Search results for ""Author C. G Jung""
Psicologia de la religion orientalpliegos de oriente
La sabiduría y la mística orientales tienen mucho que decirnos pese a hablar su propio e inimitable lenguaje. Ambas deberían hacer que recordáramos los bienes similares que posee nuestra cultura y que nosotros hemos olvidado ya, y dirigir nuestra atención a aquello que hemos dejado a un lado por insignificante, es decir, el destino mismo del hombre interior.Estas palabras de C. G. Jung resumen bien lo que se ha denominado su viaje a Oriente. La presente edición reúne sus principales textos sobre la religión y la civilización orientales, un encuentro y una confrontación que supusieron un estímulo para el desarrollo de la psicología analítica. Son comentarios y prólogos al Libro tibetano de la Gran Liberación y al Libro tibetano de los Muertos, o también a los trabajos de Daisetz T. Suzuki o Heinrich Zimmer, y en especial al I Ching, el libro sapiencial y oracular chino.
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Arquetipos e inconsciente colectivo
Esta obra nos presenta uno de los temas principales y más controvertidos de Carl G. Jung: el problema de lo inconsciente colectivo y los principios y patrones de su actividad. El volumen contiene asimismo un ensayo en el que Jung nos ofrece unas consideraciones teóricas sobre la naturaleza de lo psíquico así como un intento de sintetizar las múltiples facetas de su pensamiento. Para ello toma, como punto de partida, la última y más atrevida de sus hipótesis, la de la naturaleza del arquetipo. En el conjunto de su obra, este ensayo ocupa un lugar comparable al de Esquema del psicoanálisis en la obra de Freud, en la medida en que ambos textos contienen una exposición de sus respectivas doctrinas.
Patmos-Verlag Zur inneren Erfahrung finden
Patmos-Verlag Mandala
Patmos-Verlag Mysterium Coniunctionis Gesammelte Werke 14 12
Patmos-Verlag Praxis der Psychotherapie Gesammelte Werke 16
Dover Publications Inc. Psychology of the Unconsious
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Aion
El tema central de esta importante obra jungiana es la representación simbólica de la totalidad psíquica mediante el concepto del sí-mismo, cuyo equivalente histórico y tradicional es la figura de Cristo. Jung demuestra su tesis investigando las Allegoriae Christi, especialmente el simbolismo del pez y los símbolos gnósticos y alquímicos, que considera fenómenos de asimilación cultural. Los capítulos sobre el yo, la sombra y el animus y el ánima constituyen una valiosa integración de los conceptos claves del sistema junguiano.
Patmos-Verlag Der lange Fluss des Lebens
Patmos-Verlag Das Rote Buch
Patmos-Verlag Jung C Experimentelle Untersuchungen
Princeton University Press Critique of Psychoanalysis
Until 1912 the association of Jung and Freud was very close, and Jung was regarded as one of the leading practitioners of psychoanalysis. Subsequently, however, Jung began to differ with Freud, and his public criticism of psychoanalysis led to a formal rupture between them. The papers in this volume contain the essentials of that criticism, especially "The Theory of Psychoanalysis," a lecture series given at Fordham University in 1912. Two later papers--"Freud and Jung: Contrasts" and the introduction to a book by W. M. Kranefeldt--together form a basis for further study of Jung's reassessment of psychoanalysis. Originally published in 1976. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Alianza Editorial Los complejos y el inconsciente
Discípulo predilecto de Freud durante un tiempo y fundador más tarde de la escuela psicoanalítica rival de la vienesa, C. G. Jung (1875-1961) se interesó no sólo por la investigación clínica y la práctica terapéutica, sino también por los más variados saberes que pudieran arrojar luz sobre el alma humana, desde la filosofía hasta la antropología y la mitología. Clásico del pensamiento moderno, ?Los complejos y el inconsciente? es la mejor exposición de las ideas y métodos del gran humanista suizo, abarcando su técnica de análisis de los sueños, los arquetipos ?estructuras mentales innatas, análogas en el plano psíquico a los instintos biológicos y herencia milenaria del inconsciente colectivo?, la proyección ?mediante la que el hombre imprime a los objetos exteriores los rasgos de su propia vida? y, por último, los complejos, heraldos imprevistos de las profundidades inconscientes que se comportan en el espacio consciente como elementos extraños y perturbadores.
Patmos-Verlag Das Symbolische Leben Gesammelte Werke 18 12
Princeton University Press Psychology of Dementia Praecox
Jung began his career as a psychiatrist in 1900, when he was 25, as an assistant working under Dr. Eugen Bleuler at the Burgholzli Hospital in Zurich. In 1906, after he had become senior staff physician and before his first meeting with Freud in Vienna in 1907, Jung wrote his famous monograph "On the Psychology of Dementia Praecox." Ernest Jones described it as "a book that made history in psychiatry and extended many of Freud's ideas into the realm of the psychoses proper." A. A. Brill (whose introduction to his 1936 translation is included here) has called this work indispensable for every student of psychiatry--"the work which firmly established Jung as a pioneer and scientific contributor to psychiatry." Originally published in 1974. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Psicogénesis de las enfermedades mentales
Los ensayos de C. G. Jung sobre la psicogénesis de las enfermedades mentales pertenecen, en su mayoría, a las publicaciones tempranas del autor. Aparecieron como primer punto culminante dentro de su trabajo aún preponderantemente psiquiátrico. Su importancia para la comprensión del trabajo de investigación de C. G. Jung todavía no puede valorarse en su justa medida. A pesar de que algunos aspectos tienen actualmente un interés principalmente histórico, en conjunto no han perdido en modo alguno su importancia en el campo de la psiquiatría. Medio siglo después, las investigaciones y ulteriores propuestas del autor siguen aguardando su desarrollo y experiencia.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Símbolos de transformación
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Obra Completa de Carl Gustav Jung; 5.Esta es la versión completa y definitiva de una de las obras más revolucionarias y centrales de C. G. Jung. A partir de la reconstrucción y examen de los procesos semiconscientes e inconscientes del caso de una joven, Jung muestra que la psicología no puede prescindir de la historia del espíritu humano. La fantasía creadora dispone del espíritu primitivo, con sus imágenes específicas, que se manifiestan en las mitologías de todos los pueblos y épocas e integran lo inconsciente colectivo.
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica El secreto de la flor de oro un libro de la vida chino
El secreto de la flor de oro es el secreto de los poderes de crecimiento latentes en la psique humana. A partir de esta definición, Jung y Wilhelm abordan un nuevo enfoque de la sabiduría china -tomando como fuentes un antiguo sistema del yoga chino y la psicología analítica- y nos demuestran el profundo desarrollo psicológico que produce un buen equilibrio entre las fuerzas que confluyen en nuestra mente. Los autores se basan en dos de las tesis principales de la psicología analítica, (la teoría del símbolo como transformación de energía y la teoría de animus y anima) para deplorar que el hombre occidental pretenda imitar el saber oriental, algo que les parece tan estéril como las modernas escapadas a Nuevo México, a las beatificas islas de los Mares del Sur y al África Central, donde juega en serio a ser primitivo. Y nos proponen reconstruir la cultura occidental, aquejada de mil males. Lo cual debe hacerse en el lugar adecuado, y a ello debe dedicarse el hombre europeo, con su trivi
Patmos-Verlag Briefe 13 Band 13
Editorial Trotta, S.A. La psicologa del yoga Kundalini
El seminario de C. G. Jung dedicado al yoga Kundalini,impartido en octubre y noviembre de 1932 en el Club de Psicología de Zúrich, constituye originalmente un comentario psicológico a las conferencias dictadas poco antes en ese mismo escenario por el indólogo Wilhelm Hauer. El propio Jung había valorado la invitación cursada a Hauer como un signo de los tiempos extraordinariamente revelador: Consideren lo que significa que el terapeuta, que tiene que tratar directamente con gente que sufre y, por tanto, muy sensible, establezca contacto con una terapia oriental!.El yoga participa de dos nociones que son comunes a toda la filosofía y religión indias: la reencarnación y la búsqueda de liberación del ciclo de nacimiento, muerte y renacimiento. Pero aunque el tantrismo, al que pertenece la escuela del yoga Kundalini, fue un movimiento religioso y filosófico, el interés de Jung por el yoga tántrico es eminentemente psicológico, pues ve en él un proceso natural de introspección. Si la fil
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Estudios sobre representaciones alquímicas
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Las relaciones entre el yo y el inconsciente
Patmos-Verlag Wirklichkeit der Seele
Patmos-Verlag Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewussten
Patmos-Verlag Aurora Consurgens Gesammelte Werke 14 3
Shambhala Publications Inc Woman's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern
Princeton University Press On Psychological and Visionary Art: Notes from C. G. Jung’s Lecture on Gérard de Nerval's Aurélia
In 1945, at the end of the Second World War and after a long illness, C. G. Jung delivered a lecture in Zurich on the French Romantic poet Gerard de Nerval. The lecture focused on Nerval's visionary memoir, Aurelia, which the poet wrote in an ambivalent attempt to emerge from madness. Published here for the first time, Jung's lecture is both a cautionary psychological tale and a validation of Nerval's visionary experience as a genuine encounter. Nerval explored the irrational with lucidity and exquisite craft. He privileged the subjective imagination as a way of fathoming the divine to reconnect with what the Romantics called the life principle. During the years of his greatest creativity, he suffered from madness and was institutionalized eight times. Contrasting an orthodox psychoanalytic interpretation with his own synthetic approach to the unconscious, Jung explains why Nerval was unable to make use of his visionary experiences in his own life. At the same time, Jung emphasizes the validity of Nerval's visions, differentiating the psychology of a work of art from the psychology of the artist. The lecture suggests how Jung's own experiments with active imagination influenced his reading of Nerval's Aurelia as a parallel text to his own Red Book. With Craig Stephenson's authoritative introduction, Richard Sieburth's award-winning translation of Aurelia, and Alfred Kubin's haunting illustrations to the text, and featuring Jung's reading marginalia, preliminary notes, and revisions to a 1942 lecture, On Psychological and Visionary Art documents the stages of Jung's creative process as he responds to an essential Romantic text.
Elsevier Australia Modern Man in Search of a Soul
WW Norton & Co The Red Book
“The years, of which I have spoken to you, when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then.” These are the words of the psychologist C. G. Jung in 1957, referring to the decades he worked on The Red Book from 1914 to 1930. Although its existence has been known for more than eighty years, The Red Book was never published or made available to the wide audience of Jung’s students and followers. Nothing less than the central book of Jung’s oeuvre, it is being published now in a full facsimile edition with a contextual essay and notes by the noted Jung scholar Sonu Shamdasani and translated by Mark Kyburz, John Peck and Sonu Shamdasani. It will now be possible to study Jung’s self-experimentation through primary documentation rather than fantasy, gossip and speculation, and to grasp the genesis of his later work. For nearly a century, such a reading has simply not been possible, and the vast literature on his life and work has lacked access to the single most important document. This publication opens the possibility of a new era in understanding Jung’s work. It provides a unique window into how he recovered his soul and constituted a psychology. It is possibly the most influential hitherto unpublished work in the history of psychology. This exact facsimile of The Red Book reveals not only an extraordinary mind at work but also the hand of a gifted artist and calligrapher. Interspersed among more than two hundred lovely illuminated pages are paintings whose influences range from Europe, the Middle East and the Far East to the native art of the new world. The Red Book, much like the handcrafted “Books of Hours” from the Middle Ages, is unique. Both in terms of its place in Jung’s development and as a work of art, its publication is a landmark.
Princeton University Press Essays on a Science of Mythology: The Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis
Essays on a Science of Mythology is a cooperative work between C. Kerenyi, who has been called "the most psychological of mythologists," and C. G. Jung, who has been called "the most mythological of psychologists." Kerenyi contributes an essay on the Divine Child and one on the Kore (the Maiden), together with a substantial introduction and conclusion. Jung contributes a psychological commentary on each essay. Both men hoped, through their collaboration, to elevate the study of mythology to the status of a science. In "The Primordial Child in Primordial Times" Kerenyi treats the child-God as an enduring and significant figure in Greek, Norse, Finnish, Etruscan, and Judeo-Christian mythology. He discusses the Kore as Athena, Artemis, Hecate, and Demeter-Persephone, the mother-daughter of the Eleusinian mysteries. Jung speaks of the Divine Child and the Maiden as living psychological realities that provide continuing meaning in people's lives. The investigations of C. Kerenyi are continued in a later study, Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter (Princeton).
Princeton University Press Consciousness and the Unconscious: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 2: 1934
Jung’s lectures on consciousness and the unconscious—in English for the first timeBetween 1933 and 1941, C. G. Jung delivered a series of public lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Intended for a general audience, these lectures addressed a broad range of topics, from dream analysis and yoga to the history of psychology. They are at the center of Jung’s intellectual activity in this period and provide the basis of his later work. Here for the first time in English is Jung’s introduction to his core psychological theories and methods, delivered in the summer of 1934.With candor and wit, Jung shares with his audience the path he himself took to understanding the nature of consciousness and the unconscious. He describes their respective characteristics using examples from his clinical experience as well as from literature, his travels, and everyday life. For Jung, consciousness is like a small island in the ocean of the unconscious, while the unconscious is part of the primordial condition of humankind. Jung explains various methods for uncovering the contents of the unconscious, in particular talk therapy and dream analysis.Complete with explanations of Jungian concepts and terminology, Consciousness and the Unconscious painstakingly reconstructs and translates these talks from detailed shorthand notes by attendees, making a critical part of Jung’s work available to today’s readers.
Princeton University Press Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process: Notes of C. G. Jung's Seminars on Wolfgang Pauli's Dreams
Jung’s legendary American lectures on dream interpretationIn 1936 and 1937, C. G. Jung delivered two legendary seminars on dream interpretation, the first on Bailey Island, Maine, the second in New York City. Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process makes these lectures widely available for the first time, offering a compelling look at Jung as he presents his ideas candidly and in English before a rapt American audience.The dreams presented here are those of Nobel Prize–winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who turned to Jung for therapeutic help because of troubling personal events, emotional turmoil, and depression. Linking Pauli’s dreams to the healing wisdom found in many ages and cultures, Jung shows how the mandala—a universal archetype of wholeness—spontaneously emerges in the psyche of a modern man, and how this imagery reflects the healing process. He touches on a broad range of themes, including psychological types, mental illness, the individuation process, the principles of psychotherapeutic treatment, and the importance of the anima, shadow, and persona in masculine psychology. He also reflects on modern physics, the nature of reality, and the political currents of his time. Jung draws on examples from the Mithraic mysteries, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, Kundalini yoga, and ancient Egyptian concepts of body and soul. He also discusses the symbolism of the Catholic Mass, the Trinity, and Gnostic ideas in the noncanonical Gospels.With an incisive introduction and annotations, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process provides a rare window into Jung’s interpretation of dreams and the development of his psychology of religion.
Inner City Books Jung Lexicon: A Primer of Terms and Concepts
Princeton University Press Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process: Notes of C. G. Jung's Seminars on Wolfgang Pauli's Dreams
Jung’s legendary American lectures on dream interpretationIn 1936 and 1937, C. G. Jung delivered two legendary seminars on dream interpretation, the first on Bailey Island, Maine, the second in New York City. Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process makes these lectures widely available for the first time, offering a compelling look at Jung as he presents his ideas candidly and in English before a rapt American audience.The dreams presented here are those of Nobel Prize–winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who turned to Jung for therapeutic help because of troubling personal events, emotional turmoil, and depression. Linking Pauli’s dreams to the healing wisdom found in many ages and cultures, Jung shows how the mandala—a universal archetype of wholeness—spontaneously emerges in the psyche of a modern man, and how this imagery reflects the healing process. He touches on a broad range of themes, including psychological types, mental illness, the individuation process, the principles of psychotherapeutic treatment, and the importance of the anima, shadow, and persona in masculine psychology. He also reflects on modern physics, the nature of reality, and the political currents of his time. Jung draws on examples from the Mithraic mysteries, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, Kundalini yoga, and ancient Egyptian concepts of body and soul. He also discusses the symbolism of the Catholic Mass, the Trinity, and Gnostic ideas in the noncanonical Gospels.With an incisive introduction and annotations, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process provides a rare window into Jung’s interpretation of dreams and the development of his psychology of religion.
WW Norton & Co The Red Book: A Reader's Edition
The Red Book, published to wide acclaim in 2009, contains the nucleus of C. G. Jung’s later works. It was here that he developed his principal theories of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation that would transform psychotherapy from treatment of the sick into a means for the higher development of the personality. As Sara Corbett wrote in the New York Times, “The creation of one of modern history’s true visionaries, The Red Book is a singular work, outside of categorization. As an inquiry into what it means to be human, it transcends the history of psychoanalysis and underscores Jung’s place among revolutionary thinkers like Marx, Orwell and, of course, Freud.” The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition features Sonu Shamdasani’s introductory essay and the full translation of Jung’s vital work in one volume.
Princeton University Press Mandala Symbolism: (From Vol. 9i Collected Works)
Contents: * Mandalas.* I. A Study in the Process of Individuation.* II. Concerning Mandala Symbolism* Index Originally published in 1972. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Psychology of Yoga and Meditation: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 6: 1938–1940
Jung's illuminating lectures on the psychology of Eastern spiritualityBetween 1933 and 1941, C. G. Jung delivered a series of public lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Intended for a general audience, these lectures addressed a broad range of topics, from dream analysis to the psychology of alchemy. Here for the first time are Jung's illuminating lectures on the psychology of yoga and meditation, delivered between 1938 and 1940.In these lectures, Jung discusses the psychological technique of active imagination, seeking to find parallels with the meditative practices of different yogic and Buddhist traditions. He draws on three texts to introduce his audience to Eastern meditation: Patañjali's Yoga Sûtra, the Amitâyur-dhyâna-sûtra from Chinese Pure Land Buddhism, and the Shrî-chakra-sambhâra Tantra, a scripture related to tantric yoga. The lectures offer a unique opportunity to encounter Jung as he shares his ideas with the general public, providing a rare window on the application of his comparative method while also shedding light on his personal history and psychological development.Featuring an incisive introduction by Martin Liebscher as well as explanations of Jungian concepts and psychological terminology, Psychology of Yoga and Meditation provides invaluable insights into the evolution of Jung's thought and a vital key to understanding his later work.
Princeton University Press Psychology and Education
Extracted from The Development of the Personality, Vol. 17, Collected Works, Jung's early study "Psychic Conflicts in a Child" (1910) with later papers on child development and education including "The Gifted Child" (1946). Originally published in 1969. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters
This is a collection of journalistic interviews which span Jung's lifetime. This book captures his personality and spirit in more than 50 accounts of talks and meetings with him. They range from transcripts of interviews for radio, television, and film to memoirs written by notable personalities.
Princeton University Press Four Archetypes: (From Vol. 9, Part 1 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung)
One of Jung's most influential ideas has been his view, presented here, that primordial images, or archetypes, dwell deep within the unconscious of every human being. The essays in this volume gather together Jung's most important statements on the archetypes, beginning with the introduction of the concept in "Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious." In separate essays, he elaborates and explores the archetypes of the Mother and the Trickster, considers the psychological meaning of the myths of Rebirth, and contrasts the idea of Spirits seen in dreams to those recounted in fairy tales. This paperback edition of Jung's classic work includes a new foreword by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
A revised translation of one of the most important of Jung's longer works. The volume also contains an appendix of four shorter papers on psychological typology, published between 1913 and 1935.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types
One of the most important of Jung's longer works, and probably the most famous of his books, Psychological Types appeared in German in 1921 after a "fallow period" of eight years during which Jung had published little. He called it "the fruit of nearly twenty years' work in the domain of practical psychology," and in his autobiography he wrote: "This work sprang originally from my need to define the ways in which my outlook differed from Freud's and Adler's. In attempting to answer this question, I came across the problem of types; for it is one's psychological type which from the outset determines and limits a person's judgment. My book, therefore, was an effort to deal with the relationship of the individual to the world, to people and things. It discussed the various aspects of consciousness, the various attitudes the conscious mind might take toward the world, and thus constitutes a psychology of consciousness regarded from what might be called a clinical angle." In expounding his system of personality types Jung relied not so much on formal case data as on the countless impressions and experiences derived from the treatment of nervous illnesses, from intercourse with people of all social levels, "friend and foe alike," and from an analysis of his own psychological nature. The book is rich in material drawn from literature, aesthetics, religion, and philosophy. The extended chapters that give general descriptions of the types and definitions of Jung's principal psychological concepts are key documents in analytical psychology
Princeton University Press The Origins and History of Consciousness
The Origins and History of Consciousness draws on a full range of world mythology to show how individual consciousness undergoes the same archetypal stages of development as human consciousness as a whole. Erich Neumann was one of C. G. Jung's most creative students and a renowned practitioner of analytical psychology in his own right. In this influential book, Neumann shows how the stages begin and end with the symbol of the Uroboros, the tail-eating serpent. The intermediate stages are projected in the universal myths of the World Creation, Great Mother, Separation of the World Parents, Birth of the Hero, Slaying of the Dragon, Rescue of the Captive, and Transformation and Deification of the Hero. Throughout the sequence, the Hero is the evolving ego consciousness. Featuring a foreword by Jung, this Princeton Classics edition introduces a new generation of readers to this eloquent and enduring work.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 14: Mysterium Coniunctionis
Jung's last major work, completed in his 81st year, on the synthesis of the opposites in alchemy and psychology.
Princeton University Press Answer to Job: (From Vol. 11 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung)
Considered one of Jung's most controversial works, Answer to Job also stands as Jung's most extensive commentary on a biblical text. Here, he confronts the story of the man who challenged God, the man who experienced hell on earth and still did not reject his faith. Job's journey parallels Jung's own experience--as reported in The Red Book: Liber Novus--of descending into the depths of his own unconscious, confronting and reconciling the rejected aspects of his soul. This paperback edition of Jung's classic work includes a new foreword by Sonu Shamdasani, Philemon Professor of Jung History at University College London. Described by Shamdasani as "the theology behind The Red Book," Answer to Job examines the symbolic role that theological concepts play in an individual's psychic life.
Princeton University Press History of Modern Psychology: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich, Volume 1, 1933-1934
Jung’s lectures on the history of psychology—in English for the first timeBetween 1933 and 1941, C. G. Jung delivered a series of public lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. Intended for a general audience, these lectures addressed a broad range of topics, from dream analysis to yoga and meditation. Here for the first time in English are Jung’s lectures on the history of modern psychology from the Enlightenment to his own time, delivered in the fall and winter of 1933–34.In these inaugural lectures, Jung emphasizes the development of concepts of the unconscious and offers a comparative study of movements in French, German, British, and American thought. He also gives detailed analyses of Justinus Kerner’s The Seeress of Prevorst and Théodore Flournoy’s From India to the Planet Mars. These lectures present the history of psychology from the perspective of one of the field’s most legendary figures. They provide a unique opportunity to encounter Jung speaking for specialists and nonspecialists alike and are the primary source for understanding his late work.Featuring cross-references to the Jung canon and explanations of concepts and terminology, History of Modern Psychology painstakingly reconstructs and translates these lectures from manuscripts, summaries, and recently recovered shorthand notes of attendees. It is the first volume of a series that will make the ETH lectures available in their entirety to English readers.