Search results for ""Paulist Press International,U.S.""
Paulist Press International,U.S. Guidelines for Mystical Prayer
Paulist Press International,U.S. Early Anabaptist Spirituality CWS Selected Writings v81 Classics of Western Spirituality Series
Paulist Press International,U.S. Tree That Survived the Winter The
Paulist Press International,U.S. My Catholic Lent and Easter Activity Book
Reproducible Sheets for Home and School Few Easter activity books focus on more than bunnies and candy. Even fewer focus on the season through a specifically Catholic viewpoint. This imaginative new book takes kids on a journey from Ash Wednesday through Pentecost, engaging them at every point through fun activities while introducing and reinforcing the richness of their heritage. This lively new work— · uses such proven favorites as word finds, word scrambles, dot-to-dot pictures, matching, crosswords, code breakers, and more. · challenges and satisfies kids from second through fifth grade. · includes over two dozen activities plus an answer key. · offers the best-loved prayers and devotions of the season. · provides busy parents, teachers, and home-schoolers with a moment of quiet time while their children are fully involved, learning. · can be reproduced for a variety of home, school, and church uses. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Virtues of the Soul: Abiding in God's Presence
This book explores the spiritual reality of the soul and how the soul is a window into our spiritual life, morality, and emotions, and how the soul functions until the end of life before returning to God, the Creator.The book examines the conflict that a person often experiences in life through guilt and jealousy and how the soul calls us to be oneself. It is through patience and in listening to this call that we find contentment and truth. This truth leads us ultimately to love, the essence of the soul, which endures after death."Virtues of the Soul explores the attributes of the soul that contribute to our human existence. When we suffer physically, we begin to think of our inner self and realize that what is needed most is stronger faith, serious prayer, and charitable actions—all of which nurture the soul."— Father Panagiotis Lekkas, presiding priest at Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church, Holmdel, New Jersey"As a physical therapist, I deal mostly with the physical symptoms of the body. Virtues of the Soul made me aware of my whole being. I now treat my clients not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well."—Monica Metta, physical therapist, Springfield, New Jersey"Virtues of the Soul helped me to understand the meaning of salvation in my personal life. What is salvation? It is a desired gift of living in peace, joy, and feeling loved, secure, and protected in the presence of God."—Nicholas Livanos, Armonk, New YorkPeter M. Kalellis, PhD, is a psychotherapist, marriage and family therapist, lecturer, retreat director, and writer. He has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is the author of several books, including Living in Difficult Relationships (2012); Finding God’s Presence in Our Life (2016); Paths to Inner Peace (2018); and Caring for the Soul (2020), all published by Paulist Press.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. When Love Meets Fear: Becoming Defense-less and Resource-full
Everyone is afraid. Sometimes fear is inappropriate and unnecessary. At other times, we have good reason to be afraid. But in every case, fear reduces our ability to be ourselves. It convinces us we shouldn’t take chances or risks.This book is for people who want to let go of unreasonable fear or act more creatively in the face of reasonable fear. It explores the roots of fear—the fear of change, of self-disclosure, of giving and receiving, of being alone. Beneath all of these is the greatest fear of all: the fear of loving and being loved.This 25th anniversary edition speaks of the enduring message of the book and this new edition has been greatly updated and expanded to include more contemporary developments in psychology and current events. Every chapter of the book has been rewritten and revised with a new audience in mind. Some new sections have been added and existing sections revised.This revised and updated edition reflects the author’s growing understanding of the ageless concern in our lives—becoming free from fear so that we can be more resourceful in our life.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Praying with the Jesuits: Finding God in All Things
Compiled by Charles J. Healy, SJ, Praying with the Jesuits presents the rich tradition of Ignatian prayer and meditation selected from the history of the Jesuits beginning with St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus through the centuries to the present day. Praying with the Jesuits is a wonderful collection of prayers and meditations taken from the rich tradition of the Jesuits. Divided into the periods of the Spiritual Exercises, the Early Jesuits, the Later Jesuits, and Special Devotions, readers will find selections from spiritual figures of their time including Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Peter Faber, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Teilhard de Chardin, Bernard Lonergan, Karl Rahner, Jon Sobrino, and Pope Francis. Included is an appendix which explores the Jesuit charism and the famous saying “Our Way of Proceeding” that is so often associated with the Jesuits and those who practice a Jesuit spirituality. Essentially, Praying with the Jesuits will give readers an insight into the Spiritual Exercises and is a perfect introduction to Jesuit spirituality, which finds God in all things. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Introduction to the Prophets: Their Stories, Sayings, and Scrolls
Now in a second edition, this popular introductory text considers not only each of the prophetic books in the Hebrew Bible, but also treats the stories of prophets found in the Pentateuch and historical books. The biblical texts are approached from several different perspectives. The author places each story and prophetic book in its historical context to understand the concerns the prophets addressed in their own time. He examines literary aspects and theological significance of the texts, and finally the significance of the prophet in post-biblical traditions, especially in the Jewish and Christian lectionaries. Among the new features: ● An updated table of contents and visual aids was well as reference resources in “For Further Study.” ● “Questions for Review” at the end of each chapter. ● A chapter on the book of Daniel. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction; Second Edition
Lawrence Boadt’s Reading the Old Testament was recognized as a classic almost from its date of publication in 1984. Without in any way diminishing its famed clarity, judiciousness, and theological depth, two prominent scholars, Richard Clifford and Daniel Harrington, have brought the book into the twenty-first century. In this new revised and updated edition, they have: • Updated the archaeological reports • Incorporated the research of the last three decades of biblical scholarship • Supplied new or redrawn illustrations and maps • Increased attention to Jewish-Christian biblical interpretations • Continued the Christian-Jewish dialogue that was a feature of the original “Larry Boadt was a long-time generative force in Old Testament study. This book, as a part of his legacy, assures that his influence will continue to be generative and rewarding for those who seriously engage his work....This is, in sum, a major offer for serious, faithful reading, and we may be grateful that it is now issued in a new, welcome edition.” —Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia “We owe a great debt of gratitude to Richard Clifford and Daniel Harrington for bringing this classic introduction to new life. It still speaks with the clarity of Larry Boadt, but with new energy.” —Irene Nowell, St. John’s University “Richard Clifford and Daniel Harrington were the right persons to revise this book. Like Larry Boadt, they are most accomplished scholars and teachers with a keen pastoral sense. Leading people to appreciate the Bible was Larry Boadt’s mission in life. This book is a fitting tribute to his fidelity to this mission." —Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM Catholic Theological Union "When Larry Boadt was asked why his book was so popular, he replied simply: 'I knew what students needed; I provided it.' The needs are still there and the book still provides for them. Since the book was written, much has changed in some areas of Old Testament study. Dick Clifford and Dan Harrington are well qualified to bring it up-to-date—and they have done a measured job." —Antony F. Campbell, SJ Jesuit Theological College, Parkville, Australia †
Paulist Press International,U.S. A Catholic's Guide to Rome: Discovering the Soul of the Eternal City
Jubilee-Year guide reveals public and "private" Rome Internationally recognized expert and veteran of fifty trips to Rome, Frank Korn presents an insider's guide to the city. He describes not only the familiar churches, basilicas, and historic places, but also takes travelers on fascinating detours down back alleys to little-known, though very important sites. For both the public and the private Rome, he reveals the legends and traditions associated with each. There's no better time than now to visit Rome. With a warm and engaging style, the author explains Jubilee Year background and ceremonies and offers Jubilee travelers meaningful alternatives to the typical sites with their expected three-times-heavier crowds. He also lists which church offers Mass in which language. This guide is not only for Catholics but also helps travelers of other faiths appreciate a culture not their own. The author's storytelling style and invaluable facts, and the book's photos, maps, and index, make this a perfect choice for tourists and pilgrims, armchair travelers, priests and religious. It also offers "insider's info" that every travel agent and travel store will want to pass on to their customers. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Spiritual Direction: Beyond the Beginnings
Explores issues that arise in the advanced stages of spiritual direction from both a practical and theoretical perspective. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Good Goats: Healing Our Image of God
A fully illustrated, full-color book that, through a blending of story, scripture, and theology, tackles questions of sin, hell, and vengeance in such a way that readers are led to transformation and healing in the midst of a loving, merciful, and saving God. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Jesus (New and Revised Edition): A Gospel Portrait
This book leads the reader to the mystery, power, and amazing freshness of the biblical Jesus. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Early Kabbalah
"Blessed and exalted is God, glorious in power. He is one, united in all His powers as the flame is united in its colors. The powers which emanate from his unicity are like the light of the eye which springs forth from the pupil." Sefer ha-lyyun Early Kabbalah, The edited and introduced by Joseph Dan texts translated by Ronald C. Kiener preface by Moshe Idel In the late twelfth century, at the height of the Middle Ages that saw the flowering of the mystical element in Christendom, the Rabbinic Judaism of southern Europe was transformed by the eruption of new, Gnostic attitudes and symbolism. This new movement, known as Kabbalah (literally the 'Tradition'), was characterized by the symbol of the ten sefirot. By means of the sefirotic imagery, virtually the whole of everyday life was linked to the cosmic dimension in a novel and highly original fashion that stressed the dynamic, evolutionary element of the Godhead and the synergistic relationship between the human will and the action of God on earth. During a century of creativity, a detailed system of symbols and concepts was created by the author of the Sefer ha-Bahir, the Kabbalists of Provence, the Iyyun circle, and the mystics of Provence and Castile that set the stage for the great Kabbalists of the Zohar generation. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Courage to Be Chaste
A contemporary treatment of the traditional theme of chastity that shows that a mature chastity can be loving, peaceful and fulfilled. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Gregory Palamas: The Triads
"Should do much to open up his hidden source of spiritual richness." George Malone, S.J. Fordham University Gregory Palamas: The Triads edited with an introduction by John Meyendorff translated by Nicholas Gendle preface by Jaroslav Pelikan "For God is not only beyond knowledge, but also beyond unknowing." Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) -monk, archbishop, and eminent theologian- was a major figure in fourteenth-century Orthodox Byzantium. His greatest work, In Defense of the Holy Hesychasts (known commonly as The Triads), was written between 1338 and 1341 as a response to the charges of the Calabrian philosopher Barlaam against the monastic groups known as hesychasts. Barlaam denied the legitimacy of their spiritual methods, which included the famous "Jesus Prayer," and discredited their claims to experience the divine presence. Palamas devoted his career as a theologian to the defense of the truth central to hesychasm: God is accessible to personal experience, because he shared His own life with humanity. This book contains extensive excerpts from Palamas' famous work that, in the words of the book's distinguished editor John Meyendorff, "introduce the reader into the very substance of the religious experience of the Christian East." †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses
Here is an award-winning, new translation that brings to light Gregory's complex identity as an early mystic. Gregory (c. 332-395) was one of the Greek Cappadocian Fathers, along with St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. A Woman Wrapped in Silence
This modern spiritual classic is a touching and human portrait of the woman who was the mother of Christ, drawn with reverence and dignity—a narrative poem of special distinctiveness, universal in its appeal, and written in fluent verse of exceptionally high quality. The book does not draw on legend or easy fancy. Although written before the renewal of scriptural scholarship, the poem's biblical basis remains surprisingly valid. The story of Mary is told completely and with remarkable depth of human insight, and mounts in beauty and power as it goes along, till in the dark, almost unbearably real climax of the pain, the glory, the defeat The long inaugural at Calvary the Woman Wrapped in Silence becomes wholly magnificent in her last Tremendous majesty. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Vatican Museums: 100 Works Not to be Missed
Here is an extraordinary illustrated art book that showcases the one hundred masterpieces that present the legacy of culture, history, and beauty that the Roman pontiffs have collected and guarded for centuries. The artworks have been selected by specialists: archaeologists, art historians, architects, historians, and anthropologists who have each chosen the works they consider universal and definitive in their field. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Human Condition: Contemplation and Transformation
The psychological roots of authentic spiritual life, by one of the great teachers of contemplative prayer. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. You Are in My Heart: Wisdom for a New Generation
Collected in this little book of inspiration are words from Pope Francis’s heart, words he has addressed to young people around the world during his first five years as Pope. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Childs Guide to Baptism
Explains in child-friendly language the sacrament of baptism. The author invites the reader into his church and examines the importance of this once-in-a-lifetime sacrament.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Reading the Old Testament An Introduction
Paulist Press International,U.S. Martin Bubers I and Thou Practicing Living Dialogue
Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue, 'I and Thou', is at the core of Kenneth Paul Kramer's 'Living Dialogue: Practicing Buber's I and Thou'.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Rebellious Saints: Inspiring Stories for Young People
Twenty-two saints are arranged by their Feast Day from January through December, with up to three saints in a given month. Each saint's distinctive sense of call, service, and mission is described in the first person. A story or two for each highlights the service for which they are known or what they have come to represent in the way of help for believers. Rounding out each one's first-person account is a block of text set off from the rest. This is apart from the saint's own telling and is rather something related to the saint's story: some lesson to derive that is both of historical and spiritual importance. The glossary at the end of the book is in alphabetical order by saint name and gives for each: birthdate, remembrance day, patronages, attributes, name meaning, and other points of interest.The book is appealing for its clear and frank telling of the stories of these saints who fit the profile of going against accepted social mores and fighting injustice clearly at odds with sharing God's love among people.Twenty-two saints tell their own exciting stories of how they the love for God and the desire for truth took them places they never expected to go and empowered them to do remarkable, sometimes very quirky, things.The saints are arranged by their celebrations on the church calendar, from January through December. Each saint's distinctive sense of call, service, and mission is described in the first person. A story or two for each highlights the service for which they are known or what they have come to represent. This is a clear and honest retelling of the stories of saints who have gone against the accepted customs of their time and place in order to share God's love with others.Christian Linker studied theology, but has been working for many years as a successful and award-winning author of books for young people. He lives with his family in Leverkusen, Germany. Julia Dürr is an award-winning artist who studied in both Munster and Brussels. Since 2013 she has been based in Berlin where she works as a freelance illustrator.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Saint Brendan and the Voyage before Columbus
Saint Brendan and the Voyage Before Columbus is a an exciting picture book that introduces children and their parents to the story of Brendan's voyage to the land of Tir-na-n-Og, a voyage so fantastic that many people believed it was only a legend. Born in Ireland in 484, Brendan was schooled in the ways of the sun and the seas and the sky. As a monk, Brendan learned about the land of Tir-na-n-Og, the Promised Land of the Saints, and one day he set out in a sailboat called a curragh to find it. On his journey he and his fellow voyagers encountered a whale, several islands, an iceberg, and a volcano, before finally reaching beautiful Tir-na-n-Og, where "painted saints" (Native Americans) greeted him in peace. Brendan returned home with the understanding that his adventures, good and bad, had brought him closer to God. In a postscript the author links Brendan with Columbus and with modern sailor Tim Severin, who in 1976 retraced Brendan's route in a replica curragh using Brendan's Navigatio as his guide. This richly illustrated book captures Brendan's spirit and legacy and his incredible adventures as he journeyed to America in the sixth century. It will make wonderful reading for children, who will be excited to learn about this saint after whom so many are named. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Spiritual Exercises with Teilhard de Chardin
This book presents here a series of texts taken from the writings of Teilhard de Chardin, which give us a new perspective on the traditional meditations of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, now illuminated through the changing world presented to us by the sciences and the presence of Christ in it. Through these texts, we can get close to this new approach to the Exercises, which has received little attention so far.Teilhard de Chardin's spirituality is reflected in his practice of the Exercises. To him, the meditations of the Exercises must adapt to the new circumstances and desires of the modern world, influenced above all by the progress of science and technology. The meditations of the Exercises, devised by St. Ignatius from a static conception of the universe, must adapt today to the perspective of a dynamic world, developing from the Big Bang to this day, and continuing through human effort and work.To Teilhard, the incarnation represents God's integration into the world in Christ, so that he is the end point, or Omega, and the entire evolution aims to him. This vision of Christ should be the one that illuminates us today in the meditations of the Exercises. Teilhard expands the presence of Christ to the whole universe and considers it as Christic presence in his "cosmic" nature. In this way, if the world eventually evolves into its union with Christ, the cosmogenesis of evolution becomes a Cristogenesis, and finally, Christ's presence in the world leads us to consider the world itself as a divine milieu and a Christified world.Agustín Udías Vallina, SJ, is a Jesuit priest, emeritus professor of Geophysics at the Complutense University of Madrid, and a member of the European Academy and corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History†
Paulist Press International,U.S. I Came Here Seeking a Person: A Vital Story of Grace; One Gay Man's Spiritual Journey
This book is a contemporary account of a spiritual journey by a sober, gay, ex-Jesuit clinician and community leader writing at the complicated intersection of faith, psychology, sexuality, culture, and exponential social change. The book's themes are both "of the moment" and universal; they are difficult, and yet hopeful."This gorgeously-written book…is a beckoning, a heart-song, an invitation to discover the face of the divine in each other. This is a magnificent book!"—Mirabai Starr, author of Caravan of No Despair and Wild Mercy"I Came Here Seeking a Person is a deep and fascinating book worthy of the great Thomas Merton, whom Bill considers his mentor."—Ron Hansen, author of Mariette in Ecstasy, professor at Santa Clara University "Beautifully written, captivatingly expressive, this book is genuine literature.. . Bill Glenn reveals an aspect of gay experience that few tend to consider—the spiritual."—Daniel Helminiak, author of The Human Core of Spirituality and Sex and the Sacred: Gay Identity and Spiritual Growth"This is a stunningly insightful personal account of a Queer person of faith. Generations to come will marvel at the 'all of it' LGBTQ+ people had to cope with and challenge as we came into our own as lovers and beloveds during the pandemics of homophobia, heterosexism, and AIDS."—Rev. Chris Glaser, author of Uncommon Calling: A Gay Christian's Struggle to Serve the Church"Taking us along as his companions, Bill revisits the remarkable moments and souls that have shaped his life…. These humble reflections of a former Jesuit, psychologist, gay man, and respected leader are a gift to all of us who yearn to know ourselves more fully."—Nick Carter, president emeritus, Andover Newton School of Theology "Bill shows us how grace lands in the various chapters of his life and leads him to risk whatever it takes to find his way home to deep and lasting love. His story will help us to stay true to our own."—Sonny Manuel, SJ, author, clinical psychologist, professor emeritus, Santa Clara UniversityWilliam D. Glenn is a psychotherapist and spiritual director. Currently the chair of the Board of Trustees of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, with husband Scott Hafner, he is the cofounder of its Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion. He has served as executive director of Continuum and president of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Freedom and Possibility: God Reconsidered
Freedom and Possibility considers the ongoing adventure of God acting through the randomness and chance of the evolutionary process, whereby matter became life and life became self-conscious spirit with freedom. God's creation of freedom has been pivotal in the theology of the younger Joseph Ratzinger, as well as of Karl Rahner, Edward Schillebeeckx, and others. Making room for human freedom involves thinking about God's patience, defenselessness, and vulnerability, particularly as made clear in the humanity of Jesus. By creating humans with their finite and free will, God has voluntarily renounced power and control. And, as Walter Kasper has emphasized, if the Church is to be a credible advocate for human rights and freedom in the world, it must assess its own record, and plan to integrate freedom into its internal structures. Bernard P. Prusak, professor emeritus of systematic/constructive theology at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, is also the former chair of the theology and religious studies department there. He is the author of The Church Unfinished: Ecclesiology through the Centuries (Paulist Press), as well as numerous articles. He has lectured extensively on both the historical and theological perspectives of the Second Vatican Council and its continued influence and challenges, with hope for new possibilities. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Theology and Spirituality of the Psalms of Ascents
The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) are an important collection within the book of Psalms and have played a significant role in the history of spirituality. While scholars disagree on what precisely is meant by “ascents”, it is clear that these psalms are focused on the journey towards the presence of God, a God who is at once the “maker of heaven and earth” but also encountered in a particular place and among a particular people. This book will explore the rich imagery of these fifteen psalms to show how they nourish the search for God’s presence in a world that is marked by crises and hostility, not only in the world but tragically also within the people of God.This collection of psalms reflects postexilic Israel’s confidence that in seeking God in Jerusalem the worshipper finds a blessing and peace that radiates out from Zion to infuse the most quotidian aspects of everyday life. The Psalms of Ascents are a summons to a spirituality for priest and commoner, the powerful and the marginalized, those near and those far, and anyone else suspended between fear and hope on the journey towards God. While this book will give readers a focused discussion on the theology and spirituality of these individual psalms, it will do so in a way that will provide a model for how the whole book of Psalms can be read responsibly and fruitfully. As such, the book will provide a resource for studying, teaching, and preaching these fifteen Psalms, but can also serve as an entryway into the rest of the book of Psalms.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Praying by Hand, Praying with Beads: A Universal Form of Prayer
By and large, the only reference most Christians of other denominations have for prayer with beads is Catholics and their rosaries. This devotional landscape is however now changing in remarkable ways. Various forms of prayer with beads are developing within Anglican, Lutheran, and Protestant contexts, in addition to the creation of an Ecumenical Miracle Rosary by a Lutheran pastor. And as our societal constituency becomes increasingly pluralistic religiously, it is of interest for members of all faiths to become aware that this is not just something members of their own religion do, but that it is truly a universal form of prayer. And when we become aware of a spiritual practice that has emerged throughout the human family in different cultural and faith contexts but which has little or no place in our own spiritual lives, we have to ask ourselves the question, "Am I missing something helpful here?" †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Martyrs, Monks, and Mystics: An Introduction to Christian Spirituality
This book offers a wide-angle and yet integrative approach to Christian spirituality, engaging diverse historical traditions, incorporating recent developments in Asian, Africa, Latin America, and in global Pentecostalism, while displaying an essential unity in this topic in relation to a number of salient themes (e.g., love, humility, prayer, servanthood, etc.).Though the book is geared toward students in college courses, it should also be of particular interest to practicing Christians across a very broad spectrum of traditions and denominations, and engages secular, Jewish, and Muslim readers, as well as those practicing one of the traditional Asian religions.Endorsements"McClymond's book could be the very best single-volume work on spirituality that I have read in sixty-two years of Jesuit life. He has written a brilliant tour de force with impressive and unimpeachable scholarship. His vast and sound knowledge of primary and secondary sources is combined with a solid historical, theological, and ecumenical sense. His compelling contemporary anecdotes and illustrations are a lively help to the reader."—Harvey D. Egan, SJ, professor emeritus of systematic and mystical theology, Boston College"Martyrs, Monks, and Mystics offers much more than an overview of Christian spirituality. Michael McClymond holds up its multiple expressions with such sensitivity and generosity that, for many readers, his book will serve the role of mystagogical guide. While accessible to non-experts, this book is at the same time remarkably thoughtful and comprehensive. McClymond's Martyrs, Monks, and Mystics is bound to become a classic in Christian spirituality."—Hans Boersma, PhD, Nashotah House Theological Seminary"For anyone interested in the history of spirituality, Michael McClymond's magisterial study of Christian spirituality is must reading. Solidly researched, this study of the vast scope of Christian spirituality—Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, ancient, medieval, and modern—is clearly written and informed by a profoundly biblically based point of view. Dr. McClymond has given us a book that promises to be the 'go to' book on the history and theology of Christian spirituality. Highly recommended."—Ralph Martin, STD, director of graduate theology programs in the new evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of DetroitMichael J. McClymond is professor of modern Christianity at Saint Louis University. He was educated at Northwestern, Yale, and the University of Chicago, and has held teaching or research appointments at the University of California–San Diego, Emory, Yale, and the Universities of Birmingham (UK) and Berlin (Germany). He has written or edited works on Christian theology, comparative religions, and biblical studies, and his book The Theology of Jonathan Edwards won a theology/ethics "Book of the Year" award from Christianity Today.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Sacraments: Historical Foundations and Liturgical Theology
“The heart of this book is about the ways in which the liturgy of the sacraments has been celebrated and understood in history and the ways in which the liturgy can (and should) influence how we understand the sacraments today.” In the first text of its kind, renowned liturgical scholar Kevin W. Irwin offers a thorough explanation of the sacraments in their intimate relationship to liturgy. In Part 1 he traces the historical evolution of sacraments and sacramental practice from their biblical foundations through the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Part 3 concerns a theology of sacraments based on the liturgy as a major and firm foundation for understanding the theology of the sacraments today. Bridging these two main parts are two methodological chapters that describe the sources and method to be applied in Part 3. The Sacraments: Historical Foundations and Liturgical Theology is an indispensable resource for scholars and students who need to understand the sacraments as they should be understood: in their historical and theological relationships to the liturgy. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Little Pieces of Light: Darkness and Personal Growth
In this popular book, bestselling author Joyce Rupp encourages the reader to approach a painful, inner hindrance as a help rather than a hindrance to personal growth. This new volume, revised and expanded, offers additional chapters as well as a study guide and prayers for personal reflection. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. On Care for Our Common Home: The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si'
Laudato si', mi Signore—Praise Be to You, My Lord! With these words of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis begins by reminding us of the Canticle of the Creatures that celebrates the earth as our common home, our sister, who embraces and blesses all of us, with abundance and beauty. But, in the words of Saint John Paul II, the world needs a global ecological conversion before it is too late. The world is already grievously wounded, and its continued degradation is having the greatest immediate impact upon the poor. Appealing to “every person living on this planet,” drawing on the wisdom of the tradition of the church and the teachings of previous popes, with this encyclical Pope Francis reaches out to begin a “dialogue with all people” about what we are doing to our planet. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Ordinary People as Monks & Mystics (New Edition): Lifestyles for Spiritual Wholeness
Stories of ordinary people who choose a solitary lifestyle to find wholeness and self actualization. A longtime bestseller, now revised. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality
Listening for the Heartbeat of God presents a spirituality for today, modeled on the vital characteristics of Celtic spirituality through the centuries. Here is in emphasis on the essential goodness of creation and of humanity made in the image of God. This book traces the lines of Celtic spirituality from the British church in the fourth century through to the twentieth century, in the founder of the Iona Community, George Macleod.J. Phillip Newell finds Celtic spiritual roots in the New Testament, in the mysticism of St. John the Evangelist. John was especially remembered as the one who lay against Jesus at the Last Supper and heard the heartbeat of God. Hence he became a Celtic image of listening to God in all of life. This fresh angle on Celtic spirituality—linking figures in the Bible and in British Christian history—will be warmly welcomed by all who are concerned to refresh the roots of their faith.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Nil Sorsky: The Complete Writings
An important addition to the Classics of Western Spirituality™ series is this volume of the writings of Nil Sorsky (+1508), an influential spiritual writer whose major contribution to Eastern Christianity was his bringing to ancient Russia the spirituality of the early Fathers and Mothers of the Desert. This is called the hesychasm spirituality of the heart, which finds the perfection of the human person in union with God through continuous prayer. This first-time translation from Russian into English of Nil's complete writings includes: The Tradition, The Rule, his letters (only four of which have actually been attributed to him) and his last will and testament. The Tradition is his earliest attempt to give his disciples a written but very simplified rule of skete monasticism, which he practiced on Mt. Athos. The Rule is an extended ascetical treatise on what Nil calls "mental activity" or, in today's terms, perpetual or continuous prayer. An informative introduction examines the significance of Nil's spirituality and places it within the historical setting of 15th century Russia. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte
"It is the dream of every publisher to hit upon a project that will win praise for contributing to the intellectual and cultural life." Theology Today In one series, the original writings of the universally acknowledged teachers of the Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic traditions have been critically selected, translated and introduced by internationally recognized scholars and spiritual leaders. Carthusian Spirituality: The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte translated and introduced by Dennis D. Martin preface by John Van Engen "The third step is the human spirit's yearning, unitive clinging in which she gently burns for God, knowing experientially that one who clings to God in this way is one spirit with him…With love growing from her own fervor she opens herself to receive and in receiving is set on fire. Then with great longing she gazes wide-mouthed at celestial things and in some wondrous way tastes what she seeks to have. This tasting, moreover, is the clinging, the union, through which the pious spirit enjoys god, in whom she blissfully reposes." Guigo de Ponte, On Contemplation, Book Two, Chapter Ten In the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, the Carthusians filled the role played in the tenth and eleventh centuries by the Cluniac network, in the twelfth century by the Cistercians, and in the thirteenth century by the Franciscans and Dominicans: Western Christendom's most outstanding professional intercessors before God's throne. Founded in the late eleventh century, a few years before the Cistercians, the Carthusians grew very slowly during their first two centuries but were highly respected from the beginning. They inspired, among others, Bernard of Clairvaux, William of St. Thierry, Aelred of Rievaulx, and Peter the Venerable. The two authors whose writings make up this volume are situated at the end of the thirteenth century, just before the order's flourishing growth of the fourteenth century. The mysterious author known as "Hugh of Balma" may have influenced the fourteenth-century Cloud of Unknowing and certainly had a great impact on Catholic spirituality in the sixteenth and following centuries, especially, but not exclusively, in Spain. Guigo de Ponte's writings, by indirect route, influenced Ignatius of Loyola. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Nicholas of Cusa: Selected Spiritual Writings
"English-speaking Christians owe Paulist Press an enormous debt of gratitude for their continuing efforts to help us gain a deeper appreciation of our spiritual heritage." Spiritual Life Nicholas of Cusa: Selected Spiritual Writings translated and introduced by H. Lawrence Bond preface by Morimichi Watanabe "This cloud, mist, darkness, or ignorance into which whoever seeks your face enters when one leaps beyond every knowledge and concept is such that below it your face cannot be found except veiled. But this very cloud reveals your face to be there beyond all veils…The denser, therefore, one knows the cloud to be the more one truly attains the invisible light in the cloud. I see, O Lord, that it is only in this way that the inaccessible light, the beauty, and the splendor of your face can be approached without veil." From De visione Dei, c. 6 Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) is often called the outstanding intellectual figure of the fifteenth century as well as the principal gatekeeper between medieval and modern philosophy. This volume gives fresh attention to the theological and mystical dimensions of his thought. The introduction casts new and exciting light on the development of Cusa's theology of spirituality. The book also provides for the first time in one volume an English translation of Cusa's basic mystical corpus: On Learned Ignorance; On the Hidden God; On Seeking God; On the Vision of God; and On the Summit of Contemplation. Another unique feature is the annotated glossary of key Cusan terms that accompanies the texts. Cusa's writings reveal a remarkable imaginative and gifted theologian who anticipated contemporary questions of ecumenicity and pluralism, empowerment and reconciliation, and tolerance and individuality. These translations particularly communicate to us his experience of a very large God that jostles us out of our parochialism. For all his intellectual power, he never closes his thought into a system. He is a significator and a conjecturer. He keeps pointing beyond his own words and beyond even his prized formulae and labels, including "learned ignorance" and "coincidence of opposites." He persistently brings theology to the edge of incomprehensibility, beyond both positive and negative ways, beyond even paradox and the coincidence of opposites, to the realm of the Purely Absolute and Infinite, to the contemplation of Possibility Itself. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and The Great Letter
English-speaking Christians owe Paulist Press an enormous debt of gratitude for their continuing efforts to help us gain a deeper appreciation of our spiritual heritage. Spiritual Life Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and The Great Letter translated and edited with an introduction by George A. Maloney, S.J., preface by Kallistos Ware If the love of God dwells within you, it is necessary that such love bring forth other fruit, such as fraternal love, meekness, sincerity, perseverance in prayer, and zeal and all virtues. But since the treasure is precious, so also great are the labors, necessary to obtain it. From the Great Letter George A. Maloney, S.J., provides a great service by bringing to the public the first modern English translation of the spiritual homilies and Great Letter of Pseudo- Macarius, a Syrian monk of the fourth century whose identity is still the subject of scholarly investigation. The Fifty Homilies, in the form of a practical, monastic pedagogy, reveal the typical traits of Eastern Christian asceticism, with particular emphasis on the spiritual combat, the action of the Holy Spirit, and the importance of interior prayer. The Great Letter discusses the purging of the passions to bring the Christian into a state of tranquility and integration, and addresses the monastic community with instructions regarding organization, humility, and prayer. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Gertrude of Helfta: The Herald of Divine Love
"...these translations thus supersede former ones...if the introductions, translations, and other apparatus of the rest of the series are of the same high quality, the series will be indispensable for most libraries." Library Journal As iron when it is plunged into fire becomes itself fire, this soul, all on fire with divine charity, became herself charity, desiring nothing but that all men might be saved. From The Herald of Divine Love, Book I, chapter 4 From her entrance to the Benedictine abbey of Helfta near Eisleben in Saxony, as a child of four in 1260, until her twenty-sixth year, Gertrude lived what she was later to consider a lax and worldly life, following the monastic observance outwardly, but applying her brilliant mind and boundless enthusiasm to secular studies. Then, when she was twenty-five, all was changed. The Lord appeared to her in the form of a beautiful youth inviting her to a conversion of life and to close union with himself. Thenceforth for Gertrude God was all, and her neighbor all in God, and she flung herself into his service with the same wholeheartedness which she had previously brought to her secular studies. She was continually granted extraordinary mystical favors, including an intense awareness of God's loving presence in her soul; and despite her great humility and consequent reluctance she understood that she had been granted these graces for the good of others and was therefore required to make them known. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit
Makes the point that the social domination of women and the ecological domination of the earth are inextricably fused in theory and practice. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Bernard of Clairvaux: Selected Works
"...a milestone in American religious publishing." New Catholic World Bernard of Clairvaux-Selected Works translation and foreword by G.R. Evans introduction by Jean Leclercq, O.S.B. preface by Ewert H. Cousins "Lord, you are good to the soul which seeks you. What are you then to the soul which finds? But this is the most wonderful thing, that no one can seek you who has not already found you. You therefore seek to be found so that you may be sought for, sought so that you may be found." —Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153) Born in Fontaines-lès-Dijon in 1090, Bernard had become, by his twenty-fifth birthday, the abbot of a Cistercian monastery which he had founded in the valley of Clairvaux near Aube, France, some four years earlier. There in those isolated and rugged surroundings he became the spokesman for a revival of monastic life in an age when the radical spirit of religious life was endangered by a movement, best seen in the excesses of the monks of Cluny, that stressed the adaptation of the rule of St. Benedict to the exigencies-and taste for princely comforts-of the royal courts of twelfth-century France. But Bernard's dedication to the strict observance of Benedict's rule was mingled not with the abrasive, shrill style of the prophet but with a sweetness and purity of vision that earned him the title Doctor mellifluous. For he possessed a sense of the love of God, the importance of humility, and the sheer beauty of holiness that has made his writings favorites of scholars and laymen alike throughout the ages. Here in a new translation by G.R. Evans are the writings that have had such a major role in shaping the Western monastic tradition and influencing the development of catholic mystical theology. Together with an introduction by the master of Bernard studies, Jean Leclercq, they comprise a volume that occupies a place of special importance in the chronicle of the history of the Western spiritual adventure. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal: Letters of Spiritual Direction
"...a milestone in American religious publishing." New Catholic World Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal: Letters of Spiritual Direction translated by Peronne Marie Thibert, V.H.M. selected and introduced by Wendy M. Wright and Joseph F. Power, O.S.F.S. preface by Henri J.M. Nouwen "I know you have complete confidence in my affection; I have no doubt about this and delight in the thought. I want you to know and to believe that I have an intense and very special desire to serve you with all my strength. It would be impossible for me to explain either the quality or the goodness of this desire that I have to be at your service, but I can tell you that I believe it is from God, and for that reason, I cherish it and every day see it growing and increasing remarkably." Francis de Sales to Jane de Chantal Offered here in fresh translation are the letters of spiritual direction of two seventeenth century mystical writers, Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal. These letters show us the daily attempts of laity, clergy, cloistered religious, bishops, and obscure windows to live in the authentic spirit of Jesus, and will speak not only to the historian of the period, but to all contemporary readers. This collection is unique, since many of these letters, which are treasures of lived Salesian teaching, are translated for the first time into the English language. It is also the first time that the letters have been presented together, and that a scholarly and comprehensive introduction to the Salesian spiritual tradition, as embodied in the lives and writings of both Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal, has been attempted. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. John of the Cross: Selected Writings
"...a milestone in American religious publishing." New Catholic World John of the Cross: Selected Writings translated and introduced by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. preface by Ernest E. Larkin, O. Carm. I abandoned and forgot myself Laying my face on my beloved; All things ceased; I went out from myself, Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies. John of the Cross 1542-1591 There are few works on the spiritual life in the West that can match the insight and sheer beauty of those of the sixteenth-century Spanish Carmelite, St. John of the Cross. A collaborator with St. Teresa of Avila in the reform movement that attempted to forge a new style of religious life, dedicated to recollection yet distinct from both the enthusiasm of the alumbrados and the sterility of the conventual Carmelites, John was no stranger to suffering. As he so memorable wrote in The Ascent of Mount Carmel, summing up his doctrine of detachment, "nothing (nada), nothing, nothing, and even on the Mountain nothing." Yet the harshness of his teaching that emerges in the context of his commentaries on his poetry is balance by the poetry itself-a poetry that breathes the warmth and sweetness of the tender love of God that made John one of the greatest mystical writers of all time and earned him the title, Doctor of the Church. Here, under one cover, are selections from his major works in a revised translation by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. Taken as a whole, this volume represents the essential St. John of the Cross and will serve well both the newcomer and the expert. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Cloud of Unknowing
Paulist seems to have hit upon exactly the right subject at exactly the right time." Theology Today "The series offers a perfect opportunity both to acquire and to read those classics that are more talked about than read." Christian World THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING edited, with an introduction by James Walsh, S. J., preface by Simon Tugwell, O.P. "So set yourself to rest in this darkness as long as you can, always crying out after him whom you love. For if you are to experience him or to see him at all, insofar as it is possible here, it must always be in this cloud ..." The Cloud of Unknowing (late 14th century) Written by an anonymous English monk during the late fourteenth century, The Cloud of Unknowing holds an important place in the history of both Western literature and spirituality. Though originally intended for a select audience, the work's simple, engaging style has won it widespread popularity since its rediscovery more than a century ago. The Cloud puts forth a method of contemplation that stresses the impotence of the understanding to break through the cloud of unknowing that separates God and humanity. Rather, "it is love alone that can reach God in this life". In his preface to this volume, Simon Tugwell sums up the challenge that the author of The Cloud presents us today: "If we wish to follow him, we must be prepared to be taxed to the limit. But if we have the courage and the ability to follow him, we shall not find that our efforts has been in vain." †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Jacob Boehme: The Way to Christ
"Precisely the dimension of our heritage that most needs to be recovered...I cannot imagine a more timely publishing venture." Huston Smith Thomas J. Watson Professor Religion & Adjunct Professor of Philosophy Syracuse University Jacob Boehme: The Way to Christ translation, introduction and notes by Peter Erb, preface by Winifred Zeller "For the source in light and the source in darkness is but a single source. Nevertheless they are one nature just as fire and light are one nature." Jacob Boehme, 1575-1624 Evelyn Underhill called the German Lutheran Mystic Jacob Boehme "one of the most astonishing cases in history of a natural genius for the transcendent," Nicolas Beryaev described Boehme as "Beyond a of the greatest of Christian gnostics. I am using the word not in the sense of heresies...but to indicate a wisdom grounded in revelation and employing myths and symbols rather than concepts-a wisdom much more contemplative than discursive." Boehme was the son of a farmer who lived the first part of his life as a shepherd and later became a shoemaker. He claimed that his writings reflect only what he was taught through the direct experience of God. A truly giant figure in the spiritual tradition, he has greatly influenced Angelus Silesius, William Blake, John Milton, Isaac Newton, William Law and many others. As the editor of this volume, Peter Erb, says, "The Way to Christ provides the best introduction to his thought and spirituality. A collection of nine separate treatises, its parts were written late in his career and reflect his final theological position, a position established not aside from his earlier work, but on it...The book was intended to serve as a meditation guide. Boehme believed that his writing had come from the Spirit. It was intended to direct his fellow-believers back to the Spirit as he had been directed." †