Search results for ""Whitechapel Gallery""
Whitechapel Gallery The Best is Not Too Good for You: New Approaches to Public Collections in England
Whitechapel Gallery Theaster Gates: A Clay Sermon
Whitechapel Gallery La Caixa Collection: Maria Fusco: Nine QWERTY Bells. Fiction for Live Voice
Whitechapel Gallery Think Twice: Twenty Years of Contemporary Art from Collection Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Whitechapel Gallery Walid Raad Miraculous Beginnings (French edition)
Whitechapel Gallery The Graphic Century
Whitechapel Gallery Rises in the East: A Gallery in Whitechapel
Whitechapel Gallery Mary Heilmann: Looking at Pictures
Whitechapel Gallery ON&BY Luc Tuymans
Whitechapel Gallery In the Eye of Bambi
Whitechapel Gallery Is This Tomorrow?
Whitechapel Gallery Ethics
Whitechapel Gallery Live in Your Head: Concept and Experiment in Britain 1965-1975
Whitechapel Gallery Tobias Rehberger
Whitechapel Gallery Liam Gillick: The Wood Way
Whitechapel Gallery Eduardo Paolozzi
Whitechapel Gallery The Magazine
Whitechapel Gallery Failure
Whitechapel Gallery La Caixa Collection: Empty House of the Stare
Whitechapel Gallery Cabinet d'amateur, an oblique novel: Enrique Vila-Matas
Whitechapel Gallery Jasper Johns: Shadow and Substance
Whitechapel Gallery Reclaim the Mural: The Politics of London Murals
Whitechapel Gallery Life Is More Important Than Art
Whitechapel Gallery Activism
Whitechapel Gallery Oceans
Whitechapel Gallery Translation
Whitechapel Gallery Work
Whitechapel Gallery Speculation
Whitechapel Gallery The Cute
Whitechapel Gallery Information
Whitechapel Gallery Andrew Pierre Hart BioData Flows and Other Rhythms
Whitechapel Gallery The Artist’s Studio: A Century of the Artist’s Studio 1920–2020
Whitechapel Gallery Walking
Whitechapel Gallery Moving Bodies, Moving Images
Whitechapel Gallery The Hiscox Collection 1970-2020: Gary Hume and Sol Calero Explore the Hiscox Collection
Whitechapel Gallery Destruction
Whitechapel Gallery Walid Raad: Miraculous Beginnings
Whitechapel Gallery The Travel Bureau: Paulina Olowska selects from the Christen Sveaas Art Foundation
Whitechapel Gallery ON&BY Andy Warhol
Whitechapel Gallery Gerard Byrne
Whitechapel Gallery Josiah McElheny: The Past Was A Mirage I'd Left Far Behind
Whitechapel Gallery Health
Whitechapel Gallery Boredom
Whitechapel Gallery Centenary Review
Intellect Books On Perfection: An Artists' Symposium
Based on a 2012 symposium on Perfection, held at the Whitechapel Gallery in East London, this book explores the ways in which artists engage with ideas of perfection, drawing on screenings, performances and discussions. The symposium featured the work of an eclectic group of artists and writers, who use photographic lenses of many kinds to create works that engage with or disrupt ideas of perfection. Framed from an artist’s perspective and spanning a diverse range of artworks that question how these ideas shape our personal identities and our social and political systems, On Perfection considers the multifaceted nature of lens-based practices.
De Gruyter Eduardo Paolozzi: Lots of Pictures – Lots of Fun
Der schottische Bildhauer und Graphiker Eduardo Paolozzi (1924–2005) war Mitbegründer der britischen Pop-Art. Bereits in den 1950er Jahren sorgte er mit innovativen Collagen, in die er Bildmotive aus Populärkultur und Werbung integrierte, für Aufsehen – und schrieb fortan Kunstgeschichte. Seine international erfolgreichen, irritierenden Werke bewegen sich häufig an der Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine und bezeugen sein Interesse an Wissenschaft und Technik. Mit ausgefallenen künstlerischen Verfahren wie Siebdruck oder Sampling forderte er nicht nur die ästhetischen Konventionen seiner Zeit heraus. Die Graphiken und Skulpturen zeigen auch seine intensive Suche nach einer Ikonographie der Konsum- und Industriegesellschaft. Ausstellung und Katalog schließen unmittelbar an die vielgerühmte Paolozzi-Schau in der Londoner Whitechapel Gallery an. Im Fokus dieses Bandes stehen Paolozzis experimentelle Werkphasen der fünfziger bis siebziger Jahre sowie sein produktiver Aufenthalt in West-Berlin von 1974/75.
D Giles Ltd Antony Donaldson: Up to Now
Although he never studied at the Royal College of Art, Antony Donaldson's friendships with RCA students Patrick Caulfield, Allen Jones and Peter Phillips put him firmly in the vanguard of the Pop Art movement in London in the 1960s. Born in 1939, Donaldson was chosen in 1964 for the landmark New Generation exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery which included Allen Jones and David Hockney and he became the first Pop Artist to sell his work to the Tate. Like Hockney, Donaldson dreamed of a quiet and relaxed life in southern California and moved to Los Angeles between 1966 and 1968, where he painted daringly simple compositions using saturated colour and sensual forms. In later years Donaldson took up sculpture in a variety of media; his most famous piece is the giant Buddha-like head of Alfred Hitchcock, Master of Suspense, in the courtyard of the Gainsborough Film Studios in London. This monograph includes an illustrated chronology, an exhibition checklist and a bibliography
Thames & Hudson Ltd Sophie Calle
The perfect primer on acclaimed French artist Sophie Calle. Sophie Calle is a French writer, photographer, installation artist and conceptual artist. Her work is distinguished by its use of arbitrary sets of constraints, and frequently depicts human vulnerability, and examines identity and intimacy. She is renowned for her detective-like ability to follow strangers and investigate their private lives, which she has deployed in her acclaimed works Suite Venitienne, The Hotel and Address Book. She has had major exhibitions all over the world, including at the 2007 Venice Biennale, the Whitechapel Gallery in London, and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, and has worked closely with the writer Paul Auster. The Guardian called her ‘the Marcel Duchamp of dirty laundry’, and she was among the names in Blake Gopnik's list 'The 10 Most Important Artists of Today', with Gopnik arguing, 'It is the unartiness of Calle's work — its refusal to fit any of the standard pigeonholes, or over anyone's sofa — that makes it deserve space in museums.'