Search results for ""Mobius""
Belle Epoque Verlag Möbius 3
Belle Epoque Verlag Möbius 2
Utah State University Press Möbius Media
Dedalus Ltd Mobius Dick
University of California Press A Mobius Strip: Fin-de-Siecle Neuropsychiatry and Paul Mobius
“Möbius strip: a one-sided surface formed by holding one end of a rectangle fixed, rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and then applying it to the first end.”—Webster’s Third International Dictionary In this intriguing book, Francis Schiller describes the philosophy, life, and work of Paul Möbius, tracing through them the beginnings of modern neuropsychiatry. Freud called Möbius “a pioneer of psychotherapy.” The grandson of the inventor of the Möbius strip, he made important contributions to both neurology and psychiatry. The Leipzig physician had come to the study of medicine by way of philosophy. Consistent with his own “nonmaterialistic monism,” he sought a unifying solution to the age-old problem of the relationship between the mind and the brain. Schiller aptly uses the geometrical puzzle invented by Möbius’s grandfather to illustrate Möbius’s view of this relationship. A Möbius Strip is a unique exploration of nineteenth-century views of the “mind-body problem” and of the relationship between disorders of the brain and the psyche. It sheds light on the origins of modern psychotherapy and the concept of the unconscious, the formulation of hysteria as a psychogenic disorder, the localization of function in the brain, the relationship between neurology and psychiatry, and turn-of-the-century ideas about sex and behavior. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1982.
Udon Entertainment Corp Silent Mobius: Complete Edition Volume 1
The ultimate sci-fi manga returns! In the future, powerful beings known as ‘Lucifer Hawks’ have begun invading Earth from another dimension. Only one thing stands in their way — the Attacked Mystification Police force; an all-female security team with some amazing paranormal powers! Silent Möbius: Complete Edition features an all-new translation, and new high-quality scans taken directly from the original artwork. Each volume also features a full-color gallery of rare artwork, plus bonus material like data files, character designs, and interviews.
Tin House Books The Mobius Strip Club of Grief
Editorial Almuzara La banda de Möbius todo sobre la maravillosa banda del Dr. Möbius matemáticas juegos literatura arte tecnología y cosmología
Un libro delicioso sobre una aportación científica que se ha infiltrado en nuestra vida cotidianaLA BANDA DE MÖBIUS, ese bucle continuo de una sola cara y un solo borde que desafía el sentido común y cobró celebridad gracias a las ilustraciones de M.C. Escher, nos introduce en un lugar donde lo puramente intelectual penetra en la vida cotidiana; donde nuestros sentidos, angustiados con el precio de la gasolina y qué comer a mediodía, asimilarán ideas verdaderamente insólitas.La historia de la banda de Möbius arranca a mediados del siglo XIX, cuando el doctor August Möbius, un científico visionario, describió las propiedades de superficies de una sola cara, hasta llegar al presente, donde forma parte de las matemáticas, la magia, la ciencia, el arte, la ingeniería, la literatura y la música. Esta cinta se ha convertido en metáfora de cambio y renovación.La banda de Möbius abarca desde moléculas y esculturas en metal hasta sellos de correos, estructuras arquitectónicas
Cornell University Press Empire's Mobius Strip: Historical Echoes in Italy's Crisis of Migration and Detention
Its brilliant prose makes [Empire's Mobius Strip] easily accessible to anyone interested in today's migration crisis in the Mediterranean and elsewhere in the world.― American Historical Review Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. What is at stake in Empire's Mobius Strip is a deeper understanding of the forces driving those who move by choice and those who are moved. Stephanie Malia Hom focuses on Libya, considered Italy's most valuable colony, both politically and economically. Often perceived as the least of the great powers, Italian imperialism has been framed as something of "colonialism lite." But Italian colonizers carried out genocide between 1929–33, targeting nomadic Bedouin and marching almost 100,000 of them across the desert, incarcerating them in camps where more than half who entered died, simply because the Italians considered their way of life suspect. There are uncanny echoes with the situation of the Roma and migrants today. Hom explores three sites, in novella-like essays, where Italy's colonial past touches down in the present: the island, the camp, and the village. Empire's Mobius Strip brings into relief Italy's shifting constellations of mobility and empire, giving them space to surface, submerge, stretch out across time, and fold back on themselves like a Mobius strip. It deftly shows that mobility forges lasting connections between colonial imperialism and neoliberal empire, establishing Italy as a key site for the study of imperial formations in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Cambridge University Press Constrained Willmore Surfaces: Symmetries of a Möbius Invariant Integrable System
From Bäcklund to Darboux, this monograph presents a comprehensive journey through the transformation theory of constrained Willmore surfaces, a topic of great importance in modern differential geometry and, in particular, in the field of integrable systems in Riemannian geometry. The first book on this topic, it discusses in detail a spectral deformation, Bäcklund transformations and Darboux transformations, and proves that all these transformations preserve the existence of a conserved quantity, defining, in particular, transformations within the class of constant mean curvature surfaces in 3-dimensional space-forms, with, furthermore, preservation of both the space-form and the mean curvature, and bridging the gap between different approaches to the subject, classical and modern. Clearly written with extensive references, chapter introductions and self-contained accounts of the core topics, it is suitable for newcomers to the theory of constrained Wilmore surfaces. Many detailed computations and new results unavailable elsewhere in the literature make it also an appealing reference for experts.
Cornell University Press Empire's Mobius Strip: Historical Echoes in Italy's Crisis of Migration and Detention
Its brilliant prose makes [Empire's Mobius Strip] easily accessible to anyone interested in today's migration crisis in the Mediterranean and elsewhere in the world.― American Historical Review Italy's current crisis of Mediterranean migration and detention has its roots in early twentieth century imperial ambitions. Empire's Mobius Strip investigates how mobile populations were perceived to be major threats to Italian colonization, and how the state's historical mechanisms of control have resurfaced, with greater force, in today's refugee crisis. What is at stake in Empire's Mobius Strip is a deeper understanding of the forces driving those who move by choice and those who are moved. Stephanie Malia Hom focuses on Libya, considered Italy's most valuable colony, both politically and economically. Often perceived as the least of the great powers, Italian imperialism has been framed as something of "colonialism lite." But Italian colonizers carried out genocide between 1929–33, targeting nomadic Bedouin and marching almost 100,000 of them across the desert, incarcerating them in camps where more than half who entered died, simply because the Italians considered their way of life suspect. There are uncanny echoes with the situation of the Roma and migrants today. Hom explores three sites, in novella-like essays, where Italy's colonial past touches down in the present: the island, the camp, and the village. Empire's Mobius Strip brings into relief Italy's shifting constellations of mobility and empire, giving them space to surface, submerge, stretch out across time, and fold back on themselves like a Mobius strip. It deftly shows that mobility forges lasting connections between colonial imperialism and neoliberal empire, establishing Italy as a key site for the study of imperial formations in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Universitatsverlag Winter Walking the Mobius Strip: An Inquiry Into Knowing in Richard Powers's Fiction
Mobius The Housemaids Secret
Mobius The Split
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Selbstliebe für Dummies
Viele Menschen haben Selbstzweifel, negative Gedanken und Ängste, sie fürchten Ablehnung, Misserfolge und die Meinung der anderen. Geht es Ihnen auch so? Dann fehlt Ihnen Selbstliebe. Mit diesem Ratgeber liefert Viola Möbius Ihnen ein ultimatives Werkzeug, um sich selbst zu akzeptieren und Selbstliebe zu lernen und zu leben. So besiegen Sie die nagenden Selbstzweifel, gewinnen Selbstbewusstsein, Wohlbefinden, Lebensfreude und Eigenmacht zurück und erhöhen die Qualität Ihrer Beziehungen für ein selbstbestimmtes und erfülltes Leben. Sie haben es verdient!
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Prinzip der Rechtsschutzgleichheit im Recht der Prozesskostenhilfe
Unter der Geltung eines Gewaltmonopols, dessen Dienstleistungen nicht nur durch die Rechtsgemeinschaft über Steuermittel finanziert werden, sondern auch eine individuelle Kostenbeitragspflicht auslösen, muss es ein Anliegen des Rechtsstaats sein, auch wirtschaftlich schwachen Personen Zugang zur staatlichen Gerichts- und Vollstreckungsgewalt zu gewähren. Da der moderne Rechtsstaat auf die professionelle Beratung und Prozessvertretung durch die privatrechtlich organisierte Anwaltschaft nicht verzichten kann, ist das Problem der Rechtsschutzgewährung nicht einfach durch eine Reform des Gerichtskostenwesens zu lösen. Der Staat muss im Einzelfall eine Prozesskostenhilfe erbringen.Simon Möbius befasst sich mit den rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten des geltenden einfachen Rechts der Prozesskostenhilfe und den Neuerungen, die die jüngste Reform im Sommer 2013 mit sich brachte. Er zeigt die verfassungsrechtliche Herkunft und das Wesen dieses Instituts auf und versucht, Maßstäbe für die Rechtsanwendung und Lösungen für eine Verbesserung der Prozesskostenhilfe zu entwickeln.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation
What if everything you’ve learned about inflation is wrong? The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation illustrates our rapidly changing world where constant technological innovation leads to cheaper and better products. These changes are no longer reflected in the ways we measure inflation. Renowned investor and author Mark Mobius persuasively argues that what we believe to know about inflation today does not reflect the reality any longer. It is a myth, a legend, a fable, and, yes, a falsehood for a number of reasons. The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation tackles a number of fascinating topics, including: The political nature of inflation measurement where governments manipulate and exploit inflation numbers to fit their economic programs The extreme difficulty involved in gathering accurate data to measure inflation and the resulting inaccuracy of those measures The error of using currencies to measure inflation when those currencies are continually being debased by the governments who issue them Finally, and most importantly, the advances in technology and automation which are leading to continuously falling costs for goods and services Perfect for anyone with even a passing interest in macroeconomic phenomena or government policies, which are significantly impacting people's everyday lives around the world, The Inflation Myth and the Wonderful World of Deflation provides a remarkably compelling and provocative view of stunning originality.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Invest for Good: A Healthier World and a Wealthier You
Investors are placing increased emphasis on capital allocation methods to achieve their desired social, environmental and financial objectives, and are targeting investments that not only facilitate economic growth in countries around the world but also do good in terms of aiding human development - from cleaner environments to safer products and better employment practices. At the same time, there is considerable evidence that if companies adhere to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) standards, they will outperform companies who do not. But how do individuals - rather than institutional investors - invest using ESG criteria? And just how complex are the procedures? This new book, written by investment guru Mark Mobius and his expert team, is full of entertaining and informative anecdotes from the authors' day-to-day experiences in the world of sustainable investment. Readers will gain a clearer understanding of what sustainable investment actually means, the positive effects it can have on businesses and societies, what to look for in order to identify sound and sustainable investment opportunities, and how to balance sustainable investing with good returns.
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Reiseführer Norwegen Der Norden mit Lofoten
Westermann Schulbuch Methoden des literarischen Lernens
Baen Books Shadow Of Freedom 18 Honor Harrington
Michelle Henke, Queen Elizabeth of Manticore's first cousin, Honor Harrington's best friend, and the commanding officer of Manticore's Tenth Fleet, is just a bit surprised when a messenger arrives from the Mobius System to inform her that the Mobius Liberation Front is prepared to rise in rebellion against President Svein Lombroso.
Royal Society of Chemistry High-Field EPR Spectroscopy on Proteins and their Model Systems: Characterization of Transient Paramagnetic States
Understanding the major factors determining the specificity of transmembrane transfer processes in proteins is now a hot topic in molecular bio-science. Advanced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at high magnetic fields is a powerful technique for characterizing the transient states of proteins in action. High-Field EPR Spectroscopy on Proteins and their Model Systems: characterization of Transient Paramagnetic States offers a comprehensive overview of experimental techniques in, and paradigmatic examples of, the application of high-field EPR spectroscopy in biology and chemistry. The book’s focus is on the use of the technique in conjunction with site-specific mutation strategies and advanced quantum-chemical computation methods to reveal protein structure and dynamics. This yields new insights into biological processes at the atomic and molecular level. The theoretical and instrumental background of high-field EPR is described and examples of paradigmatic protein systems, such as photosynthetic reaction centres, are discussed in the light of recent investigations. Aspects of structure dynamics-function relations that are revealed by studying site-specific mutants are highlighted, thereby combining high-field EPR with genetic engineering techniques. The information obtained complements that obtained from protein crystallography, solid-state NMR, infrared and optical spectroscopy. The book documents both background knowledge and results of the latest research in the field. Unique features include comparisons of information content of EPR, ENDOR, Triple resonance, ESEEM and PELDOR taken at different microwave frequencies and magnetic fields. Coherent treatment of the subject by the leading Berlin high-field EPR laboratory covers the theoretical background as well as state-of-art research both in terms of instrumentation and application to biological systems. The book provides an outlook to future developments and references for further reading and is essential reading for postdoctoral scientists, professionals, academics and graduate students working in this field.
GABAL Verlag GmbH Detox your Life
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont Bildatlas 178 Norwegen Sden
Creative Media Partners, LLC Über Die Altnordische Sprache
Edition Elch Lofoten
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Die Heilige Ordnung Der Menschenwurde: Die Sakralitat Der Person Verstehen, Begrunden, Problematisieren
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C Stefan Loose Reiseführer Norwegen
Mairdumont Baedeker SMART Reiseführer Thailand
Herder Verlag GmbH Ziemlich beste Helfer
Mairdumont Baedeker SMART Reiseführer Bali
Schiffer Publishing Ltd In the Skies Over Europe: The Memoirs of Luftwaffe Figher Pilot Günther Scholz
“In the Skies of Europe” is an eyewitness account of an important chapter in the history of German military aviation. When WWII started, Scholz was an Oberleutnant and Staffelkapitän in JG 54. Together with his Staffel, he flew in the Polish and Western Campaigns, the Battle of Britain, and the war against Russia. Scholz is one of last surviving members of the “Legion Condor” and also one of the last major personalities of the Luftwaffe still able to tell of his experiences.
Baen Books Shadow of Freedom
#18 in David Weber's multiple-bestselling Honor Harrington series! Michelle Henke, Queen Elizabeth of Manticore's first cousin, Honor Harrington's best friend, and the commanding officer of Manticore's Tenth Fleet, is just a bit surprised when a messenger arrives from the Mobius System to inform her that the Mobius Liberation Front is prepared to rise in rebellion against the hated regime President Svein Lombroso. She can understand why anyone would want to rebel against someone like Lombroso, but why tell her about it? After all, she has problems of her own, like the minor matter of a life-or-death war against the Solarian League. Michelle has just handed the "invincible" Solarian League Navy the most humiliating, one-sided defeat in its entire almost thousand-year history in defense of the people of the Star Empire's Talbott Quadrant. But the League is the most powerful star nation in the history of humanity. Its navy is going to be back — and this time with thousands of superdreadnoughts! Yet she also knows scores of other star systems — some independent, some controlled by puppet regimes, and some simply conquered outright by the Solarian Office of Frontier Security — lie in the League's grip along its frontier with the Talbott Quadrant. As combat spreads from the initial confrontation, the entire frontier has begun to seethe with unrest, and Michelle sympathizes with the oppressed populations wanting only to be free of their hated masters. And that puts her in something of a quandary when the messenger from Mobius arrives, because someone's obviously gotten a wrong number. According to him, the Mobians' uprising has been carefully planned to coordinate with a powerful outside ally: the Star Empire of Manticore. Only Manticore — and Mike Henke — have never even heard of the Mobius Liberation Front!
V&R unipress GmbH Das Gedachtnis Der Reichsstadt: Unruhen Und Kriege in Der Lubeckischen Chronistik Und Erinnerungskultur Des Spaten Mittelalters Und Der Fruhen Neuzeit
Bange C. GmbH Beliebte Gedichte interpretiert 35 der beliebtesten Gedichte analysiert und interpretiert
MP-AMM American Mathematical Combinatorics The Art of Counting
Offers a gentle introduction to the enumerative part of combinatorics. In addition to covering all the standard techniques for counting combinatorial objects, the text contains material from the research literature such as the use of quotient posets to study the Möbius function and characteristic polynomial of a partially ordered set.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Algebraic Topology
Covers topics including fundamental notions such as homeomorphisms, homotopy equivalence, fundamental groups and higher homotopy groups, homology and cohomology, fiber bundles, spectral sequences and characteristic classes. This work considers objects and examples including the torus, the Mobius strip, the Klein bottle and closed surfaces.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Topological Circle Planes and Topological Quadrangles
This research note presents a complete treatment of the connection between topological circle planes and topological generalized quadrangles. The author uses this connection to provide a better understanding of the relationships between different types of circle planes and to solve a topological version of the problem of Apollonius. Topological Circle Planes and Topological Quadrangles begins with a foundation in classical circle planes and the real symmetric generalized quadrangle and the connection between them. This provides a solid base from which the author offers a more generalized exploration of the topological case. He also compares this treatment to the finite case. Subsequent chapters examine Laguerre, Möbius, and Minkowski planes and their respective relationships to antiregular quadrangles. The author addresses the Lie geometry of each and discuss the relationships of circle planes-the "sisters" of Möbius, Laguerre, and Minkowski planes - and concludes by solving a topological version of the problem of Apollonius in Laguerre, Möbius, and Minkowski planes.The treatment offered in this volume offers complete coverage of the topic. The first part of the text is accessible to anyone with a background in analytic geometry, while the second part requires basic knowledge in general and algebraic topology. Researchers interested in geometry-particularly in topological geometry-will find this volume intriguing and informative. Most of the results presented are new and can be applied to various problems in the field of topological circle planes.Features
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vergleichen in der Konkurrenz: Transnationale Vergleichspraktiken der deutschen und der US-amerikanischen Eisen- und Stahlindustrie (1870–1940)
Die Eisen- und Stahlindustrie ist seit dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert international vernetzt. Wichtiger Bestandteil der ökonomischen Austausch- und Konkurrenzbeziehungen war eine bisher kaum beachtete sozial und kulturell wirkmächtige Praxis: Branchenakteure verglichen ihre Industrie mit ihrer Konkurrenz in anderen Ländern. In der konjunkturanfälligen Stahlindustrie war ein besonderes Bedürfnis zu beobachten, die eigenen Leistungen und Errungenschaften im Spiegel der internationalen Konkurrenz zu bewerten und das eigene ökonomische Handeln orientieren zu können. Welche Rolle spielten Vergleichspraktiken innerhalb der Konkurrenz? Diese Frage beantwortet die Studie für die deutsche und US-amerikanische Eisen- und Stahlindustrie in der Zeit zwischen den 1870er und den 1930er Jahren.
Kohlhammer Innovationen in Der Sozialpolitik Des Alterns: Eine Kritische Vermessung Innovativen Wandels
Peter Lang AG Aspekte Kultureller Identitaet: Beitraege Zur Kulturgeschichte Der Deutschsprachigen Minderheit in Kroatien
O'Reilly Media ReMaking History v3
Makers of the Modern World is the third volume of William Gurstelle's unique, hands-on journey through history. Each chapter examines a remarkable character from the past, one of the people whose insights and inventions helped create our modern world. What sets this series apart from other history books - including other histories of technology - is that each chapter also includes step-by-step instructions for making your own version of the historical invention. History comes to life in a way you have never experienced before when you follow the inventors' steps and recreate the groundbreaking devices of the past with your own hands. This volume brings you to the early modern era and the invention of the electric light, the movie projector, and the automobile. Inside, you will discover: Alessandro Volta and Electroplating Humphrey Davy and the First Electric light George Cayley and the Aeronautical Glider The Lumiere Brothers and the Movie Projector Rudolf Diesel and the Automobile Engine Hans Goldschmidt and the Thermite Reaction August Mobius and the Mobius Strip Louis Poinsot's Loads, Moments, and Torques Be sure to also check out ReMaking History, Volume 1: Early Makers and ReMaking History Volume 2 :Industrial Revolutionaries.