Search results for ""Author Ismail Kadare""
Alianza Editorial El nicho de la vergüenza
Situada cronológicamente en la primera mitad del siglo xix, bajo la dominación otomana de Albania, EL NICHO DE LA VERGÜENZA participa de la confusa atmósfera de los sueños. La lejana y prolongada rebelión que allí mantiene Alí de Tepelena, la promulgación punitiva de la ley del Cra-cra -la prohibición de las tradiciones, incluso de la propia lengua albanesa-, la inquietante imagen de un carro negro recorriendo interminablemente los caminos del Imperio, la naturaleza del extraño Palacio de los Sueños, hacen de esta novela de Ismail Kadaré uno de los hitos de su obra. La presente edición ha sido minuciosamente revisada por Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde, autor de la traducción, de acuerdo con la edición definitiva de su obra que acometió el autor, libre ya de trabas, a partir de que obtuviera asilo político en Francia en 1990.
Alianza Editorial El cerco
En ?El cerco? Ismaíl Kadaré recrea con singulares fuerza y viveza los meses angustiosos y terribles en que la gente de Albania, al mando del príncipe Jorge Castriota ?el mítico Scanderberg? y tras negarse a someterse al imperio otomano, afrontó el embate de su poderoso ejército, así como los cruentos combates librados entre ambos bandos: el comienzo de las guerras balcánicas que, con el peso de la religión de fondo, han llegado hasta nuestros días. La novela puede verse, a la vez, como reflejo metafórico de lo que fue Albania durante la Guerra Fría: un territorio aislado cuyo particular régimen comunista se sentía cercado tanto por las potencias occidentales como por sus correligionarios vecinos del Este. Traducción de Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde
Alianza Editorial El accidente
Un taxi se sale inexplicablemente de la calzada y se estrella en la carretera que lleva al aeropuerto de Viena. Como consecuencia del choque, los dos pasajeros, un hombre maduro y una mujer joven, ambos de nacionalidad albanesa, resultan muertos. Las investigaciones policiales no consiguen aclarar qué fue lo que despistó al taxista al mirar por el retrovisor como para perder el control del vehículo. El asunto queda archivado como un mero accidente, aunque con el calificativo de extraño. Meses más tarde, los servicios de inteligencia serbios y albaneses primero, y un investigador anónimo después, reclaman el expediente e inician sus propias pesquisas. El fallecido, Besfort Y., era un experto para asuntos balcánicos del Consejo de Europa que había seguido de cerca el proceso de descomposición de Yugoslavia, especialmente la guerra de Kosovo. La mujer que lo acompañaba, Rovena, se había entrevistado con él en distintos hoteles de toda Europa, por lo que podría estar implicada en las nunca
Alianza Editorial El ocaso de los dioses de la estepa
Titulo fundamental dentro de la obra de Ismael Kadaré (1936), EL OCASO DEL LOS DIOSES DELA ESTEPA (1978)- cuya versión definitiva, publicada en 1998 tras la caída del régimen comunista en Albania es la que ahora se ofrece- se nutre de las experiencias del autor, tanto personales como literarias, en sus estancia juvenil en la Unión Soviética. Si bien pueden rastrearse ya en ella algunos de los motivos que son recurrentes en su obra ?como la confrontación de los mitos eslavos y albaneses o las relaciones entre el poder y la literatura-, la novela constituye una acerba y corrosiva crítica de los principios que dieron forma al yermo ?realismo socialista?, así como de la mediocridad y la insania del régimen soviético contra los grandes escritores, personificados aquí en Boris Pasternak, cuya novela <> forma parte de la trama misma de la narración.
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der zerrissene April
FISCHER Taschenbuch Spiritus
Vintage Publishing A Dictator Calls
**LONGLISTED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE 2024**''Comrade Stalin wishes to speak with you.''A fascinating exploration of the relationship between writers and tyranny, from the winner of the first Man Booker International Prize.In June 1934, Joseph Stalin allegedly telephoned the famous novelist and poet Boris Pasternak to discuss the arrest of fellow Soviet poet Osip Mandelstam. In a fascinating combination of dreams and dossier facts, Ismail Kadare reconstructs the three minutes they spoke and the aftershocks of this tense, mysterious moment in modern history.Weaving together the accounts of witnesses, reporters and writers such as Isaiah Berlin and Anna Akhmatova, Kadare tells a gripping story of power and political structures, of the relationship between writers and tyranny. The telling brings to light uncanny parallels with Kadare''s experience writing under dictatorship, when he received an unexpected phone call of his
Alianza Editorial El general del ejército muerto
Veinte años después de la derrota del ejército italiano en Albania, un general asume la misión de recuperar los cadáveres de sus compatriotas caídos allí en combate durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En compañía de un capellán militar se traslada al vecino y accidentado país, y emprende la penosa labor de localizar, desenterrar y reunir los despojos de aquel ejército muerto. Atrapada en el barro, la oscuridad, las inclemencias del tiempo y la mirada desconfiada de los aldeanos, la pintoresca pareja y su peculiar empeño, en el que se mezclan los recuerdos y la amargura, sirven a Ismaíl Kadaré para levantar una fábula en la que su penetrante y ácida mirada no sólo alumbra las razones de lo bélico, las míseras aspiraciones que lo desencadenan y sus terribles resultados, sino también la idiosincrasia de su país.Traducción de Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde
Skyhorse Publishing The Palace of Dreams
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der Schandkasten
FISCHER Taschenbuch Konzert am Ende des Winters
Vintage Publishing Broken April
From the moment that Gjorg's brother is killed by a neighbour, his own life is forfeit: for the code of Kanun requires Gjorg to kill his brother's murderer and then in turn be hunted down. After shooting his brother's killer, young Gjorg is entitled to thirty days' grace - not enough to see out the month of April. Then a visiting honeymoon couple cross the path of the fugitive. The bride's heart goes out to Gjorg, and even these 'civilised' strangers from the city risk becoming embroiled in the fatal mechanism of vendetta.
Siruela Esquilo el gran perdedor
Escrito y publicado en 1985, cuando Albania, el país del autor, soportaba los últimos años de un régimen férreo, este ensayo, ampliamente revisado y aumentado para la presente edición, es ante todo un himno audaz a la libertad y a la magnificencia del arte. Esquilo. El gran perdedor, que empieza como una indagación sobre la desaparición de unas trescientas tragedias de la Antigüedad griega, en buena parte de Esquilo, no solamente se hace eco de la angustia o del terror de los escritores de todos los tiempos ante el rapto y el asesinato de sus obras, sino que abre además una reflexión consagrada a las relaciones del creador con los poderes, con su época, con su pueblo y, finalmente, con la humanidad entera. Al final del ensayo se sugiere al lector una teoría nueva del nacimiento de la tragedia griega, teoría que viene a contradecir o a corregir todos los análisis e interpretaciones vigentes desde hace unos dos milenios.
Alianza Editorial El expediente H.
La aparición de dos irlandeses de Nueva York en una localidad del norte de Albania con el fin de investigar en esta remota región la conexión de los rapsodas albaneses con la creación de la Ilíada y la Odisea, y el subsiguiente revuelo que esto provoca en todos los órdenes, permite a Ismail Kadaré urdir en EL EXPEDIENTE H. una inquietante y febril fábula en torno a la asfixiante atmósfera del totalitarismo y sobre el misterio de la creación literaria. La presente edición ha sido minuciosamente revisada por Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde, autor de la traducción, de acuerdo con la edición definitiva de su obra que acometió el autor, libre ya de trabas, a partir de que obtuviera asilo político en Francia en 1990.
Alianza Editorial El cerco
Escúchame bien ?dijo el intendente en un tono más íntimo?: yo he tomado parte en muchos asedios, pero aquí ?señaló con la mano en dirección a la fortaleza? va a tener lugar una de las matanzas más terribles de nuestro tiempo. Y tú debes de saber mejor que yo que de las grandes mortandades salen siempre grandes libros ?aspiró profundamente?. Tú tienes en verdad la ocasión de componer una crónica bélica en la que pueda olerse la pez y la sangre, y no uno de esos cuentos repletos de florituras y urdidos al calor del hogar por unos mocosos que no han visto jamás una guerra ni siquiera de lejos.? A principios del siglo xv las huestes otomanas avanzaban por los Balcanes hacia el corazón de Europa. La gente de Albania supo que su suerte estaba echada. Habían renunciado a negociar con el Imperio Otomano y la guerra era inevitable. El príncipe Jorge Castriota ?el mítico Scanderberg? organiza la resistencia en nombre de la Cristiandad. La primera ciudadela en el camino de los turcos es asediada.
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der Raub des kniglichen Schlafs Kleine Romane und Erzhlungen
FISCHER, S. Die Verbannte
Vintage Publishing The Concert
It's the 1970s and cracks are starting to appear in the alliance between China and its Communist cohort Albania. When an Albanian steps on the foot of a Chinese diplomat the tension cranks up – couriers between Tirana and Beijing carry annotated x-rays of the foot back and forth. The Chinese intend to punish their interfering little ally discreetly. But is the Sino-Albanian axis about to come adrift? This is Kadare’s surreal black comedy about the inner sanctums of political power and the mysterious causal chains that transform ordinary lives.
Alianza Editorial El palacio de los sueos
La construcción fabulosa de una especie de reino de la muerte, de un infierno en el que los sueños y el inconsciente colectivo son analizados y censurados, se convierte en una de las mejores alegorías del poder totalitario levantadas por Ismaíl Kadaré, así como uno de sus más perfectos logros narrativos. El joven Mark-Alem, vástago de los Quyprilli, influyente familia de procedencia albanesa y promotora de importantes reformas en el seno del Imperio Otomano, consigue un atractivo puesto de funcionario en el Palacio de los Sueños, inquietante organismo estatal al que cada ciudadano está obligado a enviar por escrito un informe de lo soñado durante la noche. La presente edición ha sido minuciosamente revisada de acuerdo con la edición definitiva de su obra que acometió el autor, libre ya de trabas, a partir de que obtuviera asilo político en Francia en 1990.Traducción de Ramón Sánchez Lizarralde
Alianza Editorial La cena equivocada Alianza Literaria Al Spanish Edition
Septiembre de 1943, una columna blindada alemana cruza la localidad albanesa de Gjirokaster. Va al mando el coronel Fritz von Schwabe. Una partida de guerrilleros abre fuego contra la avanzadilla, como réplica los alemanes toman rehenes. El doctor Gurameto cree reconocer en Schwabe a un antiguo compañero de estudios en Alemania y le invita a cenar siguiendo la tradicional hospitalidad balcánica. Durante la cena, aprovecha para pedirle que libere a los rehenes, incluido al farmacéutico judío. Pasan diez años, los comunistas controlan el poder. La paranoia estalinista de los complots contra el socialismo llega a Gjirokaster. Las torturas y las ejecuciones están a la orden del día. La liberación de los rehenes, incluido el judío, lograda por Gurameto en aquella cena se convierte en objeto de sospecha. Gurameto pasa súbitamente de héroe a traidor. Ayudó a sus vecinos o se vendió a los nazis? La situación se va a complicar durante el absurdo proceso cuando se descubre que en aquella velada
FISCHER, S. Die Schleierkarawane Erzhlungen
FISCHER, S. Die Dmmerung der Steppengtter
Skyhorse Publishing The Succesor
Vintage Publishing The File on H
Two Irish-American scholars from Harvard journey to Albania in the 1930s with a tape recorder (a 'new fangled' invention) in order to record the last genuinely oral epic singers. Their purpose, they say, is to show how Homer's epics might have been culled from a verbal tradition. But the local Governor believes its an elaborate spying mission and arranges for his own spy to follow them.The two dedicated scholars realise only too late that they have stumbled over an ants' nest.This simple tale by Albania's most eminent and gifted novelist serves to lift the veil on one of the most secret and mysterious countries of modern Europe.
Canongate Books The Accident
Why did the taxi crash on the autobahn in Vienna?Who exactly were Besfort Y and Rovena, the mysterious couple who died after being flung from the back seat?How was Besfort connected to the war in the Balkans? And why was his affair with Rovena clouded in jealousy and mistrust?Who wanted them dead?This is the story of the last forty weeks of their lives - a fever dream where love and obsession collide.
Restless Books Essays On World Literature: Shakespeare, Aeschylus, Dante
Vintage Publishing A Girl in Exile
When a girl is found dead with a signed copy of Rudian Stefa’s latest book in her possession, the author finds himself summoned for an interview by the Party Committee. Unable to guess what transgression he has committed Rudian goes fearfully to meet his interrogators. He has never met the girl in question but he remembers signing the book. As the influence of a paranoid regime steals up on him, Rudian finds himself swept along on a surreal quest to discover what really happened to the mysterious girl to whom he wrote the dedication – to Linda B.
Vintage Publishing The Doll
'A fascinating study of a difficult love' John Burnside, GuardianYoung Ismail's world centres around his mother. Naïve and fragile as a paper doll, she is an unlikely presence in her husband's imposing house, with its hidden rooms and infamous dungeon. Yet despite her youthful nature, she is not without her own enigmas. Most of all, she fears that her intellectual, radical son will exchange her for a superior mother when he becomes a famous writer.From the winner of the first ever Man Booker International Prize, this is a disarming story of home and creative ambition, of personal and political freedom. Rooted in the author's own childhood in Albania, it is dedicated to the memory of his mother.'Laconic, sinister and drily funny' Spectator
Counterpoint A Girl in Exile: Requiem for Linda B.
Counterpoint A Dictator Calls
Vintage Publishing The Pyramid
When the new Egyptian Pharaoh decrees that he does not want a pyramid built in his honour his advisers are aghast. It is their firm belief that peace and prosperity only make the people more difficult to control – they must be kept under the whip. So the Pharaoh agrees to the construction of a pyramid colossal beyond imagining, an edifice that crushes dozens of people as each block is added and which inexorably drains the lifeblood from the country. As Egypt builds its monument to death, its neighbours plot and gloat…
Canongate Books The Fall of the Stone City
Shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2013.In September 1943, Nazi troops advance on the ancient gates of Gjirokastër, Albania. The very next day, the Germans vanish without a trace. As the townsfolk wonder if they might have dreamt the events of the previous night, rumours circulate of a childhood friendship between a local dignitary and the invading Nazi Colonel, a reunion in the town square and a fateful dinner party that would transform twentieth-century Europe. A captivating novel of resistance in a dictatorship, and steeped in Albanian folklore, The Fall of the Stone City shows Kadare at the height of his powers.
Vintage Publishing Spring Flowers, Spring Frost
From behind the closed door, the man shouts, 'Be on your way - you have no business here!''Open up, I am the messenger of Death'.As spring arrives in the Albanian mountain town of B, some strange things are emerging in the thaw. Bank robbers strike the National Bank. Old terrors are dredged up from the shipwreck of history. And ultra-explosive state secrets are threatening to flood the entire nation. Mark, an artist, finds the peaceful rhythms of his life turned upside down by ancient love and modern barbarism and by the particular brutality of a country surprised and divided by its new freedom.
Counterpoint The Doll: A Portrait of My Mother
Canongate Books The Successor
The Designated Successor was found dead in his bedroom at dawn on December 14.Did he kill himself or was he murdered? This question slices through Ismail Kadare's masterful psychological thriller. As the state insists that the future leader died by his own hand, the rest of the world begins to have doubts. As the tension builds and rumours escalate, Kadare draws us into a nightmarish world controlled by rules no one understands, blending dream and reality to produce a mystery and a thriller that seduces and surprises up to the last page.
Canongate Books The Siege
It is the fifteenth century and war looms. The people of Albania have refused to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire and they know their fate is sealed. As they take refuge in a fortress in the mountains, the army arrives and prepares to lay siege to the Christian citadel.
Canongate Books Twilight of the Eastern Gods
1958. In a dorm room in Moscow, a young writer is woken by the sound of angry voices on the radio. Through the fog of a hangover he hears the news that a novel called Doctor Zhivago has earned its author the Nobel Prize. There is uproar. The author, Boris Pasternak, faces exile, the press hound him and demand that he refuse the award. A few days earlier the young writer found a copy of this book - could those simple pages really be so dangerous?Based on Ismail Kadare's own experience, Twilight of the Eastern Gods is a portrait of a city, a story of youthful disenchantment and a reminder of the incredible importance of the written word.
Vintage Publishing The Palace Of Dreams
Translated by Barbara Bray from the French version of the Albanian by Jusuf VrioniAt the heart of the Sultan's vast empire stands the mysterious Palace of Dreams. Inside, the dreams of every citizen are collected, sorted and interpreted in order to identify the 'master-dreams' that will provide the clues to the Empire's destiny and that of its Monarch. An entire nation's consciousness is thus meticulously laid bare and at the mercy of its government...The Palace of Dreams is Kadare's macabre vision of tyranny and oppression, and was banned upon publication in Albania in 1981.
Canongate Books Agamemnon's Daughter
In his compelling prequel to The Successor, Kadare draws us into a land deprived of choice, a country under a reign of terror. The spellbinding Agamemnon's Daughter was written in Albania in the 1980s and smuggled into France a few pages at a time. It reveals a world where fear is an instrument of power, but the individual survives despite the odds.From the winner of the first Man Booker International Prize comes a searing story of love denied, then shattered under the chilling wheels of the state. Through the impeccably crafted, incisive tale of a thwarted lover's odyssey through a single day, we are given a true sense of how hard it can be to remain human in a world ruled by fear and suspicion.
Vintage Publishing The Traitor's Niche
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2017 MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZEAt the heart of the Ottoman Empire, in the main square of Constantinople, a niche is carved into ancient stone. Here, the sultan displays the severed heads of his adversaries. Tundj Hata, the imperial courier, is charged with transporting heads to the capital – a task he relishes and performs with fervour. But as he travels through obscure and impoverished territories, he makes money from illicit side-shows, offering villagers the spectacle of death. The head of the rebellious Albanian governor would fetch a very high price. A surreal tale of rebellion and tyranny from the master of European literature.
Vintage Publishing Three Elegies For Kosovo
28 June 1389, the Field of the Blackbirds. A Christian army made up of Serbs, Bosnians, Albanians and Romanians confront an Ottoman army. In ten hours the battle is over, and the Muslims possess the field; an outcome that has haunted the vanquished ever since. 28 June 1989, the Serb Leader Slobodan Milosevic launches his campaign for a fresh massacre of the Albanians, the majority population of Kosovo.In three short narratives Kadare shows how legends of betrayal and defeat simmered in European civilisation for six hundred years, culminating in the agony of one tiny population at the end of the twentieth century.
Canongate Books Chronicle In Stone
In a seamless mosaic of dreams and games, a young boy reflects on events as his hometown in Albania falls to a series of invaders. Amid floods and bombings, his own innocence and wonder are lost forever in the madness and brutality of the Second World War.A disturbing mix of tragedy and comedy, politics and sexuality, Chronicle in Stone is a fascinating masterpiece about what it means to grow up in a turbulent world.
Skyhorse Publishing The File on H.
Canongate Books The Ghost Rider
An old woman is awoken in the dead of night by knocks at her front door. The woman opens it to find her daughter, Doruntine, standing there alone in the darkness. She has been brought home from a distant land by a mysterious rider she claims is her brother Konstandin. But unbeknownst to her, Konstandin has been dead for years. What follows is chain of events which plunges a medieval village into fear and mistrust. Who is the ghost rider?
Vintage Publishing General Of The Dead Army
Twenty years after the end of the Second World War, an Italian general is despatched to Albania to recover his country's dead. Once there he meets a German general who is engaged upon an identical mission, and their conversations brings out into the open the extent of their horror and guilt, newly exacerbated by their present task. As they descend from the callous trivialities of their gruesome business, past and present, to suffering self-disgust, the author gives us glimpses of the lives of the people whose graves they are unearthing.
Skyhorse Publishing Chronicle in Stone