Search results for ""Self Realization Fellowship""
Self Realization Fellowship Solo Amor: Como Llevar una Vida Espiritual en un Mundo Cambiante
Self-Realization Fellowship Autobiography of a Yogi (Japanese)
Self-Realization Fellowship Rajarsi Janakananda: Un Gran Yogui Occidental
Self Realization Fellowship La Segunda Venida de Cristo, Vol. 1: Un Revelador Comentario Sobre Las Ense Anzas Originales de Jes 's
Self-Realization Fellowship CIENCIA DE LA RELIGIN LA
Self-Realization Fellowship La Paz Interior
Self-Realization Fellowship Encuentros Con Santos de la India: En Compañia de Sri Daya Mata
Self Realization Fellowship Destellos de Inspiracion Agenda Fotografica Selecciones de los Escritos de Paramahansa Yogananda
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers El Amante Cosmico
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers La Segunda Venida de Cristo, Volumen III: La Resurrecion del Cristo Que Mora En Tu Interior = the Second Coming of Christ, Vol.III
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Whispers from Eternity
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Autobiography of a Yogi: 1946-2006
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers El Yoga del Bhagavad Guita: Una Introduccion a la Ciencia Universal de la Union Con Dios Originaria de la India
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar 2025
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Diario Espiritual: Un Pensamiento Inspirador Para Cada Dia del Ano
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Vive Sin Miedo: Despierta la Fuerza Interior de Tu Alma
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Enter the Quiet Heart: Creating a Loving Relationship with God
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Divine Romance: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life: v. 2
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Man'S Eternal Quest: Vol 1
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. In the Sanctuary of the Soul: A Guide to Effective Prayer
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Only Love: Living the Spiritual Life in a Changing World
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Scientific Healing Affirmations
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Autobiografia de un Yogui
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Triunfar en la Vida
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Dios Habla Con Arjuna: El Bhagavad Guita, Vol. 1: La Ciencia Suprema de La Unin Con Dios
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Journey to Self-Realization: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life Vol.3
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Journey to Self-Realization: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life Vol III
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. God Alone: The Life and Letters of a Saint
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Susurros de la Eternidad
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers El Yoga de Jesus: Claves Para Comprender Las Enseanzas Ocultas de Los Evangelios
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. ManS Eternal Quest
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Divine Romance: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life Vol. 2
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Metaphysical Meditations: Universal Prayers, Affirmations, and Visualizations
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Cosmic Chants
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Living Fearlessly: Bringing out Your Inner Soul Strength
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. How You Can Talk with God
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Holy Science
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Dios Habla Con Arjuna: El Bhagavad Guita, Vol. 2: La Ciencia Suprema de la Union Con Dios: La Ciencia Suprema de la Union Con Dios
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers La Intuicion: Guia del Alma Para Tomar Decisiones Acertadas
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers La Segunda Venida de Cristo, Volumen II: La Resurrecion del Cristo Que Mora en Tu Interior
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Meditaciones Metafisicas: Oraciones, Afirmaciones y Visualizaciones Universales
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. THE SCIENCE OF RELIGION
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers Flustern Aus Der EwigkeitWhispers from Eternity
Self-Realization Fellowship,U.S. Where There is Light - Expanded Edition: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenges
Robert D. Reed Publishers Hobo Sapien: Freight Train Hopping Tao and Zen
Garrison Keillor meets Jack Kerouac meets Mahatma Gandhi in this wry, roadwise scripture. Hobo Sapien is a series of freight train parables born out of the author's twelve-plus years riding freight trains, combined with lessons learned in his seven-year stint as a Self-Realization Fellowship monk, plus the added bonus of fascinating railroad history. Non-fiction readers buy books to learn something, for reference, or to be entertained. Hobo Sapien fills all three bills. Readers will get a unique immersion into the underground world of the hobo. The spiritual takes are written with a subtle humor that helps the medicine go down. It is not your parent's self-help book.Armchair adventurers, rail fans, spiritual seekers, and academia nuts will all gather intriguing information from this missive. It is vastly different from other hobo books because of its unparalleled combination of adventure, rail history, humor, and spirituality. The author's background is also unique and varied. Not many hobos have gone from Yale to rail or from hunk to monk.
New York University Press Transcendent in America: Hindu-Inspired Meditation Movements as New Religion
Yoga, karma, meditation, guru—these terms, once obscure, are now a part of the American lexicon. Combining Hinduism with Western concepts and values, a new hybrid form of religion has developed in the United States over the past century. In Transcendent in America, Lola Williamson traces the history of various Hindu-inspired movements in America, and argues that together they constitute a discrete category of religious practice, a distinct and identifiable form of new religion. Williamson provides an overview of the emergence of these movements through examining exchanges between Indian Hindus and American intellectuals such as Thomas Jefferson and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and illuminates how Protestant traditions of inner experience paved the way for Hindu-style movements’ acceptance in the West. Williamson focuses on three movements—Self-Realization Fellowship, Transcendental Meditation, and Siddha Yoga—as representative of the larger of phenomenon of Hindu-inspired meditation movements. She provides a window into the beliefs and practices of followers of these movements by offering concrete examples from their words and experiences that shed light on their world view, lifestyle, and relationship with their gurus. Drawing on scholarly research, numerous interviews, and decades of personal experience with Hindu-style practices, Williamson makes a convincing case that Hindu-inspired meditation movements are distinct from both immigrant Hinduism and other forms of Asian-influenced or “New Age” groups.