Search results for ""Torque""
Fremantle Press Idle Torque
John Wiley & Sons Inc Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond
STAY UP TO DATE ON THE STATE OF MRAM TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE RESOURCE Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond delivers a combination of foundational and advanced treatments of the subjects necessary for students and professionals to fully understand MRAM and other non-volatile memories, like PCM, and ReRAM. The authors offer readers a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of magnetism and electron spin, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the physics of magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices as it relates to memory applications. This book explores MRAM's unique ability to provide memory without requiring the atoms inside the device to move when switching states. The resulting power savings and reliability are what give MRAM its extraordinary potential. The authors describe the current state of academic research in MRAM technology, which focuses on the reduction of the amount of energy needed to reorient magnetization. Among other topics, readers will benefit from the book's discussions of: An introduction to basic electromagnetism, including the fundamentals of magnetic force and other concepts An thorough description of magnetism and magnetic materials, including the classification and properties of magnetic thin film properties and their material preparation and characterization A comprehensive description of Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) devices and their equivalent electrical model Spin current and spin dynamics, including the properties of spin current, the Ordinary Hall Effect, the Anomalous Hall Effect, and the spin Hall effect Different categories of magnetic random-access memory, including field-write mode MRAM, Spin-Torque-Transfer (STT) MRAM, Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) MRAM, and others Perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying electrical engineering, similar programs, or courses on topics like spintronics, Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond also belongs on the bookshelves of engineers and other professionals involved in the design, development, and manufacture of MRAM technologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multiplayer Gaming and Engine Coding for the Torque Game Engine
Multiplayer Gaming and Engine Coding for the Torque Game Engine shows game programmers how to get the most out of the Torque Game Engine (TGE), which is an inexpensive professional game engine available from GarageGames. This book allows people to make multiplayer games with TGE and also tells them how to improve their games by modifying the engine source code itself. After reading this book and completing the exercises on the accompanying CD, game programmers will be well prepared to make their own complex, exciting games using the Torque Game Engine.
Torque Black Mamba vs. Caracal
Torque Mantis Shrimp vs. Lionfish
Torque Badger vs. Bobcat
Torque Wolverine vs. Honey Badger
Torque Red Fox vs. Fisher
Torque Red Fox vs. Fisher
Torque Alex Morgan
Torque Josh Allen
Torque Anaconda vs. Jaguar
John Wiley & Sons Inc Spintronics: Materials, Devices, and Applications
Discover the latest advances in spintronic materials, devices, and applications In Spintronics: Materials, Devices and Applications, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a holistic introduction to spintronic effects within cutting-edge materials and applications. Containing the perfect balance of academic research and practical application, the book discusses the potential—and the key limitations and challenges—of spintronic devices. The latest title in the Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications, Spintronics: Materials, Devices and Applications explores giant magneto-resistance (GMR) and tunneling magnetic resistance (TMR) materials, spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque materials, spin oscillators, and spin materials for use in artificial neural networks. Applications in multi-ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic materials are presented as well. This book also includes: A thorough introduction to recent research developments in the fields of spintronic materials, devices, and applications Comprehensive explorations of skymions, magnetic semiconductors, and antiferromagnetic materials Practical discussions of spin-transfer torque materials and devices for magnetic random-access memory In-depth examinations of giant magneto-resistance materials and devices for magnetic sensors Perfect for advanced students and researchers in materials science, physics, electronics, and computer science, Spintronics: Materials, Devices and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals working in the manufacture of optics, photonics, and nanometrology equipment.
Karma Mathew Cerletty - Shelf Life
Shelf Life provides the first comprehensive look at the paintings, drawings and notes of Brooklyn-based artist Mathew Cerletty (born 1980). His surrealistic works torque the recognition of common objects such as Diet Coke logos, fish, foliage and planets.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Magnetic Random-Access Memory
Magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) is poised to replace traditional computer memory based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS). MRAM will surpass all other types of memory devices in terms of nonvolatility, low energy dissipation, fast switching speed, radiation hardness, and durability. Although toggle-MRAM is currently a commercial product, it is clear that future developments in MRAM will be based on spin-transfer torque, which makes use of electrons’ spin angular momentum instead of their charge. MRAM will require an amalgamation of magnetics and microelectronics technologies. However, researchers and developers in magnetics and in microelectronics attend different technical conferences, publish in different journals, use different tools, and have different backgrounds in condensed-matter physics, electrical engineering, and materials science. This book is an introduction to MRAM for microelectronics engineers written by specialists in magnetic materials and devices. It presents the basic phenomena involved in MRAM, the materials and film stacks being used, the basic principles of the various types of MRAM (toggle and spin-transfer torque; magnetized in-plane or perpendicular-to-plane), the back-end magnetic technology, and recent developments toward logic-in-memory architectures. It helps bridge the cultural gap between the microelectronics and magnetics communities.
Nightboat Books Lonespeech
An elemental, uncanny collection of poems translated from one of Sweden’s most influential and beloved poets. In Lonespeech, Ann Jäderlund rewires the correspondence between writers Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan into a series of stark, runic poems about the fraught act of communication and its failures. Forsaking her reputation as a baroque poet, Jäderlund uses simple words and phrases in favor of an almost childlike simplicity, giving her poems, on first glance, the appearance of parables: mountains, sunlight, rivers, aortas. Upon closer inspection, the poems glitch, bend, and torque into something else, enigmatic and forceful, lending them, as Jäderlund says, the force of “clear velocity.”
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Dynamik der Kraftfahrzeuge
Die Grundlagen der Fahrdynamik werden in diesem Werk vollständig dargestellt. Ausgehend von den Kräften, die beim Beschleunigen oder Bremsen auf das Fahrzeug wirken, werden Fahrwiderstände, Fahrgrenzen, Schwingungsanregung für Ein- und Zweispurige Fahrzeuge dargestellt. Dabei werden neben den Schwingungsarten, Fahrzeugmodelle, aktuelle Normen und gesetzliche Vorschriften berücksichtigt. Die Theorie wird anwendbar durch eine Fülle von Fahrzeugdaten in Tabellen - oder Diagrammform und durch viele Rechenbeispiele. Die Diskussion der Ergebnisse führt zu Vorschlägen für die Verbesserung von Kraftfahrzeugen. Neu aufgenommen in der 5. Auflage sind Beiträge zum Thema Torque Vectoring sowie zum Kraftstoffverbrauch und CO2.
Cambridge University Press A Student's Guide to Rotational Motion
Rotational motion is of fundamental importance in physics and engineering, and an essential topic for undergraduates to master. This accessible yet rigorous Student's Guide focuses on the underlying principles of rotational dynamics, providing the reader with an intuitive understanding of the physical concepts, and a firm grasp of the mathematics. Key concepts covered include torque, moment of inertia, angular momentum, work and energy, and the combination of translational and rotational motion. Each chapter presents one important aspect of the topic, with derivations and analysis of the fundamental equations supported by step-by-step examples and exercises demonstrating important applications. Much of the book is focused on scenarios in which point masses and rigid bodies rotate around fixed axes, while more advanced examples of rotational motion, including gyroscopic motion, are introduced in a final chapter.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Helical Piles: A Practical Guide to Design and Installation
An unbiased, comprehensive review of helical pile technology and applications Helical piles have risen from being merely an interesting alternative for special cases to a frequently requested, more widely accepted deep foundation adopted into the 2009 International Building Code. The first alternative to manufacturer-produced manuals, Howard Perko's Helical Piles: A Practical Guide to Design and Installation answers the industry's need for an unbiased and universally applicable text dedicated to the design and installation of helical piles, helical piers, screw piles, and torque anchors. Fully compliant with ICC-Evaluation Services, Inc., Acceptance Criteria for Helical Foundation Systems and Devices (AC358), this comprehensive reference guides construction professionals to manufactured helical pile systems and technology, providing objective insights into the benefits of helical pile foundations over driven or cast foundation systems, and recommending applications where appropriate. After introducing the reader to the basic features, terminology, history, and modern applications of helical pile technology, chapters discuss: Installation and basic geotechnics Bearing and pullout capacity Capacity verification through torque Axial load testing, reliability, and sizing Expansive soil and lateral load resistance Corrosion and life expectancy Foundation, earth retention, and underpinning systems Foundation economics Select proprietary systems IBC and NYC Building codes Covering such issues of concern as environmental sustainability, Helical Piles provides contractors and engineers as well as students in civil engineering with a practical, real-world guide to the design and installation of helical piles.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives
Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives Comprehensive resource introducing magnetic circuits and rotating electric machinery, including models and discussions of control techniques Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives is written for the junior or senior student in Electrical Engineering and covers the essential topic of machine analysis for those interested in power systems or drives engineering. The analysis contained in the text is based on Tesla’s rotating magnetic field and reference frame theory, which comes from Tesla’s work and is presented for the first time in an easy to understand format for the typical student. Since the stators of synchronous and induction machines are the same for analysis purposes, they are analyzed just once. Only the rotors are different and therefore analyzed separately. This approach makes it possible to cover the analysis efficiently and concisely without repeating derivations. In fact, the synchronous generator equations are obtained from the equivalent circuit, which is obtained from work in other chapters without any derivation of equations, which differentiates Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives from all other textbooks in this area. Topics explored by the two highly qualified authors in Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives include: Common analysis tools, covering steady-state phasor calculations, stationary magnetically linear systems, winding configurations, and two- and three-phase stators Analysis of the symmetrical stator, covering the change of variables in two- and three-phase transformations and more Symmetrical induction machines, covering symmetrical two-pole two-phase rotor windings, electromagnetic force and torque, and p-pole machines Direct current machines and drives, covering commutation, voltage and torque equations, permanent-magnet DC machines, and DC drives Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives is appropriate as either a first or second course in the power and drives area. Once the reader has covered the material in this book, they will have a sufficient background to start advanced study in the power systems or drives areas.
Springer International Publishing AG Model-Based Control of Flying Robots for Robust Interaction Under Wind Influence
This book addresses the topic of autonomous flying robots physically interacting with the environment under the influence of wind. It aims to make aerial robots aware of the disturbance, interaction, and faults acting on them. This requires reasoning about the external wrench (force and torque) acting on the robot and distinguishing between wind, interactions, and collisions. The book takes a model-based approach and covers a systematic approach to parameter identification for flying robots. The book aims to provide a wind speed estimate independent of the external wrench, including estimating the wind speed using motor power measurements. Aerodynamics modeling is approached in a data-driven fashion, using ground-truth measurements from a 4D wind tunnel. Finally, the book bridges the gap between trajectory tracking and interaction control, to allow physical interaction under wind influence. Theoretical results are accompanied by extensive simulation and experimental results.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines
Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines introduces you to both the modeling and control of electric machines. The direct current (DC) machine and the alternating current (AC) machines (induction, PM synchronous, and BLDC) are all covered in detail. The author emphasizes control techniques used for high-performance applications, specifically ones that require both rapid and precise control of position, speed, or torque. You'll discover how to derive mathematical models of the machines, and how the resulting models can be used to design control algorithms that achieve high performance. Graduate students studying power and control as well as practicing engineers in industry will find this a highly readable text on the operation, modeling, and control of electric machines. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department. Instructor Support materials are also available. Email
University of California Press Subject
Calvin Bedient calls the poetry in this volume "solid and brave and relentlessly inventive." Forrest Gander says, "The obsessive force of this poetry, ruptured by caesura and stanza, is remarkable. Despite the considerable intellectual torque, the poems, concerned always with identity, the borders of the I and the Here, are quite funny in passages. The drama of this work is gripping, convulsive, and intense." Subject holds the mirror up to language, attempting to find out (and find ways out of) the limits of the wor(l)ds we are sentenced to. The lyric impulse exists, but the surface is rough, reflecting the violence of the effort to see into seeing itself: the voice is ragged, syntax is torn, words have been broken into syllable and sound, images dissolve, the page holds out alternate visions and versions (in double or triple columns), leaving any would-be univocal truth always in doubt.
Goose Lane Editions Take Us Quietly
In Take Us Quietly, Armstrong explores life, sickness, death and the importance of paying attention to the wider world, filtered through her own unique sensibility. Nothing is taken for granted in this new collection. Whether travelling through Spain, mining a memory from a rural New Brunswick childhood, or exposing the concessions of love in a long-term relationship, Armstrong creates poems that leap from thought to thought, from one emotional tone to another, propelled by torque and tension. Startlingly beautiful with unexpected intensity, Take Us Quietly draws us into the mind's deepest truths. By turns nightmarish, erotic and full of delight, her third collection of poems drills through the surface into the artesian well of memory.
Orion Publishing Co The Further Adventures of a London Call Girl
What Belle de Jour did next... this is the sparkling, witty and titillating follow-up to the bestselling INTIMATE ADVENTURES OF A LONDON CALL GIRL.''She lists like Hornby. She talks dirty like Amis. She has the misanthropy of Larkin and examines the finer points of sexual technique as she is adjusting the torque on a beloved but temperamental old E-type...It's hard to believe that this clever and candid new voice has no more to say. Whoever the author is, she should give up the day job. Only then will we find out what the real Belle de Jour is made of.' IndependentThis follow-up to the hugely successful 'Intimate Adventures' will be just as bold, funny and brilliant. Peppered with agony-aunt letters and advice, and stories from her 'working' life, it's also the story of a young woman making her way in the world - told in Belle's inimitable voice.
Insight Editions Marvel Vehicles: Owner's Workshop Manual
They may be best known for getting around on their own steam, but sometimes even Marvel Super Heroes need some extra torque. This Haynes Manual takes a look at the amazing vehicles of the Marvel Comics universe, from the X-Men's supersonic jet, The Blackbird, to the mighty Helicarrier that transports the Avengers into battle and the Green Goblin's preferred method of travel, the Goblin Glider. Also covering less well-known modes of transport like Spider-Man's custom beach buggy, the Spider-Mobile, this lavishly illustrated book forms a comprehensive guide to the iconic vehicles that have helped make the Marvel Universe so rich and compelling. Marvel Vehicles: Owner's Workshop Manual comes complete with schematics and in-depth technical information, making it essential for Marvel fans everywhere. (c) 2014 Marvel
Springer Verlag, Singapore Nonlinear Waves: From Dissipative Solitons to Magnetic Solitons
This book highlights the methods to engineer dissipative and magnetic nonlinear waves propagating in nonlinear systems. In the first part of the book, the authors present methodologically mathematical models of nonlinear waves propagating in one- and two-dimensional nonlinear transmission networks without/with dissipative elements. Based on these models, the authors investigate the generation and the transmission of nonlinear modulated waves, in general, and solitary waves, in particular, in networks under consideration. In the second part of the book, the authors develop basic theoretical results for the dynamics matter-wave and magnetic-wave solitons of nonlinear systems and of Bose–Einstein condensates trapped in external potentials, combined with the time-modulated nonlinearity. The models treated here are based on one-, two-, and three-component non-autonomous Gross–Pitaevskii equations. Based on the Heisenberg model of spin–spin interactions, the authors also investigate the dynamics of magnetization in ferromagnet with or without spin-transfer torque. This research book is suitable for physicists, mathematicians, engineers, and graduate students in physics, mathematics, and network and information engineering.
Penguin Books Ltd Don't Stop Me Now
Jeremy Clarkson puts the pedal to the floor in Don't Stop Me Now, a collection of his Sunday Times motoring journalism.There's more to life than cars. Jeremy Clarkson knows this. There is, after all, a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered. So, before he gets on to torque steer and active suspension, he takes time out to consider:* The madness of Galapagos tortoises* The similarities between Jeremy Paxman and AC/DC's bass guitarist* The problems and perils of being English* God's dumbest creationThen there are the cars: whether it's the poxiest little runabout or an exotic, firebreathing supercar, no one does cars like Clarkson. Unmoved by mechanics’ claims and unimpressed by press junkets, he approaches anything on four wheels without fear or favour. What emerges from the ashes is rarely pretty. But always very, very funny.Praise for Jeremy Clarkson'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time Out'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Noisy Pendulum, The
This book contains the general description of the mathematical pendulum subject to constant torque, periodic and random forces. The latter appear in additive and multiplicative form with their possible correlation. For the underdamped pendulum driven by periodic forces, a new phenomenon — deterministic chaos — comes into play, and the common action of this chaos and the influence of noise are taken into account. The inverted position of the pendulum can be stabilized either by periodic or random oscillations of the suspension axis or by inserting a spring into a rigid rod, or by their combination. The pendulum is one of the simplest nonlinear models, which has many applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, communications, economics and sociology. A wide group of researchers working in these fields, along with students and teachers, will benefit from this book.
Duke University Press Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen
Open from 1942 until 1945, the Hollywood Canteen was the most famous of the patriotic home front nightclubs where civilian hostesses jitterbugged with enlisted men of the Allied Nations. Since the opening night, when the crowds were so thick that Bette Davis had to enter through the bathroom window to give her welcome speech, the storied dance floor where movie stars danced with soldiers has been the subject of much U.S. nostalgia about the "Greatest Generation." Drawing from oral histories with civilian volunteers and military guests who danced at the wartime nightclub, Sherrie Tucker explores how jitterbugging swing culture has come to represent the war in U.S. national memory. Yet her interviewees' varied experiences and recollections belie the possibility of any singular historical narrative. Some recall racism, sexism, and inequality on the nightclub's dance floor and in Los Angeles neighborhoods, dynamics at odds with the U.S. democratic, egalitarian ideals associated with the Hollywood Canteen and the "Good War" in popular culture narratives. For Tucker, swing dancing's torque—bodies sharing weight, velocity, and turning power without guaranteed outcomes—is an apt metaphor for the jostling narratives, different perspectives, unsteady memories, and quotidian acts that comprise social history.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Performance Analysis and Control
This book presents the most recent research results on modeling and control of robot manipulators. Chapter 1 gives unified tools to derive direct and inverse geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of serial robots and addresses the issue of identification of the geometric and dynamic parameters of these models. Chapter 2 describes the main features of serial robots, the different architectures and the methods used to obtain direct and inverse geometric, kinematic and dynamic models, paying special attention to singularity analysis. Chapter 3 introduces global and local tools for performance analysis of serial robots. Chapter 4 presents an original optimization technique for point-to-point trajectory generation accounting for robot dynamics. Chapter 5 presents standard control techniques in the joint space and task space for free motion (PID, computed torque, adaptive dynamic control and variable structure control) and constrained motion (compliant force-position control). In Chapter 6, the concept of vision-based control is developed and Chapter 7 is devoted to specific issue of robots with flexible links. Efficient recursive Newton-Euler algorithms for both inverse and direct modeling are presented, as well as control methods ensuring position setting and vibration damping.
Duke University Press Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen
Open from 1942 until 1945, the Hollywood Canteen was the most famous of the patriotic home front nightclubs where civilian hostesses jitterbugged with enlisted men of the Allied Nations. Since the opening night, when the crowds were so thick that Bette Davis had to enter through the bathroom window to give her welcome speech, the storied dance floor where movie stars danced with soldiers has been the subject of much U.S. nostalgia about the "Greatest Generation." Drawing from oral histories with civilian volunteers and military guests who danced at the wartime nightclub, Sherrie Tucker explores how jitterbugging swing culture has come to represent the war in U.S. national memory. Yet her interviewees' varied experiences and recollections belie the possibility of any singular historical narrative. Some recall racism, sexism, and inequality on the nightclub's dance floor and in Los Angeles neighborhoods, dynamics at odds with the U.S. democratic, egalitarian ideals associated with the Hollywood Canteen and the "Good War" in popular culture narratives. For Tucker, swing dancing's torque—bodies sharing weight, velocity, and turning power without guaranteed outcomes—is an apt metaphor for the jostling narratives, different perspectives, unsteady memories, and quotidian acts that comprise social history.
Vertebrate Publishing Ltd Grit Blocs: 100 of the finest boulder problems on Pennine gritstone
Grit Blocs by Dave Parry showcases 100 of the finest must-do boulder problems on the gritstone outcrops, edges and quarries of the Pennines.The gritstone crags of Northern England are internationally renowned and are home to some of the best bouldering in the world. With an emphasis on high-quality photography, Grit Blocs presents a selection of the very best boulder problems in these areas – covering the Peak District, Yorkshire, Lancashire and North East England.The classic problems are there – Careless Torque on Stanage and Flying Arete at Almscliff – but, as the sport of bouldering continues to evolve, there are also lesser-known and newer gems to discover: Archery at West Nab, The Lash at Birk Gill and Ouzel Thorn at Thorn Crag, amongst others.The stunning photography is accompanied by texts that expand on the context and characteristics of the boulder problem and give you a flavour of what each problem is like, with a bit of bouldering history thrown in too.Let Grit Blocs inspire your next climbing adventure – whether you’re a seasoned grit aficionado or new to the sport, you’ll find something to engage and animate you.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Two-Stroke Engine Repair and Maintenance
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Get Peak Performance from Two-Stroke EnginesDo you spend more time trying to start your weed trimmer than you do enjoying your backyard? With this how-to guide, you can win the battle with the temperamental two-stroke engine.Written by long-time mechanic and bestselling author Paul Dempsey, Two-Stroke Engine Repair & Maintenance shows you how to fix the engines that power garden equipment, construction tools, portable pumps, mopeds, generators, trolling motors, and more. Detailed drawings, schematics, and photographs along with step-by-step instructions make it easy to get the job done quickly. Save time and money when you learn how to: Troubleshoot the engine to determine the source of the problem Repair magnetos and solid-state systems--both analog and digital ignition modules Adjust and repair float-type, diaphragm, and variable venturi carburetors Fabricate a crankcase pressure tester Fix rewind starters of all types Overhaul engines--replace crankshaft seals, main bearings, pistons, and rings Work with centrifugal clutches, V-belts, chains, and torque converters
David & Charles Modifying the Electronics of Modern Classic Cars: - the complete guide for your 1990s to 2000s car
Want to upgrade/update your cars electronic systems, but don't know how? Here's the solution! Cars of the 1990s and 2000s are from a golden era - they've got sufficient electronic systems to achieve great outcomes, but they're not so complex that they're impossible to modify. The missing link, until now, has been a hands-on manual on how to achieve those results. Well, here it is! This book covers everything from cheap modifications that allow you to adjust engine fuelling and ignition timing, to modifying car systems like power steering and even stability control. Easy upgrades to lighting, sound systems and the dashboard - right through to fitting and tuning programmable engine management. Photos and circuit diagrams guide you each step of the way. All the car modifications are practical, and have been tried and tested by the author. From a 660cc turbo front-wheel drive screaming to 8500rpm on standard engine management but with big injectors... to a DOHC V8 rear-wheel drive with modified traction control... to a twin-turbo all-wheel drive with a custom torque split controller. Even modifying the re-gen braking on a hybrid! This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to exploit the true electronic potential of their 1990s-2000s cars.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Power Quality in Power Systems, Electrical Machines, and Power-Electronic Drives
Power Quality in Power Systems, Electrical Machines, and Power-Electronic Drives uses current research and engineering practices, guidelines, standards, and regulations for engineering professionals and students interested in solving power quality problems in a cost effective, reliable, and safe manner within the context of renewable energy systems. The book contains chapters that address power quality across diverse facets of electric energy engineering, including AC and DC transmission and distribution lines; end-user applications such as electric machines, transformers, inductors, capacitors, wind power, and photovoltaic power plants; and variable-speed, variable-torque power-electronic drives. The book covers nonsinusoidal waveshapes, voltage disturbances, harmonic losses, aging and lifetime reductions, single-time events such as voltage dips, and the effects of variable-speed drives controlled by PWM converters. The book also reviews a corpus of techniques to mitigate power-quality problems, such as the optimal design of renewable energy storage devices (including lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells for automobiles serving as energy storage), and the optimal design of nonlinear loads for simultaneous efficiency and power quality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach
Power Magnetic Devices Discover a cutting-edge discussion of the design process for power magnetic devices In the newly revised second edition of Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach, accomplished engineer and author Dr. Scott D. Sudhoff delivers a thorough exploration of the design principles of power magnetic devices such as inductors, transformers, and rotating electric machinery using a systematic and consistent framework. The book includes new chapters on converter and inverter magnetic components (including three-phase and common-mode inductors) and elaborates on characteristics of power electronics that are required knowledge in magnetics. New chapters on parasitic capacitance and finite element analysis have also been incorporated into the new edition. The work further includes: A thorough introduction to evolutionary computing-based optimization and magnetic analysis techniques Discussions of force and torque production, electromagnet design, and rotating electric machine design Full chapters on high-frequency effects such as skin- and proximity-effect losses, core losses and their characterization, thermal analysis, and parasitic capacitance Treatments of dc-dc converter design, as well as three-phase and common-mode inductor design for inverters An extensive open-source MATLAB code base, PowerPoint slides, and a solutions manual Perfect for practicing power engineers and designers, Power Magnetic Devices will serve as an excellent textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in electromechanical and electromagnetic design.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Guide, 2nd Edition
In GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Manual 2nd Edition, expert technician Joseph Potak walks you through all the steps involved in installing an LS engine into any project vehicle, from concept to completion. Variants of General Motor’s groundbreaking family of LS engines are installed in everything from mundane Chevrolet panel vans to the earth-shaking Corvette Z06. Released in 1997, the original LS1, and its numerous successors have proven powerful, reliable, and amazingly flexible. Performance enthusiasts embraced this remarkable V-8, and it quickly became a favorite for engine swaps into project vehicles ranging from classic muscle cars to hot rods to race cars. Why? Because the versatile LS offers fantastic power, a compact design, light weight, and it responds very well to performance modifications. The key to this performance is a sophisticated electronics package demystified here by the author. In GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Manual 2nd Edition, professional LS-series engine specialist Joseph Potak details all the considerations involved in performing this swap into any vehicle. With clear instructions, color photos, diagrams, and specification tables, Potak guides you through: Installing your LS engine Configuring the EFI system Designing fuel and exhaust systems Sourcing the correct accessories for your application Transmissions, torque converters, and clutches Performance upgrades and power-adders This is the ultimate guide to installing an LS in your project car.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Guide to European Electric Motors: Drives and Controls
A title in the well established, practical, and much used series of European Guides. Guide to European Electric Motors, Drives and Controls is compiled with the help of and benefit from the day-to-day practical experience of electric motor, drives and controls users, manufacturers and suppliers. It is not simply another treatise or textbook on motors although basic theory is comprehensively covered. Technically advanced and practical information shows users why problems or deficiencies with one design, leads to the use of another. Both electrical power supplies, their associated features and load considerations are covered, together with speed and torque controls systems using the latest solid state technologies. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Units, preferred numbers and standards Electric circuit analysis Basic motor theory and components Materials used in motors Motor loads and mechanical aspects Electrical supply systems Direct current motors construction and characteristics Asynchronous 3-phase motors – construction and characteristics Starting, reversing and braking 3-phase asynchronous motors Asynchronous single-phase motors – construction and characteristics Synchronous motors – construction and characteristics Control motors – construction and characteristics Equivalent circuits and performance assessment IC classifications Motors for potentially hazardous areas and motor cooling systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mathematics and Science for Exercise and Sport: The Basics
Mathematics and Science for Sport and Exercise introduces students to the basic mathematical and scientific principles underpinning sport and exercise science. It is an invaluable course companion for students who have little prior experience of maths or science, and an ideal revision aid for higher level undergraduate students.The book explains the basic scientific principles that help us to understand sport, exercise and human movement, using a wide range of well-illustrated practical examples. Written by three leading sport scientists with many years experience teaching introductory courses, the book guides beginning students through those difficult to grasp areas of basic maths and science, and identifies the common problems and misconceptions that students often experience. It includes coverage of key areas such as: science of physical states – gas, liquid and solid science of biomechanics, motion and energy mathematical formulae, calculus, and differential equations statistics scientific report writing key concepts such as pressure, torque and velocity self-test features and highlighted key points throughout each chapter. Fully referenced, with guides to further reading, this book is an essential companion for all students on foundation or undergraduate level courses in sport and exercise science, kinesiology, and the human movement sciences.
Johns Hopkins University Press Float Your Boat!: The Evolution and Science of Sailing
An estimated 4.1 million people in the United States participate in recreational sailing. Yet the large library of sailing literature leaves many of them high and dry. On one side are technical guides for America's Cup boat-builders; on the other, simplistic books for weekend sailors with little interest in science. In Float Your Boat! professional and amateur boaters alike will find intelligent and understandable answers to such questions as: What were the key innovations that made sailboats more efficient? How do you increase the speed of a boat? How do sailboats travel into the wind? Why are so many explanations of sailing so wrong? Sailing enthusiast and physicist Mark Denny first traces the evolution of the sailing craft, from prehistoric coracles made of animal skins and antlers to the sailboat's reinvention as a pleasure craft during the Industrial Revolution. He then identifies specific sailing phenomena-how wind drives modern Bermuda sloops, how torque determines stability, why hull speed exists-and provides the key physics principles behind them. Whether you are an inquisitive landlubber who has never set foot in a boat, a casual weekend sailor, or an old salt who lives for the sea, Float Your Boat! is an accessible guide to the physics of sailing.