Search results for ""Bookwell Publications""
Bookwell Publications Asiatic Mode a Socio-cultural Perspective
Bookwell Publications Contribution of Tripura in Liberation War of Bangladesh
Bookwell Publications Some Paramara Temples from Madhya Pradesh: A Case Study of Village
Bookwell Publications Ethics Among Academic Professionals
Bookwell Publications ICT Based Information Management in Indian Libraries: Festschrift
Bookwell Publications The Grandeur of Granite Shiva-Yogini Temples of Vyas Bhadora
Bookwell Publications Election 2009: A Complete Documentation and Analysis of India Parliamentary Elections Since 1952
Bookwell Publications Human Rights Watch World Report 2007: Events 2006
Bookwell Publications Environmental Impact Assessment: An Indo-Australian Perspective
Bookwell Publications India , The Political Economy Reforms
Bookwell Publications The Law and Economics of Dispute Resolution in India
Bookwell Publications Economic Development in India: Challenges and Perspectives
Bookwell Publications World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations, Market Structure and Competition Policy
Bookwell Publications Twenty-five Years of Artha Vijnana 1959-1983: A Cummulation Index of Vol. I-XXV
Bookwell Publications India's Voice at the United Nations
Bookwell Publications Water Crisis in the Indian Subcontinent
Bookwell Publications Land Degradation and Ecorestoration in the Extremely Wet Monsoon Environmnet of Cherrapunji Area, India
Bookwell Publications Farm Forestry in India: An Economics and Environmental Analysis
Bookwell Publications Labour Regulation in Indian Industry in 10 Vols 2009: Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
Bookwell Publications Collected Essays on Economic Development: In Honour of Professor Asok Barman
Bookwell Publications Handbook of UGC Net for Library and Information Science
Bookwell Publications Trade and Investment Rule Making: The Role of Regional and Bilateral Agreements
Bookwell Publications Reforming from the Top: A Leader's 20s Summit
Bookwell Publications Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific 2005
Bookwell Publications Mind and Vision: Perceptions of Reform in Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan
Bookwell Publications Trade in Services Advantage India
Bookwell Publications Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment
Bookwell Publications A Way of Life
Bookwell Publications Promotion of Trade and Investment in Eastern South Asia Subregion
Bookwell Publications Information and Users: An Inquiry into the Nature of Designing an Effective Information System
Bookwell Publications Cases In Entrepreneurship
Bookwell Publications Rural Management in Post Reforms Era
Bookwell Publications State Level Public Sector Enterprises in India:: Performance and Prospects
Bookwell Publications Developing Countries and the WTO: Policy Approaches
Bookwell Publications May One Nine
Bookwell Publications Privatization Unbound: Experiences in Bangladesh and India
Bookwell Publications International Water Security Domestic Threats and Opportunities
Bookwell Publications Human Rights Watch World Report 2008
Bookwell Publications Environmental Changes and Geomorphic Hazards
Bookwell Publications Reforming from the Top: A Leader's 20s Summit
Bookwell Publications The WTO and the Multilateral Trading System: Past ,Present and Future
Bookwell Publications Financing, Pricing and Cost Recovery of Urban Infrastrucutre
Bookwell Publications Stages of Developmental Thinking and Emerging Challenges for Development Economics
Bookwell Publications Trade and Development Report: Financial Instability and Growth in Africa
Bookwell Publications Research and Reference Sources in Management and Business
Bookwell Publications ASEAN India Connectivity Report: India Country Study by Research and Information System
Bookwell Publications The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation: Policies and Options for Global Action Beyond 2012
Bookwell Publications Economics of Household Non Market Behaviour