Search results for ""Author Julie Murray""
Abdo Publishing Company Park Rangers My Community Jobs
Abdo Publishing Company My Military Parent
Capstone Classroom Firefighters
Abdo Publishing Company Humpback Whales
Capstone Classroom Planes
Dash! Mandarin Duck
Abdo Kids Jumbo Kenia
ABDO Publishing Co Horses
North Star Editions Animal Pranksters: Burrowing Owls
From nervous opossums playing dead to hungry alligator turtles luring fish with their worm-like tongues, animals have evolved in the ways they act and look to survive. This series looks at six unique animals and the clever ways they have adapted. This series is at a Level 2 and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to the Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Animal Pranksters: Silver Argiope Spiders
From nervous opossums playing dead to hungry alligator turtles luring fish with their worm-like tongues, animals have evolved in the ways they act and look to survive. This series looks at six unique animals and the clever ways they have adapted. This series is at a Level 2 and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to the Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Mis dos papás (My Two Dads)
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about families with two dads through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that a two-dad family isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Animals with Armor: Rhinoceros
Beginning readers will gain insight on where rhinoceros live, what they like to eat, and how their "armor" protects them! This series is at a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions This is My Family: My Two Homes
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about kids who split their time between two households through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that this special family situation isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions This is My Family: My Two Moms
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about families with two moms through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that a two-mom family isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions La Constitución de los Estados Unidos (US Constitution)
Through simple text and historic and modern images and photographs, this title explains why the US Constitution is one of the most important symbols of freedom to the United States of America. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions El himno nacional (National Anthem)
Through simple text and historic and modern images and photographs, this title explains why the National Anthem is an important and uniting symbol of freedom to the United States of America. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions La Campana de la Libertad (Liberty Bell)
Through simple text and historic and modern images and photographs, this title explains why the Liberty Bell is an important symbol of freedom to the United States of America. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Mini Animals: Leaf Chameleon
This title looks at one of the tiniest and cutest species of chameleon. Readers will learn more about the leaf chameleon’s size, where it lives, what it likes to eat, and even compare it to regular-sized chameleon species. Complete with adorable and colorful photographs that support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Character Education: Self-Control
Self-Control is an important concept for young people to grasp, especially when they are just figuring out what feelings like anger and frustration are. This title presents realistic, everyday situations kids might find themselves in. Colorful images support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Rosh Hashanah (Rosh Hashanah)
Rosh Hashanah is a special holiday that celebrates the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Readers will learn that Jews celebrate by enjoying festive meals, eating symbolic foods like apples dipped in honey, attending synagogue services, and more. Complete with simple text and colorful photographs. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Animal Homes: Trees
Where does a fox raise its young? Where does a bird lay its eggs? Readers will learn what animals live in burrows, trees, dens and more! Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Crías de gorilas (Baby Gorillas)
This title explores the life of a gorilla from birth to adulthood. The title will show readers what baby gorillas like to eat, how long they rely on their mothers, and at what ages they start learning new things. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Planets: Jupiter
This title will teach readers about the fifth planet from the sun, Jupiter! The title will cover important information, like how Jupiter is a giant ball of gas made up mainly of hydrogen and helium. This is a Level 3 title and is written specifically for transitional readers. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.
North Star Editions Pet Care: Cats
Having a cat is a big responsibility! Readers will learn about what cats need, like a litter box, scratch post, and fresh food and water. This is a Level 1 title and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.
North Star Editions Construction Machines: Bulldozers
This title will teach readers everything they want to know about bulldozers, from its important parts to the many jobs it helps with on and off the construction site. This is a Level 2 title and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.
North Star Editions Construction Machines: Concrete Mixers
This title will teach readers everything they want to know about concrete mixers, from its important parts to the many jobs it helps with on and off the construction site. This is a Level 2 title and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.
North Star Editions Nidos (Nests)
Through simple text and cool photographs, this title gives a brief introduction to what a nest is and the animals, like eagles and sea turtles, that lay their eggs in one. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Animals with Venom: Komodo Dragon
Komodo dragons look just as deadly as they are. This title introduces readers to the Komodo dragon and why and how it uses its powerful venom. This title is at a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Animal Pranksters: Alligator Snapping Turtles
From nervous opossums playing dead to hungry alligator turtles luring fish with their worm-like tongues, animals have evolved in the ways they act and look to survive. This series looks at six unique animals and the clever ways they have adapted. This series is at a Level 2 and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to the Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Trains: Shinkansen Bullet Train
Readers will learn interesting and historical facts about Japan's fast Shinkansen Bullet Trains, like when they began operation and how they are used today. This series is at a Level 2 and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
Abdo Publishing Company Sports How to Set
Capstone Mail Carriers My Community Jobs
Capstone Classroom Maestros Trabajos En Mi Comunidad
Capstone Classroom Bomberos Trabajos En Mi Comunidad
Abdo Kids Jumbo China
Cody Koala Baby Gray Wolves
North Star Editions Mis dos mamás (My Two Moms)
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about families with two moms through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that a two-mom family isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Animals with Armor: Armadillos
Beginning readers will gain insight on where armadillos live, what they like to eat, and how their "armor" protects them! This series is at a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Animals with Armor: Crabs
Beginning readers will gain insight on where crabs live, what they like to eat, and how their "armor" protects them! This series is at a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Fierce Jobs: Smoke Jumpers
Being a smokejumper is a fierce job filled with wildfire control and jumping from helicopters! Only the best and bravest can do this job. This title is at a Level 2 and is written specifically for emerging readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Animals with Venom: Lionfish
Lionfish may be beautiful, but stay away from their venomous fin rays! This title introduces readers to the lionfish and why and how it uses its powerful venom. This title is at a Level 1 and is written specifically for beginning readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions This is My Family: My Adoptive Family
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about adoptive families through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that an adoptive family isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Telarañas (Webs)
Through simple text and cool photographs, this title gives a brief introduction to what a web is, the different kinds of webs and what kinds of insects and arachnids, like tent caterpillars and spiders, make them. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
North Star Editions Mini Animals: Dwarf Caiman
This title looks at one of the tiniest and cutest species of caiman. Readers will learn more about the dwarf caiman’s size, where it lives, what it likes to eat, and even compare it to regular-sized alligator species. Complete with adorable and colorful photographs that support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Character Education: Hope
Hope is something that most kids can relate to. Whether it’s the hope to win a game or for their friend to feel better. This title presents relatable and realistic ways that kids show hope. Colorful images support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Character Education: Friendship
Every child should know how they can be a friend to others. This title presents realistic and relatable ways for kids to have friendships, like being kind and showing support. Colorful images support the simple text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Character Education: Empathy
Empathy can be a difficult concept to grasp but there are simple ways that young people can show empathy to their friends and family every day. This title presents realistic, everyday situations in which kids can show empathy with colorful images that support the text. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
North Star Editions Kwanzaa (Kwanzaa)
Kwanzaa is an important holiday that celebrates African heritage and African-American culture. Readers will learn that African Americans celebrate this holiday with gift giving, lighting Kinara candles each day, a big feast, and much more. Complete with simple text and colorful photographs. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Junior is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.