Search results for ""author theodor w. adorno""
Ediciones Akal Escritos sociolgicos Ii 2 Obra completa 92
Ediciones Akal Dialéctica de la Ilustración fragmentos filosóficos
Dialéctica de la Ilustración, escrita en colaboración con Horkheimer es una crítica a la razón instrumental, concepto fundamental de este último autor, o, lo que es lo mismo, una crítica, fundada en una interpretación pesimista de la Ilustración, a la civilización técnica y a la cultura del sistema capitalista (que llama industria cultural), o de la sociedad de mercado, que no persigue otro fin que el progreso técnico. La actual civilización técnica, surgida del espíritu de la Ilustración y de su concepto de razón, no representa más que un dominio racional sobre la naturaleza, que implica paralelamente un dominio (irracional) sobre el hombre; los diversos fenómenos de barbarie moderna (fascismo y nazismo) no serían sino muestras, y la vez las peores manifestaciones, de esta actitud autoritaria de dominio.
Ediciones Akal Dialéctica negativa la jerga de la autenticidad
Nueva traducción de una de las referencias absolutas en la producción de Adorno, acompañada de 'La jerga de la autenticidad', texto concebido en un principio por su autor como parte de la 'Dialéctica negativa'.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Dissonanzen Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie Gesammelte Schriften in 20 Bnden Band 14
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Vorlesung ber Negative Dialektik Fragmente zur Vorlesung 196566
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Beethoven Philosophie der Musik Fragmente und Texte
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Musikalische Schriften 4 Band 17 Musikalische Schriften IV Moments musicaux Impromptus
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Briefe und Briefwechsel Band 1 Theodor W AdornoWalter Benjamin Briefwechsel 19281940
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society
As an exile in America during the War, Theodor Adorno grew acquainted with the fundamentals of empirical social research, something which would shape the work he undertook in the early 1950s as co-director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Yet he also became increasingly aware of the ‘fetishism of method’ in sociology, and saw the serious limitations of theoretical work based solely on empirical findings.In this lecture course given in 1964, Adorno develops a critique of both sociology and philosophy, emphasizing that theoretical work requires a specific mediation between the two disciplines. Adorno advocates a philosophical approach to social theory that challenges the drive towards uniformity and a lack of ambiguity, highlighting instead the fruitfulness of experience, in all its messy complexity, for critical social analysis. At the same time, he shows how philosophy must also realise that it requires sociology if it is to avoid falling for the old idealistic illusion that the totality of real conditions can be grasped through thought alone.Masterfully bringing together philosophical and empirical approaches to an understanding of society, these lectures from one of the most important social thinkers of the 20th century will be of great interest to students and scholars in philosophy, sociology and the social sciences generally.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dream Notes
"Dreams are as black as death." —Theodor W. Adorno Adorno was fascinated by his dreams and wrote them down throughout his life. He envisaged publishing a collection of them although in the event no more than a few appeared in his lifetime. Dream Notes offers a selection of Adornos writings on dreams that span the last twenty-five years of his life. Readers of Adorno who are accustomed to high-powered reflections on philosophy, music and culture may well find them disconcerting: they provide an amazingly frank and uninhibited account of his inner desires, guilt feelings and anxieties. Brothel scenes, torture and executions figure prominently. They are presented straightforwardly, at face value. No attempt is made to interpret them, to relate them to the events of his life, to psychoanalyse them, or to establish any connections with the principal themes of his philosophy. Are they fiction, autobiography or an attempt to capture a pre-rational, quasi-mythic state of consciousness? No clear answer can be given. Taken together they provide a highly consistent picture of a dimension of experience that is normally ignored, one that rounds out and deepens our knowledge of Adorno while retaining something of the enigmatic quality that energized his own thought.
Ediciones Akal Escritos musicales Vi
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Nachgelassene Schriften Abteilung IV Vorlesungen Band 3 sthetik 195859
Seagull Books London Ltd Orpheus in the Underworld
Delves into Theodor W. Adorno's lesser-known musical career and successful music criticism. Theodor W. Adorno is recognized as one of the twentieth century's most prominent social theorists. Though best known for his association with the Frankfurt School of critical theory, Adorno began his career as a composer and successful music critic. Comprehensive and illuminating, Orpheus in the Underworld centers on Adorno's concrete and immediate engagement with musical compositions and their interpretation in the concert hall and elsewhere. Here, Adorno registers his initial encounters with the compositions of the Second Viennese School, when he had yet to integrate them into a broad aesthetics of music. Complementarily essays on Bela Bartók, Jean Sibelius, and Kurt Weill afford insight into his understanding of composers who did not fit neatly into the dialectical schema propounded in the Philosophy of New Music. Additionally, essays on recording and broadcasting show Adorno engaging
Suhrkamp Verlag Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Briefwechsel 7 Theodor W AdornoSiegfried Kracauer Briefwechsel 19231966 Der Ri der Welt geht auch durch mich Briefe und Briefwechsel
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft 1959 Band 4
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Philosophie der neuen Musik
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Philosophische Terminologie BD1 Zur Einleitung
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Briefe und Briefwechsel
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Negative Dialectics
The major work and Adorno's culminating achievement. Negative Dialectics is a critique of the philosophies of Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger, and a visionary elaboration of the author's own vision of dialectics.
Stanford University Press The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses
Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) was one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers in the areas of social theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and music. This volume reveals another aspect of the work of this remarkable polymath, a pioneering analysis of the psychological underpinnings of what we now call the Radical Right and its use of the media to propagate its political and religious agenda. The now-forgotten Martin Luther Thomas was an American fascist-style demagogue of the Christian right on the radio in the 1930s. During these years, Adorno was living in the United States and working with Paul Lazarsfeld on the social significance of radio. This book, Adorno’s penetrating analysis of Thomas’s rhetorical appeal and manipulative techniques, was written in English and is one of Adorno’s most accessible works. It is in four parts: “The Personal Element: Self-Characterization of the Agitator,” “Thomas’ Methods,” “The Religious Medium,”and “Ideological Bait.” The importance of the study is manifold: it includes a theory of fascism and anti-semitism, it provides a methodology for the cultural study of popular culture, and it offers broad reflections on comparative political life in America and Europe. Implicit in the book is an innovative idea about the relation between psychological and sociological reality. Moreover, the study is germane to the contemporary reality of political and religious radio in the United States because it provides an analysis of rhetorical techniques that exploit potentials of psychological regression for authoritarian aims.
Stanford University Press The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses
Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) was one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers in the areas of social theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and music. This volume reveals another aspect of the work of this remarkable polymath, a pioneering analysis of the psychological underpinnings of what we now call the Radical Right and its use of the media to propagate its political and religious agenda. The now-forgotten Martin Luther Thomas was an American fascist-style demagogue of the Christian right on the radio in the 1930s. During these years, Adorno was living in the United States and working with Paul Lazarsfeld on the social significance of radio. This book, Adorno’s penetrating analysis of Thomas’s rhetorical appeal and manipulative techniques, was written in English and is one of Adorno’s most accessible works. It is in four parts: “The Personal Element: Self-Characterization of the Agitator,” “Thomas’ Methods,” “The Religious Medium,”and “Ideological Bait.” The importance of the study is manifold: it includes a theory of fascism and anti-semitism, it provides a methodology for the cultural study of popular culture, and it offers broad reflections on comparative political life in America and Europe. Implicit in the book is an innovative idea about the relation between psychological and sociological reality. Moreover, the study is germane to the contemporary reality of political and religious radio in the United States because it provides an analysis of rhetorical techniques that exploit potentials of psychological regression for authoritarian aims.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introduction to Sociology
This book provides an invaluable introduction to his historical and conceptual engagement with sociology.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Aesthetic Theory
Theodor Adorno (1903-69) was undoubtedly the foremost thinker of the Frankfurt School, the influential group of German thinkers that fled to the US in the 1930s, including such thinkers as Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheimer. His work has proved enormously influential in sociology, philosophy and cultural theory. Aesthetic Theory is Adorno's posthumous magnum opus and the culmination of a lifetime's investigation. Analysing the sublime, the ugly and the beautiful, Adorno shows how such concepts frame and distil human experience and that it is human experience that ultimately underlies aesthetics. In Adorno's formulation ‘art is the sedimented history of human misery'.
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Dialektik der Aufklarung
GEDISA Introducción a la sociología
Las quince lecciones reunidas en el presente volumen, dictadas entre abril y julio de 1968 en la Universidad de Frankfurt, constituyen el último curso académico impartido por Adorno y un testimonio especialmente vivo de las tensiones entre la política real y los planteamientos teóricos de la sociología.Las clases coincidieron con los acontecimientos en torno al mayo del 68 y en ellas Adorno responde a muchas preguntas de las nuevas generaciones, ávidas de cambios y decepcionadas de los discursos demasiado abstractos. Ante este público, Adorno defiende la teoría frente a la pura pragmática, ya que sólo la teoría garantiza una posición crítica ante los hechos.Si me preguntan qué es realmente la sociología, yo diría que debe ser la comprensión penetrante de la sociedad (...), pero en el sentido de que esta comprensión sea crítica y sepa medir lo que socialmente "es el caso" (...) con respecto a lo que la sociedad misma aspira a ser; así se detectará la contradicción y en ella al mis
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Zur Bekämpfung des Antisemitismus heute
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Theodor W. Adorno Ludwig von Friedeburg Briefwechsel 19501969
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Nachgelassene Schriften. Abteilung IV Vorlesungen
Suhrkamp Verlag Ontologie und Dialektik
Suhrkamp Verlag GmbH Jargon Der Eigentlicheit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society
As an exile in America during the War, Theodor Adorno grew acquainted with the fundamentals of empirical social research, something which would shape the work he undertook in the early 1950s as co-director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Yet he also became increasingly aware of the ‘fetishism of method’ in sociology, and saw the serious limitations of theoretical work based solely on empirical findings.In this lecture course given in 1964, Adorno develops a critique of both sociology and philosophy, emphasizing that theoretical work requires a specific mediation between the two disciplines. Adorno advocates a philosophical approach to social theory that challenges the drive towards uniformity and a lack of ambiguity, highlighting instead the fruitfulness of experience, in all its messy complexity, for critical social analysis. At the same time, he shows how philosophy must also realise that it requires sociology if it is to avoid falling for the old idealistic illusion that the totality of real conditions can be grasped through thought alone.Masterfully bringing together philosophical and empirical approaches to an understanding of society, these lectures from one of the most important social thinkers of the 20th century will be of great interest to students and scholars in philosophy, sociology and the social sciences generally.
Stanford University Press Sound Figures
Theodor Adorno is one of this century's most influential thinkers in the areas of social theory, philosophy, aesthetics, and music. Throughout the essays in this book, all of which concern musical matters, he displays an astonishing range of cultural reference, demonstrating that music is invariably social, political, even ethical. Adorno's insistence on the social character of aesthetic works will come as no surprise to those familiar with his writings, although many may be surprised by the volume's somewhat colloquial tone. This colloquialism, in dialogue with Adorno's unceasing rigor, stems from the occasional sources of many of the essays, mainly public lectures and radio addresses. As such, this volume represents an important and, for English-language readers, largely unfamiliar side to Adorno. His arguments move more quickly than in his more formal and extended musicological works, and the writing is much more accessible and generous than his usually dense and frequently opaque prose. This volume includes essays on prominent figures in music (Alban Berg, Anton von Webern, Arturo Toscanini), compositional technique (the prehistory of the twelve-tone row, the function of counterpoint in new music), and the larger questions of musical sociology for which Adorno is most famous, including the relation of interpretation to audience, the ideological function of opera, and the historical meaning of musical technique. The essay on the sociology of music, for example, represents an early statement of what would soon become trademark principles of his mode of musical analysis, serving as a catalyst for his famous study Introduction to the Sociology of Music. Some forty years after most of these essays were written, they remain fresh and relevant. In part, this is because Adorno's method has only recently begun to make substantial inroads into Anglo-American musicology. And the interdisciplinary nature of his thought provides a precursor for today's interdisciplinary studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Dialectics
This volume comprises Adorno's first lectures specifically dedicated to the subject of the dialectic, a concept which has been key to philosophical debate since classical times. While discussing connections with Plato and Kant, Adorno concentrates on the most systematic development of the dialectic in Hegel's philosophy, and its relationship to Marx, as well as elaborating his own conception of dialectical thinking as a critical response to this tradition. Delivered in the summer semester of 1958, these lectures allow Adorno to explore and probe the significant difficulties and challenges this way of thinking posed within the cultural and intellectual context of the post-war period. In this connection he develops the thesis of a complementary relationship between positivist or functionalist approaches, particularly in the social sciences, as well as calling for the renewal of ontological and metaphysical modes of thought which attempt to transcend the abstractness of modern social experience by appeal to regressive philosophical categories. While providing an account of many central themes of Hegelian thought, he also alludes to a whole range of other philosophical, literary and artistic figures of central importance to his conception of critical theory, notably Walter Benjamin and the idea of a constellation of concepts as the model for an 'open or fractured dialectic' beyond the constraints of method and system. These lectures are seasoned with lively anecdotes and personal recollections which allow the reader to glimpse what has been described as the 'workshop' of Adorno's thought. As such, they provide an ideal entry point for all students and scholars in the humanities and social sciences who are interested in Adorno's work as well as those seeking to understand the nature of dialectical thinking.
Columbia University Press Notes to Literature
Notes to Literature is a collection of the great social theorist Theodor W. Adorno’s essays on such writers as Mann, Bloch, Hölderlin, Siegfried Kracauer, Goethe, Benjamin, and Stefan George. It also includes his reflections on a variety of subjects, such as literary titles, the physical qualities of books, political commitment in literature, the light-hearted and the serious in art, and the use of foreign words in writing. This edition presents this classic work in full in a single volume, with a new introduction by Paul Kottman.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die musikalischen Monographien Gesammelte Werke in 20 Bnden Band 13
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Minima Moralia Reflexionen aus dem beschdigten Leben Gesammelte Schriften in 20 Bnden Band 4
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie Zwlf theoretische Vorlesungen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Asthetische Theorie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Lectures on Negative Dialectics: Fragments of a Lecture Course 1965/1966
This volume comprises one of the key lecture courses leading up to the publication in 1966 of Adorno's major work, Negative Dialectics. These lectures focus on developing the concepts critical to the introductory section of that book. They show Adorno as an embattled philosopher defining his own methodology among the prevailing trends of the time. As a critical theorist, he repudiated the worn-out Marxist stereotypes still dominant in the Soviet bloc – he specifically addresses his remarks to students who had escaped from the East in the period leading up to the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Influenced as he was by the empirical schools of thought he had encountered in the United States, he nevertheless continued to resist what he saw as their surrender to scientific and mathematical abstraction. However, their influence was potent enough to prevent him from reverting to the traditional idealisms still prevalent in Germany, or to their latest manifestations in the shape of the new ontology of Heidegger and his disciples. Instead, he attempts to define, perhaps more simply and fully than in the final published version, a ‘negative', i.e. critical, approach to philosophy. Permeating the whole book is Adorno’s sense of the overwhelming power of totalizing, dominating systems in the post-Auschwitz world. Intellectual negativity, therefore, commits him to the stubborn defence of individuals – both facts and people – who stubbornly refuse to become integrated into ‘the administered world’. These lectures reveal Adorno to be a lively and engaging lecturer. He makes serious demands on his listeners but always manages to enliven his arguments with observations on philosophers and writers such as Proust and Brecht and comments on current events. Heavy intellectual artillery is combined with a concern for his students’ progress.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Problems of Moral Philosophy
This volume makes Adorno's lectures on the problems of moral philosophy available for the first time to English-speaking readers. It is one of several volumes of Adorno's unpublished writings which are currently being published in Germany, and which will be published in translation by Polity. The book is organized around an account of Kant's moral theory, and introduces most of the central topics of Adorno's far more difficult work Negative Dialectics. He examines concepts such as the primacy of practical reason, the relation between freedom and experience, and the desubstantialization of moral thought. These and other concepts are discussed in an accessible and entertaining style which is very different from the rest of Adorno's published work. Problems of Moral Philosophy will be an important resource for scholars drawing on Adorno's thought, and its nature as a lecture course makes it a very useful and accessible introduction for students to Adorno's ideas about moral philosophy. It will be of great interest to those working in philosophy and in social and political thought.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dream Notes
"Dreams are as black as death." —Theodor W. Adorno Adorno was fascinated by his dreams and wrote them down throughout his life. He envisaged publishing a collection of them although in the event no more than a few appeared in his lifetime. Dream Notes offers a selection of Adornos writings on dreams that span the last twenty-five years of his life. Readers of Adorno who are accustomed to high-powered reflections on philosophy, music and culture may well find them disconcerting: they provide an amazingly frank and uninhibited account of his inner desires, guilt feelings and anxieties. Brothel scenes, torture and executions figure prominently. They are presented straightforwardly, at face value. No attempt is made to interpret them, to relate them to the events of his life, to psychoanalyse them, or to establish any connections with the principal themes of his philosophy. Are they fiction, autobiography or an attempt to capture a pre-rational, quasi-mythic state of consciousness? No clear answer can be given. Taken together they provide a highly consistent picture of a dimension of experience that is normally ignored, one that rounds out and deepens our knowledge of Adorno while retaining something of the enigmatic quality that energized his own thought.
Ediciones Akal Escritos musicales IV moments musicaux impromptus
El presente volumen recoge dos trabajos de Adorno sobre teoría musical. El primero, Moments musicaux, reúne ensayos de las más diferentes épocas, los cuales fueron publicados en origen en revistas. El segundo, Impromptus, es una continuación de los Moments musicaux. Como éstos, contienen únicamente trabajos no incluidos en obras de Adorno; aunque en esta ocasión se remontan aún más en el tiempo, abarcando un lapso de cuarenta y cinco años.
Suhrkamp Verlag Zur Lehre von der Geschichte und von der Freiheit
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Soziologische Schriften I Gesammelte Schriften in 20 Bnden Band 8
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Letters to his Parents: 1939-1951
'My dears: this is but a brief note to welcome you to the new world, where you are now no longer all too far away from us. ‘ So begins Adorno’s letter to his parents in May 1939, welcoming them to Cuba where they had just arrived after fleeing from Nazi Germany at the last minute. At the end of 1939 his parents moved again to Florida and then to New York, where they lived from August 1940 until the end of their lives. It is only with Adorno’s move to California at the end of 1941 that his letters to his parents start arriving once more, reporting on work and living conditions as well as on friends, acquaintances and the Hollywood stars of his time. One finds reports of his collaborations with Max Horkheimer, Thomas Mann and Hanns Eisler alongside accounts of parties, clowning around with Charlie Chaplin, and ill-fated love affairs. But the letters also show his constant longing for Europe: Adorno already began to think about his return as soon as the USA entered the war. Adorno’s letters to his parents – surely the most open and direct letters he ever wrote – not only afford the reader a glimpse of the experiences that gave rise to the famous Minima Moralia, but also show Adorno from a previously unknown, very personal side. They end with the first reports from the ravaged Frankfurt to his mother – who remained in New York – and from Amorbach, Adorno’s childhood paradise