Search results for ""Turner Publicaciones""
Turner Publicaciones Fernando Ortega
Turner Publicaciones Painted Walls of Mexico
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Collection MER
Marcos Martín Blanco and Elena Rueda began to acquire artworks in 1979. Over the years, the MER Foundation has gathered more than 800 works and includes important pieces from the best contemporary artists. The collection specialises in European and American figuration since 1980. This attention to figuration as distinct from painting and photography, has led Marcos and Elena to seek the masterpieces of artists such as Eric Fischl, Francesco Clemente, David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Ruff, Marlen Dumas, Lisa Yuscavage, Merilyn Minter, Luis Gordillo and Cecily Brown. The collection includes more than 180 artists: Miquel Barceló, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Mompó, Palazuelo, Gordillo, Zóbel or Soledad Sevilla, among the Spanish artists, and Warhol, LeWitt, Oelen, Basquiat, David Sala or Julian Schnabel, among the international ones. In 2004 it was awarded the Collecting Prize by the ARCO art fair. This catalogue includes two introductory texts by Patricio Pron and Dan Cameron, one a more literary and personal appraisal of the founder and the collection, and the other one a technical and critical view.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Semillas la vida en cpsulas de tiempo
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Gay la identidad homosexual de Platn a Marlene Dietrich
Turner Publicaciones S.L. La traducción del Indio de los tres Diálogos de Amor de León Hebreo
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Obra completa
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Relox de Príncipes
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias IX
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias I
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Las ínsulas extrañas
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. The Wind Among the Leaves
This volume compiles superb colour photography of one of the most outstanding collections of bonsai in Europe, assembled by collector and author Luis Vallejo, founder of the Luis Vallejo Bonsai Museum in Alcobendas, Spain. This internationally celebrated collection boasts native specimens designed by Vallejo, as well as specimens by Japanese masters such as Masahiko Kimura, Saburo Kato, Hiroshi Takeyama and Shinji Suzuki. Photographs by Fernando Maquieira taken over several years are interspersed with short texts and quotations evoking personal experiences and literary associations. Three series of sketches enhance the volume, providing the most direct expression of the author’s enduring connection with his trees. Housed in a slipcase, The Wind Among the Leaves is a collectable and gorgeous celebration of this ancient and evocative form of horticulture.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Historia de las drogas
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. THE VOID: Wolfgang H Scholz; Photography, Film, Performance and Installation
Wolfgang H Scholz (b. 1958) is a visual artist and film director. His work spans more than three decades and encompasses apart from painting many forms of expression, ranging from theatrical and documentary films, sculpture, photography, and installations to multimedia stage pieces. His central theme is the vision of an imaginary arrival, and his work method is a form of decoding. Other essential concepts that recur in Scholz's work include the labyrinth, time, memories or localization and the questioning of reality. The title The Void is taken from a Buddhist term for the Fifth Element: The Void. Since 2010 Scholz has worked with Japanese Butoh masters, creating several multimedia stage pieces and series of photographic works on this theme. This volume includes a conversation with Prof. Dr. Boris Groys of New York University, one of the most important scholars of the arts and humanities of the twentieth century. This dialogue is an essential text for understanding the creative processes, references, and influences of Wolfgang H Scholz concerning the philosophical and programmatic themes of The Void. This book will be published to coincide with exhibitions by the MACO - Museum of Contemporary Art Oaxaca (2019), Mexico, the Museum Ex Teresa Arte Actual (2019), the gallery Casa Galván - UAM - Universidad Autónoma metropolitana (2020) and in collaboration with the presentations of the performance THE VOID at the Butoh Festival Kyoto, Japan (July 2019) and at the Theatre CC Los Talleres, Mexico City in 2019. Text in English with a Spanish and German insert.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Feminismo pasado y presente
En esta recopilación de ensayos se encuentra una defensa de las mujeres sureñas, desde Scarlett O?Hara a Ava Gardner. Un alegato por a favor de la educación sexual diferenciada para niños y niñas, ya que viven su sexualidad de manera diferente. Una charla animando a las mujeres a no vivir como víctimas, sino a asumir que el mundo es peligroso y que deben adaptarse a él. Y, sobre todo, una defensa apasionada de la libertad de la mujer, con todas sus consecuencias. Nadie como Camille Paglia para hacer preguntas incómodas. Pocas veces un libro tan breve como este habrá dado pie a tanta polémica, tantas ideas encontradas y tantos motivos para reflexionar.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. A Transcendent Decade: Towards a New Enlightment?
We are living through years of great importance, marked by the unstoppable evolution of technology, science and the information society. This book brings together twenty-two essays written by prestigious researchers from the world's leading universities on areas as diverse as crucial to our future: climate change, artificial intelligence, economics, cyber-security and geopolitics, democracy, anthropology, new media, astrophysics and cosmology, nanotechnology, biomedicine, globalisation, gender theory and the cities of the future. Text by Michelle Baddeley, Virginia Burkett, Manuel Castells, Nancy Chau, Barry Eichengreen, Amos N. Guiora, Ravi Kanbur, Ramón López de Mántaras, Maria Martinon-Torres, José M. Mato, Diana Owen, Alex Pentland, Carlo Ratti, Martin Rees, Victoria Robinson, Daniela Rus, José Manuel Sánchez-Ron, Vivien A. Schmidt, Samuel H. Sternberg, Sandip Tiwari, Ernesto Zedillo, Yang Xu.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Young Cuba
This project focuses on the diversity and the dignity of the Cuban youth. The photographs are borne from the photographer's journeys to Cuba over the last twenty-five years. Jonathan Moller's photographs illustrate the vitality, intelligence and creativity of Cuba's younger generation, along with their great aspirations and complex challenges. The book offers an extensive tour of the streets of Havana and Holguín; the lands and the sugar cane fields of Matanzas and Mayabeque; the Pride March and the May Day parade; the foyers and classrooms of the University of Lausanne; the hospitals, the churches, and factories; and, for the first time in history, the popular neighborhoods, the beach and the homes of young Cubans.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. What about the Art Contemporary Art from China
Written by the man behind the Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, gunpowder artist Cai Guo-Quiang, who draws attention to the innovations brought to contemporary art by Chinese artists.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Verdolatría la naturaleza nos enseña a ser humanos
Las plantas pueden ayudarnos a comprender las contradicciones humanas y sirven de inspiración en ?la ardua ciencia de saber vivir bien?, de la que hablaba Montaigne.'Verdolatría' se articula en torno a cuatro preguntas esenciales de la filosofía: qué puedo saber, cómo debo actuar, qué me cabe esperar y qué significa ser humano. Se nutre del pensamiento ecológico, las lecciones del arte del jardín y la ciencia botánica para cambiar nuestra forma de entender la vida en el planeta y nuestro lugar en ella.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Cartas desde la revolucin bolchevique
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Freddy el poltico
Antes de que Orwell nos contara que los cerdos pueden gobernar, Freddy "el cerdito renacentista" ya existía. Crado en la década de 1920 por Walter R. Brooks, que le dedicó una serie de casi treinta títulos, Freddy encarna en este volumen, y nunca mejor dicho, al animal político. Así escribe poemas y promete imposibles, se disfraza y nos resulta entrañable. Y la granja donde vive, más humana y animal que la de Orwell, es un lugar para reírse a carcajadas y ponerse a pensar. Por ejemplo, en cómo esto de la nueva política se parece mucho a los cuentos de toda la vida: los banqueros siempre querrán ser dueños de una nueva granja, los ratones se quejarán por principio y algunos cerditos, sabios y vitalistas, seguirán escribiendo poesía.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Antoni Abad - Megafone.Net/2004-2014
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. New Territories
"New Territories "examines creative practices in today's globalized world, in which disciplines overlap more than ever before. Looking in particular at countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Panama, Columbia, Mexico, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Chile, this volume discusses the ways in which craft, art and design have transcended their former identities. Today, artists in these fields may address issues of not only commodification and mass production, but also social concerns of urbanization, displacement, housing and sustainability. Including the work of more than 100 artists, designers/design studios and artisans, "New Territories" sets out to explore the present state of design--much of which has emerged from interfaces between manufacturers, folk artisans, indigenous artists and designers--and its future.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Emilia Azcarate: Liminal
A study of Emilia Azcárate's recent art work focused on her vital relationship with geometric abstractionism and her spiritual practices. These series of work adds on to the aesthetic and conceptual themes recurrent in the artist's work, and are linked to abstraction as a way to manifest her spirituality. The catalogue includes three bodies of work: the Practicables, Postcards and the Gohonzon series which incorporate processes, ideas and aesthetics related to her life and spiritual practice, Nichiren Buddhism. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Cinthia Marcelle: A Conjunction of Factors
This volume offers a survey of the last 20 years of work from Brazilian multimedia artist Cinthia Marcelle (born 1974), who is known for her collaborative and action-based projects aimed at disrupting existing social and political systems. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Adrián Fernández: Memorias pendientes / Pending Memories
Latest production of Cuban artist, Adrián Fernández, concerned with the impact of material culture, history and memory on contemporary man. Interested in the symbols that represent ideologies and that construct collective identities, he searches in his photography for the memory of the historical past and its impact on his cultural present. His work is organised in series that sometimes interconnect and complement each other. Each new series is a consequence of the previous one, with similar concerns and interests, from black and white photography with a documentary perspective, to studio photography, to the use of digital media and colour photography. His sculptural work is developed in installations, in which he uses assemblage and welding of metal and carbon steel. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Nuances of Latin American Art: Matices del arte en América latina
Is there such a thing as Latin American Art? Does it need this label in a global art world? It is, of course, clear that there is no such thing, just as there is no African nor European art. It would be interesting though to include Caribbean art (which of course doesn't exist either) and talk about specific forms of creolization in the way that Edouard Glissant means it from a global perspective that is not just Western. If we look at different artistic expressions in different local contexts within a geographic and linguistic area called Latin America, the insights we get are very interesting. It might remind us of a kaleidoscope, an ever changing, glittering flux of perspectives on a fluid carrier medium. Through extensive field research involving travel in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, I have been seeking to answer these questions and go into the Looking Glass. Those journeys have included connecting as much as possible with locals and investigating the subject of visual culture through them. In order to learn about local traditions, I have explored a small portion of the Amazonas on the border of Tres Fronteras, and stayed with an indigenous family on one of the Islands of Lake Titicaca. Additionally, in Peru I visited the art school in Cusco which is famous for the Cuzco School paintings. Whether in rural settings or the urban landscapes of Latin America, my approach has always been to be humble, to listen and learn, aware that my perspective is that of a Western woman. The discovery of immense cultural diversity intensely broadened my horizons. In order to develop an understanding of Latin American art, I have realized that attempting to describe it requires an open mind that stretches beyond any pre-conceived Eurocentric notions. Only then it is possible to appreciate the enormous variety of artistic expressions and contexts throughout multiple Latin American regions. The projects described here reflect fifteen collaborations that were carried out, over a period of six years involving thirty-four artists. In some cases, the exchanges included galleries in various Latin American countries. The themes explored were diverse and varied. They ranged from the abstract and highly conceptual to the more tangible and material. Together, the culminating exhibitions have each contributed to exploring essential questions about Latin American Art. The answers, however, are far from simple or complete. Beyond the collection gathered here, the process of discovery continues. So far, I have only witnessed the seedlings of my understanding beginning to emerge. During the process of trying to better understand Latin American Art and through producing exhibitions in Switzerland, as well as curating content in Mexico City and Brazil, it has become clear that cultural bridges can be built through the universal interests that inform artistic expression. These successful projects have demonstrated enormous potential for future artistic collaborations of all sorts. The possibilities are endless. - Andrea Hinteregger De Mayo, 2018. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. POLITICA INDIANA 3
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Philosophía vulgar
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Quevedo F Poesía II
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Cancionero
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Libro de cuentas. Escritos varios
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias X
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias V
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias III
Turner Publicaciones S.L. En guerra con los berberiscos una historia de los conflictos en la costa mediterrnea
Desde el siglo XVI, la cruz y la media luna se han disputado el control del mar que las separa. Dos grandes imperios buscaban la forma de expandirse dominando una zona estratégica, el norte de África. Los ecos de estas luchas todavía perduran en las is
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Subjects
The Subjects are solo exhibition projects in which Spanish artists Cabello/Carceller, Francesc Ruiz and Pepo Salazar have a similar starting point: Salvador Dalí. The Subjects also questions the gaze of the artist figure within literature, gender thinking and the exhibition event. Cabello/Carceller presents a situation in which several characters dismantle its layers and show the uncertainty as an attitude. Pepo Salazar questions what a work art is and what is out of the work. Francesc Ruiz recovers lost characters from popular culture. Includes interviews with Montserrat Aguer (Director of the Center for Dalí Studies from the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation), Manuel Borja-Villel (director of Centro Reina Sofía National Museum of Art), Vicente Todolí (director at Tate Modern when it presented the exhibition Dalí & Film) and Paul B. Preciado (philosopher and queer activist, Program Director of the MACBA Independent Studies).
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Política
Con tiempo, y también con suerte, puede que logremos salir adelante sin que nos pase nada terrible. Se imponen dos preguntas: tendremos suerte? Y, nos queda tiempo?Cuál es la diferencia entre vivir hoy en Dinamarca o en Siria? Efectivamente, la política. El primero es un país con un sistema democrático en el mejor sentido, el de la adaptabilidad. El otro es un Estado fallido. La diferencia es el bienestar o la guerra, la vida o la muerte. Lo dice Runciman y lo demuestra su libro: la política importa. Más que nunca, importa y dirige nuestras vidas, economías y culturas. Por si no se habían enterado: Politics is the new hype.Puede la impresora 3D cambiar la escala de los partidos políticos? Puede Google sustituir al Estado? Acaso nuestros tecnócratas son capaces de olfatear siquiera hacia dónde sopla el viento de la historia? Sin la irritante monserga de la corrección política, Runciman plantea estas y mejores preguntas mientras da cuenta de los auténticos mecanismos de la política
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Defying Stability - Artistic Processes in Mexico Between 1952-1967: Procesos Artaisticos En Maexico 1952-1967
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Historia mínima de la mitología
Carlos García Gual (Palma de Mallorca, 1943), escritor,crítico y traductor, es catedrático de Filología griega en launiversidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha escrito libros yartículos sobre literatura clásica y medieval, filosofía griegay mitología, entre los que destacan Epicuro (1981), La sectadel perro (1987), Audacias femeninas (1991), Introducción ala mitología griega (1992), La antigüedad novelada (1995),Apología de la novela histórica (2002), Diccionario demitos (2003), Historia, novela y tragedia (2006), Historiadel rey Arturo (2007), Las primeras novelas (2008),Prometeo, mito y literatura (2009), Encuentros heroicos(2009), Enigmático Edipo (2012) y Sirenas. Seducciones ymetamorfosis (2014). Como crítico literario colabora con ElPaís, Revista de Occidente y Claves de razón práctica, y es,además, director de la colección Biblioteca Clásica Gredos. Hatraducido numerosos textos clásicos y medievales, recibiendoen dos ocas
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Fritzia Irizar
The artist Fritzia Irízar questions the value of money and its purchasing power through objects taken out of their common environment which take on symbolic qualities. Irízar removes their monetary value and transforms the perception that viewers have of them. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Espejo y reino / Ornamento y Estado: Álvaro Perdices
This book brings together a wide series of photographs that travel through unknown times and places in the Salón de Reinos, the former Army Museum in Madrid. The images of Álvaro Perdices constitute an archive and visual device that reveals the corners, the absences, the shields without weapons, the empty showcases, the reflection of the intruders or the feasts that have gathered in the remains of the old palace of Felipe IV. The approaches of this art and archive project delve into the ruptures and changes of this state building and its symbols over time. Texts by Juan Herreros, María Virginia Jaua, María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco, Manolo Laguillo, Álvaro Perdices and Manuel Segade. In co-edition with the CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Abundancia roja sueño y utopía en la URSS
Un ?cuento ruso? que relata la trayectoria de la economía soviética entre la década de 1950 y el fin de la URSS.Escrito como una fábula sobre una utopía, la ?economía planificada?, que prometía la abundancia infinita a partir del trabajo colectivo.Historia y ficción se mezclan en un relato apasionante sobre el peligro de las grandes ideas y del optimismo alucinado.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Masa crítica cambio caos y complejidad
La Bolsa, los atascos de la mañana, las absorciones entre empresas, las relaciones entre los actores de Hollywood. es posible que todo esto se rija por una serie de leyes naturales que no tenemos en cuenta? Somos libres de crear nuestra propia sociedad o estamos atrapados por la ?naturaleza humana?? Hay algún orden en los cambios, el caos y la complejidad que nos rodean?Philip Ball, célebre divulgador científico conocido por convertir los temas más complejos en las lecturas más agradables, se atreve a plantear estas preguntas. y a contar con un inesperado aliado para entender las respuestas: la física.Retoma el viaje intelectual que empezó Hobbes en el siglo XVII y lo lleva más allá, en un original tour de force que le valió el premio Aventis a la divulgación científica.Philip BallNació en 1962. Es químico por la universidad de Oxford y doctor de Física por la universidad de Bristol. Editor de la revista Nature, colabora con la revista New Scientist, y es miembro del depar
Turner Publicaciones S.L. El león y el unicornio y otros ensayos
Recopilación de escritos de Orwell fechados entre 1936 y 1949 e inéditos en castellano que incluye, entre otros, ensayos sobre Kipling y Henry Miller, sus recuerdos de becario en un internado ("Ay, qué alegrías aquellas") o como ayudante en una librería de viejo ("Recuerdos de un librero") y los textos autobiográficos "Por qué escribo" y "Nota autobiográfica".