Search results for ""Author Lewis""
Abrams Life & Love of the Forest
The latest in the popular Life & Love Of series by Lewis Blackwell Showcasing the work of the world’s leading nature photographers, Life & Love of the Forest is a breathtaking visual tour of our most remarkable woodlands. Author Lewis Blackwell takes us on an extraordinary journey with essays and deep captions that explore the science and incredible histories of everything from seedlings, thickets, and underbrush to the extraordinary trees themselves. Capturing the beauty of these vibrant, fascinating landscapes, this book celebrates the spectacular power of forests around the world.
Hay House Inc The Greatness Mindset: Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Live Your Best Life Today
Greatness is inside you.Now is the time to wake it up.Are you living your most authentic life? Are you leaning into your purpose or running away from it? Is this the story you want your future self to tell or do you ache for something more?Through his breakthrough discoveries, New York Times best-selling author Lewis Howes reveals how you can rewrite your past to propel yourself into a powerful and abundant future.With these raw and revealing personal stories, science-backed strategies from industry-leading experts, and step-by-step guidance, you will learn how to:Clearly define a Meaningful Mission to enhance your purpose for this season of lifeIdentify the root causes of self-doubt and conquer the fears that hold you backTransform your mind to end self-sabotaging thoughts to live a rich lifeManifest your greatness to make the maximum positive impact on those around youBy applying the lessons and strategies found inside The Greatness Mindset, you will be able to design the life of your dreams and turn it into reality.Are you ready? Your journey to greatness begins now!
Oxford University Press Inc The F-Word
We all know what frak, popularized by television's cult hit Battlestar Galactica, really means. But what about feck? Or ferkin? Or foul--as in FUBAR, or "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition"? In a thoroughly updated edition of The F-Word, Jesse Sheidlower offers a rich, revealing look at the f-bomb and its illimitable uses. Since the fifteenth century, no other word has been adapted, interpreted, euphemized, censored, and shouted with as much ardor or force; imagine Dick Cheney telling Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy to "go damn himself" on the Senate floor--it doesn't have quite the same impact as what was really said. Sheidlower cites this and other notorious examples throughout history, from the satiric sixteenth-century poetry of James Cranstoun to the bawdy parodies of Lord Rochester in the seventeenth century, to more recent uses by Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Ann Sexton, Norman Mailer, Liz Phair, Anthony Bourdain, Junot Diaz, Jenna Jameson, Amy Winehouse, Jon Stewart, and Bono (whose use of the word at the Grammys nearly got him fined by the FCC). Collectively, these references and the more than one hundred new entries they illustrate double the size of The F-Word since its previous edition. Thousands of added quotations come from newly available electronic databases and the resources of the OED, expanding the range of quotations to cover British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Irish, and South African uses in addition to American ones. Thus we learn why a fugly must hone his or her sense of humor, why Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau muttered "fuddle duddle" in the Commons, and why Fanny Adams is so sweet. A fascinating introductory essay explores the word's history, reputation, and changing popularity over time. and a new Foreword by comedian, actor, and author Lewis Black offers readers a smart and entertaining take on the book and its subject matter. Oxford dictionaries have won renown for their expansive, historical approach to words and their etymologies. The F-Word offers all that and more in an entertaining and informative look at a word that, while now largely accepted as an integral part of the English language, still confounds, provokes, and scandalizes.
Trinity University Press,U.S. Maverick: The American Name That Became a Legend
By definition, a maverick is a “lone dissenter” who “takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates” or “a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive policies or ideas.” The word maverick has evolved in the English language from being the term for an unbranded stray calf to a label given to a nontraditional person to a more extreme “uncontrollable individualist, iconoclast, unstable nonconformist.” The word has grown into an adjective (“he made a maverick decision”) and become a verb (mavericking or mavericked). Of all the words that originated in the Old West and survive to the present day, author Lewis Fisher notes, maverick has been called the least understood and most corrupted. But where did the word come from?The word’s definition is still such a mystery that Merriam-Webster lists it in the top 10 percent of its most-looked-up words. All of the origin stories agree it had something to do with Samuel A. Maverick and his cattle, but from there things go amok rather quickly. Was Sam Maverick a cattle thief? A legendary nonconformist who broke the code of the West by refusing to brand his calves? A Texas rancher who believed branding cattle was cruelty to animals? A runaway from South Carolina who branded all the wild cattle he could find and ended up with more cattle than anyone else in Texas?Samuel A. Maverick was a notable landholder and public figure in his own time, but his latter-day fame is based on the legend that he was a cattle rancher. No amount of truth-telling about maverick seems to have slowed the tall tales surrounding the word’s origination. Maverick: The American Name That Became a Legend is a whodunit, a historical telling of the man who unwittingly inspired the term, the family it’s derived from, the cowboys who embraced it as an adjective meaning rakish and independent, the curious inquirers intrigued by its narrative, and the appropriators who have borrowed it for political fame.Texas historian (and secondhand Maverick by marriage) Lewis Fisher has combed through Maverick family papers along with cultural memorabilia and university collections to get at the heart of the truth behind the far-flung Maverick legends. Maverick follows the history of the word through the “Maverick gene” all the way to Hollywood and uncovers the mysteries that shadow one of our country’s iconic words. Taken as a whole, the book is a fascinating portrayal of how we form, use, and change our language in the course of everyday life, and of the Maverick family’s ongoing relationship to its own contributions, all seen through the lens of a story featuring cowboys, Texas Longhorns, rustlers, promoters, movie stars, athletes, novelists, lawyers, mayors, congressmen, and senators—to say nothing of named maverick brands ranging from Ford cars and air-to-ground missiles to computer operating systems, Vermont maple syrup, and Australian wines. Ironically, given its literal meaning as unbranded, maverick is a brand name that helped shape the history of the American West and represents the ideal of being true to oneself.
Quarto Publishing PLC 365 Gays of the Year (Plus 1 for a Leap Year): Discover LGBTQ+ history one day at a time
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE BRITISH BOOK DESIGN AND PRODUCTION AWARDS 2023*'A fascinating, whistle-stop tour of LGBTQIA+ icons and allies from across the globe and throughout history... This will be a great LGBTQIA+ reference book for years to come.' Peter Tatchell - Human Rights CampaignerA fun and fascinating compendium of LGBTQ+ icons, one for every day of the year, and a celebration of queer history – or as RuPaul would say; Herstory! Discover your queer hero and learn something new every day with 365 Gays of the Year, an accessible and fun introduction to LGBTQ+ history through the people that made it.Carefully curated and thoughtfully researched, author Lewis Laney assigns a person or group of note to each day of the year to form the ultimate LGBTQ+ hall of fame. Legendary queer icons such as Marsha P Johnson and Freddie Mercury sit alongside lesser known but equally important names such as activist Renée Cafiero, blood donor Barbara Vick, and Sappho the lesbian poet (who was doing her thing in 570BC). All have contributed amazing achievements to the LGBTQ+ story. Each month also features one ally - inspiring heterosexual people who have all contributed something significant to the lives of the LGBTQ+ community. People like Elizabeth Taylor who “brought AIDS out of the closet and into the ballroom – where there was money to be raised”. Each entry comprises a short biography plus a brief explanation about why that celebratory date represents an important milestone. Lewis brings international figures to life (famous and lesser-known) with his witty and uplifting prose which are peppered with little-known facts and accompanied by bright illustrative portraits from the hugely talented Charlotte MacMillan-Scott. This witty, unique celebration of queer history promises to inspire and empower readers with its wealth of bright stars.
Oxford University Press Inc A Preface to Paradise Lost
A Preface to Paradise Lost provides an interpretation of Milton's purpose in writing the epic.
Simon & Schuster Perelandra
Ediciones Sinsentido La maldicin del paraguas
Creación Editorial Alicia en el país de las maravillas
Alicia en el país de las maravillas fue un cuento dirigido en principio a los niños, pero algunos libros van más allá y traspasan esa barrera para convertirse en historias universales para todas las edades. Éste es uno de ellos. Aunque Carroll lo compuso para los más pequeños, concretamente para Alicia Liddel, la hija de un amigo suyo.Desde que Carroll concibió la historia hasta nuestros días se han hecho muchas versiones y adaptaciones cinematográficas, pero en el cuento original, ilustrada por J. Tenniel, es donde podemos apreciar la obra en todo su esplendor.La aventura comienza cuando Alicia, sentada en un árbol, al lado de su hermana mayor que leía un libro, se aburre, pues no consigue entender por qué éste no tenía ilustraciones ni diálogos. De repente, pasa por allí un conejo blanco, vestido con una chaqueta y un chaleco, mirando constantemente un reloj de bolsillo y murmurando que llega tarde. A Alicia le entra la curiosidad y le sigue hasta introducirse detrás de él en
Pepitas de calabaza El pentgono del poder el mito de la mquina II
En El pentágono del poder, segundo y último volumen de El mito de la máquina, concluye el balance radical que Lewis Mumford hace de rancias y trasnochadas concepciones acerca del progreso humano y tecnológico. Mumford ofrece una explicación histórica completa de las irracionalidades y las devastaciones que han socavado las grandes conquistas de todas las civilizaciones. Y demuestra cómo los imperativos cuantitativos de la técnica moderna ?velocidad, producción en masa, automación, comunicación instantánea y control remoto? han acarreado inevitablemente la contaminación, los deshechos, las perturbaciones ecológicas y el exterminio de seres humanos en una escala inconcebible con anterioridad.Lejos de ser un ataque contra la ciencia y la técnica, El pentágono del poder pretende establecer un orden social más orgánico, basado en los inmensos recursos tecnológicos del organismo humano. Semejante orden, según demuestra Mumford, es fundamental para que la humanidad pueda superar las fantas
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Alicia en el país de las maravillas / Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Alicia No Pais Das Marabillas Alice in Wonderland
A nena Alicia, caendo polo tobo dun coello vai dar a unha sala soterraña onde medra e encolle segundo consome beberaxes e doces máxicos, nada entremedias de animais extravagantes nunha pucharca formada coas súas propias bágoas, entra nun xardín encantado no que estraños personaxes manteñen con ela absurdos razoamentos envolveitos na máis rigorosa lóxica aparente, e logo esperta. Tradución de Teresa Barro e Fernando Pérez Barreiro.
Grupo Anaya, S.A. Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas
Ediciones Akal Alicia en el pas de las maravillas A travs del espejo
Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
Un dia aburrido como tantos otros, Alicia se duerme y de este modo entra en el País de las Maravillas de la mano del Conejo Blanco. Allí conocerá a la Falsa Tortuga, la Reina de corazones, el Gatode Chester, la Duquesa, el Sombrerero Loco o la Liebre de Marzo, entre muchos otros personajes fantásticoscon los que vivirá aventuras de lo más variopintas.
Editorial Anagrama Alicia En El País de Las Maravillas
Ediciones Jaguar Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. En la madriguera del conejo
Alicia descubrirá un mundo nuevo cuando pase a través de la madriguera del conejo.
Planeta Publishing La Escuela de la Grandeza
Manning Publications Tapestry in Action
This guide to the Tapestry approach offers instructions for creating full-featured web applications by connecting framework components to application code. Many simple examples show how to perform common tasks like form validation, application localization, client-side scripting, and synchronization.
Anness Publishing Mother Goose Rhymes: this Little Pig
Little children love nursery rhymes, and as they learn and repeat the words, they develop speech, vocabulary, concentration, and memory skills - all while having fun. You can follow the little pigs as one of them heads off for the market, while another remains behind to wash dishes, as one looks forward to delicious roast beef, while another poor pig has none...and as for the final little pig...Well, youngsters will already be familiar with what happens to him - or they soon will be! The classic nursery rhyme is presented with bright and amusing pictures in this padded boardbook. This little pig...went to market. This little pig...stayed at home. This little pig...had roast beef. This little pig...had none. And this little pig...went ee-ee-ee all the way home!
Anness Publishing Santa's Workshop
See what goes on within Santa's base of operations in this exciting life-the-flap book. Open the door to observe the postman arriving, and peek into a locker to spy Santa's secret stash of cakes! There are also special die-cut holes - peer through windows to watch toys being made by elves, and look in the loading bay to see a stack of cuddly toys. With sparkly snow on the front cover, this is a Christmas story to keep and to treasure. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Santa's workshop becomes a very busy place indeed! During December, the postman delivers lots and lots of letters. Lift the flap and you'll see him there in the doorway. Soon afterwards, Santa and his elves get to work making the toys that all the boys and girls have asked for. Peek through die-cut windows to see various stages of the operation. Toys get painted in the paint shop by specialist painter elves. Look carefully and you'll see mice helping out...or relaxing in a doll's house. Elsewhere, cuddly toys are sewn up - and come to think of it, Santa's red coat could do with a few stitches while his helpers are about it! And who's that through the window? It's a reindeer!On Christmas Eve, the elves load up the sleigh while Santa feeds the deer. Now children everywhere can have fun seeing all the hard work that goes into making their presents.
Hai! Japanese Hai! Katakana: Japanese Flashcards
Murphy & Moore Publishing Chemical Engineering: Operations and Applications
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Duke Basketball A Pictorial History
Arcadia Publishing Granville County North Carolina Looking Back American Chronicles
Station Hill Press,U.S. Out of the Question: Selected Poems (1963-2003)
Out of the Question: Selected Poems 1963-2003 gathers together a generous sample of work from Lewis Warsh's many earlier collections. Warsh has been associated with the community of New York School writers who first met at The Poetry Project in Manhattan in the late 1960s, but as poet Forrest Gander writes, in a review of Warsh's book Inseparable, "his influence has been felt nationally and internationally." Out of the Question includes two long poems: The Suicide Rates, first published in 1967, and The Corset, which appeared in 1986. Novelist Paul Auster described The Corset as "not a poem so much as a new way of seeing the world. There is a stunning intelligence at work here, a fierce, deadpan wit that disturbs and enlightens in equal measure." Auster's comment can be applied to all of Warsh's ongoing experiments, as both a poet and a fiction writer, and Out of the Question is the best possible introduction to anyone unfamiliar with his multi-layered body of work.
Chartwell Books Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
University Press of America The Life and Poetry of Manoah Bodman: Bard of the Berkshires
The Life and Poetry of Manoah Bodman reconstructs the poetry of Manoah Bodman, an important early American poet whose poems have not appeared in over a century and a half. Bodman, considered "a man of great eccentricity," regularly delivered orations in New England towns during the Second Great Awakening of the late nineteenth century. He published two broadsides, two booklets, and one book, all filled with depictions of verbal communication with visions of various kinds possibly brought about by epileptic seizures. Despite his long-winded, turgid prose, Bodman's poems are curiously modern in their diction. He wrote in an ejaculatory manner not seen in America until Emily Dickinson's work was published seventy-five years later, and more idiomatic than anyone else's in America until nearly the end of the nineteenth century. Bodman's inspiration was far less literary than experiential, providing a link between the work of Edward Taylor and Walt Whitman in the chain of the Transcendentalists. Lewis Turco brings together Bodman's curiously modern poems here for the first time, while providing an understanding of his life and family.
Anness Publishing Green Juice Book
Here is the simplest and quickest way to get vitamins and minerals into your diet. Blending gives an instant nutritional hit, with all the benefits of raw ingredients. Fruits are good for you but can be high in natural sugars - so they are used here as back-ups to the folate-, zinc-, selenium-rich green vegetables. Kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, spring greens, lettuce, pea shoots, watercress, parsley, mint, cucumber, celery, green apples and pears are used - not to mention wheat grass, seaweeds, spirulina, green tea and all kinds of seeds and other superfoods. The chapters offer blends to enhance energy, detox, lose weight, and to boost your natural immunity.
Rowman & Littlefield Boats Against the Current: American Culture between Revolution and Modernity, 1820-1860
Boats Against the Current provides a fascinating account of how American culture emerged from the sheltered, elitist world of the eighteenth century into the dynamic, turbulent civilization that reached full bloom after the Civil War. The antebellum years were times of flux and change, years of a society rushing into the western wilds, muscular and ambitious, yet haunted by uncertainty about its future and its past. Renowned scholar Lewis Perry begins his study with a fresh look at Andrew Jackson—vividly recreating a time when Americans, feeling their ties to the past disintegrating, fostered a new fascination with history. Then Perry introduces us to the observations of such articulate foreign travelers as Alexis de Tocqueville and Fredrika Bremer. He deftly weaves together these writers' perspectives to provide a fascinating look at our emergent nation. Here, too, are the women of the cities and frontier, the peddlers, preachers, and showmen, along with such writers as Hawthorne, Emerson, Whittier, and Parker. Perry brings these personalities and writings together to show us how early nineteenth century America saw itself, in both its promise and its fears. Now available for the first time in paperback, Boats Against the Current offers a brilliant portrait of a society in the midst of change, expansion, and reflection about its own future and past. Written by one of our leading intellectual historians, it makes a major contribution to our understanding of the emergence of modern American culture.
Arcadia Publishing Granville County Images of America
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. Alice in Wonderland Alice im Wunderland mit 2 MP3 AudioCDs StarterSet
Reprodukt Die Fliege
Reprodukt Mehltau
Reprodukt Ralph Azham 12 Loslassen
Anaconda Verlag Alice im Wunderland und Alice hinter den Spiegeln
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die AliceRomane Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland Durch den Spiegel und was Alice dort fand
Klett Sprachen GmbH Alices Adventures in Wonderland Buch AudioCD Englische Lektre fr das 3 4 und 5 Lernjahr Buch AudioCD free web activities
Random House USA Inc The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the World
Nine Arches Press Boy in Various Poses
Boy in Various Poses, a debut collection of poems from Lewis Buxton, explores all the different types of boy you can be – tender, awful, thoughtful, vulnerable. Here, a maelstrom of mental health, male bodies, and sexuality is laid bare with wit and curiosity, and the complexity and multiplicity of gender itself is revealed.The boy in question is often shapeshifting, slippery, unreliable, close yet never quite in focus, moving too fast to pause and take a breath - yet Buxton studies these boys, their bodies and behaviours, with a disarming intimacy and precision. These poems are provocative, nuanced and often laugh-out-loud funny, shining with a naked, shameless brilliance.“Poems that capture the rugby scrum of insight and uncertainty, the questions and discoveries I remember and still live. It pulled me in and showed me its birth marks. Loved it.” – Steven Camden, Polarbear“Corporeal, surreal, and shocking, these poems are also beautifully tender - and Buxton’s precise, imagistic use of language often has the poems singing from the page. A bold and moving debut.” – Hannah Lowe “In this assured debut, Lewis Buxton asks 'how does a boy become a man?'. The answers are myriad and transgressive, lyrical and smart. The answers are more questions. The answers are flowers and oranges, hunger, knuckles, slow dancing, glitter and fear. In these taut poems, conventions are dropped stylishly, elegantly 'like a coat on a dance floor.' We are left watching a departing figure, a boy running 'out of his lungs', 'the sky's hair...flecked with grey.' This book is unforgettable, utterly addictive.” – Helen Mort
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Queer Cocktails: 50 Cocktail Recipes Celebrating Gay Icons and Queer Culture
Raise a glass to the LGBTQ+ community. This collection of cocktail recipes celebrates queer culture and pays tribute to the great gay icons of our time. Try your hand at mixing a Bloody Mariah (Carey), (Stephen) Fry Martini, or Rocket Man and get your tastebuds tingling. With recipes inspired by Beyoncé (Bey’s Knees), Freddie Mercury (Tequila Queen), Whitney Houston (I Will Always Love Woo Woo) and more, there’s plenty to keep all cocktail movers and shakers busy and thirsts well and truly quenched – we'll drink to that!
Bonnier Books Ltd Looking at the Stars: How incurable illness taught one boy everything
My illness may define the length of my life, but it won't define how I live it. My disability gave me the ability to understand and help others. And now I finally feel like I am living. 17-year-old Lewis Hine is a global phenomenon. Diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumour and water on the brain at 17 months, he wasn't expected to survive. But Lewis proved everyone wrong; he's not only surviving but thriving. In one Facebook post on his 16th birthday Lewis invited everyone to see how he faces head on the challenges from his ongoing illness, and he went viral. 30 million views later, Lewis now spearheads a campaign, Friend Finder, to make sure no one ever faces childhood illness alone. In his memoir, Lewis reaches out to anyone who may feel isolated in their lives. After 13 brain surgeries and continual health problems, life for Lewis is a daily challenge. From the sheer physical challenges - he is at high risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and has a pump in his brain just to keep him alive - to the horrendous bullying he's endured, he shares how he finds the strength to overcome all this and still lead a fun and fulfilling life. With a host of admirers around the world from Elton John to Kid Ink, Lewis is living his dream - even becoming Radio 1's Teen Hero of the Year. His story will make you laugh, cry and above all, feel inspired by life's endless possibilities, looking at the stars.
Sloth Publishing Ltd Bludzee