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Rutgers University Press Maid for Television: Race, Class, Gender, and a Representational Economy
Maid for Television examines race, class, and gender relations as embodied in a long history of television servants from 1950 to the turn of the millennium. Although they reside at the visual peripheries, these figures are integral to the idealized American family. Author L. S. Kim redirects viewers' gaze towards the usually overlooked interface between characters, which is drawn through race, class, and gender positioning. Maid for Television tells the stories of servants and the families they work for, in so doing it investigates how Americans have dealt with difference through television as a medium and a mediator.The book philosophically redirects the gaze of television and its projection of racial discourse.
Rutgers University Press Maid for Television: Race, Class, Gender, and a Representational Economy
Maid for Television examines race, class, and gender relations as embodied in a long history of television servants from 1950 to the turn of the millennium. Although they reside at the visual peripheries, these figures are integral to the idealized American family. Author L. S. Kim redirects viewers' gaze towards the usually overlooked interface between characters, which is drawn through race, class, and gender positioning. Maid for Television tells the stories of servants and the families they work for, in so doing it investigates how Americans have dealt with difference through television as a medium and a mediator.The book philosophically redirects the gaze of television and its projection of racial discourse.
Union Square & Co. Lion's Legacy
Seventeen-year-old Tennessee Russo’s life is imploding. His boyfriend has been cheating on him, and all his friends know about it. Worse, they expect him to just accept his ex’s new relationship and make nice. So when his father, a famous archaeologist and reality show celebrity whom he hasn’t seen in two years, shows up unexpectedly and offers to take him on an adventure, Tennessee only has a few choices: 1. Stay, mope, regret it forever. 2. Go, try to reconcile with Dad, become his sidekick again. 3. Go, but make it his adventure, and Dad will be the sidekick. The object of his father’s latest quest, the Rings of the Sacred Band of Thebes, is too enticing to say no to. Finding artifacts related to the troop of ancient Greek soldiers, composed of one-hundred-and-fifty gay couples, means navigating ruins, deciphering ancient mysteries, and maybe meeting a cute boy. But will his dad let Tennessee do the right thing with the rings if they find them? And what is the right thing? Who does queer history belong to? Against the backdrop of a sunlit Greek landscape, author L. C. Rosen masterfully weaves together adventure, romance, and magic in a celebration of the power of claiming your queer legacy.
Bridge Publications Inc Introduction to Dianetics
Released on May 9, 1950, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health became an overnight publishing sensation. Immediately hitting the New York Times bestseller list and remaining there for 26 consecutive weeks. So great was the excitement that, virtually overnight, some 750 Dianetics groups sprang up across the United States generating what was, quite literally, a wildfire grass-roots movement. It also generated an unprecedented wave of popular demand for personal instruction from its author, L. Ron Hubbard. Consequently, and within weeks of the book's initial publication, L. Ron Hubbard was traveling coast to coast, lecturing to tens of thousands of new readers on his discoveries and their application. To provide for still greater numbers he could not otherwise hope to reach, he soon directed the lectures be recorded so they could be further reproduced for one and all. So came his lecture to a packed Municipal Auditorium in Oakland, California. It stands today as the first recorded spoken word on the breakthrough technology of Dianetics. Since then, decade after decade, Dianetics has continued to appear on bestseller lists world over with tens of millions of copies now in circulation. Moreover, the movement Dianetics inspired now spans every culture, across every continent, in over 50 languages of Earth. As L. Ron Hubbard said in Dianetics: "You are beginning an adventure. Treat it as an adventure. And may you never be the same again." Here, then, is where that adventure began, an exploration into Terra Incognita-the mind.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Absorbing Boundaires & Layers, Domain Decomposition Methods: Applications to Large Scale Computation
Peeters Publishers De Faculteit Godgeleerdheid in De K.U. Leuven 1969-1995
Hirmer Verlag Katharina Grosse (Bilingual edition): Cloud in the Form of a Sword
Katharina Grosse (*1961) is considered to be one of the defining painters of her generation; her powerfully colourful interventions have had a determining effect on contemporary art dialogue. Grosse’s works cross the boundaries of space and concept with expansive gestures and enormous vitality and call for a new reception culture. Katharina Grosse’s spectacular projects – as seen, for example, in the recent solo exhibitions in the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Helsinki Art Museum – reveal a powerful and expansive painting that celebrates the processual, the unfinished and the ostensible. The handsome publication presents impressive images which lead the reader through Grosse’s multidimensional work and illustrate the broad creative spectrum of this exceptional artist’s oeuvre through the most recent examples of her in-situ praxis.
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) L'expansion Bantoue. Actes Du Colloque International Du CNRS, Viviers (France), 4-16 Avril 1977: 3 vols
Tome I: contributions de J. Voorhoeve, K. Stallcup, G. Nissim, J.M. Hombert, M. Tadadjeu et L.M. Hyman. Tome II et III: contributions de B. Heine, T.C. Shadeberg, K. Stallcup, L. Gerhardt, A. Coupez, Y. Bastin, R. Kerremans, L. Polak-Bynon, H. van Leynseele & J. Stewart, G. Guarisma, G. Nissim, J. Voorhoeve, C. Gregoire, J. Leroy, J.M.C. Thomas, T. Asongwed, L.M. Hyman, A. Duranti & M. Morolong, M. Mann, N. David, D.W. Phillipson, P. de Maret, F. Nsuka-Nkutsi, P. Alexandre, A. Kuber & P. van Leynseele, J.P. Makouta-Mboukou et L. Bouquiaux & J.M.C. Thomas.
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Saca Al Escritor Que Llevas Dentro: Ejercicios, Trucos Y Consejos Para Poner En Marcha Tu Escritura
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp God Am I OKAY
Independently Published Crime Sem Soluo
Independently Published Sussurros da Alma.
Independently Published Manuale di vita quotidiana
Ingram Spark The Beginning Of A New Journey
Balboa Press Marcus - King of the Dandelions
Bowker Pumpkin Spice and Mr. Right
Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp Arquétipo Cleópatra
Writers Republic LLC New Moon 1111
Independently Published Ladies of the Bible
Peeters Publishers Franz Kafka. Portret Van De Schrijver Als Een Goochelaar
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire du monzombo (langue oubanguienne de Centrafrique et des Congo): Volume I-II: Dictionnaire monzombo-français illustré. Volume III: Lexique français-monzombo
Outre son intérêt comme langue oubanguienne de moyenne importance (12000 locuteurs environ) le monzombo présente pour les linguistes un intérêt majeur. Si on le compare aux langues qui ont avec elle la parenté la plus proche, le ngbaka et le gbanzili, un ammuïssement des consonnes intervocaliques, k, t, l, a abouti à un phénomène de transphonologisation tel que les trisyllabes sont devenus dissyllabes, voire monosyllabes, les dissyllabes sont devenus monosyllabes. Les voyelles devenant contiguës, tout en sauvegardant leurs tons, ont donné des amalgames de tous ordres entraînant la création d'un quatrième niveau phonologique, vraisemblablement et de manière inconsciente, pour pallier la présence de trop nombreux homonymes. Si la grande majorité des langues africaines présente deux niveaux phonologiques (bas, haut), quelques-unes en présentent trois (bas, moyen, haut) et l'on compte sur les doigts de la main celles qui en présentent quatre - bas, moyen, haut, suprahaut - ou - haut, moyen, bas, infrabas -. Les Monzombo, population de pêcheurs proto-agriculteurs, répartie le long des rives de l'Oubangui et du Congo, présentent également un grand intérêt historique et sociologique car ils s'inscrivent dans un système socio-économique, culturel et religieux avec d'autres populations voisines, les Gbanzili-'Bolaka, les Ngbaka et les Pygmées aka et baka, où ils jouent un rôle primordial d'ethnie dominante.
Peeters Publishers Inventaire des papiers conciliaires d'Emmanuel Lanne, O.S.B., moine du monastère de Chevetogne, membre du Secrétariat pour l'Unité des Chrétiens
Le Père Emmanuel Lanne, moine de Chevetogne, théologien compétent et ÷cuméniste renommé surtout pour les relations avec les Églises d’Orient, a joué un rôle important au Concile Vatican II. Comme interprète pour les observateurs non catholiques, comme membre du Secrétariat pour l’Unité et comme recteur du Collège grec à Rome, il a été un homme de contact et de liaison avec les Églises orthodoxes et orientales catholiques. Son rôle a été prépondérant dans la rédaction du chapitre 3 du Décret Unitatis redintegratio sur l’÷cuménisme et il fut particulièrement proche de Mgr Willebrands, du patriarche Maximos IV, de Christophe Dumont, de Mgr Edelby. Il a conservé soigneusement ses archives du Concile, non seulement les nombreux projets de texte mais aussi des notes personnelles et des études théologiques sur l’Église locale, la collégialité, la Nota Explicativa Praevia etc. Dans l’Inventaire ses papiers ont été classés chronologiquement selon les documents du concile. Un bref résumé des lettres de la correspondance a été rédigé. Un index onomastique complète le volume.
Peeters Publishers Theologie als geloofsvertolking: Historische en theologische reflecties over het proefschrift van Piet Schoonenberg
In 1948 promoveerde Piet Schoonenberg tot doctor in de theologie op het proefschrift Theologie als geloofsvertolking. In deze studie gaf hij een indringende analyse van de discussies over het statuut en de methode van de theologie in de toenmalige Franstalige katholieke theologie. Zij hadden rechtstreeks te maken met de vernieuwing in de katholieke theologie die met het Tweede Vaticaans concilie ingang zou vinden. In het midden van de eeuw wekte die vernieuwing nog argwaan en kritiek, ook vanwege de hoogste kerkelijke instanties. Deze omstandigheden verhinderden de publicatie van de dissertatie. Pas zestig jaar later, in 2008, werd Theologie als geloofsvertolking gepubliceerd. Deze bundel bevat zeven theologische en historische essays over het boek, geschreven door Nederlandse en Vlaamse theologen en kerkhistorici, die aanzetten geven tot interpretatie en voortgezette reflectie over de problematiek die Schoonenberg behandelde. De auteurs verhelderen niet alleen de theologiehistorische context van het werk, zij laten ook zien hoe de dissertatie de basis vormde voor de latere ontwikkeling van het werk van een van de belangrijkste Nederlandse theologen uit de twintigste eeuw.
Peeters Publishers Studia Hierosolymitana
Prof. Em. Dr. Luc Dequeker (KU Leuven, Faculties of Arts and Theology) presents in this volume previously published articles and three new contributions concerning Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. The first part concerns the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Temple after the Babylonian Exile. The second part deals with the cultural split in Jerusalem's temple milieu during the 'Maccabean' period. Two studies here deal with the site of the Syrian Aqra near the Temple and the site of the Royal Necropolis in the newly created 'City of David' on the Western Hill. The third part discusses the presentation in Jewish visual arts of the hoped for restoration of the Temple by the Messiah. The fourth part concerns the expectation of the New Jerusalem in Christian belief as reflected in the Book of Revelation and on the Ghent Altarpiece of Jan van Eyck.
Peeters Publishers Religious Practice at Deir el-Medina
With few exceptions, previous research on so-called personal religion has focused on hymns preserved on stelae from Deir el-Medina. Whereas their significance as testimony of personal choice and religious belief should not be excluded, the stelae must be understood in their communal cultic context. In order to grasp individual religious practices this book seeks to broaden the scope of analysis and include the archaeological remains from the houses at Deir el-Medina. Instead of establishing individual relationships between the human and divine, it appeared that 'personal' religion sought to preserve and maintain family continuity. The ancient Egyptian concept of the continuous cycle of creation was thus appropriated at home. Whereas the king guaranteed the order of the cosmos by giving offerings to the gods in the temples, corresponding activities were performed for the well-being of the family at home.
Peeters Publishers Quadraginta Margaritae Veertig Jaar Maurits Sabbebibliotheek Faculteit Theologie En Religiewetenschappen Ku Leuven
Peeters Publishers Freedom in the Gospel: Paul's Exemplum in 1 Cor 9 in Conversation with the Discourses of Epictetus and Philo
Paul's question in 1 Cor 9:1, "Am I not free?" provides the initial focus of this study. Paul's discourse (1 Cor 9) creatively exhibits his own freedom as subsumed under the ultimate good, the gospel in which he shares. Paul's vocabulary (compulsion, willingly and unwillingly, rights and freedom), ideas, and "topoi" reflect the symbolic universe that he shares with the Cynic-Stoic philosophic tradition and the ongoing debates and conversations about freedom in the Corinthian community.This study demonstrates that such conversations highlighted issues of divine call, identity, assignments, obligations, and exhibition to the world, work, independence, hardship, toil and self-control, and one's attitude to money or wealth. Paul's "exemplum" directs attention to the gospel that transforms his "rights", entrusts him with a "stewardship," and extends to him participation in the gospel as a partner. With this self understanding, Paul appeals to his readers for adherence to the values that he is advocating.
Peeters Publishers Form and Function of Causation: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Causal Constructions in Dutch
The aim of this study is to provide a unified functional description of a number of causal constructions in Dutch: the connectives omdat, want, doordat, the prepositions door, vanwege, wegens, and the auxiliaries doen and laten. Given the observation that the various causal alternatives are not in free variation in discourse, the author hypothesises that this distribution must be constrained and that it should be possible to identify some of the constraints that play a role in the selection of these causal forms. To reach this goal, Degand proposes to make use of a multifunctional theory of language - Systemic Functional Linguistics - in combination with numerous corpus analyses. This approach to language appeared to be particularly relevant, because it enables to give an explicit account of aspects of language that fall out of the traditional scope of linguistic description, namely accounts of genre, register, discourse semantics, etc. while the corpus analyses provide a solid empirical basis for the theoretical descriptions.
Peeters Publishers Agapius Episcopus Mabbugensis. Historia Universalis: (Ar. III, 5), T.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Zephanja Versuch Einer Neuubersetzung Mit Philologischen Kommentar 25 Biblica Et Orientalia
Gregorian & Biblical Press Simbolo E Narrazione in Marco La Dimensione Simbolica Del Secondo Vangelo Alla Luce Della Pericope Del Fico Di Mc 11 1225 Analecta Biblica Dissertationes
Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) Los cinco sentidos de Nacho
Academie Des Inscriptions Et Belles Lettres L'obituaire des Pénitentes de Sainte-Madeleine de Strasbourg
Cabay (Libraire-Editeur), SA (Fonds vendu aux encheres) Kindertaalonderzoek. Een Methodologisch Handboek
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus «Pervigilium Veneris»
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Combattre pour la santé: L'Armée d'Orient et la construction du système sanitaire grec 1912-1922
Brepols N.V. Le Livre Scelle: Cahiers de Biblindex 2
Astra Publishing House Secret Life of the Sloth, The
A year in the life of a sloth is revealed in this stunningly illustrated nonfiction picture book, the latest in the popular The Secret Life series.Meet Perezoso, a brown-throated three-fingered sloth who lives in a rainforest habitat. Young readers will be fascinated as they learn all about her life -- how she searches for food, keeps herself safe from prey, and gives birth to a baby. Gorgeous realistic illustrations celebrate these intriguing creatures, and the story is filled with important facts and terms. The back matter at the conclusion of the book provides more in-depth information, a glossary, and further resources.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Tom Gates Is Absolutely Fantastic (at Some Things)
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Advanced Guitar Diatonic Exercises To Build Speed and Technique for the Shred Metal Guitarist
St Martin's Press Whispers of Shadow & Flame
Born with a deadly magic she cannot control, Kyara is forced to become an assassin. Known as the Poison Flame in the kingdom of Lagrimar, she is notorious and lethal, but secretly seeks freedom from both her untamed power and the blood spell that commands her. She is tasked with capturing the legendary rebel called the Shadowfox, but everything changes when she learns her target's true identity. Darvyn ol-Tahlyro may be the most powerful Earthsinger in generations, but guilt over those he couldn't save tortures him daily. He isn't sure he can trust the mysterious young woman who claims to need his help, but when he discovers Kyara can unlock the secrets of his past, he can't stay away. Kyara and Darvyn grapple with betrayal, old promises, and older prophecies - all while trying to stop a war. And when a new threat emerges, they must beat the odds to save both kingdoms.
Undena Publications,U.S. Mozan 2: The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season
The tablets recovered in Mozan during the sixth season of excavations in 1990 represent the northernmost find to date of well stratified cuneiform texts for the third millennium. They are accounts of people listed by name, profession and sometimes provenienceThe guage in which the texts are written is plausibly Old Akkadian, and so is a majority of personal names, but several names may be explained as Hurrian The date is that of the later portion of the Sargonic period. Besides providing a complete philological treatment of the texts, this fascicle briefly describes the archaeological context - a stratigraphically well defined deposit within a sizeable stone building; it also provides a brief report on the work of the sixth season of excavations.
Hal Leonard Corporation 65 Little Pieces: In Progressive Order for Beginner Flutists
Candlewick Press,U.S. Tom Gates That's Me! (Books One, Two, Three)
L. J. Monahan Books The Rebels
L.J. Burkhart Of Love and Time
Lulu Press The Vaulted Seas
Write Central The Power of Writing