Search results for ""Guilford Publications""
Guilford Publications Treating Addiction A Guide for Professionals
An indispensable practitioner reference and text, this engaging book focuses on how to provide effective help to clients with substance use disorders. The authors, leading authorities on addiction treatment, present a state-of-the-art framework for assessment and treatment (updated for DSM-5). They describe and illustrate evidence-based treatment methods, including cognitive-behavioral, 12-step, motivational, pharmacological, and family approaches. Also addressed are such crucial clinical issues as resistance, maintenance of change, treating co-occurring disorders, and spirituality. Reproducible clinical tools can be photocopied from the book or downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. Of special utility, the companion website features more than 25 widely used, ready-to-download assessment tools, assembled in one place for the first time, together with the authors' guidance for using them throughout the process of treatment.
Guilford Publications Religion That Heals: A Guide for Clinical Practice
From James L. Griffith, well known for his work on harnessing the healing potential of religion and spirituality, this book helps clinicians to intervene effectively in situations where religion is causing harm. Vivid examples illustrate how religious beliefs and practices may propel suicide, violence, self-neglect, or undue suffering in the face of medical or emotional challenges. Griffith also unravels the links between psychiatric illness and distorted religious experience. He demonstrates empathic, respectful ways to interview patients who disdain contact with mental health professionals, yet whose religious lives put themselves or others at risk. The book incorporates cutting-edge research on the psychology of religion and social neuroscience.
Guilford Publications Treating PTSD in Preschoolers
Adapting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to meet the needs of 3- to 6-year-olds with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this book provides an evidence-based framework for assessment and treatment. Step-by-step instructions are provided for conducting graduated exposure in a safe, developmentally appropriate fashion. Case examples and sample dialogues illustrate how to implement each component of therapy, engage both children and parents, and motivate them to complete treatment successfully. The treatment is suitable for children exposed to any type of trauma. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book contains dozens of reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Guilford Publications Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning ScaleChildren and Adolescents BDEFSCA WireBound Paperback
The Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale--Children and Adolescents (BDEFS-CA) is an empirically based tool for evaluating clinically significant dimensions of child and adolescent executive functioning. Evidence indicates that the BDEFS-CA is far more predictive of impairments in daily life activities than more time-consuming and costly traditional EF tests. The BDEFS-CA offers an ecologically valid snapshot of the capacities involved in time management, organization and problem solving, self-restraint, self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotions. Two parent-report forms are included: a long form (10-15 minutes) and a short form (3-5 minutes). There is also a short clinical interview form based on the short-form rating scale, for use in unusual circumstances where a parent is unable to complete a rating scale. Special features include an ADHD risk index in the long form. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided. QUICK VIEWWhat does it
Guilford Publications Making Maps Fourth Edition
Prized for its creative design, original art, and playful, accessible writing, Making Maps is now in a thoroughly updated fourth edition. The text is restructured to emphasize the importance of the map making process. All components of map making are covered and are brought to life in the expanded graphic novella threaded through the text. Updates include new coverage of data aggregation, artificial intelligence, feminist and Indigenous perspectives, map making workflow, and more. Design choices are emphasized and linked to the reasons for making a map. Featuring more than 80 color illustrations and a unique layout, the book includes an annotated map exemplar used throughout the text, extensive map examples, and a companion website. New to This Edition *New or expanded topics: graduated symbol maps, multivariate choropleth maps, visual storytelling, maps and gerrymandering, artificial intelligence, workflow, and more. *Integration of practical ideas fro
Guilford Publications Hypothesis Testing and Model Selection in the Social Sciences
Examining the major approaches to hypothesis testing and model selection, this book blends statistical theory with recommendations for practice, illustrated with real-world social science examples. It systematically compares classical (frequentist) and Bayesian approaches, showing how they are applied, exploring ways to reconcile the differences between them, and evaluating key controversies and criticisms. The book also addresses the role of hypothesis testing in the evaluation of theories, the relationship between hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, and the role of prior knowledge in Bayesian estimation and Bayesian hypothesis testing. Two easily calculated alternatives to standard hypothesis tests are discussed in depth: the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The companion website ([ital][/ital]) supplies data and syntax files for the book's examples.
Guilford Publications Selecting the Right Analyses for Your Data
What are the most effective methods to code and analyze data for a particular study? This thoughtful and engaging book reviews the selection criteria for coding and analyzing any set of data--whether qualitative, quantitative, mixed, or visual. The authors systematically explain when to use verbal, numerical, graphic, or combined codes, and when to use qualitative, quantitative, graphic, or mixed-methods modes of analysis. Chapters on each topic are organized so that researchers can read them sequentially or can easily flip and find answers to specific questions. Nontechnical discussions of cutting-edge approaches--illustrated with real-world examples--emphasize how to choose (rather than how to implement) the various analyses. The book shows how using the right analysis methods leads to more justifiable conclusions and more persuasive presentations of research results. User-Friendly Features *Chapter-opening preview boxes that highlight useful topics addressed. *End
Guilford Publications Motivational Interviewing across Cultures
This pragmatic guide describes tested ways to adapt motivational interviewing (MI) to optimize outcomes when practitioner and client come from different cultural backgrounds; in particular, when clients are members of marginalized groups. Using rich examples and sample dialogues, Christina S. Lee shows how affirming a client's cultural identity is part and parcel of MI's humanistic, person-centered mindset. The book provides instruction on key therapeutic tasks, such as strengthening rapport, asking about culture without stereotyping, and inquiring about experiences of stigma and discrimination in a way that increases motivation to change. Links between social and structural determinants of health, sociocultural stressors, mental health disparities, and substance use are highlighted. Special features include Pause and Consider sidebars and end-of-chapter key takeaway points. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollni
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual Second Edition
Now completely revised (over 90% new), this is the authoritative diagnostic manual grounded in psychodynamic clinical models and theories. Explicitly oriented toward case formulation and treatment planning, PDM-2 offers practitioners an empirically based, clinically useful alternative or supplement to DSM and ICD categorical diagnoses. Leading international authorities systematically address personality functioning and psychological problems of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age, including clear conceptualizations and illustrative case examples. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can find additional case illustrations and download and print five reproducible PDM-derived rating scales in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. New to This Edition *Significant revisions to all chapters, reflecting a decade of clinical, empirical, and methodological advances. *Chapter with extended case illustrations, including complete PDM profiles.
Guilford Publications The Mindful Way through Depression Second Edition
The revolutionary book that has helped hundreds of thousands of readers find relief from chronic unhappiness is now in a revised and updated second edition. This authoritative, easy-to-use self-help program is grounded in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, a clinically proven approach. The expert authors explain why our usual attempts to fix sadness or just stop thinking about it can actually worsen depression, instead of relieving it. Through vivid stories and downloadable audio meditations encouragingly narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the book shows how you can break the mental habits that lead to despair--and recover a sense of joy, aliveness, and possibility. Revised throughout to be even more reader friendly, the second edition features fresh insights on coping with the challenges of our ever-changing world, the latest scientific data, and four additional audio tracks. See also the authors' Mindful Way Workbook, which provides step-by-step guidance for build
Guilford Publications Clinicians Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy
A research methods text with a unique focus on evidence-based practice with couples and families, this book bridges the divide between research and clinical work. The text offers comprehensive, user-friendly coverage of measurement and design issues and basic qualitative and quantitative methods. Illustrating research concepts with clinically relevant examples and sample studies, it teaches clear steps for evaluating different types of studies and identifying common threats to validity. Of special value to therapists, it provides a systematic framework for using research to guide the selection and evaluation of interventions that meet the needs of particular clients. Pedagogical features: *End-of-chapter Applications sections showing how to evaluate specific methods. *Appendices with quick-reference guides and recommended resources. *Instructive glossary. See also the authors' Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Third Edition: From the First Interview
Guilford Publications Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential
"I told you, I'll do it later." "I forgot to turn in the stupid application." "Could you drive me to school? I missed the bus again." "I can't walk the dog--I have too much homework!"If you're the parent of a "smart but scattered" teen, trying to help him or her grow into a self-sufficient, responsible adult may feel like a never-ending battle. Now you have an alternative to micromanaging, cajoling, or ineffective punishments. This positive guide provides a science-based program for promoting teens' independence by building their executive skills--the fundamental brain-based abilities needed to get organized, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions. Executive skills experts Drs. Richard Guare and Peg Dawson are joined by Colin Guare, a young adult who has successfully faced these issues himself. Learn step-by-step strategies to help your teen live up to his or her potential now and in the future--while making your relationship stronger. Helpful worksheets and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. See also the authors' Smart but Scattered (with a focus on 4- to 13-year-olds) and their self-help guide for adults. Plus, Work-Smart Academic Planner: Write It Down, Get It Done, designed for middle and high school students to use in conjunction with coaching, and related titles for professionals. Winner (Third Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category
Guilford Publications Life After Trauma: A Workbook for Healing
Trauma can turn your world upside down--afterward, nothing may look safe or familiar. This compassionate workbook has already helped tens of thousands of trauma survivors start rebuilding their lives. Full of practical strategies for coping and self-care, the book guides you toward reclaiming a solid sense of safety, self-worth, trust, and control, as well as the capacity to be close to others. The focus is on finding the way forward in your life today, no matter what has happened in the past. The updated second edition has a new section on managing emotions through mindfulness and an appendix on easing the stress of health care visits. Dozens of step-by-step questionnaires and exercises are included; you can download and print additional copies of these tools for repeated use.
Guilford Publications Teaching New Literacies in Grades K3 Resources for 21stCentury Classrooms Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy
Even the youngest readers and writers in todayâs classrooms can benefit enormously from engagement with a wide range of traditional and nontraditional texts. This teacher-friendly handbook is packed with creative strategies for introducing Kâ3 students to fiction, poetry, and plays; informational texts; graphic novels; digital storytelling; Web-based and multimodal texts; hip-hop; advertisements; math problems; and many other types of texts. Prominent authorities explain the research base underlying the bookâs 23 complete lessons and provide practical activities and assessments for promoting decoding, fluency, comprehension, and other key literacy skills. Snapshots of diverse classrooms bring the material to life; helpful reproducibles are included.
Guilford Publications Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) can be intensely caring, warm, smart, and funny—but their behavior often drives away those closest to them. If you're struggling in a tumultuous relationship with someone with BPD, this is the book for you. Dr. Shari Manning helps you understand why your spouse, family member, or friend has such out-of-control emotions—and how to change the way you can respond. Learn to use simple yet powerful strategies that can defuse crises, establish better boundaries, and radically transform your relationship. Empathic, hopeful, and science based, this is the first book for family and friends grounded in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), the most effective treatment for BPD.
Guilford Publications Emotion and Consciousness
Presenting state-of-the-art work on the conscious and unconscious processes involved in emotion, this integrative volume brings together leading psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers. Carefully organized, tightly edited chapters address such compelling questions as how bodily responses contribute to conscious experience, whether unconscious emotion exists, how affect is transmitted from one person to another, and how emotional responses are produced in the brain. Bringing a new level of coherence to lines of inquiry that often remain disparate, the book identifies key, cross-cutting ideas and themes and sets forth a cogent agenda for future research.
Guilford Publications Overcoming Binge Eating, Second Edition: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, step-by-step guidelines show you how to: *Overcome the urge to binge. *Gain control over what and when you eat. *Break free of strict dieting and other habits that may contribute to binges. *Establish stable, healthy eating patterns. *Improve your body image and reduce the risk of relapse. This fully updated second edition incorporates important advances in the understanding and treatment of eating disorders. It features expanded coverage of body image issues and enhanced strategies for achieving--and maintaining--a transformed relationship with food and your body. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit. Included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program.
Guilford Publications Psychoanalytic Case Formulation
What kinds of questions do experienced therapists ask themselves when facing a new client? How can clinical expertise be taught? From the author of the landmark Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, this book takes clinicians step-by- step through developing an understanding of each client's unique psychology and using this information to guide and inform treatment decisions. McWilliams shows that while seasoned practitioners rely upon established diagnostic categories for record-keeping and insurance purposes, their actual clinical concepts and practices reflect more inferential, subjective, and intuitive processes. Interweaving illustrative case examples with theoretical insights and clinically significant research, chapters cover assessment of client temperament, developmental issues, defenses, affects, identifications, relational patterns, self-esteem needs, and pathogenic beliefs.Winner--Gradiva Award, National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
Guilford Publications Living Well with Bipolar Disorder
What does it take to achieve a successful career, healthy habits, and fulfilling relationships--even with bipolar disorder (BD)? What common stressors do you need to look out for, and how can you cope with them? No one is better suited to provide people with BD with practical problem-solving help than leading expert David J. Miklowitz. From managing mood swings to dealing with anxiety, getting enough sleep, defusing family conflicts, and troubleshooting medications, this book offers keys to effective self-care. Short, clearly formatted chapters with downloadable practical tools help you tackle challenges as they arise and plan for trouble spots that lie ahead. With Dr. Miklowitz's empowering guidance, navigate your own unique path to living well.
Guilford Publications Mindful SelfCompassion for Burnout
I'm tired of feeling stressed out every day. I can't stand having so little impact, despite caring so much and working so hard. I just don't have anything left to give.Over years of developing and teaching their renowned Mindful Self-Compassion program, Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer have found MSC to be uniquely helpful for people struggling with the soul-draining depletion of burnout--from health care professionals, teachers, and caregivers, to tapped-out business owners and employees. Each chapter in this engaging book offers an empathic story of someone stretched to their limits and an easily digestible bite of self-compassion that culminates in a simple anti-burnout tool based on MSC practices. Learn quick and powerful ways to recharge your batteries, de-stress, and, above all, be kind to yourself--so you can be there for others.
Guilford Publications Evidence-Based Practice in Action: Bridging Clinical Science and Intervention
A growing number of empirically supported treatments are available to mental health practitioners, yet evidence-based practice requires knowledge and skills that are often overlooked in clinical training. This authoritative reference and text grounds the reader in the concepts, rationale, and methods of evidence-based practice.Clinicians and students are guided to consult and evaluate the research literature, use data to inform clinical decision making, consider the role of culture and context, craft sound case formulations, monitor progress and outcomes, and continuously develop their expertise. Of particular utility, the book includes rich, chapter-length case studies. Leading proponents of cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, behavioral activation, and other approaches make explicit the ways they draw on evidence throughout the process of assessment and treatment.
Guilford Publications On Second Thought: How Ambivalence Shapes Your Life
The rich inner world of a human being is far more complex than either/or. You can love and hate, want to go and want to stay, feel both joy and sadness. Psychologist William Miller--one of the world's leading experts on the science of change--offers a fresh perspective on ambivalence and its transformative potential in this revealing book. Rather than trying to overcome indecision by force of will, Dr. Miller explores what happens when people allow opposing arguments from their “inner committee members” to converse freely with each other. Learning to tolerate and even welcome feelings of ambivalence can help you get unstuck from unwanted habits, clarify your desires and values, explore the pros and cons of tough decisions, and open doorways to change. Vivid examples from everyday life, literature, and history illustrate why we are so often "of two minds," and how to work through it.
Guilford Publications I Love a Cop: What Police Families Need to Know
Police families are brave, resilient, and proud--and they face remarkable challenges, sometimes on a daily basis. Now thoroughly updated for today's turbulent times, this is the resource that cops and their loved ones have relied on for decades. Trusted expert Ellen Kirschman gives you practical ways to manage the stress of the job and create a healthy, supportive home environment. The third edition features the latest information, new stories from police families, two new chapters, and fully updated resources. Dr. Kirschman acknowledges the tough realities of life on the force and offers frank, realistic suggestions for handling everyday relationship dilemmas as well as serious issues like trauma, domestic violence, and alcohol abuse. Whether you read this book cover to cover or reach for it when problems arise, you will find no-nonsense guidance to help your family thrive. Mental health professionals, see also Counseling Cops: What Clinicians Need to Know, by Ellen Kirschman, Mark Kamena, and Joel Fay.
Guilford Publications The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, Third Edition: What You and Your Family Need to Know
Bipolar disorder is a lifelong challenge--but it doesn't have to rule your life. Find the science-based information you need in the revised third edition of this indispensable guide. Trusted authority Dr. David J. Miklowitz shares proven strategies for managing your illness or supporting a loved one with the disorder. Learn specific steps to cope with mood episodes, reduce recurrences, avoid misdiagnosis, get the most out of treatment, resolve family conflicts, and make lifestyle changes to stay well. Updated throughout, the third edition has a new chapter on kids and teens; the latest facts on medications and therapy, including important advances in personalized care; and expanded coverage of the bipolar II subtype. It features boxes on complementary and alternative treatments and provides downloadable practical tools.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Third Edition: A Casebook for Clinical Practice
Thousands of clinicians and students have turned to this casebook--now completely revised with 90% new material--to see what cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) looks like in action with the most frequently encountered child and adolescent disorders. Concise and accessible, the book is designed for optimal utility as a clinical resource and course text. Leading scientist-practitioners provide a brief overview of each clinical problem and its assessment and management. Chapters are organized around one or more detailed case examples that demonstrate how to build rapport with children and families; plan effective, age-appropriate treatment; and deliver evidence-based interventions using a variety of therapeutic strategies and materials. (Prior edition editors: Mark A. Reinecke, Frank M. Dattilio, and Arthur Freeman.) New to This Edition *Most chapters are new, reflecting nearly 15 years of advances in theory and research. *Additional chapter topics: generalized anxiety disorder and family-based treatment of adolescent substance abuse. *Streamlined, more concise format makes the book even more user friendly. *Increased attention to cultural considerations and transdiagnostic treatment strategies.
Guilford Publications What Works for Whom?: A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and Adolescents
The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents. Chapters on frequently encountered clinical problems systematically review the available data, identify gaps in what is known, and spell out recommendations for evidence-based practice. The authors draw on extensive clinical experience as well as research expertise. Showcasing the most effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for young patients, they also address challenges in translating research into real-world clinical practice. New to This Edition *Incorporates over a decade of research advances and evolving models of evidence-based care. *New chapter topic: child maltreatment. *Separate chapters on self-injurious behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorders (previously covered in a single chapter on self-harming disorders). *Expanded chapters on depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder. *Includes reviews of the burgeoning range of manualized psychosocial "treatment packages" for children.
Guilford Publications Assessment for Intervention: A Problem-Solving Approach
Problem-solving assessment is an essential component of multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). This authoritative work provides a complete guide to implementing a wide range of problem-solving assessment methods: functional behavioral assessment, interviews, classroom observations, curriculum-based measurement, rating scales, and cognitive instruments. Prominent experts demonstrate the key role of assessment throughout the process of supporting at-risk students, from identifying academic and behavioral problems to planning and monitoring interventions. Several chapters include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Reflects current education policy and best practices. *Seminal chapter on problem solving by Stanley L. Deno has been updated with a revised model. *All chapters now discuss assessment in the context of multi-tiered systems of support. *Chapter on working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. *Chapter on graphing student data. See also Response to Intervention, Second Edition, by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege, which provides step-by-step guidelines and practical tools for implementing RTI schoolwide.
Guilford Publications Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain
Expressing painful emotions is hard--yet it can actually improve our mental and physical health. This lucid, compassionate book has introduced tens of thousands of readers to expressive writing, a simple yet powerful self-help technique grounded in scientific research. Leading experts James W. Pennebaker and Joshua M. Smyth describe how taking just a few minutes to write about deeply felt personal experiences or problems may help you: *Heal old emotional wounds *Feel a greater sense of well-being *Decrease stress *Improve relationships *Boost your immune system Vivid stories and examples yield compelling insights into secrets, self-disclosure, and the hidden price of silence. The third edition incorporates findings from hundreds of recent studies and includes practical exercises to help you try expressive writing for yourself. It features extensive new information on specific health benefits, as well as when the approach may not be helpful.
Guilford Publications The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success: How to Use Your Brain's Executive Skills to Keep Up, Stay Calm, and Get Organized at Work and at Home
Are you smart, scattered, and struggling? You're not alone. Cutting-edge research shows that today's 24/7 wired world and the growing demands of work and family life may simply max out the part of the brain that manages complex tasks. That's especially true for those lacking strong executive skills--the core brain-based abilities needed to maintain focus, meet deadlines, and stay cool under pressure. In this essential guide, leading experts Peg Dawson and Richard Guare help you map your own executive skills profile and take effective steps to boost your organizational skills, time management, emotional control, and nine other essential capacities. The book is packed with science-based strategies and concrete examples, plus downloadable practical tools for creating your own personalized action plan. Whether on the job or at home, you can get more done with less stress. See also the authors' Smart but Scattered parenting guides, plus an academic planner for students and related titles for professionals.
Guilford Publications Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think
Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress--and feel happier, calmer, and more confident. This life-changing book has already helped more than 1,300,000 readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy--one of today's most effective forms of psychotherapy--to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems. Revised and expanded to reflect significant scientific developments of the past 20 years, the second edition contains numerous new features: expanded content on anxiety; chapters on setting personal goals and maintaining progress; happiness rating scales; gratitude journals; innovative exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness; 25 new worksheets; and much more. Mind Over Mood will help you: *Learn proven, powerful, practical strategies to transform your life. *Follow step-by-step plans to overcome depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, and shame. *Set doable personal goals and track your progress (you can photocopy the worksheets from the book or download and print additional copies). *Practice your new skills until they become second nature. Cited as “The Most Influential Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Publication” by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program. Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category See also the Spanish-language edition: El control de tu estado de ánimo, Segunda edición. Plus, mental health professionals, see also The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, Second Edition.
Guilford Publications Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids
Is medication the right choice for treating your child's emotional or behavioral problems? How can you be confident that he or she has been properly diagnosed? What do you need to know to get the most benefits from medication treatment, with the least risk? From leading child psychiatrists Timothy Wilens and Paul Hammerness, this book has already empowered many tens of thousands of parents to make tough decisions and become active, informed managers of their children's care. With clarity and compassion, it explains how medications work; their impact on kids' emotions, personality, school performance, and health; the pros and cons of specific treatment options; and much more. In addition to parents, teachers and other school professionals will find this book an ideal reference. New in the Fourth Edition: Extensively revised to include the latest information about medications and their uses, the fourth edition is even more accessible, and includes pullouts, bulleted lists, and "take home points" highlighting critical facts.
Guilford Publications A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thrive
Over 100,000 parents have found the facts they need about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome, in this indispensable guide. Leading experts show how you can work with your child's unique impairments--and harness his or her capabilities. Vivid stories and real-world examples illustrate ways to help kids with ASD relate more comfortably to peers, learn the rules of appropriate behavior, and succeed in school. You'll learn how ASD is diagnosed and what treatments and educational supports really work. Updated with the latest research and resources, the second edition clearly explains the implications of the DSM-5 diagnostic changes.
Guilford Publications The Anger Management Workbook: Use the STOP Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior
Out-of-control anger can destroy relationships, reputations, careers--even your health. But Dr. Robert Nay knows from extensive clinical experience that nearly anyone can learn to manage anger constructively--with enough practice. That's where this skillfully crafted workbook comes in. Using step-by-step learning exercises based on state-of-the-art knowledge about how the brain works, you can break old habits and replace them with more productive new ones. Dr. Nay's breakthrough STOP Method (Stop, Think, Objectify, and Plan) helps you:*Understand how anger flares up in your brain and body--and how you can lower the heat.*Identify the fleeting yet powerful thoughts that fuel destructive anger.*Replace aggression with appropriate assertiveness.*Effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings, and needs.*Defuse conflicts and find win-win solutions.*See how the strategies are applied in a wealth of realistic scenarios.While working through the book's simple checklists and fill-in-the-blank forms (you can download and print additional copies as needed), you'll be building real skills to apply in everyday life. When anger gets in the way of your personal goals, this book provides a blueprint for change.See also Dr. Nay's Taking Charge of Anger, Second Edition, which helps you understand and manage destructive anger in all its forms, and Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship: How to Break the Cycle of Arguments, Put-Downs, and Stony Silences.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention
This authoritative reference provides a comprehensive examination of the nature and functions of attention and its relationship to broader cognitive processes. The editor and contributors are leading experts who review the breadth of current knowledge, including behavioral, neuroimaging, cellular, and genetic studies, as well as developmental and clinical research. Chapters are brief yet substantive, offering clear presentations of cutting-edge concepts, methods, and findings. The book addresses the role of attention deficits in psychological disorders and normal aging and considers the implications for intervention and prevention. It includes 85 illustrations. New to This Edition *Significant updates and many new chapters reflecting major advances in the field. *Important breakthroughs in neuroimaging and cognitive modeling. *Chapters on the development of emotion regulation and temperament. *Expanded section on disorders, including up-to-date coverage of ADHD as well as chapters on psychopathy and autism. *Chapters on cognitive training and rehabilitation.
Guilford Publications Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders, Second Edition, Paperback + CD-ROM
This widely used book and accompanying CD-ROM are packed with indispensable tools for treating the most common clinical problems encountered in outpatient mental health practice. Chapters provide basic information on depression and the six major anxiety disorders; step-by-step instructions for evidence-based assessment and intervention; illustrative case examples; and practical guidance for writing reports and dealing with third-party payers. In a convenient large-size format, the book features 74 reproducible client handouts, homework sheets, and therapist forms for assessment and record keeping. The CD-ROM enables clinicians to rapidly generate individualized treatment plans, print extra copies of the forms, and find information on frequently prescribed medications. New to This Edition *The latest research on each disorder and its treatment. *Innovative techniques that draw on cognitive, behavioral, and mindfulness- and acceptance-based approaches. *Two chapters offering expanded descriptions of basic behavioral and cognitive techniques. *More than half of the 74 reproducibles are entirely new.
Guilford Publications Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice
Attachment research has tremendous potential for helping clinicians understand what happens when parent–child bonds are disrupted, and what can be done to help. Yet there remains a large gap between theory and practice in this area. This book reviews what is known about attachment and translates it into practical guidelines for therapeutic work. Leading scientist-practitioners present innovative strategies for assessing and intervening in parent–child relationship problems; helping young children recover from maltreatment or trauma; and promoting healthy development in adoptive and foster families. Detailed case material in every chapter illustrates the applications of research-based concepts and tools in real-world clinical practice.
Guilford Publications Social Psychology and Evaluation
This compelling work brings together leading social psychologists and evaluators to explore the intersection of these two fields and how their theory, practices, and research findings can enhance each other. An ideal professional reference or student text, the book examines how social psychological knowledge can serve as the basis for theory-driven evaluation; facilitate more effective partnerships with stakeholders and policymakers; and help evaluators ask more effective questions about behavior. Also identified are ways in which real-world evaluation findings can identify gaps in social psychological theory and test and improve the validity of social psychological findings--for example, in the areas of cooperation, competition, and intergroup relations. The volume includes a useful glossary of both fields' terms and offers practical suggestions for fostering cross-fertilization in research, graduate training, and employment opportunities. Each chapter features introductory and concluding comments from the editors.
Guilford Publications Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale--IV (BAARS-IV), (Wire-Bound Paperback)
The Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV (BAARS-IV) offers an essential tool for assessing current ADHD symptoms and domains of impairment as well as recollections of childhood symptoms. Directly linked to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, the scale includes both self-report and other-report forms (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling). Not only is the BAARS-IV empirically based, reliable, and valid, but it is also exceptionally convenient to use. The long version takes the average adult 5-7 minutes to complete, and the Quick Screen takes only 3-5 minutes. Special features include a section of items assessing the newly identified symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo, also known as the inattentive-only subtype of ADHD. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Assesses current ADHD symptoms and domains of impairment, plus recollections of childhood symptoms.Age Range: 18-89Administration Time: Long Form: 5-7 minutes. Quick Screen: 3-5 minutes.Format: Self-report plus other-report (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling) rating scales.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.See also the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults), which assesses clinically significant executive functioning difficulties, and the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults), which evaluates 15 major domains of psychosocial functioning.Includes Permission to PhotocopyEnhancing the convenience and value of the BAARS-IV, the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 18-89Forms and Score SheetsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Current SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Childhood SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 18-39)BAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 40-59)BAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 60-89)BAARS-IV: Other-Report: Current SymptomsBAARS-IV: Other-Report: Childhood SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Quick ScreenBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Quick Screen Score Sheet for Raw Scores (All Ages)BAARS-IV: Other-Report: Quick ScreenBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Current Symptoms InterviewBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Childhood Symptoms Interview
Guilford Publications Psychotherapy for Children with Bipolar and Depressive Disorders
Packed with ready-to-use clinical tools, this book presents the first evidence-based psychological treatment for school-age children with bipolar disorder or depression. Leading clinician-researcher Mary Fristad and her colleagues show how to integrate psychoeducational strategies with cognitive-behavioral and family therapy techniques. They provide nuts-and-bolts information for implementing the approach with individual families or groups. Kids learn to identify and manage mood states while parents learn essential skills for problem solving, crisis management, improving family functioning, and collaborating with schools and mental health systems. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book features nearly 100 reproducible handouts and children's activities.
Guilford Publications Skills Training for Struggling Kids: Promoting Your Child's Behavioral, Emotional, Academic, and Social Development
Challenging kids don't behave badly on purpose -- they are simply struggling to "catch up" in key areas of psychological and cognitive development. If your child or teen's emotional or behavioral difficulties are getting in the way of success at home, at school, or in social situations, this is the book for you. Dr. Michael Bloomquist has spent decades helping parents to understand acting-out kids and support their healthy development. In these pages, he presents tried-and-true ways you can build your 5- to 17-year-old's skills to: *Follow rules and behave honestly.*Curb angry outbursts.*Make and maintain friendships. *Express feelings productively.*Stay on task at school.*Resolve conflicts with siblings. *Manage stress.Loads of checklists, worksheets, and troubleshooting tips help you select and implement the strategies that meet your child's specific needs. You'll also build your own skills for parenting effectively when the going gets tough. Systematic, compassionate, and practical, the book is grounded in state-of-the-art research. The road to positive changes for your child and family starts here.Mental health professionals, see also the related title The Practitioner Guide to Skills Training for Struggling Kids.
Guilford Publications Growing Up with Autism: Working with School-Age Children and Adolescents
Individuals with autism and their caregivers face unique challenges in later childhood and adolescence. This volume translates research on the needs of this population into practical recommendations for clinicians and educators. The book features vivid case examples and an in-depth, reproducible assessment form. Accessible guidance and hands-on suggestions are provided for supporting positive behavior, communication, and social skills; managing issues related to mental and physical health and sexuality; helping families access services and navigate the legal system; and optimizing the educational and transition planning process.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Research on Literacy and Diversity
This is the first research handbook to address all dimensions of diversity that have an impact on literacy achievement. Leading experts examine how teaching and learning intersect with cultural and language differences and socioeconomic disparities in today's increasingly diverse schools and communities. The volume weaves compelling research findings together with theory, policy considerations, and discussions of exemplary instructional practices. It offers fresh perspectives on such topics as family literacy, multiliteracies, drawing on cultural resources in the classroom, factors that promote success in high-poverty schools, equity issues, and ways to teach specific literacy skills. The concluding section provides crucial recommendations for teacher preparation and professional development.
Guilford Publications Play in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Approaches
Going beyond traditional play therapy, this innovative book presents a range of evidence-based assessment and intervention approaches that incorporate play as a key element. It is grounded in the latest knowledge about the importance of play in child development. Leading experts describe effective strategies for addressing a wide variety of clinical concerns, including behavioral difficulties, anxiety, parent–child relationship issues, trauma, and autism. The empirical support for each approach is summarized and clinical techniques are illustrated. The book also discusses school-based prevention programs that utilize play to support children's learning and social-emotional functioning.
Guilford Publications Empowering Struggling Readers: Practices for the Middle Grades
This book provides classroom-tested methods for engaging struggling middle grade readers--even those who appear to have given up--and fostering their success. The emphasis is on constructing respectful, encouraging learning environments that incorporate students' diverse literacies, cultural interests, and prior knowledge and skills into instruction. Chapters outline effective, innovative strategies for instruction and assessment in comprehension, vocabulary, text-based discussion, critical reading, and other core areas. Realistic classroom examples are included throughout, including applications of nontraditional texts. Other useful features include reflection questions at the end of each chapter.Winner--Literacy Research Association's Edward B. Fry Book Award
Guilford Publications The Effective Teacher's Guide: 50 Ways to Engage Students and Promote Interactive Learning
This popular guide offers a wealth of innovative, research-based strategies for making K–12 classrooms the best learning environments they can be. Easy-to-implement best practices are presented for establishing a classroom management plan, organizing procedures and materials, building a respectful community, fostering peer collaboration, and engaging students in interactive learning. Each of the 50 strategies includes step-by-step instructions, the amount of time needed to implement, and the recommended grade level. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book features ready-to-use reproducibles.
Guilford Publications Human Behavior: Atypical Development
Thoroughly examining brain-behavior relationships in atypically developing children, this important volume integrates theories and data from multiple disciplines. Leading authorities present research on specific clinical problems, including autism, Williams syndrome, learning and language disabilities, ADHD, and issues facing infants of diabetic mothers. In addition, the effects of social stress and maltreatment on brain development and behavior are reviewed. Demonstrating the uses of cutting-edge methods from developmental neuroscience, developmental psychology, and cognitive science, the contributors emphasize the implications of their findings for real-world educational and clinical practices. Illustrations include eight pages in full color.
Guilford Publications Evaluation in the Face of Uncertainty: Anticipating Surprise and Responding to the Inevitable
Unexpected events during an evaluation all too often send evaluators into crisis mode. This insightful book provides a systematic framework for diagnosing, anticipating, accommodating, and reining in costs of evaluation surprises. The result is evaluation that is better from a methodological point of view, and more responsive to stakeholders. Jonathan A. Morell identifies the types of surprises that arise at different stages of a program's life cycle and that may affect different aspects of the evaluation, from stakeholder relationships to data quality, methodology, funding, deadlines, information use, and program outcomes. His analysis draws on 18 concise cases from well-known researchers in a variety of evaluation settings. Morell offers guidelines for responding effectively to surprises and for determining the risks and benefits of potential solutions.
Guilford Publications Handbook of African American Health
With a focus on how to improve the effectiveness and cultural competence of clinical services and research, this authoritative volume synthesizes current knowledge on both the physical and psychological health of African Americans today. In chapters that follow a consistent format for easy reference, leading scholars from a broad range of disciplines review risk and protective factors for specific health conditions and identify what works, what doesn't work, and what might work (i.e., practices requiring further research) in clinical practice with African Americans. Historical, sociocultural, and economic factors that affect the quality and utilization of health care services in African American communities are examined in depth. Evidence-based ways to draw on individual, family, and community strengths in prevention and treatment are highlighted throughout.Winner--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award