Search results for ""edra spa""
Edra Spa Clinical Cases of skin surgery
Edra Spa Microsurgical Endodontics
Microsurgical Endodontics, a term coined by the author himself, is a branch of Endodontics that allows to save dental elements otherwise lost and intended to be replaced with implants. The study of it means adding precious information to your knowledge in endodontics. There are many indications of intervention, always linked to the failure of a previous treatment and may include solutions that, once put into practice, can resolve clinically complicated situations in a single session. The text presents a complete examination of the diagnostic approaches, of the clinical procedures, of the necessary tools and of the possible complications that Microsurgical Endodontics involves. It presents a complete picture, both from the theoretical point of view and the practical aspect, in order to face every intervention with confidence, from the management of soft tissues to the early removal of a suture.
Edra Spa Immunosuppresive Diseases of Poultry
Edra Spa SOLUTIONS - Adhesive restoration techniques restorative and integrated surgical procedures
The book deals with the reconstruction of posterior teeth with direct and indirect adhesive techniques and consist of two volumes. The first volume describes pathogenesis and diagnosis of the main diseases, the composite and adhesive materials, the instruments required and illustrates direct adhesive techniques in an innovative manner, analysing all the possible restorative solutions with different approaches to deal with issues related to small, medium and large carious lesions. The second volume deals with indirect techniques, defining the current indications but also describing the Morphology Driven Preparation Technique (MDPT), an innovative cavity design applicable to all types of conventional adhesively cemented restorations. An essential added value are all the procedures to treat sub-gingival lesions tackled with restorative methods integrated with surgical procedures related to caries, fractures, cervical root resorption. The two volumes include almost 3000 images and 70 clinical cases described “step-by- step” with several high quality and detailed figures. Besides, through QR codes or at it is possible to access to Full HD videos of the direct restorations and the surgical and restorative procedures combined.
Edra Spa Canine and feline obesity
Edra Spa Clinical approach to Feline Dermatologic Diseases
Cats are not small dogs and they are frequently forgotten in the literature. This book is intended to be an easy to use reference for practitioners and dermatology enthusiasts that only focuses on cats and their manifestations of skin disease. The emphasis will be on problem-based approach with numerous flowcharts and clinical images to provide examples of the various manifestations of skin disease in cats. The prominence is placed on clinically applicable information and Experienced based clinical tips to help clinicians troubleshoot the various clinical presentations of skin disease in this species. Many dermatologic diseases may look alike and the purpose of this book is to help clinicians successfully diagnose the underlying disease rather than empirically treat symptoms. Particular emphasis will be placed on syndromes that are peculiar of cats and the special precautions that need to be taken when prescribing treatments in this species.
Edra Spa Vaccination in poultry
Edra Spa 3D Cardiology in Small Animals
Edra Spa Pet Owner Educational Atlas. Surgery
Edra Spa Surgical oncology
Edra Spa Diagnostic Ultrasound in Cats
Edra Spa Feline Ophthalmology. The Manual
Edra Spa White effect - The white coat effect on the doctor-patient relationship
The white coat has historically symbolised medicine and, more broadly, the scientific endeavour itself. According to recent studies, compared to their colleagues in plain clothes, healthcare professionals wearing white coats still convey a clearer perception of assurance and know-how to their patients. This data confirm the strength of that collective imaginary that was built along the centuries, with the help of the figurative arts, television, and modern-day marketing. The feelings of trust and hope for a quality treatment based on the competence and know-how that are guaranteed by the white coats, the purity inspired by their colour, and the compassion shared by healthcare professionals; all these factors had, and still have, an important role in making the white coats, and those who wear them, the guardians of unshakable values. At the same time, the white coat could also instil feelings of dread, apprehension, nervousness, and anxiety, triggering deep and irrational fears, without undermining the patients’ trust in the healthcare professional wearing it. This volume analyses the multifaceted nature of this attire, symbol of the mission pursued by those who wear it, through interviews, memoirs, and the authors’ own reflections.
Edra Spa Dental management manual in the post Covid-19 era - from theory to practice
When unpredictable, catastrophic and disabling events happen into all sectors of the economy and social life, the impact of the change becomes immediate, with an acceleration of the processes that almost always leads to a concentration and restructuring of the activities. In our case of the dental offer. In the next future it will occur a physiological reduction of the dental offices that will be larger on average, organized, competitive, entrepreneurial. In this context matters relating to management and business economics should become part of the cultural heritage of dentists, at least those who run their own business. These topics are useful also to those who own or manage a more or less articulated and complex dental practice but also to all those who want to deepen the subject, despite already having an educational or professional background in economics or management, and who wish to contextualize it within the dental/medical market.
Edra Spa Food Intollerance are a myth - The inflammatory relationship between food and health is finally explained in a scientific way
The immunologist and bestselling author Attilio Speciani dispels the clichés about so-called ‘food intolerances’ and guides the reader to a healthy and better relationship with food. Colitis, migraines, hormonal changes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, imbalances of metabolism and many other disorders, from the most common to the most severe, are often related to diet. There is a close relationship between food and health, and when the natural and physiological relationship with food changes, due to food excesses or the repeated introduction of food, the organism generates measurable inflammatory signals that induce and maintain many conditions or diseases
Edra Spa Pediatric dentistry 2nd ed.
In 24 chapters, the treatment of pediatric patients is examined in every aspect: from the approach to the patient, to prevention, to conservative treatment in carious pathology. A review of the endodontics and pharmacotherapy are some of the available updates, which complete the comprehensive overview of the discipline, along with the new chapters on miofunctional therapy, on the dental treatment of snoring and nocturnal apnoea syndrome, on the treatment of patients with disabilities.
Edra Spa Feline endocrinology
This book is unique, developed by the main worldwide experts in this issue. It is an extremely valuable tool for any veterinary practitioner willing to deepen into physiopathology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of feline endocrine diseases, with an approach and contents never published so far.
Edra Spa Retreatment. Solutions for apical diseases of endodontic origin
The ten chapters of the volume answer to fundamental questions about this area and the clinician who faces an apical pathology of endodontic origin will therefore have the solutions. The aim of this text/atlas is to provide a guide to the diagnostic approach and to the execution of endodontic retreatments of complex cases. The book is enriched by over 150 clinical cases by world-famous authors of various nationalities and illustrated with a high-quality iconography, expansion boxes and decision-making algorithms that guide the professional in the therapeutic choice.
Edra Spa Good Practice and malpractice in labor and delivery
Professional responsibility, “good practice and malpractice” in obstetrics is one of the major areas of medical-legal litigation. To date, however, there are no texts that deal simultaneously with both the critical aspects of labor and delivery and legal aspects. This text, for the first time, brings together both topics. It is the only one that responds to the need to provide a guide that indicates what to do and what not to do in the assistance of labor and delivery. It guides in the recognition of the negative aspects of management (bad practice) that are often based on traditional processes, on scientific assumptions never validated.
Edra Spa Canine and Feline Dermatology Atlas
Edra Spa The thorax, Small animal surgery