Search results for ""felony mayhem""
Felony & Mayhem The Past and Other Lies
Felony & Mayhem Night at the Vulcan: Inspector Roderick Alleyn #16
Felony & Mayhem Jack and Susan in 1933
Felony & Mayhem Shame
Felony & Mayhem Missing
Felony & Mayhem The Neopolitan Streak: Inspector Peroni #1
Felony & Mayhem Personal Effects: Nina Fischman #3
Felony & Mayhem Bad News Bible: Faith Zanetti #1
Felony & Mayhem Elephants in the Distance
Felony & Mayhem The Ganja Coast: George Sansi #2
Felony & Mayhem The Chinese Chop
With World War II only barely in the rear view mirror, New York apartments are scarcer than hen’s teeth.Janice Cameron has moved to the City to be a writer, trading Honolulu’s sun and flowers for Manhattan in the grip of icy winter. She’s imagined her own cunning little flat, a little table by the window, a little lace cloth...fat chance! Her own flat is completely out of the question, and in fact she’s going to have to share a boarding-house bedroom with a perfect stranger.At least the stranger is perfect: Lily Wu is beautiful, exquisitely dressed, and swathed in mystery. But Janice hasn’t even unpacked before a rather less exquisite mystery intrudes. True, the handyman wasn’t brilliant at maintaining the boiler, but murder seems a rather extreme response.In the best Golden Age tradition, the rooming house is crammed with intriguing suspects, from the tortured musician to the French emigree to the actress with a face f
Felony & Mayhem A Choice of Evils
Felony & Mayhem Woman Slaughter
Felony & Mayhem The Butcher of Berner Street
Felony & Mayhem The Plague Road
Felony & Mayhem Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Vampire Menace
Felony & Mayhem The Plague Road
Felony & Mayhem The Anarchists' Club
Felony & Mayhem Last Will and Testament
Felony & Mayhem No One Notices the Boys
Felony & Mayhem Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Vampire Menace
Felony & Mayhem Night Ferry to Death
Felony & Mayhem All Roads Lead to Whitechapel
Felony & Mayhem The Garden Murder Case
Felony & Mayhem Black Widower
Felony & Mayhem The Bohemian Girl
Felony & Mayhem And Dangerous to Know: Henry Gamadge #14
Alice Dunbar was a very proper upper East Side woman with a very boring life. There is, in fact, absolutely no reason anyone can think of for Alice to go missing, and yet that's exactly what she does, shortly after the death of an elderly aunt. Henry Gamadge thinks there's more to the story, and as he tracks down Alice's last trip, he turns up a secret life no one suspected. Originally published in 1949.
Felony & Mayhem The Death Chamber
Calvary. The name does not inspire cheerful associations, and Calvary Gaol, with its grim facade and brutal history, does nothing to improve the reputation. On a chilly night its ghosts can all but be heard chattering, from the doomed political radical to the dapper ladies' man with a knife in his sleeve, from the blackmailed doctor to the spiritualist who fed, like a vampire, on the misery of World War I. Calvary is abandoned now, but those ghosts are still calling, and TV producer Chad Ingram can't stop listening. With a crew and a journalist in tow, he resolves to film in the prison's execution chamber-sure it's spooky, but with the bustle and technology of the 21st century, he can't imagine they've got anything to fear. Famous last words. Like all of Sarah Rayne's psychological thrillers, The Death Chamber blends different time periods, each with its own cast of characters, while never losing the plot threads.
Felony & Mayhem Killer Dolphin: Inspector Roderick Alleyn
The impresario Peregrine Jay has fulfilled a long-cherished dream: Thanks to a very generous gift, he now owns the Dolphin Theatre, and has restored it to its former glory. To celebrate the re-opening, a no-expenses-spared production of The Glove, a new play about the discovery of a true Shakespearean accessory. London's chattering classes are abuzz with gossip about the theatre, rumors about Peregrine, critiques of the play. But when murder takes center-stage, everyone gets very quiet, and only Inspector Alleyn can persuade them to start chattering again-this time, with a purpose.
Felony & Mayhem Night Walk: Henry Gamadge #12
Frazer's Mills, in upstate New York, is a small, isolated village, where everyone knows everyone else and things haven't changed much (and the mills have been closed for quite some time). When murder suddenly intrudes upon this sedate rural backwater, Henry Gamadge arrives to solve the mystery and restore order.
Felony & Mayhem Fall from Grace Murder in a Small Town
Felony & Mayhem Miss Melville Regrets
Good breeding simply doesn’t pay the rent anymore. And while Miss Melville has bucketloads of breeding, she finds herself somewhat...lacking, shall we say, when it comes to finances. Distinctly lacking. Her rich friends are no help; they think “broke” means having to buy a smaller yacht. What is an impoverished gentlewoman to do?Become a killer for hire, of course. But Miss Melville (who prefers the term “hitwoman”) doesn’t take just any job, no matter how well paid. That kind of sordid money-grubbing is beneath contempt. No, she reserves her talents for those who...let’s say those who really deserve them. It’s true, her ancestors would roll in their graves at the thought of Miss Melville working—and for a paycheck, my dear! But finger sandwiches and opera tickets don’t come cheap: One does what one must.
Felony & Mayhem Murder Every Monday
Clifford Flush, happilyif wronglyacquitted of and semi-contentedly retired from the pursuit of murder, has not felt the need to off anyone in ages. Sure, he fled London when the return of the old urges left him open to a spot of blackmail, but he''s been doing finethriving, in fact. He and the other members of the Asterisk Club, all murderers the law couldn''t manage to hold, have turned the gory business of killing into a legitimate business venture: they''ve set up a homicide consultancy firm and are teaching discerning students the ropes (and guns, and getaways). Nice work if you can get it...or it is until one aspiring killer turns up dead on their very own premises. It''s an intolerable embarrassment, and the culprit must be found out!
Felony & Mayhem The Benson Murder Case
New York in the 1920s is the world's most glamorous city, and drinking it in like the finest champagne is Philo Vance, an expert in art with the deepest pockets, the brainiest brains, and the most gloriously ludicrous pretensions in the history of crime fiction. When a scheming young stockbroker is murderedin a delicious locked-room scenario based on a real case of the dayVance steps in to solve the puzzle not merely because he is bored and seeking new entertainment, but also because honor compels him to point out all the ways in which the police are getting it wrong. The cops of course are profoundly grateful, like all members of the lower orders when their mistakes are pointed out. Peter Wimsey would be appalled, but the reader will be delighted. Philo Vance (here in his first outing) is the sleuth you love to hate.
Felony & Mayhem Surfeit of Lampreys: Inspector Roderick Alleyn #10
Felony & Mayhem Swing, Brother, Swing: Roderick Alleyn #15
Felony & Mayhem The Second-Last Woman in England
Felony & Mayhem Herring on the Nile: Ethelred and Elsie #4
Felony & Mayhem The Lover
Felony & Mayhem The Art of Deception
Felony & Mayhem Nothing Can Rescue Me: Henry Gamadge #6
Felony & Mayhem Evidence of Things Seen: Henry Gamadge #5
Felony & Mayhem Dispatch from a Cold Country: Colin Burke #3
Felony & Mayhem Shooting in the Dark
Felony & Mayhem Dude on Arrival The Bridled Groom
Felony & Mayhem Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Weird Sisters
Felony & Mayhem Fire
Felony & Mayhem Frog in the Throat