Search results for ""Author Fritz""
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Hans Op de Beeck The Silent Castle
advance music GmbH Saxophone Duets Advance Music
SCHOTT & CO The European Piano Method 2 GermanFrenchEnglish
de Gruyter Heinrich Heine
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophies of the Sciences: A Guide
A collection of essays discussing a wide range of sciences and the central philosophical issues associated with them, presenting the sciences collectively to encourage a greater understanding of their associative theoretical foundations, as well as their relationships to each other. Offers a new and unique approach to studying and comparing the philosophies of a variety of scientific disciplines Explores a wide variety of individual sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology and economics The essays are written by leading scholars in a highly accessible style for the student audience Complements more traditional studies of philosophy of science
TP Verone Publishing Abenteuer des Entspekter Bräsig bürtig aus MeckelborgSchwerin von ihm selbst erzählt
Buchschmiede Mitgehorcht Mitgeschrieben
Leipziger Universitätsvlg Alma mater Lipsiensis im Umbruch 1989 bis 1994
Kunstmann Antje GmbH Eva Adam Frau und Mann Da muss Gott wohl nochmal ran Neue Rettungsreime
Papyrossa Verlags GmbH + Im Schatten des Doms zu Köln
Titania Verlag GmbH Das große Fritz Baumgarten Weihnachtsbuch
Titania Verlag GmbH Rbezahl
Titania Verlag GmbH Das groe Fritz Baumgarten Frhlingsbuch
Titania Verlag GmbH Piepsi die kleine Meise
Titania Verlag GmbH Schnatterich und Puttiputt
Langen - Mueller Verlag Die Moralapostel
Langen - Mueller Verlag Die große Energiekrise
Langen - Mueller Verlag Unerwnschte Wahrheiten Was Sie ber den Klimawandel wissen sollten
Metropolis Verlag Warenproduktion mittels Arbeit
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Über die Elektrizität der Niederschläge
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch und fahrn wir ohne Wiederkehr Von Ostpreuen nach Sibirien 19441949
Reinhardt Ernst Grundformen der Angst
SCM Brockhaus, R. Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Thessalonicher
Boorberg, R. Verlag Recht im Studium der Sozialen Arbeit
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Das alte Rgen
Diogenes Verlag AG Ich wollte Liebe und lernte hassen
Diogenes Verlag AG Die innere Burg
Reclam Philipp Jun. Sapientia Romanorum Weisheiten aus dem alten Rom
Edward Elgar Handbook of Public Policy Implementation
Princeton University Press The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States
The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States marked the beginning of the study of our postindustrial information society. Austrian-born economist Fritz Machlup had focused his research on the patent system, but he came to realize that patents were simply one part of a much bigger "knowledge economy." He then expanded the scope of his work to evaluate everything from stationery and typewriters to advertising to presidential addresses--anything that involved the activity of telling anyone anything. The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States then revealed the new and startling shape of the U.S. economy. Machlup's cool appraisal of the data showed that the knowledge industry accounted for nearly 29 percent of the U.S. gross national product, and that 43 percent of the civilian labor force consisted of knowledge transmitters or full-time knowledge receivers. Indeed, the proportion of the labor force involved in the knowledge economy increased from 11 to 32 percent between 1900 and 1959--a monumental shift. Beyond documenting this revolution, Machlup founded the wholly new field of information economics. The transformation to a knowledge economy has resonated throughout the rest of the century, especially with the rise of the Internet. As two recent observers noted, "Information goods--from movies and music to software code and stock quotes--have supplanted industrial goods as the key drivers of world markets." Continued study of this change and its effects is testament to Fritz Machlup's pioneering work.
SCHOTT MUSIC GmbH & Co KG, Mainz The European Piano Method
Following the very successful piano method published in two volumes between 1958 and 1962, the three-volume European Piano Method represents a new textbook which takes into account the development of modern piano pedagogy.7 Winning Features of the Emonts Method:1 Songs from many European countries2 Pupils begin to play without music notation3 Improvisation and playing on the black keys4 Development of listening skills and aural awareness5 Simple and logical learning structure6 Lots of duets7 Attractive full-colour illustrationsVolume 1The most natural way of creating and nurturing the relationship of a child with an instrument is to stimulate and encourage the child to find on the keyboard, and to play by ear, all the tunes he or she has so far assimilated. Not only children''s songs or folk songs are suitable for this but also other melodies that may be heard at home, at school, in church, on the radio and on television. The natural progression, from singing and listening to playing,
Independently Published Discover West African Adinkra Symbols and their hidden wisdom: Adinkra symbols originated in Ghana, they reflect common wisdom.
Hove Books Leica R6
Arnoldsche Heavenly: The Sun, Moon and Stars in Jewellery
Jewellery and the universe are bound together not just in the Ancient Greek sense of the word 'cosmos'; the sun, moon and stars invariably also found their way into representative forms of art jewellery around the world. While magical, mythological and religious references stood mainly at the forefront of ancient and non-European cultures, over the course of recent history it was on decorative grounds that jewellery pieces with cosmic motifs became so coveted. Whether Köchert in Vienna, Fabergé in St Petersburg or Lalique in Paris, the great jewellers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were all inspired by heavenly forms. Today, interest in celestial bodies remains unbroken among contemporary internationally celebrated jewellery artists. With his new, richly illustrated book, the long-standing head of the Jewellery Museum Pforzheim presents for the first time a comprehensive review on the star motif in jewellery - from Ancient Egypt to the present day. Text in English and German.
Princeton University Press Einstein's German World: New Edition
The French political philosopher Raymond Aron once observed that the twentieth century "could have been Germany's century." In 1900, the country was Europe's preeminent power, its material strength and strident militaristic ethos apparently balanced by a vital culture and extraordinary scientific achievement. It was poised to achieve greatness. In Einstein's German World, the eminent historian Fritz Stern explores the ambiguous promise of Germany before Hitler, as well as its horrifying decline into moral nihilism under Nazi rule, and aspects of its remarkable recovery since World War II. He does so by gracefully blending history and biography in a sequence of finely drawn studies of Germany's great scientists and of German-Jewish relations before and during Hitler's regime. Stern's central chapter traces the complex friendship of Albert Einstein and the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Fritz Haber, contrasting their responses to German life and to their Jewish heritage. Haber, a convert to Christianity and a firm German patriot until the rise of the Nazis; Einstein, a committed internationalist and pacifist, and a proud though secular Jew. Other chapters, also based on new archival sources, consider the turbulent and interrelated careers of the physicist Max Planck, an austere and powerful figure who helped to make Berlin a happy, productive place for Einstein and other legendary scientists; of Paul Ehrlich, the founder of chemotherapy; of Walther Rathenau, the German-Jewish industrialist and statesman tragically assassinated in 1922; and of Chaim Weizmann, chemist, Zionist, and first president of Israel, whose close relations with his German colleagues is here for the first time recounted. Stern examines the still controversial way that historians have dealt with World War I and Germans have dealt with their nation's defeat, and he analyzes the conflicts over the interpretations of Germany's past that persist to this day. He also writes movingly about the psychic cost of Germany's reunification in 1990, the reconciliation between Germany and Poland, and the challenges and prospects facing Germany today. At once historical and personal, provocative and accessible, Einstein's German World illuminates the issues that made Germany's and Europe's past and present so important in a tumultuous century of creativity and violence.
Baker Publishing Group How to be a Christian Without Being Religious
Since the days of the early church, Christians have struggled to find a way to be "good"--to please God by their own efforts. They end up carrying a burden God never intended them to bear. And what's more, their brand of Christianity ends up looking like any other religion of the world--bound by joyless rules and rituals. Fritz Ridenour's study of the book of Romans provides an antidote to the pharisaical spirit and shows that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. It is not people reaching up, but God reaching down. All Christians can enjoy their birthright when they realize who they are in Christ. The result is a life full of hope, joy, power, and potential.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Mosby'S Fundamentals 7e and Essentails Sciences 6e for Therapeutic Massage Package
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Belial und Katechon: Eine Untersuchung zu 2Thess 2,1-12 und 1Thess 4,13-5,11
Zwei Fragen bilden den Kern der vorliegenden traditionsgeschichtlichen Untersuchung über die eschatologischen Vorstellungen in den beiden Thessalonicherbriefen (1Thess 4,13-5,11 und 2Thess 2,1-12): die traditionsgeschichtliche Herkunft der Bezeichnung 'der Mensch der Gesetzlosigkeit' (2Thess 2,3) / ''der Gesetzlose' (2Thess 2,8) und die Frage nach urchristlichen Überlieferungen, die den eschatologischen Vorstellungen aus beiden Thessalonicherbriefen nahe stehen könnten.In Bezug auf die traditionsgeschichtliche Herkunft des 'Menschen der Gesetzlosigkeit' zeigt Fritz W. Röcker, dass der Begriff 'Belial' mit 'Gesetzlosigkeit''/ 'Gesetzloser' wiedergegeben wurde. Belial bezeichnet im Alten Testament, in 'Qumran', den atl. Pseudepigraphen und im Neuen Testament stets Sachverhalte oder Personen, die gegen Gottes Gesetz oder gegen Gott gerichtet sind. Zudem ist der Begriff nahezu überall mythisch konnotiert. Als nächstliegende urchristliche Überlieferung, die den eschatologischen Vorstellungen aus den Thessalonicherbriefen zugrunde liegen könnte, hat sich die Überlieferung, die in Mt 24 aufgenommen ist, herauskristallisieren lassen. Aufgrund der Nähe, die diese Texte zueinander aufweisen, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass der 2Thess den 1Thess mit seinen Ausführungen auf dem Hintergrund einer Überlieferung, wie sie auch Mt 24 vorgelegen hatte, ergänzen bzw. fortsetzen will. Die Naherwartung der Parusie im 1Thess und die Vorstellung von der Verzögerung derselben im 2Thess werden jeweils als Reaktionen verstanden, die auf unterschiedliche Fragen in der Gemeinde von Thessaloniki zurückzuführen sind. Der/das Katechon dürfte am ehesten mit dem Verkündiger des Evangeliums / dem Evangelium zu identifizieren sein.
Classiques Garnier Sur Les Francophonies Et Leurs Litteratures: Approches Interculturelles
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Die Familie des Familienunternehmens Ein System zwischen Gefhl und Geschft
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Einfhrung in Systemtheorie und Konstruktivismus
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Die kommenden Diktaturen
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Meine Psychose mein Fahrrad und ich Zur Selbstorganisation der Verrcktheit
Motorbuch Verlag Motorlegenden Fritz B. Busch Lieben Sie Vollgas