Search results for ""Harmony/Rodale""
Harmony/Rodale SuperItalian
Harmony/Rodale The Path to SelfLove
Harmony/Rodale A Complaint Free World Revised and Updated
Now revised and updated for our modern world, the “complaint free” philosophy teaches you how to stop complaining, become more positive, and live the life you’ve always dreamed about.It all started more than fifteen years ago with a simple purple bracelet. Will Bowen passed out bracelets and offered people a challenge: If you catch yourself complaining, take the bracelet off and move it to the other wrist, thereby making yourself aware of just how often you complain. The end goal was to go twenty-one consecutive days without complaining. A Complaint Free World develops this idea further, offering practical advice and simple principles to transform your life for the better. The philosophy started a movement, with millions committing to going twenty-one days and beyond without complaining, criticizing, or gossiping. Through changing their words, many found they had changed their thoughts, resulting in healed relationships,
Harmony/Rodale Medicine for the Earth
Harmony/Rodale Haikus for Jews
Why is this haiku book different from all other haiku books? For centuries, the Japanese haiku has been one of the world''s most dazzling poetic forms. In just three short lines, it captures the sublime beauty of nature--the croak of the bullfrog, the buzzing of the dragonfly, the shriek of the cicada, the scream of the cormorant. Now, with Haikus for Jews, there is finally a collection that celebrates the many advantages of staying indoors. Inspired by ancient Zen teachings and timeless Jewish noodging, this masterful work is filled with insights that will make you exclaim, 'Ah!' or at least 'Oy!' Whether you are Jewish or you simply enjoy a good kosher haiku, these chai-kus (so called because of their high chutzpah content) are certain to amuse. What''s more, with each poem limited to seventeen syllables, Haikus for Jews is perfect for people in a hurry. Find out why God has made these The Chosen Haikus.
Harmony/Rodale Digital Dharma
Harmony/Rodale How to Raise a Healthy Gamer
A former gamer and Harvard-trained psychiatrist offers a proven, tested plan to help parents define, set, and reinforce healthy boundaries around video games and help kids who have developed an addiction to gaming.How much should I let them play? How do I get them to be interested in anything else?! When it comes to family rules around video games, most parents are at a loss. After all, our technologically invasive world is something previous generations didn’t have to wrestle with, so we have no model for how to guide our families through the rapidly changing landscape, no blueprint for setting healthy gaming boundaries and keeping them in place. A former Harvard Medical School instructor and one of the foremost experts on video game psychology, Dr. Alok Kanojia—known as “Dr. K” to his millions of followers—has firsthand knowledge of this modern issue: He needed professional help to break his own gaming habi
Harmony/Rodale Invest Like a Girl
Harmony/Rodale The Only Constant
A wise and tender guide to coming to terms with impermanence and recognizing that change is the force that allows you to become you—from the celebrated author of Welcome Home“Change is hard—but Najwa shows you what’s on the other side, and she’s the one you want to lead you through it.”—Melissa Urban, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries“I’ve always known that change is hard, whether it’s a change I choose, or one life chooses for me. I’ve also always known that change is one of life’s only constants. Not just that, change is one of life’s most beautiful truths. Change is what puts life in our lives. Change is the gateway to authentic transformation.” Whether it’s your job, your relationships, or just the way you move through the world, if you’re like most people you have something in
Harmony/Rodale The Mediterranean Method
Harmony/Rodale Running with the Mind of Meditation
Harmony/Rodale Runners World Run Less Run Faster
Harmony/Rodale 26 Marathons
Harmony/Rodale Let It Go
Harmony/Rodale The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough The Superb Antioxidant That May Slow Aging Repair Liver Damage and Reduce the Risk of Cancer Heart Disease and Diabetes
The Amazing Antioxidant Everyone Is Talking About! Are you looking for an effective way to fight the effects of aging and free radical damage? Would you like to reach and maintain your body's optimal health? There may be no stronger way than with antioxidants—and there may be no stronger antioxidant than alpha lipoic acid. This remarkable coenzyme, which occurs naturally in younger bodies but gradually diminishes with age, may very well be one of our best defenses against disease and aging. In this balanced and informative book, Burt Berkson, M.D., shows you how supplementing your diet with alpha lipoic acid might help: • Protect against heart disease • Prevent or treat complications of diabetes • Prevent the progression of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease • Protect against cancer and strokes • Fight chronic liver disease • Combat the aging process •
Harmony/Rodale The Einstein Factor
Harmony/Rodale Just the Good Stuff
Harmony/Rodale A Map to Your Soul
Harmony/Rodale MenuPause
More than 125 detoxifying and hormone-healing recipes to reduce the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, from the bestselling author of The Hormone Fix and Keto-Green 16 “Dr. Cabeca shows us how to take charge of our health in midlife, using the power of food to start feeling better—and find optimal weight, improved mood and more energy along the way!”—Izabella Wentz, PharmD, New York Times bestselling author of Hashimoto’s Protocol A major hormonal shift in every woman’s life, menopause heralds a time of new freedoms, potential, and empowerment. But this necessary shift often also brings with it uncomfortable symptoms like brain fog, reduced libido, joint pain, constipation, and hot flashes. And even while eating and exercising as usual, most menopausal women also experience frustrating weight gain—in and of itself a symptom that can make the other symptoms worse. We seldom m
Harmony/Rodale The Comfort Crisis Embrace Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild Happy Healthy Self
Discover the evolutionary mind and body benefits of living at the edges of your comfort zone and reconnecting with the wild—from the New York Times bestselling author of Scarcity Brain.“If you’ve been looking for something different to level up your health, fitness, and personal growth, this is it.”—Melissa Urban, Whole30 CEO and author of The Book of Boundaries“Michael Easter’s genius is that he puts data around the edges of what we intuitively believe. His work has inspired many to change their lives for the better.”—Dr. Peter Attia, author of OutliveIn many ways, we’re more comfortable than ever before. But could our sheltered, temperature-controlled, overfed, underchallenged lives actually be the leading cause of many our most urgent physical and mental health issues? In this gripping investigation, award-winning journalist Michael Easter seeks
Harmony/Rodale Marathon
Harmony/Rodale Karmic Management
Harmony/Rodale Stop Saying Youre Fine
Harmony/Rodale Running on Veggies
More than 100 delicious, nourishing, and mostly plant-based recipes for peak athletic performance, from the triathlete and nutrition coach behind the popular Running on Veggies blogAfter finishing treatment for stage III Hodgkin's lymphoma at the age of fifteen, Lottie Bildirici fell in love with running and completely transformed her lifestyle with a mindful approach to eating and exercise. As an Adidas nutrition coach, she has led teams around the globe to healthier mindsets by leveraging their diets for enhanced performance. In her first book, she shares these recipes and tips to help fellow athletes eat well, feel well, and live life to its fullest potential. Running on Veggies contains more than one hundred mostly plant-based, dairy-free, meat-free (with five pescatarian) recipes to maximize workouts and enhance nutrition to perform at peak levels. Indulgent recipes that leave you feeling satisfied and energized include Almond Berry Overnight O
Harmony/Rodale Abundance
An enlightening guide to success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty, offering practical advice on how to cultivate a sense of abundance in times of fear and insecurity, from New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra“To attain wealth of the lasting kind, the kind that gives your life meaning, value, and sustenance, base your daily existence on the generosity of spirit.”—Deepak ChopraMany of us live and operate from a mindset of lack, scarcity, and limitation. We focus on what we don’t have—financial security, confidence, an intimate relationship—which keeps us feeling insecure and inadequate. We think “if only I could have those things, I could be happy.” But measuring wealth by money or material possessions leaves us feeling drained and spiritually empty. Constantly striving for more often means our ego is driving our thoughts, actions, and reactions, which prevents us from reaching
Harmony/Rodale Positive Discipline in the Classroom
The Acclaimed Bestseller That Can Improve Your Classroom Experience Forever! Over the years millions of parents and teachers have used the amazingly effective strategies of Positive Discipline to restore order and civility to their classrooms and homes. And in today''s classroom, where teachers must compete with digital distractions for their students'' attention while trying to satisfy increasingly demanding academic standards, it is more important than ever that educators be able to combat apathy, instill vital problem-solving skills, and create a climate that maximizes learning. Now you too can use the time tested Positive Discipline strategies as a foundation for fostering cooperation, problem-solving skills, and mutual respect in children. This new edition of Positive Discipline in the Classroom is updated with essential tools for the modern teacher. Imagine, instead of controlling behavior, you can be teaching; instead of confrontin
Harmony/Rodale Yoga for Depression
Harmony/Rodale Breathwalk Breathing Your Way to a Revitalized Body Mind and Spirit
Breathing and walking comprise two of our simplest activities, yet they are also two of our most powerful actions. By bringing them together in a systematic and meditative way, we can enhance our physical, emotional, and spiritual fitness. We can tap our vitality to fully enjoy and excel in our lives.With a series of easy to follow, transformational exercises that combine breathing and walking in very specific ways for specific benefits, Breathwalk teaches us:• how to alleviate exhaustion, anxiety, sadness, and other problems• to heal physical, mental, and spiritual conflict in our lives• to enter a zone of total fitness within our own bodies and mindsIn this simple program that anyone can follow, two of the world's leading experts in meditation and kundalini yoga reveal the power and flexibility of this technique for the first time. Centuries old traditions come together with modern scientific research in an effective and enjoyable
Harmony/Rodale Between Parent And Child The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized ParentChild Communication
Strengthen your relationship with your children with this revised edition of the book by renowned psychologist Dr. Haim Ginott that has helped millions of parents around the world. In this revised edition, Dr. Alice Ginott, clinical psychologist and wife of the late Haim Ginott, and family relationship specialist Dr. H. Wallace Goddard usher this bestselling classic into the new century while retaining the book’s positive message and Haim Ginott’s warm, accessible voice. Based on the theory that parenting is a skill that can be learned, this indispensable handbook will show you how to: • Discipline without threats, bribes, sarcasm, and punishment • Criticize without demeaning, praise without judging, and express anger without hurting • Acknowledge rather than argue with children’s feelings, perceptions, and opinions • Respond so that children will learn to trust and develop self-confidenceT
Harmony/Rodale Elevating Child Care
Harmony/Rodale Panic Proof
Harmony/Rodale Big Bites
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the creator of Kat Can Cook comes 110 simple, nourishing, mostly gluten-free recipes that are big on flavor and reimagine the concept of “healthy food.”Kat Ashmore’s mission is to empower hungry readers everywhere to feed themselves and their loved ones well and have fun doing it. Rather than focusing on restriction or deprivation, she asks: What can we add to our plates? After she turned to TikTok for a creative outlet, her series of big, meal-in-a-bowl salads, known affectionately as “Hungry Lady Salads,” went viral on social media, and she found a likeminded community of home cooks who wanted to fall in love with cooking again.In Ashmore's debut cookbook, she shares 110 wholesome, comforting mostly gluten-free recipes that are full of flavor, nourishment, and fun—and meant to be devoured in big bites! With her signature personality and joy, this cookbook is a celebration of
Harmony/Rodale Rise and Run
Harmony/Rodale Inner Engineering
Harmony/Rodale The New Menopause
Filling a gaping hole in menopause care, everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond, as well as the tools to help her take charge of her health at this pivotal life stage—by the bestselling author of The Galveston Diet.Menopause is inevitable, but suffering through it is not! This is the empowering approach to self-advocacy that pioneering women’s health advocate Dr. Mary Claire Haver takes for women in the midst of hormonal change in The New Menopause. A comprehensive, authoritative book of science-backed information and lived experience, it covers every woman's needs: From changes in your appearance and sleep patterns to neurological, musculoskeletal, psychological, and sexual issues, a comprehensive A to Z toolkit of science-backed options for coping with symptoms.What to do to mediate the risks associated with your body's natura
Harmony/Rodale Ghost Town Living
Harmony/Rodale Honeysuckle Cookbook
Harmony/Rodale Emotional Freedom
Harmony/Rodale The Pretty Victory
Harmony/Rodale Growing Up Psychic My Story of Not Just Surviving but Thrivingand How Others Like Me Can Too
Internationally recognized psychic and star of A&E’s hit show Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, Chip Coffey shares his personal story of discovering his gift at a young age and offers valuable advice for nurturing and embracing psychic ability.No one knows more about psychic kids than Chip Coffey, and no expert on psychic kids is better known throughout the world. These kids are widely misunderstood, misjudged, and misdiagnosed. In Growing Up Psychic, Chip Coffey offers indispensable information for anyone who interacts with these extraordinary youngsters—parents, educators, medical professionals, mental health clinicians, members of the clergy, paranormal investigators—and adults who faced the challenges of growing up psychic.In Growing Up Psychic, drawing on his firsthand experience and the true stories of kids he has worked with and helped, Chip Coffey shows you how to:• Determine if a child is really
Harmony/Rodale Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage Americas Love Lab Experts Share Their Strategies for Strengthening Your Relationship
In Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage, marital psychologists John and Julie Gottman provide vital tools—scientifically based and empirically verified—that you can use to regain affection and romance lost through years of ineffective communication.In 1994, Dr. John Gottman and his colleagues at the University of Washington made a startling announcement: Through scientific observation and mathematical analysis, they could predict—with more than 90 percent accuracy—whether a marriage would succeed or fail. The only thing they did not yet know was how to turn a failing marriage into a successful one, so Gottman teamed up with his clinical psychologist wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, to develop intervention methods. Now the Gottmans, together with the Love Lab research facility, have put these ideas into practice. What emerged from the Gottmans’ collaboration and decades of research is a body of advice that
Harmony/Rodale TShirt Swim Club
Comedian Ian Karmel, with help from his sister, Dr. Alisa Karmel, opens up about the daily humiliations of being fat and why it’s so hard to talk about something so visible.Ian Karmel has weighed eight pounds and he has weighed 420 pounds and right now he’s almost exactly in between the two, but this book is not a weight-loss book. It’s about being a fat person in a skinny world. It’s about gym class and football practice, about chicken wings and juice cleanses, about airplane seats and roller coasters, about fat jokes and Jabba the Hutt, about crying in the Big and Tall section and the joys of being a sneakerhead, about prediabetes and gout, and about realizing that you actually don’t want to eat yourself to death and hoping it’s not too late.This book also includes a “What Now?” section from Ian’s sister, Alisa, who herself cycled through so many fad diets that she eventually pursued a master’s in nutr
Harmony/Rodale The Only Constant
You can become the change driver of your own life. The celebrated poet, educator, and author of Welcome Home shows you how in this practical, wise, and tender guide to all of life’s changes.“Change is hard—but Najwa shows you what’s on the other side, and she’s the one you want to lead you through it.”—Melissa Urban, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Boundaries In The Only Constant, Najwa Zebian guides you through the changes we must make and those we must endure in life, offering support, stabilizing practices, and step-by-step guidance to make it through the uncertainty. With timeless wisdom, Najwa shares stories of change from her own life, including the bonds to the past she needed to break so that she could live more honestly, the loss of a loved one, and accepting the changes required to manage chronic illness. She also guides you through changes li
Harmony/Rodale The Essential Yoga Sutra Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is a classic Sanskrit treatise consisting of 195 “threads,” or aphorisms, describing the process of liberation through yoga. Although little is known about Patanjali (most scholars estimate that he lived in India circa 200–300 B.C.), his writings have long been recognized as a vital contribution to the philosophy and practice of yoga. This new, expert translation of the original Sanskrit text of Patanjali’s best-known work presents his seminal ideas and methods in accessible, plain-language English. Patanjali organized the sutra into four parts: Samadhi (absorption), Sadhana (practice), Vibhuti (supernatural powers), and Kaivalya (liberation). Each represents a step in breaking free of our limited definition of consciousness and training the mind to achieve oneness with the universe. Geshe Michael Roach, one of the most respected teachers of Tibetan Buddhism in America and a renowned scholar of Sanskrit, provides authoritative
Harmony/Rodale Positive Discipline AZ 1001 Solutions to Everyday Parenting Problems Positive Discipline Library
As a parent, you face one of the most challenging—and rewarding—roles of your life. No matter how much you love your child, there will still be moments filled with anger, frustration, and, at times, desperation. What do you do? Over the years, millions of parents just like you have come to trust the Positive Discipline series for its consistent, commonsense approach to child rearing. In this completely updated edition of Positive Discipline A-Z, you will learn how to use methods to raise a child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. You’ll find practical solutions to such parenting challenges as:- Sibling Rivalry - Bedtime Hassles - School Problems - Getting Chores Done - ADHD ·Eating Problems - Procrastination - Whining - Tattling and Lying - Homework Battles - And Dozens More!This newly revised and expanded third edition contains up-to-the-minute information on sleeping through the night, bac
Harmony/Rodale All About Me
Harmony/Rodale How She Did It
Harmony/Rodale Positive Discipline Tools for Teachers