Search results for ""author eduardo garcia""
Editorial INDE Los recursos humanos aplicados a la gestión deportiva
Aporta una visión novedosa e integral del procedimiento para optimizar los recursos humanos aplicados a la gestión deportiva.En cualquier empresa, e incluso en cualquier tarea, y con más incidencia, en la gestión deportiva, son fundamentales todas y cada una de las personas que desarrollan las actividades dentro de una organización.Los recursos humanos son a la vez el corazón y el cerebro que permiten que las instalaciones deportivas cumplan sus fines: social, deportivo y económico.En esta obra se muestra de una manera ordenada, escalonada y relacionada la importancia de estos conceptos, su integración en la organización y sobre todo la incidencia que cualquier determinación puede afectar, dentro de este ámbito, al resultado final.Se exponen las diferentes fases y procesos que intervienen en tan complejo tema; se determinan los conceptos jerárquicos y de relación en todos los ámbitos y se clarifican unas ideas fundamentales para evitar o solucionar los conflictos en las rel
Comunicación y Turismo, S.L. En la orilla Tartessos indígenas y fenicios en las tierras malagueñas siglos XIVI a.C.
Ediciones Akal Posiciones críticas ensayos sobre las políticas de arte y la identidad
El presente texto ofrece un amplio recorrido por el trabajo de Douglas Crimp, uno de los protagonistas de la redefinición de la función de la crítica en la cultura norteamericana y en la defensa de la dimensión pública del arte.
Editorial INDE El mantenimiento aplicado a las instalaciones deportivas
La preocupación por el mantenimiento de las instalaciones deportivas se debe traducir en propuestas prácticas. Esta obra es un memorando imprescindible para introducir a los gestores de instalaciones deportivas en el proceloso mundo del mantenimiento, cuando está fuera de toda duda la importancia que este apartado tiene en la gestión.Han sido necesarios muchos años y demasiadas experiencias negativas, para que la sociedad empresarial asuma la importancia que en la gestión de cualquier actividad o en la explotación de cualquier complejo o edificio, tiene el mantenimiento.En los últimos años han surgido técnicos expertos en estos menesteres, y empresas especializadas en trabajos de mantenimiento general, pero hay muy pocas específicas del ámbito deportivo.De una manera esquemática, sencilla y con conceptos claros, se introduce al neófito en este tema, mediante un recorrido, breve pero intenso, por toda la compleja trama de definiciones, conceptos, programas, actuaciones y sobre
Capstone Press Shays' Rebellion
Capstone Press Soccer Showdown: U.S. Women's Stunning 1999 World Cup Win
Capstone Press A Win for Women: Billie Jean King Takes Down Bobby Riggs
Capstone Press Calling His Shot: Babe Ruth's Legendary Home Run
Capstone Press Daydream Receiver
Stone Arch Books Thor vs. the Giants
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Escritos sobre arte 19341969
Mark Rothko (1903-1970), es uno de los grandes artistas del siglo XX: figura indiscutible del expresionismo neoyorquino, encabezó junto a Barnett Newman la corriente plástica Colour Fields. Erudito y filósofo, Rohtko fue además un escritor sofisticado y apasionante. Escritos sobre arte reúne por primera vez en un libro los textos del artista. Incluye ensayos breves, cartas, declaraciones y conferencias de Rothko a lo largo de su carrera. Esta ambiciosa antología de textos, tanto publicados como inéditos, que abarca desde 1934 hasta 1969, nos revela aspectos poco conocidos de Rothko: el papel que tuvo la escritura para un artista que, según muchos, había renunciado a la palabra; su profundo interés por la meditación y la espiritualidad; y su relación privada con artistas contemporáneos como Barnett Newman, Robert Motherwell y Clyfiford Still.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Birds of the Canary Islands
An essential guide to birds of the Canary Islands, an area with an impressive range of species This comprehensive guide covers all bird species found in the Canary Islands, a group of beautiful islands that are home to endemics such as the Blue Chaffinch, and are one of the best places in the world to see a number of rare species. The book covers every species recorded in the Canary Islands, including vagrants. Included are 73 colour plates illustrating more than 300 species, with text on facing pages for quick and easy reference. The concise text covers status, distribution, habitat, identification, voice and taxonomy. Also incorporated is an introduction with information on the geography and climate of the Canary Islands, plus habitats, birding sites and conservation.
Stone Arch Books Batter Power-Up!
Stone Arch Books Quarterback Rush
Stone Arch Books Gold Medal Swim
Stone Arch Books Cycling Champion
Capstone Press Showdown in Manila: Ali and Frazier's Epic Final Fight
Stone Arch Books The Death of Baldur
Capstone Press Soccer Showdown: U.S. Women's Stunning 1999 World Cup Win
Capstone Press National Women's Party Fight for Suffrage
Capstone Press Gold Medal Swim
Capstone Press Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
Capstone Press Defying Hitler: Jessie Owens' Olympic Triumph
Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale Things You Can Do: How to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Waste
Capstone Press Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima
Capstone Press Shays' Rebellion
Capstone Press A Win for Women: Billie Jean King Takes Down Bobby Riggs
Capstone Press Calling His Shot: Babe Ruth's Legendary Home Run
Capstone Press Track and Field Takedown
Stone Arch Books Track and Field Takedown
Stone Arch Books Grit and Gold
Stone Arch Books Tiger Moth: Attack of the Zom-Bees!
Stone Arch Books Twilight of the Gods
Royal Society of Chemistry Flow Chemistry: Integrated Approaches for Practical Applications
Historically pharmaceutical and fine chemical products have been synthesised using batch methods, but increasingly chemists are looking towards flow chemistry as a greener and more efficient alternative. In flow chemistry reactions are performed in a reactor with the reactants pumped through it. It has the benefit of being easily scaled up and it is straightforward to integrate synthesis, workup and analysis into one system. Flow chemistry is considered a greener alternative to batch chemistry because it is easier to control and minimise hazardous intermediates and by-products. There is significant interest in the use of flow chemistry both in the lab and on an industrial scale. Flow Chemistry provides an update on recent advances that have been made in the field. Particular emphasis is given to the new integrated approaches that bring together several elements to implement flow processes as a regular green chemistry tool for the chemical industries. With chapter contributions from several well-known experts in the field, this book is a valuable resource for researchers working in green chemistry and synthesis, chemical engineers and industrial chemists working in the pharmaceutical and fine chemicals industries.
Ebury Publishing Things You Can Do: How to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Waste
What if we could help to save our planet through small habit changes in our homes? Learn what you can do right now to live a greener life your carbon footprint with this inspiring, accessible, stunningly illustrated book based on Eduardo Garcia's popular New York Times column.Award-winning climate journalist Eduardo Garcia offers a deeply researched and user-friendly guide to the things we can do every day to fight climate change. Based on his popular New York Times column "One Thing You Can Do," this fully illustrated book proposes simple solutions for an overwhelming problem. No lectures here - just accessible and inspiring ideas to slash emissions and waste in our daily lives, with over 350 explanatory illustrations by talented painter Sara Boccaccini Meadows.In each chapter, Garcia digs into the issue, explaining how everyday choices lead to carbon emissions, then delivers a wealth of 'Things You Can Do' to make a positive impact, such as:- Eat a climate-friendly diet - Reduce food waste- Save energy at home- Adopt zero-waste practicesPrinted on environmentally-friendly paper and delivering a decisive hit of knowledge with every turn of the page, Things You Can Do is the book for people who want to know more - and do more - to save the planet.
Capstone Press Returning to the Moon: A Max Axiom Super Scientist Adventure
Stone Arch Books Careera Extrema
Stone Arch Books In the Red Zone
Stone Arch Books Gear Hero
Capstone Global Library Ltd Hot Shot Ice Hockey
Robyn Ray is a young ice hockey player with lots of speed and one big problem - she can’t seem to score a goal. Can her formerly famous ice hockey star grandpa help her build the skills she needs to score? And will her team come together when it matters most? Combining exciting sports stories and a diiverse cast of characters with a dynamic graphic novel format, this fast-paced tale of sportsmanship and teamwork comes to life in a full-colour graphic novel. Supportive back matter, including comprehension questions, writing prompts and non-fiction sports info, helps young readers and sports enthusiasts step up their game.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Rainforest Destruction: A Max Axiom Super Scientist Adventure
Trees are being cut down around the world. But why are rainforests being cleared, and what happens if they disappear? In this non-fiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists are on a mission to find out! Using their superpowers and super-smarts, the team will break down this complex environmental issue into an exciting, fact-filled adventure so young readers can learn about the causes and effects of deforestation and discover steps we can all take to protect these fragile ecosystems.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Animal Extinction Emergency: A Max Axiom Super Scientist Adventure
Countless animals around the world are in danger of dying out! But why are species becoming extinct, and what happens when we lose them? In this non-fiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists are on a mission to find out. Using their superpowers and super-smarts, the team will break down this urgent issue into an exciting, fact-filled adventure so young readers can learn about the causes and effects of animal extinction and endangerment and discover steps we can all take to save Earth’s wildlife.
Stone Arch Books Rivalidad Sobre el Hielo
Stone Arch Books Pase Completo
Stone Arch Books Daydream Receiver