimes to the world around them. DOES GOD EVER SLEEP? gently guides children down their own path of spiritual discovery. and reminds us all that God always watches over us. For ages 3-6
Jewish Lights Publishing The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated and Explained
An inside look at the foundational sacred text of one of the world's youngest and fastest growing religions The Book of Mormon stands alongside the Bible as the keystone of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church/Mormonism). Translated by the prophet Joseph Smith from ancient writings inscribed on golden plates, the Book of Mormon is an account of people living in the Western Hemisphere in a timeline that parallels that of the Bible. It covers a thousand years of loss, discovery, war, peace and spiritual principles that focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ, outlining a plan for salvation and the responsibilities we must assume to attain it. The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated & Explained explores this sacred epic that is cherished by more than twelve million members of the LDS church as the keystone of their faith. Probing the principal themes and historical foundation of this controversial and provocative narrative, Jana Riess focuses on key selections that offer insight into contemporary Mormon beliefs and scriptural emphases, such as the atonement of Christ, the nature of human freedom, the purpose of baptism and the need for repentance from sin. She clarifies the religious, political and historical events that take place in the ancient communities of the Book of Mormon and their underlying contemporary teachings that serve as the framework for spiritual practices that lie at the core of Mormon life. Now you can experience this foundational sacred text even if you have no previous knowledge of Mormonism. This SkyLight Illuminations edition presents the key teachings and essential concepts of the Mormon faith tradition with insightful yet unobtrusive commentary that helps to dispel many of the misconceptions that have surrounded the Book of Mormon since its publication in 1830.
Jewish Lights Publishing Masking and Unmasking Ourselves: Interpreting Biblical Texts on Clothing and Identity
Jewish Lights Publishing Renewing the Process of Creation: A Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit
Jewish Lights Publishing Speaking Torah, Volume 1: Spiritual Teachings from Around the Maggid's Table
Jewish Lights Publishing Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community
Jewish Lights Publishing Jewish Threads: A Hands-on Guide to Stitching Spiritual Intention into Jewish Fabric Crafts
Jewish Lights Publishing Around the World in One Shabbat: Jewish People Celebrate the Sabbath Together
Jewish Lights Publishing A Dream of Zion: American Jews Reflect on Why Israel Matters to Them
Jewish Lights Publishing Kabbalah: A Brief Introduction for Christians
Jewish Lights Publishing Filling Words with Light: Hasidic and Mystical Reflections on Jewish Prayer
Jewish Lights Publishing Our Dance with God: Finding Prayer Perspective and Meaning in the Stories of Our Lives
Jewish Lights Publishing Against the Dying of the Light: A Parents Story of Love Loss and Hope
Jewish Lights Publishing Torah of the Earth: Exploring 4,000 Years of Ecology in Jewish Thought
Jewish Lights Publishing More Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Outstanding Stories of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
Jewish Lights Publishing What Does God Look Like: Board Book
To young children, the world is full of things to see and touch. And by using those very examples, this enchanting book gently invites children to become aware of God's presence all around us. Abridged from Because Nothing Looks Like God by Lawrence and Karen Kushner, WHAT DOES GOD LOOK LIKE? has been specially adapted to board book format to delight and inspire younger readers. Much has been written about the importance of reading simple, beautiful books to babies and preschoolers to stimulate brain development. But perhaps even more important, what you read begins to shape your child's world, and creates the images that will remain with him or her throughout life.
Jewish Lights Publishing Talking About God: Exploring the Meaning of Religious Life with Kierkegaard, Buber, Tillich and Heschel
To wrestle with the ideas these thinkers present is to find ourselves challenged to look at our own religious lives in new ways and to appreciate the spiritual endeavours of others, whatever form their religious expression may take. The modern age of religion is characterised by dialogue. Jews and Christians together explore the realities and meaning of living in proximity to one another. Yet for all the good will and sincerity of intention, too often such discussions fail to progress beyond well-intentioned pleasantries to the challenging content that can truly deepen our understanding of each other. This fascinating and accessible introduction to the theologies of four modern religious thinkers will help you break through the superficial generalities to plumb the depths of religious differences and embrace the commonalities. Examining the lives and works of Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Buber, Paul Tillich and Abraham Joshua Heschel through the lens of their treatment of the Bible and the biblical patriarch Abraham, you will take part in a discussion of the very phenomenon of religion and what part it plays in living a fully engaged human life.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Way into Encountering God in Judaism
Jewish Lights Publishing The Geography of Faith: Underground Conversations on Religious Political & Social Change
A classic of faith-based activism—updated for a new generation. Why was Daniel Berrigan wanted by the FBI? Why did Robert Coles harbor a fugitive? Listen in to the conversations between these two great teachers as they struggle with what it means to put your faith to the test. Discover how their story of challenging the status quo during a time of great political, religious, and social change is just as applicable to our lives today. Thirty years ago, at the height of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, Daniel Berrigan, a Jesuit priest, was wanted by the FBI for his nonviolent protest activities. He hid in the house of Robert Coles, who would later win the Pulitzer Prize. The two began a dialogue that encompasses a fascinating range of topics, from war, psychology, and violence, to social institutions, compassion, activism, and family life. With this expanded, anniversary edition of a classic, new generations of readers can examine for themselves how spirituality is not only for ourselves, but often demands action and personal risk in the public arena. New to this edition, Robert Coles offers historical perspective on this turbulent time and assesses the progress of faith-based activism in the years since. Daniel Berrigan challenges today’s activists in a new afterword. Finally, a glossary of terms helps to clarify the key people, places, and movements that are often the subject of the Coles/Berrigan conversations.
Jewish Lights Publishing God within: Our Spiritual Future as Told by Todays New Adults
What does it mean to be young and spiritual today-when the New Age isn't exactly new, when female rabbis and ministers are no longer unusual, and when Eastern religion's ideas and practices are no longer considered exotic? Who are the faces behind today's fresh approaches to faith, approaches that are destined to shape the future of spiritual life in America? "Religion is not a crutch for the weak-minded. It is merely spirituality in its simplest, most rudimentary form. We have witnessed the hypocrisy, the moral and spiritual mediocrity of succumbing to tradition for tradition's sake. In an age when there are books on everything for dummies, my generation has opted to find out for themselves. I am a new adult, with decisions to make about my identity and my future. I am not about to surrender this newfound privilege. I am content with discovering my spiritual self through my own avenues. I am not in need of a crossing guard." -from God Within God Within represents citizens of the twenty-first century who are faced with a dizzying array of spiritualities: believer, seeker, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Wiccan, to name just a very few. The result of a nationwide challenge extended to young adults born after 1974, in this book they share their experiences with all of these beliefs-some confident, some questioning-and introduce us to many shades in between. Sometimes irreverent-but more importantly, always relevant-this thought-provoking collection of writings, poetry, and art showcases the voices that are defining the future of religion, faith, and belief as we know it.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Gospel in Miniature: Meditations for When You Have a Minute
Witty, wise, and powerful meditations on the New Testament are presented in the perfect form for readers with busy lives who sometimes find that there is not enough time in the day to focus on their spiritual well-being. Martin Copenhaver feels their pain and has packed this volume full of insight into the teachings of Jesus that anyone, no matter how busy, can find the time to digest, reflect on, and enjoy. In addition, a scripture and a prayer accompany each of the 140+ lessons, the distilled results of decades of spiritual scholarship and teaching.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Rule of Benedict: Christian Monastic Wisdom for Daily Living--Selections Annotated & Explained
This practical resource for finding peace, meaning and God, from the pen of a sixth-century monk, can help guide your own spiritual journey. Many people today are realizing that the cultural focus on competition, success, acquisition and constant busyness is ultimately not satisfying. They hunger for a way of life that has more lasting value and deeper meaning. For centuries, people within and outside Christianity have turned to the writings of Benedict of Nursia, a sixth-century monk committed to shaping a life of humility and compassion, to guide their spiritual lives. His Rule speaks profoundly to our contemporary search for spiritual grounding. Anglican laywoman and writer Esther de Waal says that Benedict’s Rule helps her know “how to be human now today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life.”This accessible introduction to the Rule of Benedict, intended for readers unfamiliar with Benedictine monasticism, presents the Rule as a guide to a God-centered, balanced approach to life. It shows us how to use Benedict’s wisdom to build relationships and communities formed by love and respect. It offers historical background and personal reflections on Benedictine topics such as living in the present moment, balance, finding God in everyday life, individual and community prayer, hospitality, and healthy approaches to work and service.
Jewish Lights Publishing All Politics is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers and Community
A practical and empowering resource, this book provides ideas and strategies for expressing a clear, forceful and progressive religious point of view that is all too often overlooked and under-represented in public discourse. It identifies the religious themes in today's great debates - gay rights, the needs of children and families, church-state separation and reproductive rights, including access to sex education, contraception and abortion care - and presents new language and methods for effective communication with the media, policy makers and community. It steers away from the polemics and jargon of politics - left, right, liberal, conservative, socialist - and instead relies on factual historical examples, current events and personal stories to illustrate the best ways to communicate the positive role faith can play in personal and public life by reinforcing the separation of church and state.
Jewish Lights Publishing Losses of Our Lives: The Sacred Gifts of Renewal in Everyday Loss
Going beyond loss as a problem to be resolved, a grief to be worked through, Dr. Nancy Copeland-Payton, a spiritual director and ordained clergywoman, reframes loss from the perspective that our everyday losses help us learn what we need to handle the major losses. Weaving in spiritual and classical themes, personal and scriptural story, Dr. Copeland-Payton shows us that by becoming aware of what our lesser losses have to teach us, the larger losses of our lives become less terrifying. Each chapter includes a spiritual practice and questions for reflection to help you: · Mine the hidden depths of painful losses of things and places. · Traverse the devastating loss of relationships and the heart-wrenching death of people we love. · Overcome the steep, dark slopes of loss of beliefs and faith. · Venture past our fear of the losses of aging and our own death.
Jewish Lights Publishing Passionate Jesus: What We Can Learn from Jesus About Love, Fear, Grief, Joy and Living Authentically
Many depictions of Jesus show him as a character who coolly and calmly floats above the grit and grime of human existence. He doesn't hurt, he doesn't fear, he doesn't laugh and, most tragically, he doesn't love very passionately. He seems not to feel at all. But a closer look at the Bible reveals something surprisingly different. In this eye-opening spiritual study, Peter Wallace examines Jesus's actions as well as his teachings to uncover a passionate figure who was involved, present, connected, honest and direct with others. Through Wallace's deeply personal insights and compelling examples, you will be encouraged to model this passionate Jesus by building personal authenticity in every area of your own life, particularly in your self-acceptance and self-expression, your relationships with others and, above all, your relationship with God.
Jewish Lights Publishing Giving - the Sacred Art: Creating a Lifestyle of Generosity
"I gave at the office." It might be a cliché, but that familiar phrase accurately describes the way many of us still think about giving of our time, resources and money: as a mildly unpleasant obligation to fulfil every now and again, when someone asks. Yet giving is a profound act that can change your life and the lives of those around you. With gentleness and wisdom, this practical guide outlines the ways in which cultivating a lifestyle of generosity can be a source of personal transformation, spiritual renewal and deep joy. Readers will learn about: · Giving as Worship - how many faith traditions offer praise through giving · Giving as Justice - creating righteous equality in our world · Giving as Charity - providing for others out of a sense of connectedness · Giving as Stewardship - managing our resources for maximum benefit
Jewish Lights Publishing Sri Ramakrishna, the Face of Silence
Sri Ramakrishna, one of the greatest spiritual personalities of our time, is widely recognised as the prophet of the harmony of religions. After perfecting the practice of several religions - including Christianity, Islam and various traditions of Hinduism - he declared, "As many faiths, so many paths." This modern, historically accurate portrayal of the life of Sri Ramakrishna explains several systems of Indian religious thought intimately connected with his life. It examines Sri Ramakrishna and his teachings and succeeds in conveying the story of the great mystic and the deeper spirit of that story, known as the Ramakrishna legend.