Search results for ""free association books""
Free Association Books Lets Talk to Barney
Let's talk to Barney; Listening to foster children's voices about staying connected with family' is an activity book, suitable forprofessionals to use with foster children in the age range 5-10 years.
Free Association Books Making a Difference: Setting up sustainable, community-based projects
Making a Difference is a book which aims to help bring about positive change within communities in England and Wales. It is distinctive in being a practical 'How To' guide rather than a 'Why Should' argument. It provides a practical step-by-step guide for anyone who wants to set up a project or introduce a service that would benefit a significant number of vulnerable or excluded people, at any age, within their local communities, and which is sustainable for a long period of time. The author draws on many years of experience within the charity sector to guide the reader through the process, explaining each stage clearly and precisely. The reader will be able to identify and develop key information about their project - why it's necessary, what it will involve and how to approach it, what challenges might be encountered and how to avoid and overcome them. An example of a project, which runs through the whole book, enables the reader to see how each stage might apply to a real-life scenario. Packed with reassurance and useful insights into the workings of the Third Sector, this is an indispensable guide to making the world a better place.
Free Association Books Day by Day: Emotional Wellbeing in Parents of Disabled Children
The impact of finding out your child is disabled can be wide ranging. The author’s experience as a psychologist and parent of a disabled child informs this book which focuses on what helps, and hinders, parent-carers’ emotional wellbeing. Research shows that mental health, relationships, family life, access to work and leisure activities, as well as finances can all be affected. For many parents the focus of those around them is solely on the child and their own needs become neglected. The author re-focuses attention onto the wellbeing of the parent. This includes acknowledging emotions, connecting with positive others, empowering yourself, regularly engaging in self-care and finding your own sense of meaning and purpose in life. Identifying the myriad of different emotions parents may experience as an understandable reaction to an unexpected situation the book includes quotes from parent carers. Connecting to psychological theories, such as positive re-framing and post-traumatic growth, the book applies these in practical ways to the parent-carer experience. Acknowledging that the journey is neither linear nor simple and transitions such as secondary school, puberty and adulthood require further periods of adjustment. Parents rarely get the time or support to stop and reflect on how they are feeling as they are caught up in the day to day busyness of caring. The difficulty is exacerbated by limited resources and battling for services. Building on the author’s Doctoral research and having supported parent carers in different roles over the last 13 years this book provides a compass to ensure parents know they are not alone.
Free Association Books Take Charge of Your Diet: A Self-Help Workbook Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
This is a short, accessible workbook offering a new approach to weight loss based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Rather than proposing a particular diet, the workbook offers practical tools to help slimmers adhere to whatever plan they have chosen. Written in plain language for the general reader it is based on principles widely discussed in academic research on addiction treatment. Informed by the author's professional experience of working with people addicted to alcohol, gambling and drugs, this book adapts the tools of addiction treatment to help people manage their weight loss. Addiction treatment centres often produce manuals for counsellors to work through with their clients in a step by step fashion, and the author follows this format to produce a workbook. The reader is taken through ten easy to follow stages. These are similar to those suggested in addiction recovery, but here they are applied to weight loss: keeping a diary, building motivation, identifying unmet needs, drawing a plan, creating new habits, identifying triggers and risk situations and learning how to deal with cravings and relapse. The last chapter also contains information for family, friends, carers or professionals to support loved ones or clients through the ten stages. Each chapter contains an explanation of the stage, one or more examples to illustrate the task and exercises to be completed by the reader followed by useful tips. The aim is for the reader to use the traditional tools of addiction treatment to become their own weight loss coach. It is designed as a 'companion' to a diet to increase slimmers' motivation and self-confidence, and goes beyond the diet to adapting to life after weight loss.
Free Association Books The Silly Thing: Shaping the Story of Life and Death
The Silly Thing is an account of a woman's acceptance of and struggle with living and dying with a grade 4 glioblastoma, an aggressive cancer of the brain. It is told from the perspective of her daughter, Esther Ramsay-Jones, a psychotherapist and academic. The book discusses the fears that people might have about dying and specifically about brain cancer: for the author's mother, the tumour affected her speech and, as an English teacher, whose life had so intimately been tied up with language the fear of language loss was at times unbearable. From a psychotherapeutic point of view, the book will explore what it means to be given a terminal diagnosis and what kinds of psychological responses the 'patient' and family members might have. It will touch on notions of family systems theory, and the roles people might then take up as reaction to the news. The author also looks at 'difficult conversations' in palliative care - what might help/what might hinder - and the value of listening skills, capacity for attunement and containment, in staff teams and in the medical profession at large. Though the main focus in this book is her mother's experience, vignettes from the lived experience of practising palliative psychotherapy will be woven into the narrative to highlight the value of talking and sharing fears, anger, confusion, loves and gratitude with those who are dying.
Free Association Books The Alchemy of Performance Anxiety: Transformation for Artists
With mental health increasingly in the spotlight, this book offers a new perspective on anxiety. The focus of this book is on the application of psychological alchemical practice to address, explore and examine the nature and cause of anxiety in order to tackle and overcome it. It has never been more relevant to illustrate the reality that scientific, artistic and spiritual understanding, together with practical application, has the capacity to eliminate anxiety and gain personal control, liberation and fulfilment. The first half of the book identifies the issues to be considered and the second half explains and illustrates the alchemical practices with which to approach them. While the book puts a slight emphasis on musical performance, it is made clear at the outset that performance concerns everyone and the contents, therefore, apply universally. Music is simply a very clear example. The book is designed as a personal development book rather than a scholarly work and, although it is relevant to all ages (depending on timing), it was written with 18 – 30 year olds being the main inspiration through apparent and ever increasing necessity. It is a source book that can be dipped into anywhere or launch further investigation into any of the various disciplines and practices covered. Alchemy has the capacity to bind it all together and the alchemy of performance can become a way of life for anyone.
Free Association Books Is Your School Lying to You? Get the Career You Want, Get the Life You Deserve
The world is changing. Education is changing, but careers and university advice isn't, and more than that it hasn't for the last 30 years. The teachers we are entrusting with our children's futures lack the essential skills and experience to competently advise them - a view that is also held by employers, Ofsted, The Department for Education, The Sutton Trust, and other think-tanks. Is Your School Lying to You? Get The Career You Want. Get The Life You Deserve. is the complete, comprehensive 'how to' academic and careers guide aimed at every student considering their options. It is for anyone who is struggling with their decisions, those who want some clear advice about what they should be doing and when, or those who know exactly what they want but aren't sure how to go about it. In fact, it's aimed at every student who cares about their future. This book offers real world insights about how to identify what you really want from your life, how to plot your academic journey and its impact on your career prospects, how to write your personal statement or CV, advice from successful people from a variety of industries, best practice for interviews, work experience, internships and a host of other critical skills to help achieve your goals - even if you don't know what those goals might yet be.
Free Association Books Cultivating the Soul
In Cultivating the Soul Luigi Zoja argues that the soul's 'cultivation' underpins all cultural phenomena. The author examines the mythopoetic function in human beings by locating Psychoanalysis within the history of the Western world and firmly rooting it in the classical tradition. When for example, Zoja links psychoanalytic narration with the epic-tragic narration in Greek civilization, he is establishing a remarkable kind of continuity, one which transcends centuries of economic, political and social change to insist on the timeless human need to tell a life story with passion in order to make sense of it. Zoja's masterful knowledge of the classical world is here used dialectically, to understand and explicate our modern-day predicaments. Whether employing classical notions, like hubris, (to analyze the modern phenomenon of arrogant acquisitiveness), or deploying a contemporary perspective on antiquity (to examine, for instance Homer's own technique of "mass communication"), Zoja's words fall like a sword cutting through to the core of what he sees as the inertia of much contemporary thinking. The author explores what he sees as the failure in the formation of a contemporary European identity. Lacking formative myths, with psyches mutilated by the failure of the mythopoetic function, today's citizens are left with little other than an economic reality called "Europe" to orient them. It is in such a context that Zoja claims a crucial role for Psychoanalysis in elucidating cultural, social and political phenomena. In these eighteen essays, spanning ten years and grappling with thinkers from Plato to Hillman, Bloch to Ortega, Michelangelo to Rilke, and Nietzsche to Freud and Jung, Luigi Zoja consolidates his position as one of Europe's most erudite, skillful, and genuinely helpful thinkers.
Free Association Books Psychoanalytic Empathy
For the psychoanalyst, there exist certain rare and special moments when emotion, imagination and thought combine to enable both patient and analyst to reach a profound understanding of what is happening between them. Such subjective, relational and clinical experiences are perhaps as rare as they are unforgettable. Over the past 20 years, Stefano Bolognini has concerned himself with empathy, one of the most significant, yet hotly debated and difficult to define concepts in the recent history of psychoanalysis. In this book, the author traces the philosophical origins of empathy and its development, with Freud and the first psychoanalysts, up to its "re-discovery" in the 1950s, in parallel with changing views on countertransference. Dr Bolognini then offers his observations which take us to the very heart of psychoanalysis, maintaining all the fecundity of the issues discussed while illustrating the real complexity of the empathic experience, the privileged transformative goal of the relationship between patient and analyst.
Free Association Books Hearing Voices: Contesting the Voice of Reason
The hearing of voices is generally regarded as a pathological phenomenon - a form of mental illness. This title challenges the assumption in psychiatry and psychology that hearing voices has a pathological basis, and contains information from people who hear voices but who have found traditional clinical approaches unhelpful. It also provides information on an alternative approach to hearing voices.
Free Association Books Doctors on the Edge: General Practitioners, Health and Learning in the Inner-city
This title focuses on the work, well-being and lives of doctors during a period of constant change and crisis in the National Health Service and of growing anxiety about levels of clinical competence and accountability. The alarming number of well-publicized "failures" by medics - at the Royal Bristol Children's Hospital, the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, for instance, and the appalling breach of trust by Dr Harold Shipman -the Manchester General Practitioner found guilty of murdering 15 patients - has led to a Government enquiry into the accountability of the profession. All, it seems, is far from well among medics. The text shows how GPs are responding to their changing roles in a changing society; and how such responses may be understood in a context of whole life histories as well as within the norms of medical culture. Doctors, as a profession, have tended, for many reasons, to hide behind a professional curtain in what can be a very "male" world. Some matters - surrounding the emotional well-being of doctors - are hard for doctors to talk about in this world where, too often, they have been taught to cope, like "good men should". The book reveals the emotional problems doctors face and, unlikely, provides space for them to tell their stories of struggles to become more authentic, and reflective as well as "effective" practitioners. We are presented with insights into what is a deeply gendered world in which many women doctors feel torn between caring at work and for their families, and where men can be absent from "women's work", at home and in the surgery; a culture too where racism still pervades attitudes towards "minority" doctors. This is also an environment in which cultural and emotional understandings have tended to be disparaged as "soft" in the name of a harder science. The book provides heroic tales of GPs transcending the shortcomings of training, and the misogyny and racism pervading their profession.
Free Association Books The Psychology of Death
New to this third edition on the psychology of death are chapters on how we construct death; death in adolescence and adulthood, including suicide; physician assisted death, regret theory and denial; new approaches to the role of death anxiety; terror management theory; and edge theory.
Free Association Books Saying Goodbye: Stories of Separation Between Care Staff and People with Learning Disabilities
People with learning disabilities living in residential care regularly experience separation and loss when their keyworkers move away. Clinical experience suggests that these transitions are critical for the emotional well-being of clients, for whom supportive relationships with staff are essential. In "Saying Goodbye" the authors aim to raise awareness of some of the processes that occur when keyworker relationships end, in the hope that such endings can become less painful for both staff and clients. Specific recommendations of how to plan the end of staff-client relationships are included. The book draws upon a qualitative research study which involved in-depth interviews with both clients and staff in residential settings for people with learning disabilities. It draws extensively on the words of the participants themselves, looking at parallel accounts of loss and change. People with learning disabilities are rarely asked about their experience of care and this is the first study to examine how these clients, as well as staff, experience the end of keyworking relationships.
Free Association Books Playing the Love Market: Dating, Romance and the Real World
Examines the effectiveness and personal costs of searching for partners by different methods, including newspapers and the Internet. This work shows how simple economics can explain many of the characteristics of the market for dating partners and suggests strategies for effective participation.
Free Association Books Studies of Childhood
Compiled from anecdotes the author collected both from informants and from published sources, this book journies through major categories of human experience that are of interest in the late-20th century: play and imagination; thought and concepts; language; emotional life; morality and discipline, aesthetic sensibility and drawing. The book provides a natural history of development in each of these areas, beginning in infancy and extending through early childhood.
Free Association Books Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson: v. 3: Mind-body Communication in Hypnosis
More than any other individual, Milton Erickson has been responsible for shaping the modern view of hypnosis. His great contribution came from his ability to locate an individual's innter resources for coping creativley with the real problems of everyday life. Erickson himself endured two bouts of polio and was in a wheelchair throughout much of his later life. He learned to use the healing methods of self-hypnosis to deal with his handicaps and uncover ways of experiencing living at more profound levels. His delight in teaching these methdos of self-healing are clearly shown in these transcriptions of his seminars, workshops and lectures. Volume III contains much of the source material wherein Erickson first expressed his original views on psychosomatic medicine and healing. Here we learn hwo the languages of the mind communicate with the languages of the body. His research validates the view that psyche, mind, and brain are pervasively integrated in modulating body processes in health and illness. The 'miracle cures', spontaneous remissions of lethal diseases, and placebo effects, which seemed inexplicable to the scientific mind until recently, can how be understood as manifestations of mind-body information systems that extend far beyond the limitations formerly placed on the central nervous system.
Free Association Books The Healing Drama: Psychodrama and Dramatherapy with Abused Children
This text sets out the main theoretical and practical approaches of dramatherapy. Beginning with the notion of play and its importance for children, the author discusses how children use play as a method of investigation and rehearsing for reality. Role play is then illustrated as a means of discovering a child's intellectual and emotional development. Chapters specifically on abuse and trauma throw light on how children develop particular responses and behaviour patterns as a result of being abused, with "victim" and "controlling" behaviour revealed as the most common. Therapeutic work is covered in detail including practicalities such as the place where therapy is conducted, the equipment used, and the people or person most suitable for working with a particular child or children. There are chapters on working with children of different ages, gender, race and culture, and on the need to work with the families of these children. The books ends with an evaluation of the research done around the world using methods from psychodrama and dramatherapy.
Free Association Books Alcohol: Minimising the Harm
A review of the effectiveness of key strategies designed to achieve a significant reduction in levels of problem drinking. These strategies are described and assessed by some of the world's authorities on the use of alcohol and its related problems.
Free Association Books The Dynamics of the Social: Selected Essays, volume 2
Continuing the themes of Containing Anxiety in Institutions, Menzies Lyth reflects on a variety of social situations: the dynamics of the Fire Brigade, conflicts between psychiatric hospitals and the communities that they serve and family patterns of consumption. The collection concludes with a survey of the psychological aftermath of disaster.
Free Association Books The Work of Hanna Segal: A Kleinian Approach to Clinical Practice
Free Association Books Diachrony in Psychoanalysis
The question of diachrony has been an ongoing preoccupation of Andre Green throughout his psychoanalytic career. It was at the centre of the debates during the era of structuralism and opened up a range of issues for psychoanalysis. These included the question of primal experience and repetition, discovered belatedly by Freud but destined to play a major role. Recollection, a central theme in the early days of psychoanalysis, is now seen in the context of its relation to repetition compulsion. The memories to be rediscovered during treatment are less important than the signs of temporality involved. The illusion of completely lifting infantile amnesia has given way to constructions in analysis. Historical truth, which is based on the beliefs organizing the psyche, is contrasted with material truth stripped of any embellishment. The essays in this volume complete the ideas put forward in "Time in Psychoanalysis - Some Contradictory Aspects", its companion volume.
Free Association Books Hynotherapy: A Practical Handbook
In the 23 years since this book was first published, numerous books on the same lines have appeared. Techniques vary minimally, and very few discoveries or developments have been made in the field of using hypnosis in therapy. Such research as has appeared largely confirms what has been known for a very long time, such as its efficacy as an adjunct to chemical analgesia and anaesthesia for intrusive and painful surgical procedures. However, during that period a tremendous and astonishing amount of research has appeared in the fields of neurology, especially brain function, endocrinology and immunology and their interaction, or, more accurately, their total integration with psychological processes. While hypnotic techniques are much as they have been for so long, the underlying and mediating roles of these physical mechanisms in hypnosis are now substantially revealed. Understanding how hypnotic suggestions produce physical effects, and how these physical processes affect what is to be done in hypnosis will illuminate and guide what is attempted in hypnotherapy. The more the therapist bears these mechanisms in mind, the more effective and focused his work will be. This new edition therefore includes a summary account of the most cogent discoveries of the last two decades, and references to some of the most important knowledge acquired in this period in psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology.
Free Association Books Human Nature
The ideas of Donald Winnicott are scattered through numerous clinical papers and short, popular expositions. He made only one attempt to write and overview of his ideas, and this is it. It remained unfinished at his death in 1971. It is an ambitious work. The chapters offer his perspective on most of the main issues in psychoanalytic theory - for example, psychosomatics; the Oedipus complex; infantile sexuality; the unconscious; the depressive position; manic defence; transitional objects; aggression. Winnicott has here made a major synthetic effort, one which is regarded as the best of his posthumous works. D. W. Winnicottcan be said to be the most influential native-born British psychoanalyst and - with Klein and Fairbairn - the founder of the object relations perspective. His writings are among the most moving and evocative int he whole literature of psychoanalysis.
Free Association Books Critical Psychiatry
From the Preface to the second impression: The reissue of this book, 24 years after its first publication, is a very welcome initiative by Free Association Books. When Critical Psychiatry saw the light of day, the debate over psychiatry which had raged in the 1960's and 1970's was well past its peak: sales of the book were modest and the publishers soon allowed it to fall out of print, although well-thumbed copies continued to circulate in limited circles. All of us who worked on the book are therefore delighted to see this old war-horse once more being led from the stables. We hope, of course, that the book will not simply be bought as a collector's item. Inevitably, after a quarter of a century many details have become out of date. However, the book's basic message seems even more relevant now than it did in 1980. Mental health services have gone on changing, and new research has continued to be generated - but the importance of the book's central topic has, if anything, become greater. What is this topic? In a nutshell, it is the discrepancy between the size of the problem of 'mental illness' and the inadequacy of responses to it. As far as the size of the problem is concerned, the figures cited in the original introduction to Critical Psychiatry have become even more alarming. In Holland, for example - a prosperous country rated highly by its inhabitants on 'quality of life'- one in four of all adults now experience a diagnosable mental health problem in the course of a year. Such figures are typical for Western countries. Worldwide, the WHO has estimated that depression will become the second most important cause of disability by 2020 - and in the developed world, the major cause.
Free Association Books Kitchen Therapy
Kitchen Therapy is a cookery book and psychotherapeutic adventure in one, explaining the rationale behind the use of food as a therapeutic medium. Rather than focusing on physical nutrition alone, Kitchen Therapy explores the psychological, social and spiritual dimensions food holds for us.
Free Association Books Once a Mother, Always a Mother: On Life With Adult Children
From the author of A Wedding in the Family, Annette Byford continues her examination of how mothers experience life changes in family contexts and how it impacts their sense of who they are. The book picks up the theme of family transitions and moves it to the wider focus of what happens to a family when children grow up and leave home, and the particular challenges this phase brings. Becoming a mother is not just a question of learning how to bring up a child - it brings a profound change of identity. The same happens years later, when children leave home and the job is, supposedly, ‘done.’ The author draws on her own experiences, both personal and professional, to discuss how mothers negotiate this change. She includes material from interviews with mothers and looks at these experiences against the background of analytic psychotherapy and family therapy. Also included is an exploration of images and depictions of mothers-in-law, grandmothers etc in literature and media, along with several, illustrative short stories on the theme of mothers and their adult children. Throughout the book there are discussions about what constitutes a successful or unsuccessful transition. This title will appeal to readers, mainly mothers, who are over fifty and interested in psychological processes in families, who may well have read books on childcare when their children were young, but who find themselves unprepared for this stage of motherhood.
Free Association Books Performance and Purpose in Dying and Death
This book addresses the dying process and the nature of death itself with the intention that it might help us to accept and embrace both these things as a part of life. Intended to provide a shift in perception, this book aims to alleviate some of the fear, resistance and denial surrounding death. Much has been written about death by spiritual teachers, psychologists, philosophers and palliative specialists, but this book is an entry into the conversation from a viewpoint that is not medical, religious, nor postulating any form of belief system. It is partly a survey of our attitude and resistance to dying and death, and partly an examination of the options available that could serve as a non-denominational enquiry into this unavoidable eventuality. The principle belief is that the tools required for this shift in perception are to be found within us - we already possess what we need that would allow us to drop the heavy weight of fear and anxiety. This book will help the reader to find these tools, guiding the reader towards their own, most direct route, and focuses on the validity of individual experience.
Free Association Books Mastering the Medical Consultation: A Systemic, Solution-Oriented Process
Modern medicine and healthcare systems are in crisis. In the last fifty years, medicine has gained deep, scientific insights into the biological basis of health and disease, and while this has led to many successes, it has brought about a dramatic change of medical focus. The patient is seen as a carrier of disease rather than as a person with a unique experience of the effects of disease or illness. This book seeks to correct that, but showing how a person-centred medical consultation might overcome this crisis of modern medicine. The systemic, solution-oriented approach, outlined here in this new title, is good for both the patient and the doctor, and is a counter-model to doctor's consultations that can seem automated and impersonal. In a systemic, solution-oriented consultation, doctor and patient approach the symptom or problem and the patient's solutions. With active listening and a doctor who can ask the right questions, they create a common reality as a starting point for a targeted therapeutic process, which is tailored to the needs and possibilities of the patient. The consultation thus structured involves the patient as a person in all of his being with his own, personal resources. It initiates an individual, comprehensive and efficient healing process. In addition, the doctor feels satisfaction and joy in his work, which contributes significantly to his own well-being. The consultation process is ideally divided into seven steps, which are described in detail and justified with reference to the literature.
Free Association Books Martin Heidegger's Impact on Psychotherapy (2nd ed.)
Martin Heidegger’s Impact on Psychotherapy is the first comprehensive presentation in English of the background, theory and practice of Daseinsanalysis, the analysis of human existence. It is the work of the co-founding member of a radical re-envisioning of psychoanalysis initiated by the work of the Swiss psychiatrist, Medard Boss (1903-1990). Originally published in 1998, this new edition of Gion Condrau’s (1919-2006) book acquaints new generations of psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts with an alternative to psychodynamic, humanistic and existential forms of the therapy of the word that is currently experience a renaissance of interest, especially in the United States and the UK. The volume presents the basic ideas of Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) that made possible this unique approach to psychotherapy. It is arranged in sections on (1) the foundations of Daseinsanalysis in Heidegger’s thought, (2) understanding psychopathology, (3) daseinsanalytic psychotherapy in practice, (4) working with the dying person, and (5) the preparation of the professional Daseinsanalyst. Several extended cases are presented to illustrate daseinsanalytic practice at work (narcissistic personality disorder and obsessive compulsive personality disorder). Since dreaming and dream life are central to Daseinsanalysis, a number of dreams are analyzed from its perspective. Daseinsanalysis originated as a form of psychoanalysis and retains a number of its features: free association, optional use of the couch, and attention to dreams. It differs from psychoanalysis by abandoning the natural science perspective which understands human experience and behavior in terms of causality. Instead, human existence is seen to be utterly different from every other kind of sentient animal life. Taking a phenomenological perspective, Daseinsanalysis is based on letting the existence of the human being in all his or her uniqueness show itself. In practice, Daseinsanalysis avoids intervening in the life of the person in favor of maximizing the conditions in which existence can come into its own with maximum freedom.
Free Association Books Understanding Children and Teens: A Practical Guide for Parents, Teachers and Coaches
Understanding Children and Teens shows the reader how to use Neuro Linguistic Programming, and Emotional Freedom Technique as well as mindfulness and Art Therapy in order to connect with children and teens to help them overcome their problems. With clear explanations, examples, and easy-to-follow exercises, this book will enable those who care for children to gain valuable insight into their world, and to understand what they are thinking and feeling. This practical guide is aimed at parents, teachers, coaches, and everyone who works with children and teens and is informed by the author's experiences of working with this group over the last 30 years.
Free Association Books Radical Revenge: Shame, Blame, and the Urge for Retaliation
Despite its ubiquity, revenge is a surprisingly understudied subject. We're all familiar with the urge for payback, but where does that urge come from? Why is it so hard to give up? And why can some people only satisfy it through extreme and brutal acts? This book addresses these questions, and by developing the concept of radical revenge it gives some meaning to what might otherwise appear to be senseless acts of violence. The author explores some of the most egregious examples of radical revenge in contemporary society, including mass shootings, internet trolling, revenge porn, and contemporary populist politics. Drawing on psychoanalytic ideas about shame, envy and thin-skinned narcissism, she discusses why some people feel compelled to engage in these sorts of destructive acts of radical revenge. She looks too at examples such as the work of Artemisia Gentileschi and David Holthouse, to show that in exceptional cases, revenge can be an act of creativity rather than destruction.
Free Association Books The Dreamer's Odyssey: A Guide to the Creative Unconscious
Dreams have always been important to humanity, but in modern times we have lost the ability to understand what our dreams are telling us. In The Dreamer’s Odyssey, the author provides a step-by-step guide to help the individual interpret and work through their own dreams. It can also be used by counsellors and other professionals to give them an understanding of the basis of Jung’s dream analysis. The 10 week guide has been adapted from the courses that the author, Jacquie Flecknoe-Brown, has run successfully for many years. Closely linked to the theory of C. G. Jung, each chapter includes an interpreted dream relevant to the weekly content. It also includes analysis of dream-theory, and interpretation of mythical material to illustrate theoretical points. Working with dreams and their images helps us to be more conscious of ourselves, our shadows, our opposites, and our purpose. Dreams can ease our burdens, help us problem-solve, improve our memories, and enlighten us. The dream is a natural, and living phenomenon – working to understand our dreams will have an effect on many aspects of our lives.
Free Association Books Medard Boss and the Promise of Therapy: The Beginnings of Daseinsanalysis
Medard Boss and the Promise of Psychotherapy reacquaints counselors, psychotherapists and psychiatrists practicing today with the ideas of this remarkable figure in the history of twentieth-century clinical psychology who quietly but radically deviated from the mainstream of standard thinking and practice of his time. It presents an appreciation of Boss the man as essential for understanding what psychotherapy has become and envisioning its original purpose. This study revisits certain events in Boss’s life that have not been sufficiently appreciated but deeply affected the development of his psychoanalysis without the psyche: da-seinanalysis (Daseinsanalyse). The book attempts to establish a terminology for therapy that is clear and consistent with Heidegger’s thought. It provides a rich range of materials for study—texts in translations, a glossary of key terms, and a comprehensive international bibliography—that will be of use in developing an approach to therapy as Boss envisioned it. Medard Boss and the Promise of Psychotherapy concludes with some hints at just what such therapy might look like, one that is based on the author’s own practice. It reflects what can be learned from Boss, both what he said and published and, perhaps more important, what was left unsaid. The book is written for advanced students as much as for established therapists and scholars.
Free Association Books Win. Lose. Repeat: My Life as a Gambler, from Coin-Pushers to Financial Spread Betting
Chris Stringman gambled, and lost, GBP130,000, destroying his savings, losing his car, and almost his house...but he managed to escape his addiction just before he fell over the precipice. This is not a book about how to win, rather a book about how not to lose. Chris Stringman's personal demon was financial spread-betting - where punters trade on the price movement of a particular market. He explains how it operates, how it sucks gamblers in and keeps them there, and how it nearly cost him everything.He also takes a look at high-street bookies, fruit machines, casinos, poker and bingo, and then goes on to answer some important questions: How do we gamble? Why do we gamble? How can we spot the signs in others? How can we help them? Chris Stringman writes from the heart and tells it like it is in this searingly honest, and highly readable work. It entertains as well as educates - essentially a self-help book for the delusional gambler.
Free Association Books Brighter Futures: A Parents' Guide To Raising Happy, Confident Children In The Primary School Years
Brighter Futures has been written by a team of clinical psychologists for parents and carers of children aged 4-11. This book tackles some of the challenges that face a child of this age in the modern world. Maybe your child is struggling to live life to the full. Perhaps worries are holding them back? Maybe they are finding friendships tricky? Maybe teachers have raised concerns that something is getting in the way of your child being happy or fulfilling their potential at school? The team of clinical psychologists guide you through exactly what to do, from figuring out the roots of the problem, to making and reviewing a manageable plan of action. Each chapter follows the same approach and contains tried and tested strategies that are practical and are focused on the areas of concern. You will be encouraged to consider changes which could make a big difference.This book considers the whole child and all the aspects which make up their world including environment, their routines, diet, exercise, brain development, their feelings and their views and helps you guide your child to learn the essential skills of life.
Free Association Books Holding Time: Human Need and Relationships in Dementia Care
Informed by the author's work in dementia care and palliative care as a psychodynamic psychotherapist, Holding Time contributes to an increasing recognition of the importance and value of relationship-centred care in this field. Most of the book is written ethnographically and unfolds as a narrative. It also includes the real words of staff and residents from the care homes in which she conducted observations. Holding Time explores how the relational investment in care is vital alongside a technical one. The book does this by detailing the micro-interactions of everyday care and concern and play before moving out on to a wider, organisational and macro stage. It addresses our fears about dependency on a societal level, and attempts to challenge the foregrounding of the independent, rational individual over all other experiences. The author's contribution is particular to the UK dementia care home setting, and offers a predominantly psychoanalytic take. It is a contemporary exploration of the dementia care field, and contributes to the general movement to improve care of those living (and working) with dementia.
Free Association Books Counselling for Depression
Written by the author of the best-selling Counselling Heroin and Other Drug Users and Counselling Women in Violent Relationships, this book is another highly practical guide for therapists and those who are seeking to help depressed people. Paul Lockley shows how to employ techniques which open up life again for the depressed. His method requires the active participation of depressed clients for a successful outcome. Lockley explores the cognitive aspects of depression, how feelings affect the thinking process, and thinking influences feelings. He views depression as a continuum, ranging from mild feelings of being unnaturally 'down' to the disabling severe clinical state. This absence of labeling allows clients to help themselves through taking greater control of their situation. The therapist becomes the enabler to the client, who learns to work constructively within a gradually expanding environment. Enabling self-help begins with ensuring that clients are well informed about their condition, able to normalise rather than to 'psychiatrise' it. They are also helped to work towards accepting their feelings and learning how best to deal with them on a day-to-day basis. The book discusses the sometimes unhelpful modification of feelings through the use of alcohol or drugs. Practical measures are explained whereby clients can help themselves through work at home, doing their own exercises of relaxation, guided imagination, and journal work. Tackling depression should be supplemented, where relevant, by more specific counselling for past abuse, loss or grief. Work, family and personal stress should also reviewed be as possible contributory factors. This book is drawn from Paul Lockley's extensive experience in counselling for depression. It is both informative and inspiring.
Free Association Books Masud Khan: The Myth and the Reality
Few psychoanalysts from the latter half of the twentieth century have been as intellectually prolific, charismatic and ultimately scandalous as Masud Khan. Clinical practice and teaching went alongside his authoring over 60 published papers, as well as numerous reviews, and editing significant portions of Winnicott's literary output and that of other key luminaries within the psychoanalytical canon. Masud Khan: the Myth and the Reality is the first in-depth scholarly account of his life. It charts his beginnings in the Punjab, where he submerged himself in English literature during the turbulent decades before independence and partition, through his psychoanalytic apprenticeship with Anna Freud, Melanie Klein and D W Winnicott in post-war London and a spectacular climb to international prominence, to his final years of womanising, depression, alcoholism, and cancer. As the story of Khan's life here unfolds, so to does consideration of his key ideas and papers. His early work includes important discussions on the self, its development aided by the protective shield and distortion through cumulative trauma and perversion. Acutely aware of the potentially dislocating impact of others, the ways in which self-experience might be actualised, particularly through dreams and quiet fallow states, became an important theme in Khan's subsequent writings. These and other rich topics, including his discussions of literature and culture, are reviewed here with their biographical roots clarified. Masud Khan: the Myth and the Reality pieces together Khan's poignant and shocking story using various sources including personal letters, other archival material and interviews with his relatives, friends and colleagues. This work, which has taken ten years to complete, allows a glimpse of both the historical reality and the pervasive personal and institutional myths that envelop 'Prince Dr' Masud Khan. Some of these myths Khan wove himself, others he was incorporated into; their aliveness today testifying to the enduring collusive lure of phantasy and wish fulfilment. Beyond that of its central character, the book offers an insight into the lives of Khan's analytic contemporaries, of the institutions they participated in and of the wider society.
Free Association Books Between Losing and Finding: The Life of an Analyst
Born in 1913, the author has known Jung, Winnicott, Anna Freud and Bion among others. During a long and eventful life Plaut lived, studied and practised as a psychoanalyst in London and Berlin. In this entertaining and illuminating autobiography, he has interwoven historical events with personal observations and experiences.
Free Association Books General Practitioner, Patients and Their Feelings: Exploring Emotions Behind the Physical Symptoms
The explosion of knowledge in the fields of neurobiology, psychology and genetics has made it no longer helpful to discuss whether or not a particular illness is psychosomatic. This title provides an introduction to psychosomatics for counsellors and psychotherapists who want to learn about the psychologically informed management of their patients' physical symptoms. It is also intended for general practitioners who are interested in the role of emotions in the formation of physical symptoms. The author, an experienced general practitioner with psychotherapeutic skills, discusses the attitudes that allow the doctor and patient to learn from their emotions and develop a greater tolerance of them. In a number of detailed and often moving case histories he presents his interaction with patients who suffer from various clinical conditions such as cancer, herpes, hyperventilation syndrome, asthma, skin disorders, panic disorder, obesity, eye disorders and somatisation disorder. He demonstrates how his psychosomatic attitude helps improve these patients' illnesses.
Free Association Books Jungian Thought in the Modern World
This is an introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung, describing how ideas of Jungian depth psychology impact on and relate to the major scientific and cultural issues and trends of the 20th century and beyond. It explores issues such as the origins of the self, family and gender, social conflict, racism, international strife, the new scientific thinking, the sources of the renewed interest in religion, ethics and artistic creativity. Jung's life and work were concerned with two major themes, which are still relevant at the beginning of the millennium: the discovery and mapping of the unconscious, an internal source of creativity or destruction for each individual; and those outbreaks of dreadful violence and expressions of awesome creativity which can erupt from within the collective unconscious of humans as a group.
Free Association Books Self-esteem: Research, Theory and Practice
An analysis of the recent exlposion of research and literature on the enhancement of self-esteem. On both theoretical and practical levels, the author defines self-esteem and how it can be developed or enhanced.
Free Association Books Freely Associated
This book aims to provide an overview of the lifework and thought of five thinkers in contemporary psychoanalysis. Over a period of two years, Anthony Molino conducted and compiled these interviews. The interviews concentrate on interpretations of each analyst's work.
Free Association Books The Dialectics of Schizophrenia
Summarizes various approaches to schizophrenia and points to their weaknesses and strengths. To gain a better understanding of the condition, the text considers factors including deprivation, cultural influences and brain function. It also challenges over-reliance on 19th century phenomenology.
Free Association Books The Broad Spectrum Psychotherapist
Free Association Books The Cry of Mute Children: Psychoanalytic Perspective of the Second Generation of the Holocaust
Free Association Books Moving Pictures: The Making of Letters to Sofija
In 2011, Englishman Robert Mullan began an almost impossible film project: namely, to finance and shoot a film in 3 languages -Lithuanian, Russian and Polish- neither of which he could read, write or speak.
Free Association Books Daseinsanalysis
Daseinsanalysis - the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic school of thought founded by Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss in the 1940s - had a huge impact on the development of existential therapies in the English-speaking world. This highly stimulating and lucid book gives a critical overview of the daseinsanalytic concepts of Binswanger and Boss and explains their key differences despite the common reference to Freudian psychoanalysis and the Heideggerian philosophy from which daseinsanalysis took its name. The author gives a systematic account of a new approach to mental suffering based on Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Sartre that never loses sight of Freud's fundamental insight into the hidden meaning of apparently senseless neurotic symptoms. She goes on to demonstrate that mental suffering is a 'suffering from our own being' and the mentally suffering patient is an individual overwhelmed by frightening experiences of the finitude and frailty of the human condition that can neither be suppressed nor tolerated. Finally, the author considers the therapeutic implications of the existential view of mental suffering and concludes that Freud's three technical rules provide the optimal conditions for understanding and engaging with these baffling existential experiences.